with wow getting a classic version do you guys think Final Fantasy xiv will get a classic version?
With wow getting a classic version do you guys think Final Fantasy xiv will get a classic version?
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Jesus Christ OP...
what? I think its a fair question is the resniance era of mmorpgs will be brought forthe not by modern editions to the genre, but restored older versions of the genre.
Runescape had its, wow is having its, maybe XIV, Ultima, Everquest, Rift will have classic versions where it draws in players going back to a retro feel.
Holy shit OP...
They'd actually have to update the game to even run properly on modern OS and CPUs, unless you want people to experience the joy of exclusive fullscreen or a shitty windowed mode. Too much work for them to bust out a 7 year old dev environment.
What did the classic version get announced already? and this is old news?
That's a huge dungeon map,
Yea I didn't really think about the technical limitations or the implicated workload they'd need to do to bring it up to speed, i guess it's not likely to happen what with demand not being high.
>That's a huge dungeon map,
ARR version is technically larger, despite closed off alternate routes from its 1.0 inception.
The classic version was not announced and as long as YoshiP is at the head of ffxiv will never get a classic release.
It also doesn't help that most people who played it hated the game and would most certainly review poorly if released
the game's already running on fumes and a skeleton crew and you want to add an outdated version for upkeep? you wanna see level 50 gear rehashed for the 50th time?
Most people who played/hated it played it during its worst years in the launch/earlier versions, and not after the updates got it to an arguably ok starting point.
...is that Tam-Tara Deepcroft? Took me a moment to realise what I was looking at.
Thousand Maws of Toto-rak.
I didn't recognise this as toto-rak until you posted the second image.
i dont know is there a "pepsi classic" lol no its just off-brand bullshit. theres your answer.
Not enough people care about it for that to happen. Both the original game and the rebuild are garbage. The only difference is the rebuild has more superficial bullshit disguised as “content” for all the weebs and trannies to enjoy.
Derp. I always get those two mixed up, sorry.
This real chads are still playing XI
I do the same shit, and it's because they're both BORING AS FUCK DUNGEONS, in BOTH versions of the game.
I also forgot to note, I miss when they use to 'detail' the non-playable areas of maps in ARR. Most of the modern dungeon maps are just the collision mesh flattened into a png and then the basic 'paper' layer thrown underneath, nothing more. Quicker workflow at the cost of what little soul the game had.
why does it slowly get worse the more they develop it?
Streamlined it, because the ARR playerbase doesn't want players to waste time 'exploring' the other routes, because SE doesn't want to be fucked in making them worthwhile such as XP-chests w/ worthwhile loot.
It's called FFXI
ffXI on pc is like the ps2 version of everquest
it wouldn't make sense to make a level 15 dungeon interesting to explore unless they planned on you staying level 15 for a while and people already complain about all content pre 60 anyway
people still hated it after 1.23b. I mean shit we have ARR server emulator that has far more progress than the 1.0 server emulator despite having more server documentation for 1.0. That shows how much people give a fuck about 1.x
ffxiv is too small
I just hit endgame. Can you only obtain one Blade of Early Antiquity per week? So I need 7 week for the Deepshadow Weapons?
I hope so. Things needs to be challenging again
Yet the procgen dungeons (Palace of the Dead, Heaven-on-High) are pretty damn popular and there's no fixed routes there. Yes they're not popular because of the procgen, it's all about the rewards, but point still stands. Throw the players a carrot and they'll happily do any kind of dungeon, exploration or not.
>despite having more server documentation for 1.0
Trying to build a dead MMO with limited documentation where you're stuck figuring out things the hard way (diassembly/throwing darts at a wall) is harder than a live one, even though folks with a live MMO that don't version lock are stuck having to figure out how the devs fucked with the packet structure/offsets each update.
Meanwhile ARR community did some shit for free for its devs with their autistic need to reverse the game files to mod dicks in.
There already are shitty official "classic" EQ servers. Better off playing on Project 99 for a more legit experience.
Itd be more comparable to WoW for there to be a ffxi classic, instead of ffxiv classic.
user. People just rush the exit.
Fuck no. People actually enjoyed classic which blew up into 12 million players down the line. 1.0 was so bad it ate shit and died.
Yeah. They just need to find the exit. Which requires exploration.
>YoshiP announces FFXIV Classic
>It's just vanilla 2.0
Yes but i'd suggest you buy a crafting wep pentameld and use your phantasmagoria on something else.
Nobody likes the exploring part user.
They don't hate it enough to not run those dungeons either. Shows there's no need for dungeons to have a single fixed layout.
that combat looks really fun
The game literally was put down due to nobody wanting to play 1.0.
You know I'm not one to call people shills on this board but I do think it's weird how much FF14 is spammed on Yea Forums
What about waiting for 5 seconds to cast Axe is difficult?
Combination of new expansion + some janitors going on a deletion spree. Shit gets spammed just to spite them.
Who was in the wrong?
I don't know. Ask classic WoW players, they seem to like it.
the reason is because the /vg/ general is genuinely terrible even by /vg/ standards. so people keep making threads here because they want nothing to do with the cesspool. i do think the threads need to calm down a little since thread quality has decreased and there aren't gonna be any updates until late september/october last i checked
Waiting is too hard for modern gamers; gotta be constantly mashing buttons in a set rotation instead.
Thank you, user. You shall be spared from the dilatation that I will bring upon this thread.
you realize 13 year olds arent allowed on Yea Forums right?
You know what sucks? vg is filled with helpful people but immense fucking faggots, v isn't as helpful but they have a shit fucking ton of cancer elitiests and shitposters. and also massive faggots sometimes.
>MMO that was 90% serverside is behind the MMO that is 90% clientside
Gee, I wonder how the ARR one is so far ahead guys.
Forced meme.
You were, and doubly wrong for hiding your name like a tranny.
you're pathetic
It is a forced meme.
It's okay, I know most of XIV posters are autistic as fuck so this is normal behavior for you
I think this has to be the least funny meme ever forced here. At least the katana shit made me snort occasionally before the number of times the joke was repeated hit the double digits.
You can tell that this screenshot is ancient because of the Guildworks text announcement.
WoWbabbies, normalfags and casuals complaining that it's "too hard" and the game being simplified to cater to them.
basically what's always happened with FFXIV since it first came out in 2010.
Tell it to this guy.
i missed the early threads of xiv on Yea Forums were they good? should i go into the archives and read them?
>/vg/ thread is shit
>classic anime-bait game with cute lolis/girls that Yea Forums likes so much
>it's an MMO and it's actually decent
>tfw no Wakfu/FF tactics/Fire Emblem MMO
Why do people bitch so much about turn based games? Just put quick timers so shitters wont make you wait entire minutes
Titania parse here. Any tips on how to get better?
1.0 wasnt good outside of the graphics and no loading of zones. Other than that its not missed
Hey i just started playing XIV what class should i pick fellow XIV players?
stop reposting this
Will you post this bait every single thread from now on?
Don't repost someone else's shitty parses.
desu i fucking loved the game when it first came out.
i quit when they nerfed the crafting mini-game down to "press button, get itam" to cater to the bads and newfags who couldn't figure crafting 1.0 out.
also the fact that when they added strongholds exp turned into "15 people go afk for an hour while 3 people kill everything with AoEs" cancer that killed FFXI.
Sorry :(
I'm not op
Going into the archives isn't really necessary, it'll pick up once 5.1 hits and there's actually something new to talk about.
It's easy to say that more complex layouts are better, and in a single player game where you do a dungeon once it would be true. But in this game, every time you queue into a dungeon you'll just take the best route anyway, and I guarantee you'd be here complaining whenever some new player wants to explore every little side path of Toto-Rak and makes the dungeon take twice as long. In an MMO it's better to make engaging encounters than fancy dungeon layouts.
How much english does yoshi p know? He's always with a translator but he often reacts to questions before they're translated.
>it's another user listlessly hits a striking dummy for hours episode
It's easy to understand a different language, but to translate it is completely different. So whilst he knows what to say in Japanese, he doesn't know how to respond that way in English.
YoshiP was asked about that, actually. He just shook his head and laughed while saying "No".
>I have the debuff
seriously what did he mean by this?
People do deep dungeon because the time it takes fucking around finding the exit is still half of what a DPS queue would be. PotD/HoH are mind numbing and everyone hates them.
real spic hours
>In an MMO it's better to make engaging encounters than fancy dungeon layouts.
When you are paying $15 a month plus $60 for each expansion you should be expecting both rather than defending a half assed product like you are. Be gone shill.
cool i guess i'll keep a lookout on Yea Forums when the patch happens.
>PotD/HoH are mind numbing and everyone hates them.
You're playing the game like it's some mad rush to level up to max ASAP. The hell is wrong with you? I'm currently doing Potd (on like floor 180 or so now) and it's pretty fun. Things can very quickly get bad.
We'll be happy to have you, bro.
>translate it is completely different. So whilst he knows what to say in Japanese, he doesn't know how to respond that way in English.
That's not a translation issue.
its good to have a b2p option. no need to sub monthly for sub par content
lmao what a faggot
>MY boots
Are made for walking?
It is if Yoshi-P has to respond to someone.
As soon as someone asks for a certain loot, I'll roll on it.
19:45 in and you'll see "my gloves"
why do you guys hate /xivg/ so much? its not even that bad nowadays.
If Yoshi can understand English but he is simply not good enough to produce you're looking at outpint vs input. That's unrelated to translation.
>b-but he is translating things in his head
I do that if they're on the wrong role
>super casul BLM
>edengate gear and ronkan accs
>been using my weathered AF weapon up until today
>buy a weapon
>go into expert
>no ACT but see the RDM pulling more enmity than me
Either I am a shit or this is the power of accs and melds.
Probably both. I'm too stingy to meld anything I have less than 10 of.
What's priority again? Spell speed, direct hit, crit, determination? my SS is a piddly 1402 so I want to fix that quickly.
It's amazing how fucking often people ask "whats the best potion for x job?". How fucking retarded can you be that you don't even know what stat your job uses?
If they ask nicely I'll pass, but if they act entitled to it I'm rolling. I've asked someone to pass for loot too when it was just me and the tank left at the end of Mach, I asked if I could have the tank top and he let me have it. All I said was "Can I have that top please?". I think there's some nice people in this game, but the entitled people are the worse.
I'm only trying to help you understand it user, no need to be a dick.
Str for Dnc right?
His voice and face doesn't match at all.
Yeah I guess it's the way people been asking.
"If you don't need pants, please don't roll on it. I need it."
No, Str is for Bard you retard. You think pulling a bow string is easy?
A question that was asked on one of Fanfests OP. YoshiP laughed in the face of the retard who asked.
What you said ironically is true, tho.
More strength -> faster arrow -> more damage
Why the fuck do all RPGs have Archers based on DEX for damage?
whats gonna happen to ardbro
I've never understood why RPGs keep this "weaker character uses bow" archetype.
what was the M word?
>hit 50 for SCH
>read some tips
>read to focus on DPS and try to heal with oGCDs instead of relying on GCD heals
>focus on AOEs
>go into Snowcloak
>party almost wipes once mid dungeon, wipes once at boss and almost wipes a second time
Fuck me healing while DPSing is hard. Trying to keep track of targeting/damaging the right enemy, making sure to refill Aetherflow, while keeping track of the tank's health and avoiding enemy AOEs is mega plate spinning. At the boss the party didn't get behind the big icicle in time, only one of the DPS died so I used swiftcast to revive him but then the tank died because I wasn't healing him enough.
melds for blm don't matter, ss dh and det are all within 1% of eachother
crit isn't high enough yet to be worth melding
ss is most forgiving to play and gives you more opener/rotation flexibility so most people use that
No because unlike WoW, 1.0 was fucking garbage and anybody who says otherwise is a retarded contrarian
>You're playing the game like it's some mad rush to level up to max ASAP
Not him, but it literally is. Every piece of content outside of the MSQ worth half a shit is at cap. Always has been. And every job plays like ass until then since they don't pace abilities out well.
Focus on learning your healing spells/abiliites, then learn your DPS rotation, which is not that hard. Then it's about learning the fight, which isn't important if it's just a leveling dungeon or some such thing. Really, doing all those things together with any efficiency won't be necessary until an EX/Savage fight.
people tell me if you mention ACT or parses in ffxiv you get banned is this true?
Show me your dick
Nah. Just don't be a dingdong. You can mention parses in game.
only if you get reported for it and there was some harassment to go along with it
In public channels, yes. If you keep it to a private chat nothing will be done to you. (make sure people in private chats are friends)
You only get banned if you use it as a "my dick is bigger than yours" argument.
Anyone have the twitch clip of the MNK freaking out because someone told him to move right during Titan e4s?
There's not any kind of automatic filter on it or text scraping they're doing, no. What will get you banned is saying "X player is only doing 4k dps"
If you're going to kick people for parsing low it has to be vague and indirect and you have to have some plausible deniability. You can kick people for "playstyle differences" but not for being bad.
>leveling mnk
>running msq roulette in praetorium last night
>decide to just go to sleep after the magitek armor part, to many cutscenes
>wake up later and the party were bros and didn't kick me while I was sleeping
Are they ever going to let us skip cutscenes again, at least when there's no new members? No one ever kicks anyone from this shit so that reason is bullshit
Unironically a good thing considering back then the game had actual interesting debuffs and buffs
Depends on how you mention them. Rule of thumb is, it's ok to discuss things but using parses as a reason or excuse to do things is bad. Example; kick BLM, he only parses yellow.
Only if someone reports you and especially if you use it to harass someone.
SScomfi then crit is literally the bis
Yeah, like Protect and Rage of Halone str debuff.
Depends, I talk about it all the time in NN as do a bunch of people I know and we never got a warning or ban for it but we also only talk about it in a general way and don't use it to refer to specific people and specific numbers in public chat
Plus you can always mention something for plausible deniability, like say you're on a ps4 and can't parse, or that you can clearly see the other person not doing attack animations or they have no spell cast bars appearing, or how the aggro changes means the party menu aggro rankings now give you a rough idea of where your dps is in relation to others
yes of course, just help us kill the bosses
Nice I just started playing and was worried vets would shit on me for being trash.
I mean i hope to get better eventually but right now im still in ARR
>the party menu aggro rankings
you can tell dps from aggro rankings? is this in the enemy list?
nice get
using third party software is technically against the terms of service so it is a bannable offense, but SE has no way of knowing you're using it and doesn't care if you are
BUT if you shove parses in people's faces because they are fucking garbage and actively chat about ACT or post the output, people will get salty and report you and you definitely can get banned for it
I'm sorry alright, it was after 2 am and I was tired and there was still 40 minutes of cutscenes to go
No its always been memeposting about whatever popular thing is in the game like the idiotic emet-selch posters. Whatever actual discussion gets going gets drowned out eventually by flaming and elitist talk about balance the moment someone disagrees over a 2% difference or some other trivial stupid shit like that.
The vets are the cool ones. People who take parsing seriously enough to insult others are rare.
No one cares much as long as you're not being a dick or deliberately being bad.
>three .1 percent enrages on Voidwalker and counting
This is the worst I've ever been walled by an encounter, I've hit low percent enrages plenty of times but never this many this low on a single fight, HELP
the last Live Letter had Yoshi talking about making Prae and CM runnable in a trust party, retrofitting the new mechanic to use like faction leaders etc.
hopefully that means they'll make cutscenes skippable again, but it's MORE likely that they'll drop the roulette entirely
You can't tell exact dps but you can see where you are compared to other dps jobs, in the upper left where it lists your party members each person has a little gauge and number next to it, that shows how much aggro everyone has with that enemy
For dps jobs now that we no longer have aggro management abilities the aggro we generate is all based on how much damage we are doing
IE the more aggro you have the higher your dps is
>clear 1-4 in 2hours
>but was assassinated in 1 and 3 and 4 was my fault
nothing to do the rest of the week
>but it's MORE likely that they'll drop the roulette entirely
>taking away that much exp
pls no
That's still a thing? My static is a bunch of shitters that got stuck on it week one with plenty sub 1% wipes but with just one week of extra of gear we killed it before he even cast enrage and then cleared O3S no problem.
Wait.. you can’t votekick the completely randomly assigned party leader?
They'll just redistribute it, trials/regular raids could really use the buff better yet they could make guildhests relevant past level 40
>Dilatabrea... always the tranny.
Just remember to never use sacred soil cuz it’s terrible
Forced meme.
You have two fucking DPS skills, you can't be this bad
Hopefully never.
>akadamia 2nd boss
>tell tank to stop being a spazz moving the boss around and to hold still
>tank gets all upset
>tries to overlap with me during a targeted aoe mechanic and get me killed
>teleport away from him
>healer gets annoyed and stops healing him and let's him die, focus heals me after and we finish the boss
>healer asks tank if they enjoyed their time out and if they're going to play nice
>tank completely loses his shit, starts going on a rant about how he's the leader and to adjust to what he does
>healer initiates vote kick while he's screeching, gets booted mid rant
>new tank in less than 30 seconds, rest of the run goes as normal
The guy we kicked was a highlander WAR from ultros, which one of you was it
Rip Xeno
how comes tanks in MMOs always assume that they're in charge and everyone should listen to them as a leader
Both of them were acting like faggots
2nd boss moves on it's own you retard.
>finished crafting 30,000 HQ maple syrup over a span of 20 hours, with the sunken cost 2 million gil worth of shards, mats and repairs
on to 10,000 HQ quicksilver I guess, and then maybe fishing every non-legendary fish in the game? Is this what my life has become?
Weapon damage is vastly more important than any amount of substats
>This world is currently full
It's been 3 months and this shit is still happening daily
2nd boss spins in the center and holds still, it doesnt twitch around and run to the edges of the arena on its own retard
>It's been 3 months
It feels like the pre-shad shitposting happened yesterday.
It's barely been 2 you dumb mongs
Oh, the fuck.
Hear me out,
Crafted weapons are 450 and can pentameld.
Deepshadow are 460, require the blades of antiquity and about 3 weeks worth of phantasmagoria.
You're saying the gap between 450 and 460 is so vast is justifies you gating yourself for 3 weeks?
that if you hit 80 and started collecting gear today, the first thing you'd do if spend 3 weeks of stones so you could buy the weapon, then use it to buy gear?
Maybe you should be healing more in that case.
>my party members are dying
>should I maybe start casting physick or succor?
>n-no the guide says to only heal with oGCDs
>people die
>bruh healing so hard
Is it really that hard to Adlo the tank?
I remember the assblast like it was yesterday
I've been getting queues since May
Are those for achievements, or something?
I wish there was an option to automatically fit the job gauge in the place where the TP bar used to be.
gonna prove to you fucks i can make a better viera than the most of you guys in 10 minutes. brb
Fuck, that's a good idea.
If it's pale skinned and less than max height you've already failed, also take your character posting faggotry to /vg/
>tfw I'm on Crystal and recognize a few of these names.
veena or rava? i'm not avatar fagging im just showing how easy it is for you people to make decent looking bunnies because holy fucking shit some of your guys bunnies are so fucking shti.
Rava. It's really not hard to accomplish.
Should have started to get used during leveling. I hate people who tell new players/healers to just start with healing. It never gets easier to learn to balance DPS and healing than at the start.
It's ok/better than Lustrate when it gets the trait.
rava of course, veena is for jizzbrains.
don't be retarded dude
weapon damage > everything else always yes, 1 weapon damage is like having +40 to every substat except better because it scales with having more substats
obviously nobody is saying that you can't spend phantasmagoria while you're gated off for the first few weeks don't be a fucking retard think about this for 2 seconds
what is being said is that if you don't set yourself up to get the i460 weapon immediately when you can you're making a mistake
It really is a shame how many newfags we get who don't understand the importance of weapon damage. I wouldn't even bother arguing with that tard.
>decided to start playing again
>havent played since Alex Savage
Tell me about the trust system, will it allow me to do all the dungeons and side dungeons in Stormbloood so I don't have to sit through long queue times waiting for someone who actually wants to run through stormblood content again?
wow this was fucking easy, what the fuck is with the playerbase making ugly fucking bunnies.
not liking the skin tone, so i might make it a bit darker too pale imo
But why?
Trusts are only for SHB dungeons and they're shittier than squadrons anyway.
wanna erp?
Trusts only work for shad dungeons, but you won't have a problem finding people for stormblood dungeons because of how roulettes work.
But user that one is ugly too.
genuinely looks like a tranny
im straight and i play a midlander so no. sorry
i am farming ex primals for my alts if we do see each other.
damn, such a tease. good luck with the primals
Thank you. I hoped I wasn't the only one who saw that.
let's see you try then. working on a rava rn.
For the record, they asked the producer of XIV the exact same question in a Q&A and all he did was laugh and say "Nightmare"
I wouldn't make a "bunny" because I'm not a tranny
Oh, well shit. I'd only been using it for bosses but I'll avoid it entirely then.
What trait? And yeah, I'd spent most of my time up until now mostly on the heal buttons with occasional ruins and bios when people were at max health. It's only now I've been seeing people saying to focus more on DPS.
I've done a lot better the last couple of dungeons. I think I just need to get a better grip on when to spend those Aether points. Been Adlo'ing the tank before pulls/bosses. And yeah I'll keep using the GCD heals when I need to, I took the advice to avoid them too literally.
Why is Aimee so cute?
No and that's a good thing
so how would you rank the stats in order of importance over all
you ever think about explaining to people with reasonable arguments instead of dismissing them as tards out right when they ask for people to elaborate on their points?
don't get me wrong bro you certainly don't have to if you don't feel like it but it might fix that "shame" you seem so upset about or keep doing you thats cool too, i got my explanation and i'm fine with it.
shit nigga, i ain't one either but im just saying i can make a better looking bunny than all these ugly ass mofos in game.
...my rava one isn't looking too hot though, might wanna mercy kill it.
Damn, I was hoping I could atleast take it at my own pace without dragging everyone down.
Well just so I know for sure, they didnt put any cutscenes in the middle of any dungeons in Stormblood did they? Cause I want to watch that shit.
I love my one desu. Made her with the benchmark and kept her since.
Vieras only look good with brown skin and white hair.
Pale vieras and ones with multicoloured hair look like fucking shite.
I don't recall any.
How many levels did you get from all that?
It is only right that I should make a post that you will read in Gaius' voice, for none among you has the power to stop me!
titles and glowing DoL/H weapons
Needs to happen with ffxi
not a huge fan and i think i could do better but the limited options is a bit disappointing.
how's this?
I was 80 before I started. The exp has exponential falloff anyway so it would have been pointless unless I was just starting out, and it would have been even more tedious then because I couldn't one-touch it with delicate synth.
Make the mouth less nigger-ish and It would look alright
>running qarn to level DRK
>dps let me die to bees 5 fucking times, 4 of them after I tell them to focus on them
>they only hit the golem in the second fight so it takes nearly ten minutes, blm ice mage btw
>healer keeps using sleep when I'm just double pulling so I have to run in circles to make sure retarded dps don't pull my aggro off of shit that's not following me
How do people have tank anxiety instead of boiling rage?
You fucked up, retard
it varies per job but generally
WD: 8+
Main stat: 1
substats from 0.25 to 0.1 or less
smaller or bigger?
yeah, said it in the spoiler.
that was the smallest iirc. either that or the smallest one makes her look like a resting bitch face.
you just know the stupid phone game is going to be butchered
Oh, those traits, gotcha. I forgot about those!
Scholar is so horribly boring jesus christ what a retarded class
It's not that bad. AST got shafted harder.
Since I've already finished my weeklies, gonna try out XI. Any recommendations for a class to start out as?
>t. dungeonbab
>tan bunny
extremely generic
t. tan bunny
Alright, I see now thank you for pointing this out to me.
Yo man disregard that stuff i said about using the phantasmagoria if you listened to it, rush the weapon first I didn't know what the fuck i was talking about.
>fucked up nose
>shit light brown instead of smooth chocolate or caramel
>goofy lips, eye color doesn't compliment hair color which in turn is to close to the skin tone
You're really bad at this
Why aren't you stunning or killing the bees yourself
i shitted it out in 5 minutes, still looks better than half of these trash i see in game.
Play it in raids where you have to plan out the order of your 50 offgcd heals and adding wiggle room to compensate for dps fuckups because you don't trust your co-healer.
travel back in time and play it on the ps2 honestly
>people complain about old content
Hmm i wonder why...i guess the game design itself isn’t to blame. Nope.
why is the fae armor crafted/dungeon so fucking good? it's honestly the best sets in the entire game.
So if I join a clear party and the only high-DPS job player is a SAM who did sub-9k in E1S with no deaths I should just leave right?
he can't "rush" the weapon either because you still need 7 pieces where you can only get 1 per week but based on his initial post I'm pretty sure he knew that
you get 3150 phantasmagoria over 7 weeks, and setting aside 100 week 5, and 450 both weeks 6 and week 7 gets you the weapon and you can still spend 2150 up front, that's enough for torso+legs pieces and at least one other piece, which you should probably get in the order of torso -> legs -> 3rd piece
whether you want to get other crafted gear for upgrades in the meantime is up to how much money you want to burn
probably for the best.
i made a rava a few posts after. not that great but i'd say definitely better than the trash i see posted on here and in game.
absolutely. Yoship knows that the only way to compete with WoW Classic is with the release of XIV Classic. Yoship only refers to it as a "nightmare" because it's already in development and it turns out making a genuinely good game in the form of fully realizing Tanaka's vision is more difficult than he anticipated
They're untargetable during the cast though?
Nah, it is the trash we see in game
If you want her to have full lips you need to pick a rounder face and smaller nose, if you want her to have a sharper face you need thinner lips and you can give her a more angular nose
The color balance of the skin tone you chose was to red, go for a nice caramel color not fucking orange
Her eyes should contrast that, go light green or dark purple
And try jet black hair, none of that muddy water color you chose
>wipe to the first boss of WoD
>an entire alliance fucks off
>other alliances trickle away
>only two healers in the whole 24-man
>some dps pulls as a joke, but because everyone gets zoned into the boss area automatically now we're all forced to fight it
>wipe and vote abandon
Why. Why why why why. It's WoD.
At least I had a giggle when MT died, I took over, MT revived and voked off me, then instantly got annihilated by the eye lazer.
>Yoship knows that the only way to compete with WoW Classic is with the release of XIV Classic
With all the retarded "dilate" memes being spouted you'd have thought people would be posting the wide-eyes fawn minion's text more, but I doubt the people that spam that shit even play the game.
No they're fucking not.
They gray out you fucking moron
They aren't untargetable during final sting you fucking retard
No, they're not. Are you fucking retarded?
That happens when you take more than 5 seconds to press LOW BLOW.
>start out
WAR and RDM are always good choices for your first pick as they often sj well with other jobs that you may want to play later on down the road. keep in mind that you only have the classic six to start when you make a character though. its best to look up which job sounds the most interesting to you, and if it's not of the original lineup, a quick search to see if any of them are good subjobs is pretty simple to do. potential subjobs only need to be leveled to 49.
>His mother was either lost in a terrible hunting accident...or perhaps is just lost.
what's the joke?
I'm so sick of joining savage parties and discovering that every fucking body in the party parsed grey in the previous fight
Assuming you’re going retail.
My absolute favorite classes in the game are:
>blue mage
>rune fencer
In terms of which of those is easy to get into at the start, probably blue mage but at the same time blue mage has a huge time investment cause all your spells have to be learned from monsters.
Puppetmaster is extraordinary amounts of fun but its also heavily expensive, even early on at the start.
The rest of the classes I mentioned are also overall good starting points except Bard, rune fencer for something tanky and Scholar for a mage. Problem with those is that they get expensive to gear towards end game.
These are all advanced jobs so depending on what you’re more interested in meele/mage pick your starting job accordingly.
Red Mage is a good starting job if you want to be a mage since its a good sub job for mages across the board.
Warrior is a safe bet to start with if you want to be a meele class.
At 30 you will unlock the ability to get the rest of the jobs but some are locked behind unlocking the area of the expansion they came with, generally not difficult to do however.
Is the Warrior of Darkness and his team are supposed to be players from FF11? I don't get it.
not him but how do i make a good looking character in FFXIV? im too scared to use the free fanta but i know i fucked up when making my character.
He's a warrior from the First.
Tell me your main's ilvl or eat dangan, filthy gaijin
No they are mirrors of the 5 warriors of light that get teleported to the future by lousiox when bahamut blows up everything during the battle of carteneu
check the verminion skill
If you mean their designs, they're supposed to be dark versions of the cgi characters from the trailers
your rabbit sucks famalam
god damn it
You think we'll ever get an XIV movie with the same quality as XIV 1.0 cgi? Hell when do you think anime or movies will get to that stage?
I know there's kingsglaive but I mean when studios can actively get to that quality without throwing a shit ton of budget at it.
Imagine spending years of your life, with all that stress and overtime eating away at your health, to fix an utter shitfest of a game so that your company doesn't crumble into nothingness, just to have some dumb shits start asking for it to be re-released because your failing competition did it to revive sub counts.
fucking speedreaders
Yeah. That's pretty good. Better than mine,good job user.
Stop getting hit with cycles.
First off learn the basics of color balance, then learn what type of facial features actually compliment each other, to many retards only think about one feature at a time and lose the forest from the trees
After you take all that into consideration start making characters and saving their data, these are all test runs so you can see how your idea looks in motion and under different kinds of light and this step is going to reveal the flaws in your design
Once you have your design finished and have smoothed out all the wrinkles then you can use that fantasia and just load up your final product design
I've been thinking of giving FFXI a shot, to see how it plays. Is there any reason to play on retail, or should I play on a private server?
>FFXV gets a feature length CG film while XIV gets 5 minute trailers every 2 years
Fuck everything
>face 1 and face 3
take the face 2 pill
what server we runnin on boys for classic?
FFXV made no sense getting a movie imo.
they being teleported to the future makes no sense because he said that they're dead and their entire world was fucked by the light
Kingsglaive was better than the game it was promoting.
1.23b > 3.0 > 5.0 > 2.0 >>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>> 4.0 > 1.0
There's plenty of things you could center a XIV movie around, they just wouldn't feature a WoL.
Final Fantasy 15 made no sense getting a movie imo.
Shit was backwards also. Kingsglaive setting would have made for a better video game, while XV's setup would be a better movie.
Yeah but we also got Dad of Light
have you ever been in a party that just makes you go "how the fuck are they doing so little damage with that class and no deaths?"
>there are people who genuinely.believe 3.0 was better than 5.0
Did you just block out the half year delay between 3.0 and 3.1 then also forget that 3.1 was a massive fucking failure that almost killed the game again?
>Game is so bad it nearly bankrupts the company
face 1 is most used, but also objectively the best and safest choice
LAst I heard FFXIV is getting an live action series
I fucking hate this boss, why do I keep getting hit by its heavy aoe i moved out of the indicator
I don't know if I can watch dad of light. It seems so campy and melodramatic.
>One small part of 3.0-3.5 is bad so 3.0 is awful!!!!
face 1 has a fucked up chin
until you look at it from the side
i like 2 a lot but the eyes are so slim
Same people making the Witcher series btw
dumbass forgot the picture
>small part
>almost 10 months
Fucking retard
i wonder just how much was spent on the movie + those free animated shorts?
Dude you're 100% addicted to dopamine hits and you don't even realize.
Backed by Sony as well so you know it's gonna be high budget at least.
>3.1 was a massive fucking failure that almost killed the game again
what happened in 3.1?
just play on nasomi like everybody else
retail isn't fun because you just party with npc's
>3.1 was a massive fucking failure that almost killed the game again
Nice overreaction.
1's side profile is ass
Definitely a shit ton. Shows how disorganized square is. I wonder if the movie made any profit.
I cannot comprehend their decision though. How are the higher ups in a company so out of base with their audience?
1.0 specifically did not almost bankrupt the company you fucking ape. The 12 other failed projects at the time and the retarded management of the company as a whole was what nearly bankrupt them.
can i part with npcs on nasomi?
will i even be able to play through the story without npcs on nasomi?
It is campy but it's not all that melodramatic and there's some good bits, like when the dad walks into his son's room while he's trying to talk to him in game and the son scrambles to hide his monitor and the dad thinks he walked in on him watching porn
I'll never understand why they downgraded the UI elements in 1.0. That micro-bar (bottom-right) and general action icons (they were 64x64, bumped down to 44x44) were made blurry as fuck for most of its life until YoshiP's crew revamped those aspects of both by redoing the skill icon visuals and shortcut bar.
Move faster. The two AoEs it alternates overlap a little.
It may not have been a major flop or else we would be hearing about it. Unlike the DQ movie
more and more normies are playing FFXIV because it's Final Fantasy the most normie JRPG brand ever. normies love live action cinema like capeshit and game of thrones. not hard to see why they're doing this.
The problem with Nasomi is that story stuff is broken.
3.1 had two big pieces of content, Void Ark and Diadem, both of which (especially Diadem) were absolute fucking garbage. This coming off the extended wait after 3.0's launch (and Gordias absolutely assfucking the raid scene) led to the lowest sub numbers the game has seen since the ARR relaunch. The game recovered, but HW fanboys pretend the game was in an absolute golden age from the moment HW launched which is just untrue.
why the fuck would you want to party with npc's? this is an mmo
play with people
Heard it's a decent adaptation if you cut off the ending. So I wonder if it's just overreactions.
I guess that's true. I guess it's the sudden trend of how things are being made now. It's always catering to their audience rather than the creator and the team's passion.
>have nice 128x128px icons for all items in 1.0
>dumb it down in later 1.X
>2.0 dumbs it down even further
>still remains dumbed down to this day despite games being in the 4K era now
Diadem was actually great until they nerfed the loot (because gordias raiders complained that BiS was through diadem and not savage) and they buffed enemy stats which made them more of HP sponges. Buffed enemies+worse loot = dead content.
And what you said before is an overreaction.
Thanks man. Just going trial for right now.
Is the Ultimate Seeker's Edition on the SE store a god deal btw? Going for $9.99 right now
I've also heard about some other private server, Eden I believe? Any particular reason to play on nasomi over eden?
What can we expect out of 5.1? Nier, Hades and what else? Ultimate?
I play with npcs during my first run through because they sometimes have little reactions throughout the dungeons that I think are neat. Other people do it to get all the dungeon loot, and other reasons
As a 1.0 veteran, no. You might as well have a FFXI classic, since that was what 1.0 to 1.16 was, just stupidly harder with less content. Also a shit Crystal Tools engine.
t. Legacy fag.
new game +
more blue mage shit
maybe the new eureka thing
maybe new pvp map
>Diadem was actually great until they nerfed the loot
Yeah I sure loved sitting on Dinosaur island with 143 others for three hours all smacking the same mob camp until tracks spawned.
How something ends can really ruin a series or movie. I've also heard many not liking the different artstyle instead of it being Akira Toriyama. That said, its nice visually and I don't care for DQ so it doesn't bother me. Maybe it might be more successful overseas?
If you’re going to farm an alliance raid for its gear, the least you could do is play the appropriate job so you get to Need the parts and laugh at the Greed peasants. Something tells me the boots guy was not doing this
Probably not enough to understand all the nuances but enough to understand the very, very, very basic gist. Like if I say something and he can make out "astrologian ..... mad ..... scholar.... Yu-Gi-Oh" he can probably get a basic idea of what I'm saying
Ishgard thing, first set of beast tribes, 1 dungeon
No ultimate?
>you ever think about explaining to people with reasonable arguments
I do, but it happens so many times that it gets tiring. I'm having a lot of bad experiences with people who tell the people in the know they are wrong that it's just put me in a bad state of not wanting to explain to them right now.
Ultimate being delayed to be on 5.3 & 5.5 instead so raiders have an end-of-expansion thing to do.
the faster way to spawn tracks was to actually gather. but everyone just followed reddit's advice like they always do for this game. whatever reddit says is everyone copies including meta.
wait, what? I'm at like level 65 right now and I always use it on big pulls or to just dump an aetherflow. I also use it on stacking mechanics but that's a given.
Damn bro, looking fine.
Gathering was slower due to the time needed to move around islands vs. everything murdering the one camp.
wats a good guide on how to be a big dick mnk in shadowbringers
Anyone got that 5.05 SAM flowchart?
this girl might be attractive if she was asian
I thought they were doing 3, so one after each raid.
a bunch of quality of life updates. that's usually what odd numbered patches have. I fully expect some HUD adjustments and making things easier for crafters.
is it at least written by XIV writers? I don't care about the production value or the acting, but I don't want to have some shitty lore on television butcher the game lore
>Amon: My, my, such unruly guests.
He definitely wasn't, those are the tank boots and it's not like anything in the game is even that hard to tank
t. Got those boots while tanking Orbonne
step 1 pick up katana
He's trolling, especially on big pulls it does far more than any other aetherflow skill
that's totally fair man and i don't begrudge you feeling that way i'd also probably feel jaded., my fuck up was giving advice on something i didn't fully understand, something i hope is now resolved with the guy in question listening to the other guy.
You're alright man. If only they were all like you.
protip: the rate tracks spawned depended on the activity of the instance. if everyone is smacking dinos on dino island then tracks spawn less there. but if you fished up some cloud fish on a remote island then you spawn tracks very quickly. but of course everyone was too lazy to move to the point where people begged for 2 seater mount rides instead of getting the currents.
Sorry for calling you a tard.
I think it looks like Trish from DMC5
not a good thing, btw
NG+: yes
more blue mage stuff: no
eureka 2.0 won't be until 5.2 at LEAST we don't have a single detail about it
lol minigames
Don't sweat it man, I fully get where you were coming from and whether i like it or not, I was being a tard by giving bad info to others.
What's a good tank job and glamour if I wanted to pretend mystic knight was a real job in this game?
Really excited for it. I was planning on creating an alt and going through the story on another server with some light trolling on novice network.
I'll never understand people like you and your revolting fetish for gooks to the exclusion of other races.
>tank job
Paladin is a Knight and has a glowy sword.
no clue
You could also play Red Mage.
>just followed reddit's advice like they always do for this game
People are scared to think for themselves because it involves, trial and error, insight and confidence. It's way more work to figure out shit for yourself that and sometimes very very rarely other people will share actually good information so it's hard to sort the bad from the good especially with how reddit works.
It's not easy to forge your own path, usually people are too scared they'll waste time.
>tfw having so much trouble finding a last dps for static that one of the healers/tanks might swap to dps
is this bizarro world? where the fuck are the dps at
everyone's busy leveling monk
I wonder why the girl behind her is staring daggers at her.
That doesn't say anything. What dps are you talking about? Ranged physical?
Is it normal to be getting weekly weird messages from people nowhere near you soliciting for RP or ERP?
I play a Catgirl but I don't slutglam. I actually try to glam for the Job/class/role instead of glaming shitty maid outfits or swimsuits and shit.
Does this shit just come with the territory? Because It's awfully annoying when I'm crafting and get
> *tickles you while your distracted* :)
What datacenter? If it's crystal, yes it's normal, get the fuck out. Also, get better taste and people won't chase you for ERP, because ERPers also have phenomenally shit taste.
>Always play SCH
>SCH sucks ass now
>Static needed a dps
>Now playing SMN
>It also kind of sucks with how many minor bugs the class has and the overall output is terrible for the amount of effort it takes, zero mobility skills and your utility of ressing costs you even more of your already low dps and costs you your one ability to use for extra mobility
She knows the other one is attention whoring and striking poses and is jealous
I get people that will poke me or pat me but that's about it. But I'm on primal so
>But I'm on primal so
That's to be expected, all the dumb fucks here kept memeing about primal and screeching about what was degenerate and what was based and by doing that practically rolled out the welcome mat for all the retards that don't know they are retards
>Not making a chocolate bunny
Yea Forums I am ashamed at you.
449, I haven’t had the time to step into Savage and am still rocking one Ronkan piece because I left replacing it for last because none of the immediately available replacements had Crit which I am a slut for even if people tell me it’s not optimal to stack yet sch btw
>will they rerelease the dogshit original that had to be completely reworked to be palatable.
>Square is still updating XI
Redpill me on palace of the dead Yea Forums
Is it a good way to level ARR jobs from 1?
literally any
group already has melee, ranged, caster so last is just FILL
The duck has a crown.
why do you expect a bunch of neets, communists, faggots, and trannies to have any grasp on objective reality?
Yes and no. Healers and Tanks are always better off in dungeons, there is pretty much no exception to this rule. DPS are situationally better off in PotD or HoH since their queues are worse, but I think even then dungeons still eke out.
POTD is the best way to level DPS from 1-60 due to queue times. Do floor 51-60 over and over. Or was it 41-50? I don't know, the 2nd block you can start off in. Do those 10 floors over and over.
From 1 to like 16 maybe but you get that fast enough grinding overworld mobs, and after that dungeons with your squadron are much better as a dps up til 61, and any dungeons in general are better as a tank or dps
PotD has been obsolete for a long while and only morons that haven't been keeping up with their GC run it
I'm on Zalera. Can't really leave though because I play with my friends and my boyfriend and I are doing the ceremony of Bonding tomorrow
I've had one guy following me off and on for like 2-3 months because I humored him once on a dare from one of my friends who does a lot of ERP shit. (I don't even normally do this shit but even I could tell he was awful with short sentences and terrible descriptors). You'd think after 6+ occasions where I've flat out ignored him, told him i don't want it, or rejected a friend invite he'd fuck off.
Pic partially related. I get shit like this occasionally
what about after 60?
You do HOH which is like POTD but better and faster.
Switch to Heaven-on-High, floors 21-30. Roughly twice as much xp per run.
Game was at barely 300k subs during the 3.1 cycle, which, as I said, was the lowest it's been since the ARR relaunch. If that isn't "almost killing the game" then I don't know what would be.
60-61 is still a hurdle.
Nope. They managed 2 last expac and said that'd be all we would expect there on with their work schedule.
>>Now playing SMN
I'm so sorry user. Granted if you couldn't get into playing modern SCH with the extra responsibilities it has now you were probably a bad healer anyways.
and it's still not F2P either 17 years later.
would you a 70 year old cat?
With every fiber of my being.
What do I pay the sub for?
Potato masher
I'd berry my dick so far in her ass whoever could pull me out would be crowned king arthur
PLD = Shoutokan
WAR = Gimmick Character
DRK = Easier Shouto
GNB = Rushdown
I really love the Forgiven weapons. Shame we killed off all the sin eaters in 5.0, will probably not see that aesthetic again.
whats the difference between a potato masher and lolicon
Why Rielle was so WIDE?
It's "shoto"
One's Irish.
Potato mashers prefer lalafells over other races.
potato masher probably doesn't care for miq'unny.
Look up the copied city in nier automata
PLD = pussy zoner
WAR = assist game touch of death kusoge
DRK = anime kamige
GNB = grappler
Today I will remind them
>WAR = Gimmick Character
>DRK = Easier Shouto
oh shit how did you figure me out
thats really good but massie williams can only be the lalafell or goblin race
Oh the ironing
Remember to have your chocobo out if you do fates.
You will make it the best it can be right goyim?
Please buy my onions
>Extra responsibilities
>Healing is easier than ever
>Dps rotation is braindead as fuck
What the fuck are you smoking retard?
>wow turns to shit
>reboot it to when it was good.
>ffxiv explodes cause shadowbringers is AMAZING with amazing music and boss fights and story telling
>will they reboot it to the original shitty version
... lol wat?
Arthars is in the party and streaming btw
>SCH goes from being DPS-upkeep + the odd Indom to help their WHM out to the main healer who has to effectively plan out all of their healing usage to minimize manual GCD casts
>No more oh-shit buttons if you're keeping up on an optimal healing rotation in addition to your DPS spamming.
Emerald Carbuncle and Eos are the only companions I’ve ever needed
Which one are you, also god damn mnk is overtuned right now
Healer chocobo is pretty nice tho, let you pull everything in a fate as a tank or melee dps without dying
Yes, and it's easy as fuck user.
>Oh no I can't braindead just spam indom anymore
>I now have to weave in a few other OGCD skills
>WOWOW my class is so much harder and interactive I won't even notice I lost half my skills!
Imagine actually being as retarded as you are being right now, jesus.
I'm so annoyed I keep parsing blue on SCH. I keep getting paranoid and put a shield up when I don't need to.
Totorak is universally reviled because of its winding hallways. Nobody wants "complex" dungeon layouts in an MMO where you spam that shit every day for rewards, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
>Try to be cheeky and don't put shields on Tsunami for another broil
>3 people die
God dammit
Indom lost 100 fucking potency stop acting like this is some huge fucking game changer you people are horribly autistic and it annoys the fuck out of me
I parse blue/grey on almost everything because NOBODY IS DYING UNDER MY WATCH (except you know. to mechanics.)
what does parse mean?
Is the palace of the dead worth doing for leveling? I heard its cancer.
analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles.
>Not Dalamud Red
Running 51-60 is the grind, but actually running PotD and getting to the end is a very fun experience, same with Heaven on High
my friend told me if you do HW as a dragoon you get more dialog or small nods to it, do stormblood of shadowbringers have stuff like this?
like you play a samurai and people mention it
you play a shadownight and people mention it?
>Implying the center chest piece won’t turn colors along with it
Found a greenhorn
Let's not beat around the bush here, it's popular because Final Fantasy. Possibly also because it's FF in a setting like 1-5+9 etc + the job system, which the exact reason why I play it.
>Specifically mention you can't brainlessly spam indom anymore
>"hurrrr indom lost like 100 fucking potency durrrr"
user, holy shit dude, you're actually going full retard right now, what the fuck are you doing?
Thancreds coat is white and the chest didn't change.
Tank Chocobo actually holding aggro when
why did yoshi take away the ability to skip cutscenes?
9.55, prease understandu
So does that mean mnk only did 10% of it's potential dps yet was still top 3?
God you people are so retarded arguing about a game that barely changed outside of making everything 50% easier to play. You’re all so fucking stupid and autistic. This is not worth arguing
Why do you think?
We already know how it dyes, dyeable version is already in the game files. There was a webm floating around launch of someone showing the set dyed pure white.
what were people kicking sprouts for watching the cutscenes?
>Complain that they made a classtoo easy and it's no fun like this
>"hurrr why u complain??? it easier now??!?"
Why the fuck are illiterate faggots like you even posting online?
>no healer mount for doing a lot of high level duties
Just some faggots complaining about having to wait for cutscenes when you should skip them and not force 7 other people to wait for you
well they only made dpsing as a healer easier probably becasue dpsing isn't a healers job and they shouldn't have to deal with complex rotations outside healing right?
They weren't. OF were bitches and whining that they were left behind. Which honestly makes no sense because even if you were doing it normally, you aren't respecting the content.
If healers get a mount, dps might want one too.
Just get the unicorn from the CNJ quest. Or the mentor one if you really feel like you need to be rewarded.
Is anything different in the crystal tower cutscenes if you did ShB before CT?
>lol just skip the cutscenes and watch them at the inn don't worry about why everything is suddenly on fire now
>and skip the cutscenes at the end of the dungeons
>and the 20 minutes worth of cutscenes that happen when you get out of dungeon
>and the credits (you were skipping them anyway)
Topped off HP + HQ Food + Soil + Addle + Tankbuff is all you need. Then Seraph after the initial AoE hits so it's up for knockback dmg, then again for aoe 2-group stack dmg.
That feel when you're a 2k DPS healer but wanna clear e2s
>If healers get a mount, dps might want one too.
Oh no, rewards would be fair! We couldn't have that!
So what makes healing fun for people? I have a level 80 SCH thanks to my SMN, but I haven't really touched it.
Why do people always ask this dumb shit question? When you're doing a job quest in ARR, it's not that YOU are doing it present time. It's that YOU are doing it back in ARR time.
healing in ffxiv is like playing a shit dps and getting yelled at for healing
>it's not that YOU are doing it present time. It's that YOU are doing it back in ARR time.
Minmaxing heals/dps, then being blamed by a dps because I didn't overshield them to compensate for their shit mechanics handling.
Healing is easy as shit too mate, you don't even ever have to properly CAST a heal, it's all instant spam. Making DPS braindead also means there's less things in general to worry about, meaning the downtime between healing (which is a LOT) is filled with nothing but spamming the same hotkey for up to 20 seconds on end.
regardless of when in the real world you do content, the content is taking place in the game world in a specific period of time. Ergo, even if you finish the ShB main story, crystal tower still takes place during the events of ARR
He means that every quest takes place in the patch that it was released. ARR quests take place in ARR not during ShB.
Never saw anyone get booted for watching cutscenes, they would just get left behind while they watched and the group would kill the first boss before the first cutscene was even over and be halfway to the second
playing healer in ffxiv is like balancing on a razors edge.
Heal to much
DPS too much
Dps is low and they fail to kill boss guess who they replace?
that's right you
>It's another little bitch overreacts and exaggerates to try and make a point episode.
Friendly reminder that if you have to make shit up to post, you probably shouldn't.
Why do I not see any female Roegadyn's? They are so fucking hot
then yoshi's change was retarded and i really wonder what made him do it.
>make shit up
what was made up? you're not going to watch the cutscenes after the dungeon if you skipped the ones during it
Probably because the SCH kit was a lot to juggle (pet positioning, keeping dots up 100%, managing cooldowns to spend as little aetherflow on heals as possible without it costing you dps GCD's) now that its braindead easy even shitters have no excuse to just put their one DoT up and spam broils, but designing an entire class/role around the worst players is never a great idea.
what's the going rate for goetia?
AST is so fucking unfun now holy shit.
I'd rather see XI Classic servers considering I never played it
>Let me double down on my fantasies, I'm sure it will work this time!
user jesus fuck you NEVER go full retard you dumb fuck.
fuck that grindfest
>not letting a new person experience the content the way its supposed to be
I agree that taking away skip ability when you arent with sprouts is retarded, but let the new players enjoy the story as intended you faggot.
you can deal with a few minutes of shitposting in group chat instead of holding W
what did they do?
All pieces of content exist in a time bubble based on when they were implemented. It's why you can do quests involving characters who should otherwise be "dead" or MIA.
You'd stop playing before you'd get out of the Valkurm Dunes.
they removed the fun and gave you 6 ripped up balance cards
I just did ARR it was pretty great, anything i should do in ARR land before going to HW?
I've done the crystal tower
I'm sure i actually did ARR the time because this is the second credits list i've seen.
Because they lead the way.
Granted its still a cooperative venture but a lot of people who tank aren't aware of that.