ION FURY (Formerly Maiden)


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Other urls found in this thread:

I get a warm feeling of nostalgia looking at this. Can't wait, lads.

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Let me out of the cuck shed Randy

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Reminder they nerfed the Revolver alt fire

... hopefully

>using it in the first place and not using your own skills to land headshots

I still don't understand why they had to change it? Did the group try to sue? That's so dumb when back in the day Doom literally stole Metallica's music as well as put NIN in the game.

>Why yes, I only play Build Engine games, how could you tell?

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I couldn't beat the fuckin' mech at the end of the first level in the demo.

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I'm going to have to sue you too now

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Wait, they actually fucking changed it? What the hell?

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Is this possible? Will we have the first good FPS since 2007?

Fighting that lawsuit would have delayed the game for like a year, and it would have cost them a shitton of money, it just wasn't worth it.

Fuck Iron Maiden for this petty shit. Absolutely pathetic.

Hi games journalist

>Is this possible? Will we have the first good FPS since 1997?


Damn tell me how I can give money to the developers for this epic game!

I read the review and still can't grasp what cons the game had to justify such a low score.

It was completely broken

Wew, lad

Trent Reznor loved Doom, and they hired him to do the sound and music for Quake, so that's a bit different from the old boomers in Iron Maiden.

why tomorrow?
isnt the game out already?

I hope it's better than Amid Evil, that game felt like shit to me. Dusk was really good tho

Reminder to continue making these threads to kill off the zoomers.

only demo, and reviewers got pre-release version early. 1.0 hits tomorrow

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It was pretty fucking hard to be fair user.

Basically you can just fuck it up with the hand bombs. Guns barely scratch it but full charged bomb throws do large chunks of damage.

After like 9 attempts of shooting it I easily beat it with just a handful of bombs

Here is your explanation. So far all reviews I've seen on Youtube are extremely positive, just as Steam reviews.

That's why I liked Quake's music so much, I guess.

This game is stupid and for old fucks

>But although it’s a frenetic, fun, occasionally frustrating yet inarguably authentic throwback to Duke Nukem 3D
Probably just too hard for him and got mad, it sounds like. Don't think I saw a single actual criticism of gameplay or mechanics outside of difficulty.

Isn't an iron maiden a medieval torture device? How the fuck can some dadrock band sue for this shit?

>amid evil felt like shit
why? I had a blast with it so im curious

It is, pretty fucking gruesome one.

>Too hard
>Not a movie

These threads, daggerfall and TES ones made the nintendo smashfag mods seethe in hatred

A game like this is probably getting bad scores because it's the same engine as the misogynistic duke engine

time to pirate the gog version then
no remorse

Just try it, Bobandy.

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I might have to save that one

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>TFW this game will likely be GOTY but some shitty console shit will win the Yea Forumsgas because that is voted on by reddit

Option A.
Change the games name.
Release the game in a month
$0 in legal fees

Option B.
Put the game on the indefinite hold
Fight a lengthy silly legal battle for 2-10 years (yes legal shit actually goes on this long. See TOOL) win or lose
$X,000,000's in legal fees

Gee that's a real head scratcher I dunno which one to go for!!?

It just didn't feel right, I guess I was spoiled with the god-like movements of Dusk

Amid Evil god tier.

Randy and gearbox are fucked, because the FEDS will visit him and some gearbox devs personally soon

Fun fact, iD wanted to have no music, they figured it would make the atmosphere more tense, but he convinced them the game would be better with a dark ambient track.

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That, and Iron Maiden definitely have more money and better lawyers than the devs, they'll very easily win by attrition.

It sucks, but this was the pragmatic move.

Which Doom wad/mod comes closest to ion maiden so I can play that while I wait?

fuck off randy

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theres a TC called Ashes 2063 that feels pretty Build-like

Just play a Build engine game (Duke, Wang or Blood)

Hey, don't you DARE compare me to that greasy bastard!

Reminder that KISS is cool with that type of stuff since Paul and gene had fun with KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child.

Iron Maiden almost sued Chakan devs in the 90's

from a nujourno fag, 7.5 is a perfectly acceptable score for retro FPS #143

This little known Doom mod called Duke Nukem

what's the point of games like this coming out when half life 2 advanced the genre forward 15 years ago?

>Iron Maiden
>Daggerfall unity

If they were smart, they would have lent Eddie for use in the game. Iron Maiden is good but it's boomer tier music eventually their fanbase will die out better to start marketing to younger people on a build engine game

Don't respond to obvious bait.

Gene just recently said it's cool that the new Pokémon looks like him and that his kids have loved and played Pokémon for years


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Doom 4 was reasonably good, and Shadow Warrior 2013 wasn't bad.

You mean Half-life 1


Simple. To try and undo the cancer that HL had on the genre.

Fuck off incel you were playing on easy bitch.

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>Game is literally to complex for the game journalist tiny mind.

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I'm also wondering this.

If this game gets mod support what kind of mods do you want to see?
>inb4 nude mods

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please tell me they put in an option to mute that bitch and her cringe tier forced one liners
she never fucking shuts the fuck up

AMC TC is on the build engine

Why'd they change the name from MAIDEN?

Dunno if this has been answered but the preview campaign is separate from the "main campaign", right? Should it be played before or after the actual campaign, or is it completely standalone and the order doesn't matter?

God. Imagine what her farts would smell like having inhaling gunpowder and bomb material particles all day.

>Still no porn of Doomguy and Duke Nukem 3 waying Shelly

Damn, I look good

half life made shooters into boring snoozefests

If we get a beach mod she better wear a bikini

dilate doomtrannies.

Because shitty music band sued

nude mods

Don't be rude to zoomers, please

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Why not just listen to music while you play? Or a documentary or audiobook or something?

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>another let's make the hero or MC a female and not an attractive one
>just missing some token nigger bbc and gay shit on the cover
Hard pass

Duke is for Shelly
Doomguy is for Samus, and god forbids if she discovers that someone wants him.

>TFW everything today is either remakes, Reboots or spiritual successors

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I need to see Shelly's pixel boobs

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No. Crysis and arguably Halo 3 were the last great FPS

You telling me those boomer fucks aren't dead yet?

They sued that the name was too similar and trying to get attention by sounding like theirs.

They sued that the skull bomb logo looks too much like their Eddie mascot.

They sued that Shelly Harrisons name is too similar to their band mates name irl. And other silly shit.

And the new IF cover art has a suspiciously Eddie-esque figure getting fucking shot as a little stab at them

I honestly can't believe no one has requested any Shelly in the drawthreads. Not here. Not on /aco/. Not anywhere.

This is the worst part of this whole fiasco. Iron Maiden is NOT shitty. Only retarded zoomers trying to cause controversy say that. But it is a true shame that they're being this petty.

>any halo
jfc just go back to school or re-up to the military for a bonus you ged havin zoomer

Not a single Halo game is even decent, let alone great.


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Half life 1 wasn't bad. Hl2 was the snoozefest

"If". The games launching with map and mod support. They're releasing scripts and shit that work for the game too.

Their official discord has sub-sections already ready for mod and level submisisons

I like Iron Maiden but they're faggots for suing.

>can't beat the last boss without cheating

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Now it's REALLY fixed.

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>actually believing the crap their Jew lawyers claimed

This is how I feel too.

How do boomers find this shit fun? I understand todays games hold your hands too much but running in circles for an hour to find one badly pixelated vent entrance that was easy to miss is not good game design.


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>adding Unreal 1 and Turok
>taking out Hexen
Fuck off.

Yes it is.

don't have time to play with myself

I have literally never heard of sin

Fuck off zoomer this game isn't for you

A Duke Caribbean style mod, with everything being a tropic vacation theme, enemies wearing sunglasses, aloha shirts, etc, with Shelly in a swimsuit/bikini, or short-shorts and a bikini top.

Attached: duke caribbean.jpg (1920x1080, 487K)

Gonna wait for the nude mod before I pirate.

She's perfect!

Sin was never finished if I recall

>Doom 64
*Sips* ahh. Yep. They don't make em like this anymore.

I'll get it because its coming to Switch.

duke nukem mod that replaces ion maiden lady

I didn't know Frederik Schreiber used to cosplay in his youth

I guess you don't want my money then.

>no Rise Of The Triad

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They did.
Yes, except for Heskel's House of horrors wich is a portion of a level from the main campaign.
I have shit orientation but even me are as pathetic as you.

Her 90s designs were objectively better. I would literally pay money to get DLC of her 90s designs. Pls devs

>Shelly in Daisy Dukes, a bikini top, and a straw sun hat

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It was OP as fuck my dude

that's just a bad level if you get stuck for an hour, the preview doesn't have anything like that though, I didn't get stuck once

SiN is a finished game, SiN 2 is what you're thinking of.

>FPS on consoles

They've made good songs, but this is most dishonorable.

nigga, not even sin episodes!?

Why play watered down imitations of old games when you just can play the real thing?
If I wanted to play a Build Engine first person shooter I would replay Blood or Duke 3D instead

implying any gamers would have the skill or patience to create nude sprites with 8 rotations for every animation frame

Over her police issue tactical gear.

Nose covered in sunscreen on HUD.

Because I already played them and because Iron Fury is fucking great, on par with duke 3D, at least the preview campaign was.

the parrot better have the mouth a sailor

Because it's not a watered down imitation.

It's not as good, but I don't think it's as bad as some people say it is.
I play FPS on both PC and console, FWIW, so I'm used to how both play.

and it's all because of peer pressure

t. ign

I might get it for the portability
But I'd recommend getting on PC, it can run on a potato so I don't want to hear "my PC is shit"

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>why play this new thing instead of just replaying this old game that you've already replayed 100 times
Wow gee I really wonder why you fucking mongoloid.

SeaShelly: Life's Ibiza


I can think of a few who could, and maybe even would, but the question is if they would.

You won't have to, you goddamn zoomer.
See, this game engine was designed in a time where developers wanted their audience/customers to love their game, so they provided tools to prolong the life of said game.
There will be a free mod to the game to replace 2019 Shelly with 1998 Shelly.

Ah a man of culture I see

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>it's getting console ports

You had ONE JOB, make it PC exclusive like the old days, fuck console cucks

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Most 90s FPS had console ports, numbnuts.

Based on what I read, he had these issues:
>too hard
>no glowing arrows to tell you where to go
>key cards to progress
>pacing hardly lets up
>no innovations

Basically, he doesn’t like old school fps design enough to rate it higher. He liked Metro Exodus enough to rate it 1.0 higher than Ion Fury, if that means anything.

Has the Duke mod autist made any recent appearances to these threads?
I haven't seen him for some time.

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do what suggests. strafe around it at close (relatively) distance and lob bowling bombs on it.

And they were shitty and watered-down, just like console plebs deserve

Fucking idiot.

Why not a police tactical bikini?

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How stupid can you be?

>Doom 64
>Doom SNES
>Duke Nukem

I doubt it's at least as good as Shadow Warrior (in my opinion the weakest of the Build Engine unofficial trilogy) so I'll rather play one that I know it's good.
I avoid indie games for the same reason. Why paying money for a mediocre ripoff of an arcade game when I can just run MAME and play one of the games those indies are ripping off

I play Doom 2 all the time on xbox one and it's fun as fuck. Fuck you

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It is getting mod support because it's running on a modified Eduke32 and Eduke devs are releasing an update soon to be compatible with it

More like
>FPS on handheld
which is solely why I'm getting it

This but unironically

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And tell me, how did that affect the PC versions?

Monolith's AvP2 was better and you know it!

What consoles has quake been on?

Because hardly any of those are on Switch

Why would you play the worse version of a game if you could help it? You have a PC faggot.

>doesn't check every vent
u bad

>That balconing level

>trying to bring muh console war bullshit to PC
Fuck you, Tim

So you don't know shit, thanks for your worthless opinion. Also 3DRealms isn't fucking indie, moron.

this, what a retarded argument

But I don't want it to be modded in, I want it to be official so that way I can see cute girls cosplay her or get R34 of her in it.

Why did you buy a console without games?

IIRC Saturn and N64. PSX had Quake 2.

I bought the game. It's only 53MB.




>Shadow Warrior has 2 alternative fires for the missile launcher, heat seeker card and nuclear warhead, which are in-game pickups
>Ion Fury doesn't even have a missile launcher

>Shadow Warrior's shotgun has an alternate-fire mode, a 4 shot mode
>Ion Fury's shotgun has an alt-fire, a grenade launcher, which is actually a separate weapon

>Blood has 3 different types of TNT, normal, remote, and proximity
>Ion Fury has 2 bombs and they're separate weapons

>Shadow Warrior has the ripper heart and guardian head, Blood has the leech life and voodoo doll, Duke has the shrinker and freezethrower
>Ion Fury doesn't have an equivalent, besides the crossbow which is closer to the Tesla cannon or the railgun

I hate to be a naysayer, but something doesn't feel right. I'm a big fan of these games and I bought Ion Maiden last year day 1, so I'm praying they don't fuck it up.

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Every single Quake except QC, funny enough, has been on consoles.

The artwork is still out there and available for you to jerk off to it.

It has other games I play, sometimes, but no '90s FPS. And to be honest, I got peer pressured into getting it.
I played about 10 hours of FE3H last week then went back to playing Prey2017 on PC

Its not simply a rip-off though. The levels are far larger and more complex than levels found in early build-engine games like Duke and Blood. Not to even mention the incredible visuals that blow anything made in the 90's out of the fucking water. Its exciting to see a full blown continuation of 90's shooter design philosophy made by people that are clearly passionate about the genre and know what they are doing. It could very well end up being mediocre, but you are acting as if that possibility is already a fact.

Where are the other 142? I want to play them.

>Not wanting to play as a hot woman

>watered down
How exactly? The levels are much more dense, complex and bigger than in the old Build games. Gameplay has also been improved with stuff like actual locational damage. And obviously the visuals are much prettier plus the bells and whistles and QOL stuff added by their EDUKE32 branch.
>why play new content when I can just play the old content for the umpteenth time?
is basically what you are saying. Blood didn't even age particularly well, Duke 3D is still fine though.

what does protagonist look like in-game? is she cute?

Why would you lie? We’re all fans of Ion Fury here, no need for console wars.

>He liked Metro Exodus enough
He liked their money enough.


Ah, you're one of those imbeciles who shit on PC and rather play a multiplat on the Switch even when they own a capable gaming PC.

I would bully you more but you're already living a private hell of your choosing.

I'll force myself to play it because I like playing as cute girls.

like this

Attached: faces.png (640x640, 271K)

Shelly vs Diana vs Jung Hae-Lin

Who wins?

>god mode
she sees your dick

I played the fuck out of the shareware for this. I'd load up multiplayer maps filled with bots and just run around killing shit for hours.

The artwork is still there if you want to jerk off. Why does it need to be “official?”

A game without bloated files

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Either my PC can't handle it, or I don't want to deal with invasive DRM.

Does Shelly has her roboarm?

I never even once shit on PC, I just know what I'm more likely to play because of habit.

Literally whos?

You forgot Zan.

I have a hacked switch and I literally play pretty much nothing but these old school FPS games on it now.

Switch has the following
>Doom 2
>Doom 3
>Doom 64 EX
>Ken's Original Build Engine
>Duke 3D
>Blood (required kB+mouse though)
>Quake 2
>Quake 3
>Turok 2
>AvP 2000
>Powerslave (via PS1 emulation)

And it's getting Ion Fury, Dusk and Wrath. Maybe even but probably not Amid Evil too.

Unironically based

Name a more based jew. You can't.

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im so hype

You zoomers are fucking hopeless.

>no DAIKATANA or Shadow War

How stupid can you be?

Ken Silverman isn't dead is he?
I didn't think he was

Half-life was great faggot. It had amazing enemy placement and fun level design.

Just play Eradicator.

What DRM
It's on GOG retard

You can emulate the N64 version of Daikatana but why in gods name would you.

I'd kill for SW to be ported. Shit, even the eDuke32 is dated as fuck. It's a port of the Vita version which is a port of the psp version which is a port of an ancient ass eDuke32. I'd love it to get a fully up to date fork build.

Oh also I have Strife and Wolfenstein 3D of course.

I'd make noise about the lack of ROTT, but then I remember there's not even a good sourceport for that game on PC.

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>(1,975 results)

142 is probably a low number, now my joke doesn't even work.

Where can I find more official art like this?

You definitely do.

God, I hate Nintendo fans so much. They were forced to get a PC back during the Wii / WiiU eras because no games, and know that the Switch is getting games they decided to turn their back on PC, "the cuck platform", again.

>Doesn't like Nu-SJW design over 90s design
>That makes you a Zoomer
>Can't make an argument

I wasn't aware we were talking about a game in specific, I'm a different guy and I just talked about in general.

It happened yesterday, did you miss the thread? It had 400+ replies.

It's a watered down imitation of Eradicator without everything that made Eradicator actually interesting either gameplay-wise or tone-wise?

The argument is that you can easily just mod it back in stupid fucking retard.

PSX and N64 user
N64 Quake 2 Mp was the tits

If she was an SJW design she would be fat, tanned, and have neon colored hair, and be designed to have an intentionally ugly face.

He's not. In fact he's been hard at work in making anime real for a while, while Carmack is only working towards making it real in your head.

Yeah, Im sure theres tons on there that have 9 hours of content and arent just some indie dev's practice game.

Fuck off retard, I've spent more time on my PC this week than I have on Switch, I'm updating the launcher for FFXIV right now.
I'm just a portabilityfag, always have been.

Post the 90s design so I can compare.

Point is that if you want """"""OLD-SCHOOL EFFPEEESS"""""" there's no lack of it anywhere. Now go buy Devil Daggers.

Pamela Andersen basically.

No, he's right.
Half life was the predecessor of Call of Duty and modern first person shooters: lineal scripted levels with emphasis on storytelling rather than shooting.

>M-Mods will fix it
Not an argument. The nu design is shit. If she had the old design I could get good R34 of her and some E-thots cosplaying her. Also never defend shitty SJW redesigns.

>taking out Hexen
Sorry, I'm an idiot and made a mistake. Actually it's the other way around and I do prefer Hexen 1 to Heretic 1. So here is the fixed version of the fixed fixed version.
You should really check it out. Like everything that year it was overshadowed by that piece of unskippable cinematic on rails shit that was Half-Life. Despite using the Quake 2 engine it was absolutely ahead of its time in many game design choices. Objectives you can fail depending on how good you are. Branching level routes - you could replay the game several times and still miss out and never see entire levels. Great and morbid humor, interactivity up the ass like Duke 3D with hacking ATM machines and terminals, great soundtrack, great level design by Levelord himself, great weapons - one of the coolest and most satisfying sniper rifles in the history of fps. Also the main character and his sidekick throwing banter at each other is fun to listen to. honestly one of my alltime favourites. Just pirate SiN Gold and google fanmade patches for it, as it can be tricky to get it to run on modern systems.

Of coures it was. It even got an expansion pack; Wages of Sin - which was fantastic too. What you probably mean is Sin: Episodes. That came out many years later, but was nowhere near as good and fun as the orignal game from 1998.

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>tfw have a switch but only have the dooms and splatoon 2
I didn't know about being able to get all of these. Time to go shopping

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Nobody believes it dumbass, it was already stated that fighting this ridiculous lawsuit would have delayed the game possible a year or so.

sin was garbage.

>The predecessor
By that logic Doom was the predecessor of fortnite. low IQ nigger


someone at /vr/ said that it was retconned and she doesnt lose it along with half of her hair

No you aren't.
You're just someone who'll rather have an inferior experience as long as the plastic has the Nintendo logo.

Dude. You are grasping at straws. Devil Daggers may look pixel-y but it's wave-based. There are a lot of "retro-style" FPS games, but the amount that actually follow the retro keyhunting level design and are well-made is actually quite small.

I haven't even played SMO, fuck off.

Pist the one where she's only wearing ammo belts

This post kinda makes me want to try it.
I used to love the shit out of duke3d, doom, quake, shadow warrior and the likes as a kid. Is this game really like those or it's just a gigameme?

Good but don't take out Heretic either.


How is this good design or a great idea for a cosplay? lol

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Missed opportunity for porn

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>Devil Daggers
>old school
Want to know how I know you never played a 90s FPS?

He got those through hacking and pirating.

Ywah, the hat pretty much ruins it.

>feminism and tranny: the game!

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Series saved

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Mirror clone restoration or clean up the head and slap it on another figure?

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Ion Fury has three major problems in my opinion.

1. The gameplay concept is derivative, while barely scratching the surface of the original game it derives from (Eradicator).
2. The art direction is a nonsensical 80s hodgepodge (you can make a cool looking hodgepodge - see Quake 1 - this is not it).
3. Level-design is community virtue-signalling without rhyme or reason. Muh details, muh slopes, muh ror.

>"Blow it out your ass"

Claiming that Devil Daggers is old school is like claiming that Doom 2016 is old school.

>female character doesnt have exposed cleavage and a bikini

Link to demo?

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I know, the joke was that to the average IGN game journo there's no real difference between a realized game like Ion Fury and the other hundreds of retro looking FPS games out there.
Kinda like how some people think that all "2D indie pixel platformers" are the same.

I know it isn't, I just like to shill it.

I can just tell you're the autistic level design critic from /vr/.

God this design is attrocious.

I guess you'll never know for sure then.

Need to hack your switch bro.

Mods will fix it is a legitimate argument. Your insanity isn't.

Tranny clown future pushing faggots

No it isn't cuck. Make a real argument.

This is worse than WoW Vanilla in terms of old boomers trying to recapture nostalgia. You should all be ashamed of yourselves

I love boobs but where's the design?

I never said old-school I said """"""OLD-SCHOOL EFFPEEESS"""""" which I thought would signify that I was joking. But apparently this board is so fucking far gone it can't read anything anymore. I'll use more quotation marks next time, sorry.

Yes. Yes it is.
I like her old designs because they were 90's bombshell silly, and I like her design in this game because she reminds me of a White Motoko Kusanagi with a Duke Nukem mouth in her police get-up, but that 3D model is fucking trash and lacks any kind of personality beyond basic bitch tough girl edition.

>Character was changed specifically to be less problematic
>W-Why are you calling me an SJW?
Was posted in the last thread

Every thing here is wrong

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If it were real boomers, the MC would look like Arnold in the Terminator. This was made by feminist basedboys.

play black mesa.

Proof to character being changed?


I have

Better than FemV or Sombra.

Attached: Bombshell-Feature-image.jpg (1300x1080, 358K)


Fuck off back to /pol/

Whole game was scrapped when common sense reigned supreme and they realized "why would boys want to play as a woman?" but this was the original character (left). Though the whole thing was silly since it's a first-person game. Literally 'Here. Be a woman, guys!'

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No, Xe isn't.

Fuck off back to resetera

Brunette > Blondes
You cannot refute this

I want to play as a ripped motherfucker, not a "BADASS" woman

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It isnt Kiwifag from resetera discord


Go home, faggot.

Nobody cares about Borderlands 3 randy

Go play Doom or Duke then dumbass

Lewd costumes

just watch gay porn

Wait for mods then.

I want to play as a ripped woman

I bet the devs of this game prance wherever they go and drink mostly pink beverages.

Attached: Limp_Wrist_hemsida_2.jpg (705x460, 24K)

What the fuck is your obsession with Eradicator?

Fuck off Greasy Bastard.

>reminds me of a White Motoko Kusanagi with a Duke Nukem mouth in her police get-up
>sleeps with body pillow

You’re very bad at this. You might want to follow your advice and return to Resetera.

Even more gay.

Im glad ion fury hasn't turned her into the dumbass she was in her previous game. Her 1 liners aren't always great but she's certainly not a bad character

Pretty cute

I totally forgot I was pissed at Iron Maiden and actually bought a Maiden shirt cus it has "Powerslave" on it

Whoops lol


this is prior to the bombshell game in canon

Work out. Eat healthy. Self improve. You can do it user.

If they don't add a LOT more voice lines to the game I'm going to be super sad. The creators of this game are mostly modders so they should know the benefit and longevity of shit like this.

>This thing is shit

user. Just picture a sprite mod with Shelly with a ripped mid rif just like the Doom marine. And she has exposed ABS

Maybe it can happen. If we just wish hard enough.

>Imagine wanting to fight as a warrior instead of a desexualized androgynous SJW power fantasy

wew really makes me gay huh

cope hl is good.

never heard of that game before, why is it in 3rd person? looks like shit

>This thing is shit

Attached: alf-life.png (919x737, 73K)

it's always amusing to see when a low iq ape calls others low iq and doesn't realise the tremendous influence of hl and how it changed the fps landscape for the worse. it was the grandfather of Uncharted and cinematic walking simulators. George Broussard - that fat coke snorting pig wanted to ape it so much, he had DNF's development rebooted yet again.
gif related

Attached: here is some pity.gif (480x238, 415K)

Give me the last thread then

>The Jew fears the Samurai

She looks very tame.

>Retarded tranny can't come up with an argument
Who would have guessed?

Fried and 3dr Devs said that this was the event shown on Bombshell's story.
Lets see if this is true tomorrow, Shelly's design is perfect, she doesn't need some retard metal arm with bullshit RadFem Faux femen hair like the game that no one played it to be a Good protagonist with a good personality.

and this game proved it.

Ion Fury Shelly >>> og Duke designs >>>>>>>>>Abyss of hell itself >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bombshell Shelly

There's this meme going around by people who don't know much about games that Half-Life 1 "ruined" (whatever that means) first-person shooters, or even games in general because (the claim being) it pioneered or created "cinematic" type video games. Personally, I view these claims as being purely false conjecture, and should be discarded as such.

It may come of an interest to you, but Half-Life was actually praised heavily at the time for NOT being a story-focused game, which was increasingly becoming a new standard in the C-D based console era (although story and scenario based games are demonstrably far older than the mid 1990's, as anyone with a brain can figure out). Half-Life 1 gives the player full control throughout the entire game, and (almost) never breaks character from the gameplay, which is presented and introduced completely naturally to the player. Suggesting that Half-Life is bad because of the few mandatory speaking segments is just absurd - the game has less dialogue and waiting time than something like Ocarina of Time, which is also very straight-forward and old-fashioned game from the same time period. Half-Life 1 is incredibly arcadey, fast, free and truthful to classic video games, and its reputation as being otherwise is completely unwarranted.

Further game resources for the uneducated:
>Marathon (1994), FPS with huge emphasis on story and lore
>Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995), FPS with cutscenes and mission objectives
>Duke Nukem 3D (1996), FPS with scripted sequences and realistic environments
>GoldenEye 007 (1997), FPS with variable objectives, items, and important NPC's
>Quake II (1997) and Unreal (1998), FPS games that did interconnected/progressive levels before Half-Life
>Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (1998), FPS about tactical shooting and military
>System Shock, Thief, and Deus Ex, etc (Various), first-person games with emphasis on slow-pace and story
>Ultima Underworld (1992), RPG pre-Wolf 3D
>UT, Q3, Tribes, etc - fast FPS games post HL1

Not him but I'm 5'3. Exercise would be wasted on me so I see no reason to.


I happened to play it, I happened to like it, by and large - and I happen to see more than a passing similarity between these two games.
The primary mode is first-person, third person mode (Build games also have, by the way) is for platforming only, and even there it's entirely optional.

My dad is 5'3 and has multiple children with different mothers, all taller. Anything is possible.

>I-It's bad because it lead to these things
So I guess Doom is bad because it lead to fortnite.

Imagine drinking so much /pol/ propaganda that you delusionally see everything as some political statement

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I am now convinced you are the guy who has been shilling that Duke 3D mod and has been shitting on Blood 1. ayyy fucking lmao. what is wrong with you? you might as well get a trip and call yourself Rugarell 2.0

Attached: 1314663162883.gif (208x156, 1.23M)

When is it launching? It's going to be 16th in eastern yurop isn't it

>this feminst agenda game is totally better than the OG Duke, you guise!

Attached: 0gL4oxd.jpg (994x745, 162K)

That's just concept art from Duke Nukem Forever? I don't think that has anything to do with Ion Fury?

Some nigger from kiwifarms keeps spreading this shit of late, he's even shitposting on /vr/ and doom general there about it.
Again, resetera and Kiwifarms sjw faggots are on fire of late trying to force hate memes in all boards in hopes of fucking with this car tuning imageboard even more.

someone even posted here at Yea Forums a screenshot of Resetera's discord with proofs of it.

>Doom FPS
>Fortnite TPS

If you lack in one aspect make it up in other aspects


Seriously fuck off back to /pol/

Maybe I am, maybe I am not.

TPS came from fps
God you are dumb.

I like it. Looks like Bobbi Starr

Attached: 48c79dc7b2fdb5fe3f40555ee8ba2f45.jpg (360x600, 29K)

>MUH SJW BOGEYMEN!!!!1111111

Please go back to your containment board.

>left cant meme, the post.
Still desperate trannytard? Shitposting here wont give you a working vagina and reproductive ovaries, or even turn you into a woman, hairy fatso.

Is a clone of an fps
Holy shit you are a triggered faggot. user wants a muscle girl and that makes you booty blistere

Have you ever even played Marathon? The level design is a mess of mazes of key hunts.

And it's glorious.

This post is a gigantic, bit fat lie. At the time Half Life was praised due to its focus on storytelling, due to breaking the arcadey design codified by Doom. If you play the game you'll find a completely on-rails experience, unlike the insane degree of freedom something like System Shock gave you.

Lol. Fuck off tranny

Seethe more tranny nigger, the derailment shitposting isnt working.

Can't you and your kind of people just please stop existing.

t. the examined life of gaming

Have you swallowed your own ass this morning? How can anyone be so backwards

I like video games

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will there be release sale?

not him but fuck off to your containment board with the rest of the scizos storm weenie

system shock sucks.

Not when you're subhuman.


t dev

you will never be this or even Ion Fury or even Duke3d Shelly you tranny nigger, go back to your pedophile friendly chat at resetera and kiwifarms you subhuman brain damaged piece of shit.

Attached: __galena_quake_champions_and_etc_drawn_by_ceresy__ce137752a4ae8aa173f4207c693feeee.png (1240x1750, 2.15M)

Which publications praised the "focus" on storytelling and not the presentation and natural flow of such? I think you're the one who is lying, chum.

No it isn't. It's one of the best games ever made.

Awwwww stormweinie is so angry. I don't know why you fucks come here when you have an entire board on /pol/ to post your ignorant bullshit yet you fucks keep coming here and ruining threads over and over and fucking over for no fucking sensible reason.

Holy shit it's the real deal.

Attached: 1538808724856.png (413x549, 95K)

I like Shelly's first concept art where she looks like a 90s comic character, I'll mod it in whenever some cool guy does it. Does Gearbox have the rights on that design considering it was for a Duke game?

Read it. Yes it is

Also, Half-Life is essentially a remake of Doom. It's the exact same story, just with the lenses of Duke 3D and Quake.

M-Me too.

Attached: 1555106249471.png (381x310, 107K)

New outfit is drastically different, best start from scratch.

Attached: Shelly Fan Art.jpg (3034x4096, 1.24M)

So predictable

Stop your bullshit. You're just mad over someone pointing out the truth, and now you're spergin all over the place with your retarded grunting and moaning. Just stop.

Kill yourself now, please.


pretty much this, its so predictable at this rat that it hurts.

Attached: wojakposting in a nutshell.png (680x683, 393K)

>Like sexy women
>This makes you /pol/
Resetrannies everyone.

This is going to be a comfy game.

Attached: EB1GmaZXYAE43Lh.jpg (1970x1668, 330K)

>actually, according to my historical revisionism...

Read the reply chain again, you absolute outdoor shit-dwelling porkbeast

Attached: hurrswine.jpg (419x500, 141K)

Fuck OFF. Go back to /pol/. Every god damn thread I am in I see you fucks. I can't even enjoy a build engine threads without you fucks whining about woman not being sexy enough to play your VIDEO GAME with. How small is your dick where you need a bikini clad woman just to enjoy a fucking game? Get help. I'm leaving this thread so don't bother responding to me, no one will read it.

>Does Gearbox have the rights on that design considering it was for a Duke game?
No because It's intellectual property that never made it in if that was the case then the first game would be a gearbox title
The design change is purely a cosmetic one and honestly I think it fits better than the concept art considering the setting and all the games take place in having someone that looks like they're from the cast of Baywatch would stick out like a sore thumb

>this isn't hot according to anons in this thread because she doesn't look like a retarded bimbo with double D's
I hate this board.

Attached: shelly bombshelly.jpg (898x898, 464K)

I want shelly to be sexy because 90s female MCs were sexy and as a man I like sexy women.

You are on the wrong board then.
Yea Forums is about identity politics

Huh? I just want to see her sexy abs dude chill out.

Attached: 1553963666934.png (923x1023, 883K)

Maybe the devs shouldn't have covered her up and changed her design if they didn't want people complaining about how bad her new design is.
Play a 90s FPS you butthurt zoomer.

She looks alright. Zip down her suit a bit to show some cleavage and she'd be great.

If you're not reading this, then I guess I can call you a big fat bitch without any replies. Lose weight.

Nah, Hedon came before

Unless she's a retarded bimbo with balloon tits and couldn't fight her way out of a wet paper bag it's SJW propaganda according to /pol/'s schizophrenic hivemind

How is Duke misogynistic? he loves women and respects them

Her Design and Duke's ones are great, its only Resetera Discord Channel and Kiwfarms trannies making these shitposts.
This shit is so tiresome and predictable that it hurts.

>Shitty Nu-armor design that covers her up completely when old designs were great
>Wonder why people say something

My headcanon is that the shitstorm that occurs in Ion MAIDEN happens when she's at her job and later ditches it for the first concept art (also Bombshell did so bad it might be considered non-canon if any franchise spawns from this)

will it be on humble store at the least?

>Oh boy! Ion Fury™!!!

Attached: 222c7o.jpg (576x768, 40K)


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>Blaming /pol/
>when its proven that it is Discord Reseterafags doing it to derail threads here at Yea Forums

>Zip down her suit a bit to show some cleavage and she'd be great.
y tho? she's busy kicking ass, not posing for others to gawk at

Iron Maiden are a bunch of cunts, they haven't even made one good song.

Literally just this but grey.

Can anyone photoshop that greybreal quick and slap a GDF on it?

Attached: 1559772644589.jpg (471x700, 236K)

She also still has hair in Bombshell. I imagine it's braided to not get caught in robo arm but would have made more sense to use a helmet or side ponytail.

Attached: Hair.jpg (852x979, 61K)

>Play a 90s FPS you butthurt zoomer
I guarantee that I am older than you. I played Duke in 97, did you, faggot?

I will honestly never get this way of thinking. I'm a guy and I love tits and ass and women looking and acting all promiscious and sexy.
also to anyone who is denying that Yea Forums doesn't get raided by discord trannies, kiwis and whatnot yet likes to scream pol invasion at everything and everyone, pic related.

Attached: 1565624857551.png (720x701, 111K)


THIS for fucks sake, its predictable at this rate.

Who cares who's to blame a faggot with a dick in his ass or somebody else's is still a faggot the real problem is that you retards keep humoring their attention whoring they were never intending on buying the game anyway so why try to convince them otherwise

>green eyes
>pale skin

Attached: source.gif (500x207, 999K)

nah it was shit.

Honestly, because hard work makes me sweaty and I like to open my shirt some to ventilate, I figure a suit like that can get pretty warm with a lot of fighting, just letting in a bit of air would do a lot I think.

>Duke Nukem 3D (1996), FPS with scripted sequences

being able to blow up wall to get a short cut is not "scripted"

>not a movie
That is the only explanation, vidya journos have double digit IQ.

Attached: 1407803999372.jpg (360x270, 78K)

how other retro fps fags will ever recover?

Attached: fasfa.png (205x87, 5K)

The superior law enforcer.

Attached: arrestmelucia.jpg (786x1017, 132K)

This style of cut is actually fine with the braids.
Because, you know, you can undo the brain at any time when the hairstyle is no longer appropriate outside of your high octane fights to the death and you're just going to the super market for some milk.

That is literally a scripted sequence, there's scripted sequences in various elevators, platforms, and environments being destroyed or changed.

Your pic is showing abs. Abs are unethical now

Fuck that swimsuit design on her outfit makes me diamonds, might pick up

I think he means the buildings blowing up whenever you flip a switch

Here the Rock Paper Shitter article

>not getting into high octane fights to the death at the super market.

Maki is superior and Leona is better

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>Posts the year he was born

So now Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion Fury are out.
Wrath and Prodeus are upcoming.

What else is there? Is the old school kino comeback officially on hiatus after those?


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Real talk, why didn't they make her sexy?
The whole point of 90s games was to be fast and be sexy.

Is it really so far fetched to think that people born before the 90s don't shitpost here?

In the Build engine you can rig interactions to sectors and create different outcomes. Like in Duke level 1 the cinema shakes/explodes/changes specifically when you enter different rooms or enemies that can be commanded to appear and move to different locations. Duke 3D is absolutely scripted a ton and it works greatly. Stop using scripted as an insult.

t. couldn't get past the first two levels because low IQ

Dusk had too many bullet sponge enemies or guns are too weak

Lo Wang wasn't sexy, it's not mandatory.

Hope we get Duke back soon from Randy's greasy little hands
We need a proper fucking online support I haven't Dukematched in centuries

Hoping for wrath to have mod tools and custom player models.

Attached: emmeline_full.jpg (1536x2048, 556K)

The entire point was to be fast and action not sexy not that she isn't sexy

Maybe you should talk to the devs instead of the publisher

she looks absolutely fine to me. I do want to see her in a skintight one piece swimsuit in the sequel though, doing some underwater missions with a harpoon gun that can nail enemies to the ceiling, floor, walls and rocks

Attached: 1264257044478.jpg (1200x1600, 219K)

Since you're not going to read this anyway I just thought I should let you know that you're sexy user

I think its this user named Ultra-Violence who ocassionally shills some shitty nazi concept art for his mod that looks like an outlaws ripoff

looks like a lolcow in the making

>don't really care about the character design but will get called an sjw for having this opinion

I guess they could've made some weapons and voice lines more sci-fi, idk.

Attached: Wojak_cropped.jpg (180x179, 10K)

She looks attractive to me. Or were you expecting tits out and pants unzipped?

>Shoot out at a supermarket
As if that would ever happen

Attached: hqdefault (9).jpg (480x360, 18K)

except we have a sequel already: Bombshell.

at the end of Iron Fury, its more than confirmed by 3dR that Shelly will lose her arm and end up looking like she does in BS.

Source? check the 3dr article about shelly's design, they practically say it out loud there.

also... wow! this thread is FAST!

She farts when she eats pizza in-game

Duke looks sorta sexy in a macho way.
Caleb looked kinda plain.

Attached: 1506226059201.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

wtf girls can't fart

>Level-design is community virtue-signalling without rhyme or reason. Muh details, muh slopes, muh ror.

what did he mean by this

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She looks ok to me. Not among my preferred types, but I wouldn't say she looks ugly or anything.

People shitting SJW out of their mouths are retardera raiders. Pay no mind and they will starve of attention.

>same vermin that did this hit piece on Cyberpunk

Why am I not surprised.

Oh god, Baron Von Thesaurus moved on to Yea Forums? I'm so sorry you guys!

This entire style of game is about making your protagonist as 80's action movie star as possible.
And 80's action movie stars were very rarely sexy in the conventional sense.
Most of them were dudes with sub-par faces that made up for it with their fucking adnois bodies and biceps the size of watermelons spouting one liners, or your well balanced body types that made up for it by doing sick kung fu moves despite being whiter than bread.
The women in these movies, while they did have pretty damn good bodies as well, also rarely had good faces, unless it was some corny B-movie with a budget of 50 dollars that just hired former playmates and then cut away awkwardly to a stunt woman with a similar enough but clearly more toned and athletic body type.

I mean fuck, do you think anyone back then was going "Oh man, Arnold Schwarzenegger is such a dream boat. Look at those eyes!" No. They were going "Jesus Christ look at this man. What a fucking badass, that takes some dedication. He could could probably crush coal into a fucking diamond"

not canon

Haha no homo haha

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Any videos featuring the death with gibbs? I love it when MCs get gibbed and scream in pain

No. Yea Forums is filled with kids

>at the end of Iron Fury, its more than confirmed by 3dR that Shelly will lose her arm and end up looking like she does in BS.
so? the only thing that changes is her robotic arm and that in itself can be hot as fuck.

Attached: 1278161688797.jpg (311x311, 24K)

Yes he was.

If only people in this thread truly understood the modding potential of Build. You can change literally every sprite, sound and property without much difficulty. I want people to be encouraged to create and learn for themselves from this game.

Attached: 1549706169532.png (888x894, 520K)

I fixed her per instructions from this thread.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1294x1077, 129K)

>If only people in this thread truly understood the modding potential of Build
Build is a bitch to mod for that's why Duke barely has any mods compared to Doom

You WANT to be called an SJW though.

Reportedly, this isn't a prequel to Bombshell anymore. Shelly doesn't lose her arm and won't turn into that dyke.

>mosquito bites
fucking sjw trash, jesus christ. try again.

Have you seen what fan made build human sprites look like? It's absolutely horryfiying 99% of the time.

Fuck. Go look at the women NPC's in the fucking vacation expansion that was a professional paid released commercial product.

>huge dark areolas


Attached: 1555714840768.jpg (500x269, 16K)

Yes they can. They actually fart more frequently and with greater intensity and gas volume than men.

Alright. Here's a fun scenario.
You're in charge of making a game that's basically The Expendables, but with over the top FPS video game protagonists from different titles.
You need 7 characters.

Who do you pick?


Any source to back this up?

that's not true but okay

Duke has millions of mods. Just a lot of them aren't nearly as good as Doom. Build has more freedom though.

All of them. I don't thing there were even that many well known FPS mc's.

this is not what people ask for. there is tasteful yet promiscious sexy and then there is full blown cheap meth addicted trash stripper with hanging out tits - which is what you did.

Attached: 1365791737083.jpg (560x840, 108K)

Is that because their wombs fill with ass gas?

>see destructoid's review on this game pop up on my YouTube feed
>first thing you hear in the video is the big bad saying "despite all your rage, you are still just a rat in a cage"
Why was Billy Corgan okay with this but Iron Maiden decided to get all anal about the title?

Don't believe this user's disgusting lies

Is 3D Realms another faggot company that got woke? Or is this just general banter towards people who like retro FPS?

What an amazing idea. Except it should be an official expansion like Life's a Beach, not a mod. Put Shelly in a one-piece swimsuit on vacation after the main game.

So far, I'm just going from another thread's claim. No clue if it's true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was because they finally realized nobody liked Bombshell.

People were just asking for a bit of cleavage, not fake bombs

stop looking at porn because that is straight outta hollywood

Attached: 1440317994912.jpg (1224x1445, 125K)

Did you even see the pictures the publisher shared?

>Parias the Cleric
>Lo Wang

>7 characters
Fuck that

>Tal'Set or Joshua Fireseed
>Prisoner 849

Blood has Death Wish - one of the best mods of ye olde past. Checkmate.

are you stupid? the entire game is literally less than 60mb in size, console ports is the easiest port jobs in the world.

Attached: aint ovah.png (500x374, 180K)

I'm surprised they modeled so much boob with how high the shirt is.

Attached: doll.jpg (1028x996, 44K)

Sneed's feed and seed (formerly Chuck's)

I'm by no means a retrofag and I frankly know barely anything about Ion Maiden, but the thought of playing a fully "modern" build engine game really excites me for some reason

>A game where Doomguy, Serious Sam, B.J. Blazkowicz, Duke Nukem, Lo Wang, Shelly, Gordon Freeman, Kyle Katarn, and fuck it Blake Stone for good measure, all team to wage war against Darth Hitler Satan's army of alien demon hybrid nazi stormtrooper mutants augmented by advanced cybernetics and ancient Chinese sorcery.

I'd play it.

If this game sells better than the other game, there is no reason not to capitalize on it.

Publisher did an oopsie so a few people won't support the developer now

What's a gibb?

It's unironically better than most retro revival titles for simply trying something different instead of pandering to nostalgic doom/dook fags

It's going to be a fun time, user.

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.40.116.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Go watch the trailers. The textures look fucking amazing. They just removed all the limits of the engine and the resolutions and amount of shit crammed on their is off the charts

Lazily slap the head on a DoA model ala SFM? OKAY!

Attached: LazySFM.jpg (847x909, 42K)

it will bomb

Player or enemy getting blew up into chunks.


Attached: Screenshot_20190513-232413.jpg (1920x1080, 851K)

When a character is splattered violently with lots of blood and gore?

This looked good until I found out the player character is constantly spouting terrible lines. The VA is shit too.
Might as well play the new Wokenstein at this point.

Attached: gafsugw.jpg (675x599, 75K)

>Talking: ON/OFF

She's nowhere near as bad as Lo Wang, but I guess you love him because he's politically incorrect.
There's on nuance, he's good because he's not pc.

also you can mute her.

absolutely based post.
make him swear so hard and tell the meanest your momma jokes that even enemies will react and comment on it

Attached: Al approves.gif (200x199, 476K)

You could turn off characters talking all the way back to Duke Nukem 3D.

not bad, have her wear a skin-tight shirt under that and it'll be perfect.

And how much does it turn off? Just the kill quips? The scripted quips when you're walking through the stages? All dialogue, including that which is meant to guide you to the next area?

Prodeus looks like hot garbage, but I'm really fucking excited for Wrath.

The option is called "Silent Protagonist" she says nothing.

no, queefs aren't farts


that's actually a line from a edgar allen poe short story

welp i learned something new today


Attached: 1555310017091.png (785x1000, 254K)


Go rape each other.

Not my fault games like rainbow six, goldeneye hl saved us from shitty doom clones.


Not the user you replied to but
>but I guess you love him because he's politically incorrect.
>he's good because he's not pc.
That is a lot of assumptions for a single post. Also Lo-Wang was always unfunny. It was the wrong kind of hamfisted humor and felt really forced as if George came up with most of it while having constipation, trying to take a shit for hours with no success

and Iron Maiden is a medieval torture device