Talk about good games you fucks.
Talk about good games you fucks
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Let's talk about Yakuza 0, then.
You first.
What this video doesn't show is how easy everything is with this style.
And how you can beat any boss by just buying some Staminan Royal.
0 has the most braindead combat in the series. Series itself is braindead to boot.
when will this meme die
then why you posted a movie?
How did they get away with that?
It's a really enjoyable series, but extremely niche I guess.
I wish we'd get Kenzan and Ishin.
Took me a while to warm up to it but Judgment was great, just beat it like 4 hrs ago. Gonna start Ion Fury tomorrow. Good time for games right now
>extremely niche
mfw there's a second phase to the final boss fight
Yakuza hasn't been niche for years.
Then explain why we didn't get Kenzan and Ishin.
because the west only likes zambies
I always love a map painter, but Paradox is the best. Only (and big) downsides is the DLC policy and half released games
Æll their games are released half backed and made worse by DLC.
Well at least there's a game with worst combat than Witcher 3.
>Yakuza has shit comba-
People shouldn't have started Yakuza with 0.
Wow, one fight in about 10 games where the enemy actually tries to hit you.
Yes, Yakuza has shit combat and you don't prove otherwise by posting this. Ever heard the phrase "the exception proves the rule"? Great job retard.
Proof you've never played the series beyond 0 lol
by all means share some clips of great yakuza combat from any of the games you like, user
you won't, but you'll still insist you're right. isn't that strange?
doesn't matter where you start
combat is shit in all the games
>admitting 0 has shit combat
whoops lol
there isn't a brawler with more satisfying hits than Kiwami 2
This. YES the combat is shit, but there's nothing better, so that's that. Yakuza fandom in a nutshell.
God Hand disagrees.
>"It's my turn to get hit!"
Fuck you OP, posts like yours should count as bannable offenses
>Posts a webm of a guy that clearly had knowledge of boss patterns and knew what skills to buy prior to the fight.
Majima fucking decimated me in this fight with his fucking bat windmill, pretending meta knowledge is how the game plays out is so disingenuous
So is the challenge meant to be chasing the enemies who keep backing off so you can hit the cutscene button in time?
git gud
Serious question: why do people pretend to enjoy Yakuza games?
they're not pretending
they're just weebs with literally no standards. it's japanese and has japanese things in it, so it's good. that's it. they can ignore how shit it is because they clap when they see a japanese energy drink or actor or whatever, even though all these things are surface level and don't make the game good. they're simpletons who should be pitied, not mocked.
Stop replying to yourself please, it's pathetic
We're reaching peak contrarianism here.
Do you think everyone who comes to Yea Forums is OBLIGATED to lavish praise on every game you like? How is pointing out Yakuza combat sucks contrarianism anyway? It's always been true. Maybe less so in the early days when there was less competition.
Are you the 300x168 guy from the Hellsing thread?
how does the combat suck?
people play this shit and tell themselves they're hardcore. pretty sad.
at what
enemies barely even attempt to hit you. back away constantly. take turns to approach passively only to be beaten up. mindless button mashing with no challenge. cinematic takedowns. mini "bosses" take literally seconds because challenge is non existent. even with the games being so easy (on any difficulty) you can PAUSE the game mid fight and heal practically infinitely. near impossible to actually lose.
>I didn't like the game therefore everybody who praises is is a pretender
serious question: when did you became a cunt ? Or maybe that was at birth ?
How doesn't it? Brain dead AI that does no damage to you, menu healing, no enemy variety to speak of.
this yakuza shitting-on isnt even funny nor creative. Is it really unironic zoomers?
Why is it that even mild criticism causes yakuza fans to go into a meltdown rather than actually defending the games or making counterpoints?
It seems like it's a very dedicated autist, the amount of threads he's shitted up is getting tiresome and I'm honestly surprised his ass hasn't been banned yet, since this is the MO of TW3 fag
This. Now the real question is how does the combat NOT suck? I've never seen that one answered other than DUDE IT MAKES ME FEEL BADASS!!!
its just the same webms everytime too
point out one "meltdown" ITT
>you should be banned for saying yakuza combat is banned
Jesus christ grow a pair or better yet become a fan of a less shit series if you're going to get this fucking sore about criticism
You know what we should do? We should blow these faggots the fuck out by posting really good yakuza combat webms. That'll show em.
what do you get out of being perpetually angry?
>you should be banned for saying yakuza combat is banned
Imagine typing out a post so fast in incoherent anger.
No one gives a shit about your opinion zoomie.
I know you're TW3 fag because you act just fucking like him reposting the same webms time and time and time again pretending you're different people and replying to yourself, it's fucking pathetic
>Yea Forums hates Yakuza now
What the FUCK went wrong?
it's some autist who's negatively obsessed with the series, and is dedicating a lot of his time to shitting the threads.
it's easy to tell that he hasn't played the games as well, since he typically copy pastes arguments from other peoples posts in previous threads.
whats wrong with this?
0 came out and people actually played them and found out they were shit and now the circlejerk is compromised
>it's easy to tell that he hasn't played the games as well
That much is super obvious looking at some of the webms
>Starting fights is super overleveled and has all the skills required to make the fights cake
>Pretends this is how the fight would go normally
>TW3 fag
wait, he does this in other threads too?
all we have to do is post webms of REAL yakuza combat and he'll fuck off
Yeah, he posted webms in CS:GO, confirmed to be him and I'm almost certain he was the sperg posting in the RE2make threads pre release and pawned it off on some small time youtuber
woah an enemy actually kind of tried to attack the player. and people think the combat in these games is shit?
he sure is dedicated. Only thing though is how obvious he is. Could be better at making his writing style more varied; incoherent anger is too recognizable
Because the criticisms are all true. That's why all they can do is say "Yea Forums is shit now" like a baby throwing a tantrum rather than trying to prove them wrong.
>Posts webm of Kiryu with every skill and a billion yen with a Heat move so he can complain about QTEs
Director needs to stop rerunning episodes
See this is what I'm talking about.
Imagine how pissed he'll be once we start posting REAL yakuza combat webms. Then everyone will see how all the criticisms are false and the combat is actually great.
Nobody is claiming the combat is "Great" sperg, it's serviceable, which is all a game needs to be if it has other notable traits.
Are you angry your ADHD can't allow you to enjoy anything that isn't hitting bad guys or watching explosions?
Kill yourself
why are people voting no?
obvious falseflag by the autist
What a fucking dogshit board. I'm actually done with this place now.
if you don't think the combat in yakuza is great then why do you get so mad about other people saying the same thing
Why are you trying so hard to fit in?
Okay, can you post a clip of good Yakuza combat?
Every time. And the irony is every single one of these webms were posted originally to show how cool Yakuza was. It was only when others saw them and mocked them for how bad they really are that Yakuza fans had to face the truth. But most of them are in denial.
wow now he's just going off with 0 provocation. I cant help but wonder if that energy could be used somewhere else.
delete this
Any suggestions? How do you spend most of your time, user?
>post count does not increase
Every time
I think you'll enjoy Black Panther 2 then
I liked the Fist of the North Star game. Combat was way better too.
the important thing is we can all agree yakuza combat isn't great. your words, not mine.
playing vidya instead of bitching
And then everyone clapped.
Even though I don't think Yakuza combat is very good, I get really annoyed when I see other people on Yea Forums saying the same thing. What's wrong with me?
Honestly, just sounds like you're going out of your way to shit on the game. I mean, nobody is arguing that the combat is god tier at all. It's very flawed, very repetitive, gets boring quickly, also not hard to master at all. Making everything about it just not rewarding and just something to get through.
But using some 10-30 second webms to speak for the rest of the game is absurd. Just like coming into threads for games you don't like, then complain about how much you don't like them. All this says is you're one of the reasons with why Yakuza threads are down the shitter.
Copy + paste game design for about a decade or more, soap opera tier stories that spend most of their time wanking off how great the main character is because he's a self insert of someone in development.
Bad games, bad, bad games.
Reminder: No one on Yea Forums has been able to refute this.
"Yakuza combat is amazing!"
*posts GIF of a Heat Action*
Actual combat is just very basic combos against enemies that can stun lock you, have invincible defense, and soak up damage like sponges. It'd be okay if the combat wasn't hugely overplayed already by three hours in.
I mean, it fixes the problem. But putting very core moves that improve the combat behind some shit you have to find is just ridiculous. I can understand paying for the orbs or whatever to get new moves, but a scavenger hunt is completely different.
Sped up GIF spamming a basic combo, plus a cinematic attack you get bored of watching over, and over, and over, and over... Great.
It's literally just one person posting the same webms over and over again with the exact same rhetoric.
It becomes a chore 15+ random battles in. Every outcome of every main and side quest ends up in a fight too. It's just boring well before the end of it, and actively leveling up gets pointless too because enemies become damage sponges to account for that.
Training is a long slog to just get to cheese moves like Tiger Drop too.
Any brief flashes of feeling like a badass wear off unless you're a mouth breather who claps every time a cinematic QTE heat action plays.
Overexposure on here and in the media. A lot of people didn't like it being forced down their throats when these games aren't to everybody's tastes, and not really all that special when the gloss wears off when you realise they've been recycling assets and game design since 2007 or earlier.
T. former Yakuza fan who got sick of newcomers fawning over the series when it was already falling into decline.
more than one person thinks yakuza combat is bad, user. most fans even accept it's the weakest part of the series.
But all this is bullshit when the fucking facts are you spend 99% of fights pushing the same two buttons in the same way against the same two types of enemies
>the combat is actually good because if you do enough boring side content you unlock a back kick
Is this a joke?
Probably will get called crazy for it, but the series could do with shifting to less combat overall if only to extend the amount of time it's actually interesting to play.
No random battles, significantly less sidequests that end up in fights, and keep most of it to big story beats.
It's a lesson Yakuza could learn well from Shenmue
Yeah that's cool and all but what's the point if it's a piece of piss as it is
Once again, Yakuza proves itself to be a pleb filter.
>change the yakuza games to focus on their strengths and include less of their weaknesses
fuck off zoomer
Ah yes, Yakuza. A series that Yea Forums would constantly shit on if it wasn't from glorious nippon.
but the game gives you absolutely no incentive to go "deeper"
if you can just mash the same buttons to beat braindead bad guys then that is shit combat, and the game doesn't have good combat just because I can potentially spend a lot of time unlocking moves that make it EVEN EASIER to beat the same braindead punching bags
>pleb filter
>literally the darling of the San Francisco gaming press for the last few years, the epitome of pleb tastes
lol okay
I’ve been playing some RE4 and loving it. Currently on Chapter 3-3 so far. After that, I’m gonna play some more TWEWY.
It is not punishing when the enemy AI is asleep 99% of the time and do considerably less damage than you do at all times to boot though? Does he even believe the shit he's saying?
>keyboard and mouse
I love that these retarded tweets are still being posted as if they haven't been blown the fuck out a million times already mostly because they were written by a guy who claims Yakuza is shit now just because more people started playing it, which is exactly what he wanted in the first place. Hipsters are such faggots.
amazing how noone is able to refute it
Good games? Alright, most underappreciated entry in the series coming through
but the game is so easy in the first place
so what's the point
Sorry if you actually wanted to discuss games, this is just a Yakuza thread without saying it is.
so fucking contrarian holy shit
it's no wonder the yakuza fanbase is so full of unbearable retards. they're all just repeating idiot ecelebs.
faggot wanted more people to play it, and it happened so he can't feel special for liking it anymore, so he pretends the first game is great
fucking pathetic
>It's very flawed, very repetitive, gets boring quickly, also not hard to master at all. Making everything about it just not rewarding and just something to get through.
this. yakuza combat sucks.
Honestly all this talk about how Yakuza combat is bad reminds me how great Shenmue's combat is by comparison because it's basically Virtua Fighter-lite with a skill-based counter system. Camera sucks in multi man fights sometimes though.
I like how it hides an easily inputted and pretty powerful attack in your default moveset straight from the first game. It's just up to the player to figure out that it's actually that good through practice and experimentation.
It's two entirely different situations. A fighting game system is not suited toward anything but 1v1. It can be as deep as it wants but fighting games are a niche for a reason, and applying it to multiple-person fights is not the way to go. Even then Virtua Fighter feels pretty clunky even on its own and learning how to move decently can be frustrating let alone fighting.
Yakuza games are beat 'em ups first and foremost, they're not aiming to be something like DMC or Bayonetta or anything like that. That doesn't mean Yakuza games shouldn't fix some of the issues like letting the player heal whenever he wants or making the player too overpowered, but they're two different subjects. It's like asking musous to be Sengoku Basara when that's not the appeal for a lot of people.
Being contrarian for the sake of entertainment aside, is there any action games you guys wanna recommend? I've played all dmc games, MGR, bayonetta, yakuza 0/kiwami 1&2, playing through judgement now, force unleashed, and probably some other shit that I'm forgetting off the top of my head.
Ninja Gaiden Black if you have an Xbox related system.
Thanks, user. I forgot about ninja gaiden games; is it worth it to get into 2 and 3 afterwards? Already played yaiba tho
God Hand
I know someone who's a big fan of Yakuza but his favorite game is actually Black Panther 1 and 2, the PSP games. Where you're sorta in a 2.5D plane fighting enemies and there are more elements than in Yakuza. What do you guys think?
Don't have a ps1 or ps2 anymore, and I don't have a PC to emulate it.
yakuza was always a mindless beat em up with stupid side shit and great music
when did people start pretending otherwise
BP has better combat than the mainline games.
>130 posts
>30 posters
here we go again
You know what's funny? Yakuza 6 literally took ideas and gameplay from Black Panther but people who never heard of or played Black Panther would never know.
get a ps2
Yakuza is the Neptunia of Sega games.
then why did it end up having the worst combat in the series
>Yakuza 6 literally took ideas and gameplay from Black Panther
like what?
I've played both games, and I don't know what you're referring to.
Why not get a PC then? What games should I play from that system either way? (Besides original yakuza, god of war games, god hand, and onimusha)
The one big problem. The fucking Dragon Engine. (And maybe the thing about how everyone says people thinks Yakuza combat is bad) Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 6 were both being made at the same time for some fucking reason. Hence Yakuza 6 wasn't fleshed out because they just made a whole new engine in one year and just released it, hence all enemies and bosses being so easy while having one health bar.
The combat. Yakuza 6 basically took combat from Black Panther but butchered it. And it feels like more time was put into the minigames than the actual combat.
Just dropping in to say that Outer Wilds is my game of the year for now. I almost feel bad for getting it for free from Tim
>Yakuza 6 basically took combat from Black Panther
What are you even talking about?
>No stamina system in fights.
>No multiple levels of heat that dictate what Heat Actions you get to perform even though that's not new to the series anyway since 3 started it.
>You don't have body parts that have their own health bars and the more damage they take the worse effects to fighting you get.
>Parrying is just you pushing the guy past you instead of an actually parry that causes damage and lowers the guy's stamina to 0.
>Attacking the environment like on a bridge doesn't break the railings.
>No charged attacks in 6 specifically and even then charged attacks aren't new to the series since Saejima introduced them.
>Can't customize what charge attacks are equipped.
>EXP system is entirely different.
>Stat system is handled completely differently.
What is your thought process behind this because I don't get it. Only the Black Panther games play like the Black Panther games, 6 plays like all the rest just with ragdolls and more physics added.
>Yakuza 6 literally took ideas and gameplay from Black Panther
no it fucking didn't
he's talking out of his ass
You're the biggest retard I've come across all year.
Came to post this.
>came here to post nonsense
of course
You're a fucking joke.