And it's true
>Coffee Stain’s net sales were SEK 83 million. Their performance in the quarter was notably driven by a successful Epic Games Store promotion of Satisfactory.
Steambros why are we always wrong ?.....
And it's true
>Coffee Stain’s net sales were SEK 83 million. Their performance in the quarter was notably driven by a successful Epic Games Store promotion of Satisfactory.
Steambros why are we always wrong ?.....
I dont care
Wow what a suprise it's a well known fact, satisfactory is a huge success.
is it? outside of these bait shill threads I have seen 0 discussion of the game anywhere
>Make a deal with EGS
>Your game is EGS exclusive
>EGS "buys" 500k copies of your game
>"Our game sold over 500k copies on EGS!!!1"
Sure thing ching chong. Now, eat a dog and die in an escalator.
You do realize EGS exclusivity deal includes a "minimum copies sold" guarantee right? The way it works is that Epic's own bots buy the games for you creating de-facto ghost sales from which you still get all the profit.
Well cope more
We discuss the game on /egg/ on /vg/
Satisfactory is too complicated for the brainlets on Yea Forums.
THQ is a public company they can't hide that fact you fucking brainless steam drone and Tim debunked it too.
>this thread again
Actual cope
Learn to read, "actual paid sales" and "those sales being purchases by Epic's bots" are not mutually exclusive.
Get cancer and die Tim, nobody with 3 digit IQ is falling for your scam.
>Public companies cannot hide information from the Shareholders
>Downloading Chink spyware
Bonjour THQ Nordic
EGS is not THQ. EGS was not the one reporting to stock holders. THQ was reporting what EGS TOLD them. No one over the age of 9 would ever accuse China and their culture of being 'honest'.
They aren't even hiding, he's just misdirecting.
There is nothing to hide here, the sales are most certainly legitimate and the developer/publisher did get the money from those sales.
It just so happens those sales were all from accounts owned by Epic and paid for by Epic as part of the "minimum sales guarantee".
They are not mutually exclusive.
do you now? can't quite see any discussion about it
>By bots
It's a fucking fraud you subhuman ,cope more and kill yourself. Even when Tim buys all the games THQ would know it means they publish it or it ends bad for them.
THQ knows how much they sell, they have the data it's independent faggot
Thank fuck the companies never commit frauds.
The data EGS gave them. C'mon, you can't seriously be this naive. THQ has reported their findings with the legally required amount of honesty. However, if the source of that data was fraudulent THQ would not be held liable. They said it right there in the statement: >"sales and revenue numbers Epic and our partners have announced"
>"Data we gathered ourselves"
>Bots bought Satisfactory!!!!
This is some serious fucking delusion from steam drones lmao. How deep is gabens cock in your mouth?
Its amazing none of you can prove this or pos any actual backed up proof.
But oh yeah thats just Yea Forums for you.
Egs does not even have a shopping cart means : epic needs to set up 500k accounts with different email and address to buy 500k games. You guys are really delusional
>It's all b-bots
No it's not that easy
>0 proofs
>But there is a possibility
EGS is also giving them the money for each sold game with address and email
It's a retarded theory. But that doesn't mean they're not horse-shit, either. They have no reason to go through so much effort when they can just edit the fucking database themselves to spoof numbers. Then they email that data over to THQ and that's it. The only people that would know are the ones who modified spreadsheets and the ones who told them to.
Actually it is that easy, literally all Epic has to do is just give the equivalent amount of money to THQ and simply say it sold that much because THQ never saw the data themselves, only what Epic told them.
Furthermore, you underestimate the power of China.
You have no idea how easy and cheap it is to buy half million likes/followers on Twitter which (surprise, surprise) requires half million accounts.
Kek dow deep does the delusion go here?
>0 proofs EGS's claims of sales -ever- were true.
>b-but there's a possibility!
See, I can do it, too.
>EGS is also giving them the money for each sold game with address and email
Uh huh. Speaking of '0 proofs'
epic is giving them money for each game, you cannot buy two games or gift any games means they have data for every Account. It's more than here you have the money have fun.
>when egs is fucking banned there
This is the power of steam autism
satisfactory one of the worst automation games
just play factorio, modded Minecraft, vanilla Minecraft with lots of hoppers, or even fucking Mindustry
satisfactory is just setting up 1 miner to 1 smelter to 1 crafter to a storage unit and just handcrafting the research requirements since that's faster. the exploration and combat might as well be another game since it does nothing to your factory asside from +20% on one assembler, which will probably just mess up your ratios
game is so shit it got me into game dev because if this shit can be successful how hard can it be
THQ could also be doing just enough to stand up in court if they ever got audited. Let's not pretend just because EGS is always up to something, THQ is automatically innocent.
So is the game worth pirating? I like Factorio, will I like this?
See I know I am replying to bait anyway so this is the last response I'll humour you with, these threads are baitus maximus and always reach bump limit because idiots are gullible and give you replies which I guess makes me an idiot for replying with the past few posts, time to rectify that mistake.
Get cancer and die by the way ;^)
>Making brain-dead claims
>Now you need proofs against my bullshit claims
Are you guys mentally damaged. You are making claims without any backup, you can't play the same game subhumans.
>Making claims without any sources
>now you need to proof the opposite
Wow now you will kill yourself sooner tranny, making trannies mad and btfoing them is fun.
Sweeney went on record to say their deal money isn't included in these figures
Its actually a decent game. Salty steam cucks will say otherwise though.
Fuck coffee stain. When the fuck are they going to fix galactic dwarf mining
I like reading comments where people thank Tim for the free game on various sites even here. My other favorite is when they go into why EGS is somehow bad and Steam gud. It's hilarious watching sheeple (throwback wednesday bois) go through these mental gymnastics even on torrent sites. Good times.
>THQ was reporting what EGS told them
lol you're an idiot
The shopping carts, Listroastie
>another steamcuck meltdown thread
No Borderlands for you. Cope
Why do we need proof? If 100 people are standing in a room, and 1 of them has been convicted of murdering 17 people, and all the sudden someone turns up murdered, only the biggest faggots of the 98 left would say "B-but there's no proof he did it". That is EGS reputation. They've bled so much disinformation and bullshit that it is automatic response to doubt every fucking word they say. It's only common sense. Anyone that does otherwise lacks survival instinct. It's okay not to trust people without proof, no matter what #metoo says.
>Sweeney went on record
And Bill Clinton went on record that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.
>Another thread
>Another steamcuck meltdown
I fucking love these threads so much.
You can always tell the Epic ball-lickers because they can't mention Epic in a sentence without bringing up Steam at the same time because they know the 'Steam' brand name actually carries weight and makes Epic seem more legitimate.
... uh, dude, that is exactly what THQ said. They're relaying numbers Epic gave them.