Damn, they really fucked this up didn't they

damn, they really fucked this up didn't they

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What happen?

for like the price of the entire game you get:
>1 map
>1 weapon per character (some of the classes can't even use them)
>a shitty gamemode that isn't fun and doesn't get you anything you can use in normal missions
it's so bad

Not really, it's the same, just with a new batch of bugs, expectedly. It is however supremely disappointing for lack of new content. How hard would it be to just make new maps? I don't think making even just four new maps would take more work then all the cutting up and editing weave maps as well as programming that whole new interface for them.

So they stay true to their course, thats great!

>just with a new batch of bugs
Phantom hits, bugged enemy stacking and bugged AI director are not new, they are in the game since launch (phantom hits were in a bit later) so idk what everyone is ranting about.

They didn't even make any new maps for the new gamemode, just reused the same shit but you go in reverse.

Also as a free bonus, even if you don't buy the DLC, you get a patch that completely fucks up the combat.

>you bought this
h o w
they did the exact same thing with the first one

you forgot
>new game mode is season based
>every few months all your progress is reset

What is all this weave shit people are talking about? Horde mode?

Yeah, but it's not like it's just a bit of a level and that's it. They put in new assets all over the place, had to write new triggers, had to edit the geometry for points of no return, and had used new kinds of objectives on them. It still seems like some significant amount of work for such a pointless and lazy concept. Did they really think people would be over the moon for those bits of content that makes them pretty much start the game over again?

it's a mode where they stapled together different sections of maps, and they're somewhat separate from the rest of the game in that they're season based progression, every like 3? months or so you lose all your progress across all the characters for that mode. they're trying to do the d3/poe ladder/rift thing, but i don't think they understand that this isn't an ARPG

if they at least added two more maps...

the base game is on sale for like 7 burgers, do I need to buy any of the DLC to enjoy it?

It's a sequence of bits of old levels, where your character is essentially delevelled to nothing and you have to grind essence that lets you buy levels, weapon bonuses, and everything else. Imagine it like playing the game over, but with a more direct control over your character's progress.

The base was really good on it's own, but the DLC patch fucked it up. They tried to make the shield fags happy so they nerfed the shit out of the dodge, boosted enemy health to ridiculous levels and compensated it by making shield bashed enemies take more damage.

I can't wait to spend $20 to play through against the grain again. Kill me pete.

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so is the game dead now or

I haven't played in like 6 months but i had everything maxed out and sunk 200 hours into the game playing legend regularly. Surely this isn't true, why the fuck would they do that? Really? It can't be just because some retards wanted to turtle behind a shield and never die, they would've just buffed shields to not be useless and not touch anything else.

and you forgot
>level cap increased to 35
>even if you were 30+1000000000000, you start at 30
>level 30 talents moved to level 35

the devs literally and unironically punished the players lmao, they were too fucking lazy to come up with another set of talents so they just said nah we're taking these back, you can have them again in a few hours. it's pretty baffling that studios can still think like this

Yeah, this is definitely a 'wait for it to be on sale' thing. All you gotta do is make more levels, really. Why just 1? I mean, I do like that there's beastmen, now, but that's not enough to recommend this at full price.

It's dying pretty fucking fast that's for sure. I hope the devs will get their heads out of their asses and revert the nerfs, but knowing the Fatshart they will do nothing.

If you don't believe me just check the Steam reviews and discussion after the the DLC patch hit.

it's 100% true, they wanted melee to be "more intense" and "have more weight", so stagger is the meta now, except the stagger system is obtuse and cryptic and the entire game has slowed down and turned to shit as a result. also they nerfed all dodge. now the only way to fight in legend or cata is just push block push block push block push block

Is bomb ranger bardin still a thing? It was the most fun i had with this game being a sneaky cunt and chucking bombs everywhere, even on legend. The grudgeraker was also really fun to use.

I never understood or personally cared for seasons in vidya, but it seems less sensible in Vermintide than so many other games. I doubt at this point the playerbase can even sustain itself for it to be worth it

So i guess witch hunter is fucked. At least we're not in the ranged meta from release anymore, that was cancer.

i think it makes sense for games like d3, ladder races are fun and patch balances every reset keep it fresh and encourage build diversity and replays. these dumb niggers don't update their game more than once or twice a year, i don't know what the fuck they're thinking creating an entire game mode where it wipes all your progress, nothing about it makes sense for this kind of game but they went ahead and did it

Shame coz the team has talent but are bunch of lazy fucks.

So I'm looking at righteous stand's grimoire guide and I can't get the first one in that little bunk area. Did they change it? The video and actual level now are different with where to jump onto shit

I remember years back before the original Vermintide released, I was thinking to myself "the worst thing that could possibly happen to this game is Fatshark themselves".

I just want the pain to end Yea Forumsros

have you watched their streams of them playing? They literally cannot play their own game, it's embarrassing as fuck to watch. it couldn't be more obvious they're just shoehorning garbage "features" into the game to boost their resumes for the next project they'll inevitably fuck up

Well if theres one positive thing im glad we have something harder than legend now. Cata is pretty fun.

Vermintide 3 made by Crate entertainment would be absolutely MINT though

Worst part is that, even if you don't give a shit about the expansion which is fucking shit by any means, the core game got fucked as well. I think I'll stop playing this pile of shit after having 600hr on it.
Well done Fartshart

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how can cata be fun....if the combat isn't fun...

I'm doing ok with the changes to be honest.

>need to kill 4 bosses on legend to unlock cata
i can't believe how retarded this dev is

>Core game got fucked
....Were the changes to dodge that bad? I'm quite out of the loop

i won't pretend the changes are game breaking or just absolutely unplayable, i just think it's a massive mistake for a game like this to ever slow down. I get that it makes it easier on the devs to slow down the pace so they can get away with shorter maps, but games like this or ARPG's with similar dumbass grinds are meant to go fast. That's why PoE are at the top of the ARPG stack and Grim Down's is for retarded faggots who cheat their sets in and pretend they actually play. Clear speed gives the player an actual goal, the loot that comes from clearing fast becomes incidental and it really makes the grind more tolerable. but nope, it's fatshart, they're going to do the opposite of what is fun, 100% of the time.

some builds got fucked way harder than others, but yeah, dodge is dead, push/block is my friend now

It's that bad? I haven't played since the original release and thought this might have been a good point to start playing again with friends.

Do i need to own the DLC to keep up with everyone? Like do i need to own it to reach the new level cap and play on cata?

>So i guess witch hunter is fucked. At least we're not in the ranged meta from release anymore
>specials are STILL outright favoured by ranged takedowns
>melee is STILL wonky as fuck with phantom hits and enemy stacking
>BH still isnt running out of ammo

We never left the ranged meta.

>beastmen audio STILL bugged, randomly getting hit for 50-70%HP with absolutely zero warning

Say that in my lobby bitch and not on a taiwanese sweatshop slave exchange forum and see what happens.

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Enjoy getting kicked for not playing the IB.

slayer is literally trash after the update

IB is meta now? These are truly the end times

idk, me and my bf are loving it with a couple of exceptions. finally getting into the game together again after like a year of break. banners are a bit much, they should probably not heal but instead just buff stats a bit, the end of the new mission is tough as balls and i imagine weaves can get repetitive soon. other than that it's lots of fun despite it's flaws, just like it's always been.

>barely any new content after months of content drought
>damage sponged the new difficulty levels
>nerfed the only method of countering the bugs from launch that they still haven’t bothered fixing
It’s dead, Jim

That never happens

Slayer is way stronger than IB now you people have no idea. Hes a little squishier now but so is IB and every other class since 2.0

shut up faggot

You guys should read the EULA. Dedicated 30$ datamining bot.

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Slayer was trash the moment his dual wield axes push attack was nerfed but i still play him regardless

i'm a girl, faggot

Do you fuck black guys? This is important.


t. veteran player


I like doing weaves, but the matchmaking is fucked. If you don’t have a group of friends to play with you’ll basically never finish all the weaves.

Also this new IB shield meta is a meme. People will soon catch on that the damage loss and lack of killing power isnt worth it when you can stagger almost just as well with great hammers or dual hammers while also being able to actually kill shit fast.

On Cata you pretty much need to have either IB or Handmaiden in the group and since the Shade is actually useful unlike the other dwarf careers it's usually IB.

i wouldnt know i stopped playing the game after the initial fun of release days because i know better than all you retards i guess... i mean, as usual. nothing new here.

Ironbreaker is the last guy to need a shield. He's so tanky already that it's a waste of a weapon on him.

I only play cata now fag. Before that i only played legend. And player kicking for playing the "wrong class" is only something that happens in vet games so I can already tell youre full of shit

Ive been carrying with slayer on cata. IB is a meme and noob trap and people are falling for it all again

So what beastmen are in?

Are /ourboys/ ungor archers in?

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I got my time out of it and it's an extremely fun game despite the issues. Fun hating jaded faggot.

Sure you do sweetie. Also it's you're not "youre".

Its a waste on anyone when you can bring hammers instead. And the spear/shield is garbage and not even worth taking on handmaiden

Not him but people do leave the game if they see you playing as something that doesn't compliment (Can't carry and isn't meta) their snowflake class. Be honest.

How are the new weapons?

Just admit you suck at slayer, have always sucked at slayer, and need IB because you depend on the tank crutch and gromril to not die

it's still the same game and feels the same. just try it out for yourself. as someone who mains zealot and kruber i barely even feel a difference. what's much more important than before is having to play with your team now, dps can't just run through the entire map on their own anymore.

I don't really like the new enemy designs since they all look too similar and I just can't tell them outright. Skaven specials are all rats but they look different, yet all the goats look pretty much like goats.

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Mostly useless

Shield weapons are overrated on every career. The extra block/push angle is the best part about them in most cases but it's not worth the loss of cleave, stagger, and armor damage.
Ironbreakers best melee weapons don't use a shield and he still never dies in the hands of a good player.

i said it was fun.. for like 2 weeks. you had fun beyond that because retarded anglos are too invested in the warhammer IP to do anything but swallow their shit despite constantly being let down and financially gouged. to say nothing of fatshark or whoever developed it...

you can level without the dlc but there's no point in leveling because the last talent is unlocked at lvl 30. the new difficulty is dlc only which is fucked. you can play the new map without the dlc though.

Nah ive literally never seen that in 1000 hours of gameplay. 100% honest. Only time it kind of happened was a saltz trying to kick an elf for being an elf and we just kicked him instead

keep telling yourself that, faggot
you don't pass
you never will
slayer will never be a good class ever again

Literally what in the fuck is stagger damage? Why would I take it over 7% more power? Does it affect my guns?

I would pay for this DLC to have not been hit with the fucked up combat/skill update, and even then only if it went on sale 66%+ off.

>level 30 talents moved to level 35

They reverted that because you people kept sperging out.

Sienna's flail is good. The rest are average to bad. The older DLC weapons were much better and are still really good for certain characters.

plz explain

Just tried to jump back into this for the first time in a while with the new expansion and immediately refunded and uninstalled the game. The combat really is dreadfully unfun to play now.

I prefer Zealot too and after the patch I can outright say all of Saltz classes now have a place in the game, which is nice, combat is still shitty but what can you do.

I swore in the steam description they advertised a new talent tier. Was it a fever dream? Is there a new tier and i'm just not understanding correctly or were they uber kikes, listed it as such and just moved the 30 talents a tier above?

also the fucking game went from running smooth to shoddy for me

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If you're playing a career that rarely melees the stagger talents are probably worse than the 7% power boost, but if you melee often they're leagues better especially if other melee characters are running them.

there is a new talent tier. the last one unlocks at 30. before the dlc the last one unlocked at 25.

i play cata and i unironically kick every slayer, shade, and zealot. fuck you stupid niggers playing bitch classes, get the fuck out of my game.

Zealot is effective but i find him boring. I used to go WHC with rapier and weed whack and poke rat niggers left and right, it was fun. I feel like booting it up again just to play WHC now, fuck.

Sure you do sweetie

How are the new talents? Anything interesting?

This, they look similar in design AND height except for the minotaur

>half of the maps is filled with corridors and hallways
>buff banner can't be destroyed by ranged weapons or bombs

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This but I do it ironically

When did zealot become shit? He was top tier the last time i played.

>Zealot is effective but i find him boring.
Enterily depends if you can actually stay on a boss and dont get 180° noscoped smashed away or block doesnt register while you Ult so you run further than expected or you just get stopped by a little pebble on your way and so on ...

Man instead of pumpig out this shitty DLC, they should have fixed some of those bugs.

What’s wrong with Zealot?

They switched all the talents around and now the new ones just deal with stagger

Read Vermintide 2's End User License Agreement.


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>kicking shades
vet player spotted right there
same with zealot, he is literally A tier right now
cant comment on slayer though

they fucked up a couple of things. the cd reduction of mercs special now disables temp health on activation. can't get 2 hp per hit from holy fervour anymore. but other things are better, zealot can now get like 50% damage reduction or something. a lot of the talents are reworked.

Now classes with charges are useful.

>unlock stuff
>devs relock it with new DLC for no good reason
>complaining about this dumbfuck decision is sperging out
so i honestly wonder, who chooses who fucks your wife, is it her or you?

oh no, it collects pretty much same info your browser freely sends to any website you visit.

All they had to do was make new maps.

New maps, weapons, maps, classes, and NEW MAPS GODDAMMIT.

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Didnt they remove it?

>the cd reduction of mercs special now disables temp health on activation
Wait what

Maybe he's butthurt that Shade just deletes the monsters instead of letting the party fight them "fair".

i don't give a fuck how viable those classes are,if you play them, you're getting kicked like the nigger you are

Don't forget trying to reinvent wheel by fucking up combat. Which no one really asked for or cared about to begin with..

When temp health got nerfed, axe plus falchion got nerfed, and enemies became much harder to stagger. If pre-patch zelaot could fly into a horde, stunlock them all with his dual weapon and gain full gauge in temp health now he'll just get instantly killed.

why tho it doesn't make sense

>9 months since last update
>here's your new weapons bro
>one per class
>20 burgers

They’re never going to make new classes or characters why can’t you people understand this

this, shade is broken and saps the fun out of the game

>Maybe he's butthurt that Shade just deletes the monsters instead of letting the party fight them "fair".
The "fun" part about this: everyone was shitting on shade in beta and release, "uh she cant deal damage!" yeah no shit you arent bardin or kruber, glaive and daggers were the shit for boss/horde killing and thanks to your ult you could literally save runs on a whim.
Then some nerfs on other classes happened and suddenly Shade population went through the roof, everyone masturbating how good shade is and so on.
Then Glaive nerfs happened and then I dont know anymore because I got fed up with FS ignoring people reporting bugs on their forum.

>don't give a fuck how viable those classes are
Now that is an explanation I can understand.

Yes they nerfed mercs ability to heal. It was a bit OP anyways. He can still heal just a little slower.

i'm not sure if you don't understand or if you're just incredulous. but yeah, the revive on activation is now the only good choice, the third one gives 10% damage reduction for the team.
i'm not unhappy about the changes. dps classes were way overtuned and capable of soloing legend without issues. that shouldn't be a thing in a teambased game.

but there are MANY NEW MAPS in weaves user :^)

Why not? I understand not having new characters because the ones they have are pretty established but they could tack on a new subclass for each of them.

holy fucking shit, how the fuck do they not get sued over this? How has there not been a massive fucking case against these criminals stealing your info? It's like selling a DVD and using that DVD to steal info from what TV you're playing it on, how the fuck is this allowed?

With old Zealot you could easily stay at 6 stacks and keep your temp HP full for the whole map. Now you just get instantly fucked if you try to rely on your temp HP generation.

Are you retarded? That's the most OP class now. She still decimates monsters and her crits now one-shot any non-monster enemy in the back, you don't even need charging or AP weapons, you just do couple swift dagger strikes into Chaos Warrior's back and he falls.

because that would take more than 3 developers to do you stupid shit, be happy with your weaves and weapons bitch

Is there a more imcompetent company than Fatshark? They always deliver a good "base product/game" but later on they do everything(or nothing) in their power to just fuck the shit up.
Nearly every single person that beta tested this expansion said that the combat changes were god damn awful, I mean a big big big vast majority felt this way, and yet they still implemented it.

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>That's why PoE are at the top of the ARPG stack and Grim Down's is for retarded faggots who cheat their sets in and pretend they actually play. Clear speed gives the player an actual goal, the loot that comes from clearing fast becomes incidental and it really makes the grind more tolerable. but nope, it's fatshart, they're going to do the opposite of what is fun, 100% of the time.

Another good example is WH40k Inquisitor: Martyr
Game at launch - Slow-paced ARPG, boring and slow as fuck, everyone bar a few hardcore WH40k fags loved it
2.0 update made it a lot faster with assassin reaching sanic levels of jumping around -> Game is fucking fun even with psyker

It's one of the defining new features in a sequel successor, that could be expanded on by better devs for more customization and content.

But yeah, I know. This is FatShart we're talking about here.

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I think Sweden is just physically incapable of producing decent games and not fucking them up

I didn't understand but I think I do a little better now, thank you

i mean, other than blizzard? probably not, they pretty much take the cake. I just want to know what it's like going into that office every day, knowing that every single thing you're doing is actively AGAINST the customers wishes. Do they do it out of spite? Because that would be some funny trolling. Or are they really so incompetent they can't just read a couple threads and see what people don't like? I wonder if it's just disinterested and out of touch upper management making these colossal fuck ups, or if they really are a studio full of fucking retards. Imagine being in any other business other than video games, where a customer spends months beta-testing something for you for free, explicitly tells you they don't want something, just to have you give it to them anyways, at full price, with even lower quality by reintroducing problems with the product that were fixed before(bugs). It's honestly mind boggling.

>Game is fucking fun even with psyker
And still garbage with corridor levels and 3 reskinned enemies, dont try to make a shitty license game better because devs finally realized what should have been in the game since day 1.
Same with Deathwing

damn, imagine being so fucking stupid you couldn't tell was trolling. geezy petes there are some braindead scumfuck dumbass cumheads on Yea Forums

>Merely pretending

Wouldn’t be surprised if they just listened to jsat and rolled with it

Throwing axes is fun enough to play with, just yeet the fuck out of chaos warriors as an angry manlet.

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They did have a super sekrit discord for a select group of people where they directly talked about shit while ignoring the majority of the feedback posts on the forums, so you might not be that far off the mark.

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Your game releases to much greater success and a wider audience than anticipated.

Do you:
A. Bug Fix and make QoL changes with the surge of new people playing your work
B. Make new content with steady updates, striking while the iron is hot.
C. Go on vacation for months on end, and eventually port some maps over from the previous game as DLC.

Choose wisely.

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Whats most amusing to me about the whole situation is that they didnt even have the bugs and inbalances from the original gameplay hammered out and now theyre changing everything at once again with a new set of bugs and balance issues to figure out. And knowing FS they just never will

I miss getting ammo back with crit shotgun shoves. Why would they get rid of that?

>And still garbage with corridor levels
We have open areas now too, though not on the scale of D3 or PoE regrettably
>and 3 reskinned enemies
Theyve added Dark Eldar, Khornate Marines/Demons, Nids and Eldar with little to no overlap in enemy design

No fucking way, did reddit find out?

how did they fuck the combat up? i havent played it in nearly a year.

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Don’t forget the fact that this game will have pvp with no dedicated servers. Enjoy the Swedish meatballs.

Literally no fun allowed. A whole bunch of classes got their most powerful mechanics nerfed

kek they actually did, because even that super secret club wasn't being listened to. literally every single thing the community is wigging out about was talking about continuously, and FS just ignored them, so after release NDA was up and there were some posts about it. also, there's posts of proof where FS hits their beta testers with the old NOTABUG trick, where they would report broken shit, and get told that it's not broken because they said so. Like what the fuck was the point of having beta testers and NDAs then? just fucking WHY

D. Add 1 new weapon per class, and 2 hats.

How do people still defend this shit? Even reddit is smart enough to figure out that it’s wrong.

Nerfed some of the "OP" stuff again, to try and prevent anything from standing out. Also, harder to dodge big hits now from enemies, I think.

Just wait for the next content update in 2020.

Haven't played in weeks due to being busy with EDF 5.
I was planning to uninstall once PvP went live but it seems like I can do it know. Well, no regrets given how I got 600 hours out of it.

Any co-op game you want to recommend me? Preferably without PvP of any kind. Already played the shit out of the Killing Floors.

fucking hell, I didnt know it was that bad.

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lets be real, WH40kIM is a garbage fucking ARPG, but they've done a lot to make it better. it's still not good, but it is a good example of how an absolutely trash and worthless piece of software can eventually become somewhat playable for big time fans. this game just can't seem to get it right,because they don't improve the game, they just add more stuff to it.

like think about it, what about the game have they ever improved? like actual, objective, wholesome additions to the game? and don't say ported vmt1 maps. seems to me they add stuff sure, but none of it is an improvement, it's just more shitty stuff

Why didn't they just make new maps, with cool bosses and events?

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instead of buffing heros, and buffing enemies, to increase challenge while keeping fun up, they nerfed a ton of heroes, and buffed enemies. i honestly think the devs played mordhau and were like durrrrrrrrrrr disss gud mehlee kumbat. not that mordhau isn't good for what it is, just that it's not even remotely in the same genre as this game and i have no idea why they would try and emulate it's system

>even people on regular normalfag sites that usually praise every game complains about this bullshit
They must be mentally retarded. Imagine if they actually put on some effort and work into the game, updated it somewhat and released expansions (better than this one). They would make so much more money as people actually find the base game really fun to play, but the problem is there is no motivation to keep playing the game.

Why do devs ALWAYS throw out and shit on big opportunities like this? People would dream of having the cance of this to happen.


This guy and 11 of his mates slaps your dwarf on the ass. What do you do?

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If you watch any stream they've done where they play their own game as they answer questions you'll see that they have no idea how to play. They're fucking terrible and struggled to clear champion without getting carried by some randoms. Its no wonder that they'd have no idea how to make the game better.

and go on vacation?

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Just get the Deep Rock Galactic instead. It's a better game and the devs actually listen to the feedback.

To me FS has no excuse. VT2 is extremely successful and theyre no longer a small indie team. Deeprock Galactic is a smaller game with 1/5 the sales by a smaller team and they have multiple updates a month that either have QOL changes or new gameplay changes/mechanics. Theres no reason they couldnt have put in more regular bugfixes, UI improvements or mod acceptance waves.

Get telegraphed by seven heavy attacks in succession, and die because the rest of my team is already dead.

it really is weird how much they fuck over WH/WH40k fans huh? It's so fucking retarded, I honestly can't imagine a group of fans more rabid, dedicated, and ready to eat any shit sandwich thrown at them than GW geeks. I mean really, if they had just polished the core game and thrown a cosmetic store in there, they would be fucking ROLLING in the cash, most devs DREAM of having a fanbase as absolutely autistically dedicated as WH fans, and game after game after game comes out like total fucking shit lmao, like what the actual fuck is wrong with the IP, is it cursed or something?

god the mod whitelist shit is something else entirely, people posting about submitting QoL mods, and not hearing back for 9 months, just to have it denied, even though it provides no advantage. absolute inanity. and the mod tools they promised? where are they?

Bloodstained single player game and got nerfs up the ass on every fun mechanic because people bitched like a motherfucker. No fun allowed.

Are you happy, shieldfags?
Are you relevant yet?

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shieldfags get the rope. the death of this game is on their shoulders

But... Sven's vacation...

Whats funny is that shield still sucks and you'll get better results with any hammer weapon. People havent caught on yet and I'm still seeing shields everywhere but people will learn

why can't swedes stick to ruining their country instead of my favorite franchise

Tried the first one. Didn't work due to requiring mic.

>said equipment is absolute trash, how do we fix this
>buff it, and/or give it a new niche mechanic that's fun?
>or nerf everything else people like using, and dedicate resources to changing the game a year+ later to make it a slightly not worse option in comparison


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Shield are still shit because half of them can't use the fucking shield slam on command because its the second attack of the heavy chain. And the ones that have it as the first attack of the heavy chain lose out because they don't get a real power attack to fight armor which is what matters in this game. Fatshark just has no idea how their own game works.

>Fatshark just has no idea how their own game works.
The pickaxe had and Im sure still has, no armor penetration.
Let that sink in: a tool with a sharp tip, used to crack ore and penetrate the earth doesnt have armor penetration.

don't forget though, we also got a[1(one)] new map!

what are you talking about, people caught on to that as early as the beta dude


relic entertainment

Try Deep Rock Galactic. It's still in early access and lacks the end game, but that should be fixed in the next major patch that is scheduled to be out in end of month/early next month.

the warhammer curse catches all studios

Not really
DoW 1 and CoH 1 was top notch

Blizzard and Valve

desu i'm just going to refund this expac and go back to playing grim dawn

So what is the wind of magic system anyway? Just an arena with waves getting harder and harder?

Sorry user if you scratch an enemy with a pickaxe using a horizontal swing it won't penetrate armor, that only works if you use an overhead swing.


>I must stress that acknowledgement means the report has entered our database and has been assigned to a developer or QA; it does not necessarily promise change.

fatshark is literally so incompetent, they get bug reports and just say fuck you, we're not fixing it.

>enemies just clip through the cart, while you flabbergast around it getting blocked left and right
>the heroic yet laughable attempt of melees trying to save people from grabbers
>bonus points for the dark corridors without cart light filled with Gors because who wanted to complete the map anyway
>specials and especially warpthrowers hiding inside minions waves you cant attack because there are 12 layers of enemies in front of them
>people ringing the bell with a fucking gunner alive
>those troll swings that still hit even if bardin is standing a complete troll body lenght away from the boss

Jesus, but thank god for weaves

Oh? So they DID add arpen? Thats nice.
Or it doesnt get listed in the tool tip.

Don't forget the classic
>Hookrat hooks you through 10 layers of monsters and drags you thought them killing you instantly.

Hookrats are beyond mortal understanding.

Attached: longarmofthelaw.webm (640x360, 722K)

>hookrat nabs a team mate
>goes up a ramp
>you follow it up
>warps down to the bottom
>go back down
>warps back up to the top
>fighting trash and your buddy is getting strangled the whole time


>i'm not unhappy about the changes. dps classes were way overtuned and capable of soloing legend without issues. that shouldn't be a thing in a teambased game.
This has been possible for a long time user.

I love when this happens with a boss, always enjoyable to get noscoped buttslammed by a teleporting boss.


Attached: vermintideelfcaught.jpg (1200x800, 118K)

>getting hooked


The curse of both VT1/2 is that Fatshark was their developer.
Yet the game also wouldn't even remotely be as decent as it was if not for being as stubborn as FS are.
This game would have dogshit if made by most other developers.
It's a blessing and a curse for it. Also launch VT1/2 were incredibly unstable and not a good "base product" by any measure. It took a long time to just not explode at random.

Why is it that warhammer games always delve into cheap obvious cash-grabs. Its like this mental attitude somehow oozes from GW to the people who get a licence for their IP.

>used to think ranged meta was dead after that one update
>mourned for a while then dropped VT2
>came back for the WoM patch and play some BH
>rack up an easy 600 kills and 16k damage with the volley crossbow
>mfw they even made it so that BH's F one shots chaos warriors regardless of whether the crit passive is on cooldown

Ranged meta is back, baby

Attached: 1469324489574.png (377x377, 247K)

ranged never left mate

Not to mention BH with free ammo was ALWAYS good.

>the classes i like are only good now instead of broken so patch bad
did you really think this reply is smart?

found the cumhead

>break everything except for two handers and shields
>hurrr you're retarded for thinking it's a bad patch

Attached: you.png (226x223, 5K)

Ranged never left, they just made it less braindead than before so melee wasn't an awful choice. Now melee is buddy and unreliable so ranged meta is back. Expect to see a lot more Bright Wizards rocking the Flamestorm deletion build to auto win hordes.

Attached: skavenplaguemonk.gif (455x358, 2.1M)

i've been doing fine with mace and sword and flail so far.

kek imagine unironically defending fatshit. it takes a true gamer to be this braindead

>kek imagine unironically defending fatshit
You wouldnt believe what people said at release.
the exact same thing with the exact same problems we have now, but "i-it will get patched!

What do you think would happen if I buy WOM, unlock the weapon and then refund. Think I'll get to keep it?

nah, they've made it so that you can't do that, some people already tried

From what I’ve heard the new weapons aren’t good anyways

VT1 is actually still decent because Fatshark abandoned it for VT2 before they could fuck it up

they're doing many things wrong but none of you faggots criticize the one thing that is the most fucked up. nerfing and balancing is normal. putting a new difficulty behind a paywall is fucked.

>before they could fuck it up
you mean after the unfucked it

>Fatshark is faster at patching up week-old financial loopholes than they are at patching month, even year-old game-breaking bugs

Attached: 1565379433265.jpg (512x512, 21K)

imagine being this fucking stupid, caring more about muh difficulty setting than the game actually being fun to play


lol, absolutely nobody would buy the DLC if the Cata wasn't locked behind it and Fatshart knows it.

Nice revisionism mate
VT1 was hugely fucked up on launch

>the game actually being fun to play
are you illiterate? you faggots literally started this because i said that i enjoy the patch because my characters are more fun to play now.
that just makes it worse. especially because of the high price for so little content.

oh so you're back to saying the patch is good because your main is good now. how often do you have to change shirts? Or does the cum mostly stay inside your head as long as you don't tip it too much?

he didn't say it wasn't, learn to read you mouth breathing mongoloid faggot