>churns out another piece of shit with no depth where you spam one move and one parry
>that will be $59.99 plus tax please
How does this fucking company actually have fans?
Churns out another piece of shit with no depth where you spam one move and one parry
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they're the only company besides FromSoftware that's capable of consistently making good action games.
Wasn't Nier Automata well received among sonyfags? Why the hate all of the sudden.
Define 'good'.
Nier Automata was well received among anyone with a modicum of taste. There really isn't much hate for Platinum other than rare special retards like OP.
you dumb motherfucker you will immediately come back to Yea Forums and bitch about the game being too hard when it comes out
Good is this 10/10 except the shitty skills of the player
Holy shit I need to play bayo again.
>Movie game
>Well received by people with taste
Quite the opposite, actually.
enjoyable = good
who would have thought
>memetinum minigaymes
>capable of consistently making good action games
This graphic has multiple flat out lies and anyone who reposts it should neck themselves.
>dodging consumes a finite resource
>Bloodborne stamina
>finite resource
Then name them you fucking retard. Platinum Games are the most shallow of all the action games out there
Not really.
It's finite in the same way as a large order of 5 guys fries is finite.
> NieR in bottom tier
Into the trash with you and your chart
And if you stop eating the fries for a second, all of the fries regenerate.
Japanese Phil Fish
Wait sonyfags hate Yoko Taro now? I thought he was your guy.
It's actually the weakest in gameplay of that list so yeah I'd say it should be down there. It's still a good gamel.
People will try to laugh at this image but provide zero counter arguments. Really makes you think about the state of mind of platinum retards
Bayo 1 better than Bayo 2? Holy fuck you're dumb.
>W101 at the top
my man
unironically answer this senpai.
he cucked them porting nier automata to PC.
i like both but vanquish and MGR should be swapped
>Lies are compelling
Actually they're not
Switch Nier with Bayo, at least the enemy ai doesn't go full retard on highest difficulty via block spam.
switch port when?
Garbage taste, fuck off basedtard
Retard alert how could wonderful 101 be on top with is average 20 to 35 fps, awful minigames and awfull combos . true list Bayonetta=bayonetta 2=Vanquish >Nier Automata> Wonderful 101>MgR>Madworld>The rest
>good action games
nigga what? Up until Bloodborne they made jank as fuck RPGs. Maybe this would make sense if you said Treasure.
Also top kek, Platinum now has more bad games than good ones, they haven't released anything good since Transformers.
>still no Ninja Gaiden pc ports
Nier Automata barely counts as an action game and a game from Platinum. Combos are very limiting and weapon variety is small. Objectively it is worst than W101 and MGR.
Wonderful 101 was awful and deserved the shit sales and shit critical reception it got.
How did a throwaway license game end up having better combat than their high profile titles?
Friendly reminder that the only good game Meme* has made was rising.
So Fucking Dumb Holyshit your whole shit says bayonetta 2 improved the gameplay in ever way but you don't like it because some option are stronger than others and your brain dosen't allow you to use a variety of attack instead you play it the same way over and over using only the strongest attack because you are braindead also why not use the big robot instead of umbran climax if you want more choices
I was only a big fan when Mikami was with them. Vanquish is still their best game.
Also I don't know why you think of platinum as a Nintendo subsidiary. Most of their games are multiplats and avaliable on PS consoles. MGR, Bayo, Vanquish, Nier Automata, Korra, Transformers, Anarchy Reings etc.
>square, square, parrying right before the slow moving telegraphed attack, pressing the QTE and doing the QTE stick rotation
This is neither difficult or impressive in any way retard.
In terms of JUST the combat (you know, the actual game part of the game) Bayonetta 1 is superior to the second in every way.
I say this as someone with 1100 hours in the first game and around 90 in the second. There is nothing enjoyable about Bayonetta 2's dumbed down, shallow, simplistic combat over the first game.
When the fuck did it become cool to hate Platinum on this Mongolian basket-weaving forum? Did I miss a memo or something?
Most of their fans have left them. Remember all the hype when they first announced their studio? Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya was a godlike combo, how could anyone think they'd fuck up?
>Bayonetta 1 and 2 were good save for the shitty mini games
>Rising was amaizng
>Vanquish was shit
>Madworld was meh
>Transformers, Korra and Turtles were so shit they got delisted
>Wonderful 101 should have been a movie because no one gives a shit about the fucking gameplay
>Yoko Taro fans would eat up anything the man does and the game was so basic coming from Platinum.
I stopped caring about them like what I did with Trigger. They both were so hyped up but the products they released pales in comparison to other properties like DMC and Gurren Lagann
>Bayo 3
Development stalled due to Hashimoto leaving and the team needing a new director is my guess.
>Babylon's Fall
Same reason as above, except the guy they got for BF got put onto Astral Chain first, so expect a delay here as well.
They've made more mediocre games than good games at this point
Platinum has always been overrated garbage, people are just finally realizing it
Vanquish is literally their only great game you fucking retard.
Yeah it's mostly a shooter but you only understand this if you play it on harder difficulty
Combat is shit and the plot recycling is ridiculous
>action games
>ever good
What a terrible genre
I say this as someone who was -obsessed- with them last console generation, they are fucking shit and haven't made anything good in 4 goddamn years.
And yet I'm still probably going to buy Astral Chain and Bayonetta 3 because I'm desperate for them to make something great again.
>Vanquish is literally their only great game you fucking retard.
Only if you have absurdly shit taste. Out of all these fucking games, the only one you liked was Vanquish?
>spams the spam autistic thread and post every day
post your 3x3 sperglord
>Most of their fans have left them
Bullshit. If anything the best is about to come now that more studios are hiring them.
They already made their reply to DMC and that was Bayo, but they have to move on. Even Itsuno needs to do something new. Otherwise the genre will get stale.
Platinum's quality has been so inconsistent. People used to shill and scream "based Kamiya" over and over, but they haven't really made something truly great.
Nier is C tier but this is correct otherwise
>4 hour long janky button mashers
Yikes. kys.
>Switch Nier with Bayo
>If anything the best is about to come now that more studios are hiring them.
ahh yes, stretching a small studio thin across several games is a guaranteed recipe for success
Good thing Astral Chain is shaping up to be more of an Action RPG like Automata instead of another Bayonetta-like. Have the game's directior be the same as Automata's gameplay director helps.
You're as bad as pokemon fans buying progressively shittier annual releases in the hope that the studio will start giving a fuck again (they won't)
Probably because no one other than Nintendo hires them to make exclusive games. Ohter than that I don't get it either.
>Shinji Mikami and Hideki Kamiya was a godlike combo
Mikami alone yes. JapPhill can go suck cocks for food.
automata had terrible gameplay how the fuck is that good?
All the others are just shitty copy paste button mashers. Vanquish was actually really fun, really challenging, with a good amount of depth, and very unique gameplay.
They stopped working on Granblue iirc and it's not their game anymore.
>If anything the best is about to come now that more studios are hiring them.
Only Nintendo and SE have hired them, and it was a stroke of luck that Automata was a success because they would've closed their studio.
The PC port is great but Vanquish itself is not spectacular. It's fast paced and looks flashy and that is about the end of the good.
Enemies are bullet sponges and it feels like shit to kill them, basically just draining a health meter on an enemy that otherwise doesn't react to being shot. Melee system is fucking stupid and basically guaranteed death unless there's only one enemy. Weapon upgrading system is moronic.
honestly if I want to play a third person shooter about robots from Sega I'll play Binary Domain.
>Platinum games are bad because if you play them on easy you can spam one button and technically "beat" the game at shitter rank
>70 replies
>30 posters
Bayo 1, the Wonderful 101, and NieR Automata were truly great, though I guess NieR's greatness came from writing moreso than gameplay. It was still more functional then NieR 1 and Drakengard 3, so that's something to consider.
Yeah id rather play a videogame where you dont press buttons either
>Vanquish is ba-
They have been hiring more staff.
Because they already did their part.
Why are you retards so against the only people who make action games anymore? Everyone is on life support except them.
>Madworld C rank, same as sequel
Nigga I cut you
>Automata D rank
You hate popular things, you're cool
It's gameplay wasn't terrible, it was FUNCTIONAL Not exceptional, but overall not nearly as terrible as the previous NieR and Drakengard games. Astral Chain's combat looks like a big step up from NieR, but it's about as fast paced as Automata not as quick as Bayonetta or Revengeance.
Because they have made shitty games for 4 years now. If anything they should be on life support.
Also Capcom just completely BTFO them with DMC5. And Treasure deserves to be making games much more than Platinum.
>Nier: Automata
Faggot, please. The only people who enjoy that garbage are anime niggers. You can't seriously enjoy that nonsense? Just read a book once and you'll never think any games has ever had anything close to a good story. And Nier A is one of the worst in its medium regardless
>Rising was amaizng
>Vanquish was shit
Please never reproduce
I knew you were going to post this dumbass video.
>just using grenades and power weapons to one shot groups of enemies as they spawn in
this isn't stylish nor is it really all that enjoyable.
Funny you can easily speedrun the souls in sub 4 hours difference is in platinumgames your character can run at the speed of a car
What how with lower metacritic score? Lmfao
No it just showcases the many ways you can approach each situation. It has unique weapons with a really slick mobility system that gives a high level of depth and learning curve to the combat. Godhard is one of the most challenging but satisfying difficulty modes out there. MGRR (and all the other P* button mashers that play near identical) are extremely shallow and are cake once you have played a few hours and get the timing down for the parry since there is really no depth or positioning or anything else to the system and you just spam moves on braindead enemies.
>Because they have made shitty games for 4 years now.
Bullshit. They've made good games, not as good as Bayo1, then again Kamiya hasn't directed anything since W101 and that game was as good as Bayo1.
>Also Capcom just completely BTFO them with DMC5.
And it will take ten more years to make another one.Maybe they will drop a special edition with Vergil if that. Meanwhile are you seriously going to play DMC5 and only DMC5? Are you retarded or just pretending?
Was this your plan? Expose your garbage fucking taste to everybody?
>Bayonetta 1 is only "good" and Vanquish is "shit" while MGR is "amazing"
>Pretend that that the licensed games were delisted because of their quality and not licensing issues
>saying Transformers is shit
>Why are you retards so against the only people who make action games anymore?
if they are the only people making action games then we are truly doomed
>>Wonderful 101 should have been a movie because no one gives a shit about the fucking gameplay
Imagine being this wrongp
The same reason Wayforward has fans.
They haven't made a good game since Transformers Devastation. Also W101 is their second worst game behind Ninja Turtles. Yes, I would rather play Korra.
just becuase you jumped on the DMC bandwagon doesn't mean you have good taste.
>Bayonetta 2 metacritic score wii u 91%´ Switch 92%
>DmC V metacritic score PC 89%, Xbox one 87% , Ps4 88%
I like both but seeth more anti bayo 2 faglords
>Anarchy Reigns
Didn't that game make you BUY the ending as DLC? Fucking no talent jew ass hacks
I literally bought a Wii U for the sole purpose of playing Bayonetta 2. It is a piece of shit. Both the console and the game.
I also like both but you're a dumbass for using Metacritic to prove the quality of games to others.
Bayonetta 2 was basically everything I wanted
It’s like platinum actually dung though a fucking comment box
>jumped on the bandwagon
I've been obsessed with the series since DMC3 launched. Hell I even own the fucking novels.
Feed me with the rage and tears
I did the same thing and it's the best action game no equal
I'm glad somebody finally said it. The only worse Eastern developer who gets way too much credit for shallow garbage tier games is suda51.
>Hell I even own the fucking novels
That was Asura's Wrath, you idiot. Completely unrelated game.
You’re opinion is worthless and suicide will be the best thing to ever happen to you
Suda's fans think his games are bad too, it's all about the story and style with him.
I mean hell Killer Is Dead was probably his best game gameplay wise and literally nobody cares about it because of how underwhelming the presentation was. unless they get Masafumi Takada back their games will probably always be boring shit because he was the true talent at Grasshopper
Pics or it didn’t happen
Killer 7 was the tit , no more heroes wasen't edgy and punk enough for me
Are people already shitting on Astral Chain?
Based Taro
No but i see you are ready to jump on the hate train yyyyyeeeehhaaawwwwwww!
Play it on Cemu breh
Play it on RSPC3 breh
>More moves
>Even though you only use 2 or 3 moves
More =/= better
seems about right
Wait does it have online?
Fuck I meant Bayonetta 2 with Nier, fuck Hashimoto.
nier was carried by yoko taro. platinum hasn't made a good game on their own since 2013.
>Bayonetta 2
>C tier
>Near A Tomato
>D tier
>Mad World
>not S tier
Beats me, it's on my backlog.
Bayonetta 2 is completely worse than the first game.
>I even own the fucking novels.
Anarchy Reigns was an arena brawler focused on MP, that died really quickly.
>Second worse
Not with Nier there.
>When they were about to go broke if it wasn't for Yoko Taro
Why is a webm of you spaming dodge and getting hit, while doing no damage is supposed to prove?
Nier is like 5 times better. Nier had sensible enough controls and I could tell what was going on. It didn't make me physically angry to attempt to play it.
Agreed but I wonder why that is.
Loki is a cunt, umbran climax is retarded button mashan, Bayo isn't lewd enough, there's not enough Luka and Rodin. Balder kinda carries it. Cant remember the boss fights besides madame butterfly whereas I remember the first game's.
So most games are good by your logic
This isn't showing off high tier gameplay, this is showing how fucking horribly the boss (and really Bayonetta 2 as a whole) is designed.
The blades that are spinning around Bayo literally can't damage the boss because he can't be damaged outside Witch Time and so he just keeps teleporting everywhere.
W101 controlled fine. It did have a learnig curve though.
And its not like there's much to see in Automata anyway. Most enemies have simple attack patterns and the dodge being broken doesn't help.
>W101 at the top
My nigga
>mad world that low