Remember not to let the internet tell you how to feel.
Video games are just entertainment, and life is too short to take them seriously.
Just sit back and enjoy yourselves.
Remember not to let the internet tell you how to feel
>Remember not to let the internet tell you how to feel.
Exactly, so don't let faggots like OP shame you into not liking games that are considered "circlejerked"
i miss that page
>Persona, Chrono Trigger and Mario
>good taste
Pick one, faggot.
Thats pretty good
Only now did I realize that the Mario one is meant to be TTYD. I thought the map was a poorly drawn treasure question block from SMRPG.
>Remember not to let the internet tell you how to feel.
>Posts an image that tells you how to feel about certain games
Wasn't there another version of this with System Shock 2 on it?
>that weeb meme made by moe shitter
fuck off and eat shit
Fuck normalfags
why do you intentionally pick shitty versions of fighting games?
>muh super secret solcal 3 arcade edition for ps2
I know about that one and 99 for pc
I wish people would stop pretending to love my favorite game and put it on every 3x3. I know damn well how garbage it actually is and that people only like it because it's better than other game. It's not good enough to be considered one of the best, let alone in the genre but people still insist for whatever reason. It isn't even finished for crying out loud. For those who don't get it, its Fallout NV.
Favorite /=/ best. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?
I don't know what the fuck this symbol is, but favorite absolutely is "best". There is no objective "best" anything, especially with no specific criteria. So, whatever you like the most is the best. Faggots need to stop thinking about subjective shit in terms of definitive "factual" statements.
Based and single-playerpilled
>viva pinata trouble in paradise
i kinda worry about some of you guys, it seems like a lot of you surround yourself in negative shit all day and take into heart every piece of negativity you see and accept it as truth before actually trying anything for yourselves. i dont see how its possible to enjoy literally anything when you think like that, even outside of vidya
Someone got mad the games they liked never showed up on any 3x3.
There absolutely is a distinction between 'favorite' and 'best'. The best Persona is objectively 5 but my personal favorite is 3. The inability to distinguish between the two leads to autistic arguments.
>5 better than 2
I like what I like other peoples opinions don't matter to me
Why should I let you tell me how to feel then you fucking faggot?
That's the autistic shit right there. Using a meme version of the word objective because you want to be cool and praise what everyone else likes. Just call it the most popular, you fag.
I use Yea Forums exclusively to filter what is good and what isn't.
Fuck wasting time watching bad shows, playing bad games etc, when thousands of neckbears can play their way out of the huge shitpile, and bring you the good shit.
don't be silly
there's only persona 3, persona 4 and persona 5
this is peak autism
Based. I hope whoever made that image will become liberated from the spite and anger that made them create it.
AC7 and Doom 2016 are literally the only good games on there.
drakengard fucking sucks
>The best Persona is objectively 5
1/1 Doom 2016>
4/4 I haven't finished my danganronpa playthroughs
It's shit
2/2 I enjoyed P4AU a lot.
7/7 Specter of torment is kino
>Video games are just entertainment, and life is too short to take them seriously.
>Just sit back and enjoy yourselves.
>It's shit
good for you
This thread was brought to you by tastelet
okay, retard
What's the one with the blue background and the black dude with a trenchcoat on the left above the Persona one? also the one that says what a shame?
Top left is new vegas, what a shame is deus ex
took awhile to find another person who really enjoys bfbb
the one below new vegas is the one I was talking about. And I thought that one was deus ex
That one could of used some work. I honestly thought it was hatred or the darkness for a second.
Low effort image with shit tier taste
I can't be assed to open paint
>Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
>Jak 2
>Don't Starve
>Pokemon Emerald
>Little Big Planet 2
>Crash Team Racing
>God of War 3
my 3x3 would have:
morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, dragon's dogma, sotn, ff 6, 7, 8, 10.
In context it's obvious it's dark souls
Why Far Cry 5?
>Persona 3
>Dragon's Dogma
>SMT Strange Journey
I also can't since I've made one before but lost the image, so I'll rate you in the hopes that we have an understanding.
4/5, never did get that into KoA.
only 90s kids get this
Never understood this 3x3 fuckery.
visually appealing to see your favorites mashed together and wonder what it all mean
>The last story
Great taste im vidya
>strange journey, persona 3, dragon's dogma
You also have great taste in vidya
the joke is that all these games are from the 2000s
what does it mean if I recognize literally one of these games
I lost my old one and I'm too impatient to keep making these. Here's what my 3x3 would include:
Metal Gear Solid
Symphony of the Night
No More Heroes
Metal Gear Rising
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Mega Man X6
Sonic Mania
My taste is basic bitch tier, but those are the games I remember loving the most. I started gaming on the Genesis and I never really grew up with Nintendo.
that you are an election tourist and should go back to /pol/
This kills the 3x3 thread
You can tell I didn't start gaming until like 2008
R8 if you want to.
I've never played any of those games except Dracula X, but I'm sure you're an alright guy
Into the void it goes.
Halo 2 best Halo
>Dream Land 3
Extremely odd choice for a Kirby game, but I respect the hell out of it. Easily my favorite game Shimomura made by a large margin
Based and hopepilled