Underrail thread, Jacks.
How's that expedition going, killed all the natives yet?
Underrail thread, Jacks
I'm worried about how the community will turn out after sseth makes a video about this game next after starsector
hold me bros I don't want the comfy threads to turn into ADHD meme loving zoomer hive
how many times did you fold your katana today user?
Buzz off.
sorry if this isn't a smash thread or a shitposting thread that fits to your liking and it's about discussing an actual video game
now fuck off and learn to use the minus beside each thread in the catalog if it bothers you that much
This isn't a zoomer friendly game, I doubt it's gonna attract that kinda audience
I thought the same about dwarf fortress but his review attracted the worst type of retards that still shitpost and ruin anything comfy that existed in /dfg/ one day
Nah, they'll get killed by the first rathounds you see outside SGS and never come back.
This thing is too fast
Why is this game spammed so much? It's really not that great. Just finished my first run on dominating with a assault rifle/sniper character and it was piss easy, the story was non-existent lazy trash, the last boss was uneventful and just a mob rush, the expedition just ends and nothing has any real catharsis.
I felt nothing leaving for north underrail. The saddest part is that it actually could've been a good game with more polish and better writers.
At the bare minimum the build variety is really good, but all in all, it's a decent game for 10 bucks. Odd that you guys spam it like it's amazing or something. Is this like the thing where Yea Forums picks obscure indie games and champions them for some unknown reason?
silly user, you only fold it while making it, and mine are already made as you can see
and these are machetes, not katanas
Post your build and playtime, jack.
how do you use the octave key to figure out which octave your note is in?
Just taking my dreadnought out for a test spin.
dont respond to shitters, user
>His mass reporting didn't work
>Spends his entire day waiting for these threads to pop up
>Life revolves around shit posting
How mad were you when they moved these threads back?
>You will now see which targets qualify for Ambush feat proc based on their and your current location. The indicator will be placed left of the target's health bar.
>Kareem and Freddy now also sell fish
That's the guy trying to shill his other indie game
the first three numbers in each octave key tells you the octave each block of letters/numbers
first number is the octave for the first block, second for the second block and third for the third block.
also you should completely ignore that the keys are organized as 1,2,3,4. that is completely irrelevent.
That musical cipher puzzle was pretty good. Maybe could've been explained a bit better in a single email instead of multiple different emails on different computers, but figuring out the numbers from two first keys was easy enough. Had to brute force the last two because I got it all wrong how to move notes around so all my words were gibberish. Fortunately the last two were 23 and not in the 90s for example.
Oh right, some shitty Wasteland clone in real time.
where do you find ancient rathounds after you clean the rat king's lair? (and before going into the deep caverns)
What's the point of psi crab carapaces as a component? Psi beetle 10% reduction is a lot better than the crab 2 point regen and beetles give a higher bonus.
All they do is give a bit higher DT while forcing tungsten level weight on you.
Sorry that this isnt a Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter or Smash thread. Cant talk about other games on v
does attacking the faceless when they attack the tchort institute near the elevator make them hostile to me later in the game?
>*higher skill bonus
Arena and gauntlet has some.
There's one in the arena (have to time it right so you can loot the corpse before combat ends though) and one in the Institute of Tchort when you go to capture that shitty beetle
Depends on number of kills and you can just forcefield and toss some caltrops to avoid fighting them.
It has good world building and good turn based combat.
No, the Faceless commander recognizes that you were put in a difficult situation and does not hold it against you.
anybody notice that those teal plants in the black sea glow? like they get brighter and dimmer?
more like "domm banger", amirite? lol
*super slams defenseless native woman*
What is the STRONGEST BUILD in the game?
Psi crit build.
pure psi
Psi monk ;^)
I thought some hybrid with choice picks of psi abilities would be stronger.
after that I'd say an energy pistol build, maybe a psi hybrid one
Is it worth it putting some points into Psychokinesis just for the force field?
I guess the longer I wait the less points I have to put into it due to synergies but it seems like a very strong ability.
lol, no
pure psi's utility is without match and has access to all lore
not to mention psychosis psi is a fucking murder machine also the ultimate being
Eternal reminder that Gort >>>>>>>>>> Colton. Fuck Colton, what an useless vendor.
underrail threads are the most video game threads there are on Yea Forums, fuck off.
Blaine is better than Gort tho
>giving a shit about low level traders
The scrappers are pipeworkers who die in each of my playthroughs.
its not the effective score that counts for the prerequisite; you need 25 actual skill points in it
it is strong, get it right away
Don't bother responding. He's just doing the common shitpost thing when you cut and snip other people posts to make it seem like you know what you're talking about. He's likely never played the game and is probably .
I'm like 40 hours in and I still can't figure out whether I should wear tabi or not.
redpill me on force field power and how to use it effectively
There are very few reasons to not wear tabis at all times.
booster, forcefield, and booster again
hypo, stasis, forcefield, and hypo
forcefield, electro imprint, and hypo/booster
lets go down the checklist:
>do you have dodge/evasion?
>do you particularly want any of the infused specials?
>are you stealthy?
Aggro enemies
Pop forcefeild
Let enemies bunch up
Throw plasma grenade mark 3
Kill everything
Every time I eat a crit, I feel like it's due to tabi though. Shit hurts.
I want to go fast with muh shotty more than anything else.
don't forget
>are you melee?
Don't get hit then.
get leather boots with boot springs; they're a bit faster
max speed for those would be cave hopper for that agility boost
I forgot
so...the grey army
is there anything indicating they are any form of evil?
because it feels like you're the villain when you shoot up their base
>get leather boots with boot springs
That's... that's actually the solution, ain't it. Dominating, I didn't even think about it since my tailoring wasn't up to snuff for a while, but I can surely build some quality clownshoes now. Thanks, user.
All we really know is it's in west underrail somewhere.
Subhuman slavs, you're doing them a favor by offing them.
>doing a genocide run just for Sans
how do you know it's in west underrail?
all in a day's work, citizen
They're the standing army of West Underrail. You are committing terrorism by wiping out the army base.
Kokoshka says as much when he tells you to stop disrespecting the uniform.
>hold me bros I don't want the comfy threads to turn into ADHD meme loving zoomer hive
Sectorfag here, that's fake news, the only ones making "Hey hey" post are just trolls, actual zoomers just ask things like fleet compositions and what skill points are worth a damn
>A 35% chance to deal 15 points of damage an entire turn later
Holy shit Incendiary rounds are garbage
This is about Gort and Colton, Ok?
Colton's only reason for existing is to buy repair kits and shit components
I figured as much
well at least I only wiped them out on my protectorate run, can try to justify that as softening them up before conquest
>Kokoshka says as much when he tells you to stop disrespecting the uniform.
Had no idea, cool info
fire causes panic in organic enemies mate
nobody uses molotovs just for the damage either
Believe it or not, West Underrail would fucking crush the Protectorate. It's a literal nation while the Protectorate is a civil war waiting to happen when Melek bites it.
>tfw finally survive an attack with 1 hp in the arena
>tfw immediately die to the next attack afterward
>need 61XP to advance from level 25 to 26
veteran levels, biotch
get on my fucking level
I dunno man. Not a single psionic, robot, energy weapon/emp, turret, etc in their whole base.
Also no energy shields....
protectorate don't have no psions either, robots are chump meat, energy weapons don't have the same dps as ARs, turrets less than plasma are shit, and they have spec ops that dab all over the CAU
there's one energy shield in the commanding officer's desk and one energy pistol in a hidden safe in his office
however that should indicate how rare these items are in west underrail when even lunatics can get their hands on shields in the south
there's one in an officer's cabinet
energy weapons can be used to cut through defensive structures that bullets would have issues with
and with no access to energy weapons or more importantly EMP weapons, the protectorate dreadnaughts would be all but invincible
This looks like some spiderweb software game... How much time can you sink into it?
I've been playing more than 100 hours and there is still a lot of story and content to do and I haven't even started the new DLC yet
I know, but I mean your average grunt doesnt have one whereas everyone in the Protectorate does. Grey army would get demolished for that reason alone.
You can easily sink 100 hours into a single playthrough, a fair bit more than that if you're autismal and comb every stretch of the underrail
he's a protectorate plant
Im playing 113h on my first playthrough. I think im like 3/4 through. This is one of those "accidentally playing the whole night" games.
Its also much better than spiderweb games, except for the main story.
Didn't Mandalore already make a video for this? They have the same audience.
who would win in a fight
A.) a level 30 underrail protagonist
B.) a raid party consisting of every fallout protagonist ever
How did people play this game before the map system was ingame? Madness.
The one who can cast temporal disortion with endless continuum ripple self replication
sadly fallout if you're including the nu ones because in fallout 4 you can achieve complete invulnerability with very little effort
If the lvl 30 guy is pure psi or psi hybrid, the fallout party stands 0 chance.
courier would be the biggest problem, he's a cyborg monstrosity that can't be crit, stunned or slowed down
I unironically used that map. I have it saved on my desktop and still look at it sometimes during Core City quests.
If you're the person who made it, god bless.
Hours and hours of "oh fuck I am so lost"
It involved lots of me posting on Yea Forums saying shit like
If I'm understanding this right, tac vests have higher bullet DT, while riot gear gives you hardcore protection against melee, right? Is that the only difference between the two?
with a male-brained inner map and sense of direction
Also there is a fanmade 3D map made in unity.
>found Abyssal coordinates
>call Ferryman to move the sub there
>it's nowhere to be seen
>search everywhere near L2 and its original position
>Ferryman is at mutie island
Where did that retard leave my sub?
tactical vests also have an optional armour plate slot while riot geat has an actual riot shield instead
no? there is no big youtuber review for this as far as I know
Who gives a shit? I hope they play for more than 2 hours, since
>more money for Styg - more DLCs in future
the people who say "who gives a shit" clearly didn't see what happened to /dfg/ and ss13
>Fishing rod made a bit easier to click
Thanks Styg
Now add cooking lazy slavs
>muh secret club
You mean a sortable crafting menu.
Right, that too. I think the plates push DT even further on vests, while the shield just protects you from melee.
This will be welcome with all the new cooking recipes
this just clearly shows you haven't actually seen what happened and just want to be a brainless retard that spouts memes
it wasn't "muh sekrit club" you brainless ape it was constant furry spamming and proxy ban evading along with every discussion turning into /pol/ and the shitposting plague spreading into /rlg/ too and fucking up two comfy communities at once
I'm not going to even get started with ss13 but that was even worse
Fuck that endless list. It needs grouping. Weapons, armor, ammo, etc
>Tfw had some minor issues with the Gauntlet
>Skipped 1 key
>The final part where you just run to the exit ended up with me being chased by a robot three steps away from the lever in combat
>The fucking NPC who got to the lever first got so scared of the robot he screamed "Don't zone me!" and ran off despite being completely safe from harms way in his section
>He just let me click the lever and zone him hard
It will die down when the retards leave. Dont give them attention and everything will be fine.
Nevermind, it was fixed in the latest patch.
hey i just started this game and i have a few questions
what difficulty should i play?
should i use oddity or classic leveling?
is this game meant to be played with permadeath?
any particularly fun/unfun builds to try/avoid?
normal or hard first
psi is ezmode
Hard if you're interested in subway magics, normal otherwise.
Haha, no. Oh no.
Psi is as fun as it is OP.
Don't start on DOMINATING, it's not for beginners.
Oddity is the intended way to play, classic is vestigial and overlevels you.
You won't finish the game with permadeth.
Personal preference, but you need one main combat skill to go balls deep in, crafting is good, and you shouldn't try to be a jack of all trades, it won't work.
oddity because it rewards exploration instead of mindless killing and grinding
hell no because you are going to die A LOT
its a good idea to have a solid build in mind because you have to become an expert at at least one way of killing things otherwise you are going to get stuck and fucked at some point later down the line
I drew my own map. It's better than what we have in game now.
normal (if you go in blind)
no (this is a hard game)
full psi is op but being a cave slav hobo wizard is unique
I'm going to betray Aegis!
Laser Pistol or Electroshock Pistol for my sidearm? I'm an energy weapons build with the Plasma as my crit machine.
Dont go in full stealth or full persuasion/intimidation
You have to fight so take one main combat skill.
thanks for the replies
do you guys think normal is too easy even for the first playthrough? i typically play most games on hard difficulties but sometimes it just makes cRPGs more tedious rather than more challenging
Aren't you a hardcore zoner.
I have never tried normal, if you have 3+ braincells hard difficulty is fine for your first game
>Hard if you don't have autism. Dominating if you do
>Absolutely not. Game can easily stretch to 100+ hours and it has countless situations where you can drop dead instantly with or without prior knowledge
>People whine about full psi but it has by the far the most variety of any build. Chem/Energy Pistols + Throwing is pretty fun imo. Crossbow+Traps is fun but can get frustrating at times. Assault Rifle is pretty boring imo.
Woah, slow down there bre, don't you want a discount on Ladelman's sister?
Why do people say Hard and Dominating are only worth playing? Normal can be quite challenging for newcomers as well. Just play Normal and NG+ Hard and Dominating.
Im playing normal on my first run. I normally play all games on hard first time. This game is not easy on normal if you dont extremely minmax and read constantly the wiki.
Your healing consumables are half-effective on hard, encounters are somewhat tougher, one effects behaves differently than in normal, and the market value of your items is less than in normal. Do whatever as long as you remember that a stand up fight is not how 90% builds play this game.
wtf do i do in boneyard
I have the bonecrank and i've been looking through bodies in the water on their right upper rib cage but idk which has what I need and these shadow men are attacking and idk how to tell them to drop off
Normal is easy as shit if you know what you're doing and it's hard to imagine playing it again for a lot of people here. I do agree with you though, it's perfectly fine and challenging enough for someone who's never touched the game and is going in blind with an improvised build.
I started on Hard and I'm having a great time so far, but I have no idea where I'd be right now without psi letting me fuck with people beyond any reason.
You need to figure out which body you want from the rune
well so far i'm going in blind on normal and completely ignoring all psi/crafting skills because i don't know how to use them
i was tempted to restart on hard but maybe this will be good enough
FUCK. I didn't know I could use the rune Yngwar drew. I dug up every corpse until I found the one that looked like Andre the Giant whilst being ass raped by ghosts for 30 minutes
Who copied who?
I like splattering his brains against the tent walls.
No better than the bloody savages
For once in Nikolai's life, he feels honored.
Where the hell is the mineral oil in the gray army base for the dude quest?
look within...your heart.
drop the plasma
use electro and laser
west side. But you need key from officers area
Behind the large gate that you need a key for.
no you fuckin don't
Is plasma not as good? Some other user told me to use electro for crowd control and plasma for crits so in what ways is laser better?
You probably have 80IQ if normal is challenging for you. I started the game blind on DOMINATING and while I wish I could fix my abilities a bit and change a couple of feats, it was always doable. I don't even use traps unless I want to keep some NPCs safe.
Don't tell me you play for the story.
Is there some lonely spec ops I could murder somewhere for his armor in Gray army base?
Immortal title
damn dude, impressed
It has range.
Yes, you do.
Do not fall this easily, Carnifex. Nikolai doesn't want the best fight of his life to end so soon. Not when he's finally met an equal.
what am i supposed to find in Joint Security Headquarters?
You cant hack that door
In theory you can get a rune drawing from a guy in a cave in the west part of the map and somehow use that to determine which is the correct corpse pit but I could not discern the rune on the textures on the corpse pits, even when I set the resolution to the lowest possible so I went one by one until I found what I needed.
>In 2018 the CDC determined that approximately 1 in 59 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
>Normal can be quite challenging for newcomers
>Normal is easy as shit if you know what you're doing
Look at how fucking stupid you sound.
I think I checked everything but there's no report option to professor
Can you go into Port Ceto if you don't join the pirates without the pirates going hostile?
Download the routes too, not just the coordinates.
Yes of course just press the stealth button
You just memorised where stuff was after a while, it wasn't that bad.
There were definitely some areas where you could get completely lost for long stretches of time though
I was hoping that I could talk to them and stuff too, they looked like an interesting faction.
>metal spear boy
>can't beat the endless swarm of bladelings because they still crit for 40 past block and armor
>metal helmet + groin guard + no reckless and I still get crit
I also forgot they can't be crit. But I know with a good enough shock stick I can one shot cleave them like this.
laser has range and speed
plasma crits are overkill
against bosses or lone sentries, sure, but not for general use
You can hack that door. I did; never touched the 2nd floor or an officer.
I was explaining why the people in these threads make it sound as if only Hard and above is worth playing, retard. I don't agree with them.
they're fucking pirates
LoC enrage feels like cheating, holy shit is that op
Yeah yeah sure keep sucking Briggs dick and dont talk to no pirates
...Goodbye, my one true equal. Nikolai will mourn your passing as will all of Core City. Unfortunately for us, I am superior.
thanks, somehow I missed that option
>Can you go into Port Ceto if you don't join the pirates without the pirates going hostile?
No, it fucking sucks, you can't go into their super secret bases without joining them
It's not a multiplayer game. Also, ss13 got wind of the greytide early and zoned out the newfags to special servers.
Someone that's new to the game is inherently not going to know what to do.
where yo bear traps at son?
>I do agree with you though, it's perfectly fine and challenging enough for someone who's never touched the game
Holy shit.
Stop fucking replying to me, idiot.
>defeat balor
>walk into next map
>3 ironheads with super high initiative immediately trigger combat
>last save before that is the autosave before i entered balor's map
Why Styg
Your first sentence was fucking retarded and you refuse to address it. Grow up kid.
Which weapons make for difficult runs?
is the officer's lounge the 3rd area north? I don't see a way to get a keycard without pickpocket or getting spotted. I also can't read kebab.
so exit the map
I honestly had no hope of winning, but I wanted to see where I was currently at. When I try it for real there will be a bear trap in every single tile with caltrops on top.
Plasma problem is that it does too much damage and costs too much AP
Outside of some DOMINATING bosses theres no reason to use it at all
can you hack? you can hack the door to the west in the 2nd map
You can use the vents. I think it was the last room on the right side.
it's in a desk in a room without guards on the north east end of the 3rd area
if you find a closet with an officer's uniform in it and a medal oddity you're in the right place
I'm going to bite you
im exiting the map before you can
>Make a build
>Do first quest
>Think I can make a few adjustments to make it better
Not smart enough for this, what's behind the music cipher's doors?
Finished both main game and expansion, now I feel empty inside, what should I do to fix that?
We will eventually have a limited form of respeccing. Calling it now.
There is a spot south where they can't path to you. It's behind a 1-tile corridor, just beside the wire fence and boxes.
Start replaying on Dominating with a different character, duh.
>on Dominating
Don't do this it creates cheese.
Which Magnar was this?
Except I already addressed it, you're just too slow to follow the conversation so I'd appreciate it if you read this response very slowly, take my advice and then stop replying to me, you fucking idiot. The person I was replying to asked why everyone recommends Hard and above. Normal seems easy to the people who regular these threads and have played through the game multiple times, hence everyone naturally recommends Hard. Being Yea Forums, tons of newcomers in these threads, either by listening to these regulars or of their own accord of always playing games on higher difficulties, also started on Hard and can't imagine going ever going down to Normal. Do I agree with this mindset? Would I recommend a new player to start on Hard? Hell no.
Some trash and a pistol that may or may not be shit. There's a program to quickly decipher your unique text.
Uhh, is Styg still adding stuff to the game?
There is more than one magnar?
lmfao right
No fucking way such a strong military doesn't have its own top of the line high tech stuff they salvaged off some corporation.
Their spec ops are fairly strong.
>this is hard if you're new
You're retarded. Not wasting more time on you.
based retard
...Stay around the area for a minute, don't take your eyes off the body.
This is undeniably true, historically speaking.
>strong military
it takes a HECK of a lot more effort to wipe out for Apogee than their base
the latter can be done at lv 12, the former requires a top level character
Of course.
And consider that he's already caved on every other "accessible" and "casual feature so far like a map and fast travel. Respec is inevitable.
You kinda need cheese in some places even on hard too. The fun kind of cheese, admittedly.
Apogee is a stronghold in hostile territory meant to serve as a foothold for further expansion.
We have no context on what the Grey Army Base is. For all we know it could be in a large but mostly safe city deep inside their own territory.
>not reflexively f5'ing after every fight
Harbringer or Reaper?
Said user only to tab back into the game and find his character dead.
It's not "West Underrail", there's only North and South Underrail. Kokoshka said that his homeland is to the west from Underrail. Or maybe it's Underrail that's to the west, I don't recall exactly.
Hey so I'm currently level 2 in the game and just noticed the expansion is actually pretty cheap. Is it worth a buy? I've read that it's a midgame thing so should I just wait til I'm midgame or buy it now? Does it add shit to base?
you're the one who sounds like a knuckle dragging retard. his post made perfect sense. Newcomers won't know what they're doing, so Normal won't be easy as shit.
Fuck yes, it enhances the game since the level 1.
Yes its worth it, it adds a ton
Is this the door? I'm not high enough lockpicking and I don't see any other way to it. I did discover a secret vent area, but all the exits are guarded.
>there's only North and South Underrail
... what happens if you take a tunneler and go straight west or east?
it adds a bunch of items and skills to the base game, buy now
You run out of gas, probably.
yes the door, you can get in from the other side as well
You end up in North or South Underrail.
Like holy shit do you think there's an East Dakota?
well I dont after every fight but most fights especially hard fights
sorry forgot pic
Ok so if it's to the west of underrail but not part of the underrail then what is it?
so, did you actually get the tittle or you cheesed it with something like psionic mania?
Yeah, that's the one.
>consider running a sniper rifle and shotgun combo
>realize I'd have to carry at least 4 different kinds of ammo
So much for that idea.
Dude, juice.
like a boss
Underrail is just one former Biocorp base. There are probably several other supercorporation bases out there and ethnostates like Kokoshka's homeland.
What's the max I want to get a crafting skill to if make things that scale with quality?
So i need to go back all the way to dude.
I got the title by getting my ass stung by burrowers.
Yes, dude.
>not always carrying Juice on you
r u retarded
So am I going to have to fight? because I'm 8 lock-pick skill shy of opening it and the only other way in there seems to be the heavily guarded hallway. I haven't played the dlc yet would this hurt my rep or something? Would a lv 12 even be able to do much against these guys?
>Kokoshka's homeland
But that's in Underrail dumbass.
I dont even remember how to make it. I doubt i have the materials.
Is this an ideal psi start or am I being fed outdated info?
>want to make a core city run
>5 speed back to SGS
>bump into this faggot
At least its not a rogue industrial bot lmao
>I dont even remember how to make it.
This game has a crafting menu...
You can get Quinten at SGS supply dude with the materials needed and just buy juice from him.
Just walk there? Are you a woman? Not sure if you need persuasion as a guy.
10 con is dumb and Thick Skull is retarded for psi builds.
>you can make juice yourself
well then back to sgs
Historically speaking, this is undeniably false. It allows countries to throw more bodies into a war, but weak countries lose those wars eventually, no matter how many boys nationalism gives them to grind up. napoleon, germany twice, chinese nationalists losing their civil war.
quick, what's the worst build in this game
I'm getting psi on my crossbow dude.
What is the basic utility psi package?
I'm thinking psychokinesis and temporal manipulation, but how much do i need?
dont use any of your points
congrats worst build in the game
Regular pistols
til brits were better at nationalism than napoleon and hitler
It's not in the Underrail, did you even read what he said? It's supposed to be large, consisting of several cities, surrounded by enemies and their life isn't based around metro. He even says something about him coming to Underrail and bandits coming to his homeland from Underrail.
Get 6 Agility for Sprint instead of Con, because thick skull is useless when you get Locus of Control. Just keep 6 Con for Fast Metabolism.
throwing knives
>mfw coming across the dead dude surrounded by rathounds with the "How to Tame a Rathound" guide while wearing the Rathound King's armour
25 psychokinesis for Force field
55 TM for psi adrenaline or 70 for Stasis
Yea femMC so disguise doesn't help apparently. Found the secret vent area so decided to just wing it and zip past the single officer near vent and made it to the keycard. It didn't seem like there was a way to sneak by before. Ty for help
glad to see you are not just in the jojo rpgmaker threads
>al fabet avatar
There is an officer on the 2nd map who likes to go pee a lot. Zone him out silently and take his uniform.
Psychokinesis up to 45 for Electrokinetic Imprint and TM up to 55 for Psycho-temporal Contraction.
Obviously taking all possible abilities before that.
Thanks friend
You can use combat mode to bypass people without talking to them if you have enough mp
Well, how did he get to Underrail? By surface?
Seriously tho, how people get lost playing Underrail?
The only place I got lost the first few times was the Upper caves.
Does people dont have memory? Dont remenber locations past?
In real life, I cant remenber (nor I want to) remenber streets and locations, instead I take geographical references and draw a mental map, a line of where I am and where I have to go, going like 'turn right', 'turn left', 'keep foward', etc.
I also have noticed this more often on women too, it's weird as fuck
Strafe is completely unnecessary for shotguns, right?
it works against cameras though, right?
Two m's, user.
>what difficulty should i play?
>should i use oddity or classic leveling?
>is this game meant to be played with permadeath?
Remenber Darkest Dungeon?
How much did you got told how many times the game WILL fuck you over?
Like that, but unlike Darkest Dungeon, the game goes easy on you, not forcing you autosaves and you can reload whenever you want
Dont expect to be lead by the hand, the game WILL beat the everloving shit outta of you, and you gonna handle it
Short answer: No
>any particularly fun/unfun builds to try/avoid?
Hammer wizard
I discovered that area for the first time 140 hours in.
Different user but how so? New quests and stuff? New paths?
It works like bob pass you cant closer than like 4-5 tiles in front of them or they talk to you
any place to buy a doctors coat?
they're lying to you about the surface
>exploring a bit
>run into a group of lunatics
>battle starts
>suddenly get assaulted by a bunch of cats
did...did those absolute madmen actually manage to train cats?
what are their secrets WHAT DID THEY SEE
New feats.
It changes the map. It gives Shotguns, swords, spears, new psi school, new feats. All at lvl 1
Don't know who you're referring to but it's obvious the surface is all kinds of fucked up.
New psi school, weapon types, quets in base game, ability to explore waterways in the base game and come across new unique content, etc
the cameras talk to you?
The soldiers, stop dumping Int
Wait Shotguns aren't in the game? Isn't there dialogue to persuade some guy to give you a shotgun?
Played this ages ago and found it pretty underwhelming, is it really that good it's worth another go?
He doesn't say anything about that, maybe they have some surface transportation units. He and Gray Army are just a meme anyway. More proof of it not being in Underrail:
>he had to learn English when he arrived
>knows nothing of Protectorate so he can't be from North
>there aren't any Gray soldiers in South Underrail, which you can physically explore fully
Why though, it won't make you smart or a doctor.
English is not my native language, as you have noticed
That or I'm just retarded
thats nice, but I was asking about cameras
I'm in the pirate base in Expedition playing a stealth knife build right now. Whenever I enter a map combat automatically starts even though I'm stealthed.
Is it a bug or feature ?
>everyone says the surface is fucked up
>no one who says this has any evidence beyond oral history
When you finally find a way to the surface in Underrail 20, the big metal blast door will open and you'll realize it was all a Biocorp experiment on sustainable life underground.
What you found underwhelming exacly?
They constantly worked on it and dropped a giant dlc. Depends on what you hated.
Playing a spear faggot. I'm think of running metal armor and some good boots with a spring for movement.
I'm already getting psi to get TM abilities, what are some other important psi abilities for a spear build.
Also what are some good headgear for a tin can, I'd I need more psi shit, should I get a strong headband, and is there any psi enhancing shit for metal armor
Also, to other fellow spear checkers, is tungsten the best material because of the 120 crit damage? Is there a way to enhance this to abuse with impale and critpower feat?
How has there not been at least one attempt by one of the major factions to dig towards the surface?
what is nft?
Tin can here.
Before I answer your question.
First time running Spear?
Good thing we have accounts from people both that hate Biocorp and were alive before the Descent.
Dude will give you the recipe if you ask him bre.
there's a soldier watching behind all these cameras and he cant tell you're a girl cause the quality is shit
Psychokinesis is a good support school because of all the stun abilities and force field which has a ton of uses.
I'm pretty sure that Godmen accidentally the sun out of sky while having a TTGL tier fight against Leviathans.
Can you circle where it is on this screenshot? I've tried to go to several different spots, but I can't figure out where exactly that's supposed to be.
HOLY FUCK JUST HOW STRONG IS AZIF? he got fucking 200 psi points and 40!!!!!!! regeneration. Is he the strongest psyker in south underrail?
Forcefield and Electro Imprint are pretty essential for any melee build. You can get both for 35 points.
>Psi enhancing
>When your build doesn't rely on Psi to do damage
Don't. TM doesn't require it. Get a Shaded Metal Helmet instead.
No there are not. Even lemurians were mostly ignorant (general population) about basic stuff like the Sun, sky and plants. And they were fucking advanced, unlike these dumbass grunts.
So this is the power of Tier 10 Mad Chemist.
The Atlanteans somehow got to Black Sea from the surface (at least presumably that's where NFT's Atlantis is) so naturally there must be some way up there. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some big door to the surface in Upper Underrail that hasn't been touched for centuries and the ending of Underrail 2 is you clicking "Go to the surface" instead of some "Become SGS Councillor" equivalent.
Serpentborn mages have around the same and they are Shadowlith touched so it's obvious that he was genetically enhancing himself.
But in the end it doesn't matter, you reach like 170 PSI and ~24 psi regen which ain't half bad for a canonically young MC.
or maybe flottsy ate it
Both the recipe and asking him to craft it from your shit is a waste of time. Just arrange it so he buys shit from Quinton and then you can just buy prepared juice from him for 25 coins a bottle. Mushroom brew itself costs, like, 20 or something.
for the autism of being a doctor
Didn't find combat that satisfying, thought the atmosphere would be thicker and story seemed just boring I guess?
To be fair I played it like 3 years ago and I just might not have been really into at the time, I felt the same way about Pillar's and came back and enjoyed that so Its probably only fair I do the same for Underrail
Is it? I mean, if you miss, your buckshot will disappear without hitting anything.
>accidentally the sun out of sky
The only people with this interpretation are legitimately autistic and take everything 100% literally.
user, please.
why are you saying shit like this? Noone asked dude. He implied YOU CAN'T get the recipe which isn't true and i corrected him.
>wasting a feat and using shitty armor just for roleplaying
One of the Monoliths explicidly says that their weapons were strong enough to demolish stars.
>Didn't find combat that satisfying
In what regards?
Dont you enjoy turn based games?
Every named psyker has insane psi points and regen, with the exception of the SGS trainers. Fucking unfair is what I'd call it.
Ok, but post at least a single argument for why Gray Army's country is in Underrail.
Sometimes the writing switches from unga bunka tier to deeply autistic scientific explanations of stuff.
user you need to learn to have fun
A fucking tin can is telling you this
Rule of cool bitch.
Can you spend Zlatortiya anywhere?
Its just a game.
Is dumping con a bad idea on dominating for all builds?
I want to kill mordre for his shield
Is there any way to do this before he leave wihtout turning SGS hostile
>get superpowers instantly using magic pill instead of like g*d intended
>comlpain that you're not as good as other practicing for decades
yeah no shit
Based and pragmaticpilled. People should be mad at Styg for not making it have a real advantage, not the player for smelling the bullshit.
Unless you want to play each fight perfectly, yeah.
No con is useless for many builds
After the smash, wow and FE threads.
Ethan is a literally who and is actually shit at TM, Azif is some weird ass genetic freak who can see shit through his black eyes, Eidein has been tentacled enough by tchort to be a special case,and the Serpentborn are a bunch of raving cultists.
I fucking wish you could get psi empathy naturally and without the health gimp but you can't.
Colton is molotov supply man haters gonna hate
I might be thinking about it the wrong way, but is it effective or raw skill level that effects what you can learn and cast. I want to avoid using skill points by using skills. I was also wondering to 1 hand spears and maybe getting psi carapace riot gear
To learn psi abilities it's your base skill
that feel when get the immortal nickname on first playthrough
>riot shield
>doesn't help agaisnt bullets
>olivia gives me quest to kill her husband
>sabotage the computer so that it shocks him when he uses it
>go to olivia to collect payment
>"can't talk now, i'm working"
sneaky bitch, give me my BLOOD MONEY
You mean the ones that show a ton of other related nonsense that don't have any bearing on the Earth?
That's ignoring the fact that retards only started pushing this theory after we got the NFT logs that specifically mention losing the sun, which is obviously not meant to be taken literally.
but eventually the health gimp will go away. And you can practice psi for much longer than naturally aichived psykers. that means Pill > natural
See that corner in the middle of the picture, right between those boxes and the fence? Right there, closer to the top of the stairs. I set 2 traps around the 1-tile corridor entrance and stunned the first bladeling to come through. The rest spaced out, and only occasionally 1 or 2 would run at me, only to get bonked or broken down. I showered the rest with HE nades. Psi is not a requirement though, so are the traps.
he fell for oddity
Where the he'll can I buy components for gas grenades
it doesn't
min max autist with no creativity, oh no no no no
do you post these on the new vegas, elder scrolls, star sector, lobotomy corp, TF2, WoW, and Smash threads?
knife fist bros, having troubles with heavy armored guys?
gift by Dark Gods to you - versality+chem pistol
its better with crossbow desu
No I do, Im starting to think I was probably just burnt out when I first played it
Lorelet detected.
Ah, that makes sense, but I thought I could get away with crazy shit. If that's the case then only PK and TM are good for melee, for buffing and area control respectively
I heard Kokoshka will exchange them for charons
Probably one of the superstates getting a share of Underrail for a price, or by force. Maybe it was theirs all along, regarding their logo. Their monarchy becomes more logical if they were totalitarian to begin with.
Also, I have a theory that it was them who were first contracted to build the tunnels. And the drill on the logo doesn't point north, it points up.
don't you have some rocks to crunch on, gravel eater?
search function or keyword function
inventory also needs sort by weight
how do you know that? Just because it doesn't happen during the playthrough? Pasquale said it triggers wierd reaction from your immune system or something so if you give it enough time your body should become okay with it.
You should write fanfic about it.
nah, you get a severe weakening of your immune system permanently
I don't think that's a real consistent thing. It sounds like a regular chokepoint where you stun the first enemy. They path through to me completely fine, and simply line up to get through instead of wandering away.
don't fall for oddity meme
use whatever you want, I used a jack of all trades ar psi build, you'll have difficulty at the beginning, always expect a few more enemies to come around the corner
Riot gear already covers the anti bullet protection
Where are you when it's about Nintendoturd games?
even then, getting psi abilities can take up to decades. so i suppose it would take years minimum. Our hero can have many more years of practice and psi pool growth compared to natural psyker even though natural psyker might be more healthy. Doesn't matter we're all junkies anyway to even survive combat.
What's a good starting stat spread for a tin can/shotgun build?
Is it the first time on the map or were you in combat earlier and fled? If you flee a map in combat, you automatically enter combat when returning.
Ehm, electric knives?
I dunno how the hell you spared the feat slot for versatility. I guess the level 2 feat where you can't get any of the good shit other than sprint or recklessness? Because I put this together yesterday and there is just NO space.
Also, does anyone know how much I'll really lose out on if I bump my dex to 12? Having my 10 attacks in 20 minute intervals is sort of annoying and I'd be fine losing a small amount of damage for the sake of convenience.
Some bagic chemistry and biology
Merchantile for better deals and crafting components
Throw to complement your lack of moblity
The rest are your own personal tastes
Nah, not fat enough.
Ah shit I guess I triggered combat when I went by on jetski earlier, that must be it.
>3 dex and 3 agility
It's shit.
>Tin can
how do you apply bleeds as unarmed?
You absolutely need Sprint, brainlet.
I'm a brainlet plz help
That's probably because you've got buddies with you. I did it alone, and yes, they lined up, but couldn't path towards me for solid 2-5 turns. I tried it twice, and it worked the same way every time.
Not him, but an actual tin can reporting in
As a tin can, is almost mandatory to get 6 initial AGI, because:
>5 CON on a shotgun build
>Over 9 PER on a shotgun build
Just kill the mutants, it's easy
Hey autists how to return Memory to Marcella? i have no dialogue option to do it even though i know it's her.
fuck off gamboy
Bladed boots.
Just get Temporal. Sprint is a waste of precious stat points you need for 9 STR, 10 CON and 8 PER at the bare minimum.
DEX or STR for punch-god build? Also, I am seeing the wrestling specialization bonus states that it 'increases the debuff chance by 10% per point (max 10 points)' but wrestling has 50% by default so why would I ever want to put more than 5?
oh, not worth it imo. The tabi bonuses are just too good
Before I buy I have a question. What's reactivity like in this game? Does stat spread give you dialogue options? Skill? Hell what about male/female? Are there factions are reactions based off that too? Is there a pure dagger stealth build?
with a big ass spreadsheet and alt-tabbing all the time
You might wanna get a pen and paper, user
I almost never use any of the buffs aside from health/psi stims. Don't like the debuff effects.
>Tempo this
>Tempo that
>Tempo everything
I love this new psi school dumbed everything down
More Perception means more damage.
That 5 strength isn't going to cut it for metal armor.
lol 4 int
I'm bare knuckle so I need every damage boost I can get. I probably would do tabi if I were using gloves.
I'd much rather have the option to go Temporal than be forced to pick Sprint every single time I go for anything that uses non-leather armor.
>I cant remenber (nor I want to) remenber streets and locations, instead I take geographical references
I remember locations on terms of what bars are near what area.
both, get 10 STR for body weight training and 12 DEX for 5 AP bare handed punches
wear the new fancy heavy leather armor and dominate
remove sprint
with fancy footwork its not needed much
A minor feat investment at level 2 is well worth not losing the health and being the beef, user
when Psi outshines everything in the game by a mile, tossing a bone to nearly every other build is appreciated.
You didn't post a tin can build, you posted a shotgun build. A tin can doesn't begin with 5 STR and doesn't stop at 8 for Supersteel, and it definitely doesn't have anything below 10 CON.
>4 INT
Shotguns literally only require Mechanics to be crafted. INT isn't important. I'll probably raise it to 5 though for that 1 extra Psi recovery and to get my Electronics to 25 for my backup sniper's scope and a little Mercantile boost, but it's not essential.
lol, no
>replying to a post from 4 hours ago
how hard do you have to be seething to do something like this?
I dropped it for recklessness instead. The issue I noticed is you can't actually get any of the other feats at level 2, but the crit has helped me out a lot, and once I get cheap shots and infused rathound boots I should pop off pretty hard.
As for everyone talking about shotgun stat spreads, this is what I went with.
It also has a lot of autistic faggot fans
im not a math wiz but i know that STR bonus with bareknuckle is applied multiplicative instead of additive like with gloves/other melee weapons so you might be losing a fair amount.
your damage from weapon skill would be the same though, assuming your final spread is 11 STR/12 DEX instead of 12 STR/11 DEX.
Arguing that nationalism doesn't give power is the most brainlet thing ever, you would be seriously hard pressed to find even a single nation or empire which dominated the world technologically, militarily, culturally, etc, which WASN'T ultra nationalistic.
>Bringing up Nazi Germany
This is a bad position to take. Nazis or not, WWII Germany completely dominated most of Europe by themselves, they developed and improved on revolutionary technological designs. Let's take a look at comparatively non-nationalistic countries
Literally a dead weight for the entire war, worthless Belgium was the reason the Maginot line failed, and France had to keep a garrison there to stop the cowards from surrendering to Germany
Literally supplied the Germans for a significant portion of the war because they were afraid despite having a significant natural barrier between themselves and Germany, thanks a lot, Swedes, biggest cowards of WW2, the title of king coward is absolutely undeserved by the frogs when Sweden exists.
Polish people developed significantly nationalist views after they were conquered, these people then went on to join the RAF and were extremely effective.
Now, nationalistic countries
GB was a lot more nationalistic in the 1900s then it is today, recruitment drives didn't say "guys let's help the poor Jews" they said "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU". People donated whatever metal they could for the war effort to help their country.
Britain developed technology during the war at a seriously impressive rate too.
Do I even need to say anything about flag waving burgers who have dominated the entire world for the past 1-200 years.
>Comment size is literally too short to fit all of the examples I can think of.
>Trying to use Napoleon. Who transformed the old Monarchist-French army into the world's most effective fighting force, which required multiple nations to defeat as a bad example of nationalism
I didn't post anything other than calling out your stupid choices.
Yeah, that too.
either pickpocket bate or ask darling about marcella, then talk to marcella and tell her who she is
Stop posting then, you have no clue what you're talking about.
It's probably fine, then? I can just eat rathound barbeque if I'm struggling instead of 'oh I'm going into ANY big fight, better eat this sandwich' because having 10 punches a round is fucking nuts. Especially when I get around to getting combo and bone breaker with my crit stuff.
that's true yeah, at worst you'd be swapping food buffs.
more gun skill means more damage, perception has nothing to do with it
with knife and fist weapon builds, once you land dirty kick (or even a taser stun) nothing survives the stun, even carnifex. At least with those two builds, there's no point in dot damage when you can kill everything in one turn
the higher your perception, the higher your guns skill, you dingdong
That was on my second turn and I used crawler poison. Dirty kick is an utter fucking waste of a feat.
>q50 laminated+ceramic+kevlar tactical vest has 49 DT vs Bullets
>q160 supersteel+ceramic+kevlar tactical vest has 118 DT vs Bullets, 56 vs bladed
How does metal armor compare? What are the stats of a triple reinforced tungsten armor, armor penalty aside?
Perception being higher than 9 seems like overkill in my opinion, you are never lacking for damage with shotguns and it's not the cornerstone of your build instead of shit like ARs/snipers where having it will decide if you hit or not at high ranges, especially considering how shotguns work with hit chance. Getting it to 9 is fine so you can pump STR and CON, which you need for becoming a tin can. I also liked having my strength that high because fuckheads with knives crippling strike you out of the str range to actually wield your shotguns if you get unlucky and don't have the armor to resist their damage yet.
But since your build looks to be lighter on armor that's probably not an issue.
Is a pure Knife+Stealth possible? I feel like you'd get ganked.
Says the absolute moron that doesn't even have his main damage stat at 10.
You're honestly gimping yourself and I don't want anyone new to take shitty advice like that.
95% Mech resist, simple as
Got a quick question if anyone is willing to answer. I'm basically on my last chapter of Metro 2035 and I've replayed 2033 and Last Light so many times. I'm really itching for a good metro type of a game. I was quite let down by Exodus cause most of the game takes place outside of the metro and I'm not too into that part of the story.
So basically my question is, would you guys consider this to be close to what Metro series is, as in the end of the world type of deal where people were forced underground. I mean clearly the setting isn't russian and there are some high tech things that you don't see in Metro series. But I just want a comfy apocalyptic metro game.
>Implying shotguns need more damage
>When I have Grenadier, Chemistry, Biology, Temporal and Pyschokinesis to back it up
Even Fragmented Chaos seems like overkill at times. Hell I haven't even used Trainshot yet or a single Focus Stim because everything melts to my regular 6P.
You're a retarded nigger with surface level knowledge of the game trying to sound smart. Even fucking AR bursting builds sometimes stop at 8 PER.
perception raises gun skill, it's inefficient to pump perception for damage in guns when you van get more skill points overall by going will or intelligence
the only reason to raise perception is feats
This was my first run, totally blind, and it worked pretty well. My stats weren't even close to optimal, either. It worked well and worked even better in expedition, so long as you pick your fights.
Really? What's the mech resist on a supersteel x4 armor?
why are the individual map zones so tiny? Really bugs me when I walk for ten seconds and hit another loading screen. My fault for not putting this game on my SSD.
there is no damage stat, skills govern damage
dirty kick stuns all stunable living enemies for one turn and straight white males for two full turns. It's pretty good, except for dlc enemies
I get great use out of dirty kick.
And stats govern skills.
Is the Lost Vault worth breaking into?
Should I just ice that merchant outside and break into it?
you can get tungsten and supersteel up to 95% resist (can't speak for other metals)
the tungsten will have higher DT, the supersteel will be lighter and have better heat/energy protection (you can get 95% energy resist too)
95% including boots/helm.
carry that weight and it shall protect you
skills govern damage, you don't need stats for damage, the only importance of stats are feats
pumping all of your points into perception is inefficient as it only governs one skill, when you could get a bigger return by using will and intelligence
It's ok. It works. If you go high dodge+evasion, you'll get one-shot a lot, so just be ready for that
Hey amigos new to the underrails is fishing worht it or is it just a waste of my time and patience?
also supersteel combined with the right boots, helmet and conditioning can get 95% mechanical combined with 100% energy and somewhere around 80% fire
Fishing is mandatory if you pick Biology, not worth it for everything else. Sometimes you can fish up Oddities and a few expensive sellable/usable items but they're rare.
you can beat the fishing quest in like half an hour
its a great source of biological components, and the only source for many
no biology? never touch a rod
Do you even know how effective stats work you fucking moron? The difference in gun damage between 3 perception and 16 perception is massive.
>tfw playing a pure unarmed guy punching the bladelings to death with 2 damage heavy punches
if he's a brainlet and puts his con at 3 and doesn't know what armor is
siphoner plus morphine is 70 damage resist, infused pig leather plus morphine is 95 damage resist
what is an energy shield
you can buy fish now
Oh, i don't play with those oddity things just seems gay.
Thanks for the info, will look into bio and if it fits my build.
what level should i be before doing expedition dlc?
right but you could get more skill points by going into int and will instead of being an autist
>Giving up Thick Skull, Grenadier, Sprint and not getting a crafting malus for a negligible increase in Guns
whatever you finished arena at.
>kiting burrower warriors around for 4 turns until expose weakness comes back up
Alright Yea Forums what are some fun builds?
Like 20, don't let people meme you into doing it at level 15
found the meleefag
I find Underrail to be fundamentally different in philosophy to games like fallout because you specifically start the game...at home. You're a recruit to a station but you're not an exile and you never are if you don't shoot someone in SGS.
Are the world scenarios similar? Yes. But you aren't truly a hobo; it has a different feel because of that
also not realizing you'll have more skill points and can raise guns anyways, truly I don't understand brainlets
15 if you're good at the game, later if you suck
That's not how it works, so no, you couldn't.
attention newbies, intelligence does not give you extra skill points; ignore the retard
it does raise your effective skill total in int-related skills, but all abilities do that for their respective skills
>cant use bear traps on jet ski
>cant stealth on jet ski
>cant hit anything on jet ski
holy fucking shit I'm going psi build next time.
Guys send help please
where to buy the doctors coat im sure I've seen it in trader inventories but I cannot figure out anymore where
in and will raise more skills, and those skills have synergies with each other, meaning you'll have more overall skill points by investing in intelligence and will
but you put perception to 16 in an ar build and need 24 playthroughs to experience anything the game has to offer
Pro tip: Power fist, combo, force emission and tele proxy
>psi still 100% to hit on jet ski
>everyone else takes a massive penalty to hit
I'm gonna need you to explain further.
18-20 if you're big dick melee with no psi, aka a manly build.
Only problem is robots, I can see the black sea facilities being hard to stealth navigate with all the strongmen/handmaiden in some places
The beginning of this game is pretty tough.
These hounds eat me alive.
Doctors coat are found items, no traders sell them
Why you want coats?
Metro is a shitty Fallout fanfic. This is much better.
in raises more skills, and those skills have synergies with each other, meaning you'll have more skill points to spend overall
as opposed to picking perception or con, where they raise less effective skills, meaning you'll have less boosted stats, and less skill points overall
Be mobile and keep your distance, use dodge/evasion
Be tanky as fuck, take hits like a champ and dish them back
You'd be surprised. Handmaidens have much lower mechanical resistance. And as for strongmen, well, you can just kite them between expose weakness cooldowns if you somehow have no other options or don't want to waste resources like a retard, like me.
>I find Underrail to be fundamentally different in philosophy to games like fallout because you specifically start the game...at home
wtf, where do you think you start fallout 1?
they're not too bad. Expose weakness + EMP + throwing net + kiting with movement points (as robots are slow as shit) usually work well enough.
The camp defense missions are a pain though
How you can compare a FPS with a CRPG?
Or are you actually trying to compare the 'philosophy' of both games?
Pull up that footage of the outsposts, Malcolm. Those hounds will rip you to shreds.
raising intelligence and will would raise your skills in more stats, than perception and con, meaning when you add that to the bonuses you'll have more skill points
"Overall" points don't mean shit when combat related skills are more important. 100 extra points in Guns is worth way more than 150 spread equally through crafting.
I'm guessing you haven't read the books. They are miles better than the games. I'm actually amazed how much the author went into detail with things.
A cave.
Just buy Torpedo with x2 top tier engines and exit the area as soon as something looks at you funny with your 240 movement points.
How do you manage 6 AGI on a tin can if you're not melee? Between 9 strength, 8 perception, and 10 con, there aren't the points
but you could put that extra 100 into guns because you have so many left over, making your 16 per ar build redundant
>hard to stealth navigate with all the strongmen/handmaiden in some places
It's not that bad, but sometimes this happens
Not him, but the books and the game are two different things.
No you can't.
Metro is nothing like fallout though. And besides in 2033 and Last Light you are woken up from your bed. So yeah, its your home where you start.
>waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh why do these people with guns, poisonous locusts, ancient atlantis robots and acid spitting lizards shit on me when i'm so good at punching and hitting things with hammer :(
melee brainlets coping
can i indefinitely stash my shit in any old box i want or does it have to be somewhere in particular to persist
Skills have caps, though.. You are technically getting more points by pumping int, yes, but they're locked points that can't be used anywhere and still require you to invest in the skill, which you may not even do.
>playing ez mode
Yes, nobody will touch your stashes
Just drop your items on the floor, they will remain untouched
yes you can
you will have more skill points overall due to bonuses and synergies than you would from raising perception to 16, because that's how math works
>150 spread equally
You mean focusing Mechanics and/or Tailoring to craft better shotguns and armor? Or getting Bio to 60 or 80 for Focus Stims and Bullheads? Or reaching the chemistry cap or 60 for MkV and Napalm?
Those three are more valuable than getting more Guns when you're already dealing more than enough damage with your guns.
More the philosophy. I'm more into RPGs anyway but I love the lore and setting of Metro.
I have Grenadier, I have Three-Pointer. Do I continue raising my Chemistry past 69 (which is where I'm at now and what allows me to make Mk IV grenades) to 112 (almost DOUBLE the skill points I have now) just to get Mk V grenades?
I dunno scoob, feels a bit suspect. I will be able to make Plasma Grenades so I could theoretically stop doing Chemistry now but I just dunno, feels weird not being able to get max level frag/HE grenades on a character that has Grenadier and Three-Pointer
Get Mk Vs and laught at everything that opposes you. I did full chem along with my AR and nothing survived the first round, not even Magnar and his fully agro'd room of psi-priests.
Since I started making plasma mk3 and napalm grenades i dont remember when was the last time I used my frag grenades. Imo not worth it.
what fucking hacking levels do i need to do anything useful in depot A
I have 48 effective hacking and I can only do the level 1 hacks on the computer terminals which as far as I can tell only one of them does anything
How can you get over 300 in Guns with only 8 perception?
Hint: you can't. It's impossible, and you're dumb as fuck.
Frags are better than Plasma if you have three pointer because each piece of shrapnel rolls for crit independently.
You want 60 effective to disable auto turrets
the general store in foundry sometimes has them, I think
derica in core city might too
what the fuck it only disables them too
I thought it would've been cool to at least make them shoot the dogs holy fuck hacking is so useless
The difference in weapon damage is only like 48% between 10 and 16 perception, you'd technically get more out of raising int at that point but I'm a lazy piece of shit that doesn't want to bother with all the legwork from crafting.
>holy fuck hacking is so useless
But you get extra lore at the end!
Who am I kidding it is useless if you are already good at combat and lockpicking
Yeah this is kinda fucking stupid
>turrets shoot at you but not at mutants
>cant even hack them to target mutants
is heavy punch even good?
>each piece of shrapnel rolls for crit independently
So what? Either there's some weird bug/feature related to this or you're fucking retarded.
I only have played the first Metro, but Underrail takes itself a little less seriously, while the whole Metro is always depressing and oppressing, Underrail is a mix bag of comedy, poverty and sadness
Comedy because the whole game itself, the catch is that it takes itself silly enough to do silly stuff, without going off the rails, stuff you usually find amusing, cartoonish at times
Poverty and caves invoke a familiarity to anybody who lived in shitty urban areas, see Junkyard and Core City, also the whole south Underrail is kind of a shithole, it's not as oppressive as Metro but... yeah, everywhere is a shithole
Hopelesness and sadness, specially when in Deep Caverns when you learn the lifes of long past scientist.
If Metro is the sad slav
Underrail is the drunk slav
I know I'm not explaining myself but it's the most accurate thing I can come with
it used to shoot at everything in range
i assume it was changed because it was really easy to clear that big dog room just by coming in from scrapper's side, throwing a nade near you and luring them all into the turrets
what are you even talking about retard
>heavy punch on a combo hit/pneumatic strikes/crit
Its good when you need to get through high DT mostly
yeah I get it but it's still stupid as fuck. Especially since game teaches you to hack turrets to use against the bandits.
What do you do with the shard?
is it good barehanded?
should i get it over crippling strike?
Spear/Psi build with high will, viable?
I want me some of that lore bby
Playing through the game for the first time. Is Junkyard/Depot A supposed to be a huge difficulty spike because I got my ass kicked for the longest time in it. I ended up cheesing the fuck out of the muties by spamming bear traps everywhere and telling them to go fuck themselves.
Just do pure psi so you can more easily justify going 8 Int as well.
>Stealth to Fence
>Put Fence between you and rathound
>I ended up cheesing the fuck out of the muties by spamming bear traps everywhere and telling them to go fuck themselves.
This is the point of depot A. To teach you how insanely op bear traps are.
Looking back at my playthrough so far, I think hacking and lockpicking were mostly useless. They're decent for the first playthrough to just explore every single room and console option, but I'm not sure if I'm taking them for second playthrough. It's mostly just loads of trash tucked into 6 gorillion locked containers/rooms I'd rather just skip. Oddities in those containers aren't enough for those skills to pay for themselves. There are enough lootable weapons to be sold to buy anything you want, and most of the quality parts come from merchants too.
Yes, Depot A is the noob filter of Underrail
Blow up scaly cthulus
but pure psi is boring my senpai
I am going for the crazy Scientist appearal
not sure yet if Im gonna keep it but I'll try finishing it on hard like this
thank you user I'll check them out
Dont forget Lockpicking allows you to open/close vents
Explain to me how individual pieces of shrapnel rolling for crit separately is any better than them rolling for crit all at once.
Fuck this shit, I'd be better off re-reading Philip K. Dick's novel about life in shelters than the shitty boomer fanfic. At least that has some original ideas despite not being Dick's best.
You gotta do what you gotta do for lore.
You're fucking derailed, jack
Best of lucks you glorious madman
You can break vents though.
Only with 8-9 strenght, and a crowbar
Not everybody goes that high on STR