$230 million dollers and all they've made is one low-res Jpeg! LOOOOOOOOL!

$230 million dollers and all they've made is one low-res Jpeg! LOOOOOOOOL!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post yfw you never backed a single kickstarter game

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>yfw you didnt buy into scam citizen

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Meanwhile Starsector was made in someones basement for 10 years

With all the money you wasted on digital ships you could have hired a hooker then got told no even though you paid to have sex.

>yfw you don't pay for any games at all

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You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

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Will this be an Epic exclusive?

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>and all they've made is one low-res Jpeg! LOOOOOOOOL!

Na go to the official youtube and see stuff they make

>woow they made a trailer full of bullshots and with heavy scripting that break the second you don't strictly do what they want you to do when they want you to do

>7 years since kickstarter
>more than $230m
>flight model still trash
>new one even more than old one
>hover mode is a complete failure
>OCS fixed framerate for a few patches and now it's all tumbling down
>let's add a mobile anti-air missile platform
>missiles spawn meters from the vehicle to prevent them from fucking up and blowing you up
The absolute state of this game.

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How do they actually do it though? How can they convince people to pump that much money into literally fucking nothing?

the sad thing is as much as you make fun of these retards, they are so deluded they actually don't feel regrets.

Based Snufkin poster.

>into literally fucking nothing?
Please stop spreading FUD or I'll call the admins.

I'm actually jealous at how much money this made with such little product to show for it. And yet they blow it on fancy doors and 10,000 dollar coffee machines.

Naivete, and sunken-cost fallacy. The former refuse to accept reality, while the latter have accepted reality but believe they might as well keep going so they don't "waste" the money they've already spent.

Chris Roberts, fool that he is, thought that he could make Derek Smart's Battlecruiser 3000AD. Little he know that no one can make Derek Smart's Battlecruiser 3000AD. It is beyond the limit of questions.

eve drones are bored with eve and need a new eve to avoid going outside

They also have spent a lot of money on booths at fairs.

Was always interesting to watch the spectacle there unfold, but they apparently have stopped doing those.

Pretty sure they are still doing the annual ConCon.
Last time they tried to make the livestream only accessible to paying viewers and only on their website, it backfired, and their website couldn't even handle it, so they ended up streaming on twitch.

Thankfully I haven't spent a dime on this but if it ever does come out, I'm all over that shit. Game looks legit gnarly

Reminder that a bit more than a week from now they're hosting an (((exclusive))) event where whales were allowed the privilege of paying $250 plus tax for an evening in a normal-ass restaurant to attend the unveiling of the next new capital jpeg firsthand

Attached: aegis event ticket.png (1282x750, 556K)

>OCS fixed framerate for a few patches and now it's all tumbling down
wasn't the proclaimed goal 1000 players per server, how is this supposed to work when the holy savior OCS barely managed to bump it towards 60fps in its current state and with less than 100 players

The next big thing they are dangling in front of the players is "server-side OCS", but obviously it'll probably work for a few months and then come crashing down as well.
I don't even know if server merging is even on the roadmap.

I could drive there and call watch what those autists look like

Because when they implemented it the narrative changed to "oh actually OCS is only a bandaid fix, the real silver bullet is serverside OCS"

What does he have to cope with? Not being scammed?

>I don't even know if server merging is even on the roadmap.
their roadmap is just a retroactive display of whatever they barely managed to finish this patch cycle anyway, and whatever is unfinished gets silently removed

7 years ago this game was going to change pc gaming forever.

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Bro warner gave lil pump $8 million and he’s basically retarded. This world is just dumb.

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Yeah, it's the people who didn't spend money on a scam who have to "cope".


I'm like 95% sure they have the whole place booked for the evening to avoid plebeians getting a free look at the goods so I'm not sure it's worth it.
Heck, it's not far from me either but I wouldn't wanna go just to look at whales, I'd wanna have a Schnitzel to go along with it.

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So when this actually comes out and everyone agrees it's good will you blunderfags continue to insist it's actually terrible just like you did with Bloodstained or will you admit you were wrong this time?

Server meshing and server-side OCS are a package, one won't really work without the other. Both are supposed to come next patch but I'm not holding my breath.

I'd personally just go whale watching but I don't really have anything to do

There's no way this game isn't being made.

Aren't there other games like this? Why is this one such a big deal?

And when it inevitable gets delayed because PLASE UNDERSTAND everything will get pushed along with it. They admitted they can't add anymore content to the game, not that it has any right now, without servers completely shitting the bed.

Attached: please understand.jpg (621x540, 200K)

Call me when that's the case, right now it's a chore and the base gameplay isn't good, nothing has weight yet everything is so slow.

We don't even know that it's a ship unveiling, that's just the whales circlejerking. I think it's likely to just be an excuse for a "meet the devs" event, maybe with a first hands-on look at the Idris or Javelin since they're pretty much finished. Even if it's a new ship it could be a fighter or something too, my bet is that we'll see a ground strike fighter in the next few months because that's a hole in the lineup with all of the ground stuff they've added over the last couple of years.

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All smoke and mirrors. There is no playable game and the people who tell you there is are just trying to trick you BECAUSE THEY ARE IN A RELIGIOUS CULT! THAT IS WHAT CULTS DO, THEY LIE TO GET NEW MEMBERS!

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Are you in for the long haul like the Artifact shills?
Its gonna make a comeback any day now.

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Derek truly is a Smart man.

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>One copy of Lost Life, Unteralterbach, Lolisim and Babysitting Cream please

No wonder the gaming industry is so shit now. People are willing to throw this much money into an idea for a game.

The sad thing about SC is they've actually done some pretty impressive stuff and if they'd just be honest and realistic about it I think people would have a very different impression of the game. They've worked some real technical magic in some areas, like the fact that they manage to fit an insane amount of game area and assets into 50ish GB and run the whole thing with no loading screens, or what they've done with physics grids where you can run around a ship while another player is flying it around. Instead, though, it all gets overshadowed by bullshit marketing/community relations (what the fuck were they thinking putting a belligerent Twitch streamer who treats everybody he talks to like an idiot in charge of community stuff?) and scummy fundraising tactics.

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>insane amount of game area and assets
That's because you have 3 moons and a planet, with most of the space filled with procedural generation, so you don't actually have to save all that on your PC.
They haven't even finished a single solar system, and they promised 100 at launch.
I expect the size of the game to drastically increase.

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How dare you fricking SJW n*gging n*ggers make fun of the greatest revolution in gaming history. Your IQ's must be in the negative, like that of a FUCKING nigger porch ape, if you don't realize how important this game is for the future of gaming GAMERS. CIG had to reinvent quantum computing and create a custom version of Microsoft Word just to be able to type up the design document for this future masterpiece. If you don't buy EVERY SHIP IN THE GAME and spend all of your LIFE SAVINGS on this visceral next generation future gaming experience, then you are not only a POZZED KEK but probably a bl*ck antifa SJW cucklord libtard coalburner Canadian ((((((Jew)))))) as well!!!!!!

Why are you such a chad?

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Do you think he'll eventually kill himself over it or he'll just pretend that it was worth it?

>some of the dumb shits who gave them money will die before it's released

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Nigga coulda bought a real plane wtf.

Two planets and 10 moons or something now, actually, and while a lot of it is proc gen it's not done on the fly on your computer like in Minecraft or something, it's generated once by the devs and then put into the game like any other asset. The real wizardy is the way the engine does models, textures, etc., and builds them up out of a relatively small library of models and materials on the fly, so for example they only need to model a suit of armor once and then the engine handles all of the variations so the game files don't need to include a separate texture for every color or material variant. Anything else with the game aside, I think it's pretty impressive that they manage to do all of that in real time, just compare it to Anthem which was much smaller scale, similarly light on content, and had constant horrible load times.

I made FGO made 2 billion dollars off of dozens of jpegs

>seven years

It's like different people have different tastes.Crazy right?

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Weird that you mention Anthem, because the Frostbite engine does exactly what you said was impressive about Star Citizen's engine.
The BF4 devs talked about it at the time of the CTE, if you check the BF4 CTE subreddit you'll find a lot of interesting thing about their engine and how they work with it.
However it isn't really good for anything but Battlefield, and Bioware had no real experience with it.

I get that flying a plane isn't the same thing as flying through space, but surely its closer than playing some buggy space game right?

I just checked on him, he changed his twitter handle, pretty much stopped posting about SC and turned into a Mixer shill sponsored by le ebin gaymer brands.
Probably the latter of those options.
Even the big streamers CIG used to invite to their events and stuff largely stopped their artificial hype bullshit. One of them actually started showing a degree of scepticism and doing viewer call-in shows about topics like the scope of the game or the roadmap.

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Planes are money pits and just because you can buy one doesn't mean you can fly it, lots of people can't pass medical and there's also a lot of logistical stuff to deal with, especially if you live in a heavily populated area. (If you live in the middle of nowhere you can take off and fuck around pretty much whenever you want, but in a city you have to file really detailed flight plans, stick to them autistically, pay massive fees for plane storage and for landing at other airports in the area, etc.)

Also, the kind of dude who spends 50k on Star Citizen generally has enough money to give zero fucks about it.

Interesting, I was actually wondering if Frostbite had that capability too, given the thing in Anthem where you can customize the hell out of the materials and colors on your suits. (Which, incidentally, I thought was the sole really well-done thing in the whole game.)

>the most transparent game in development
>people are still falling for the open door development meme
They deserve to lose their money.
I hope Croberts spends it all on a yatch and coke.

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Some meme magic you niggers got. So much for LE NEXT TORTANIC as they keep getting money. You couldn't even sink a plank you useless faggot zoomers

I too remember that time they threw most of S42 out the fucking window and didn't bother telling backers until an offhand forum comment by a pr mouthpiece years later
Truly the most open development ever
Nothing can compare

Attached: S42 ambition.png (1554x636, 136K)

Yeah, Frostbite is really advanced, but sadly only the main DICE team know how to make it work well, so every other EA game using it is kind of a red flag.

>all that money
>can't produce anything worth playing
Either it'll never release or it will but in a pathetic/cut down state.

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>tfw your friend tricked you into it and you had no idea what you were buying into
I still am not entire sure what I played if it was one of their vertical slice beta builds or if it was a complete other crowdfunded space game. All I know is I keep getting there emails which is always good for a laugh.

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Or when Star Marine was being redone from scratch because they outsourced it to some shit company and changed their minds later on.
And now Star Marine is in, and no one bothers to touch it because it is absolutely garbage and you're better off playing some random f2p shooter.

Weeks, not months

>Halligan posting

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>the kind of dude who spends 50k on Star Citizen generally has enough money to give zero fucks about it.
That'd be nice if true, but the really sad thing is that's probably the minority of the whales. The rest are likely sinking themselves into debt for their dream game.
It's their bad luck for buying in to SC before gacha became a thing. They could've gotten a hell of a lot more jpegs from the latter.

I finally have an excuse to use them

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With the poor state of SC I'm sure we could find someone sitting like him.

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Kinda unrelated but would you pay 50K for a game? That's the cost of a mail order bride plus expenses, not a video game.

It's really sad in a way. Every time some article or video or whatever comes out that dares something bad about SC or CR those people will break into incoherent rants about how EA and such are bankrolling "FUD" because "they're afraid of Chris Roberts succeeding" and they'll now go and buy another ship "to spite the haters".

Reposting some interesting trivia about Scam Citizen

I have done some math

The most expensive video game budget ever made was GTAV at $265 million or adjusting for inflation Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 at $292 million

Star Citizen has received $231 million in donations.

It has also received $46 million from a minority investment from Clive’s family office and Keith’s Snoot Entertainment which is not included in the donations.


Star Citizen is literally and factually the most expensive game budget ever, not adjusting for inflation.
Those most expensive game ever doesn't exist.

Attached: most expensive games ever.png (1684x836, 328K)

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This is getting ridiculous

That doesn't account for the money they get from their subscribers and sponsorships so you can add at least another 30 million to that.

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White people are more worthy of those petro bux than gook cartoonists.

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The 277 million includes the 46 million from private investors and sponsorship if that is what your pic refers to.
Also how to read that chart? It reads at first glance like they've received a total of 43 million as of 2017 but we know that isn't true.

Can't they sue to get their money back once they realize it's a scam?

Is this guy even alive?

who cares; get a life, loser

I mean that the funding counter you used for the 231 mil only includes the dark blue bars.
The chart lists the income per year. The 46mil investment was in 2018 so it's not included.

Pathologic 2 review soon.

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i really want to make an mmo, how the hell do i market it so people crowd fund?

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Have the devs even tried to justify in interviews why they need more money than any other video game has ever received? I can get them not needing to explain why they need high budget donations but they absolutely need to do an interview justifying needing a budget exceeding the most expensive game ever actually made and theoretically working on the most expensive game ever.

CIG has been stalling refunds since the end of 2017, sending occasional automated messages to people to wait for the "refund specialist" who will review their case. Obviously no such specialist exists and people have been waiting for literal years at this point.
In the EU you're entitled to a refund by law but they don't honor it unless you go to small claims court. Someone in the US tried to go to court for his refund but failed.

I just want more edgy fucking Stimpire fluff, that was the best thing about SC

Because they are making the Best Damn Space Sim Ever and big publishers are scared of them so they need YOU.

I see. That is actually very helpful cause it'll let me do some inflation calculations too thanks. Give me a moment for some math.

If I wasn't a poorfag, it really depends. I sure as fuck wouldn't for a game I install on hardware I already bought and owned.
For that price I'd expect something on the level of battletech center gear. Roberts himself better come to my fucking house to install all the hardware and machinery personally and suck my dick while he's doing it.

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>Someone in the US tried to go to court for his refund but failed.
How the fuck? They literally haven't delivered shit besides glorified tech demos. People payed for a playable game, how can the court rule against them?

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that pic is hot user

The explanation is "we held a sham poll a year after the kickstarter in which a minority of backers agreed to continue the crowdfunding after reaching our goals so even though we said the game would launch sooner with more content we can delay as much as we want"
>the more funds we can raise in the pre-launch phase, the more we can invest in additional content (more ships, characters etc.) and perhaps more importantly we can apply greater number of resources to the various tasks to ensure we deliver the full functionality sooner rather than later.

>The orca zone is expanding

A judge decided that terms of service applied retroactively, and he should be held to the latest one that says he couldn't get one, instead of the one he first agreed to when he gave them money that said he could.

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>I will never get kissed by a huge orca guy and get turned into a slutty orca twink
it hurts

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Are those just documents/text files? If yes then what the fuck user, stick to a handful and you'll be batter off. If it's resources like images, videos, and other shit then consider reaching out to some freelancers who can make up a quick mock up (or bullshot trailer) so you can market the concept.

Ok. Some further calculations on Scam Citizen's budget.

The most expensive video game budget ever made was GTAV at $265 million or adjusting for inflation Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 at $292 million

Star Citizen has received $231 million in donations.

It has also received in 2018 $46 million from a minority investment from Clive’s family office and Keith’s Snoot Entertainment which is not included in the donations.

Before the 2018 investment firm money they had already received $32 million from subscribers and partnerships not part of the crowd funding.


Star Citizen is literally and factually the most expensive game budget ever, EVEN adjusting for inflation. (Adjusting for SC inflation annually adds another 16 million to 327 million)
No game has ever need nor received as much money as Scam Citizen.

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Ok but that doesn't mean the court said he wouldn't get a refund. He still has to go through arbitration and no sane arbiter would deny him a refund.

All I wanted was Squadron 42, what the fuck is all this extra shit

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Don't forget that they already burned through most of it. In the financials you can see that they only had 14mil left in the bank at the end of 2017 with a yearly minus of more than 5mil.
In 2017 CR went on record in an interview stating that even if all funding stopped instantly they'd have enough money left to finish Squadron 42 and use the sales of that to fund the remaining development of SC, which is obviously false.

Yeah but he provided the public with a service he didn't just say he'd release music if he got 8 million dollars

im coping with all my money i spent on fully completed games i've played for 100+ hours oh nooooo

>Don't forget that they already burned through most of it
>literal highest budget ever received for a game
>already spent it all before release
This can't be a real game anymore. It has to be a scheme. There is no other way around it.

What extra shit? The MMO was part of the original crowdfunding pitch.

>and use the sales of that to fund the remaining development of SC
Honestly i was interested in the project 5 years ago, or even sooner, but now i would never touch it witch the end of a stick.
WHy the fuck would i ever want to buy a generic FPS, or want to play an MMO in which somebody has 20000$ (Twenty fucking thousands) worth of ships more than me?
Fuck this cult like shit, i can gladly skip it and play vidya that actually provides content.

I swear to God Star Citizen and NMS guy are industry psyops

Most of the shit here is goals they added after the kickstarter campaign to have people thrown more money at them.

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Almost backed Hardcore Mecha. game's good, but I still saved my money at the time and waited instead.

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So how much do they have in the bank now?

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That's an interesting perspective, but I have to ask, for what purpose?

Hard to define since their bank account is proportional to their cultists bank accounts combined

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I like Star Citizen for what it is.

It's an okay game that's pretty buggy but it's fun to see what gets added next.

You don't want to play it, don't worry, you don't have to. I hate cultists too but come on guys stop saying the same 5 things every thread, jesus fucking christ.

Should have focused on gameplay and art direction with graphics on the level of Dreamcast/PS2. As it is, all their attention is going into hyperrealistic, expensive graphics and gameplay mechanics all get shoved to the side

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To prove millenial fanbase will give money to fund every bad practice there is

So basically they don't intend to address or balance in any way the fact that somebody will start with endgame or even exclusive content on day one and bully the other paying customers

>Should have focused on gameplay and art direction with graphics on the level of Dreamcast/PS2
That's what they tried 15 years ago, and they failed to deliver on that too.

No user. Don’t you understand? You must cope.

I'll play it when it comes out, lol.

Forgot screen shot.

I like it though, it's comfy and my chill out game between my fighting games and Dota

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There's fuckall to do and the few gameplay loops there are, if you even want to call them that, have been broken for ages now.
And god help you if you dared to only back for a starter ship.

>It's an okay game
There's no game tho, only a tech demo.

This, in 10 years i'll pirate the single player and watch some faggot on youtube pilot a 5000$ ship against newcomers

Does it warrant the title of most expensive video game budget ever?

But SC backers are a bunch of dads.
For NMS I agree, however they lied about it, and it's not like there's any MTX or shit in it other than the egregious price tag.


The same people? What game? I don’t think the higher concept of this game as a robust space sim could have been feasible at the time

>watch some faggot on youtube pilot a 5000$ ship against newcomers
Why not steal the $5k ship from the fucker to teach him a lesson?
Oh I forgot, that's not planned anymore

I know what you meant but it astonishes me they don't even hassle to provide an excuse to justify this shit
They don't even give a shit, they just want to cater to the whales andd reassure them their money will buy them the most fun

Freelancer, it was also Chris Roberts, and the same concept.
He spent every last cent the team had and Microsoft had to step in to not have them go out of buisness.

Nearly 1/4 BILLION dollars. Let that sink in.

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I honestly don't know anything about Star Citizen but honestly, what's the point of backing? Exclusive ships or skins? If it's going to be a good game then they won't make them better than anything you can get out of the finished game otherwise it would create an imbalance that could potentially kill the game. It might be a fun game but I'll wait until the game actually comes out.

A bit true but not that bad, I don't get my enjoyment from missions as much as I do exploring the planets and doing PVP/ harassing other players with friends. It's definitely in the stage where you kind of have to make your own fun but it's definitely playable.


When you see the ArcCorp or Lorville in game, you definitely see where the budget is going. The detail in the game is fucking crazy high and all the minor autistic shit you're allowed to do shows it.

Forgot screenshot again.

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Uuuh, so i get to shoot at babyfurs?

why does Yea Forums always pretend that Star Citizen is vaporware or doesn't have a playable version?

its clearly does and people are playing it. It looks pretty good too.

But i guess the facts don't matter when people just want to shitpost and pretend.

>actual alpha gameplay for brainlets who actually believe the shitposting:

Attached: 1559672448241.png (322x395, 201K)

>Promise the best space adventure sim
>make limited time, expensive ships and other things during development
>players get excited at the thought of using these exclusive things in the game being promised
>money keeps rolling in

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The only ones who are still following (and more importantly backing) at this point are either hyperwhales or newcomers blinded by hype who have no idea about the kind of bullshit CIG has been pulling over the years. Of course they're not gonna cater to poorfags, why would they? Whales would start getting angry if the game wasn't p2w.
I saw a thread on their forums a couple days ago where some hyperwhale started going on about how, using unpaid crew and 2 endgame freighters that are $300 each, he managed to make enough money to buy a gunship corvette in a weekend of grinding his ass off. The comment section was full of hyperwhales complaining that they don't want normal whales to be able to buy ships quickly and it should take a group of people several months of playing to be able to afford them.
They outright don't give a shit about people with starter packs, caring about them is bad for business.

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This is what annoys me, I don't mind if you hate it or think it's not honest with its business, but why the fuck is it always SCAM VAPORWARE A BLOO BLOO BLOO

It's never anything new or intelligible

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Those AAAs spend most of that budget on marketing too... development really hasn't costed that much, relatively speaking.

CIG is so fucking incompetent and wasteful. Jesus christ

So what happens when someone crashes into your 5000$ jpeg and it's destroyed? Did you just lose 5000$ lol?

>actual gameplay
Now shush.

If this game is actually good one day and I can buy it for a sane retail price then I profited off all the whales funding this shitshow. If it never comes out I get to laugh at their expense. It's a win/win

MLM's do it on an even grander scale.

there is a sucker born every minute, any conceptualization you have about humanity being mostly intelligent is incredibly false.

there's ingame insurance to all ships.

You just have to wait like 10-15 minutes for it to be repaired, which ironically enough you can call your ship and repair it while it's out so it's ready again as soon as it does die.

Cars are fucking useless right now anyways and anyone who buys one should know it's whalebait in a game with fucking space ships

Sup Billy, stop replying to yourself, it's embarrassing.

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>Literally NMS level walking simulator.
How can anyone get scammed so hard. Also, until they fully release it(i.e. never) it remains vaporware. Many vaporware had "playable" demos.

gee would you look at all the exciting things he does in that half an hour of GAMEPLAY, like waiting for quantum travel to end or floating cinematically above a procgen city with shit to do in it
that empty husk of a game sure beats out the obvious hyperbole of people calling it vaporware

You're proving my point and my name isn't billy it's Stop being a giant fucking nigger user


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>there's ingame insurance to all ships.
>You just have to wait like 10-15 minutes for it to be repaired, which ironically enough you can call your ship and repair it while it's out so it's ready again as soon as it does die.
So there's literally no consequences for getting destroyed? Isn't one of their selling points that it's a living breathing world where the players can affect things?

Never expected to fap to Martha of all dogs

>living breathing world
What they meant by this is that you need to take a shit, shower, and survival mechanics.
Oh an also you have to wait for the space metro, and it isn't a cutscene, you have to sit in it in real time for you to go around the city.

Best outlook.

If the game does eventually come out and it's good, I was wrong but I get a good game and that more than makes up for any egg on my face. Same with Bloodstained it looked like it was going to MN9-2 but turned out to be SotN-2. I was wrong but I got SotN-2 so I'm happy in the end.

If the game never comes out I get I also get the Schadenfreude of watching all these people's hope and dreams crushed by reality and the smug self satisfaction of knowing you called it.


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>Rocket disappears from the car
>Appears 10 foot above
>Hits ship
>Ship falls down like minecraft gravel blocks

This ain't work in progress, it's the most basic implementation of a feature that's missing, there is no fucking way on earth they'll be fixing it. It's either start from 0 or eternal development time to milk money.
This is either an actual scam or colossal mismanagment and overestimating ones talent

I usually just taxi off whales to cross systems, but the idea is you don't cross systems unless you want a huge change of pace in missions or what you're doing.

In it's current state it's still a bit aids though.

You have to pay ingame credits for insurance when the game actually launches but it doesn't matter basically. The idea is you influence who controls certain spaces and economies and shit.

Not like a 'your character dies for real' thing.

>Oh an also you have to wait for the space metro, and it isn't a cutscene, you have to sit in it in real time for you to go around the city.
This singular example should be enough to demonstrate they have no idea how to make a good game

The ingame insurance costs credits but if you buy a ship with $$$ now you can get lifetime insurance under certain conditions.
They keep going on about how "insurance will be a small expense" and "lifetime insurance is just a convenience" but everyone with half a brain knows that's bs and god knows what a small expense is in a game where it takes you dozens or hundreds of hours to grind enough money to upgrade from your starter ship.

>Literally 20 minutes of looking at a screensaver
We've reached a new level of jpeg.

It's a space sim for autists, I actually enjoy the train rides.

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That's because their collision model is all fucked, and if they had the missile actually coming out of the ship (or vehicle here) it would hit you and blow up your vehicle.
Reminder that Elite Dangerous has missiles coming out of the ships properly, missiles that are actual objects with collision. :^)

Just buy a bigger ship :^)

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Even though that guy is a little insufferable and a bit of a shill, I think the game looks really impressive. It's nice to see the 'scope' of space being fully realized, and that you literally can travel across the universe and not just 'quick jump' with a loading screen. These types of games aren't really my cup of tea, and while it still needs way more work and some actual content, I think Star Citizen fans should be feeling optimistic that their game is going to be realized

Shut up, it's not p2w since there's no "You Win" screen anywhere in Star Citizen.
Actual Croberts quote.

>You have to pay ingame credits for insurance
What if you don't or forget? You know 99% of people playing games are retarded and can't understand basic game mechanics so they'll miss it. Did they just lose 5000$?

I like exploration and just existing within environments too, but if there isn’t at least the option for stop to stop fast travel they’re morons

Your picture says you can upgrade Drive for faster travel instead of buying a bigger ship

By the time it comes out it'll be outdated, on the visuals side.
It's starting to show, at least to the devs or Chris Roberts, and they are remaking older ships and throwing higher polycount at them.

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>Ashes of Creation, Chronicles of Elyria, Crowfall, and every other MMO remembered this
Fuck Kikestarter, now everyone has a raised bench on heel dragging

Holt shit that's fucking pathetic. The missiles literally just bloop out of existence and then another missile comes from offscreen. Even the enemy spaceship just bounces around like a balloon before poofing out. I could pay a thousand indians to put together random lines of code for a year and come up with a better project with the amount of money they have from whales.

>we’re going to force you to “travel” the distance between spaces instead of simply loading the next zone within 30 seconds.
Yeah no.

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jesus fucking christ and i thought the clouds in GTAO where bad

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i don't think you know what that words means Mr. Brainlet. If people want to spend money to play games in alpha then by all means let them.

uhh that looks good for a game in alpha. yall act like its fully released.

who? i don't even play the game..
heres your (You)

>game in alpha has minimal content

oh wow what a surprise. have any of yall played games in alpha? they're pretty barebones. you guys are legit retarded for expecting
a game in alpha to have full release features and gameplay.

The old Duke Nukem Forever problem

>uhh that looks good for a game in alpha
its been in alpha since 2011

>yall act like its fully released
>wow look at that cool thing CIG made please consider SC as a real game and not a shoddy product 7 years in the making
>what?! you can't say bad things about it, it's in alpha, please understand
It's all so tiresome.

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thanks, suckers!

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of course it is, they have spent all their money on houses and cars and shit, the bare minimum was put into the game once they realized they'd never be able to make it anyways.

>there's a playable version out right now why could people possibly call it vaporware
>it's just an alpha after 7 years bro
you can't have it both ways faggot

For the current game, backing is the only realistic way to get ships. Yeah, you can buy them for ingame currency (UEC) too, but that's fucking bullshit because they wipe the game every couple of months and if you've only got a basic ship you'll never earn enough in that time to buy anything better.

In the long run, you're pretty much paying to skip a long and painful grind. It's debatable whether that's P2W, it's easy to see why people would think so but that doesn't account for the fact that those ships come with shitty components and upgrading them is incredibly expensive, and that you're still going to start as a low-level nobody character who has to grind for dozens or hundreds of hours before getting missions that pay enough to make those big expensive ships profitable, or for that matter the fact that pretty much all of those big ships are useless sitting ducks unless you've got a whole crew to man all the turrets, engineering stations, etc. Don't tell any of that to the whales though, they seem to be under the delusion that SC is some kind of grand strategy game where they can effortlessly fly their whole $25k fleet at once and wipe the floor with everything they encounter.

that sucks but that doesn't make it vaporware just because development is very slow.

I don't think you know what vaporware means retard. It's something that is announced but never released.

Learn to pronounce
noun: vapourware; noun: vaporware

software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed.

Now please, show me where I can purchase a completed game version of Scam Citizen.

Tide spends more money marketing detergent, but I get your point. as games go the budget is ludicrous.

I have enough to buy this, but I don't have enough to get a bigger ship to carry it on.

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>oh wow what a surprise. have any of yall played games in alpha?
A game that is in alpha after over half a decade with the biggest budget any videogame ever had?
A game that focuses on adding more shit to the "Todo list" instead of making a finished product for the people that gave you money years ago and are still waiting?

Attached: 1538095416361.gif (200x200, 3.44M)

>One (1) vehicle out of 70 has a missing animation
Wow what a scam

3rd version of a fucking Alpha. What's the flight model this time ?

>missing animation
>he doesn't know that it's working as intended

>A game that focuses on adding more shit to the "Todo list"
How else would they milf the whales?

>i-i-its not Vaporware, daddy chris wouldnt betray us

Attached: SpaceDoorImage.png (1400x1800, 2.37M)

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>What's the flight model this time ?
Shit still has no weight to it.
Hover mode is trash, but forum dads convinced themselves that it's good, so the flight model might be here to stay.

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Where does this meme come from? Here is literally 5+ HOURS of gameplay. Is this some kind of joke?

Attached: 12d.jpg (567x561, 57K)

so all games that are in development are vaporware? is that really what you would call them?

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>You can pay a good engineer for 4-5 months with that money


pic related is you right before hitting send on that logical travesty of a post

>walking over empty space
>flying over empty space

No thanks, back to spectrum shill.

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What it really is is underestimating the game they were actually making. CIG spent their first 5 years or so being totally delusional about what SC actually needed to be to live up to their promises. CR fucked around mocapping A-list actors for SQ42 and obsessing over autistic details while letting the big picture slide, and the team turned out something that wasn't even a tech demo, it was a mockup, a demo that didn't even involve any of the tech needed to make the actual game.

That changed sometime around 2017. CIG is now a functional game studio and it's not running anything like the way it did before then. What that means, though, is that the Star Citizen we have now is really only two or three years into development, and in reality the situation is more like one where they threw the whole old game away and started from scratch (including a pretty substantial engine change), only it's even more bogged down by the fact that they're having to convert the old placeholder clusterfuck demo piece by piece because the backers would riot otherwise.

>Hover mode is trash, but forum dads convinced themselves that it's good
That shit makes me so fucking mad, it's incredible.
Literally all of the "how to land with hover mode" tutorials tell you how to avoid using it and yet dads somehow took that as "it works really well once you get the hang of it, it just takes skill o7".

According to that definition, everything in development is vaporware

It's called WORLD BUILDING. The cope in this thread is REAL.

Star citizen will never come out
It's flawed in it's roots. Any engineering project, a house, a bridge, a software, has to be made first at it's core. You need to define a backbone, built it, make sure it works, and then, only then make it pretty.
Star citizen is only pretty now. The breathing universe, living economy, interoperating systems, those are cores features that need to be yet done. It's the msot fundamental feature that hasn't been tackled yet. That's why it's a scam. It will never see the light, it's a product meant to be unfinished and unsatisfying forever

Attached: chad.jpg (865x568, 76K)

>5 hours
>Walking in empty environments
>Flying and looking at screensavers
>Finally hits area with some NPCs 3h30m in
>All NPCs just stand there motionless and you can't interact with them at all
>FPS drops to 10
>Game crashes a minute later
>Back to looking at screensavers

There, saved you the trouble of skimming through it.

>Hello games released NMS
>had it flop
>saved it
>is now releasing another big update
>all in the time when SC is still in Alpha
say what you want about this basedboy but atleast he has a working game

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Don't worry, none of those ships can actually carry it properly anyway. Just spawn it on some planet/moon, fuck around until you get bored, and then insurance claim it the next time you want to use it.

>wasting player time is world building
You're a special kind of retard.

Most of them will eventually release. Scam Citizen will never release because why the fuck would they when they can live off whale oil forever.

>not yet available to buy

but it is available to buy tho. which would mean it doesn't fit the definition of vaporware.

wheres the game Chris...

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Implying that you're not baiting, how is wasting my time world building if i can pay my way trough artificial speed ups?

Star Shitizen is BY FAR, BY FUCKING FARRRRRRRRRRRR, the most technologically impressive videogame ever made.
>inb4 videogame
Every TECHNOLOGY thread should be filled with star citizen webms. People's chimp brains are too tiny and faggotty to understand the impressive tech behind being able to walk around a flying flying ship and landing on a planet and interacting with objects in a multiplayer scenario. It's impressive as fuck. Absolutely nothing else comes close. Too bad it's boring as fuck though.

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>the official youtube
So not the game?

Attached: uslessgarbage.jpg (763x987, 76K)

>none of those ships can actually carry it properly anyway
Reminder that this was shown live 2 years ago during the CitCon, and that it still is buggy.

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Wasn't the 'core' of star citizen open world space exploration? As in, you can explore the entirety of space openly and freely? Without loading screens and without 'fast travel'? Because, from what I've seen, they have all that done to a T, and the next step seems to be making it beautiful. I have no dog in this race, I'll never play it, and I hate open world games, and especially space games, but it seems to me that the game has the core or backbone really well in place, and will hopefully expand the rest of the features from there. I can't imagine how much of a nightmare scenario a crowd funded game is for a studio, though

Nice pasta

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can you just imagine this game releasing in a few years to mediocre reviews and reception?
234 million dollars down the drain

I don't mind the flight model but I fucking hate hover mode. I kind of see how it COULD be decent but right now it's an absolute clusterfuck. I think they could fix it with some tweaks to the code though, what would help a lot is if the ship used its thrusters to keep itself steady when you tilted instead of just gliding all over the place, the flight model is already totally capable of that and there's even balancing factors already built in, like thruster output that might not be enough if you tilted too far and overheating mechanics that would limit the time you could spend at weird angles in hover mode.

But it was 1/10th of what he promised, and the game is still horrible. Worst of all, it's still $60, which is absolutely insane considering how awful it is. At least SC is trying to be what it promised, I don't think NMS ever cared

what level of false flagging is this?

Really? Where can I buy a release version of the game?


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You’re blind to the real issue, which is that after a quarter billion dollars and 7 years the game shouldnt even be in alpha, but even so should be an actual game outside of simply traveling for hours between destinations.

They seriously needed to take a cue from Nintendo’s design philosophy, and the games concept and gameplay should have existed in prototype well before they started throwing their millions of dollars at nothing but pretty environments and models. It’s reminiscent of the early days of Minecraft where it showed a ton of promise as to what it could become but literally developed nowhere beyond its alpha state because of its success.

It’s also akin to the Fyre Festival: That dude legitimately wanted to make a festival, he just didn’t know how to manage it appropriately, found himself knee-deep in it, and just kept treading as long as he could before it all collapsed.

They will be discussing this in business classes in the future, and I look forward to any documentaries about it.

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That tire rolling away gets me every time

Star citizen was always supposed to be a simulated universe, an MMO to inherit freelancers spirit. If you wanted to explore a series of identical planets, No mans sky has been out for several years.

Fuck off you faggot nigger, it's by far more impressive tech than anything out there and you are incapable of naming anything more impressive.

>clinically retarded whales shoving thousands of dollars up your ass in exchange for vague promises of gameplay they might eventually experience with an unfinished ship concept
what a nightmare scenario

maybe, maybe not. did you know it took Square Enix 10 years to finally finish and release Final Fantasy 15?

>lmao ff15 was vaporware!

nah just a disaster of development.

>in a few years
Squadron 42 (the solo campaign) was supposed to come out in 2016.
Now they claim it'll have a beta phase for the first episode (because now it's in episodic format) by 2020.
Star Citizen will come out at least a year or two after SQ42, because they are prioritizing development of features needed for SQ42.
So yeah, don't expect SC to actually release before 2024.
A few years ago backers were laughing at the idea of it coming out after 2020, now it's an optimisitc view.

>down the drain
Na mate. It was all well spent on cars, hookers and blow. Just as it was always intended.

SC doesn't even know what the fuck it promised because Chris wants new things every 2 months and at the same time they realize that something they said in the past has to be changed significantly to even be remotely viable.

Because men have an innate desire to explore, the earth is pretty much donezo in that regard. All that is left is space. We can't explore it in reality so the next best thing is video games and this one promised to let us do that to a level never seen before. Of course they never had the tech to make it possible and still probably won't to any degree worth actually giving them money for another 10 years at best.

>they have the more ships than initially planned already
>they have the planetary tech working
>they have all gameplay systems in place
So what the fuck is the excuse for not making a game now?
Before they were updating cryengine, then changing engines (not really, lumberyard is also cryengine under diffrent name), making the palent tech that now is ready, making the volumetric rendering tech that is also finished and the new head tech that is also done.
What the fuck is now stopping them from working on finishing the campaign and the multiplayer systems?

Its a fucking scam, they will drag it out as long as possible since if the finished the game they couldnt keep on milking.

>At least SC is trying to be what it promised
Considering they're never going to release the game that's a straight up lie.

It seems like a horrible situation for everyone involved

It's a bunch of loosely tied together modules, to showcase neat shit and get whales to pledge more.
Tech demo looks cool, but you'll never play something close to it, and that goes for SC.
I don't care about "muh revolutionary tech", there's no game, and if it ever comes out it'll be underwhelming.

>but you'll never play something close to it,
Except I already played dozens of hours of it

Does NMS have freelance travel? I've never played NMS, so I don't know. But I thought it was a fast travel system, and you couldn't, for example, just fly around space aimlessly for hours and eventually run into a planet

you are literally
and yes i do mean unironically literally truthfully
the definition of cope


>all gameplay systems in place
Still can't shower and shit, so you're wrong.
They haven't even started designing some of the ship gameplay, like info runner, with that awful looking ship that's supposed to get and relay data.

>They will be discussing this in business classes in the future, and I look forward to any documentaries about it.

Forbes already did a pretty big article on how insanely incompetant Chris Roberts is.


I remember hearing about star citizen years ago and going to check the site out.
The prices were so out there with little to no actual explanation of what it was about that I wasn't sure if they were selling a game or rooms aboard the respective ships displayed for some totally-legitimate space cruise venture they were trying to startup.
Frankly they're probably the same distance away from doing the latter as they are the game, even now.

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The current state of the flight model is utter shit and completely broke combat.

>played dozens of hours of it

You can't do that in Star citizen for sure, the universe is 6 planets now
You're thinking of Elite dangerous

Not true. The Drake Cutlass can fit it... kinda.

Given this dude a ride to hourston... hopefully he won't shoot me.

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What the fuck are you trying to say you fat fuck?

It's been 7 years and more than a 250mil later and all they got is flying above wallpapers and walking in empty environments. It's dead Jim.

It can already be played. It's extremely bare bones, but looks good, their core idea is being realized (free range space travel with tens of billions of miles between planets no loading screens), and it should only improve from here. We should all be mad that it has taken 7 years to even get to that point, but the idea it's never going to be released is false

That you belong there, if you think SC is anything but a trash demo with some good looking assets, and you're willing to put all these hours into it.

most people are fucking retarded with money

You belong in my asshole

>page talks entirely about the ship and its features as if you're buying a real car
>"Star Citizen 3.6 is currently available to download and play" as if it isn't v3.6 of the ALPHA
it's like someone took a scientology shop page and turned it into scifi, so much deliberate obfuscation

>their core idea is being realized (free range space travel with tens of billions of miles between planets no loading screens)
NMS and ED did it years ago, why bother?
Alright I'm coming, pull down your pants and get some lube faggot.

It's always lubed

>Alpha 3.6

I said release nigger.

I saw a video in this thread that showed what looked like a dozen+ planets, some things that even looked like solar systems, and the planet he traveled to was 32 billion km away. This is the first I'd seen of it, after years of hearing about it. And the guy wandered around space for a while too.

>Hey guys we've got this great idea, we're going to make a space sim and we need some funding.
>Just give us a few million dollars and we'll release it fully in 2014
>We've blown past our funding goals and we've changed our minds about the time of release
>What's that? We could use literally less than one percent of our budget and make a fully fledged game like we promised? Nah let's not.
>Here's some new .jpgs by the way.

Attached: 1555229616539.gif (500x391, 534K)

Neat, got some condoms? Wouldn't want to catch something bad.

NMs has loading screens. You're constantly aware you're in the same 'cell' the entire time

Yes and so is this

There's only one solar system in SC right now, and it isn't even complete.
They are targeting 100 for launch.

Attached: 1543587440173.png (334x365, 123K)

>It can already be played.
And yet it's never going to release. How does that make you feel?

I'm starting to suspect that these are actually cultists looking to derail the thread from the myriad of issues surrounding the game and Roberts and his racketeering.

That's the same as SC, it's all an instance around your ship, things are loaded in and out.

Does it actually stay put in the Cutlass at the moment? Thought it was fucked in terms of physics in that thing too, it seems to clip out of everything else you can put it in.

Read the actual supposed evidence in that article and you'll see it's a disjointed pile of nothing and really doesn't have much to do with the game's development at all. The closest they come is a few sentences from salty ex-devs, most of whom left the project years ago. If you want a real picture of what the inside of CIG is like, go look them up on Glassdoor, there's a lot of negative stuff but even the people who hated working there mostly seem to still be enthusiastic and relatively confident about the project and just left because the management were assholes and they had to do too much overtime.

We can shit on SC, post actual info, and laugh about it all at the same time user.

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Damn son.

No, CIG couldn't use less than 1% of their budget to make a game like they promised. We've realized a long time ago that CIG is not capable of actually making that game. I just watched a fucking interview in which the developers
>Could not explain how a quest works
>Laughed when asked about issues like falling through floors into a void and dying when carrying boxes and then excusing it with "it's an alpha"

The people who seethe the most about SC are the early backers that spent 500+ dollars on kickstarter.
Meanwhile me, a man of culture, paid 30 and had a ton of fun already.

why is Star Citizen still a thing

>game company decides to RELEASE version to buy and play.

therefore its not vaporware. the consumer is receiving a product.

i would cope too if i fell for this scam

Attached: cope.jpg (1242x541, 43K)

>and had a ton of fun already
When did you have fun? When there was a single empty station and asteroid field to visit?

this sounds worse than religion.
I am pretty worried about everyone that bought into this and the disappointment in how many die of old age before seeing anything.

He literally revealed his finances of the company as a whole, there was no racketeering.

Please god stop calling anyone who calls you stupid for screaming the same misinformed shit for the last 5 years stupid.

Star Citizen has legit gameplay problems but no one ever fucking discusses that because that makes you a cultist too?

Maybe, but it's worth remembering that this guy kept buying ships JPGs even after he went to court to get a refund. According to him, it was a moment of weakness, lol!

The racing was the most fun for me, the dogfighting with friends was a ton of fun for a while, and when the persistent universe came out I had a blast dicking around with friends and getting into a couple shooting matches and stealing ships.

even CIG themselves disagree with you because every dollar you spend in the SC shop is a donation tied to zero promises or obligation on their side

Because Roberts realize that he can
>Continue to sell JPGs of ships to whales
>While never releasing the game
They've already amassed over 230 million dollars JUST FROM THE BACKERS and they are still not finished with a single system, they still have CORE TECH MISSING, and they still are reworking core systems like flight model, shooting, etc. All the while focusing on bullshit like reflections in people's helmets.

>I had a blast dicking around with friends and getting into a couple shooting matches and stealing ships
the same type of "fun with friends" as Sea of Thieves, an equally empty husk of a game


You're a fucking cultist because you focused on three fucking words in the post to dismiss it entirely. Go pay for another JPG you piece of shit.

>soooo yeah
>soooo yeah
>soooo yeah
Is this guy a homosex or what

It makes me wonder, SC clearly came during the time where "space open world" fad is big. If this game ever goes out of alpha would the whole craze be still there?

>Forbes spoke to 20 people who used to work for Cloud Imperium, many of whom depict Roberts as a micromanager and poor steward of resources. They describe the work environment as chaotic.

Twenty fucking people.

What's your point?

Imagine just SEEING Star Citizen and needing to come into every thread spamming the SAME 5 WORDS for YEARS

Jesus christ dude, you're fucking mental. Why don't you just ignore it? It's not like you care about Star citizen anyways.

You're just acting like a nigger without his Jordans

Not him, but if they continue making progress at the same rate as the last couple of years then I don't give a fuck whether it every says "released" on it or if it's still called an alpha forever. At least it'd be more honest than the shit all the AAA devs are pulling these days where they send games out to retail in broken-ass alpha states with half the promised content and then either abandon them or spend the next two years fixing and finishing them with post-launch patches.

>Why don't you just ignore it?
Because cultists like you need a reality check.
If you want a hugbox there's spectrum.
Oh no, you can't say nigger there, so you talk about your scam here.

That's where you're wrong. I can't buy the game. I can only donate to the development process and get access to Alpha by donating. Now why would the company make that clear distinction? It's because they know they'd get sued out the ass if they actually sold anything.

>Twenty fucking people
You don't even need to mention the amount of people. Look at interviews with the developers and how they are incapable of expressing how gameplay works. Interviews with the developers and the literal current status of the fucking game will tell you everything.

Yeah but that's way way different than a loading screen

The funny thing is this guy is one of the biggest detractors of Scam Citizen. When Derek Smart tells you finishing your game is hopeless, you should listen.

Attached: Loadsamoney.png (450x429, 249K)

Who the fuck is Derek smart

>more honest than the shit all the AAA devs are pulling these days
>game is an alpha
>selling ships for thousands of dollars
>$27k legatus pack to get every fucking ship
>only available in the store if you've already spent $1k
>subscription to get cosmetics
>can buy in-game currency with real money
How the fuck is that not worse than anything AAA is doing these days?
They just need lootboxes and they have everything that the big publishers are doing but worse.

one angry incel becomes an even bigger spastic in defense of scam citizen than boobie games

>Spoke to 20 people
>Many of whom
How many of those 20? They don't say. How many are actually quoted? Two or three? For all we know, the other 17 had nothing but good things to say about the project. That whole article is a mess like that and full of holes, a clear case of an overly enthusiastic "journalist" who decided on a conclusion first and then wrote a story to support it.

>Spamming the same 5 words for 5 years
No, how about I'm growing increasingly pissed off that I funded a fucking scam that will never release.

Attached: my ships 3.jpg (585x337, 28K)

A literal nobody who became the ultimate boogeyman for cultists because he said mean things about Croberts in 2015.
In their minds he's orchestrating a grand conspiracy behind the scenes to take down SC and any and all criticism is either caused or influenced by him.

Derek Smart is the name of the game developer Derek Smart, who was the most popular Derek Smart on Usenet in the 90s.

>Selling ships for thousands of dollars
You know what's even worse?
>Squadron 42 is already funded
>Everything for it should be paid for
>CIG sells a Squadron 42 vehicle that was already paid for by the backs to them
>He's selling ships and vehicles that are already paid for back to them

Don't forget the supposed clique of SA goons that he's got under his command :^)

>but if they continue making progress at the same rate as the last couple of years then I don't give a fuck
>where they send games out to retail in broken-ass alpha states with half the promised content and then either abandon them
this guy is gonna be in for a rude awakening once the money runs out and chris roberts has to pull a second freelancer

I googled him and the firs tthing shown is him talking about Trump talking about nukes

Yes but with a severely herniated disc

>Scam millions off whales
>Proceed to pay yourself and your family millions every year in salary
>Somehow honest

Sure thing bud.

>give money to developer
>developer gives you playable version of game

welcome to the world of crowdfunding and early access.

Derek Smart is twice as important as failed film producer Chris Roberts. Chris Roberts may be remembered in history as the film producer that killed Freddie Prinze Jr's career, but Derek Smart will be remembered as Derek Smart.

Star citizen's backing is 100% in the IP name.

What will have to happen for denial fags to finally accept it is a scam?

The game has been in development too long and the basic premise sounds more like marketing then an actionable idea. In the past this has almost always signaled a garbage fire of a product. If it delivers it'll be amazing but that's not usually how this ends. The massive feature increase was a really bad sign too.

It's a moving screensaver around your ship. How is it different? You going to tell me Mass Effect 1 elevators weren't loading screens too?

No, this is not the world of crowd funding and early access. Not at all. No crowd funded game was in the state that Star Citizen is in for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS


>chris roberts has to pull a second freelancer
But who would want to take over?
What publisher in their right mind might buy it?

Of course, how could I have been so blind?

It's obviously not that Chris Roberts is fucking incompetent and barely has a tech demo after 250mil+ and 7 years, it's the journalist that's out to get him.

I did quite a few times and it worked.

My current ship does have issues, though. I have 300i.

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I used to say that Star Citizen isn't a tech demo because you can play it, but now I'm starting to realize that you can barely call it a tech demo because the """"PRE ALPHA"""" still is missing majority of the game's tech.

Elite Dangerous is superior.

Attached: terry.png (531x596, 660K)

Oh yeah I forgot about that, they are selling the vehicles they made for SQ42 that are already paid for by backers to the backer in SC.

I think the 10 year anniversary of the kickstarter will be their breaking point.

Found the whale.

kek, that just autistic sim fans. you have the same shit in elite dangerous where you don't even buy ships. people get legitimately angry you can get an endgame ship in a weekend, and think it should take at least a year.


Well said CMDR! o7o7o7

Attached: kek_cmdr.png (389x457, 245K)

But this time there will be no company behind to make the game come true. Star Citizen will die when Chris Roberts says he tried his best, but unfortunately it didn't work out. There will be nothing left. Not even the 3D assets they are creating will have any functionality.
Many of these guys won't be able to explain to their wives how they spent thousands of dollars on a non-existent game. Star Citizen will literally ruin the lives of a few hundred people.

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Nah, they'll celebrate it, as proof that it isn't a scam because it is still going after all these years.

There are six different things fucked up about this goddamn thing. It was already paid for by backers and they're selling it back to them. It explodes randomly, it's a fucking anti air in a fucking space sim, it's an unnecessary vehicle. Did I mention it was already paid for by backers and they had the balls to sell it to them? There are ships and vehicles promised FIVE PLUS YEARS AGO that are still either broken or not even in concept stage.

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Nothing. Until their lord and savior Chris Roberts tells them it's a scam they won't accept it. He can just keep giving himself and his family millions of dollars in "salary" every year and they'll keep eating it up. Meanwhile he probably pays 3 indians minimum wage to code some janky ass shit every 5-6 months to show "progress".

This game is a good example of good gameplay ideas but the entire game is underdeveloped because MUH GRAPIX

Imagine what they could've done if they stuck with more simple and older graphics.

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>Star Citizen will literally ruin the lives of a few hundred people

Got the cyclone to Hurston. About to go wreck it...

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>it will be ten years very soon
How fucking horrifying. And here I thought in 2015 that the game was making outstanding progress. Fuck 2015 was a long time ago..

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no mans sky is unironically this game but better at this point

>It explodes randomly
Don't forget the janky missile spawning :^)

Why did you post a picture of a random thot together with this shitty post? Justify your reasoning right now.

Is Binky dead ?


Attached: SmartSelect_20190601-084354_Chrome.jpg (1013x1341, 397K)

If you're ready to believe the allegations of 20 ex-employees why are you ignoring the 500 other employees still working and trust in Chris's leadership

I wouldn't say that, but the flight model is trash in both.

I love watching the whales in these threads desperately defending their “investment.”

Any game is better at this point by virtue of being a game and not a tech demo.

>when the game comes out the textures and effects they worked so hard on (literally 90% of their time is spent here) will already be old
pixel or simple aesthetics ALWAYS win

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I wonder how many people bought the Banu Merchantman 6 years ago thinking theyd have a ship by now

>Chris's leadership
There's no such thing.

>Hey man want to talk about Star Citizen
>No way dude, this dude is paying me a fair wage while all I do is update some list of to-do things and make cool drawings of ships. Plus he's my cousin. Why would I fuck this gig up?


This is already an issue, and they are constantly remaking older stuff to keep it up to date visually with the newer shit they make.

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Doesn't Elite: Dangerous already do all of this? Why is this taking so long to make exactly?

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Speaking of aliens, WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE ALIENS? They're put out trailer after trailer of the Vandull, they were bragging about models of the Vandull being finished how long ago?

>he doesnt know what NDA's are

He's all over the place, wants to micro manage every little stupid thing, changes his opinion every week.
The guy got a god complex and isn't a leader, he does more harm to his dream if anything.

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as much as i dislike scam citizen, i couldn't help to notice that you posted that edgy eunuch from persona 4 and I can't ignore that.

and may the day of the rope come soon for your degenerated, incel kind.

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To be fair Elite doesn't (currently) allow you to move around your ship (or at all) in first person with your character.
You're either piloting a ship or driving a vehicle.

game would've been sick if they went with an ageless artstyle

ok but where's the proof

Because at least CIG admits what their game is and that it's not finished. Yeah, you can spend a lot of money on ships, but you know what you're buying and if it's not done than CIG says that straight out. Yeah, the game's an alpha, but that's also totally out in the open, and you can go watch development videos or jump on twitch and watch people play it to find out what it really is.

Now compare that to, say, Anthem or NMS. EA hypes it up, spends millions on marketing, shows flashy E3 demos, says it's finished and puts it on store shelves, and the only way to get any info that isn't from EA themselves is to read articles by shill journos who only played a few hours of the game. You go and buy it and find that it's buggy and sometimes broken to the point that it's unplayable, that the graphics are substantially downgraded from the E3 demos, and that the content has been scaled back to a third of what it was supposed to be and you don't even get a real ending to the story, and then if you're lucky you get to wait through another two years of updates before the game even gets close to what you were promised, and if you're not lucky you end up with a game that gets abandoned a few months after release.

the answer is :Under constant redesign by Chris until the last minute they're needed. Which will probably be when Squadron 42 episode 1 finally needs to ship.

Yeah, very few games that try to be realistic looking keep looking good after a few years.

No, there very much is leadership by Roberts. He micro manages literally everything. It's part of the reason why everything has been reworked ten plus times.

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>gib 20 dollars 7 years ago
>barely played it
>have an entire system to explore with "lifetime insurance"so i can just dick around
Meh, I dont care simply because I can pilot a shit for cheap

Is Elite Dangerous actually decent now or is the same aimless grind it's always been?

same as it never was


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>An entire system
I have bad news for you.

Nothing has changed for ED except that they've tripled down on their cash shop.

some systems in space are like 2 rocks my guy.
either way it doesnt bother me because i like piloting/driving games so its already fine by me since like I said it was less than a pizza

Ahaha that's awesome

Boys what do I search on youtube for that documentary on Scam Citizen by an ex-backer? It's episodical

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It's not that the journalist was out to get him in particular. It's that he was out to write a controversial article that would get tons of clicks and get linked over and over again in threads like this, that would raise his profile as a journalist, and that would make him feel like the hard-boiled giant-slaying investigative journalist everybody fantasizes about being before they get into the field and end up stuck writing about stupid shit like video games.

>I like piloting/driving games
So you're saying you will enjoy a game where you point in a straight line and sit in hyperspace for 30 minutes? Because that's about the majority of SC's gameplay right now.
>some systems in space are like 2 rocks my guy
So you're saying two rocks will entertain you?

sunk cost galaxy

back to playing Privateer and Freelancer forever then

Isn't there that Freelancer clone coming out soon? Underspace I think it was?

Sunk cost galaxy by Binky atx, still waiting for the new video

i can enjoy elite just cruising doing nothing between stuff user
its fine

I don't understand how the game is NOT going to be P2W and how would you get new players in. Like how is a player that paid for the base game is going to ever be able to compete with a guy that blew 15k on his super carrier ship? There's no way in hell you can grind that in any reasonable amount of time.


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Just play Starsector

Less grind for credits (unironically do mining and exploration), less grind for engineers.
QOL updates added slowly to refine the experience.
2020 DLC might be (according to leaks and rumors) base building and space legs.

I will follow Admiral Derek Smart into battle against the forces of Cloud Imperium Games anywhere. From the halls of comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic to the shores of Yea Forums

I'm mind-blown by this game atmosphere entry, never in my life I could land from space to the surface of a planet without any kind of loading screen.

It's obviously not that Chris Roberts is fucking incompetent and barely has a tech demo after 250mil+ and 7 years, it's the journalist that's out to get famous by slandering him.

I think the spaceships looks cool and you can fly them. Idk what everyone sperging about.

Oh yeah I forgot about that one.
Everspace devs are also going to announce something in 4 days or so.

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That's like telling people to look at Taleworlds's blog posts and get excited for Bannerlord.

Is the Star Citizen fanbase still really cult-like? It's really disturbing to see posts about them defending the company no matter what and how you have to talk about how much you love the game before you can criticize it.

not him but girls are pretty, and everyone should post more on every comment

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>without any kind of loading screen
Streaming assets has been a thing for years, how do you think open world games are made?
Lurk moar

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Fucking lemming

Yeah yeah laugh it up

We'll see who's laughing when I'm zipping around space in my sweet dread pirate aurora spaceship

It looks great though


Just look at this thread.
Might be fags falseflagging though.
But if you want to be sure check the subreddit, or spectrum, and you'll see.

Sorry you are homosexual.

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>Streaming assets has been a thing for years

Is there any other space game that does this? I mean, I know this is common but the magnitude of a planet blows my mind

No shit? Everspace was a decent game, I look forward to what they got. Oh if you're bored, you can check out House of the Dying Sun.
Not only are they still cult like, they're doubling down. And they are starting to become fully aware of the financial situation because their narrative is now
>We need to keep buying JPGs to keep CIG alive!

Attached: b8t.jpg (480x360, 34K)

>base building and space legs
I know I'm in the minority but I fucking despise features like these. Devs that add crap like this always do it with a "because we can" mentality. They never stop and think "oh how will this be fun and engaging in our FUCKING SPACE GAME".
Seriously Freespace 2 is just a linear series of missions with no fluff and its still the best space-sim ever made.

Elite when you move around in supercruise, NMS when you use the warp thing to move really fast in a system.


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>in alternative universe, the fans would have voted to end the funding and just make the game as is with the 23 million they had, CI would have been held accountable if they screwed up, and we could have a nice looking space sim game

Though picking the Crytek engine was a awful idea since they had to do a shitton of work refactoring it to work in a MMO format.

>You can walk around in it
>If you feel particularly adventurous, you can try to fly with it and home the game doesn't crash.

That alternate universe doesn't exist. They planned to do what they're doing from the start.

>Posting traps
>Not gay


>Appeal to authority

It's going to be a paid DLC like Horizons, so if you don't want these features you don't have to buy it.

All you think about is men.

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but does it require some specific travel-method? or can you reach the surface just by going straight to the planet

She's an angel.

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Me. I'll still be laughing when or if this thing eventually get a release, because I'm not one of the stupid cunts who paid thousands for a single vidya gaem.

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> le buzzword has arrived

>Calls me homosexual
>Posts a man who is married to a transvestite

Attached: wow is he serious.jpg (126x176, 3K)

>can you reach the surface just by going straight to the planet
You can, but it's going to take quite a long time.

Sunken cost fallacy is a scary thing

>>If you feel particularly adventurous, you can try to fly with it and home the game doesn't crash.

I was piloting a hammerhead with all turrets manned by players like 9 months ago, crashes are not as prevalent as you make them look.

Backed Divinity 2, good decision.

seems like they're going for seamless ground-to-space transitions in beyond good and evil 2


.If you fly in a direction of a planet you'll never reach it because supercruise and warp are hidden loading screens.

she would be so hot if she were skinny

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There you go again, all you think and talk about are traps. Obsessed. What do you like to say? "Rent Free"? When a man talks about a woman you immediately think of dick.

Responding with a non argument as well, lmao

Attached: stephan molineux on a trip to Italy.gif (297x229, 2.22M)

that is so sweet, I hope they keep adding this to new space games.

Because base game guy and 15k super carrier whale will never be in a position to compete with one another unless base guy spends the time to grind a super carrier of his own. SC, if it ever turns into what's been promised, will be a lot more PvE than PvP and talking about how those two compete is like asking how a new player competes with an endgame player in any MMO, the answer is that they simply don't because they're going to be doing completely different content in different areas.

Also, aside from that, the hypothetical 15k carrier there would require a whole decent-sized org and massive amounts of income to operate. (The actual biggest ship, which is $2700 IIRC, has a crew size of like 80 and components and weapons that each cost more than an entire midlevel ship) If anything, 15k ship whale is a lot more likely to be out there trying to recruit base game guy into his crew than trying to kill him.

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fuark, I was expecting a new episode to be out by now
is he still making them?

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Chris is literally trolling the whales. He's giving away avatar t-shirts to whales with names like

>Ejection Rejection
>Rescue Required
>Vacuums Kills
>Lost wallet

If it wasn't enough for you retards that he's scamming you, he's openly mocking you about taking your money.

Attached: Scam Citizen Troll.png (2522x1150, 860K)

I don't know the specifics of NMS, but in ED you can land on planets just by going to them in realspace, but you'll take days.

Attached: chris roberts get a load of this goy cam.jpg (567x424, 45K)

What did you get out of it? Backing is just you taking risks. I didn't back and got to enjoy Divinity 2 as much as the next bloke.

>a romex watch isnt a scam because it still tells time

Look at the image again.
Development cost is the actual cost that were spent by studios, so MW2 cost 50mill while GTAV cost 137mill.
The total cost include marketing and shit.
SWTOR 200mill number is also not factually correct as it spans throughout the game lifetime.

Star Citizen is the most expensive game ever by a fucking miles.

Only planets and closest moons but not from planet to planet.Other planets are just backdrops.

You couldn't reach the others anyway, why would they be loaded in?

I bought a Cutlass. I will murder people in Aurora's if the game ever launches. Pay2win.

I feel the main type of person tossing so much cash at SC is usually men in their late 30's/40's, grew up with space sim games and the like, usually work in a STEM related field for a company, but never ended up getting a family or serious obligations, so they have a lot of disposable income. Kinda like train autists. Only this is cult-tier.

People literally could though.They reached the planet marker and it didn't load.

>huge freelancer fan
>hear about announcement of star citizen in 2011
>get excited
>later they announce they're crowdfunding for the game
>I'm a poor ass college student so can't spare a dime
>never put money into it
>8 years later and the game is a miss

phew missed a bullet there.

It would be a waste of time, why not just get into supercruise anyway?
Or is it just to make a point about the feasibility of it?

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Innovative space game doko ni arundai, Lobelto-san?

It's the most expensive game by pretty much every margin. Even including other games marketing and inflation Star Citizen's base cost so far is 309 million not counting inflation, not counting future costs, not even getting into marketing.

When is the single player game coming out? I know the MMO is never coming out but they should be able to finish a damn single player game within a decade right?

I'm a minor whale (~2k), I'm in an org with a lot of other whales, and I met some massive 25k+ ones at CitizenCon last year, and this is pretty close. The age range actually starts in the late '20s or early '30s though, and there's a surprisingly high percentage of blue collar skilled trades kind of guys, especially ones who live in rural or semi-rural areas. The latter makes sense when you think about it, these guys make good money but have little opportunity to meet women because they work in male-dominated careers, they don't have much of a social life because all of their friends got married and moved away or whatever, and they've got tons of disposable income because they're in places with a low cost of living.

One unifying thing is that I don't know ANYBODY who's spent beyond their means on the game. For most of us it's been small, trivial (for us) purchases, spread over a long time.

Next year or two, but probably three most likely.

I'll buy the game after it comes out.

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See Even giving unfair numbers or expenses to those games Star Citizen still has a higher budget.
The highest number on that list is 292 which includes marketing and accounts for inflation. Star Citizen has reached 309 million.

Beta of the first episode around 2020.

So you'll never buy it?
I thin one of those private investors also pulled out their investment or abandoned ship as well.

Na, it's next year. It's always next year. No matter when you ask the question, the answer will be next year.

>That year plus that CIG has literally nothing to show off of SQ42 so they showed off a fucking cafeteria and sitting animations every month
>The sitting animations were constantly broken

Attached: pathetic (2).jpg (700x483, 45K)

Ya but the big thing that most retards don't know but act like they do is that Star Citizen was mostly just spitballing ideas until 2016 when it actually started normal development.

When you consider it really didn't start until then, the progress they've made seems a lot more reasonable especially since they had to switch engines a couple times.

>bump limit

Attached: o7engineer.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

>it really didn't start until then
I honestly can't tell if this post is a cultist from spectrum or mocking the cultists from Spectrum.

>the development only started 3 years ago
>just wait until next year
This is always the same shit.

The point is with streaming you can interact with the game world no matter how vast it is without loading screens.A simple demonstration is the video call feature where you can see a player in another planet through a camera seamlessly otherwise you wouldn't with how Elite and NMS implemented asset loading.This can have many other uses like remote controlling a turret in a base far away from you.

>Bargaining (You are here)

Don't stop my whale friend, soon you'll reach acceptance.

>can have many other uses like remote controlling a turret in a base far away from you
Alright, now I get what you mean.
I thought it was just for the immersion factor and the fact that "eventually" you can reach this stellar body in realspace, but that's something that might be neat.

Yeah, that seems like a lot more legitimate of a concern. I'm not sure how well it'll work out for you though, there's not really any profit to be made and you'll just be throwing away money on ammo, fuel, potential lost ship if you get the cops on you or run into an Aurora who turns out to be an ace pilot with a decked out ship, and so on.