What did she lie to him about, Yea Forums?

What did she lie to him about, Yea Forums?

Attached: she lied to me.jpg (960x540, 51K)

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About giving him cunny.


Attached: joey.jpg (636x358, 64K)

>create slave machines
>deliberately give them identical to human features and equal range of emotions
>only thing that separates android from a human is a shiny button that can be easily removed
>somehow nobody has a problem with that
cage is such a retard. Even irobot did it better

The worst part is their human skin is a hologram.
A hologram that cannot be disabled remotely, so when they're crushing deviants in the junkyard at the end of the game, they have to line them up and order them to disable their holograms one by one before walking them into the disassembly chamber.

But the junk yard at the start of the game has hundreds of androids still with their holograms on because no reason?

Wow thats not cool
You dont lie about cunny

Is this girl the same model as the one with Kara?

What the actual fuck is this expression even? It literally looks like she's reacting to getting poked in the ass by the dude's dick or some shit. I can't imagine this is intentional otherwise Quantic Dream would have been lambasted to hell and back. I thought this game was supposed to have good animators...why did you lie to me, Sonybros?


Attached: 097759.png (393x511, 215K)

she's human


There really wasn't any rock CD's in the van.

They aren't supposed to be sapient...so of course nobody has a problem with it. Did you even play it? Seems like you didn't.

Who in their right mind gives a toaster the ability to drive a car? who gives a sexbot the ability to handle a gun? who gives a laborer bot a fully human aspect?

So, uh, does she actually have any porn?

Attached: 358.jpg (500x305, 43K)

Soon it may considering the games are now on PC.

First who is dumb enough to actually buy the game? Second it's not really a game since it's mostly QTE garbage.

b-b-b-but Cage says a "game over" is a developer's flaw in game design!

Love. I lie to my toaster too. I tell it I love it but I don't. I just love the toast.

>But the junk yard at the start of the game has hundreds of androids still with their holograms on because no reason?

>Ey Tommy you disable them holograms yet?
>Nah I was on the shitter
>Ah fuck it send em in

Where's the pasta with the blood pool and the prank? I wanna have a laugh.

that he wasn`t being replaced.

Completely automatic cars are coming sooner than you think user. Soon we'll be the crazy ones for wanting to drive manually.

Yes, but you wouldn't add other functions to that car other than the ones really needed, like, why adding guns to said car for a regular person and some kind of AI which you then allow to be judge, jury and executioner.

came here to post this