Why did you stop playing Dota?

Why did you stop playing Dota?

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I'd honestly reply to your query if it wasn't for the fact your image is aimed at captivating the dopamineless.

Never started


i want luna to sit on my face

I was a twitch streamer with 3000 viewers a day down to 200 after whores moved from myfreecams to twitch

Whan Skeleton King got removed for the green meme faggot and events when full paid and got boring as fuck

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all my friends have over 4k hours in the game they go between hating the game constantly. I just play fighting games instead and actually improve. They hate themselves. I'm glad I stopped playing any mobas after I learned how the meta works.

>random matchmaking with forced 50/50
Yeah nah I'd rather throw myself and my friends into an meat grinder where we can have fun before dying instead of being punished for being good, but not good enough

We can fap to the SFM later

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I still remember the meme with icefrog serving players a plate full of shit to which they respond "this is shit" yet continue to eat it everyday

Patch 7.00 ruined it completely, but I still tried. Then the influx of retards that flood the game during TI made me finally quit for good a year ago.

friends moved on to Heroes of Newerth

because i couldn't git gud, like in real life

i stoped 5 years ago
doesnt stop me from watching every pro tourney tho
shit is cash
and my based Lacoste croat bro is in
im a happy man

Because I spent 185 hours learning to play the game and found out I can't fucking stand the clunky fucking animation timing.

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i didnt

Dota was fine and the game was more balanced than ever, but Valve is so fucking out of touch with their audience that they thought their game was unbalanced and unpopular so LET'S ADD IN BULLSHIT FROM OTHER MOBA GAMES
Fucking Christ I had 6k hours played, once 7.0 dropped I never touched it again

zoom zoom

7.00 was not made for balance. It was made to gain new players after 2 years of continuing decline. The game was losing (and kept losing players again just days after 7.00 futile attempt) until the dotachess meme.

I became addicted to monster hunter

Preserving badly coded game behavior because you balanced your metagame around invisible creeps doesn't make your taste sophisticated. It means you can't adapt to a change in game mechanics you absolute fucking retard.

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>It means you can't adapt blah blah blah
au contraire, shitter zoomer


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What are you even babbling about? It sounds like you are a lol baby that complains about the turn rate when in reality it is not a mistake or "bad coding" but rather implemented for balance perposes.

It isn't fun as a solo player. I had enough. I couldn't take that shit anymore. I wasn't improving much either. Haven't played it since like 2015.

why are people making these threads

It was fun when I played 5 stacks with friends in ranked cm and we would run a mix of tryhard/meme strats, but everyone lost interest, I hated solo queue, and 7.0 marked when they started changing the game too much for my liking. Still, some fond memories including smoke ganking racks

It's really a shitty game. Every hero is useful at a different stage in the game. If you're playing support, the first 10 minutes are a blast. If your team doesn't take advantage of the space you make, the wards you place, or the zoning you do, it all goes to waste. Same thing goes for offlane initiators, but from 5-15 minutes.

There's nothing more unfun in video games than sitting around in base because your carries don't want to smoke and make a play. 40 minutes of the enemy chipping away at your towers.

Due to some god awful bug back in 2014 which made me unable to play the game, never came back to test if it was fixed.

Because TI9 begins tomorrow.

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