MUH VR EXPERIENCE HAHAHAHAHA No Onions Sky on suicidewatch

MUH VR EXPERIENCE HAHAHAHAHA No Onions Sky on suicidewatch

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> He fell for the VR meme
Only ones on suicide watch are the ones still strapping a shoebox to their head in 2019

How has he not killed himself yet?

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>i9 9900k
>RTX 2080
>32 GB DDR4 3200mhz
>Valve Index
And uses all that hardware to play No Man's Sky.

>Succcessful millionaire kills himself because some gamers make fun of him on Yea Forums

You say that like PC has anything worth playing

works fine on my console
lol fags


runs fine on my i5 2500k and 1070.
I guess its one of those games where paying more for cpu gets you worse performance

jesus 2TB SSD is crazy or am I just outdated

How's psvr run?

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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Not for richfags.

Game is absolutely unplayable now. Frequent crashes and performance went from shit but playable to literally sub 10 FPS on a 2080.

Not sure if it's VR or Vulcan, but those are the only two things that would have resulted in them changing anything performance related.

runs fine on a ps4

>be responsible for worst PR Nightmare in years in the industry
>release an unfinished product
>caught red handed lying to customers
>disappear from social media for the next 4 months because he can't take the heat
>Hello Games goes silent as well
>weird suicidal tweets on HG account
Yeah, nah, the guy is blacklisted for life, he will never land a serious project again
>inb4 he already made millions
Do you actually think the money the company makes go directly into the CEO's personal bank account, you petulant infant?


No reason to. He is not Anthony Burch

I'm on a 1070 ti and a ryzen 1600 and the game is running flawlessly for me, VR and otherwise at ultra settings 90+ fps.

on, ion
ions conduct charge
video games use electricity
video games are made on ions
basedbeans are a major US export
the US is one of two countries that makes good videogames
basedsauce is used in the other
sauce is the fortune org meme of saying source
source code is how you create videogames
source engine is valve's baby
half life 3 would be in source engine
half life 3 will never be made, turning HL fans into babies
onions boys are seen as neotenous compared to nonsoys
onions turns those most obsessed with video games (speedrunners) into trans people
trans people (speed)run on ions
trans people are a minority
black characters often have electricity powers
trans people reject reality
electric reality lets you be whoever you want to be
VR is a plot to destroy reality

That was deliberate I reckon, to try and stop isolated neckbeards from isolating themselves more than they already are by making their VR game shit.

>VR is a tranny janny plot to ruin 4chans.

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I don't know how many copies they sold, but the game sits at over 100k reviews on Steam, which is more than your average AAA game, plus who knows how many copies on consoles. They wouldn't be able to maintain content support for 2 years without making big money.