>American devs trying to tell anybody about how to make a boss
LOL - they don't know shit about making memorable bosses. Just look at the Bioshock games for an example of this.
>American devs trying to tell anybody about how to make a boss
LOL - they don't know shit about making memorable bosses. Just look at the Bioshock games for an example of this.
Jagex are british fucking idiot OP
Every time you repost your threads your penis grows smaller.
What if they just base their lessons on...Memorable japanese boss battles?
so they are doing a Kojima bosses talk?
>boss does interesting and unorthodox stuff
>is at least 3x bigger than you
>health meter that is satisfying to reduce to 0
>comes with breakable parts that inhibit boss abilities if destroyed
>>American devs trying to tell anybody about how to make a boss
Judging from your picture, is just some people talking about boss design, not someone telling everyone how it should be done.
why does the woman on the left look stronger than the male on the right?
Because she probably is
Even the average beta male could beat up Rhonda Rousey you know.
I wasn't talking about physical strength. That woman looks much more determined and serious than the guy on the right.
runescape bosses are pretty memorable tbqh
The most important thing about bosses is that they function as a exam to see if the player actually understands everything the game has been trying to teach them so far.
If they player has somehow been skating through the game by abusing some other system to eek out wins and not fully understanding how things actually work the boss fight should test that.
She's got a better jaw
Jagex is British you retard.
Funny how people that call you a "mutt" automatically assume white Anglo people to be American.
not really. it's in the eyes.
Lightning and angle.
What are some western games with boss fights as well designed as Japanese games?
I honestly have a hard time thinking of many western games at all with good bosses.
Name ONE good boss fight that wasn't made by Japs
>Like a boss
that's already apparent from their decade-old meme title
>Jagex's Marie Mejerwall
Literally who's literally who?
Jagex British
She is Swedish but worked in US
She also has fucked up eyes so has to wear special sunglasses indoors and seems to always have a physical ailment of sorts
>women making video games
dead on arrival
>Jagex's Marie Mejerwall
Why is havel on there..
weird feeling to see my wife posted on Yea Forums of all places. she isn't american lol