Mods deleted the last thread for some reasons, so let's continue this comfy thread here.
>I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question.
>Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mods are fags, Eleanor is the best girl in the franchise.
>for some reasons
cause theyre fags
Minerva's Den>BaS:1>BaS:2
I agree
>QUAAAAAAARK! What have I told you about avatarposting on Yea Forums!?
Big Daddy in playstation all star was a weird choice.
but i loved they got the BS2 plush as an alt.
user what the hell are you talking about?
even pic related is less dumb than you, and pic related is fucking gay
>Mods deleted the last thread for some reasons
Yeah, what gives? It was a great thread. All of the discussion was about the game. No porn, no off-topic arguments. The few mentions of politics were directly connected to Ryan/Objectivism/Libertarianism.
Sometimes I see why they delete something; but this was completely unwarranted.
Mod is an Atlas sympathizer for sure.
I dunno. It was great. Thanks to the person who linked that Something in the Sea archive. God, it's funny how much I remember.
Same. I just pulled up Day 1 and was reminiscing when the thread got delet
could an arg like this be made again?
i hope the next bioshock will have this, and not be like Infinite who was more an action fps than a bioshock, focusing too much on Elizabeth and less on the world. (Eleanor > Elizabeth.)
Anons I'm thinking in replaying Bioshock 1 and 2, which of the versions is better, the OG one of the remaster. I'm playing on PC.
All Liz did was give me health and ammo and pre-scripted cover spawns. She didn't slice fools open to save her daddy like Eleanor did.
Bioshock 1 : remaster
Bioshock 2 : OG, it also have the multiplayer...if any user want to play...
Kinda funny how better as a character and fighter Eleanor is, when she's like only 15-16 years old.
OG versions. Remaster comes with the DLC for 2 which is great but it also comes with Infinite and its DLCs which aren't as good.
Owner of BS1 and BS2 got the two remasters for free on PC.
i even got Minerva's den on PC for free when i didn't bought it for the OG BS2.
No idea about 2, but 1 Remaster is a mixed bag. It has a lot of graphical problems for some, like missing skyboxes (seaboxes?)
Another user in the last thread pointed out that the wet sheen on things was gone too, which was a major appeal in the look of things.
However, the remaster fixes the Peach Wilkins Inventory Reset Bug™ and is almost worth playing for that desu. Gameplay-wise it's generally fine.
Is the BioShock 2 multiplayer still up? I assumed they would have shut that down by now
Eleanor has a hidden layer of psychosis due to having a fucked up childhood. Liz also had a fucked up childhood but she acts like the dumbest story book princess ever.
I think it's still up on PC, actually, i'm going to try.
i don't have my old account but the game is fun regardless
I mean technically speaking the right side pic is what you would more realistically see of an underwater city.
That said though I played the remaster and didn't notice any of these problems?
OG, the remasters are outright broken.
Eleanor is also a genetic freak, while liz was just kept in a literal tower thing so she probs couldn't even handle the recoil from a gun.
Oh yeah, Eleanor was a little sister and had to be experimented on to be able to support the consciousness of thousands of people being forcibly merged with her own
Just my opinion but I liked the remasters, there's some issues yeah, but I preferred the redone atmosphere, in the remaster they went and added a lot of details which fleshes out the environment more IMO
Oh snap! 2K Boston needs some fresh ideas for the next Bioshock game, and you're the new guy. What do you come up with to 'wow' your colleagues?
In the inside of a great moutain.
shit looking like modern art, weird and all, similar to Cohen but on acid.
SJW city, in an extreme manner
The plasmid like shit are shit you sniff like drugs
Semi sequel to infinite, taking place in Columbia, but decades after the events of the first game. The city has over time sunken to cloud level causing it to be completely engulfed in thick dark fog creating an atmosphere more similar to Bioshock 1 and 2. Also keep the story closer to Bioshock 1, and have it about a guy who stumbles apon the city and slowly discovers it's secrets and what happened between Comstocks death and now to cause the city to be in such ruin, having been taking over by a new antagonist. Completely disassociate the plot from the first Infinite aside from maybe some audio logs from Booker and Elisabeth.
Also splicers. I hated that there weren't really splicers in Infinite even though people were still getting fucked up on Adam type drugs
I'm seeing you in every bioshock thread user.
Re-play of Bioshock 1, but it plays like System Shock 2. There is also a sequence in the game that takes a huge dump on Bioshock Infinite's story and makes it non-canon.
>60s/70s sci fi movie aesthetic
>A society so eager to start fresh and forget the past but not really I dunno.
>Little Green Men.
Only the past couple
I feel the need to post it because it's what I wanted infinite to be so bad. Kills me to know that the potential of Columbia as a setting will never be fully realized
Bioshock is one of the greatest games ever made.
Yeah, Infinite was wasted on the time travelling plot.
i still had fun with the game, but less than BS1/2.
It's still one of my favorite series. probably the only western serie i could have in my top 5 with Infamous, don't bully me.
Bioshock 2 enemy concept art is pretty good.
too similar to Prey (2016)
The Museum in BS1 also had some interesting shit.
Are there any solid Bioshock artbooks?
I bought the collection on PS4 because I hadn't played the original in like ten years and I never bothered with 2 or Infinite. I had pretty much no fun with Infinite at all. The only part I really remember well was the museum where Comstock goes full on stolen valor because I like history so hearing his interpretation of Wounded Knee and the Boxer rebellion was neat.That and the Lutece's fucking each other because genderbent selfcest is a thinking man's fetish.
Infamous was actually a decent game and Infamous 2 is one of the strongest sequels ever made. Never bothered with the others because 2 had the perfect ending.
Didn't mean to quote the middle post but w/e
Infinite is underrated and honestly has the best structured narrative in the series. Fight me.
I'd still say 2 > 1 > infinite, but just because it's the black sheep doesn't mean it deserves so much hate
I mean, I said last thread but the game I'd want to play is one through the decline/civil war of Rapture, I'd like another romp through underwater art deco.
If you really needed a new thing altogether though,
>An island, possibly volcanic, also some underwater stuff
>19th century, Vernian steampunk, not the shitty modern steampunk
>Ship wrecks, and you end up on Captain Nemo's mysterious island or some Nemo-equivalent. He retreated from the world to some unmapped island in the Pacific in like the 1880s and set up his own utopia of other expatriates who are all sick of nationalities and possibly feel bad about colonialism. Incidentally however, they've become colonizers of this island and also overtime just return to their old cultures/nationalities, and it's tearing their utopia apart as they form into blocs and alliances in basically a proto-mini first world war. Aside of all this also, encroaching on the island is Not-Cthulu eldritch deity(s) which they awakened with their undersea activities, and it's distorting people and making them mad.
>Obviously you could have some fun with steam punky stuff, but again hard stress on it being the OG Jules Verne style of steampunk, not the modern shit which is just "Victorian-era plus gears". Also with the Not-Cthulu entities, you could get some abilities and people being distorted, like ADAM in Bioshock.
Second son was shit, i don't count it as an Infamous, same for First light.
it's the bioshock Infinite of the serie in term of dissapointment.
Underrated with us maybe, not with the general public who loved it...
What a steal
I need to play that still. Heard nothing but good things about it.
The deepest bowels of earth man ever been to. The closest to hell anyone dared to tread. Amongst the abandoned railways of Chechenya, one may find a dusty, old cargo elevator, leading downwards and downwards unto the abyss, a mix of hard basalt amidst a acquifer, hexagonal spires unto the rock cieling, down below, Haven.
A heavily artistic focused city, the stone carved with the flow of the waves, the tunnels more coarse but smoothed out, only the colapsed mine tunnels and the rest ever trully become less tidy and aesthetic, with every single part of life seemingly dedicated to beauty. Nothing is manufactured just to be functional. It is to be beautiful.
A desperate man, forced to take a steady supply of medicine lest he perishes, is tasked by a unknown benefactor to infiltrate the city and slowly sabotage it in exchange for a cure. Reasons why canr think of, person who requests it/benefactor could be the angry creator that was kicked out from Haven.
SNORTING MINED COCAINE FOR POWERS, NEW SYNTHED SHIT ON MARKET SUCKY WUCKY, PEOPLE GOING BATSHIT. Melee weapon could be a pickaxe or just a blunt bat, more aquatic powers, able to colapse tunnels in on people, spider and other cave like beings, russians culture, harpoon guns, tnt, potentialy mineral shit like shard ammo and whatnot.
Sounds aight?
I mean the only other real choice is Jack. I guess they wanted something more visually interesting.
Guys, i'm not sure
but i think the BS2 multiplayer is still open.
i just opened a game right now and i'm playing on an empty server
This is a weirdly specific question but I'm looking for an old fanmade logo for a nonexistent Bioshock sequel.
The name had something to do with a train if I recall correctly. Like, last stop, or end of the line or something like that.
Anybody by chance happen to have it?
Now I want Snowpiercer/Metroshock.
>A space ship
>the ship you’re on has been hijacked by a alienlike hive mind that has merged with most of the crew turning them into flesh puppets. You are guided by one of the last remaining survivors a female scientist although not everything seems right about her
>actual RPG mechanics
BigDad's the series mascot. Jack is just some dude.
I opened a game of Bioshock 2 multiplayer.
if anyone want to play, i'm in free for all mode.
>Implying Ryan was wrong
He betrayed himself when he went full authoritarian
He should've simply McNuke'd atlas
Is there a fix for bioshock 2 constantly crashing?
Power through it and abuse saves, that's what I did.
I haven't played Bioshock 2 in at least 6 years but I sure as fuck didn't remember it establishing Rapture as having been built on top of a possible genuine cosmic horror and now I'm eternally disappointed we didn't get more from that.
I think he's more confused that a Bioshock rep made it in at all. The series at the time was more closely associated with the 360 and PC.
It was in a trench on the outskirts of the city, not really “Rapture built on top of”
Could you guys link the previous thread? It sounds good, it'll still be up in the archives even if the jannies fucked it.
It was beautiful. I was at the end of the game walking in a tunnel that connected two rooms and I look down and all I see is light. I vaguely remembered something about it when I read up on Bioshock 2 when it first came out but I only played it for the first time this year. Sorta reminded me of the city lights you see underneath the Sanctuary Fortress in Metroid Prime 2.
I played Bioshock 2 numerous time before
W-what are you guys talking about?
How are people not aware of this? It’s literally brought up in audio diaries, let alone being blatantly obvious if you look out any window and see all the bright light despite being in a deep sea trench.
>A series of removed audio diaries by Simon Wales, titled "Before the Lamb", may suggest that the biomass could have been intended to represent the Demiurge, a theological entity said to be responsible for the creation of the universe.
the mystery is better than any explanation they could come up with
I might have skipped the audio diary, i just tought it was some cool "sea lighting" ...
What the fuck. I didn't know about this either
>People retreat under the sea to, among other things, escape God and religion
>Instead find the demiurge and it destroys their minds and bodies, away from Gods light
Holy kino
Nah, it's something weird. Something that big and bright shouldn't exist at the bottom of the ocean. And there's a cut diary where it's a prisoner complaining about the lights and "shapes" he sees outside his window.
>People take ADAM which was sent from Heaven.
>Little Sisters see them as angels.
Holy shit, the biomass is a piece of Heaven that crashed to earth and people are taking its holy properties for themselves and becoming false angels. Not really but neat to ruminate on.
I'm playing Bioshock 1 right now...i miss the 2005-2010 era of games for some reasons...
What happened to the protagonist of "The Protector Trials"?
>No sequel set decades later where you play a diver investigating a sudden influx of missing ships and submarines
>End up discovering and exploring the almost fully flooded ruins of Rapture at the center of a massive ship graveyard
>The surviving splicers have undergone their full and final mutations, becoming Deep One-esque attendants to the Bio Mass seeking to convert more to its will
he probably died
>An unused radio message from Tenenbaum in Minerva's Den reveals that The Protector Trials was to be canon to the game's story, with the scientist using several reactivated Alpha Series in order to steal as much ADAM as possible from Lamb and her Splicers and interfere with her plans.[6] Once their work was done, she would then deliver Subject Sigma a gift via a Pneumo Tube at the Air-Tite Archives to help him in his work.
>would you?
I ain't joining a nigger.
dats it mang
>tfw bioshock 1 had an IOS port
So by the end would Tenenbaum cure everyone and rebuild rapture? Seems like that was her plan
I’d give her the D
There’s an audio diary that is in game, not cut, where one of the prisoners can’t sleep because of the “eyes” outside watching him
Kickstart it.
This is too good of an idea to actually exist, sorry user.
I would just re-do infinite with a better plot
Infinite was gearing up to be a masterpiece until the started time travelling and the plot went to all hell. if it's plot had been better and followed a similar arc to the previous Bioshocks it would have been the best in the series for me
I had sort of an idea like this, another 10 Years later or so, and yeah the city is now a complete sunken ruin, only some few buildings not totally reclaimed by the sea. By now it would be what, 1980ish? The different governments would start to become aware of Rapture, and there are two competing teams in opposition trying to pillage the city for whats left, CIA and KGB. You play as Eleanor and perhaps an aged Jack backing her up on radio, and your just trying to finally, totally destroy the city now and possibly this “demiurge” with it, to stop ADAM and other Rapture shit from coming to the surface world, now a bigger risk than ever with these government teams raiding the place. And yeah, by now the splicers and even normal sealife are so mutated that they are horrific sea monsters in service to their “god”
Not with that shallow gameplay, at least for me, almots fell asleep at every shootout.
Bioshock 2, do you need to do the gathers for the little sisters?
I'm at the last stage and at this point it just feels mundane. I'd rather save her and just move on
Just go to a vent and save them.
I remember the original story for 2 being a KGB invasion of Rapture. AI for the Soviet troops were used for the Splicers.
There is no downside to that, right? Just less Adam?
Not that I know of.
I like the idea of having to swim through a particularly dark, narrow, submerged area with no power, finding a flashlight or some sort bioluminescence Plasmid and discovering you've been surrounded by largely blind, angler fish splicers the entire time. Or finding the ruins of Persephone and watching from an air pocket in an observation platform as a group of Splicers throw themselves into the Trench to join the mass, only to have something freakish suddenly smash you through the glass plummeting toward it yourself.
New bioshock should take place on the dark side of the moon, in a giant dome like city, something like total recall, the citizens there should be convinced that the earth has been destroyed and they are the last remaining humans and they’re never allowed to travel to the other side of the moon and the plot twist is the earth is still normal
There's no dark side of the moon really, as a matter of fact it's all dark.
That something being a horribly mutated Big Daddy like >474121075 that follows you through the game like a horrible aquatic Nemesis.
Now I want to shout JOHN MADDEN as I kill mutant crazies.
From a pure gameplay perspective you're right, but the gameplay was never what made BioShock interesting. It was the setting, and 2 offered nothing new in that regard. For that reason, I rank it last.
>it was the setting
And the story, hence
>Ranking Infinite anywhere but bottom
The point of offering new stuff is that it's good, which Infinite failed to accomplish, you can argue 1 > 2 but Infinite deserves the bottom.
How about the plot twist is that they are actually still on Earth
Did Ryan approve of unions?
Shut up nerd you know what I mean. It’s placed so you can’t see the earth
1 had the better story but 2 had the more consistent writing. They're solid, unlike Infinite which drops its critiques on Exceptionalism in favor of "DUDDEEEEEEE MULTIVERSES LMAO THERES OTHER (YOU)S OUT THERE MAN" half way through. Typically I like MWI and Multiverse shit, but Infinite had them shoved in and didn't think about it seriously. It tried to be mind blowing but it only made me want to blow my mind out of my head due to how pretentious and bland it was.
Too predictable of a twist. I knew what you were going to say before I even finished reading
I like this more
Infinite was promising until the timeline shit
Then offer something else fuck face. Don’t make me come over there
That was a Pink Floyd reference you zoomer.
She wanted to get the fuck out. She returned in 2 to it because Lamb was fucking around and to save Porter. They leave the city after Minerva's Den.
I know that gameplay isn't really outstanding in Bioshock but compare the gameplay in 1 and especially 2 to Infinite and it's just depressing how bad Infinite fucked up.
Dark side of the moon is their worst album.
Animals or the wall is Goat. Sorry gramps
Different user but I think it would be fun if you built up the player to believe they've been lied to and the Earth was still around, only to reveal that no it's very much gone and you've gotten hundreds of people killed based on a misunderstanding and your own misplaced distrust.
You obviously never read Ayn Rand
Based taste, still doesn't excuse you for not catching the reference.
Of course not, Unionfags are dumb.
power to the people! and the individual.
I dig it, reminds me of how that movie cloverfield lane was leaning towards the world is actually destroyed when the girl ruins everything and escapes her bunker
Sorry dad I haven’t listened to that album in forever. I’ll give it a listen again
>Dark side of the moon is their worst album
That title belongs to The Division Bell
>People in Rapture couldn't see the giant glowing turd right next to it
How the fuck am I supposed to believe that.
I don’t even count that
>make a society worse so you can live in a glass tower amid favelas
get this low iq nigger game OUT of my board
That’s what’s happening in Europe and North America under social democrats though
Eleanor got blacked.
Don't forget also that
>Ryan chose the location to build Rapture because one night while sleeping on his yacht crossing the Atlantic, he had a vision and awoke to stumble out onto deck and proclaim *that* spot would be where the city was to be built
He literally received inspiration from God... or the demiurge, on where to find it and build Rapture near it.
Jesus christ we are through the looking glass.
>live in Rapture
>Jack off to barefoot little sisters all day
>Big Daddys dont understand so they leave me be
>Could have gone deeper in this
>Instead we got Infinite
Game has a retro-space feel
Takes place in a space station that is old and run down
Plot is that after an incident on your ship, you've escaped via the an escape pod and after weeks of drifting thru the void you are picked up by someone on the station, a station that as far as society knows, doesn't exist. The guy who saves you was hoping to salvage your pod for parts, but is happy to see you alive and enlists your help in gathering the parts to repair a shuttle that can get the both of you back to society. At first it's all hunky dory but then the other scavengers find out that you and your bud are repairing a shuttle and everyone wants in on it, despite the fact that it can only take four people max. Trust between various characters and your buddy becomes a big issue
Your "powers" come from a high-tech gauntlet you get early on (think boba fett's wrist-mounted weapons)
The catch is that, while the technology of the station is very advance, the civilization that the player comes from is centuries beyond them (which is teased a bit by the sleekness of the player's escape pod)
There's no instead, since Infinite was Levine's pet project and he had nothing to do with 2. If you want 2 further expanded, you want those same teams to do a 3 or something.
BioShock TV series fucking when?
>Infinite was just Bioshock's original pitch but with 1900's aesthetic and timey wimey bullshit because Levine writes about things he knows nothing about
This is the kind of spooky ass shit I love in stories and games and I need more.
>Bioshock 2 writers wrote something so kino it took anons until 2019 to figure it out
The series was so apparently devoted to science fiction and atheism that such religious inspirations were out of the realm of thought for the uninitiated. Now I see the light at the bottom of the ocean.
the remasters are awful and the only reason I have them is because they were free.
1 has broken lighting and skyboxes
2 is nigh unplayable thanks to its frequent crashes that I don't understand since the original was stable. it doesn't even look different, it's like they spent an hour spaghetti-ing up the code then called it a remaster.
Wasn't one just confirmed for Amazon Prime?
No, but the MK movie writer want to work on Bioshock
the last Bioshock movie was canceled, but it had some pretty good concept arts (pic related)
>Lamb's hivemind unity plot was just the Biomass attempting to assimilate everyone in Rapture once and for all
>ADAM sickness is peoples minds communicating with the Biomass and not being able to take it
>Eleanor was never meant to be just the combined masses that still lived in Rapture forcibly merged into a single will, but a voice for the demiurge
Why didn't we see.
>The splicers physical mutations are a way to adapt to the deep sea so they can swim to the demiurge and fuse their biomass
It all makes sense now.
Wasn't Lamb supposed to be deeply religious? If she operated out of Persephone I wouldn't doubt the Biomass was communicating with her in some way and influencing her decisions.
>slaughters a room full of druggies because they swung a pipe at him
>If Gil goes free he swims over to it to be with it forever
At first I just thought he was a crazy greedy fishman. Now I have the insight to know that he wanted to be with his God.
She was a missionary before and her "religion" after coming to Rapture was a half-baked bunch of collective jargon that she used to disguise her own misanthropy. But the idea that she was subtly affected by the Biomass is a cool idea
Deep underground. Theres a lighhouse off the coast of some literally who town in Maine thats actually an elevator to this underground city
Dieselpunk because its a criminally underused aesthetic
After WW2 America took in hundreds of german scientists to help work on their projects. A few of them didn't like the fact they were being used to make shit for another country so the smartest of them broke off and decided to make a city where no one could bother them. One of them is your typical mad scientist type that experiments on people the others see as enemies. Eventually shit goes sour and all the fucked up experiments start overwhelming parts of the city while some parts are kept under strict rule.
The plasmid equivalent this time are actually forced mutations similar to what the mad scientist guy was experimenting with.
>Gets the good ending anyway for how accepting he is
He just protects lolis.
the demiurge stuff being discussed is kind of eh. instead of bioshock being a story of human hubris and tragedy, its a story about... a big fish secretly mind controlling people. the actually interesting conspiracy of fontaine helping to bring down a society is suddenly revealed that it was predetermined by a god and inevitable.
no wonder the audio logs were removed. they would cheapen the story of bioshock 1 and 2 greatly.
It's just a bit of autistic imagination talking about the Biomass. Obviously the superpower shit isn't what makes Rapture's fall interesting and even without it Rapture was doomed thanks to both Ryan and Fontaine. Still, it's a cool mystery and it was great looking down at your feet and just seeing bright light.
2 had the best story AND the best gameplay
People always forget this dude from the multiplayer
>Zigo's disappearance from the surface was noticed by his family, who put out missing person fliers for him. When Zigo arrived in Rapture he worked in Neptune's Bounty. One day, while working at Fisheries, one of Zigo's coworkers named Burke was killed in an accident. Before he died, Burke revealed to Zigo the location of his ADAM stash, which Zigo eventually found. The ADAM ultimately warped Zigo's mind to the point that he heard a Big Daddy groan and claimed that it was the sea telling him he was the only one who could wield the sea's "Holy Blood" (or ADAM), and that it was his mission to destroy Rapture and reclaim it for the sea. By his third diary, Zigo thinks himself to be the physical incarnation of the ocean and seeks to kill both Andrew Ryan and Atlas in the name of the sea.
The whole shit seem like a cut part of Bioshock 2
forgot the pic of the character
Is there any characters who came to Rapture, even if not rich, just to enjoy the society even in middleclass/poverty?
i can't think of any beside some multiplayer characters
Yeah that screams cut content
Do all the multiplayer characters have this much deapth?
It's like they cut it but still wanted to sneak in some mention of it. I knew that they planned to have Soviets in Bioshock 2 and when that didn't happened they used the AI assets for those soldiers for the Splicers. Then again, I doubt they seriously were going to have Lovecraft tier shit in Bioshock when the ramblings of sea gods and all that can easily be attributed to the speaker having lost their damned marbles.
Plenty of people who became splicers obviously. No major characters I can think of though
Yeah , they all had some lore, some less than others.
for pic related
>Upon arriving in Rapture, Suresh Sheti was a huge hit, with his stage show in Fort Frolic drawing in huge crowds. However, during the Civil War, the theatres were closed, forcing Suresh to take his act to the streets. It is there where he comes face-to-face with a Big Daddy. Upon reading its mind, Suresh is horrified to learn that deep down, they live in extreme, unyielding anguish.
I liked the welder guy.
No they didn't. All that shit with the soviet soldiers being in Rapture was all a hoax article, along with that shit about you visiting Rapture's Zoo and fighting a giant jellyfish.
>instead of bioshock being a story of human hubris and tragedy, its a story about... a big fish secretly mind controlling people
Just how much of a brainlet do you have to be to only get that from the idea?
The remasters are hot trash. I know you are playing on PC but there was a glitch on the PS4 version in which each new save file got bigger and bigger until it eventually filled up all the space and you had to delete old ones. Except when you did, you found out it didn't matter and the save files kept growing anyways. They never fixed this.
Is the multiplayer for 2 still working?
It's brought up in literally ONE audio diary
Just because they can see the light doesn't mean they can see the actual biomass
It's in the Ryan Amusements part of the game, where there's the exhibit about the history of the founding of Rapture. One of the exhibits is Ryan on his yacht (the Olympian) pointing down at the sea screaming "There!" and it describes how he was crossing the atlantic and had a vision of his dream city at that spot, so awakens suddenly and stumbles out onto the deck half-awake to proclaim it and assumedly let the crew know.
Interestingly as a bit of foreshadowing, the last exhibit describes the construction of the foundations and first few buildings of the city, and how the builders had to deal with various troubles and threads including "dangerous sealife" with like a picture of a giant anglerfish if I recall.
But the foreshadowing bit is, that last exhibit is pretty damaged and the audio of it cuts off when it says something along the lines of "Some of the problems the workers had to deal with, including harsh sea conditions, dangerous aquatic life, and-" it gets distorted and static-y at this end but sounds like "unexpected seafloor caverns" or something like that. Foreshadowing of course for Persephone later in the game. As we know, when the city was being built, the trench was found by accident as I recall when workers were putting in foundations. Sinclair found out about it though, bought up the area and paid off the workers to "forget" about the trench, and then he built Persephone in the trench, to have his own facility hidden from the city that nobody knew about.
I believe it's working but not active
I just checked the file sizes on my PS4. The largest save I have is from Bioshock 1 at around 79.5 MB with Bioshock 2's save file being around 14.7 MB. I completed both games including Minerva's Den for BS2. Pretty big size difference. Luckily I don't see myself returning to Bioshock anytime soon since it doesn't have Drill Dash.
That could be just Ryan coming up with a story that little children could understand. But then again it could be that there really is Something in the Sea.
If you count removed ones, it's in a few. Or at least is alluded to.
The one still in game though is blatantly obvious. How you can be going through the last level inside a deep ocean trench and it's like the fucking sun is shining beneath your feat, and there's strange things in the skybox distance and strange distant noises now and then in the level, and then you get an audio diary which a guy talks about things outside watching in through the windows, how you can go through all of that and still not notice it is beyond my understanding.
>coming up with a story that little children could understand
That's entirely possible. I just think it's a nice little bit of potential "What if?" lore to the game, just a throwaway single line.
Me personally, whether it has anything to do with the "demiurge" thing in the deeps, I'm not sure and would be skeptical about. However, I *did* take it as a suggestion that Ryan received inspiration from God about where to make the city. Partly because one, in the exhibit it describes it as a "vision" he has and two, the city is in such a perfect location with things like geothermal fissures for power, that for the location to be found without years of undersea location surveying, is beyond convenience. I didn't take that to mean, oh he's literally being called to by the luminous mass below, but to me it was like a neat little jab at Ryan who is so anti-religious yet seems to get some divine guidance on where to build his city.
Kind of like the fun poking at him and his anti-religious attitude, yet the city is called Rapture and the potential double meaning that has, as well as the districts of his city named after Greek gods and his yacht, the Olympian.
Still, it's a neat potential tie in to the whole luminous mass idea.
>liz played with dimensions and accidentally merged hundreds of dimensions with eachothet at the same time
>This turned the buildings, landmarks and inhabitants into merged, glitchy insane monstrosities
>Gravity is fucked
>Hundreds of different versions of the same entity have spliced into one thing seamlessly, but clearly wrong
>The ones you meet who aren't terribly disfigured piles of gore are clearly insane, babbling constantly in otherworldly tones
>You aren't anyone special in this game, you're just a total normie who happened to be one of the entities who only existed in one universe, so you didn't get fucked up in the merging
>Whole game is just surreal psychologic horror filled to the brim with disgusting imagery of surfering and elder-god looking shit. Think agony/soma and others.
Go away with your Bioshit Infinite Waifuism.
This sounds great but it falls into the same pitfall that the concept art was for Infinite: you can come up with all these amazing ideas for people turned into dimension-blended monsters, but concept art is easier to make than implementing all those different models into game with designs and animations.
People would complain it's wasted potential for the game when for example, you have an enemy who's all the ages of his own life blended together at the same time, but the amount of work you put into that model and animations means you'd have to make it just an enemy type and then you've got tons of the same guys all suffering the same dimensional effect.
It's a shame because it's a situation where you could get some amazing concepts if you had a room of 100 people all allowed to come up with their own ideas of dimension crossing fuckery, but you could never actually include all those ideas in a game, just a handful and players would complain that handful is just not enough considering the concept you had to work with. Kind of like how in Infinite you can see with their concept art, they had all these ideas for dimension fucked up people, lots of amazing ideas but in the end couldn't go with any of them for being so different so in the actual game they just had to settle with "jittery vibrating crazy people because in anther dimension they died and this dimension they remember it". That was the baseline "weird" they could only go with.
Shame really. Infinite seems to have had a terribly constrained development given how limited it is compared to earlier presentations
Yeah imagination and turning it into reality are two very different things. What i was thinking was more of a walking sim though, puzzling the clues together and trying to find the heart of the dimensional rift and then somehow trying to repair it and possibly failing. So take the visual style of bioshock, its characters and feel, ditch the combat and action mechanics, up the amount of messed-up to astronomical levels and make the game into something completely different than what you would expect, then tie it all together in bits and pieces throughout the playthrough
what bioshock 2 should of been( i love bio 2 but it needed something)
rapture but 50 years later after the first game.
you play as a next gen big daddy created by a faction of splicers that are barely human from generations of breeding with their fucked up drug infused genetics. (were talking actual spider mutant people, and rat faced teleportering madmen with fucked up extra limbs/tails, etc. ) to gain control over the last scraps of the city that are still barely intact
your big daddy suit is in tatters and have new modifications that explain why you can use more things then other daddies that are walking husks with dead bodies inside them only powered by unnatural means from the factions of splicers using them to war against each other
your goal is to assist your mutant master long enough until you can break free and try to escape from the city which wont last much longer
also big sisters are in this game cause they cute
Check this out if you haven't already seen it
I don't need to see that because I'm old enough to remember when they released those first gameplay demos of Bioshit Infinite.
That, but also what seems like Levine-driven constant rewrites. Like along with having to make the game itself, they had to keep devoting resources to Levine and the writers continually changing the plot/characters drastically.
If I'm not mistaken, they even had a final rewrite for what became the final version of the game, just 6 months before the game released and the final product we got was basically a scrapped version of the game prior to this, all cobbled together in a "working" version that roughly fit Levine's final version of the plot. But nevertheless, a gimped version of the game, which is why it's such a mess and feels disjointed. Compare it of course, the final game alongside that famous gameplay trailer version we saw that was very much different.
bio 2 is peak kino
Minerva den is peak Shock game, period.
big sisters deserve more porn than Elizabeth the generic waifu bait
All of these are facts and you can't not argue against them
I can't argue with those facts and don't want to, because they are absolutely right.
It's just sad you're forced to kill the big sisters. Would have been neat if you could save/harvest them.
Only point I'd like to make is the final "fight" in 2 needed to be an actual boss fight, not a time-wave attack from splicers that you don't even need to live through on account of the vita chambers.
would of been neater if you could of fucked them
they were a wasted opportunity regardless such a cool enemy design that never gets an extra trick as the game goes on so they go from a threat to literally just perma freeze them with winter blast by the halfway point. also the whole fight you if you saved her little sisters is retarded like whats your probelm, bitch? they should of patrolled like daddies and attacked you on sight if you harvested a little sister that level or somethin
i never played with vita chambers even tho their crucial to the story
they really shouldn't have been in both games
but you right, all 3 games end in a shitty final fight
1's could of been cool if atlas wasn't a pushover even on survivor difficulty in the remaster
Jannys, would you kindly fuck off?
I wish it had a more consistent vision. At first it seemed to be another "Ideology gone amok in a city cut off from the rest of the world" tier story like the first two but then it started getting "tears" and the parallel universe shit started to take stage and there seemed some neat ideas with that, like showing just how shit a timeline run by the Vox would be when we don't see it all that much in the base game. But the game did't think about that sort of stuff intelligently (if we go to another Columbia, shouldn't we at least run into another Liz?) and Levine later admitted he liked writing about things he doesn't grasp completely and it shows.
>See two George Washingtonbots or whatever the fuck they were near the end in Infinite.
"God damn it, these bullet sponge fucks can suck the turds from my shithole"
>See two Big Sisters near the end in 2
"Aw shit, time for fun."
I loved the Big Daddy/Sister fights.
>would of been neater if you could of fucked them
That's Silent Hill 2 tier of kino horror. Not every game can go there.
>neater if you could of fucked them
>as a big daddy
Um no thanks.
I agree with you on their use though, being kind of crap. They should have been implemented differently but instead, in-game they're just like Lamb's hitmen when she gets annoyed with you. Or, hitwomen.
I think they saw how awful Fontaine was and decided not to even bother. Sinclair's fight was tragic and better than another shitty boss fight.
sounds good senpai
Now what if, given as twisted and fucked up as big sisters are, along with all their madness and insane driven emotions, they're also (included but not only) horny because of being pubescent and likely all fucked up hormonally/genetically.
Not like crazy sex kittens, but among the slew of insane emotions and madness they're going through at all times, yeah some of that might be lust.
Im Stanry Roo, and i am here to ask you a question: Is a moddu not entitled to the ding of his dong?
god thats my fetish
why do all the good artist only draw generic waifu bait, goddamn. Fuck Elizabeth
>Ywn get a big tiddy Big Sister gf
>Levine later admitted he liked writing about things he doesn't grasp completely and it shows
I actually don't think this is that much of a problem, a lot of fantastic sci-fi is concepts in science which aren't understood by the writer but it's well-covered or not important because the writing itself is really good. It's just like you said, it needs to be actually good writing. With Infinite he admits he doesn't understand the science, which isn't bad or wrong, nor is it bad to write about science he doesn't understand. It's just a problem that he doesn't understand it, but it's also just a badly written game.
Regardless of what your gamer brains feel about this obvious fetishist approach, it would be great for a heavier horror approach, where you're the one playing Pyramid Head.
i never even thought of that, bio2 could of been a masterpiece if it was just directed in a slightly different way
>Be one of the last few folks down in old Rapture that isn't a spliced up lunatic, like Sinclair, just a normie trying to survive in the ruins
>Cross paths with a big sister, possibly because you accidentally fucked up Lamb's plans or something while scavenging today
>Being a normie with just a gun, of course she whoops your fucking ass, insane and screaming mad and convulsing the whole time
>Think this is it, this is the end, thanks a lot Atlas for fucking things up to get to this point in the first place
>Big sister standing over you one hand arcing electricity and the big needle of the other drawn back, still gibbering and screaming, body heaving from breathing heavy and convulsing from the madness, what a way to die
>But wait... she's not killing you, what's she doing?
>Is she... undoing her suit?
>Oh god no... not this, anything but this
>This big sister you crossed paths with, in all her madness... is in, or through insane mood swings has turned...
Big sisters are only 14-15 years old...
He could have done some homework and use his brain and actually thought about what he wrote. I'm no quantum physicist but I know that Infinite's usage of Parallel Worlds is pretty cheap. Where are the other Elizabeths? You go to Columbia after Columbia, all slightly or majorly different but no Elizabeths or Bookers in sight when they should be there with their own stories. I think the only mention of another Booker other than the ending is the timeline where he died a hero to the Vox.
That's why it's so bad!
Also some of them would be older.
That's what I'm saying yeah, his lack of understanding wouldn't be so much a problem if the game was written intelligently and written well. But it's not, so his lack of understanding is worse.
It's pretty jarring that the man who created a great world and one of my favorite "villains" in games also wrote that piece of trash. I don't even remember Comstock all that well, other than he was sad over killing Indians and getting a baptism made him do a 180 and how he hates anyone not a WASP
Good. Boys go for tits. Men go for ass.
>Base game paints her as a fanatic who is capable of as much cruelty towards innocents as Comstock is
>DLC retcons her as a dindu
Pussied out.
Can't have morally complex characters in video games, it's the law.
Seems you're right. I was combing over the removed content page in Bioshock 2 and didn't see a mention.
>Sander Cohen was actually at one point supposed to reappear in BioShock 2 as a 20-foot-tall Freudian monster bunny.[6]
Some things are worth cutting out.
I loved that, it was hilarious. What even was the full reason why?
I know it was some deal with the dumb fucking timelord twin characters, they did something for her and in return she agreed to act like an evil fucker and knowingly let Elizabeth kill her. As in like,
>"Yes twins, as per our deal, I agree to act cartoonishly evil and then put myself in a situation and not resist being murdered by Elizabeth."
as if anyone would agree to that, but what even was the deal? I don't recall what the twins did for her to accept such a deal.
Might have been funny as a hallucination.
Are the OG versions of 1 and 2 playable, or am I stuck with the remastered versions?
>Dude you gotta prepare the Disney Princess psychologically to be willing to take lives
Or some fucking garbage. The less I remember the better.
>hoax article
>Rapture's Zoo
Say what? I could believe a giant jellyfish was a hoax, but I'm almost certain the zoo was a real thing and in fact was cut late into the development. Even in the director commentary of the remaster, they talk about the zoo being a thing and how they were upset about it being cut since they'd done a fair bit of work on it and there was a ton of concept art.
Unless those fucks lied on filmed interview.
I know that was the twin reasoning but what did they give her in exchange? I could be mistaken but I thought they did something for her, like some favor, that made her agree to it.
If they really did nothing, and she simply accepted their reason of
>Ayyo act evil and let this random stranger murder you because she's the Chosen One Disney Princess, and do this because we say so
then that's even worse and all the more hilariously retarded.
Levine said so on Twitter.
Basically they say "ur gon die anyway u don't bring cockstock down liz does lmao do this please constants variables past present future tense ur part in the play or da play itself XD." and Daisy agrees to do it saying "eh, you've helped me in the past I owe you guys."
Levine said that he lied in the interviews, and that the actual work done on the zoo level and all the promo art they had, was all a lie?
>eh, you've helped me in the past I owe you guys.
So she didn't say what they did to help her in the past? That's what I was curious about. I wouldn't be surprised if the game didn't bother to give an actual reason though, it's so lazy.
Basically Daisy cares more about the revolution than her own life. Usually such blind fanaticism is bashed in Bioshock but not here.
Infinite is so cringy and gay its ruins it for me
The rapture rise recording from There's Something In The Sea really took me off guard. Wow.
There's a new mod that thinks any discussion on any one particular video game belongs in /vg/.
Oh god, now I remember Bioshock General and the mouthbreathers circlejerking to Liz there.
Jesus, that's much better than generic goons we got.
I like how top left and the bottom row are just creatures from The Thing (2011)
The original was too obvious, they had to rip off the soulless remake
Guys, how do we fix Dionysus Park? Should there have been an "actual" questline there instead of the mandatory Big Daddy fights?
But there was. Lamb left a idiot in charge and he snorted coke until the entire place drowned and it was all part of her keikaku.
See, I liked that, negotiating with Poole and slowly learning about his fuckups, but addressing that just by having the player find Big Daddies felt shallow. You're probably hunting them anyways, so the area feels like an excuse to get more ADAM.
Maybe Poole should have made you do something low-key heinous during the level, like flooding an area that had been safe during the first flood full of splicers who would have ratted him out to Lamb.