Name ONE video game character that is as captivating and well-written as Lelouch vi Britannia

Name ONE video game character that is as captivating and well-written as Lelouch vi Britannia.

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is code geass worth watching?

Probably Sunrise’s best show. It even has a good dub.


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no. Literal dogshit.


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yes. Literal masterpiece.

>is code geass worth watching?
If you weren't here to experience it with Yea Forums in 2006, than you're missing like half the experience. It's a great show on its own though, so I suppose.

Is ressurection good? Is it on the seven seas?

Get fucked ledouch

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Seconding this question, I feel like undoing the greatness of the original series' ending would be a big waste unless they had something clever in mind.

>supposed genius strategist mastermind
>reprograms his sister by accidentally telling her to become a psycho, just as a harmless example, because that is the natural first thing that comes to mind to explain his mind control
>"well written"
not even laughing, just tired of stupidity.


If you really liked the original than you'll understand that it worked perfectly fine by itself, the story very tight and self contained with no dangling plot threads. A sequel like resurrection trying to squeeze in enough retcons to get another plot out can only diminish the effect of the original.


Halfway through Gundam wing.
Does Relena and Heero actually get together?

Clearly Jack Frost is better, ho.

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Keep saying it


why should I care what an e-celeb thinks?

He's right though. SMTniggers are annoying going to other threads and shitposting everywhere just because SMTV got cancelled.

My favorite show, its dumb sometimes but it's for the best. It's a masterpiece if you go for the ride.

he and suzaku were huge fags

Hey guys. New update to my new fan card game.

How this guy go the whole show without even banging colin or 2B?



You think McDonald's is open this late? I need to get my Bic Mac on!

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You first, newfag.

You lost. The game

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Ehi suzaku, i need your help can you come here?

I hate every single genre it's in, like all five of them and I still fucking love it.

>10 results found on Yea Forums
>plus 3 results found on /vg/
>all of them have the same filename too
This is so forced it's embarrassing.

Is that a sequel or something? When did that come out?

Including Super Robot Wars?

I can't, I'm buying clothes

He's right though.

>he doesn't like giant robots

Sort of. They redid the 51 episodes of the anime into a trilogy with some plot changes, like keeping Shirley alive and adding some new shit like the half-brothers and half-sisters seeing Lelouch and Nunnally off to Japan. Then the new movie follows up from the ending if this trilogy's continuity.

It's often glorious, often dumb, and 100% enjoyable

Only the first season.

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He's not.

He definitely is

It's got a lot of flaws, but there's something simply magical about it even as the plot shits its pants on many occasions, and the ending is fucking glorious.

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Y'know with how much the memes are always about the characters I thought there wouldn't be much focus on the mecha side of things but what was there was pretty pleasing to me.


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Eh, kind of hard to make memes out of robots that are just basically mechs with fucking shipping crates strapped to their backs. Meanwhile, Gundam has had things like QUALITY Gundam and the various jokes about the Zakus.

I know you think screenshotting your own post and spreading it is funny, but it's not. It's forced and embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing that you typed out all that shit and you don't copy paste it into threads. You aren't even shitposting right

Listen to this man. He speaks the true true.

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>time to hand over the empire to someone else
>wait no I have to go do evil shit so somebody willl kill me instead because ???
code gayass is GAY

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Surely someone made fun of C.C having a pink Lancelot at some point at least.

Early geass is kino then it gets so bad that it’s good

Why wont he do more code ment? It's the best abridged series out there.

>not Big O
>not Giant Robo
literal idiot

Guy's in charge of a nuclear plant or whatever, simply too busy making sure it doesn't explode, and having to walk his cat on a leash because it's better than he is.

>like keeping Shirley alive
How? Wasn't she basically endgame at the point when she was dying? How would Lelouche go on the way he did with a stable girlfriend? Did they just amnesia her AGAIN? Did they just leave out that entire end of her character arc?
Already seems really suspect.

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He's right though.

They just don't have her die, and she gets all in on the Zero stuff apparently.
And then then Lelouch is resurrected as a retarded for half of the movie

I guess the only reason I watched the whole thing was because it shares some tropes with Ace Combat Zero but holy shit it was so obvious that the character design was made for yaoifags.

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It's very entertaining. The second season is a trainwreck that you can't stop watching.

The girls were hot too.

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now this is some quality cope

is there any character in vidya that singlehandedly fucks up on on the scale Ledouche did?

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Just admit that you want to fuck Lelouch.

More like who can defeat him, his orders are absolute.

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Yeah, wish CC and Karen had more fanservice

Nah, but when I saw Suzaku for the first I remembered pic related and burst out laughing

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>Probably Sunrise’s best show
No, not even close.

Papa Nier

I think they had enough. Wouldn't want the show to have become just an excuse for borderline porn like some mecha shows.

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you mean edgelord anime character no. 8341?

God, I remember knowing very little about the plot of Code Geass when I first decided to watch it so I had no idea how fucking bullshit "KILL ALL ELEVENS" was going to be, it must have been insane to watch it back when it aired.

That's actually kinda cool as a non-canon What-if kinda deal.
Maybe I'll look into this.

Does Kallen make amends for being a fucking dumbass?

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Cringe post

>keeping Shirley alive

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even with S2 being a trainwreck the finale was so strong it made up for most of it.

This is a meme, right? Cause that show was the epitome of "I win because 4d chess lol"

I think she gets some screentime, but is barely used. Suzaku somehow manages to be largely useless despite his meme powers from the original series.
AU bullshit, go figure.

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Except Suzaku just stops pretty much every single 4D chess move in the entire show by just being OP.

Code Geass is just Gurren Lagann for pseuds

Except no.

Good job making this post defeating my thread, fortunately I only made this thread to find this image as it's a key part to my greater plan.

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>Didn't care about Shirley and found her somewhat annoying
>End up with tears when Lelouch erase her memories of him
>Cried like a baby When he died
Damn you Sunrise

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>the spinzaku meme wasn't lost on Sunrise

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>expected a thread to talk about well written vidya characters
>code geass thread

At least in the first movies she doesn't even appear aside from 1 or 2 scenes, a waste imo

So Nunnaly knew what Lelouch was up to by the ending because of her unexplained power to tell if people are lying by touching their hands so can someone explain me how Kallen figured it out???

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>rolo in the same tier as a table rapist
fuck you evil shinji was cute

>Code Geass is just Gurren Lagann for pseuds

Gurren Lagann can go fuck itself


>Shitley that high

Shirley was his fault

no excuses

Because they knew Lelouch was Zero, so Zero showing up meant that it was Lelouch's scheme.

Post a well-written vidya character then so we can talk about them.

That's what most people assume. There's also the theory of Lelouch having a code, which can apparently allow the holder to project memories into the mind of anybody they touch. Of course, the original series has been left open-ended, never confirming if Lelouch is 100% dead or got his daddy's code and is off in the countryside fucking CC's ass for the rest of eternity.

name ONE thing she did wrong

she did more for zero than literally anyone

>evil shinji

>the original series has been left open-ended, never confirming if Lelouch is 100% dead or got his daddy's code and is off in the countryside fucking CC's ass for the rest of eternity.

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>implying I'm not a fujofag

Except I'm not wrong, the ending is left open to interpretation, while the film trilogy and the new movie all go from "He definitely had a code so he could come back to life"

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So is resurrection good or not?

Watch it and form your own opinion

>the ending is left open to interpretation
>stabbed through the heart
>died in his sister's arms
>immense sobbing and sad music
>character effectively narrates a eulogy for him
>calls back to his early proclamation "those who kill should be prepared to be killed"
>literally had a death wish ever since he thought Nunnally was dead
>literally everything was according to plan
Fuck you and your headcanon shit trying to ruin one of the greatest endings in anime.

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It's not headcanon, retard, it's literally one of the most common theories that he might have gotten his father's code and resurrected after the scene and left to wander the world as an immortal. One of the writers even believes that does so. Fucking deal with it you newfag, he may or may not be dead in the original continuity, while the new one he definitely is alive via a code.

I feel like Code Geass is up there with Death Note for "Protagonist has an OP ability and is a chessmaster but their personal foibles and the competency of their enemies mean they have to struggle to claim victories."

lol. The original series literally confirms he's alive. Even if you saw the version without Lelouche smirking, CC's "Right Lelouche?" is more than enough proof that he's alive. Lelouche has Charle's code and code activates upon death.

Lelouch is a more interesting character, given he's got all sorts of flaws. Light is just "Whoa, I can totally kill people by writing their names, guess I'll develop a god complex out of nowhere"

Dude, that's fake.

Based Heero

Okay, how about Frog from Chrono Trigger and how he blames himself for his teacher's death while also having to overcome the fantastical racism of being a FROG

This sounds interesting, tell me more about this Frog fellow.

>Lelouch is supposed to be a clever character
>everyone around is just so fucking dumb on purpose

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>It's not headcanon, it's a theory

>fan edit
I guess whenever you say someone's name, even if you're speaking to yourself that must mean you're speaking directly to that person, right, George Washington?

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I want to lick Kallen's sweaty tits!

did you forget about schneizel?

>Probably Sunrise’s best show.
No that's Cross Ange.

First season is fantastic
Second season has its ups and downs, but it ends fantastically. The ending is worth the shitty ride that is Season 2

Let me just die for your sins.

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>The people need a person to hate, they can't hate some abstract weapon called the FLEIJA
>It can't be Schneizel, the man with the sky fortress that launched a bunch of those weapons
>It has to be me, and I'll accomplish it by committing a bunch of new atrocities instead of revealing the people behind or taking responsibility for the many others that have already happened


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Learn to accept the fact that the original series ending is meant to be interpreted however the fans wants, dipshit. It's not headcanon to say that.

The guy who is too dumb to play chess?

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>implying he died to begin with

Was it Kino?

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If they feared the weapon, people would have just eventually found a better weapon to counteract it.
If they feared Schnitzel, it would have just been his plan to keep people in fear of acting up.
Lelouch wanted to die since he had accidentally made his sister genocide a bunch of people, and had murdered just about everyone he used his power on. By becoming hated, he gave people a scapegoat, while also atoning for his actions.

He did, but the code revived him.

Schneizel was quite literally on the good guy's team though, and everyone was backing him. He only intended on becoming the bad guy after winning the war, and the only way that would happen was for him to go through Lelouche.

Go read something actually good, like Fire Punch, literally the best manga ever written.

based lelouch poster

It was still a shit plan, like their father's whole idea of "Let's just bring the dead back and meld everyone's minds into a horrific super-consciousness"

death note ended after season one, you can't convince me otherwise

rolo was the cutest closet homosexual lil bro
you kys

he applied a detailed geass on nunners in which he expressed his feelings and some of his plan to her, the memories of which were sealed by said geass, which released upon his death. Jesus, it ain't rocket science.
as for Kallen, >this is what retardation talks like
it's no wonder most stories in the past decades just have to spell out everything in spoon-feeding exposition.

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Alright I'm gonna prove right now that Lelouche is 100% alive.
Firstly, we all know that people with code are NOT affected by geass powers. When Lelouche encounters Charles, he uses his geass on him and makes Charles kill himself. But what the series DOESN'T tell you is that you need to die in order to obtain code. Charles got code from his brother, VV. If Lelouche is able to use his geass on Charles and make him kill himself, then we know he wasn't immortal and didn't have full access to the immortality and geass immunity code gives you.
Secondly, a person with code is only able to die when a geass has become powerful enough to develop in both eyes. A geass user with a geass in BOTH EYES killing someone with code is how code is passed on to someone else. Lelouche achieves this and KILLS CHARLES WHO HAS CODE. Lelouche gains his code, therefore he's immortal now. Code not activating until death is also the reason why Lelouche is still able to use his geass up until he gets stabbed in the chest.
Thirdly, this idea of geass not activating upon death is reinforced by this flashback of CC obtaining her code. In this flashback, we can see that they are BOTH dead. We know this because the blood puddles are completely separate and there's nothing between them. CC is dead because that's how code needs to be activated.
With Lelouche achieving a dual geass in his eyes, Charles having code, Lelouche killing Charles, and Lelouche dying, we can safely assume that Lelouche is indeed alive and has code.

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That seems interesting, where's it from?

Kallen is best girl and the globalists don't want you to know about it. Creayus is a masonic agent.

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Why is Kallen such a retard?

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Except that's literally not what he did. When he used his Geass on Nunnally, he only ordered hear to give him the launch device for the Fleija, after that, he couldn't do anything else to her, nor did he implant some splooge of memories that would trigger when he died. The accepted reasons are either Nunnally developed some kind of super intuition, as seen with a few episodes prior when she figured out her secretary was writing up a shit plan for the Elevens. Or Lelouch got a code and he was projecting his memories just like CC was able to do whenever she touched people. Damn, you're dense.

Not really, or at least it was the best that Lelouche had to work with given the circumstances and his shift in perspective .

>Probably Sunrise’s best show.
Not even their top 10.

>Name ONE video game character that is as captivating and well-written as Lelouch vi Britannia.
Lelouch vi Britannia

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>Ohgi and Kallen with high loyalty

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Now post the Jeremiah score.

Charles could have just been trolling, since you never see the usual brainscan image that shows up whenever Lelouch successfully geasses somebody. As for him being alive, it's been confirmed by Sunrise that the original series is open to however you want to look at it, Lelouch is dead or alive depending on how you want to see it. Meanwhile, the new continuity has him 100% alive thanks to a code and he'll probably be back for more adventures since he's now adopting the alias of LL.

Is the movie trilogy and good? More specifically resurrection?

>voice is way too deep
No such thing.

His was still the better plan of all 3, it actually allowed for there to be a future that could see peace instead of endless war.

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>few animes where the English dub is better
you dub fags are delusional kys

a weapon is only as evil as the person who wields it.
Schnigger had Britannia's support.
By having Suzaku be his only ally, Lelouche managed to have everybody, from races to countries to political parties to individuals, hate the one irrefutably-evil big bad, himself, and therefore the whole world would be united against him.

Cope, friendo

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>illoyal retard
>best girl

most dubs just try to imitate the original VA (and fail)

are there actually still retards who think he is dead, in the year 2019

Rarely, and plenty succeed.

Is the movie good? Hell, is it even translated yet?

Because the original ending isn't entirely clear one way or the other. Learn to deal with it already.

delusion you only think that because you never saw the original i know because i was a dub homosexual too

>The best song plays only once in the whole show

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It got dubbed earlier in the year. Pretty sure it, and the condensed trilogy are all on DVD now. It's just a matter of when will Sunrise be coming back to milk the series with an anime set after Resurrection.

You said those with the code are immortal AND unaffected by geass, yet claim that Charles, who has the code, was affected by Lelouche's geass. Not to mention there's no way Charles WOULDN'T be fully aware that his code was gone throughout that entire lengthy encounter, and Charles' whole plan required two codes. Also pic related right before he dies for real (not by Lelouche mind you)

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I've seen both, and it's hardly delusion to enjoy both, kiddo.

I was looking for this thank you

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>watching the atrocious english voices even after listening to the original
holy shit stop digging yourself deeper

Is it good?

>Pre recorded message trick from season 1
Okay maybe he's just really predictable
>pulls the same trick in season 2 but has an insanely philosophical debate with the person he PRE RECORDED his message for
No. Fuck off. Lelouch is written like shit.

>hating on the black power ranger
fucking kys

>You said those with the code are immortal AND unaffected by geass, yet claim that Charles, who has the code, was affected by Lelouche's geass.
My entire argument revolved around the idea that code doesn't activate until you die. I said that Charles has VV's code but he knew that dying was necessary to activate it and become immortal.

i don't associate with sjw dykes and tranny niggers aka western voice actors

Not digging into anything, retard.

that's rich coming from a dub fag

Only thing is, we don't know if that's the requirement for the code to activate or not. Plus, VV was still alive despite losing his code, and died before Lelouch bamboozled his daddy with the mirrors.


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anything he says to someone during their enslavement remains sealed from their memory until either his condition, if any, is met, or he dies and everyone is released from his control. He may not have detailed everything for her but he'd told her enough to put two-and-two together. Your example of her knowing the secretary's plan was just her being cautious knowing that she'll meet many obstacles trying to undo what the empire has been doing since forever.

>CC's "Right Lelouche?"
She's literally crying over his death during the event. What, you've never addresses a dead friend like you would an imaginative one?

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>getting upset at words
Cry harder, kiddo. It's hilarious that you have no actual argument to stand on other than "reee, I hate dubs". It's hilariously sad.

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Is the movie lelouch of the ressurection good? Or is it a mockery of the original?

>none of his responses ever directly respond to Schneizel's points, and is effectively a monologue broken up to allow Shneizel time to talk.
>he's said and demonstrated that he knows Schneizel extremely well

>have no actual argument
i don't argue with retards i just call them names, retard.

>is it a mockery of the original?
>lelouche lives

This is so pathetic

Stop feeding the troll

He's already immortal and has the code well before meeting Lelouche.

did dunkey really imply this? when?

I liked all the intro themes, the mechas and something about Lelouch's giga-Washington dad, plus maybe just how weird the twists keep getting. Otherwise too much of it falls into the usual retarded-side of anime appeals, even the other stuff on Adult Swim at the time was better.

I think I got by it thanks to another high school friends poking fun at it with me, like how the other guy keeps doing ceiling drop-kicks out of nowhere.

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It doesn't matter. He perfectly times all of his responses regardless, which is just insanely unrealistic and kind of stupid.

He didn't reveal anything to Nunnally at all when he geassed her. Christ, you're reaching harder than any other theorist for the series I've seen yet. And nothing has ever once implied that the death of a geass user would unseal memories for someone who was geassed. Nunnally was still blind and shit well after her father gave up his geass for a code, and even longer still after being absorbed into "God". She didn't gain anything when she broke the geass on her eyes of her own will. As for the secretary, she touched her hand and instantly knew the bitch was up to something, then tried to do the same with Suzaku when he was being dodgy during one of their conversations. She either gained super bullshit detection powers, or Lelouch had a code and showed her his true thoughts before he died. The ending of the original continuity has been left open for years, and will continue to be so while the new one goes with Lelouch being alive so any side can be happy.

The show heavily implies that death is needed to activate code. I don't want to reiterate it, but please look at my argument for the pools of blood in Another argument I could make about death being necessary for code to activate is this part right here. When Zero is rushing to stab Lelouche in the chest and jumps over Jeremiah, Jeremiah smiles. Do you really think a man as fiercely devoted to Lelouche would just allow him to be stabbed or even smile? Lelouche figured out that death was needed to activate code and probably told him the plan.
Technically whether or not Charles is immortal before or after Lelouche makes him shoot himself is irrelevant. Charles having the code and Lelouche killing him is what's important.

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Whatever, retard.

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Whats important is that Charles doesn't lose his code to Lelouche.

>whether or not Charles is immortal before or after Lelouche makes him shoot himself is irrelevant
not that user, but what kind of immortality are we talking about here? like can't age or die naturally? or impervious to death?
because if it's the latter doesn't that seem important?

is that how dub fags cope with being called out?

My favorite show, also has a insane dub.

He can also be smiling because his master is embracing his destiny and enacting a plan that will (as unrealistic as it is) save the world from its constant cycle of war. For fucks sake, why can't you kiddos just accept that the original series is meant to be open to interpretation already? The new movies have a clear vision with Lelouch alive, while the original leaves it open to however you want to look at it; Lelouch got a code and fucks off to travel the world, or he dies to atone for all the sins he committed after gaining his power. It's not fucking rocket science.

No, it's how people deal with idiots who have no arguments, like you.

Animes where dub > sub?

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Ghost stories
Cowboy beepboop
Darker than black

Correct answer, you win! Congratulations.

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>not wanting to hear haruhi soul melting voice

It’s okay but her dub voice is way better

>why can't you kiddos just accept that the original series is meant to be open to interpretation already?
Because the real ending is a satisfying payoff that ties into the themes and motivations of it's characters, and the other directly undermines those themes and motivations, thought up by brainlets who are unable to accept anything less than a perfectly happy ending to everything. One requires simple reading of the text to understand, the other requires insane levels of mental gymnastics conspiracy theories to justify. One is a brilliant and bittersweet ending that leaves no dangling plot threads, the other is a lazy cop out done only to allow the series to be milked to death and to satisfy emotionally stunted children.

>lying on the internet

Code Geass is a masterpiece withim the anime industry. If you like anime there's no way you won't like it, and if you don't like anime you might end up liking it after watching Code Geass.

>Whats important is that Charles doesn't lose his code to Lelouche.
Except he does though. He clearly has the symbol for code on his hand when he strangles Lelouche right before Lelouche kills him. Even if you don't believe the idea that code activates upon death, the show plainly says that a geass user with a geass in two eyes is needed to kill someone with code to pass it on, which is what Lelouche does.
The type of immortality people with code has is the latter. Though I'm saying it's not important because Charles could have killed himself prior to Lelouche using the mirrors. An user pointed out that you don't see the brainscan when Lelouche uses his code so Charles could have genuinely just been fucking with Lelouche. It doesn't change my argument.
Jeremiah was going on a psychotic rampage to fucking murder Zero and then instantly joined his forces when he found out he was part of the family he Jeremiah was first assigned to serve. I doubt he'd just smile and let someone kill Lelouche for something as trite or as generic as "embracing his destiny."
Also, I think it's ironic that you say the original ending is "open to however you want to look at it." Though when I give my arguments and use moments from the show as evidence, I'm just supposed to stop because the ending is only supposed to be "open to interpretation."

So just to be clear here, nobody here actually thinks Code Geass is GOOD, right? You can go ahead and say that it's fun or that you enjoyed the wild crazy bullshit, but let's not pretend that Code Geass is well-written or even good for that matter. It's not.

Samurai Pizza Cats

But it is and it also has the best anime ending of all time.

Whatever, the ending is literally open, and both are equally bittersweet. If you can't accept that, it's your problem.

This might be kind of controversial, and I would't blame anyone for disagreeing with me, but Berserk '97

>angsty twink Light Yagami for fags

Pic related. It's an actually well written character. Or rather the world is so brilliantly written around the character so anything you do fits. If you haven't played the game, trust me, it counts as main character writing too.

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Because the ending has literally never been confirmed one way or the other for over a decade. Some people on the staff that made it felt Lelouch was dead, others believed he was alive. The fact that they went to the trouble of making an alternate continuity he's 100% alive clearly indicates that they want to let fans of the original be able to interpret the ending however they want.

Code Geass is a show that would rather tell us over and over how smart Lelouche is rather than fucking demonstrating it. Christ, Lelouche is almost like Joseph Joestar in how asspullish his victories are.

>the show plainly says that a geass user with a geass in two eyes is needed to kill someone with code to pass it on, which is what Lelouche does.
He literally doesn't kill him though, it's the 'collective unconscious that erases Charles and Marianne from existence.

>not a fag as well
He and L literally are seconds from kissing in the episode where he finally kills L.

>you can go ahead and say that it's good but let's not pretend that it's good
Do you have brain problems?

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>ywn be here back in 2008 to experience it with Yea Forums

yeah sounds like him

They were absorbed, not erased. Whatever that collective must be like on the inside, they're part of it, just like they wanted.

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>delicious chocolate that low
fuck off

Look, I understand that Code Geass is known for being off the walls and insane, and I'm willing to make peace with that. But this show just does not have competent storytelling, I'm sorry.

There's a special quality in something that makes it such a beautiful trainwreck that it transcends traditional standards of good writing to become something meaningful in its own right.


This Think of it kind of like Jojo. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is extremely poorly written, stupid, and makes no sense. It's inconsistent, and the writer LITERALLY has brain damage and can't keep a consistent character arc going for an entire part. But the reason why folks like Jojo's is because of how absurd it is.

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What are some other must-see trainwrecks that are so all-over-the-place that they end up being good in a stupid way?

>code geass
>samural flamenco
What else?

It's like The Room, the movie, not the Silent Hill game. It's bad for a lot of different reasons, and does have some genuine brilliant moments. But the amount of bad is just so astonishingly crazy, that you find yourself hooked on it to see it through to the end, even when you're asking things like "Why make THAT joke when your powers are clearly on the fritz?" or "This plan wouldn't work in real life, even if someone did manage to make themselves more hated than the most hated historical figures".
It just manages somehow to make the most of its terrible decisions, along with its few shining instances, to become something that has had lasting appeal for over a decade now.

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Was Samurai Flemenco bad? I watched it years and years ago with a friend and enjoyed it perfectly fine.

Is it the almost whiplash-like change in tone half way?

I would throw Death Note in there but you've probably already seen it.

i fucking love keikaku doori characters

kira from deathnote
aizen from bleach

by far my favorite character trope, the 8d transdimensional chess player

Cross Ange

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>deadfags still COPEING
There is nothing the AU trilogy + Re;surrection changed that explains Lelouch suddenly having code during Re;surrection. He always had code in the original ending. Deadfags finally got BTFO and they can't face facts.

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*blocks your path*

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R1 is unironically pretty good.
R2 is walking the line between so-bad-it's-good and just plain bad.
One of the biggest issues is the powercreep from engaging and exciting Real Robot powers where the mook bots actually pose some threat, to bullshit super robo fights from the end of R1 onwards where the only fucking people that matter at all in any battle are the main characters.

A game example would be Asura's Wrath. It should have just been an anime, but something about it being a Japanese-made Heavy Detroit: Beyond Fahrenheit makes it stand out. The fights put even the most insane DBZ battles to shame with the MC literally punching a giant's finger so hard that he explodes, to finding the be-all end-all God of everything and punching him because his kid was crying. Doesn't quite excuse the bullshit with the true ending being DLC, but that was back when Capcom was being especially retarded with DLC.

your explanation may be the right one, but I don't like it. I just prefer my understanding and would rather remain true to my fond memory and interpretation, headcannon though it may be
When he controlled her, he told her that he can fulfill his destiny, and there was a cut to Nunnaly regaining control of herself. I later interpreted from this that the cut may have been longer than was shown, and he may have explained a little more to her behind the scenes before walking away. Her eyes, I figured even if the geass on her was broken, she may have remained psychologically blind. Her intuition, I interpreted as intelligence as well as the common trope of blind people being very perceptive.

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Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

fire punch is garbage

It's a fucking trainwreck but absolutely enjoyable, the asspulls are so ridiculous you can't just hate them honestly.

Based Heero lmao.

Yes. Don't let the contrarians turn you away from this.

>all that hype about s3
>turned to be just a movie
fucking bandai

s3 is probably still happening, they recently confirmed they have planned 10 years of code geass content

Nigger, I have watched roughly 750 anime series. Code Geass is my favorite. Suck my meat balls.

But there isn't a cut during his geassing of Nunnally. He accepts the key to the Damocles, thanks hers and basically says his goodbyes, likely not knowing if he'd have another chance to speak with her when the requiem plan goes into action. As soon as he walks away, the geass wears off and she tries to give chase, but is thwarted by the mortal enemy of all cripples; stairs. While you can certainly take his words as clues for her to work with, it's still not entirely clear. And all I'm saying is that with the new continuity going with an alive Lelouch, it allows fans of the original to believe in whichever ending they want, since there's now a continuity entirely for those who wanted him to live on as an immortal.

For years it was alivefags who were the headcannon theorists. Now the roles have reversed and deadfags have to come up with theories why lelouch is dead. Cope more.

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750 isn't a lot. That's like half of this decade's anime output.

>All these arguments
The most important thing is that best girl won.

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True, but they could always just do even more AU shit. There's at least 4 mangos that were all pretty distinct in their take on events, plus there's always that Akihito or whatever the hell it was called if they decide to do more expanded universe content. And they could even just recycle some game plots into OVAs if they're feeling creatively bankrupt. On one hand, it does mean more stuff with the girls, but at the same time it does kind of kill the niche charm the series had when it was largely dormant for so many years beyond side materials.

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There was nothing headcanon about it. It's literally in the title of the anime. Not Code and Geass. Code Geass. Both combined on one supreme being.

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Hear hear!

I figured it was a quiet cut so that watchers don't necessarily notice it. Don't make me think too much about it, I've conceded to your point already, though I prefer my understanding of it, like the above-quoted post explains it.

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Except nobody's coping because the original continuity is still open. AU is all for the alivefans, so big whoop.

Just saying, it didn't seem like a cut given the scene didn't shift away until Lelouch had the key and was leaving the room to enact the final stages of his plan.

Yea Forums When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil?

No it wasn't good. It's a movie created solely to pander to CCxLelouch shippers. It's only saving grace is confirming once and for all that Lelouch had code in the original ending.

based as fuck. don't even know the context but based.

Except Code holders can't wield Geass. Once they gain a code, the geass is lost.

>Decide to check it out
>casual discussion of cannibalism
>"You're delicious, brother!"
>sister tries to get impregnated by her brother
>all in the first chapter
This was published in fucking Jump?

>t. seething Kallenfag

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With the AU being overwhelming evidence in favor of Lelouch being alive due to the fact both universes share the same rules.

I'm a proud Lelouch is alive fag thank you very much.

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I know, stop making me think about it, you're making me realize they probably switched to Nunnaly immediately because they didn't wanna bother animating Lelouch getting up.

Yeah, I agree. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Death Note is extremely homoerotic yet it's miles away from being as faggy as that detective wannabe slice of life anime with westaboo robot empires and slender dreamy princes for girls with shit taste.

And yet the fact that they had to make an alternate universe in the first place shows that they clearly want to leave the original open to interpretation, otherwise they would have just made the Resurrection movie since fuckall changes and would have ended the debate then and there. If you want to believe he's alive in both, go ahead, doesn't change the fact that people are equally welcome to believe he gave his life in the original series.

Doesn't change the fact cc is best girl.

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Post the damn clip

Yes and the arguments in favor of him being alive outweigh him being dead. Like I said, the roles have reversed.

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I didn't say otherwise. Shipperfags get the rope though.


Whatever, bub

Sorry for the late reply, I was moving boxes
>the 'collective unconscious that erases Charles and Marianne from existence.
Well it was Lelouche who used his geass to command god to wipe them from existence, so he's still responsible for their deaths, aka he killed them. The way I see it, the idea of killing someone with code isn't really specified in the show. It just needs to be someone who has achieved a geass in both eyes.
Like, let's say that someone goes up to another person and shoots them with a gun. You could say that yes, the gun technically killed the person. But it was the person using the gun that caused the death to happen. Since Lelouche is the one that ordered god to kill Charles and Marianne, he is responsible for their death.

Imagine spending 13 years drawing one girl

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>big whoop
Thanks for playing and good night.

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I am legit surprised there are people who still haven’t watched it. It’s my favorite show and first legitimate anime I watched that wasn’t Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh

Yea, you were totally under the thumb of the dead fans, sure thing pal

It's glorious, I know.

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>that one time Heero out bluffed Lelouch by not caring if Relena died to kill Lelouch in the process

he said 2006
i was here for that, the end of season 1 was AMAZING AS FUCK to be in the threads at the time.

>he dies and everyone is released from his control
Nobody gets released from control when he dies. That's actually pretty important to the plot. Suzaku has to live and Schneizel as the best authority figure for what's left of Britannia has to do Suzaku's bidding as Zero.


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I think it's time to close the tab and hide the thread friend.

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It's especially funny because only Euphie managed to fight off the geass to some extent, yet Schnitzel doesn't even flinch as he falls under control. His dumb bitch of a half-sister had a greater willpower, let that sink in.

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Yea, you probably should since you've got nothing but "we wuz oppressed by the dead fags" and other lies.

>Lelouch mentions how Schneizel always beat him at chess
>the last time they could have played chess together is when Lelouch was a little boy

The emperors first speech is bretty gud even if it's ridiculously fascist

Pretty realistic in scope though. Not everyone is equal, and fighting to survive pretty much is how everyone has to get by in some capacity.

>What was I thinking about just now... something about Japan?

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It's not good at all. It's just pandering, basically, and trying to tease one more tortured plot out of an exhausted narrative.

Not to mention that it shits all over Geass. It is established, or at least extremely heavily implied, that Geass powers can ONLY do things that affect the mind in some fashion. It's consistent, it's not magic in that you can't pull new powers out of your ass with it, it's just very specific telepathy. Resurrection throws that out the window for no reason.

I'd have preferred an entirely new story in the setting, frankly. Maybe get my boy Oz his own show.

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Yeah okay sure thing buddy.

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touhou is jay pee
gunddaniel is emm

I don't like anime but yes

If that's how you want to cope with things, be my guest, friendzarelli.

Wasn't her Geass just sending her mind back six hours?

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what would your geass power be?
Mine would be able to make someone hate whoever i want them to hate.

Yes, and that's fucking retarded. It's fucking time travel. It specifically doesn't fall under the umbrella of 'very specific telepathy' like every other Geass power.

Something like that. It wasn't quite time-travel, but it wasn't quite super precognition like Bisquick's

That’s kind of gay and pretty villainous. How would you be able to use that to save the Japs from Europoors?

Make one commander hate the viceroy etc

Bismark's wasn't precognition, it was just narrow-focused mind reading. He wasn't seeing the future, he was seeing the next move that his target saw themselves making. It's why it did fuck all vs Spinzaku, because he wasn't even actively making any decisions as to his move, he was just letting his Live command work with his subconscious. He wasn't envisioning himself making any moves, he was just moving, with no delay between thought and act.

Hey retard, did you forget the Bismarck who could are a few seconds into the future because of his Geass?

I always hear this. It makes me curious what the reaction to Lelouch and Schneizel's chess game was.

I'd take the ability to transfer my sould into other peoples body and posess them, so i could posess a girl and fuck myself with a dragondildo. After i would posess trump and press the red button to erase the entire world (except japan)

That's basically precognition though.

>its retarded
>its brilliant

It's not, it's mind reading that provides the same information that precognition would. That's the difference.

I don't remember Kallen ever being presented as dense.

Or Ohgi ever being presented as smart.

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That's Marianne's Geass though.

Says the user bringing up some poor meta argument out of no where. It's okay no ones gonna hurt you, I mean "oppress" you. Hahahaha The state of deadfags post Re;surrection.

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Stole your ability
Nothing personal, kid

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You're the one who brought up some nonsense about the dead fan oppressing the alive ones. So yea, you're bringing up poor arguments, not I.

Perception erasure. Activate geass, become unnoticeable as long as I don't do anything overt. Blend into the background, people don't question my presence or what I'm doing as long as I'm not slapping them and screaming in their face. Bonus points because it absolutely becomes a curse when I inevitably overuse it and lose control of it.

I still appear on camera and shit like that, obviously.

Find me the post where I say the word oppress. I'll wait all day. What about the other "lies" I posted, kek.

Prior to his jungle fever, Ohgi was pretty competent, hence why Lelouch gave him such a high position. Once he found a naked chick in a dumpster, his dick took over and he went beyond full retard.

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Whatever, kiddo. You're the one being delusional here.

>captivating and well-written

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>even admits that the meta argument he brought up is poor
Have a nice rest of the day ESL.
based except the ending with the retarded screaming

Never said anything that wasn't proper English, newfag. But hey, if that's how you cope, you do you.

Besides bringing up the word "oppress" out of no where because you don't have a firm grasp on the language. What about the other "lies" you claim I posted kek.
>you do you, whatever, big whoop
If you really don't care stop replying top kek.

Imagine being so halfassed that you could prevent L etc. just by sacrificing half of your lifespan and not doing it.

did you say trumpets?

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Saying that word doesn't mean I don't understand the language, newfag. Keep reaching, just like how you think the original series had one and only one way to view the ending, despite a decade of the team never saying it was one way over another.

It clearly does when you don't know what it means or when to use it. No I accepted it. Like I said the evidence in favor of him being alive is overwhelming. Deal with it.

I tried so hard to enjoy Code Geass and I had to force myself to watch every episode (that I watched). Finally dropped it like 5 episodes into the second season. It's really overrated.

Let me end your argument.
Lelouch died and it was fucking obivous, they only made it "questionable" so it would be easier to explain a sequel if they felt like cashing more out of the anime.
There is nothing more to understand

Really? if anything i`d say its still underrated. You dont see an unorthodox anime explode so hard every day

>people still argue about whether lelouch died or not

Charles' code is the key to the whole thing and it either vanished into thin air or lelouch had it. Either way the ending was absolutely setup in a way that the author could pick one or the other if he wanted to continue

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I think it being on Netflix for years has gained it mainstream status. My normie, non-weeb friend was actually the first person to even suggest it to me, this was before I'd even watched a lot of anime.

>he died because I said so ree
Now who's the one who's saying "the original series had one and only one way to view the ending". Top kek ESL-kun.

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No, they made it questionable because there was no definitive answer if he got a code, or if he accepted his death as he had once implied way back in the beginning of the series.

New CodeMent, when?

the purpleeyeswtf abridged series was pretty funny. damn shame he didn't finish it.

>Yea Forums is one person
>Spamming ESL
You dont seem to be smart enough for me to use any more effort.

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Or the author decides to make an entirely new universe so he can wank off the MC while the original can be fought over by fans for another decade or more.

Apologies, it is an anonymous website after all.

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I wonder if he ever really planned to do the whole thing or only the first season. I recall some really vague thing about "when I get halfway, I'll know what to do" and then that was it. Guess things just changed, probably due to his technician job.

He would've never done it. Even if he had the opportunity to sacrifice himself in order to create his ideal world, he would've never done it. The only reason Light took up the Death Note was because he was bored. Light dying of natural causes (with or without his life shortened) would be his own worst possible end. Virtually every moral argument he made towards the use of the Death Note was purely a rationale on his part to justify his own unknowing desire to use it in the first place. In fact, I would go so far to say that Light would probably say Light would lose all reason to live should he ever actually truly succeeded.

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Well we know from his brief bout with amnesia that the "old" Light wasn't a fan of Kira (and probably would have had conniption if he had learned that HE was Kira). It's certainly clear that he was someone drunk on power more so than any kind of actual righteous drive, even if he did constantly use that excuse whenever her got coerced into explaining his motive.

Best song

Weakest bait in this bait-ridden thread.

Those were different times.

>a CG thread has been more active on Yea Forums than Yea Forums or /m/

Yeah it is. Unlike video games it's actually fun

it's pure fan pandering but there is still crazy stuff in there that isn't expected and it's very entertaining for people who have watched the original and just want more of the world, characters, and ridiculousness. it's not as good as the original but it's not trying to be, just something different.
I will say DO NOT watch the originals right before the new ones, you'll only confuse yourself from having to watch multiple scenes again. just start watching it, remembering the basics is enough. also watching it in a theater with a bunch of weebs yelling at the screen was fun too.

Tamaki deserved a higher loyalty score he fucking defended Lelouch

Kallen has a lot more time in the ending of ressurection and in the new movie she has the most screen and plot time besides lelouche and cc. but if you are hoping for a kallen ship, don't

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Light just had the fucking bad luck of finding it during his chunni years, he can be all smart but teenagers are fucking edgelords

Hell yah

>Shirley anywhere near the top

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24 hours retard

Tamaki's loyalty was vapid and ever-changing.

>have a tool that can inconspicuously kill anybody in the world from anywhere
>get caught in like a month

how was he a genius again?

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Swap Kallen and Shirley

again teenage years, he found it during his most stupid moments, he was brash, confrontional and never fucking lost the chance to go
>ninoninonino what naow L?
Adult Light would have probably burn it or just drop it in the trashcan, also reminder thar Ryuk is spiteful too, he murdered a dude he gave the death note cuz he didnt want anything to do with it and sold it

she's kept alive by barely being in it. she has very few lines and just pops up randomly, never really interacting with the main characters and being removed from the plot entirely. so if you're hoping for more shirley, don't.

yeah get herself killed and make Suzaku believe he geass her to kill herself

>make alternate universe
>make the single most important moment in the original show, shirley's death, not happen

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He fucked himself immensely when he fell for L's opening gambit. L narrowed his search down by like 99.5% right there and then. If he'd taken the time to think it through at that point he probably would have won. But he acted rash because his pride was challenged and got burned.

>Shirley's death
>the single most important moment

Well put.

Congrats on missing the jokes, dipshit.

gundam 00 second season

basically anything made by sunrise between 2007 and 2017

Lelouche is capable of some extreme shit to achieve his machinations but he's more of an eccentric in an oppressive world. Light is a literal unapologetic murderer who wants control the world as a death god, he's more obviously self-centered and "crazy". and yes s1 only with extended ending is the true death note. s2 feels like a joke in comparison, I'm glad it can basically be considered an alternate ending.

Every person I've shown it to says its complete shit and I agree but then again I think its because I've actually seen more than a handful of mecha titles unlike the bulk of the people here recommending it or saying its good. It has a lot of fucking flaws and lives on a moment to moment basis where shit happens and eventually gets explained or never at all. Its claim to fame was really how it generated discussion back then while it was airing before board culture became complete shit and anime was still a niche within a niche instead of a "trending topic" whenever a bunch of autists scream about watching an episode every week. No show has come out that has brought Yea Forums together as much as Code Geass did since the posters are far too cynical to just sit down and enjoy or good trainwreck or everything that has tried the same moniker were just far too unpolished to get noticed and even the original creators couldn't recapture the magic again given how shitty the new movie was.

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baccano since not only is the VA great, the characters are mostly americans and european immigrants and the show takes place mostly in new york.

>boku janai
i almost forgot about that one

why can't storytelling be good while also being ridiculous? code geass is not some accident, it knows what it is and is designed with purpose. all the things you think are bad about it actually enhance the work greatly imo.

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High INT low WIS

>haha it's all a movie lmao

The answer would be me

Samurai Flamenco is an experience.
I think it rather defies narrative criticism, and the animation is fine, so... It's really difficult to say whether it's bad or good, really.

what could have been

Baccano is amazing, actually. I always forget about it, but it's another one of those shows where the plot maintains a sort of coherent incoherence, but everything about it is charming enough that it excels anyway.

I agree with what most of what you said, but Samurai Flamenco came close to being the same level of togetherness on the board. At least for that one episode that everyone watched.

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>but Samurai Flamenco came close to being the same level of togetherness on the board.
No it didn't it was basically a bunch of autists spamming. SamFlam was nowhere near the level of unity that held the board like Code Geass. The only other anime that had that effect to a lesser extent was Guilty Crown or more recently Franxx. SamFlam was just immensely unpopular but had a standout moment that caught people's eye which ironically enough made half of them drop the show.

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Is lost color even good as fan service code geass game?

Oh please, everyone dropped GC by the third episode when it became crystal clear that was basically Code Geass 2.0, but with a beta bitch for the MC.

They had the best ending.

>everyone dropped GC by the third episode
So many people dropped it it became a meme in itself. They dropped it every week!


Ep1 - ordinary teenager meets mysterious girl who DROPPED
Ep2 - Engrish in OP DROPPED
Ep3 - back to school DROPPED
Ep4 - surface tension how does it work DROPPED
Ep5 - NTR everywhere DROPPED
Ep6 - fusing Personas without visiting Velvet Room DROPPED
Ep7 - calling your mom by her first name DROPPED
Ep8 - Inori is my DROPPED
Ep9 - actually decent episode DROPPED
Ep10 - Inori smiles DROPPED
Ep12 - 7 year olds jumping 10 foot gaps DROPPED
Ep13 - back to school AGAIN DROPPED
Ep14 - Shoe acting alpha DROPPED
Ep16 - Hitler and Franks DROPPED
Ep19 - I am the bone of my void SEGAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DROPPED
Ep20 - Choosing your friends wisely is hereditary DROPPED
Ep21 - Jesus on a segway what the fuck DROPPED
Ep22 - Baby robots, Forever Alone Cripple End, and Arisa still alive DROPPED forever

At least the girl in the literal catsuit was cute

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I can't tell if this is edited or not. I both recall some moments thinking that they clearly could have shown more, but also seeing this scene and thinking it was weird and off-tone.

Nope, her nips were there for all to see, in the uncensored versions of the episodes. And Kallen had a pretty crazy titty game going on, and a pretty great ass too.

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Sometimes it's about what you don't show, rather than what you do.

That must have been it. Seeing one season censored, another uncensored. Either way, you raise a good point.

>I'm so powerful I can make you do something you'd never dream of

Seems like a pretty good way of getting his point across.

Far as I recall, they just blurred the nips and that was that. Now, we can't even have an anime where a guy gropes a girl's tits and ass entirely for comedic effect, nope, gotta freeze the image like your TV feed is having a hiccup.

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Akumetsu, even though it's a manga. I dream of the day they make an Akumetsu anime.

But he wasn't intending to use it on her at all. And he knew his powers were acting up, yet he decided to make a joke that blew up in his face harder than a regrettable tweet.

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You know full well that would never get an even half decent animated tv series because of all the titties and implied prostitution. Not to mention all the decapitations and dismemberment.


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Fucking Goblin Slayer got an adaption, and that deserved it 100 times less than Akumetsu does.


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Goblin Slayer also sells a shitload, and most of the rape ends up being off-screen after the first chapter.

I liked Mao. I liked his clapping thing. He was funny.

>What do you mean you pooped yourself to death? Fucking Tamagotchi!

What makes this series so special? I always hear the show being praised, but I never a legitimate response beyond "it's just a really good show." I'd like to know what specifically about the plot, characters, setting, etc that make people enjoy this series so much.

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Wait a minute, this isn't Chinese Checkers, hell, this isn't even normal Checkers. Well, I'm screwed.

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Missing Anya

It's premise is how the main character is essentially a heroic villain. He's at once both helping a downtrodden people rise in power to reclaim their homeland, while also using them as a means to chip away at the forces of the people he wants to get revenge upon for not helping to save his mother. And for the most part, it's pretty fun seeing how Lelouch is largely uncaring for a good portion of the series when it comes to the plight of the Japanese. While he's not entirely dismissive of them, his biggest priority is uncovering who dun killed his mom, and is mostly fine with weeding out most of the Japanese rebels simply because he knows they'd be more trouble to keep around despite the potential boost to his forces. This comes to a head when he really begins to truly embrace his rhetoric; creating a unified realm for all peoples, a dream shared by his sisters Euphemia and Nunnally. Before then, he was basically putting on airs and using the likes of Kallen to get his needs done first, and only worried about the Japanese on a few occasions when his sense of justice wasn't overwhelmed by his lust for vengeance.

>That charisma

Thanks for making it sound interesting, user. I'll keep it in mind if I wanna watch something soon.

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Literally only has that score because he got the job because of being best friends with Kallen's dead brother.

Again, he was pretty competent prior to finding Villetta and choosing hoes over homies. He might not have ever been a genius, but he wasn't a total retard from the start, like Tamaki.

Nah, he's still pretty spineless when he has to have Zero cajole him and the others into becoming the Black Knights.

Courage and intelligence aren't the same thing.

I was pointing out why his charisma score was high in the first place. Nothing about his intelligence or loyalty.

Evil NTR powers.

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Honestly the show was pretty boring except for Lelooch's monumental fuck-up at the end of S1 and how absolutely fucking insane things got for the last ~7 episodes of S2

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rate my shitty list

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Pedo with a hint of normalfag/10
>no best girl

What the fuck is wrong with wanting to sniff toki's butt?

Fuck forgot pic

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I had Jeremiah in S too but i wanted to show it to someone else so i took him out for the moment

Ahh a fellow cunnysseur.

>Kaguya at S

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>451 replies
>Not ONE character posted that is better written than Lelouch

>Code geass thread outside of nu/a/
ill take what i can get dude

how bad is nu/a/?

go take a 5 minute stroll over there then comeback to tell me what you think

I wish the chinese empress had more character because she's the cutest

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It is potentially the most awful thing to ever have been conceptualised by the human race

Kallen got captured because she stormed off with a mecha with empty batteries...
She isn‘t the sharpest tool in the shed.


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That makes me so salty. I watched it late and it pretty much instantly become my favorite, but I totally missed all the camaraderie of watching it as it came out.

>cliffhanger ending

>It is 2019
>he's still butthurt about Euphinator despite Lelouch losing control of his Geass being repeatedly foreshadowed

Real retard is you, staying for years because your waifu died

Her being alive is pointless retcon that does not affect anything. She gets brief scene in Movie version of R2E25 epilogue together with Kallen. In Resurrection she gets quick cameo and honor of being topic of one conversation between Lelouch & C.C. at the end where Shirleyfags get cucked once again because Lulu chooses C.C. over her.

Only when killing the Code bearer who granted them their Geass (CC & Nun, Charles & VV). Lelouch found the loophole by killing the Code bearer that did not give him one.

Your butthurt only makes the Best Girl winning sweeter

To be fair its explicitly mentioned that Geass grows in power every time its used. One Euphy got hit with was nothing compared to what Schnitzel got as 3 episodes before Lelouch's Geass was already powerful enough to control God. Real Willpower Stacy is Nunnally, who managed to briefly resist Lelouch Geass at its height.