Sonybabbies have to pretend to have a PC. Top kek

Sonybabbies have to pretend to have a PC. Top kek.

Attached: LMAO.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

This is going to be the gateway for a lot of console players to start building computers and infesting your community, have fun

I-its on Nintendo too

PS4 players need to simulate PC to know what it's like to have zero exclusives.

>letting enemy's red-pill propaganda onto your service
Literal business suicide, right there.

It's also on PC. Just seems like something intended to make you more familiar with building a PC as the name implies.

>Now PS4 players will know what it feels like to dump thousands of dollars into a computer and find out there are no fucking games worth building a PC for

Attached: 974868972346493786.jpg (1074x1083, 49K)

>SonyChads can experience of making 10000 shitboxes and be glad they bought the platform with the most games and graphics

Attached: 743BB115-AEAC-4B11-89D2-2B54A7FBD596.jpg (640x640, 79K)

>Sonybabbies have to pretend to have a PC. Top kek.

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So i can pretend to build a overpriced and ugly tower with no games

PC literally has the most games out of any platform both old and new. Every game that's ever been on a console will inevitably be available on PC whether it's through a port or through emulation. No matter what happens, PC always wins.

>No matter what happens, PC always wins.

Attached: 95F64417-A964-4461-9CB8-4EE2F33EDE3C.jpg (631x658, 72K)

>he fell for ryzen

Attached: the military shanty town of ryzen.jpg (1920x1987, 2.22M)

it's also on steam

nice headcanon

Nah. PC has the least new exclusive game releases.


It's fucking 90% lego with 9% making sure you got compatible parts and 1% "fudging it/the chinese just sent me a fucking heat sink again"
At least with a car you have to have a big fucking machine lift it and some vague equipment more impressive than a coin. Unless this is literally soldering a motherboard together, which I failed my GCSE CAD specifically not to learn how to do thank you.

>buying intel CPUs that have a new exploit revealed every other week
Swiss cheese has less holes than Intel's fourth skylake rebadge

>playing games on a ps4 that you can play on a superior PC is so shitty that they have to make games just for it because no one would bother otherwise
You literally can't make this up

Attached: 1558600827773.jpg (1462x1462, 801K)

The CPU in that image is a 9700K, which is immune to all of the hyperthreading vulnerabilities.

Attached: amd vs intel 2.png (600x371, 11K)

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Intel pls go. I'm not falling for your shit again

I can't wait to emulate this.

Attached: 9eCZx.jpg (340x255, 60K)

>literally only three games this year for ps4
>but pc has a drought!

based, wojak redditors on suicide watch

>I only care about games if they're popular
If you were actually a real gamer, you'd have the PC + console of your choice combo. Only uma delicia third worlders and children with the attention span of a goldfish would disagree.

>this is what Snoyggers really think
Also, I've never spent more than a 1000 bucks on a PC. That one time I did was back in 2011, and I am still using the same rig today.

Attached: size of game library by platforms - PC dominates.jpg (497x536, 45K)

>thousands of dollars
How poor?

What underaged Sonybabs don't realize is that there isn't a single scenario where they can meme. I can sell my PC and buy 4 or 5 PS4s with money leftover. They will never not be poor and able to buy even one of my PC. Anything they say just comes out as sour grapes.

Attached: 1559693961759.gif (480x264, 1.88M)

No platform is having a drought.