You guys have got it all wrong. In this game you ARE the girls. You are fighting FOR the dick...

You guys have got it all wrong. In this game you ARE the girls. You are fighting FOR the dick. It's not NTR because after you rescue Kunio and Riki they have sex with YOU.

What hot blooded male wouldn't want to play as a cute tough girl, clithammer legions of other cute tough girls into the street with your clit, and then be awarded with an apex bancho to fuck with your high school virgin pussy at the end.

Attached: rcr_girls.png (1980x990, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Uhh I can't figure out which answer to your question makes me not gay but I pick that one

Why didn't they rescue their adorable little sisters? I should write scripts for games.

>Pay me to write and unoriginal weeb ass incest plot
Kill yourself retard

>It's not NTR
Who ever argued it was NTR?

What negative amount of neurone do you need to have to ever reach that conclusion?

Literally WHO thought this game was NTR bait, OP? I have never heard such a thing in regard to River City Girls.

Attached: a81b4a67303548708aa8694b3e0724ae.jpg (480x360, 28K)

What a stupid thing for everyone to get hung over about. They're the girlfriends of the protagonists of the previous games for crying out loud.

I prefer the sprite arts over the official art.

Attached: 0.png (1920x1080, 161K)

i don't give a fuck, they should die

Who the fuck actually self inserts by default in a game without a character creator?

Attached: 1559748858883.jpg (1024x732, 82K)


You know we don't HAVE to talk about the boyfriend shit every single time

Attached: 0103b111cd97243e7a56f2ba1a17239e.png (1202x1080, 700K)

This looks like a really cheaply made game, to be honest... It's a shame since the concept is actually pretty cool. I've got no issue with sprite art, but can't they make it higher res sprites with more detail? Is it at least getting a physical release?

Shocked the usual crowd isn't screeching about this game. Anyway is coop confirmed?

What are you a lesbian?

Attached: delinquent_pair.jpg (1766x1022, 750K)

a normal river city girls / kunio thread is too much to ask apparently

Attached: cd-sakka02 misako.gif (320x240, 5K)

>is this game that has shown 2 characters on screen at all times going to have co-op?
Are you inbred?

>Kyoko: Thanks for beating the game, user! Now you can watch us spend some quality time with our boyfriends.
>Misako: They have such huge dicks and give our pussies so many orgasms... Don't you wanna watch? And maybe rub one out?

hasebe and mami being too lewd
what's next? hand holding?

Attached: Mami and Hasebe AKAIKAO51 D-oR90NVUAAl17O.jpg orig.jpg (811x692, 115K)

>Playing as a girl who doesn't put out

Now THAT would be cancer.

Attached: ''my bad''.jpg (600x900, 505K)

Attached: blush.gif (350x464, 301K)

Muh defeated heroines raped before their bfs eyes.

Let's all laugh at this stacey muff mangler.

Attached: 1565650151598.jpg (290x552, 26K)

I'd play this if you could play as a guy.

You'd be surprised how retarded devs can be user.

>delinquents get gf's wile outcast get nothing
yeah not for me

No, sorry, you're retarded.

Why get mad when I can play phantom breaker
Even has DrPepper girl

So uh are these like normal girls who get tough to save their boyfriends? Or were they always delinquents too.

I always pick female fighters in fighting game. This is no different.

No online, so basically it isn't.


Attached: EAGFo3uWwAAo5Zh.jpg (3686x4096, 935K)

doubt they'll do dlc...unless it sells a lot

I want to believe.

Misako was originally a nice girl throughout most of the Kunio series, and she and Kunio were an item almost from the beginning. By the time of Tanchi no Banka on the SNES, she was used to the constant fighting Kunio got into, and developed a rowdy attitude herself.

Kyoko first showed up in Banka, and is the slightly more chill of the two girls. Her very introduction has her as Riki's GF and with a sassy upbeat attitude, hot-blooded, but not quite as much as Kunio, Riki or Misako.

Attached: RCSH_Misako.png (256x191, 6K)

Give playable Yoko DLC first

Attached: 1565117697503.png (520x852, 609K)


Attached: 1990s.jpg (1500x1500, 454K)

This desu.

i have better things to do like calling you a faggot op

you can dream user

bosses as dlc would be pretty cool

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Attached: Alakazamaster EBSnG9QU4AAHDhf.jpg orig.jpg (1150x2048, 308K)

I just wanna know if the gameplay is fun.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood lacked co-op despite having two playable leads who are together 90% of the time and that's a 7th gen FPS.

Attached: kaynimatic D_UlBRLU0AUpsqW.jpg orig.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

>you are the little girl and you are fighting to be DICKED... HARD
wtf i love being a tranny now!?

Attached: legs 3.png (462x344, 223K)

>that awful artstyle
America, please stop trying emulate japanese designs.You just don't get it.

That's my girlfriend.

When you rescue the Boys a third of the way into the game, what's your team of two going to be?
Nekketsu Couple, Hanazono Couple, Bros, Girls, or Couple Swap

Why Misako changed so much? She wasn't a punk rock fangirl before.

>be Japanese animator living in Japan
>make five dollars an hour because no shortage of talent
>move to America and get paid above average wages for less work, but now people assume you're American
They just can't win. Look at the credits of any game with an anime style and it will have more Asian names responsible for the art regardless of whether its an American company.

The Renegades, remove Kyouko and Misako, play as Kunio and Riki only.

I want to play as Mami and fuck Riki in front of a tied up Kyoko.

It's amazing how insecure some people are that they think this game is a damn ntr scenario

pretty much all characters got a fairly big redesign

Attached: 1562207603431.jpg (1903x4223, 2.7M)

Why the fuck are these threads always being made and why is this "muh boyfriends" shitposting even a thing? Is the fucking game drought really that goddamn bad right now?

Attached: 1528067369308.jpg (540x514, 107K)

Dude, this is some of the best sprite work in a long time.

Nobody legitimately thinks that, everyone is just bored as fuck because there's nothing else really big that's coming out soon enough for constant shitposting

>Why didn't they rescue their adorable little sisters?
Because it's a western dev, so they couldn't pass up an opportunity to turn a feminist frequency trope on its head and make a game about strong womyn rescuing emasculated men. You better believe if it was a Jap dev, your idea would have come true.

>they have boyfriends

surprised that hasn't been drawn yet

Attached: HBJohnXuandou EAGyG2-U0AAzUQU.jpg orig.jpg (239x506, 22K)

>Why of course I don't give a fuck about some teenage roasties with boyfriends and exclusively enjoy 2D loli, what gave it away?

Attached: Why yes I do enjoy loli.png (693x601, 247K)

While Kunio and Riki got "pretty", they still resemble their past selves, this image itself is spoofing the fact the girls changed so much.

>why tf they have boyfriends?
>I'm literally being cucked
>of course a western dev replaces the male lead characters with fucking women
>why are the boyfriends the ones who need help? sjw much?
>I hate it

Attached: hmph.webm (900x530, 2.46M)

I want the game but the director's a cunt so I'm conflicted.

>Yea Forums: hey man, you need to separate the art from the artist
>also Yea Forums: someone on the dev team is a cunt so I'm not supporting the game

>the art from the artist
>liking bad art

>game has cute girls
>but also has a political message
Hmm, looks like I'll have to pirate it.

It's hard to separate since buying the game gives the guy money and rewards his shit behavior.

>political message

Attached: 1540323276828.png (225x189, 63K)

>Is willing to punish innocents to get at one person
You are unironically evil.

I rarely see the first one though. Usually just the latter because Yea Forums likes to be outraged about something. Case and point:


I agree with this user

What are people mad about the devs now?

some more character art

Attached: rcg characters 2.png (1293x969, 1.33M)

Reversing roles for fun is now a politcial message? This isn't Gears of War 5 which is playing the woman angle is if it is the greatest thing to ever happen in the franchise. The way Yea Forums is now then if Super Princess Peach got released now it would be seen as the downfall of Nintendo at the hand of SJWs.

Attached: 1373822726162.jpg (205x205, 27K)

all from the jp website

wonder if they will bother with an english site

Attached: rcg characters 3.png (2211x671, 1.57M)

Yea Forums is so fucked in the head that there might be some people honestly believing men being rescued by women in this nonsensical anime game is an ideological stance, I hope at least some of these posts are bait.

Ironic shitposting stopped being ironic a few years ago.

pedoposter on the loose, i saw you in the tranny thread faggot


Attached: 1564610669249.png (480x480, 333K)

>playing games for story
It's time to grow up, buddy.

Attached: 1565821866416.jpg (425x1024, 81K)

What are you on about? This is a thread discussing a video game.

The best part is, anyone who played 2 or 3 beat-em-ups can see the joke they used to start the game.
I'm looking forward to the game because it reminds me of the Scott Pilgrim one.

Sorry, but said it best.

By letting evil exist they are no longer innocent.

You quoting his cuck fantasy doesn't make it right.

>"Durr plot uninportat in bideo game"

Attached: th[1].jpg (474x397, 19K)

It's perfectly fitting. You could have that in the game and not miss a beat.

>Save boyfriends
>They fuck their girlfriends
>Start new game with unlockable boyfriends
>New ending and reward is you get to fuck the girlfriends
>Time shenanigans means that you were always the boyfriend

And what do you get helping any character in a game?

unironically not going to play it because they have boyfriends

By that logic girls can't play like 90% of video games that star a dudebro protagonist because they get NTR'd by some 9/10 girl in them

Attached: 1540905630699.jpg (319x316, 49K)

>play new game+ as the boyfriends
>they fuck themselves at the end
>play new game++ as the girls
>they find their boyfriends fucking their new game+ versions

Attached: 1546283512010.png (631x480, 319K)

That applies to every porn/game in existence retard. By that logic, you shouldn't play any character that has a canon gf/bf or watch porn ever again, since it's not you doing the fucking but someone else.

only a sith deals in absolutes

Attached: masaka.jpg (640x468, 55K)

Is there an actual "political" message or is this user just baiting? If it was political, why make the girls' designs so clearly fapworthy?

you don't actually play as yourself in the game, do you?
there's no self-insert character either, right?
it doesn't seem like the game itself has cuckshit

Attached: question mark.png (492x311, 260K)

So this is what porn addiction does to the brain, huh.

You don't understand.
Everything has to be ME, theres no space for characters, plot or gameplay. This is MY game and it's about me.

>"Thanks for your help in saving our boyfriends and prooving the justice of our culture, user."
>"Hey, there's a girl in class who thinks you're cute. I'll introduce you to her!"
>It's Misuzu

I'm perfectly content with them never finding their Chad boyfriends.

Attached: content_04.png (450x380, 275K)

I want a strong women who will protect me

I am kunio/riki

you fags can have those two used up roasties. I have my pure wife.

Attached: mine.png (400x716, 312K)

>western game
>last 10-15 years
>9/10 girl

the thread the other day was just people constantly arguing that the entire game was ntr cause they had bfs

wonder how the sauna in rcg will be

Attached: randomthefox EBlWfpHXsAEm5dC.jpg orig.jpg (1366x768, 114K)

>implying that's a bad thing
nu-Misuzu is cute as fuck and could bench press me

Attached: ahahahahahaha.png (188x197, 2K)

stopped reading at "clithammer"

Yeah I'm going to need proof on that.

she got quite an upgrade

Attached: Misuzu.jpg (151x293, 13K)

I thought abobo was from double dragon

Attached: 1557630465715.jpg (708x340, 35K)

he isn't alone

Attached: bimmy and jimmy.jpg (1646x566, 321K)

At that point if you can imagine a fantasy cuck scenario, can't you also imagine them breaking up with their boyfriends and falling for yourself as well?


W-Were their boobs always that big?

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?

>Last boss is both boyfriends
>They breakup and fall for you
>(You) become the last boss of NG+
Kino is back on the menu boys.

Because he was shitposting and you're pretty damn gullible to fall for the words of a baiting user.
Jesus christ just watch the trailer on youtube, it's like a minute and a half.

Also Burnov and Linda(?) are in too.


Attached: EBUFAx4XoAAuO61.jpg orig.jpg (1227x309, 108K)

and our whip girl

Attached: whip girl.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Will they finally give us Crash and The Boys Ice Challenge?
I've been waiting for three decades.

Attached: ice.png (603x486, 158K)

Is it normal to see this image and only thing on how good this two would be for a /ss/ doujin? Especially with some help from

>size of those tits

Attached: MUH.png (875x2048, 2.38M)

>Shocked the usual crowd isn't screeching about this game
But Yea Forums is has been screeching about it every day for the last week.

So is River City Ransom owned by the same people who do Double Dragon or what?

Disgusting fat tumblrfags who "otherkin" because of a lack of self identity (or just a lack of self respect), that's who.

you have autism and should off yourself, as you are not fit to function in society

Anything that's not white, male, and straight is "political".

I can only read books by, about, and told from the perspective of, a cis white male

Attached: 1511324842605.jpg (253x420, 25K)

rights are now at arcsystemworks for both i believe

Attached: ni4hihi D_RtUR6U4AEp4ic.jpg orig.jpg (800x1130, 150K)

Arc System Works bought both IPs
Also, Wayforward previously made Double Dragon Neon.

They were created by the same company, Tecnos, but the rights got fuzzy over the years for Double Dragon, but now both Kunio and Double Dragon are once again owned by the same company, now Arc System Works.

>far lower left
>far lower right
Character from Fairy Tail.

some actual gameplay

Attached: waifus.webm (640x360, 360K)

did she just fucking dab on them

Attached: 1297892684880.png (750x750, 169K)

Attached: 1565152298411 rcg.webm (1200x970, 2.88M)


I dont know why people even read ntr, it's depressing and wierd.also what's the deal with ntrfags seeing ntr everywhere?

>the fucking power dab

Everyday this site strays further and further from God

Attached: ............ ............. .............png (162x231, 32K)

I do not understand this boyfriend shitposting What the fuck is so wrong about a game where the girl has to save the guy?

Attached: Jimmy.png (440x295, 216K)

I fucking love NTR. When I fap to it I don't self-insert because I'm not a cuck, just get off to the cuck getting cucked. I'm not gonna be a cuck though which is what you are when playing River City Girls.

Attached: sanodon EBwyFkPVAAE0sOC.jpg orig.jpg (1142x717, 159K)

If you're gonna use an anime art style then you have to make pure waifus, those are the rules. They broke them.

You can never have this. Kunio only.

Attached: gf.png (420x484, 264K)

Give Mami dlc.

Attached: 1565382797796.jpg (1592x1600, 230K)

>make attractive anime girls that weebs and otaku want to "waifu"
>they have boyfriends
What's the point then?

mami and hasebe playable would be nice

Attached: hasebe screen.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

barf, good thing we get top beat him up.

>"pure waifus"
I'll bite since It made me laugh. A Large chunk of anime are Harems and Isekais where the girls in question jump on the dick of guys who really don't have any personality. It doesn't matter if its suppose to be "self-insert" they're fucking them not you.

Attached: kek plankton.jpg (244x207, 5K)

Why don't you tell me, homo?

Attached: 1534711205464.jpg (910x1347, 318K)

>This looks like a really cheaply made game

maybe when you're used to 500 million dollar AAA games.

best girls

Attached: River City Girls every night.jpg (4214x848, 664K)

>Not self-inserting as the boyfriend

Attached: 1561486683643.jpg (427x427, 36K)

>Who the fuck actually self inserts by default in a game without a character creator?

Women apparently.

Attached: 1565732534760.jpg (950x746, 599K)

okay I'm getting this game

some chun li and cammy moves

Perfect. Wish this was an 90s anime.
I need a version of this track
but like pink or something

Imagine playing Misako when you could play Kyoko, the obviously superior girl.

will there be a jap dub?

no. asw was apparently too cheap

the artist behind this game is a white girl, a white shotacon.

Goddamnit, guess I gotta play the game on mute

So I don't even get to hear one namennayo ?
Japanese delinquent game not using Japanese delinquent language is pretty dumb

I think the english audio was okay, but I think it would be more fun to listen to angry moonspeak

it's getting jp release so the lack jp dub is weird

they have to they are secret bosses after all.

"Did you get this hot just fighting? It's time for your reward."

Attached: 1562749179303.jpg (1210x1187, 211K)

sure kunio

Attached: Alakazamaster EBSnG9MUEAATJvK.jpg orig.jpg (1581x1581, 153K)

>River City Ransom: Underground comes out
>Really good game, faithful, improves on the original
>Sputters in a week at most
>River City Ransom: Girls announced
>Stays relevant because muh waifu

where do I think I am

didn't Underground get taken down for a while due to the composer going bonkers

also had many delays

It's an American game you clowns. I though all dubs made after the original were shit?

not all
depends on the dub

Real shit. Is this game good? It obviously has that “Americans doing anime style video game” vibe to it

Attached: 412CBF35-C188-4B59-92DA-CEE82E0B2FE2.png (852x894, 852K)

>left to right panels

Wayforward should know better than this.

Attached: d8f56335338b155a05d5c2dc0359ee6c1565097885_full.jpg (640x359, 111K)

I know, but weebs always pull out the "you should always experience a work in the original language" card when it's the other way around.

No one knows yet because it's not out you retard. That said WayForward are the only devs that do the western weeb shit right.

That's how the English language works. Do you get triggered by comic books too?

That's fucking sick

There's like several trailers dude. Watch them and make up your own mind.

Attached: River City Girls waking up.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Attached: moimoiland480 EBUohDcVUAA0eR1.jpg orig.jpg (1140x1218, 234K)

her earrings aren't crosses they are swords

I'm not saying that, I just don't like the English voice acting from what I've heard of it. I'll probably just head into settings and turn the voice volume down if possible, not that big a deal.

The game is set in Japan, has Japanese characters, and is being heavily marketed in Japan. I normally always go sub over dub but playing something like Resident Evil in Japanese is stupid since it's set in America and is heavily inspired by western media.

>The game is set in Japan, has Japanese characters, and is being heavily marketed in Japan.
So what? None of that changes the fact that it's an American game and that English is the original language. People still sperg out when you say you played Three Houses with English voices even though the setting is heavily inspired by Europe and the characters have names like Claude and Hubert, all because Japanese version is the "original". Can't have it both ways.

It's not just what's original. It's about what is more appropriate and how good the acting is. Three Houses is an anime game and almost bordering a VN. It has anime writing and character types that sound awkward or downright bad in English.

Is it true if you get a PERFECT playthough you get the hentai scene?

just the secret sauna scene

Attached: volley girl.png (1920x1080, 810K)

Uhh, it's gay cuckshit to play a game with cute girls you don't get to fuck
Game's bad anyway, slow combat for sois

You fit a lot of poor bait and buzzwords into your post so here you go I guess, just pretend I'm really mad under this spoiler

You're laughing but the Japanese actually spoke with their wallets at one point and bankrupted a popular VN company for having the balls to make a girl front cover only to find she wasn't as pure as the driven snow. Infact she had another bf in the story but wanted your penis, too.

Okay shil-kun

That's fucking hilarious. Central Fiction and Revelator don't get English tracks but this gets ONLY english? I know American dev's were involved but still

>It's about what is more appropriate and how good the acting is.
It's rather convenient how you can just say "well the Japanese version is just better!" when someone calls you out on your hypocrisy. I've seen the same thing happen with RWBY as well.

>It has anime writing and character types that sound awkward or downright bad in English.
This is just weeb cope. America has been doing "anime" archetypes like tsundere (Helga Pataki) and chuuni (Doug Funnie) for decades.

"Anime game" and "anime writing" aren't actual genres or descriptors. It's just a flimsy excuse to justify your double standards. Japan didn't invent wacky shit. If Harry Potter were a Japanese work that changed nothing except the character names and country it takes place in, you would be calling it "too anime" to ever work in English.

Took them forever to fix shit too like moves that did one thing when it was supposed to do another. I confronted a dev about a certain character and he claimed there was nothing wrong with it, then proceeded to ignore any further inquiries about the character for about a year

That's because the people who do english translations do localisations, not translations, losing most if not all the meaning in a majority of the works. How many times do you need to be taught this lesson by NoA and their Fire Emblem releases that westerns '''translations''' are fucking tranny-lations and BAD.

You're free to use whichever you prefer and I'm not shitting on you for it. I think Japanese VA casts usually sound better in most anime games and is more appropriate for games set in Japan. There's a reason Sekiro defaults to Japanese despite having English.

I'll still use English for Resident Evil and the dub in FFXII was great and preferable to the original.

What's nice about those rare cases is that usually Japanese accept those English dubs as their canon voices too rather than demand a Japanese voice option. For them some characters just sound cooler in English even if they don't know what they're saying.

Whoever is the main artist for this game has a first rate art style. Cute, fluid, and has that actiony vibe that works really well for both the girls and boys.

Alas, was told you get her with a rather nice flow creampie.

Most of Yea Forums if Spec Ops threads were any indication

You can play as Kunio or Riki too. Not sure why this was revealed so soon as it seems it would be a potential big secret.

Attached: 1562362010587.jpg (960x540, 127K)


>flip-phone and a Tamagotchi
Does this game take place in the early 00's?

Dumb dumb dummy dumb american.

Too stupid to understand that there are trends and culture outside of your little box.

Japan has cheaper flip-phone options for high schoolers. Not everyone wants to spend on iShits just to play fortnite. mkay?

so dumb, go die

Attached: 1519071574073.png (657x360, 329K)



Why are you so mad? I think iphones are shit, but it's a fact that iphones are the most popular phones in Japan by a huge margin, especially if we're talking about highschoolers. Flip phones are nowhere near as common today as they were five years ago. Like with most things, Japan was resistant to change, and their stubbornness brought about neat "smart" flip phones with touchscreens and good cameras, but nowadays anyone using a flip-phone is deemed out of touch.

Snagged this pixel perfect dab off the Limited Run Games Discord.

Attached: dab.png (128x128, 14K)

I really hope the story for the game is Mami and Hasebe being pissed that they got retconned out of being their girlfriends so they want revenge.

Why do people get so triggered by this game again?

I hate this place so fucking much anymore. Youtube comment-tier trash is rapidly becoming acceptable more and more, lately.

You can but thanks for pretending to know what you're talking about.

thank you mr shill!

>i saw you in the tranny thread
Go back and stay there.

I shit on the gamer meme way too fucking fast because holy shit is it 100% accurate for some of the """people""" here.

Holy shit, I didn't see that post at first.
How the fuck do people make up this shit in their heads?

Imagine playing Mario 64 and thinking like this

Attached: 1563397914804.jpg (520x520, 26K)

>See Peach kiss Mario
>Cry myself to sleep because that could never happen to me, why am I saving a girl who has a boyfriend?

Part of being a weeb is having absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever so this shouldn't come as a shock to you.

The game is looking quite promising. And hopefully that dev who embarrassed himself playing the Twitter White Knight learned his lesson, for his own sake.

Stop shilling this cuck shit, holy fuck.

>goes on an angry rant on her teacher.
>Still formally calls him Mister.

>came back from sleeping
>shill thread still up

any community that spends its time pretending to be retarded will soon be overrun by actual retards

>honestly believing men that look like completely emasculated metrosexual faggots being rescued by women in this nonsensical anime game is an ideological stance
Why would that be? Dude I ain't even buying Zelda BOTW2 if it's the same shit.

I want to see them poop

Attached: a2c96a06264c4e8b46f4c162f7395c80.jpg (1000x1309, 148K)

>Gears 4 shoehorning in abortion and "drumpf".

I have legit never been more uncomfortable playing a game.

What's wrong with her?

Attached: old girls.webm (308x318, 16K)

Cock overload

>Wayforward could make Double Dragon Neon 2
>instead they make this cheap shit
fuck that cuck of a CEO, the only good game that came out of that god forsaken company was Double Dragon Neon.

Attached: 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png (1070x601, 507K)

You could literally make up the same scenario for Super Mario, are you fucking retarded?

Attached: mario plant.jpg (853x1024, 78K)

You just self-insert as the boyfriend and your dick get more and more of an erection he closer you bring the girl next to you.

She's in heat

>the artist behind this game is a white girl, a white shotacon.
That's hot.

I can’t figure out which answer to your question makes me gay but I pick that one

She got even more violent after she got shot.

God I wish a girl would be the shit out of me.

You could play like this in previous games. It is to be expected.

I wish a girl would beat the shit out of people FOR me.

if only

Attached: cheerleader slam.png (1920x1080, 921K)

>those tits
Imagine being paizuri-raped by them

Attached: 1558545546570.png (1366x768, 1.35M)

>shill bumps dying thread

Not the user you quoted, but I regret nothing.

Attached: 1537119087198.gif (280x210, 865K)

>literally assblasted shitposter watches the thread like a hawk for hours, hoping and praying that no one bumps it

Attached: 1542464383681.png (248x535, 208K)

Yet you replied to me shill :)

Not the user you quoted, but making pointless reply is exactly what do not want. Try to follow.

god look at them fat tiddies

>when they have boyfriends
Fucking cucks.

>Fucking cucks.
How does that even?

Enjoying a game where the girls are faithful to their boyfriend is the literal opposite of cuck. What kind of brain damage do you have?

>he can't self-insert as the boyfriend
It's like you don't even like bondage or something.

I thought this was a h-game at first, artists really need to change something, the sprites ingame don't help

>artists really need to change something
Yeah, redesign the whole game to actually look good.

Are you retarded? How is waifuing a girl who has a boyfriend not cuckish?


>How is waifuing a girl who has a boyfriend not cuckish?
You are the one who is retarded if you can't self insert as the boyfriend.

Attached: Badlecture.gif (318x241, 1.99M)

No girl wants a guy who is weaker than them, and no guy wants to be weaker than a girl. I imagine the only people this shit appeals to are faggots and soibois like yourself.

im just being honest mate arts not bad, it just looks like someone thing I could reverse image search and find a cg set, or sprite a game by that monstergirl sprite guy

>No girl wants a guy who is weaker than them, and no guy wants to be weaker than a girl
Well, seeing that isn't the an issue, there, it's a completely moot point.

Wasn't Godai some biker badass who's afraid of heights?

The sprite work is magnificent and you are a pleb if you don't enjoy it.

nigga did I say I hate it, it looks great it looks like an h game though

The guys are implied to be weaker considering the girls are going to beat up the kidnappers.

damn bro ur so cool...

>The guys are implied to be weaker
No such thing is implied. Just because you beat a kidnapper doesn't mean you are stronger than the one they kidnapped.

Kidnapper are cowards by nature, thus weak. they only get you by relying on sneak attacks.

>Every fucking time a RCG thread pops out it's virgins and fags talking about ntr and not actual kunio-kun introduction
Fuck this shit, post your
>Favorite Kunio game
>Favorite character
>Hopes for new games
My favorite it's definitely Rival Schools, it's basically everything good about this games but sadly it doesn't do a lot of new stuff.
Misuzu it's still the goat.
I hope we can get an evolution of that SNES rpg Kunio game but less shit, that game is so slow it's basically unplayable

>it looks like an h game though
And you wanting it to change is what make you a pleb.

The boys got jumped by a bunch of cops, a literal case of "wow it took X of you to beat me".
The same shit happened in Tachi no Banka, and they broke out of prison themselves that time.
In all likelihood, they'll break out of captivity again just before the girls get to them.

>Cucks in this fanbase has been the only thing that made me laugh long and hard for a quite while
I unironically hope it would have an ntr ending to see the fireworks after

Attached: EAX35_AXoAAgjAm.jpg (720x720, 41K)

>favorite Kunio game
Pic related.

>Favorite character
Can't tell.

>Hopes for new games
They'll bring back sport games other than soccer and this racing thing.

Attached: Nekketsu-Street-Basket-min.jpg (700x393, 71K)

yeah because I aint gonna play it ill play for 2 minutes and go fap to some sprite game

As all true conaissoir should.

More like the girls will storm the prison and rescue them, proving that they can take on mass cops while the guys couldn't.

>proving that they can take on mass cops while the guys couldn't.
They can, they already did it in the past.

>pixel art sprites and tiles
>hi res cartoony portraits, ui and text
Oh god why how who thought this was good

Attached: 1456440813944.jpg (1280x1280, 271K)

Actually kinda intrested in this because I like beat em ups and haven't played River City gmes other than trying it out years ago when I tried out some roms.
The thing is, I have an autistic habbit of wanting to play past games before jumping to the new ones, so are the past games any good and if so, what are worth playing?

Attached: DONKEY ROLLA.gif (220x236, 307K)

Didn't stop them from getting kidnapped this time.

I see no issue, there.

I think I still like the original RCR. The new games do add some nice new fluff, but RCR still has charm. It's probably just nostalgia.

Goda. Headbutts of justice.

I just hope the special moves are fun to use.

Shodai Nekketsu does need a remake. But I wonder if they would just use the same old sprites again instead of trying for a updated style to match the original game. But then again, the Renegade remake used the standard Kunio sprites so probably not.

>so are the past games any good and if so, what are worth playing?
NES ones aged kinda badly because they are slow but they can be good if you like them. SNES has Tachi no Banka which is good. Newer ones can't really tell.

I'm judging only beat'em ups, I've skipped sport games.

Hence the point of that user >The boys got jumped
and mine >Just because you beat a kidnapper doesn't mean you are stronger than the one they kidnapped.
>Kidnapper are cowards by nature, thus weak. they only get you by relying on sneak attacks.

And, again, taken by surprise. You don't measure strength by sneak attack.

I have the same autistic habit and I played everything worth through last month so lemme give you some recommendations.
River City Ransom: It's one of those cool single player beat em ups since you get a lot of freedom in how you improve your character, it's a short and sweet game to beat in a night.
Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (SNES): This is a sequel to the original Kunio arcade so it doesn't have the rpg elements. The characters have lots of moves though so it's still fun as fuck, the story it's also great, more so if you like banchos. You can play as the girls here.
River City Rival Schools and Tokyo rumble: 3ds games that expand on the formula of the NES RCR, they are great.
They say river city underground it's cool too but I haven't tried it yet

>River City Ransom: It's one of those cool single player beat em ups since you get a lot of freedom in how you improve your character, it's a short and sweet game to beat in a night.
does it differ from platform to platform? What version to take?

Forgot to specify on that
The gba game has better graphics, a ton of new moves and it let's you join a gang of up to 4 characters. The thing is, every special move is like 3 or 5 times more expensive so you need to grind a fuckton, also the characters join your gang only if you have a high honor stat, which goes down when you do stuff like hitting enemies on the floor or using a weapon too often, so it makes thing unnecessary complicated. I don't recommend this version unless you just want to mess around.
The 3ds remake, Rival Schools it's pretty good though, I'd say go for that

>if you have a high honor stat, which goes down when you do stuff like hitting enemies on the floor or using a weapon too often, so it makes thing unnecessary complicated.
I actually like that idea. Too bad it result in grinding.

Thanks dudes for the info, when I have some free time I'm gonna play some river ciy

Attached: fugggg.jpg (312x290, 22K)

and I can't apparently type out "City"


stop shilling this literal cuck game

Because the artist likes that. Her webcomics has a lot of those.

>literal cuck
You odn't know the meaning of the word. It's literally the opposite of it. two faithful girlfriends beating the crap out of people for the bf they love.


getting rescue cunnilingus from Riki!

You know it's meaningless if you don't even know what cuck means, right?

Attached: Untitled.png (237x405, 68K)

>final boss is your equal in every way

Attached: secret boss icon.png (240x240, 89K)

>cuck denying that he's a cuck

>Still unable to figure out what a cuck is
Okay, I'll give you one chance, what is cuck about a faithful girlfriend risking her life for her boyfriend?

>her life for her boyfriend?
Which isn't you, you cuck. :)

you are the girl

I'm a man though.

>he doesn't self-insert as the boyfriend
Like, how many working neurons do you have?

>self inserting as a another man

>man is unable to self-insert as a male boyfriend
Is this your first look at videogame?

Attached: manga that is not gay.png (500x190, 78K)

Men can be girls

So, by your logic, when you play Crash Bandicoot and he rescue his girlfriend, you are also getting cucked, as you are unable to self -insert in an other male-character?

because have sex


Probably has a dick


Because I'm the one doing the saving as a man. :)

>Because I'm the one doing the saving as a man. :)
So you are guilty of self-inserting of an other man like pointed out thereThank you for establishing you don't know what cuck means.


Attached: 1537364356264.png (979x800, 878K)


>cuck trying to defend his unmanliness

>get to be the boyfriend of a sexy girl
>be called cuck
you don't know what it means, do you?

Aw yiss..

I don't want to spend money on a remake of a game I have zero attachment to. I'm just going to buy the new shantae instead .


So you know, you can google Cuckholding and actually find out what it is about.

latent homosexuals are afraid to play a game where they rescue their objects of lust

This, that one actually has cute girl without boyfriends.


All i am seeng is someone saying cuck cuck cuck cuck thinking it is somehow a magic word.

I don't know what you're talking about, but the full.body portrait of the girl on the right is a carbon copy of Mikasa from Attack on Titan, and even the name sounds similar.

>people who self insert into mc's
>people who self insert into mc's world as a character themselves

Both are cancer, just play games

How is it cuck?

Why would an outcast get anything?

Delinquents ARE outcasts.

So a girl who isn't your gf is with someone else, and that make you a cuck? You must think you are the biggest cuck of the world, with all of those real women not dating you.

There was a study way back in 1989 showing men generally don't give a shit about what they get to play as in vidya while women are the opposite.

I don't give a fuck about these girls just let me play as K and R instead.

I remember one of the devs on twitter saying he was embarassed at having to make this game and justified himself saying they were contracted and the team is diverse.

I just want one of the cheerleaders desu, game looks fun

Attached: 42-429358_snail-ok-hand-hachikuji-mayoi-ok-hand-hd.jpg (840x668, 213K)

this game looks great
too bad it's from weebtown
probably a phone game too

They're unlockable playable characters.

I want PORN of this


Attached: 1543874527541.jpg (1920x1080, 566K)

>Need to self insert in every story
Your virginity has screwed over your capacity to enjoy stories have sex

disgusting fanart

Yea Forums

I never understood people that throw hissyfits over a fictional drawing's "purity."


When is the game out?

I haven't really kept up with the anime fandom for a over a decade, but I remember when this kind of attitude over in Japan was a source of jokes. Guess it's just about how long you let the autism fester.

Sept 5

Attached: 1535064026190.gif (404x347, 1003K)

I want Kyoko to grab a baseball bat and smash my face in until I look like Emmett Till

Where Bubbles? I see Blossom and Buttercup everywhere here but no Bubbles. The trio seems incomplete for me.

She's also a published mangaka. The nips accept her.

>tfw no Kyou Kara Ore Wa!! game

Attached: SELF-STYLED BAD BOY180.jpg (512x409, 51K)

I would rather have a proper banchou game. KKOW is good, but really not for a good banchouing. Maybe Angel Densetsu does.

Attached: mmmikedaya-1159935776026533888-1.jpg (1568x1129, 360K)

And her art isn't the shitty OP art.

>implying Mitsuhashi and all his secret techniques wouldn't make for the greatest moveset ever
>going up against the fucking Yakuza alongside Nakano and IMAI
It'd be absolute kino.

Attached: mpv-shot0008.jpg (759x568, 83K)

Post her art, then.

>and IMAI to use as a decoy and bait

Seems a bit cucked desu.

>tfw no Rokudou no Onna-tach game

Attached: 1543168456258.jpg (1670x1200, 554K)

Mami is bubbles

If you aren't a woman, fag or a fag who's just interested for the gameplay then you are a certified cuck.

This game appeals to those who want to play as girls wanting to save their boyfriends and that is the most pathetic shit I have ever seen.

What's worse is that I see cucks arguing who's the best girl while also complenting their beauty when it doesn't really matter in the end cause their going to get dicked by the chads anyways.

It was posted here user. I'll look for it.

I think the game will be fun, but I wish it was 4 player.

If you play any game that involves a relationship between two people in any way, you are a cuck.

That's because a man's purpose in life is defined by what he gets done. The objectives he accomplishes, the enemies he defeats.
So long as your avatar can kick ass, the man is happy.
Whereas, a woman's purpose in life is defined by her fertility and her ability to support a family.
If you're not beautiful or not even a woman, you can't fulfill your purpose, so why even try?

Though to be fair women also fucking love playing as vampires and werewolves so presumably there's more to it than just that.

Are you this much of a cuck that you have to see your shitty fetish everywhere?

mayor of your brain

I can understand not liking the game for other reasons, but you're really dumb if you have to self-insert yourself into every scenario with 2D girls. You should instead watch some trash issekai anime that were made for losers like you.

He didn’t say he was embarrassed for making the game, he was agreeing with the notion that a near middle aged man writing a game about high school students was “cringe” but was confident in the final result because the female staff liked it.

I like to believe they are just memeing really hard and not that they are actual retards.

It should have 8 players. Like Little Fighter 2. Now that was a beat em up.

Attached: 1561937041824.gif (794x550, 112K)

>Hey it's me your supervisor. How about you say that you like the writing in this game for promotional purposes? Come on you don't need to do anything. It'll reflect poorly on you if you don't help the team out....
lmao they're so obvious

>demanding unnamed employees to say that they like something so that you can have an unsourced reference in case of twitter dispute

Yea Forums logic

>then you are a certified cuck.
And an other user who do'nt know the meaning of the word.
>This game appeals to those who want to play as girls wanting to save their boyfriends
so, the opposite of cuckholding. And now you know.
>when it doesn't really matter in the end cause their going to get dicked by the chads anyways.
And who do you think they self insert as?

damn, that takes me back to middle school. I had a lot of fond memories beating the crap out of people with friends.

Attached: 1429786600589.png (441x459, 22K)

If you mean for the game, she drew all the manga cutscenes.

Attached: eaccd463d00a52fa21111ce387d176ba.jpg (700x1020, 122K)

Swing and miss on women. The reason is they're extremely focused on socializing and the details of a situation, so if a protag doesn't click they're less likely to enjoy.

Game looks honestly cool, but how am I supposed to get a friend to play it with


Isn't that study biased by not having that much games where you play as a female character?

When the character you play is so often easily identifiable, you don't see an issue when it isn't the case.

typical gamer. brain so full of cum

Can confirm. Girls I know say they have trouble relating to a playable character that's not just male, but even pre-made female characters. They really want to self-insert as their own custom character they try to make look like themselves IRL (with some "corrections", of course).

have a yamada

Attached: AKINARI_K D_b7HghU0AALkEK.jpg orig.jpg (700x910, 88K)

But the, there is this huge female fanbase of the Zelda game where they love playing as Link.

Who is the target audience for this game?

It seems to have just the wrong amount of everything to piss everyone off.

I mean the main characters are typical teenage sluts, won't that piss off the target audience?

Attached: You what.gif (640x480, 111K)

I don't want Yamada. Goda better be in this game.

That's just because the LoZ fanbase is huge itself, so naturally the sheer number of girls playing it is high. Doesn't mean the portion of girls who prefer as characters of the same sex isn't much higher than that of the male gamers.

Yeah, she's pretty good.
Shame her comic's writer sucks. Never make art with your significant other.

>Who is the target audience for this game?
Beat-em-up fans. Look it up, since you weren't around back when this genre was still popular.

I love this, the fuck are you on about?

I have no idea what River City Girls is. I just see chicks in school outfits fighting and I'm interested.

I played doubledragon and saboteur on my amstrad nice grasping at straws.

It is too limited in scope and divisive someone who is old enough to like these sort of games will dislike the inherent SJW elements of the story.

>Hot bitches step on other girls.

Wayforward or not, I'm not sure if I care for franchise colonization. Kinda hoped that shit died out after either Dead Rising 3 or Bionic whitedred Commando.

>Purposely ignoring parts of the game and emphasizing others

You disingenuous little shit. You can literally read the thread even the OP post to get some idea of the problems.

Brainlet leddit tourists need to leave. Do you understand?

I want another River City/Kunio game. I'm the target audience.

>For them some characters just sound cooler in English even if they don't know what they're saying
I mean...isn't that why we prefer Jap dub?

Do you have any critical thinking skills at all?


>Dragon's Trap Remake
>Contra 4
>Metal Warriors
>Secret of Evermore

>Purposely ignoring parts of the game and emphasizing others
Take a look in the mirror, buddy. The only one being disingenuous here is you, looking for shit to be mad about.

I don't see how this is any more "SJW" than Super Princess Peach. They're going to rescue (and then have sex with) their boyfriends in one adventure after the opposite happening in some capacity at least five times. What's SJW about that?

Yep. Hence why I'm buying this. It's what I want + hot girls.

>people are STILL replying to /pol/tard tourists
When the fuck will you learn? Unless it's all just samefagging schizo.

Is Coop limited to 2 or can it go up to 4?

2 players. Local co-op only.

Care to share your critical thoughts about why I shouldn't like this game then?

another interview

>We know the fighting system in River City Girls has been overseen by Arc System Works, can you explain how exactly its team helped out?

>Arc was instrumental in helping us realize the full potential of our game’s combat. As our development partner and publisher of the game in Asia, Arc would be sent regular builds of the game-in-progress. They would then play the game and compile feedback on what they felt could use improvement.

>Sometimes their feedback would involve brand corrections (i.e. Kyoko doesn’t actually go to River City High, she goes to Hanazono High, so she needed to be visiting Misako in our story). Sometimes they would suggest enemies (like Trash and Waver) or music tracks from old Technōs games to pay homage to. But especially as we got deeper into development, they would give us detailed feedback on how to get the combat as tight as possible.

Attached: 1565405975787.png (1766x1022, 1.72M)

I wanted a kenka bancho like im used to, Playing as the River city boys in better graphics and style would have been nice.
A beat-em up with a pair up lie Yusuke/Kuwabara or Josuke/Okuyasu.
Was that so much to ask for?

The boys ARE playable retard.

>Playing as the River city boys in better graphics and style
I don't like the colorful western college art style, i prefer the gritter back street japanese thug shit.

Nothing says thug lyfe like chibi highschoolers

wheres blossom anyway?

and do they kick balls? this might or might not be important

Can't you just ditch the guys and do each other?

boy and girl parts are not safe

Attached: daikai6 D-mClJqU8AA9QEQ.jpg orig.jpg (1370x766, 166K)

They stomp on cunts. It's how they revive each other.

>We know the game will support co-op – is there any chance we could see online play added in the future?
>Because there were so many systems and so much content to build from scratch in this first adventure, we decided to keep co-op local. Brawlers also tend to be more fun when playing with a friend in person, arguing and trash-talking with each other. I don’t know whether online multiplayer is something we would consider adding to this game later, since everything was designed around the idea of local co-op only. But I could definitely see us exploring that in a follow-up game.

Sounds like the Yakuza games are for you.

I mean it was added to Scott Pilgrim because people made a stink.

See, you don't market girls like theyre doing right now, and expect the audience that it caters to, to have friends to even couch co op with.
They have their wires crossed completely.

>I played doubledragon and saboteur on my amstrad
Then you are the target audience of this game.

Phantom Breaker was also local-only when it got released on PC, then they eventually added online. So let's stink it up until they add it.

>someone who is old enough to like these sort of games will dislike the inherent SJW elements of the story.
No, they won't. only moron will.

>You can literally read the thread even the OP post to get some idea of the problems.
There are gamers who don't buy games for idiotic reason? Yeah, that's a problem that has always existed. Not enough of a reason to not make a game.

>How about post-release updates and DLC in general?

>I hope so! We have some fun ideas, but nothing’s in production at this moment. I can say that both WayForward and Arc System Works were very pleased with how this game, and our partnership, turned out. So if the game sells well, I think there’s a good chance you’ll see more River City adventures from WayForward in the coming years.

pretty much. if it sells well. like another user said

well. we already knew that. still. a shame

Attached: Alakazamaster EBSnG9WU0AYnkpK.jpg orig.jpg (1150x2048, 201K)

>you missed out on having sex in high school

Those chains and the font really fucking kill me.

Rent free

then you get aids

I don't self-insert as the character I'm playing because I'm not an autistic raging hopmosexual.

Attached: fb70da3a154c60dc01aa52db92bb6831.jpg (736x962, 54K)

Katana Zero takes a fat shit on this game's spritework, come on now, it's average at best.

the kunio and riki dick is too strong

Attached: misuzu fight end talk.jpg (2554x2510, 1.13M)


That's bullshit and you know it. The characters in that didn't even have faces more complex than a few lines for eyes and another line for a mouth, let alone the full range of facial expressions that this has.

>What hot blooded male wouldn't want to play as a cute tough girl and then be awarded with an apex bancho to fuck with your high school virgin pussy at the end
yeah you're gay my dude

>katana zero
>example of good pixel art
you're kidding right? it's just average low detail hotline miami style pixel art

Some of the sprite work is pretty good, but river city girls is a step up.

Attached: 61KnYblmNFL._AC_SL1280_.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

RCG sprites are filled with soul

Attached: 1565389145480.png (269x232, 107K)

Is this mental illness?

>dab attack

Literal soul.

Attached: 1563806004077.webm (640x360, 1.71M)

>and expect the audience that it caters to, to have friends to even couch co op with.
Many gamers have couch friends to play with.

Blossom and Buttercup?

That's one way to revive your partner.

Pretty sure the chains just signify that you're "locked" in a combat screen and disappear when not in combat. The font does need some work though.

Nothing with the chains themselves, just that they are not pixel art. Many of the other UI elements are disconnected from the main scene, aside from the chains, which makes them not being pixel art worse.

>let's stink it up
I'll herd up the smash community and teach them to write.

The animation is beyond reproach, but they clearly went with a much less detailed style because they didn't want things to get muddied during heavy action.

The online for phantom breaker was so busted, they had to roll back the update where it was added though. Don't know if they ever got it really working.

Attached: 329490_20161217132352_1.png (1280x720, 138K)

Yes. Only retards think this is anything remotely "cuck." it's just girls trying to save their boyfriends.

Are your going to give this cuck your money?

Attached: 1562360456714.png (1618x808, 156K)

uh, yeah. Payment for product. That's how the free market works, commie.

you bootlicking nobody haha

Are you going to give your VPN service more money so you can keep evading fully justified bans?

I remember Phantom Breaker's online working well enough for me, although there was one humorous desync at the final boss where I was unable to move (and promptly died) while my friend couldn't see anything but was still able to act, so I gave directions while he blindly attacked to defeat the boss.

I'd expect Parsec to be a more effect means of emulating online play than hoping any of these small time devs would be able to make something functional.

Even CPR in River City is a form of violence.

Communism isn't going to erase your student debt.

>paying american bucks to a cucked commie dev
>calls other commies
I'm sorry, are you retarded?

Attached: 1522520782515.jpg (861x1170, 97K)

Misako existed over a decade before Attack on Titan was even thought up.

>people getting unironically upset that a fictional character has a fictional boyfriend
>being this romantically repressed
let me guess, you are one of those wizards who take the term waifu at face value

>Le ebin cuck tweet.
have you ever heard of this fabulous new product called 'Deodorant'? maybe you should buy some, maybe you can get a girlfriend and have sex!

>paying someone for a product is communism

Where all those cuck self inserts come from?

Attached: 1533701961874.jpg (254x294, 28K)

Girls dont play vidya so yeah

Paying your money to people who support communist is, you stupid fegget.

Products don't have an ideology. Learn to separate the artist and the art. You sound like those retards that say if you're not actively against someone who is racist, you're a racist.

This guy seems ashamed to be working on the game. And why does this seem like one of those times where a guy is striking out with a girl and just doesn't realize it?

people wanted to find a reason to complain and that's the best they could come up to.

See, this is true gender equality. Both men and women getting their gonads pounded into a fine mist.

>go out of your way to make up some fantasy fanfiction where the player is a character in a game

>people took this seriously
god normalfags are idiots lol

Amazing how the human brain can make the most uncuck thing ever a cuck fantasy

I am chalking it more to the usual fetishists trying to force their shitty fetish into anything they can.

Doesn't this also make every Mario NTR?

>Not self-inserting as an all-seeing deity guiding people to their destiny.

Is this how you make vidya that both SJWs and non-SJWs like? If so, Wayforward is a Godsend.

Attached: 2E544802-1B60-4F2F-B969-91295CA9BBB1.png (245x280, 269K)

You haven't posted on here for long have you? Yea Forums is full of extreme waifu faggots who need every girl in a game to be single so they can self-interest as boyfriends to them.

>SJWs and non-SJWs like?
SJWs don't like it though. They were assmad about it being High School Girls.

You mean Kunio.

All they need to do is self-insert as the existing boyfriend character.

>They were assmad about it being High School Girls.
Okay, this make even less sense than the NTR thing. What's their actual take, there?

>SJWs don't like it though.
Then aren't we supposed to like it? Why is it on Yea Forums's shitpost list?

>What's their actual take, there?
Something about the outfits being objectifying and sexist.

I don't think that's even the majority of SJW who complain about that.

>literally Blossom and Buttercup in HS
Where's Bubbles?

So this game is like a beat em up right? Kinda like those arcade Simpsons games?
It's probably more hate towards Wayforward and Japan than the game itself. This game was announced around the time they were mad about Shantae's age.

>SJWs don't like it though.

Doesn't that sort of imply it's actually good, then?


Must suck being retarded

The trick is to just say no homo at the end and no matter what you say it isn't gay trust me I'm an expert

>So this game is like a beat em up right?
That's literally what it is.

How so? Shantae is over 20 years old.

Attached: Shantae_Cover.jpg (316x316, 19K)

Am i missing something?
People are mad because fictional girls have boyfriends?
I honestly didn't want to touch this game because it reeked of yuriniggers and waifutards but apparently it's not the case?

Attached: 1554260443374.jpg (186x171, 9K)

They said she was 16

I figured as much, I was just being cheeky about how old the franchise is.

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Purityfags assmad as usual over something incredibly fucking stupid. Wanting to save your boyfriend is the most non-cuck thing possible yet they managed to spin it to a cuck fantasy.

A pair of girls raising hell to rescue their boyfriends sounds like a case of super female heterosexuality, my man.

It wouldn't be the first time either. These bitches are fucking loyal.

>Products don't have an ideology
>Movies, books, games, music don't have an idealogy
>Products are not used to spread political ideas
Now I really don't know if you're either genuinely retarded or just trolling...

Typical cuck. Always insecure and ashamed to be alive