Go back to Twitter and look for something newer.
Is the whole pronoun/non-binary/tranny/pansexual/etc. thing just a fad? Will it disappear in 10 years?
It has a 40% chance of disappearing very soon
is this the same RafaKnight who did some 3D variant covers for the Sonic Archie comics?
>tfw my language doesn't use pronouns
heh get fucked anglo pigdogs
this isn't real
Why does America pretend mental illness doesn’t exist? Would solve the mass shooting and tranny problem.
>it's just a generic hamster
shit can't go on forever, the world will never accept them
Everyone should die, take the black pill
really? Huh, guess your language must be pretty weird (considering its not Indo-European).
which language is it?
Guaranteed 100+ replies
Literally how fucking hard is it to look between your legs and accept your gender? I was born white, I wish I was a niggo, but you don't see me wearing blackface and reporting people who call me white to police.
People said that 4 years ago.
Mutants don't last long.
Can't wait for the incels to start posting edgy transphobic shit
>twitter screencap thread made to trigger autists into giving the op free replies until the thread reaches 500
>post is from 3 months ago
>newfags dont know how to post in a thread without bumping it
Why do I keep coming back?
these people do not grow up normally and their environment is hell
the overwatch hamster
Well, you gotta give it to em, you can change your gender, I dont say you should, but, you can.
>Yea Forums is going to start policing how individual businesses conduct their operations
I thought you fags were mostly anti-communist?
it wil become worse and worse, it's a matter of time before they massively try transage (pedobait) and transrace
>mfw latinx instead of Latino/Latina
even they’re getting influenced. At least ones in america
Damn, I was actually going to go with Finnish, but still, both are Uralic, so, close enough!
Shill thread
Same my finno-ugric brother
I'm sure this is exactly how it went and not a false at all. No, not even a little.
>there are only two genders
>rightfully hating trannies is incel territory now
Look man, I'm sorry the only action you can get is from ladyboy prostitutes, but don't come around here putting down us red-blooded heterosexuals because of it.
Everything is a fad. Even life is but dust in the wind.
Finns are allright, love their PRÖÖHH :DDD and spurdo memes
This is the RafaKnight that made some good 3D models
szasz, fellow huszárbetyár
Thats only Chicanos, actual Latinos (aka everywhere but CDMX) think its retarded
t. spic
Man I hope so
this game isn't even relevant anymore since Super Monkey Ball is getting re-releases now, SMB also has a nuclear family as their main cast of characters
Grow the fuck up
Its gonna get worse if anything.
Just wait for the Dems to win the 2024 elections by a landslide.
he made this
Have sex incel.
>that pic
>they're adding pedos to the lgbt acronym any day now!
you people have been saying this for at least 10 years
I suspect it will die down and become some niche group of people in the future, but these people will never go away.
The toxic ones will die out, since they are scaring or repelling anyone decent. The ones that are more open and lax will be not noticeable.
mutilating your genitals is not "changing your gender"
So instead of getting them therapy, like literally every other mental health quirk caused by a shitty childhood, we glorify it and put others down for not worshipping the culture like a religion?
honk honk
Praying the gay away doesn't work, doesn't work on being trans either
Every time someone claims this as the excuse for why they got fired it turns out that there was a wide variety of other factors that actually explain their dismissal.
you guys need to understand that we are in a war. a silent war that doesn't involve violence. we are in a propaganda/information war. the point is to demoralize and control us into accepting government as god. the only way it stops is if we reject their propaganda and save as many people as we can. we're already too late at this point so save who you can and forsake the others. it won't stop until one of the sides loses and even then it will just take another form.
What in the fuck is that? Unlike trannies which they have bullshit science to back how can they justify transrace?
>Hurr durr I am actually part Russian
You either have X race blood or you do not. There's no in between for that shit. Even the faggots who claim they are 1% X race because of a great grandparent have more legitimacy than a "trans race".
>bland character from a shit game
citation needed
>taking a pol meme seriously
This board gets more retarded every single fucking day
The big problem is that incels and trannies are two sides of the same coin. As long as the Jews continue to erode away cis female morality and encourage polygamy, the tranny/incel factory will continue to pump them out. The Jew likes this because it splinters the white population - divide and conquer
Apparently she wasn't even hired yet. Seems like she just got in an argument with the devs, got her fanboys to sic them.
The game looks boring, but using your fanboys as your own personal army to attack people is a shit thing to do.
actually, i've been saying that there will be a push for trans/homosexuality to be seen as a human rights cause, instead of just a tolerated fetish, and 10 years have now passed, and i was correct.
In this case apparently devs got offended they made since it was an "underage character"
too much misdirection potential
trannies will be coveted as mid-level managers; those that can function well enough
supposedly the "real reason" he was fired according to the devs was the lewd 3d models he had released on his patreon
google desmond trans.
not posting pics here because i don't want a ban, thats how bad it is.
transgenderism and dragqueens are the gateway to pedofillia acceptance and if you cant see it thats your problem, not mine.
Allah willing.
pedofilia is based though
Pedos can't help that they were born with an attraction to children.
isn't "latino" the gender-neutral version anyway? i thought it could be used in both the context of male-only and gender mixed, and "latina" was only females? also "latinx" said out loud is one of the most retarded sounding words i have ever had the displeasure of pronouncing.
Life imitates art
German? Fuck yeah my superior Aryan fraternal companion!
I'm not talking about homo/bi/asexuality. They can't help their attraction, and they usually aren't dickheads about it. I'm talking about the ones who CHOOSE to pretend to be the opposite sex and absolutely eviscerate those who *gasp* use the wrong pronouns.
And yes, it works if you just dress up like your intended gender.
Pretty mcuh everyone everywhere thinks it's retarded.
what really worries me is that trannies actually think that they look like anime girls
It sounds much more likely, but 'fired for misgendering' is much more sensational and easier to get people worked up for.
what the fuck is wrong with white women
>accepting trannies
we are living in an era where you get free attention and sometimes even a living for pretending to be outraged/offended. Until we find a way to snap society out of this, things like this will keep happening. People will pretend to be more and more sensitive for more and more social good boy points.
this image always cracks me up because
I love little boys
Rafa is a girl, IIRC.
white truly need extinction. god I cant wait until they are extinct
so why do you want to be black user? get a free n card?
imagine how much of an ugly incel you need to be to save images like this and post them. have sex
>one example in the entire world
oh fuck there's another shoah because a "nazi" ran over a fat bitch two years ago
Wish I knew. It's like they're all in this retarded fantasy land and refuse to think about this shit. All the women I talked with supported transitioning of kids. Even my own mother thought it's completely natural until I described dilating to her.
Transgender people are subhumans.
Cuz it's fun and artists have needs to like rent money
Was there anything in the game to imply cross dressing?
Yup. Worked with SEGA too then she got dropped for another artist. Last I remember she hates Aaron Webber.
Is that Pashmina?
Jessica Yaniv
But isn't c-ville used as "proof" of "white supremacist terrorism" in the USA?
peoples online avatars arent what they look like, big fucking surprise
The bottom one is actually a girl btw, and she's famous in japan for being a weeb.
they're having more sex than you
>Will it disappear in 10 years
It will disappear when they start getting hung from lamp posts.
I know a weird Sonic fan group tried to get her in trouble over talking about lolis and traps on a discord.
she kills herself and a lot of transgender people do too
german has pronouns. what are you smoking?
>*traffics child sex slaves, tortures and sacrifices children*
why do they do this?
I know most posters have no semblance of reading comprehension, but those statistics are for suicide attempts.
Based and Mohammedpilled
I... How??? You know what stay retarded, I can't be arsed saying negative things about pedos all the time, considering 40% of here is into lolicon, toddlercon. And not necessarily pedo but those brapfags are well retarded too.
"Anime characters are white" crowd
>that kiwifarms thread about scary trannies
literally lovecraftian horror but it's real
You refer to all animals and gender-neutral "things" as "it" or "that" if you don't know exactly what it is
Seriously, did the entirety of California forget middle school English?
Have people stopped shrieking about "gay rights" well over a decade after the marriage "debate" ended? It's about being special, that's why they dye their hair ridiculous colors, get ugly piercings and tattoos, etc.
link it
getting fucked in the ass by other men isnt sex
>I.. How???
can you like...? Just stop being so... ugh...
I literally can't right now
>*circumsises baby*
kiwifarms net/threads/most-physically-repulsive-tranny.36943/
ironic that the truth is there's no such thing as gender, and yet you all keep using that word like the jew puppets you are
Nuke Clapistan. It's the only solution.
tell that to their finger lengths and never ending stubble
regiofag here, they are trying to pull this inclusive language shit in here, or at least it's starting to get some traffic in social media but I'd say 95% of the population thinks it's retarded as fuck.
Feminism and sjw nonsense is getting an uprise tho, plus many of my friends (females) are into drag fashion, which, I think it's just a cheap form of entertainment for women that love drama.
You fucking transnigger.
no, that's when pol posters go outside and have lethal spergouts
>People cannot perceive themselves in different ways
Yeah, it sure is the Jews who are trying to exert control over society. Certainly not /pol/faggots.
lmao holy fuck it's like a caricature
damn I got lucky
Stop typing like a teenage girl in the future if you want people to take your posts seriously.
penis envy run rampant
if I can't have one, I'll destroy my son's - that will show this man who is boss
You're right, it's not, it's erotic stimulation. I mean if you want to get 100% scientific about it, anal sex is not sex. It's anal. Sex is when you ejaculate naturally into a vagina. That is sex. It's reproductive. Sex is reproductive. Hey man get /pol/ on the phone you need to meme this new hot trash immediately.
Pretty much.
Mainly cause whites are always portrayed as "evil mentally ill alt right killers".
And so I can watch a Jordan Peele movie without developing cancer.
Some day, for no reason at all, Hitlers will be elected to power all over the western world, and these things just go away and nobody cares to ask where.
Ended up colorblind though, that sucks.
To be fair if someone just shouted "argument" at me I would probably insult them too
Oh wow that's so much better.
im more keen to "handsome young lads who will turn into Charming men" myself
>Lizstar the Goblin
>in literally the most jewless country of all
>still got circumsized
>all feminists ever wanted is to castrate little boys and kill babies
We're all gonna burn for letting them vote.
last time I checked he lost and berlin got mass raped by soviets, if you want to reenact that then go ahead, I'm feeling like gangraping some white girls anyways
>Guy gets canned for making loli of Medli, probably illegal where he is and looks bad to have him on a team since he does it publicly
>WTF those trannies kicked me out
Dishonesty is not cool.
reality is when trannies kill themselves the autopsy's going to write you down as a male
It'll come to a crux in 2020 because ElectionShit, and then reverse hard around 2022. Gen-Z is literally nazi tier since teens are counter-culture, and talking heads can't stop forcing shit down their throats for ten seconds instead of just being funny
Based Finno-Ugric fren
go drink some bleach, shit for brains
lisztar and hex pass, at least in those pics. they're just fat. the rest are awful.
have any more Suprdos?
lmao don't kill yourself over it white boy
I expect this shit every thread but I still laugh like a retard every time
Whoever made this image was unironically colorblind.
I'm not transnigger though. If I publicly cosplayed as a chocolate boy, I would be one. I don't. It's just a miniscule pipe dream.
Based and Islam pilled.
no sex is between a female and male.
its that simple retard
Yeah only a 40% chance to attempt to end their own life which they fuck up because they're incompetent. Makes them look not mentally ill at all.
When the Democrats win the next presidential election you will have far worse shit to worry about, like the inevitable repeat of Haiti 1804.
Most men are without being aware.
It'll last about as long as the democratic party (the organization not the political philosophy) has any level of control over the secondary education system, and transgender individuals are allowed near mildly fruity children
Except language has now devolved to the point where female is now a term bestowed to men who simply wish to be called that
Science is precise stuff user.
>explaining the joke
Only a few.
>0.000265% vs 40%
/pol/ and ISIS agree on almost every conceivable topic
Based AF
this was one of the people that was making Twitter threads here and an user found their account.
all the threads got deleted instantly after.
These people are god damn mentally broken freaks and entertaining their delusions is fucking cruel.
It's politically convenient to have mentally ill individuals running around.
It's a mental illness, user. Congratulations on your revelation.
That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be treated with basic human decency, or that you're not an asshole.
that's apu, not spurdo
>Congratulations on your revelation.
yea but its still
There won't be soviet russia out there to save the world from ebil fascism this time. Russia is already basically a fascist state anyways.
it's just the effect of the Marxist-Communism-Democratic-Socialism taking hold in America.
We didn't fight wars for nearly 3 decades to prevent this. But alas, here it is.
>Is the whole pronoun/non-binary/tranny/pansexual/etc. thing just a fad?
Partially. It probably started as a fad, but it got massive globalist interests pumping it far ahead of what it'd otherwise achieve.
Now, it's part of an ongoing organised effort to sabotage western society with damn near anything that opposes traditional family values.
>Will it disappear in 10 years?
This one specific thing? Yes. The ongoing process to sabotage family values? No.
>It has a 40% chance of disappearing very soon
why are you trying to on about numbers when the 40% on that graph isn't suicides, just attempts, actual suicides among trans people are around 1% too
This entire thread Is proof we live In clown world. This Is why suicide rates a climbing.
This is why I screen potential devs working on my projects with a lenghty discord interview. Bigots can jeopardize the integrity with stuff you aren't even aware of. I would literaly fucking kill someone if they revealed some racist easter egg in any of my games. It's fucking ridiculous that you need to put so much extra work into making sure that people don't act like children nowadays.
but it has more adult proportions then most of the actual adult characters in wind waker...
Question. Has any legitimate studies been done on what causes trannies? Like why does it happen? I remember reading something about female brains in a male body and vice versa but that sounded bullshit to me.
Well, Islam is based and redpilled, and I would have zero problems with them if they stuck to their homelands. The only reason I dislike muslims is if they exist in my people's lands.
God damn look at that useless tub of lard.
not sure you know how to read, user
did you really read this chart and think that 1 in 4 men kill themselves lmao
You are not different from the tranny
'gender' altogether is just a fad that will be gone within 15 years. biological primacy will return with a vengeance along with the renewed emphasis on the nuclear family that will be the immediate consequence of post-scarcity.
no soviet russia but 7 billion non whites who won't particularly enjoy your little try, not to mention that the vast majority of white population doesn't agree with you either
my little pony caused trannies
That didn't matter to them, its an "underage character" even if its aged up.
Just don't be mad if the other side does the reverse then. A forum I went to had an absolute zero tolerance policy for any political nonsense. Anything. References, jokes. Nothing was allowed. A one time rule break is a permanent ban.
Damn trannies are that stupid? Can't even kill themselves right, can't pass, can't just be the gender they're born as, what else are trans people incapable of doing?
in Arabic everything is either male or female. Nothing in between and you're forced to choose. using the plural form to refer to yourself here is too awkward and unnatural
Glorious desert warriors immune to the faithless western diseases
Stop fucking paying attention to trannies.
When will you learn that tranny shit is a mouse trap? Every time you pay attention to them, you're doing exactly what the want.
Trannies want nothing more than attention. It's literally why they become trannies.
So stop giving it to them.
The medical world is what's enabling them in the first place. Never forget the hack fraud John Money and how he tricked everyone that cutting off your dick and taking sissy pills are a good thing.
>non whites
you mean savages with no training, no technology, and no conviction
>a silent war that doesn't involve violence.
reminder that you meme on japan for having a high suicide rate of 14 while white americans have it at 26
replying with only "40" is enough to make me laugh
what the hell Yea Forums
there were only 70m germans in 1940 yet they somehow killed 2 gorillion jews?
Based Movie "no bad tactics only bad targets" Bob
>implying that the chinese have any love for shitskins
Same goes for indians. Only western liberal retards like you give a fuck about subhuman niggers.
The chinese would gladly enslave them again if they could get away with it, and in time they most certainly will as China rises as the next superpower while america fades.
Only western liberals give a fuck about "muh human rights" and "muh democracy". Other peoples solely use those notions as arguments to gain power over westerners.
nazis said the same thing about their opponents, and they got raped anyways
>months old
>reposted for the 100th time
>just the latest le meme word as OP
Why did OP post this? Why is he so devoid of even the slightest effort and creativity? Is this peak angloid pattern?
There's a lot of money to be made from them. They pretty much need medical attention for life post op.
but they didn't? they orchestrated the most succesful genocide of all time. they won.
>i wish i was a nigger
boy, those jews got a stranglehold on your fucking mind
the theoretical situation was a new hitler coming to be and declaring war against non whites, in that case everyone would band together to shit on him again, soviets and americans started a war right after they shit on the nazis too
>character design
Big no no for me
>when you're trying to make fun of trannies but accidentally misgender a cis woman
how embarrassing!
they lost you inbred
but wouldn't that lead to where people would go full hetero and want a straight edge 1950s style life because it was very abnormal to the norm?
To be fair it was meant to be an extinction, not a genocide, so they did kinda fail in that aspect.
lots of studies. not everything is known yet but the most likely theory (read: literally everything is pointing towards it( is that certain parts of the brain get too much testosterone/too little during pregnancy and very early years of life. those brain parts are responsible for our gender identity. that means what gender we feel comfortable with and what gender we don't feel comfortable with. if the gender of those brain structures and the sex of the rest of the body mismatch then that causes intense distress. because changing the brain causes death changing the body is much easier and more effective.
>holocaust isn't real
>except when it fits my argument
thats where your racism comes from not being able to be black.you lost your skin color thats a curse.
I care.
>killed a gorillion jews
>kept their sovereigntny
>almost 100 years later one of the richest countries on earth
they literally won. keep coping.
those are both memes, Japan is number 29 and the USA is 34 on the suicide rate charts
it's actually Russians that off themselves at a high rate (but still nowhere near the incredibly huge tranny rate)
not the same user, but a casino redskin, why would i want to be black.
neck yourself kiwnigger
>that doesn't involve violence.
What about antifa and the proud boys?
What about the Portland bombing on August 17th later this week?
... oops! You guys weren't meant to know about that yet xD
>intense distress
in what form?
if you include hispanics and blacks who make up half the country and have much lower suicide rates than whites, if you just look at white ameircans then they have extremely high suicide rates
and again that graph showed suicide attempts with transsexuals, not actual suicides
>they lost
to other white people
do you think bongo bingo was out there with a bone through his lip throwing spears at panzers
Even if that was true why would that be the bar for this? Fuck up your life to no return extremes to just get some more fucking than another person? Really?
You're comparing Japan overall with just men. Compare men with men and Japan will be higher
>killed their own people
>leader killed himself
>nazis from ww2 still being jailed today
>illegal to be nazi in germany
>we won
>Literally how fucking hard is it to look between your legs and accept your gender?
I'm too fat to do that :(
>extremely high suicide rates
>26 out of 100,000
>tranny rate is 4 in 10
are you just pretending to be retarded
Yes, but nothing you would take seriously
ironic that the deer furry looks like a chipmunk
mentally. similar to depression. it's very common to develope multiple other mental illnesses like social anxiety and body dysmorphic disorder if you leave gender dysphoria untreated.
do you hate blacks?
we are on the heels of that, a lot of teenagers are rebelling the gender pronoun shit and Oppression Olympics.
Give it a another decade tops and we are going to see 40 something dyed hair trannies losing their god damn mind that kids would rather get married to cis gender and raise kids as such.
Yes, it will be replaced by testicular naming, then anti-breathing movements.
user, trying to understand it is transphobic. Just accept what we tell you you bigot.
>killed a gorillion jews
literally no real proof
Is that Colin Mochrie???
>sex with children is based and pedos can't help who they're attracted to :)
this website really makes me think
yeah it was white on white crime, nobody said anyhing about blacks but you, you inferior bitch
Who said anything about nonwhites in that post you fucking retard. It was about wiping out trannies and faggots which most of the non-white world would gladly fucking join in. And besides, Hitler never wanted to wipe out non-whites from the world in the first place you utterly progandized mongrel. He wanted to rid GERMANY of non-Germans, especially of kikes that were fucking his people up with their degeneracy and usury, not wipe out all non-whites from the world.
I think you mean Movie "I wish the right didn't give eugenics a bad name" Bob.
no, you're wrong
the Russian rate for men is almost DOUBLE that of white men in the USA
>enable alcoholic person to drink more
>this is bad and I'm a bad person for advocating this
>enable gender dysphoric person by playing along with xer delusions
>this is supposedly good and I'm a good tolerant person for advocating this
I'm as liberal as person can be and I still cannot understand why the world has gone upside down. I care about environment, I care about human rights, I care about equality, so why the hell would I or anyone else in their right mind enable this gender flipping bullshit, something that is clearly wrong, when the people in question are mentally ill? These people need help, not more gender-pretend larping to confuse them even more.
if you think it's due to incompetence, then you are gullible and retarded. the attempts are for attention, and in that way they are mimicking women perfectly, seeking attention
...I didn't even mention blacks, not even close
you just inferred that I was talking about a nigger, which is REALLY racist and problematic
Is Yea Forums now officially clickbait?
> I care about environment, I care about human rights, I care about equality
Why isn't this thread on /lgbt/?
>because changing the brain causes death changing the body is much easier and more effective.
I'd indulge trannies' delusions if I could have a loli GF.
latinx is white liberal bullshit.
>It's a mental illness, user. Congratulations on your revelation.
This revelation doesn't exist to trannies and LGBTQ people in general. Don't even try to say, "but most of them believe it's a mental illness" because you and I both know that's a ton of bullshit.
why do those guys look so effeminate?
Tranny activists will likely always push for this retarded pronoun shit. We can only hope that normal people will get tired of hearing about it because it isn't important. The biggest issue is that corporations are so extremely risk-averse that they cave into this shit immediately because they perceive not doing so as bad PR.
>too fat to see your genitals
>biologically unable to confirm your gender
sounds like you're biologically nonbinary
Only lower right looks somewhat effeminate. In a 40somethings wine cat aunt type of feminine but still.
I got a three day ban for typing "nigger", this site is fucking trash now.
Japan is still lower than white americans if you compare men to men
Yea Forums best board
>Mudslime countries
>And the states
Really makes you think, doesn't it.
Grow the fuck up. Being racist or pretending doesn't make you cool online. I didn't come into Yea Forums for this bullshit.
Do you have a single fact to back that claim up?
God I hope so
Rule has existed for longer than you've been here you dumb nigger, and it's enforced more loosely than your dilated asshole.
Most minorities are more likely to commit suicide in the US. You're reading the chart wrong.
We'll shame them out of the industry, bigotry has no place in game development.
He was also persuaded that germany was going to be destroyed if it didn't become bigger and thus invaded eastern europe to colonize it, killing millions.
Everyone is gangraping white girls these days already as it is.
Understanding comes before acceptance. The trannies need to fuck off with this
>studying the cause is transphobic
Not him but here.
It will fade, it's extremely loosely held together and toxic to outsiders.
If people turned away from fundamentalism which has been on for centuries, they will turn away from this as well.
and again the 40% is suicide attempts, not suicides you retard
I didn't say anything about russians, just pointed out that american whites have higher suicide rates than asians
hispanics have half the suicide rates of whites, you can't read it wrong
>He doesn't know about one of the big name companies who are actually super Right Wing but act Left wing for PR
Poor user. I bet you have one of their games right now.
Changing body also requires changing brain. Those who transition don't only get their weewees chopped off, they have to take hormone replacement drugs. Besides, that's the most radical form of enabling someone's illness. You don't solve someone's secret alcoholism by turning the person into a public drunkard, and you don't solve someone's delusions by playing along with their delusions.
that's not a meme, one of the NAACP board members was a "transracial black woman"
Yea Forums best board
Enjoy another ban m8
being attracted to young girls is perfectly natural and healthy
chopping your dick off isn't
Probably some Amerishart larper
Has anyone of you ever had to deal with this shit in real life? Feels to me like social media makes it seem bigger than it really is.
Nah, its cool, he was quoting someone
>nazis from ww2 still being jailed today
I don't think so m8.
Holy shit, you annihilated that retard.
you don't have to chop your dick off, many, if not most, don't. and no, pedo, sex with children is unnatural
and thankfully not very many of them are capable of reproducing anymore
shouldn't a trans trying to commit suicide be treated as attempted murder since they claim to be in a foreign body?
The chart is comparing the absolute number of deaths by suicide to the overall population. The overall population is not sorted by race
>why do they do this?
Because Tay-Sachs disease symptoms can be alleviated with a blood transfusion with adrenaline in it, but you need a LOT of blood.
I'm not sure why children are used instead of adults though, I'm pretty sure adults also produce adrenaline. Hell I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of adults will sell you their blood if you pay them enough, and it'd be less of a bother than having to do illegal stuff.
Maybe they just get off from being bad boys, idk
She's the only one I've ever heard of and was mocked relentlessly by everyone. SJWs are not on board with transracialism
that user is just bullshitting. studies are done on us. it's just that we're such a small demographic that there's little money with us.
ill people have to take medication. wow. that's a fucking revelation. why don't you enlighten doctors all around the world with this scientific breakthrough? the good thing is our medication has almost no side effects and is extremely easy on our bodies so no need to worry about all the stuff other people with physical and mental illnesses have to worry about.
Anyone who has lived near them hates them
I guess it's not as bad in Europe as it is in the USA but we still have muslims, they're basically niggers anyway. Nowadays I'm genuinely afraid to stand next to an incoming subway because some mudslime nigger might just be demented enough to push me in front of it for no reason.
Fun times.
Yes. Only by pure, random chance though. Got brought up once then never mentioned again.
Trannies are so easy to spot, that it's really easy to just avoid them, until you get forced into a situation having to deal with that.
His logic was quite sound in the long term. A people that does not expand will eventually be crushed by those that do.
Just as a people that does not protect itself will be destroyed by those that do and are also willing to attack others to secure their interests.
Liberalism for that reason alone, will die with the west. It is a dysgenic world view that makes any population that adopts it incapable of existing in the long term, as it leads to plummeting birthrates, self hatred and glorification of the outsider, who in turn will use that weakness to take over the lands of the people liberalism has corrupted. It is basically the ideological version of aids. It doesn't outright kill you, but makes you extremely vulnerable to other ills that a healthy civilization would easily resist. We are in the death phase of a liberal civilization right now, with all the shit that follows it. Mass immigration, promotion of the retarded trannyshit etc degeneracy, extinction level birthrates for the natives of these liberal nations and so on.
Soon, it will all collapse in upon itself, and if there are any white people of european descent left among the ruins, they will face the question of where did things go wrong. The answer is quite clearly in in 1940ies, when the west rejected fascism and decided to protect the evolutionarily doomed ideology that is liberalism.
Nope. My mom works at a courthouse and has had a few come to her window because they want to change their official gender on their license, but they're never in your face about it and, from what I hear, just want to get it over with.
>some madman uploaded this to e621
>they got perma'd the same day
Do europeon languages have pronouns, Hassan?
Most people these days also become shooters because it's the fastest way to become a celebrity
>and again the 40% is suicide attempts, not suicides you retard
so what is your point, that trannies attempt to commit suicide 100s of times and don't succeed? do you realize how many times they would have to fail to even out to 26 out of 100,000, you little crossdressing freak?
Testing to see if I was banned...
I said nigger too.
The problem is that Gender Dysphoria is a very real mental illness. Right now the most successful antidote to this condition is transitioning but its still a shit hand to be dealt. When medical science advances and we can cure more mental illness' we can cure these things easier.
no it isn't, you fucking retard, it's 100k of the population of that demographic, look at any number you want, whites vastly outnumber every other race in suicides
>killing millions of commies or commies in training
The American mentality is that if there's something wrong with your life, it's your own fault. That schizophrenic homeless person is to blame for his predicament, and no one else has any obligation to help him. Acknowledging that mental illness exists also means acknowledging that sometimes people get fucked over by circumstances beyond their control, which makes it harder to justify treating poor people like trash.
>Saying "nigger" is automatically racist, even if you say "I love niggers, whites suck"
to be fair you were only ever allowed to say that as much as you like on Yea Forums, a board which everyone shockingly forgets exists these days.
what the fuck
suicide attempts are not suicides, you were just straight up wrong in your bullshit
Went to america for a convention, first time I actually saw a tranny, he was working for security at the place during the opening day, never seen one ever since and I went through a few countries.
you can't cure brain structure, user.
ay bruh this dude onto something
You're here forever, which is a paradox, since what "here" is is constantly changing, and so are you.
>ill people have to take medication. wow. that's a fucking revelation. why don't you enlighten doctors all around the world with this scientific breakthrough?
Medication is when you take pills to keep your delusions away. The hormone drugs are a replacement treatment with irreversible effects. These people need medication for the parts in their brains that make them hate their own body parts, not pills that will help them to mutilate themselves and to keep living in a dreamworld where that sort of thing is okay. It's like giving an alcoholic a pill that makes them stay drunk forever; they can't be suffering from alcoholism anymore when their normal state is to be wasted around the clock without single drink.
was meant for
>suicide attempts are not suicides
hopefully yours will be, faggot
Fucking based
Yes, because there are more of them you fucking idiot. Blacks are more likely to actually commit suicide.
my best friend from childhood is a tranner now. he leads such a sad exsistence and doesnt look passable at all. i want to tell him to stop and get some help but its just impossible at this point.
>you can't cure brain structure, user.
But we are making a progress.
Not a good progress though. The last thing I heard about is that quite a few clinical trial on alzaimer/dementia failed pretty bad.
>say stupid shit
>that's stupid
the average conversation skills of a /pol/tard
How do they have sex when they're on so many hormone they can't get boners anymore?
It will get replaced by something worse
I live in Memphis where the blacks kill homosexual so it's not really an issue here. Most people are more concerned with not getting murdered than coddling some upper class white trannys feelings.
First thing I thought of
How can videogame character be nonbinary? Aren't they code?
Do you get it? Because code is 0s and 1s aka binary.
I think it was far more prevalent 5 years ago? I hope it is not a case where I get used to it.
I'm no "/pol/tard" (lol you faggot) I just know that a man in a dress is not a woman
and deep down you know it too, and eventually it'll be the end of you
>see a cringe picture
>save to /Cringe folder
damn dude it's like it's a second job now
Tennessee or Egypt?
based liztar is the only one a little close to the anime version
>>Medication is when you take pills to keep your delusions away.
okay, maybe you should remember to take your pills because this definition has absolutely nothing to do with reality.
it's straight up impossible. even if it was the change would be so drastic and impossible to wager that changing the body is just infinitely easier and more effective. i encourage more studies to be done because transitioning is hard and not for everyone and it would be a huge success for autistic or schizophrenic people but i don't doubt for a second that it's never going to be possible.
tfw anglos will never understand our suffix grammar
Why bother arguing with these freaks user?
Unfortunately, yes.
>I live in Memphis
Top one is also just a woman with daddy issues, so good job missing the point of the picture. Mothers are just the fag enablers and the husbands are future gun crime statistics.
Tennessee lol, memphis Egypt is probably safer
>almost 100 years later one of the richest countries on earth
not for long lol
Its rough, lived here my whole life and I'm honestly surprised I've survived this long.
no you fucking retard, then how would native americans be second when they're 1% of the population?
why did I laugh
Lizstar the Goblin looks okay.
I also like that [she] titles [herself] as "the Goblin".
you're a /pol/tard who can't read graphs, so the average /pol/tard
Well, I WAS going to buy that game, but I refuse to support a dev team that's pumped so full of SJW bullshit that their head is stuck far enough up their own ass that it looped back around and went up their own ass a second time.
zoom zoom
>making loli of Medli
it was clearly 18+
is aging up characters a crime now?
Pretty good description of it
people have had sex with kids for thousands of years and it always went fine, it was in the last 10 or so years that deranged people started thinking that they're a different gender than the one they were born
Allen Ginsberg
>it's straight up impossible.
>changing the body is just infinitely easier
I agree with you. But still, Dementia/Alzaimer are more interesting problems to solve than helping people who think their dick is unneeded.
friendly reminder that no one actually gives a shit about circumcision and the only people who keep bringing it up are salty eurofags that are scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons to insult amerifags
at least stick to the good ones like insulting their school system and obesity rates. a flap of skin on the penis (or lack thereof) really just isn't worth it, mate
hard to believe but it is true.
Paramedicfag here. This shit is really prevalent in the mentally ill population. That's not to say they are sick in the head BECAUSE they're trannies (/pol/ can tell you about that till they're blue in the face), but a lot of psych patients latch onto this stuff because its contrarian and in the media a lot. The same thing used to happen before mass shootings were commonplace, one would happen and suddenly every psych says they're going to shoot up the place for about 2 weeks before dying off.
The reason this stuff is dangerous is because people who aren't actually "trans" decide they are in order to garner negative attention and power over other people by insisting this shit upon them. Its actually really interesting to watch someone flip out over their preferred pronouns and get confused themselves mid argument
never argued with you that it wasn't a suicide attempt rate, just that your 'point' was fucking irrelevant deflection, cocksucker
>it's just 4/10 trannies that ATTEMPT suicide!
how do you not realize how fucking dumb this sounds
wrong link sorry time.com
>samefagging this hard
as far as i know dementia and alzheimer are completely unrelated because it's a progressing mental illness caused by the brain degrading. they're a bigger demographic so there's more money in it so yes, they are far more interesting to the medical community.
you compared actual suicides with attempted suicides (whatever that means, is smoking a suicide attempt?) and you were told that you're a retard
What's the point of having sex with a bunch of random trans fetishists? Does it somehow make you a better person?
>and it always went fine
very much doubt that
Can all you fuckfaces move to Yea Forums already? I wnt to talk videogames.
>is smoking a suicide attempt?
>is smoking a suicide attempt?
>is smoking a suicide attempt?
>is smoking a suicide attempt?
do you have one of those 'genius at work' stickers on your bedroom door
>okay, maybe you should remember to take your pills because this definition has absolutely nothing to do with reality
Some people take medication to fix something that is wrong, others take pills for fun and to get high, as in, LIVE IN DELUSIONS.
I transferred to a new University up north in the US and I had my first encounter with a tranny. He didn't even bother to try to look like a woman. He had stubble, a very obvious wig, and wore jeans with flip flops. Is this just every tranny?
stay mad
We are all talking about the development of Rolled Out. That's pretty vidya.
>self-irony is enough to make an incel like a degenerate
Kill yourself.
Based and Statisticspilled
I'm so glad Krauts are getting erased.
dumb nigger
It will get worse before it gets better.
Imagine being so mentally ill hearing the word ''he'' makes you have a mental breakdown. How the fuck do people reach this stage?
whenever I ask smokers why they smoke they always reply with
>gotta die in something XD
so it is pretty much a suicide attempt
>whatever that means, is smoking a suicide attempt?
Holy shit, this is a new level of cope
interesting. i hope you always remember to take your pills because you definitely need them.
I've noticed that as well. Some trans people are pretty normal and just try to live their life as the gender they want to be but since it's become such a hot topic a lot of batshit crazy people have hopped on the trans train and really run it off the rails. I went to school with a tranny back in the early mid 2000s who was a perfectly fine person but this was way before trans shit was being discussed in the media and online. Now you meet a lot who are just batshit crazy and desperate for attention because manic whack jobs have taken it up.
>Right now the most successful antidote to this condition is transitioning
An antidote is something that counteracts the problem. But transitioning doesn't counteract dysphoria. It feeds into dysphoria.
Transitioning is nothing more than cough medicine, to cover your cold. It only eases the symptoms of your sickness.
try to actually argue it
pro tip: you can't
Arguments not found
>is smoking a suicide attempt?
No, are you retarded?
>Right now the most profitable antidote
I don't see how that indicates "it always went fine". A lot of societies that encouraged pedophilia were degenerate to the core.
its a classic tranny, they all look terrible and the few you see online that even look semi passable are a vast minority
no. many legitimate trans people go through a lot of pain (facial hair removal for example) and effort to pass. many also don't put in the effort, mostly due to a lack of a good role model and/or depression.
Well, we used to think they were related since the protein responsible for dementia and Alzheimer (and other brain degrading stuff) are well connected, so the effect could cascade from one to another. But that what I read 5 years ago.
Of course, you might already know this, recent clinical trials show that these proteins actually don't matter so we are fucked.
try again but this time without a buzzword
so you can't get a wife before they're corrupted by the schooling system and their degenerate peers
Because is something you do to kill yourself, smoking is an addiction. By your logic eating sugar is a suicide attempt since it can give you diabetes which can kill you.
try to actually argue that a 40 year old with the shoulder width of an NFL linebacker and Fred Flintstone's beard stubble is a lady because he says so
pro tip: 40%
westcucks are mentally ill
of fucking course it is
you first
>legitimate trans people
Nice try.
It's mostly americans and canadians and I say that as an american.
Who doesn't though?
>so good job missing the point of the picture
What is it with you r/the_donald fags and constantly moving goalposts?
if you haven't seen passable traps/trans before then you're a newfag and need to go back
I have a discord friend that works there and guy in OP is lying.
He missed work/deadlines and when told that character was non-binary he started referring to them as "transter the hamster" in the work slack channels.
how so, you know it destroys your health and will kill you, it is pretty much suicide
you kill yourself by smoking, smoke will always destroy your health, sugar is necessary in certain portions
I don't think they can unless they can somehow change their chromosomes, but you were still wrong about the numbers on that chart
>rocko's post-modern life
>the tranny butthurt in this thread
formerly chucksville
>he started referring to them as "transter the hamster" in the work slack channels.
It's honestly so rare to run into a serious one, and when you do you must take every precaution around them.
They're so wrapped up in their shitty identity that if you say one wrong thing they lose their shit. It's a very sad time to be alive user.
Sounds based.
People bitch and moan constantly about this shit but what's anyone doing to stop it?
I swear there are trans people that not only are hot but are not fucking mentally ill retards. Based trans people do exist, but they are really fucking rare, like 1% of the mountains of mentally ill trans that are so fucked in the head you are automatically CIS trash to them before even trying to communicate.
>"transter the hamster"
go on and try to explain why civilisations where people had sex with kids (which is all of them) were bad without buzzwords
and then explain ow societies where men chopped off their dicks to dress up as women were good
Soon there will not be Trannys. The word and very concept will be stricken from culture. There will just be Men and Women. Some women will have a Benis, this will be completely normal. You’ll be prosecuted if you think this is abnormal. They are already trying to wipe the DSM of gender dysphoria and the like. It was useful to be classed as mentally ill to help get insurance to cover your hormones and surgery, and to be a safe and protected class, but soon, they’ll make choosing your gender a human right. They are already coding the language “Gender confirmation surgery”, because hey, they were born a woman even if they had a dick amirite?
>how so, you know it destroys your health and will kill you, it is pretty much suicide
It's not counted as a statistic for suicide attempts so your argument is fucking stupid.
Fuck you. I don't look at trannies all day. Why would anyone want that shit.
I am ready whenever you are senpai.
and by not mentally ill I mean they don't chop off their penis.
>In every single one its the fucking women who are smiling
Fucking state of this """"gender""""
the argument is that suicide attempts is a vague term and can cover a wide range depending on how you define it, while defining suicide is pretty simple, someone ends their own life and that's it
newfag exposed
respond with some more all caps so I can revel in your butthurt before you alt+tab back to readit
It's a fake smile for the camera user
If you'd ever interacted with women you'd know
God damn it user I got water in my nose now
Women's rights were unironically a fucking mistake.
It is not the jews alone the ruined the west, women were happy to go along with this ride to the clownworld as well.
the one with the fat jewess isn't, there's a video of her and she's super enthusiastic about the whole thing
because it's harmful towards children, and can be physically harmful to them as they haven't gone through puberty yet. still waiting for you to explain how "it always went fine".
why are underage twitter niggers so god damn afraid of writing 'fuck'?
Why you fucking Yankees do circumcision?
Blame parents who doesn't let children attend sexual education. Sex education teach you about biology between those sexes.
I got circumcised, never had an issue with it until I saw everyone bashing it for all of the health issues it brings.
As far as I'm concerned I don't mind it having been done to me, but my kids definitely won't be getting it done.
imagine being so obsessed with faggots and trannies that you go out of your way to find things to offend you.
I live 20 mins outside of SF and i see more faggot shit on Yea Forums.
keep moving those goal posts. what's next? it's only sex if she pays you after?
But the problem is that many people do NOT treat them with basic human decency, but instead they fire the stokes by enabling their illness.
>being friends with discord trannies
>transter the hamster
And you’re just as bad as the newfag if you can’t comprehend that Trap posting was edgelord humor back then. The problem is that Yea Forums helped legitimize tranny shit for an entire generation because they started thirsting after them. That’s what happens when you have semen on the membrane. Nice job Yea Forums now I’ll be sent to Attica if I can’t rmemeber 72 different pronouns to address my Co worker.
circumsising babies is also harmful to kids, but I don't see you being up in arms about it, and I already did, read the pic I posted again
you haven't provided anything for the opposite just said some meaningless buzzword
All you had to give was give him the dick!
At least he could have just been Gay.
The entire show is a commentary on life, so it had a reason to do it. Would've been much better if it had been at the expense of it.
Wow, absolutely based.
>but my kids definitely won't be getting it done.
You're gonna have to be extremely clear to the Doctor then. Tell them very directly. Some doctors are autists about it.
Who made this?
Source on any of this?
This is stockholm syndrome user.
except trannies hate traps, because traps don't identify as females, they just identify as cute boys who dress up as girls and no fat ugly person in that subculture would become a trap because they know that they're not fit for it, while fat ugly old men become trannies even though there's nothing feminine about them
>I live 20 mins outside of SF
but you still never leave your house
I'll make it very clear, and insist on it.
Did the doctors do something similar to you?
I am against circumcision actually, and I don't know how you'd see me be up in arms about it considering I am posting anonymously, you brainlet.
That image proves nothing, for one, it's an isolated situation whereas I'm looking for evidence that your sick fetish "always went fine" on a large scale. For two, a paragraph saying they stayed together tells me nothing about how their relationship was, that could easily have been an abusive relationship where that lady literally had nowhere else to turn to and was basically affected by stockholm syndrome on account of her abuser/husband.
>anti-breathing movements.
That sounds awesome
is that a news article or a scientific journal?
remember that only one of those is reputable and trustworthy
There are fads that come and go. But non as mentally odd as all this stuff
Peoples brains have really been fucked with. And even if this fad goes people will still act this mentally ill about something else
Doctors that recommend circumcision need to be put against the wall. This is unverifiable but I’m willing to bet the number of uncut doctors recommending that shit in America is 0. Only the ones that have had the Jewish evil visited on their dick are for it.
Am I wrong for thinking that being given away at 9 isn't very fair for the girl?
it still doesn't actually do anything
Why is circumcision even a thing? I know Jews and Muslims do it because of fapping but like...why is cutting your dick the solution? At what point in history did someone go
>Hm if I cut my dicks skin off I wont be sinful and fap!
And why is it done on babies? why isn't it more commonly done when the person is older so they can get the pain numbed?
Good read
His logic was in a time before mutually assured destruction put an end to symmetric warfare between great powers. The declining birthrates isn't a result of liberalism per se, but of modernity reducing the incentives to have many kids(babbies not dying as much as they used to, using children for cheap farm labor no longer being viable, not allowing companies to employ child labor to make up for no more children in the fields etc.) which is evidenced by the birthrate of african and third world nations also dropping, though admittedly this drop started later than in the west. Furthermore his ideology seems to make the assumption that no other people will adopt liberalism and while third world nations seem to be slower in their adoption of it, it still seems to be occuring and may have been adopted by most islamic countries by now had the CIA not had the bright idea to fund religious radicals.
There, now fuck off back to /pol/ nigger.
The thread should’ve ended here
>edgelord humor
That can't be "just" what it was, the entire fucking website was basically all edgelord humor. So you're basically outing yourself as a newfag zoomer trying to push ideals that used to not have a place here, good job.
I get what you’re saying man, but I’m talking in generalities. I’m sure there are plenty of Bull dykes that dislike petite lipstick lesbians and vice versa, but they can both be categorized as Lesbians.
no thought disgusts me more
I was not ready for that
I'd never even heard of this shit until a few weeks ago.
This a TG doujin
When will transage finally be a thing so pedos don't get discriminated anymore?
fucking LOL
you're not up in arms about it because you don't actually care
>In ancient and medieval societies it was common for girls to be betrothed at, or even before, puberty
literally worked fine in every civilisation but suddenly it would become bad despite no evolutional difference? fucking lmao
I'm gonna disregard stockholm syndrome as a buzzword from now on, it means nothing and can be applies to literally anything, you're just stockholm syndromed by 30 years old roasties into hating young girls, fucking what's the point
>being THIS much of a robot
Rafa's a girl
not even a girl(male), she's a biological woman.
give birth
put me in the screencap pls
You guys are fucking obsessed about trannies even though you like trap shit, despite it being the exact same shit. The ED article on traps is filled with dickgirls and actual tranny pictures and your little Bridgett character from Guilty Gear that you call a trap was labeled as trans. Own it up fags
there's nothing wrong with traps, if it's a cute boy and looks cute in a dress then it's all good, if he has sex with other guys then that's all good too, if someone whines about it being gay or whatever then whatever cry more but old bald men dressing up as women and cutting their dicks off is retarded and disgusting and sperging out demanding to be called a woman is autistic as fuck
Already done by the DDLG/ageplay/diaperfag community
Rachel Dozeal
What ever you're thinking of, degenerates have already done it.
I have no clue what that last part means. What is pushing ideals that used to not have a place here? Are you an ESL? Yes, everything here was edgelord humor. That’s the point. The people that didn’t think traps were funny were cancer, then the people that started thirsting after them became a different kind of cancer.
The rest of the world is certainly not adopting liberalism you retard, if anything, there is a move away from it. Authoritarian and nationalistic populism is rising all over the world, from Brazil to Europe and to India, China has basically embraced and modernized unironic fascism in the actual meaning of that political ideology, if not the aesthetics of it, and the great liberal powers of the world are all faltering. Britain is headed towards an uncertain future with the whole brexit shit going on, the EU is basically a ticking timebomb one financial downturn away from exploding, and USA's future is that of further political polarization, and potentially eventual civil war and balkanization.
As for what is going in Africa, literally, who fucking gives a shit? Niggers will never amount to anything in the grand civilizational narrative of humanity.
And the drop of birthrates is precisely due to liberalism, chiefly feminist ideals and the focus on "muh individual" that has made people view dedicating their lives for their own hedonistic pursuits as more noble than bringing the next generation to this world.
Thankfully this dysgenic ideology will die soon.
Traps are 2d. You can't be gay because you like line art, user.
Why are you so afraid of admitting your gay? Just own up too it
Not that user, but the best way to force them to stop is by getting the mother and father to say something along the lines of "I am going to sue for malpractice if you circumcise my kid"
Not videogames by the way
lisztar does, but barely, hex looks like THAT guy from high school
>Already done by the DDLG/ageplay/diaperfag community
dont forget to add MAP and NOMAPs too.
Do you think that maybe your own sexual attraction to them may be causing you to make excuses?
How could you possible know if I care about it or not? I'm anonymous. For instance, literally all I know about you is that you're sick in the head because you want to fuck children. I have no idea what your other convictions might be, nor will I ever.
>literally worked fine in every civilisation
Yes, civilizations that are no longer around and don't meet the standards of the modern age, be it morals, technology, medical prowess, etc. In the modern age, we now know that performing most sexual acts on a body that hasn't gone through puberty can injure it, and there are studies showing the mentally harmful effects on people who were forced into sexual acts as children by adults. It's funny you think you can boil my argument down to "buzzword" and disregard it when that's exactly what you're doing, and not providing any evidence while you're at it. Can't say I'm any more enlightened than I was before and you, plus the rest with your sick fetish, are mentally ill.
Based and dimentiopilled
>going to ED, babby's first spoon feed
It's 2D, user. You can't be gay if you like line art.
>the best way to counteract the delusion is by feeding into it
when will this meme stop
The ideals you are pushing are the anti-tranny/trap sentiments, of course.
You do know what shemales are right? Trannies that don’t cut off their dicks and just accept that they’re walking fetishes
No one knows how to use the terms correctly.
A trap is someone is biologically one gender, but successfully looks like the other. Someone who is a trap may identify as either their birth gender, or the other.
Someone who is trans identifies as a gender aside from their birth gender. They may not pass, and thus would not be a trap. Or, they may pass and are both trans AND a trap.
excuses for what, cute things are cute and disgusting things are disgusting, yeah I like traps, and trannies make me puke. call me gay or bi if you want, see if I give a shit
the point is accepting what you are, if you're a cute feminine boy then you're eligible to be a trap if you're not then you you're not
if you're a fat old guy then accept that you're a fat old guy and live accordingly
>just accept that they’re walking fetishes
as long as they don't butcher their bodies and pretend that they're women when they're not then I don't mind
If you are mad about it like I was and actually got self conscious and had random pain, foreskin restoration is a thing. It takes a few years, but the results are permanent.
Not videogamea
I believe it’s mentally ill to think you’re something you’re not. I don’t want to be forced to play along with it in any shape, least of all because it’s not helping anyone. If people want to play dress up, that’s whatever, I don’t have a particular problem with it. Blasting young awkward lonely boys with that shit for hours a day may certainly have some strange effects though, and the world is reaping some of those effects right now.
>traps and trannies same shit
I'm tired of this meme. Traps are not trans, take someone like Boxbox as an example. Same thing with drag queens, even though they dress up as women, they're still men.
I'm not from America so I never had it done. I just think the logic for it is fucking weird. They claim a non religious reason is keeping it clean but do you not get taught how to clean your dick? It's not fucking hard. Everyone in Japan is fine without it being cut. Why can't Americans and Europeans do it?
Can someone share RafaKnight's nsfw models?
I only have the sfw ones
Wait, Turkmenistan is real? I legit thought that was just Archer pulling some "Derka Derka Mohammed Jihad" shit due to how fucking stereotypical that name sounds.
you're not though, so I'm not wrong
oh so every ancient and medieval civilisation disappeared without a trace, good to know, you fucking retard
you know everything you said I'm just gonna call stockholm syndrome, you're forcing kids into thinking that they're harmed by telling them that they're harmed, even though they've been fine for all of history with it
Didn’t the trap phrase originate in like 2007 when you yelled “It’s a trap!” when you found out a pretty girl actually had s dick? Like unexpected shemale?
Can't fucking watch Whose Line anymore without feeling bad every time I look at him.
Let us know how that defense goes in court.
Oh. Well, it's mostly because of religious propaganda. Combine that with the fact that Americans are extremely uptight and prude about sex, and the paranoia in 1960's America, it was a perfect time to wrongly convince people that there was a "cure" for masturbating a lot.
Then they justified it by saying it reduces infections while the devices that were designed for it took more off to sell as material in cosmetic makeup because of the collagen tissue found naturally in that skin.
i am the big gay. that doesn't mean i encourage people more mentally ill than me to mutilate themselves