Classes are restricted to certain alignments

>classes are restricted to certain alignments

Attached: howtoeatasandwich.png (568x688, 26K)

stop playing shit games
also stop eating shit sandwiches

>food analogy

Who here /chaoticevil/

This image is kind of dumb, layer by layer to me would be chaotic true neutral should be from all sides, etc

This is the only alignment chart that matters.

Attached: bread alignment.jpg (720x734, 79K)

>the correct way is neutral evil
Two can play at this fucking game

Attached: 1494718992560.jpg (1200x825, 214K)

Lawful Neutral Master Race

How is vertical halves evil? It's such a staple? Diagonal slices is pure fiction and only happens on TV.

No but I eat my burgers upside-down. With the cheese right-side up.

>Not folding the sandwich in half and eating it from the center out

Do americans really not use a bread box?

Lawful good but I follow up with a security tuck.

Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral but I also put bread in the fridge so I don't know.

Which is it when you twist so hard you smash half the loaf and then tuck?

I'm lawful neutral until I lose the clip and become neutral evil from then on

>Hot dog is a sandwich
God I'm in stitches

Attached: 4604d13c29bfdad5f99dfb3321dd4f7e.jpg (600x386, 33K)

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

where's whole from side

neutral*** I swear I don't tuck the bread box.

Chaotic Evil is the way an adult eats their sandwich.

>Lawful Neutral but I also put bread in the fridge so I don't know
I do the exact same thing.

structure purist, ingredient rebel here


Attached: 1542830627033.png (364x852, 131K)

Isn't putting bread in the fridge a bad idea?

Shut up faggot. Real men are chaotic neutral.