Doom Thread

Who's the most iconic demon?
Who's your favorite?

Attached: CyberDemon.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

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I like Pinky demons because they scared the shit out of me when I was a kid and still had an imagination (Image related)

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>no doom 64

No one played It.

There is a Revenant inside you RIGHT NOW

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I'm surprised to learn that Doom Eternal and Quake-con happened but I had no fucking idea.

I guess I'm really getting old now, the being tired after work and doing fucking nothing but shut down has really consumed me. This is like the one game I'm looking forward to as well, yet I miss it.

Kind of sad.

Good thing its being ported soon

literally popular among doom fans, there's a shitload of fanports and remakes

imagine not playing Doom64EX or Doom 64: Absolution and waiting for a butchered bethesda version with DRM

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>Most iconic

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You didn't post the new Doom Eternal one.

The Imp is arguably more iconic than the Caco, just because of Episode 1's popularity.
My favorite is the Mancubus; it's a shame nuDoom doesn't have him melt anymore.

I'm glad the 2016 Hell Knight looks more like the version from 3 than just being a recolored Baron. These things are cool. I'm upset that they gave it eyes in Eternal.

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Why do you hate it?

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Fave is Cyberdemon. So glad Eternal brought back his first (and best) design.

the cyberdemon of course
either hell knights for their alert sound or spider demons for their movement sound

Well how do you expect it to see?

What kinda pussy shit revenant doesn't have shoulder launchers?

Cacos, Imps and Pinkies are pretty Iconic.
My fave is the Arch-Vile. Not sure how I'm going to like the new version though. Motherfucker better Revive demons.

Careful, your zoomer is showing.

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I don't, I just wish gameplay was the emphasis and not the powerfantasy or the graphics that are admittedly too good.
It's the Brutal Doom fanclub I hate, or at least anyone saying it's """superior""" to classic gameplay wise.

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i dont

i think its the best game ever

I don't. I just don't really think it plays enough like Doom to warrant calling it Doom. Beyond that it has a lot of problems like the level designers not giving a fuck about 1/4 through the game. The combat is fun but going from empty hallway to arena to empty hallway to arena over and over again got old fast. I think Eternal looks like its improving on a lot and I'm really looking forward to it.

the emphasis WAS on the gameplay, thats why it stood out compared to other games lately

however its unfortunate that the gameplay got changed to hordes instead of how they use to place & spawn enemies in the original games

Says who? 2016 GOTY.

Some demons are more disadvantaged than others.

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>the emphasis WAS on the gameplay, thats why it stood out compared to other games lately

Only because shooters were and are horrendously stagnant at the moment - save for some goodies coming out - and it's 'gameplay emphasis' was hammered way too hard with appealing to the BD-riddled powerfantasy while balancing graphics too good for shitty systems. The snapmap limitation was telling, and I'm curious how much more was as such due to having a tremendously good looking game stuck on crummy hardware.
I'm also wondering how big the crowd of FO4 and Skyrim console modders were, who could NOT grasp why some mods were PC exclusive.

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I hope you realize how much of a retard you are

It's likely that I'll never know.

i don't i had heaps of fun with it

true, but you're quite misinformed. all Revenants have shoulder launchers, even the one in pick related. dum dum

If one was inside me, I think i would notice the protrusions.

>tfw no succubus enemy/boss in doom

He's back.

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>that crowd at E3 cheering when he pulls his gun on doomguy but not when he's revealed
It's great he and other classic looks are back but I'm curious why they ever had these initial designs in '16 in the first place.
Did they realize how boring they were? Do you think they'll have some in-universe copout/explanation?

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For the Cyberdemon, it's just because multiple big guys can be fitted with cybernetic parts. In an interview, they say they should have just gone with classic designs to begin with.

It's ok. Didn't deserve the fellating it got.

>Do you think they'll have some in-universe copout/explanation?
Devs essentially said that there's different breeds of demon within a particular species, and that Doomguy nearly wiped out the breeds found in 2016, so Hell sent different breeds to the frontline in Eternal.