Why is this? How did they stop learning to make quality combat systems?
in b4 "half life 2 dunnit count!!1", when it's inferior to Build era FPSes like Duke Nukem 3D
Why is this? How did they stop learning to make quality combat systems?
in b4 "half life 2 dunnit count!!1", when it's inferior to Build era FPSes like Duke Nukem 3D
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Nice cherry picking faggot
I can tell you put in Demon Souls instead of DMC to bait people. Kys
DMC doesn't need to be on the image - everyone knows how important it is, it has 5 games already
For Honor is great.
Better than any arena fighter.
>an fps is compared to hack and slash games
Shit bait list
Like I said, HL2 is inferior to 90's Build games like Duke Nukem 3D
Flashy juggling =/= depth
Japanese action games are flashy and shallow, basically Dynasty warriors tier but less enemies on screen
Duk3 is inferior to maze war
There i beat you in this contrarian-off
And some people still wonder why poise was removed in DS3
Even GOW games are better then FFXV
>Flashy juggling =/= depth
What depth is in Witcher 3 or Arkham City?
Half Life 2 doesn't even have an inventory system like Duke 3D, but nice try.
Japanese combat design.
But story matters more than gameplay
>Videogame stories
Unless you mean pathologic you can gtfo.
This was created by faggot. The picture and the thread.
>inventory system
Useless feature, imagine bragging about navigating menus as a good thing
zoomers only care about flashy visuals
gameplay is an afterthought in most western """games"""
Duke 3D has hot keys as well as a general inventory slot so you know what you have
The jetpack in Duke 3D is more gameplay impacting than the gravity gun for example, which ultimately is just a bad weapon you pull out sometimes or are forced to use like in Ravenholm
No, you're thinking of Japanese games, user.
they're more focus on story telling and graphics.
>max payne
>thief 2
all almost 20 year old games
my point still stands, [CURRENT_YEAR] games are made for retards
>The jetpack in Duke 3D is more gameplay impacting than the gravity gun for example
lol retard, yeah im sure getting on a higher platform is such a huge impact! Even when garbage build games automatically kill any enemy vertically
Hang yourself contrarian, you aren't impressing anyone
This. Western devs used to know how to make games, but they lost their way, while Japan really only tried to change to be more like the west during the Xbox 360 era, which was a huge mistake
Hollow Knight wouldn't exist without SOTN and Super Metroid, which are games I'd rather play than Indie Flash Game by Hipsterfags aka Hollow Knight
>CURRENT_YEAR] games are made for retards
Same for Japanese games
Look at DMCV
>lol retard, yeah im sure getting on a higher platform is such a huge impact!
Yeah? Levels can scale huge in Duke 3D. The first level has a secret in a corner of the top of a building that you'd need the jetpack to even get to
Weak bait, a better example would be Nier: Automata.
Gravity gun can kill enemies, solve puzzles, moce environmental objects
Hang yourself
Was that supposed to be impressive?
>solve puzzles, moce environmental objects
You can also do those things with the pressing of the E key.
Based Mike will be the one western dev to get it right
dmc style weapon air combos mixed with batman arkham hand to hand on the ground:
THAT is how you advance the genre.
i'm in tears. this is hilarious
Pressing e isnt solving a puzzle
But i understand how Duke Nukem fags think opening a door is a puzzle
How? The gameplay looks amazing and like a perfect blend of western and eastern design philosophies
I think the tank controls in the RE games is a design choice to accentuate the horror aspects of the games. Hollowknight is a 2D metroidvania, and Okami's main selling point is its unique combat(particularly the painting) which being as unique as it is, tends fall into the traps that most unique or new gamplay falls into, which is either being undertuned or overtuned for the player.
Western devs can't into combat/action games fundamentals from the arcade era which are extremely important in making a good combat system. I think the last western action game that had a good grasp on said concept was Doom and that game is old as fuck.
See for example Max Payne. The game has a neat mechanic (bullet time) but most of the enemies are the same garbage, a lot of the weapons are redundant and most of the challenging parts rely mostly in enemies hiding out of sight.
If there was a "good action game design" bingo, most western games would give up after having no more than 3 of the options available.
>wahhh i don't like stories because they actually make you feel an emotion and games shouldnt do that, theyre kiddy playgrounds which is perfect for people like me
Fuck off and die, ACfag.
The differentiation in characters is in their design and role in the story, the materia system is designed around the fact that devs didn't want to limit players from adventuring with the characters they liked because of things like "I want to use vincent but he can't heal and the only other slot is taken up by my waifu"
>hollow knight isn't aping japanese games
actually it is, dark souls and metroid, to a tee. Hollow knight is also a boring slog of a game with a map that is 90% repeating tilesets and empty space.
It's a blend that just throws two ideas together without understanding what makes each one good or the nuance behind them. Putting two ideas together is easy as fuck and any hack game dev can do it, the real challenge relies in the execution and nuance of how they were added.
Look how cool it looks, it even has a dark cyberpunk city and it's raining as they fight, and he does air combos like dante
What in the living fuck is that sound design? It sounds like someone is constantly punching the mic or something lmao
Both fallout 1 and FF7 are trash for very different reasons desu. Half of the skills and builds in FO1 are useless and half of the game is already solved if you made a half decent attempt at the character creator or didn't fall for the meme builds and made a character focused on combat instead.
what is it always with the sweaty buttmads and Nier Automata? An RPG can't have i-frames unless it also has a twelve page list of special moves
>bayonetta punishes dodge spamming
bayonetta can infini-dodge if an attack button is held
Dark Souls takes most of its inspiration from western games, so you basically just undermined your own point.
>you create your own character and assign their stats (typical of wrpgs, but something almost non-existent in jrpgs, where you typically play as a pre-defined character)
>uses a stamina system (a common feature in wrpgs since the 80's, even elder scrolls had it decades before dark souls, but far less common in jrpgs)
>uses a vancian system for spellcasting derived from western tabletop rpgs such as d&d
>uses a classless system (common in wrpgs like fallout and elder scrolls, but almost non-existent in jrpgs)
>story is primarily told through gameplay, like many other wrpgs and in sharp contrast to jrpgs which typically feature hours of non-interactive cutscenes)
>an emphasis on non-linear exploration (again, common in wrpgs, almost non-existent in jrpgs)
>enemies are pulled straight from western rpgs (e.g. mindflayers, mimics, myconids, etc.)
>armor changes your appearance (again, common in wrpgs, almost non-existent in jrpgs)
>you can kill npcs (again, common in wrpgs, non-existent in jrpgs)
>combat has more in common with old wrpgs like severance: blade of darkness than it does with anything else in the jrpg genre
>many other gameplay mechanics and features it shares with wrpgs
Spiderman PS4 literally already did that
Automata isnt an RPG
none of those things are the parts that hollow knight takes from dark souls
so could you post again but explain what your point was?
that music choice is bad, also the character yelling "fuckyou!" again and again during combos
you're right, it's an interactive stage play / shmup
Dark Messiah Of Might and Magick.
Now please fuck off.
Hollow Knight doesn't take anything from Dark Souls.
Can't we just enjoy both?
Based and kickpilled.
wtf based