Post your Gamestop stories here.
Post your Gamestop stories here
I pre-ordered Aliens CM and the dude at the store told me the game sucks and gave my money back
Turns out he just wanted the power loader that came in the box and I had reserved the last one
>walk in
>see game
>grab game
>buy game
Good time
I got a ps4 for christmas and it came with the new star wars battlefront. I took it to gamestop in plastic wrap to sell it and the dude busted my balls for it
>what bro you don't like battlefront
>dont tell me you hatin on EA
>dont tell me you hatin on analog aiming
>dude the grind aint that bad
>did you steal that
>I need to see some receipt
>*shows amazon receipt*
>proceeds to banter me for 5 minutes about me making a mistake
>finally tries to sell me a magazine subscription
It took me 17 minutes to sell a brand new battlefront copy at it's release for $15
>pouring outside
>walk into a gamestop
>great my shirt is soaked and i'm not wearing a bra
>giant block of cheese starts shooting lasers at me
>walk in gamestop
>wearing Super Meat Boy shirt
>qt glasses wearing clerk grill notices shirt
>her: oh is that from the Super Meat Boy game? That games fun!
>me: yeah sure was
>get into discussion about Newgrounds and other games
>me: well thank you
>get home and go to bed
>lie awake thinking I couldve totally asked for her number
I saw a duck in there once
what is that
A dreadlock
Reminder that GameStop wants you to STOP playing games.
>no Gamestop in my country
>buy my games online
>walk in
>get that smell of bleach and nigger kids most public places have
>go up to grab copy of game I preordered
>awkwardly wait 10 minutes because aspie that's in there every day and doesn't buy anything is hassling cashier about random dumb shit
>nope, don't want to preorder or give a fuck about that rewards card
>on way out see kid sticking a Move controller ball in his mouth going HURRRRR at the top of his lungs
did anybody get their battletoads preorder yet
>haven't gone to Gamestop in 10+ years
>they are dying a painful death
feels so good
I actually made a pre-order once. It was for Ace Combat 7.
I don't regret it.
>Can I help you find anything today?
>tells me about all the specials they have. I don't care.
>wants my number for the rewards program.
> I tell them I'm not interested. I don't tell them I'm already enrolled and I just don't want to hassle with that bullshit.
>wish I would have just bought the game at best buy
>walk in
>smile awkwardly at cashier girl
>check out the used games
>didn't have anything I wanted
>walk out
Why aren't they wearing helmets?
this cept when I bought a switch
>be me
>mildly retarded
>Just got money and wanted to buy a steam wallet code because my card couldn't buy stuff online because under 18
>I go to the guy at the cash register
>"Hey can I get a $50 steam wallet code?"
>"Sure, how old are you?"
>I respond with 17 like a retard
>"Sorry, you need to be 18 to buy a steam wallet code
Fuck that shit. Ruined my day.
>be me
Only instance I had was when I walked in to pick up a copy of MH3U back in 2013. Clerk asked if I had pre-ordered, I said no, then he asked for my number. I told him I didn't have a phone and he stared at me in silence for a bit before ringing up the game.
Haven't bought anything from Gamestop since.
>It took me 17 minutes to sell a brand new battlefront copy at it's release for $15
Bullshit. I sold mine brand new for $35
that reminds me, I should empty out my Gamestop gift cards soon
3 years ago.
>go to gamestop during lunch
>buy fire emblem
>talk to security guard in gamestop
>go back to work
>went to store to buy a game
>bought that game
Wild times
Nobody here is old enough to get that reference but you and me
why did Gamestop stop selling JRPG's
>want to play galaxy again a few weeks ago >have to break out wii stuff packed away from moving
>can't find nunchucks anywhere knowing I had 2 and EVERYTHING else is there.
>go to gamestop ask if they have just nunchucks
>pointed to some shady corner where tons of old wii games are and it looks no one has been for years
>all 10 nunchucks are yellow or have pieces bitten out of stick
>take the best looking one
>now have to play wii with a nunchuck that was probably up someone's ass.
thanks gamestop
>Walk into gamestop
>Hello I'd like to buy XXXXXXXX new please
> Looks like we have one copy left
>Employee proceeds to grab display box and opens envelope with disk in it, puts it in the display box and tapes it shut
> no thanks
>Walk out of Gamestop
>Shop on Amazon/local game shops now
>walk into Gamestop
>wanted to browse PS3 games but shelves are curiously empty
>some chick comes in and starts talking to the guys at the register
>they call her a stupid bitch
>she shoots a hadouken at them
>never did get my copy of Talladega Nights
But do you have a power up rewards card?
This one happened last month, I picked up judgement/judge eyes and mario maker 2 and when the cashier was getting me the judgement copy he practically yelled at me for not pre-ordering it because it was their last copy at the time.
Would you like to preorder any of the hottest upcoming titles?
>used to go to Gamestop all the time in high school
>always had cool older games and hidden gems on the shelf
>go there now
>either the hottest new releases at full price, used for 3 dollars off, or straight up bargain bin garbage
>newest consoles only, no retro anything
>80% of the store is Pop figures and shitty gamer merch plus a haphazard rack of Magic and Pokémon cards
I’m ready for it to go full Blockbuster and just disappear. It’s like watching a corpse rot. Haven’t been to a Gamestop in over a year or more because there are a few cool stores around me that carry vintage games and movies plus new shit so I just shop there
Been a while since I went to Gamestop but here's y last experience:
>at mall with gf, see Gamestop
>decide to grab a random co-op game for later
>see that Dragon's Crown released, gf wants to try it
>lanky, patchy beard problem glasses guy is ringing us up
>looks at my gf and scoffs "yeah this game has some very questionable character designs. Did you see the sorceress? Real women do not look like that."
>gf just responds with "I think she's hot."
>cashier is taken aback, like he expected my gf to agree with him
>starts stuttering and turning red
>starts giving her a bunch of free pokemon download code cards for some shit, gives her like 20 codes
>we don't even play pokemon
>finish paying and leave
I placed a pick up for a game under a offensive name (can’t remember the name but the game was Dead Space) and when I got there and picked up the game they used my real name...
fuck i hate this bullshit sell used game as """new"""