Why were Ukrainians the only ones to address his problematic content in a game based on his works...

why were Ukrainians the only ones to address his problematic content in a game based on his works, the rest just ignored it

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cuz ukranians are niggers

a completely level-headed, PC Lovecraft would not have written the works that people love, yet they almost crave a time machine just to go back and yell at the man

Because, ironically, the Soviets purged most of their (((cultural marxists))) back in the 30s and thus managed to keep their country relatively free of political correctness bullshit.
Treating racism/sexism/whatever like it's some absolute taboo that makes you a literal Hitler is entirely a Western concept.

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So, 'journalist' reporting aside, did they actually include what Lovecraft wrote/felt or just use it as an excuse for hamfisted and completely out of place political commentary?

Cool I won't be buying the game now. What a bunch of faggots

Is this game where the main character calls someone a bigot because he hates Innsmouthers for sacrificing his son?

Here is hoping Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones is good

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>terrified to the point of fate
Why do they constantly think people who hate shit are afraid of them?

>didn't shy from being faithful to the original by including racism
>muh orange man

>build a wall
>make Oakmont great again

Fantastic contemporary commentary. How do they do it?

race mixing does create abominations

Because it makes them feel superior. That, and the "You pretend to hate but you actually like X" cliche. Just defense mechanisms.

The CEO of Frogwares is some Nordic cuck named Waƫl Amr. He started up the company in Ukraine for the cheap programmers, but he brought his cuck mentality with him.


I'll make sure to buy two copies for yuo. ;^)

you should have realized how much of a hack developer Frogwares was with the ending of vs jack the ripper, just destroy Sherlock Holmes character and throw in THE most pretentious mime performance ever seen by mankind, why dontcha

Neither Dante Douglas nor Danielle Riendeau sound slavic to me.

Wtf did Lovecraft do? Did he not just write some creepypasta and call his cat nigga? Was he part of the kkk or what?

I find most of his works highly enjoyable, certain metaphors and allusions notwithstanding.

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For a very long time, wikipedia's article about the game prominently listed a single woman as the sole director.
If you looked her up you'd end up with a feminist ukranian hambeast with dyed hair, a side-shave and hipster glasses, whose job actually was to write a bit about characters and miscellaneous crap.

Ever since then the wikipedia article has been cleaned up; I'd show her to you guys but LinkedIn requires an account to see Frogwares' employees. Take this information as you will.

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