Now that we all agree GG was cringe

Now that we all agree GG was cringe
Can we admit this game is fine albeit bland and was not worth shitting on as badly as we did

Attached: Gone_Home (1).png (1280x720, 1.07M)

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it's not the worst game ever or anything. it's functional

I thought it was real boring, but yeah, the big movement crying about it being liked by journalists was pretty cringe. Also the "N-N-NOT A GAME, SO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT" shit.

It was pretty shit. Any "game" without a failstate is mediocre at best.

They basically turned the subplot into the main plot.
They teased at something more but it turned into a teenage love story you're supposed to think is wonderful because it's lesbians.

No, it is shit.

The issue is that we shit on it too hard while it also got praised too hard

What do you mean by a "failstate"?
Most puzzle games don't allow you to die, does that mean they're all mediocre?

i enjoyed antichamber


That title belongs to WoW

>this game is fine even though its bland

No its fucking bland as shit, it's a shit game.

I dont agree with you user, fuck off
>GG was important and it still is

also, game is shit

Nah its shit, it deserved all the hate it got especially since it was being pushed so hard as something that hasn't been done before. There are countless of walking simulators out there, just because its about lesbians, does not mean it gets to be put on a pedestal.

Given some of the absolutely shite walking sims that have been released since (THE PARK- aka Hansel and Gretel simulator) I look back at it a lot fonder.

It cultivated a nice atmosphere and the sound design was cool. Enjoyed the fake out re: horror as well.

Shit nongame. Shit story.
Proved all gamejournofags sucked eachother off.

>A shitty non-game only held up as something "important" and "note-worthy" because it features lesbians.
Its incredibly shallow and pretentious and is a sign of a person who actually doesn't even understand or even like videogames.

OP is a fag

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If it actually came out in the 90s, the lesbian love story might have been novel. Since that's what the game was riding on, well, it would've been entirely forgotten a week after it came out if not for the outrage that developed around it.
If you think that "fine" means "easily forgotten" then, well, I guess you must also be a fan of capeshit.

A means by which you can lose the game, or fail. Most puzzle games will tell you that you're wrong if you give an incorrect solution, and prevent you from continuing. Also for the record I'm not counting "doing nothing and not progressing" as a failstate.


>this game is fine
Can't be a fine game if it's not even a game. Games require challenge, gameplay. It's a pretty mediocre and boring walking sim, so I'm fine with Yea Forums shitting on it to balance out the journofags that praise it as one of the greats.

So Myst is mediocre?

Myst has a lot more to it than Gone Home. But I guess some puzzle games, like Myst, are an exception.

I put like 7 hour in dear esther when it came out. Does this worth to play? Kinda like the abandoned house look

Attached: 1500056298750.jpg (225x209, 19K)

Play Edith Finch if you haven't already, it does the abandoned house thing much better

Hell no

Attached: 1556567383815.png (615x408, 54K)

That game is still shit lol

thats 7,5 euro more expensive than this one though. how low it can go on a sale?

I hate this demonise anyone who isnt what I believe in mentality. Trump isnt some sort of hitler in disguise or whatever they believe in, its like bush 2.0

Whats GG? Gone Home was great, it also pissed off edgy fags and addicts so its nice.

Everyone who opposed GamerGate deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom for valiantly standing true to their principles against the nascent rise of fascism.

Puzzle games aren't technically very game-like. They're just a collection of puzzles. Gameplay is replayable, can't be spoiled, and thrives on a large state space, while puzzles are the opposite (large state space is useful, but only so that the player won't trial and error their way to the solution).

Personally I'd say a game needs to demand something, to be challenging, and have a goal which is how it challenges you. Even if failing the challenge doesn't result in a set-back (e.g. a score attack game where you don't have lives but your score goes down when you get hit, there's no fail state but there is challenge and a goal).

Americans were dumb enough to vote for Bush twice. Trump 2020 is coming.

Edith Finch and Hellblade are the only really good walking sims IMO. It's hard to be offensively bad so you'd probably find it alright, but in that case you might as well play Everyone's Gone to the Rapture or just random ones on Steam. I've also heard the walking sim a month ones are good (

>advocating nationalism
>demonizing the press
>encouraging hatred of foreigners
>wants to make it illegal to oppose fascism
>is running concentration camps

What does he have to do at this point to make the Hitler comparisons valid? Invade Poland?

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