The 100 Greatest Games of All Time circa 1999
The 100 Greatest Games of All Time circa 1999
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go on...
you've already made this thread NUMEROUS times
the #1 is goldeneye
>Manic Miner
should retitle it to 100 greatest memes of all time
damn that would be epic
interesting thread, thanks OP
always bet on bond
>Donkey Kong Country
>screenshot is DKC3
>golden eye
even back then there had to be better games, something like Doom, Tetris, Half-Life or Ocarina of Time would have made more sense you fucking boomer
>dat PS1 domination of the top 10
Doom and Tetris were too old, Goldeneye was more influential to the FPS genre than Half-Life, and Ocarina of Time is too cliche a choice.
>being a brainlet consolebabby since 90s
apart from golden age aging like milk the lists for each console are pretty good desu
back when actual gamers wrote for games magazines
>Goldeneye was more influential to the FPS genre than Half-Life
fucking. retarded.
>yoshis island is 99
>just above manic miner
it influenced half-life itself, faggot
The 50 Most Exciting Games of 2003
>Capcom Fighting All-Stars
>warhammer online
>Full Throttle 2
Before Goldeneye was released there wasn't a single commercially released PC game that had these features that we now take for granted:
-in-engine visual storytelling (NPCs can talk to you without breaking to a cutscene or menu screen)
-a dedicated button for reloading your gun
-body target locations (headshots, etc)
-zoomable sniper rifle
Then there's the whole thing about Goldeneye being the first commercially successful shooting game that involved tactical play (stealth, gadgets, a focus on completing objectives like not killing friendly NPCs, etc).
>Fifa 99 is rated higher than most of the best games of all time
>The secret of mana
>Has screen from Seiken Densetsu 3
I thought that game was never released outside of japland. did it have a PAL version?
HAHAHAHA. Based. The rest of the list was a bit of a shit show, but this... this makes up for everything.
>Gran Turismo at #8
Proud of my shitbox simulator. Guessing GT2 was too new.
But 1 and 2 are N64, loser.
Is this magazine from an alternate time line? Starcraft ghost never fucking came out but it says released 2003? WHAT IS GOING ON
>no cringe Tony Hawk's entry
>Resident Evil 4
The one we got is one of my all-time favorite games, but holy shit does looking at that hurt. That would've been really cool.
>and it's been more than five years since the release of Doom II
>dabs on raretards and bondfags
Damn nice trips
No Half-Life 2? Was it not announced yet?
>Hating on Tony Hawk
Aw fuck you
>Hating on True Crime
Suck my fucking balls
isn't it funny that this is probably the 'best' game of all time to be totally forgotten and surpassed
no one plays this game anymore while plenty of people still play OoT and Metal Gear Solid
Half Life 1 was only just out back then.
Sorry, I meant for this list of upcoming games in 2003
>no one plays this game anymore
Fucking idiot. There's only like a whole fucking Goldeneye community out there that are making custom campaigns, and there's still new versions of Goldeneye Source being made due to popular demand.
It was a 10/10 back in its day. Spent more hours playing this than OoT.
At least it's not OoT
No-one plays MGS anymore. FF7 would have been a better choice.
What does circa mean?
zoom zoom
Timelessness doesn’t have to be a measure of greatness. Citizen Kane is one of the most common ‘best film of all time’ list toppers, yet it’s perfectly normal to find it droll and rather basic these days.
Christmas 1997 Buyer's Guide
Goldeneye is still pretty unique as a shooter since it deliberately avoided playing like Quake. It's more unique than Halo that's for sure (which aped popular PC shooters at the time). For that reason I actually think it aged better than any other console FPS.
As for its spiritual sequels, while bettered in multiplayer, Perfect Dark had the meh Skedar levels and Timesplitters didn't have much of a single player.
It's about anticipated games
>that description for Ninja Gaiden being all about tiddies for the 1st paragraph
>here're your controllers bros
>No Super Metroid
Shit list.
This list isn't perfect (there's a weird lack of RPGs in particular), but it's FAR better than ANY top 100 list you'd see now. It actually seems like real people's real opinions and now just a list of obligatory picks because they're afraid of pissing off nerds in the comment section.
>Spiritual successor to GoldenEye
(Timesplitters) died over a decade ago
>THQ finally interested in reviving it after so long
"Lylat Wars" the sequel to "Starwing"??? What the fuck kind of alternate universe magazine is this.
>no SSX 3 at all
It's a UK mag, and Star Fox has a different name in Europe because of copyrights.
The UK.
they don't make 'em like they used to
I find Citizen Kane to be a fine movie, not just in its cinematography. Even its pacing and style is pretty solid and timeless.
I was mostly joking, but it did take me a minute to figure it out. I didn't notice all the football/soccer games at first either. Interesting to see a UK magazine's opinions on this stuff.
It's trademarks you dolt, learn the difference.
It might also explain why Goldeneye is #1 on the list.
Some ads from the era too
And exactly like Citizen Kane, Goldeneye 007 was good decades ago, should be respected for what it did, but viewed through a modern lense, is a garbage piece of media that would absolutely be unacceptable if released in the modern age. And because of that, neither ever deserve to be called "the best." They aren't.
Importance =/= Best.
>Star Wars Galaxies
Right in the feels. Q_Q
are you retarded?
I have some cool old magazines. Whats the best method copy them?
High-res scanner or good camera and good lighting.
>Angel of Darkness
This would confuse the zoomer on so many levels.
nice revisionism retard
it's only kept alive because of the autistic speedrunning community
the source port is cool and all but it still doesn't completely eliminate why the game is objectively not fun
>For that reason I actually think it aged better than any other console FPS
just played it again recently and it absolutely did not
while tony hawk was awesome back in 2006, i agree that cranking out games yearly is annoying
theres 0 hype when a game comes out every year and devs dont get any time to make improvements
there should be at least 3 years in between entries in the same series
Half-Life 2 was first announced at E3 which was May of 2003, this article might have been written at the start of 2003 or end of 2002 so it hadn't been announced yet.
i dont even get why it was so popular to begin with. i played some local co-op as a kid and would rather play sm64 any day
based Micro Machines shits all over SOTN
Oh fuck I can't wait for Mario 64 2
Goldeneye wasn't even good when it released compared to real FPS games
This is hilarious considering Perfect Dark came out a year later and made goldeneye look like absolute retard shit.
no one gave a shit about the n64 by the time perfect dark came out
Do you not know what an image dump is?
Lmao nintendildos.
>SMB3 not in the top 10
Fucking good. How were people more aware 20 years ago of hw overrated it is?
A 1999 best games of all time list is really funny to me considering Deus Ex came out a year later and made them all entirely obsolete
>Sonic 1 over 3&K
The fuck?
What a fucking joke
It's actually really funny that Earthbound, a game that you'd be crucified for not including in any modern top 100 list, wasn't even considered for a list released just a few years after its release.
>Last of Us
This whole list is a shitshow but this is especially egregious.
>Most exciting of 2003
Retard user...
Gee, it's almost as if it nobody in the west fucking played it due to an atrocious marketing campaign and didn't get popular until much later.
>not even an egm or gamepro list of that year
Fuck this
>banjo-kazooie 26th
opinion automatically invalid
>realistic graphics
>through the eyes view
not Point of view? Or First person?
>oot too cliche
>it only came out less than 1 year before this list was made....
Fuck you kids
Actually Earthbound didn't even sell that poorly, all things considered.
NoA just kind of expected it to be a massive hit and spent way too much on advertising.
Really, Earthbound shouldn't even be that expensive, it's not at all a rare game, it's just that dumb hipsterfags and memes have inflated the price astronomically.
>No Fallout
>No Starcraft
>No Thief
this ought to piss off some fanboys
>No Conflict Freespace
>No Riven
>No GP Legends
this pisses me off