>Spencer: "We're going to bring convenience and choice to you on your phone."
>Regarding latency mitigation, Google's Phil Harrison told Ars Technica in March about unspecified "innovations that we have put in our data centers at the hardware level which are not visible to the outside world" and "a lot of work in the encode end of the equation in the data center, a lot of which is not disclosed publicly."
>Microsoft is still planning a low-cost "Xcloud console" focused on streaming
>Sony's face when PS6 vs XThree is "remove all discs haha" all fucking over again except even worse "remove all local"
what the shit I thought Microsoft had gotten their retarded management problem sorted out
Microsoft: Cloud gaming is “inevitable”
Other urls found in this thread:
The fuckers won't stop trying to push streaming
Gamers will let it pass, because they're natural cucks.
It is physically impossible, you cannot compensate for latency
>bbbut muh new software that "predicts" button inputs
it's all utter bullshit
This is why capitalism needs to end. Unironically
No, just neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism is just the natural outgrow of capitalism.
fuck off college commie, capitialism is what gives video games in the first place, just because america is bordering on being a 3rd world shithole doesnt meant capitalism needs to be abolished.
Of course not. They want to well and truly rid any notion of players having "ownership" of games once and for all.
>what the shit I thought Microsoft had gotten their retarded management problem sorted out
True, but it can be controlled. There's no need to keep screwing over the worker's life and expanding sexual promiscuity overseas.
Liberalism is the reason you had slavery to begin with. If business only could hire fellow Americans, they wouldn't had bothered to bring cheap slaves from overseas.
Xbox fags always lose!!
I can't want for the day where we start cutting off the heads of the ultra-rich. I will be right there at the guillotines.
Replace ultra rich with usurers and we're going somewhere user.
Americans are the most well armed population in the world. And yet they allowed the Federal Reserve, the 19th Amendment, Hart-Celler Act, the AIPAC, sending "democracy" to countries that didn't wanted it, the ADL, fighting wars for Israel and Globohomo Gayplex. No one will do shit, God bless neoliberalism.
He's probably right. A lot of normalfags have neither the eye nor any desire for quality, they will most certainly pay for this. It probably really is inevitable. There is going to be a point of minimum viability which will be reached once a sufficient number of people have an internet connection of the minimally required quality (in terms of speed, stability and latency). This point will almost certainly be far below what even a local console can do in terms of gameplay experience (those are already laggy with a pretty low-quality image in a lot of cases), but a lot of people will pay for it because they "can't tell the difference" and this will appear more convenient (can do it on your phone) and will also appear cheaper since you don't need to pay the up-front cost of dedicated hardware. Never mind that the subscription will quickly add up to being more expensive than a console or budget PC while providing a worse experience - I don't think people calculate cost multiple years in the future as a general rule.
>oh just xx$ per month on my phone?!
>much better than $400 on a console!!
>unspecified "innovations that we have put in our data centers at the hardware level which are not visible to the outside world" and "a lot of work in the encode end of the equation in the data center, a lot of which is not disclosed publicly."
HAY GUYS ITS MASGIC. but we can't tell you how it works lol. WE"LL MAGICALLY EXPENEFERIOUSLY EXPIALADOCIACLY ELIMINATE ANY LAG! WOOooOOoo magic 'data center equations!'
>It's just the people with hooked noses. There's no way that just how the system function regardless who's in charge
This is your brain on /pol/.
They found a way to defeat the speed of light. You can't see it though.
Sounds like the pipe dreams of a shareholder or decision maker thats kind of detached and still believes in all the great things the cloud promised half a decade ago and for some reason thinks/sees video games as a profitable application for it for some reason.
I'm sensing some antisemitic undertones in this thread
You know that won't happen anything, despite having the means to do so.
>Apathy is one of the greatest enemies of our current time.
Typo, it's actually the fear of poop rising up.
This is literally everyone here's fault. Near the end of seventh generation when patches started getting out of control (rendering your disc useless) you should have seen the writing on the wall and stopped.
If you bought into 8th gen you are the problem.
If you bought any digital game you are the problem.
These. Nobody will do anything to make our current situation better. Everything will be stored on the cloud forever and nobody will fight back. The powers that be have officially become God.
It's inevitable, not a pipe dream. Read this wall of truth .
Just a reminder that if you have DRM-free games, back up them now.
Unless you can literally send data faster than light, it is impossible to mitigate latency to the degrees they keep spouting. We're talking fucking quantum entanglement voodoo magic.
We were just being nice, keep talking though. We need the fuel.
Unfortunately, we will never have any way of rising up ever again. Normies won't do anything, you won't do anything, I won't do anything. It's time we just surrendered and let the cloud-only future rage on forever.
>a lot of which is not disclosed publicly
This means they just want to fool investors into buying into this shit.
There is nothing you can do to make this possible for the kind of games that are successful.
For casual games you don't need streaming anyway.
M8 not EVERYTHING gets completely taken over by dumb superficial normalfags. For instance, normalfags tend to have a boner for the wi-fi meme, yet wired electronics and networks are still going to remain around indefinitely for obvious reasons.
Does he doubt the safety of his armored redoubt? I know with that much money he has one.
It will be done. See this post which nobody has debated yet because everyone on Yea Forums knows its true.
You won't do anything. I won't do anything. Nobody will do anything. Dystopia is inevitable.
Fuck off kike shill
>There is nothing you can do to make this possible for the kind of games that are successful.
Yes there is. See .
>Stage 1: Denial
What's that?
That box on your desk allows you to run programs ... and you can do that ... and we can't stop you?
>=U that's unacceptable! What if people say speech that Jews don't like? We just have to put up with it and can't punish them and take their stuff away from them? We have to stop them from doing that!
The only thing I like about neoliberalism is that allows me to cope.
You're a minority in your own country, neoliberalism made sure of that. And reactionaries in all their history always lose and will keep losing.
I assume this is your first week here.
>More centralized shit
I want off this wild ride.
>M8 not EVERYTHING gets completely taken over by dumb superficial normalfags
I didn't say it will take over everything, completely, but it will almost certainly become a significant part of the gaming market.
Wouldn't it be easier for them to fund exclusives instead?
>predicting inputs
I guess this is why they make games that more or less play themselves :D:D
Anyways, it's just taking away ownership of the players. This is just the logical extension of digital distribution.
All political systems eventually fail because humans are flawed.
We must create a better type of human. One that can make better long-term decisions.
>True, but it can be controlled.
Literally impossible in the long term. Capitalism is really the thing that creates those stupid gaming practices which resemble gambling machines.
>The only thing I like about neoliberalism is that allows me to cope.
Honestly this. There is literally no reason to get /fit/ or network with people when our loss is destiny.
>You're a minority in your own country, neoliberalism made sure of that. And reactionaries in all their history always lose and will keep losing
Indeed. There will never be a time where rebelliom forces will ever win and there never has been one. Fighting back against the Gods that are megacorps is a pipe dream. We may as well just stay where we are for the rest of our lives.
Everything will be centralized. The only way off is through DEATH!
We have guns
Only if you allow them.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when they launch that shit and 99% of the people who buy it realize what lag spikes are when your software can't compensate for it. Also how many Mb/s they're getting during peak time. Or during down time for that matter.
I hate to see people ripped off but this is going to be a fuckin treat.
Yes, I came here from the Psyops division, they told me that if I call people "newfags" I could derail a discussion. They didn't say what a "newfag" was, though!
Like it or not this user is speaking straight facts.
You'll never use them. Stop fighting and accept fate. The rich always win. The unique trait channers have that other people against the system don't is that we see the true reality for what it is, and we are accepting of the defeat we will surely get.
How does buying a digital game have literally anything to do with streaming?
Let's talk about the real issue here. Source of OP's image?
Video games are inevitable because of simulations for military.
You are pretty much saying that microwaves wouldn't be invented without the rocky mountains.
Most technology evolved from military use and not from capitalism.
Yes, you had guns since always. Yet, the neoliberal corporate cosmopolitan ruling class already has a plan.
Nationalism is dead. Long live to globalism.
>You fucking goyim are going to pay for your games and our cloud service and you're going to deal with the latency
>And it's going to be on windows 10
God can these megacorps get anymore out of touch? We're decades away from the technology required to stream shit like Assasins Creed, you think even normalfags are gonna put up with the lag?
This has no userbase and even when they inevitably push it as the standard people will refuse to adopt
The problem is they still have competition from pc and Nintendo, and the fact people might just not be interested in something that doesn’t have offline. Not to mention despite the obvious latency issues no ones really talking about the power costs and physical space costs and that they’d be legally required to maintain these things alongside a specific set of customer data and its gotta be quick, so basically if Brent turns on his xbox all drunk at 4am he expects instant gratification and the random computer in taiwan would need to turn on and be quick enough to not make him start watching netflix and sell the console the next day.
No, it's build into the system. Those moronic practices create more profit, and with it the company who does them has more room to expand, which leads to them having a larger market share. It's literally how the system works. You can't just throw away the Jews and still expect that white or whatever ethnicity you want to put on top wouldn't have to behave the same way to stay afloat.
Long live to Globalism! Nationalism is dead forever! The neoliberal God-system always has a plan!
It is the first step toward non ownership.
>Physical game
I own this.
>Digital game
I own the license to use this for an unknown amount of time as long as I get 30 days notice before it goes away.
>But that will never happen!
All digital purchases on original Xbox are gone. All digital purchases on Playstation Mobile are gone. All Wii Virtual Console and Wiiware games are gone.
Dude, if nobody's burned down Sony's office for their censorship of 2d women, then people aren't gonna rise up for anything.
Cmon son if you're not willing to RISE UP for your waifu, then who will you rise up for?
I know. That's why I think there should be regulations.
i haven't rented video games since the snes and i'm not going to start renting video games again
Tick tock consolefags.
They have a major stake in cloud computing. Of COURSE they are going to try to get everything on the cloud.
Kids and whales drive sales with shit like fortnight.
And if people tell them that you become a better player by not having so much lag, they are going for that option, which will mean that they'll buy their own pc, which they have in they probably already have in the first place,
and isn't much more expensive anyway.
The investors imagine shit like people playing AAA games on their phones, which won't happen.
Maybe some poorfags will stream their assassins creed or fallout to their TV or whatever, but even then, for those "amazing codecs that instantly teleport data to your pc", they will need dedicated hardware decoding (otherwise it will just suck), so they probably have newer hardware in the first place, meaning they might as well buy a console.
The only way this will happen, is if these companies push for this shit, and they don't leave the average consumer an alternative.
If alternatives are provided (traditional consoles, games appearing on PC), then I think those can win.
I’m already 90% cloud gaming.
Geforce now for my steam games and psnow for the few ps exclusives i wanted to play.
Nintendo and wow classic are the only things keeping to specific hardware, and even my pc is getting old.
Neoliberalism always outsmarted their opposition. That's why they rule the world. Even Spandrell (the creator of the term "bioleninism") knows it.
But the people who have the profits, have with it power. So in turn it means they can influence the system to their liking through things like bribes and whatnot.
We will use guns soon
>b-but if you get rid of the jews you'll become the jews
This is the stupidest thing I've read here in a long time
slavery predates liberalism by thousands of years. please eat shit and die
>So in turn it means they can influence the system to their liking through things like bribes and whatnot.
That's what the guns are for. Traitors in the governments would get the rope.
I really dont want to stream my games user...who the hell are those people listening ?
pretty much everyone over also dont want it
PC is the first market that will truly die to streaming.
Thanks piratefags!
I have a sneaking suspicion that he's right. I hope not, but it feels like a perfect storm of retarded consumers and corporate greed. They're not happening right now, but in ~10 years or so it will probably be a reality. When it does happen I'm pretty sure I will never play a new game again.
Thanks for ruining my day.
>what the shit I thought Microsoft had gotten their retarded management problem sorted out
The only thing microsoft changed is their PR strategy. They are still the exact same scummy company that completely fucked this hobby into the ground, as is typical of every single westernshit group that touches gaming.
Maybe actually read about how the economy works, instead of thinking it's because of Jews capitalism works the way it does. For all it matters you can replace bosses with computers, and it would still work the same.
>That's what the guns are for. Traitors in the governments would get the rope.
These posts are why we Channers will always be superior to Reddit. While redditors try to create the illusion of possible victory, the Channer sees through all that and realizes that globalism is the end goal for all humanity forever.
To all channers: we need to stop fighting for the dead idea that is nationalism and submit to the neoliberal God-system and the eternal Globalist dystopia.
They will win, because the neoliberalist God-system always has a plan.
That's why I am surrendering all my rights and all channers should too. There is just no way our pathetic impotent selves could ever hope to strike down a God.
>Cmon son if you're not willing to RISE UP for your waifu, then who will you rise up for?
You're not gonna rise up for anyone. You're gonna sit down and take the globalism like a good kid.
they want to turn products in services for continuous revenue generation, across the board
Whu does this upset you? Are you a luddite or something?
Wow I really want nothing to do with video game streaming. Fuck that practice
>not disclosed publicly
Obvious bullshit. If they actually invented a magic way to alleviate lag (which is impossible) you can bet your ass they would patent that shit ASAP.
>God can these megacorps get anymore out of touch?
Megacorporations are not "out of touch"
Megacorporations control the news, the search engines, the internet forums (well not Yea Forums, but still).
Megacorporations define what being "in touch" is.
If Megacorporations tell the consumer "It's on windows 10, it's paid monthly, it's streamed, and you're gonna like it anyway"
then the average person is just gonna go along with it, they're gonna get windows 10, they're gonna pay monthly, it'll be streamed, and they're gonna like it anyway.
Sure, sentient people are gonna oppose it.
But sentient people are the minority. And sentient people aren't as easy to separate from their money.
Gullible retards with no standards who download their opinions from IGN? That's your target audience. That's how you get paid.
That's who companies worry about being "out of touch" with. Except, they don't worry at all.
Physical game needs a patch to load. Cant play it. Sorry.
Digital can be backed up and used on other devices with cracks. Obvious exceptions
you faggots need to go back to 8gag
Usury is capitalism is usury.
all you need is to casualize to the point where input latency doesn't matter
Explain to me. In detail. How to backup PS4 games.
Nah, PC gaming is too elitist and focused on high refresh rates to ever deal with streaming input lag.
Just like PC gaming doesn't deal with wi-fi trash.
Consoles however will be 100% streaming.
Whites are not scared, we will fight till the end.
>Pushing cloud spyware
>Forgets that most of America has shitty ISPs and horrendous latency
Everytime they try this shit, they fail at the most basic level.
>Being a consolenigger
Just a quick reminder that there's no difference between the objectives of communism and neoliberalism. Both aim for Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.
Nigga you can still play those games, you just can't re-download them. And being able to re-download even just for a few years is more than you could say for a physical copy if something happened to it.
>digital purchases on original Xbox
8gag won't accept our beliefs because they think we're shills or something. We're not. We're people who see the true reality of things in this world. 8gag are not true channers.
This post is from another truth saying user who realizes that resistance is impossible and it's better if we just cope and live a life of decadence until we die or suicide. These megacorporations have become God and all channers realize it.
The only way to prevent this future is for GAMERS to RISE up
Kinda doesn’t matter since retards will buy this anyway
Up to 5.05 anyone can backup games released to God of War. Most of the other games are already on pc so dont have to bother with it. But there is a private exploit that is up to the current firmware.
I know you’re probably too stupid to realize how stupid you actually are, but your precious ps4 isnt as secure as you think.
Honestly I prefer this over exclusivity and console wars. The only concern would be modding but no modern game gets worthwhile (if any) mods anyway
People said the same thing about digital games, DLC and microtransactions but PC was the first market to embrace that shit
We're going to buy it anyway. We don't have a choice. Long live to globalism.
>Cloud gaming is “inevitable”
Says who? Aren't the customers the ones that get to decide what kind of games and HOW games are played?
>Not real capitalism
except for that pesky ownership class that rules you and eats the surplus.
>most famous game of all time came from the Soviet union
Ha, the Epic store existing shows that supply completely controlls this market.
Why do you faggots post random twitter posts of people with 300 likes? Your point isnt made better by some random having an awful opinion you copy because you’re too dumb to come up with your own. Fucking zoomers
There is no outsmarting happening if the game was rigged from the very start.
This goes back far longer than you can imagine.
>Maybe actually read about how the economy works,
> you can replace bosses with computers, and it would still work the same
lol, imagine actually believing this.
It would entirely depend on what the "computers" would optimize humanity for.
>They will win, because the neoliberalist God-system always has a plan.
You can prevent it. Now I will tell you how:
Make you own games, and make them good.
Don't release them on streaming platforms.
Now you have separated yourself completely from this system. You have unjewed yourself.
But it takes effort.
I commend indie games for trying, but the fact is they are still shit.
Most indie games are basically hobbyist projects, but not the real good shit they could be.
If indie games become truly good, AAA will die a slow death.
The only thing that then needs to happen is indie devs not selling out.
I'm hoping they sell a lot so that the majority of our comrades finally realize they're getting
>Taking the words of some random twitter faggot
God, fuck off already, who cares about some literal who? If all you do is bitch about neoliberalism then maybe join up with the commies who hate that shit
And yet DLC and microtransactions are vastly more popular and accepted on consoles.
To the point where every major publisher makes more money on consoles off of microtransactions than they do actual boxed game sales.
You won't see any of that because western companies have been casualizing gaming for the longest time now with these movie games that play themselves. What's going to happen is that we're gonna go further into this direction, which will make input lag a non-issue because you won't ever be getting challenged whatsoever in any game, just like it is now but even worse.
until you convince internet companies in america to stop being garbage you will never see cloud gaming come to the mainstream
Don Mattrick liked exclusives. Don also had a solid track record overseeing Xbox until 2013, unlike Phil.
>just hack it bro lol
Ok so you dont know shit thanks.
It’s the same defeatist shill
>If all you do is bitch about neoliberalism then maybe join up with the commies who hate that shit
They hate reactionaries.
>I commend indie games for trying, but the fact is they are still shit.
>Most indie games are basically hobbyist projects, but not the real good shit they could be.
>If indie games become truly good, AAA will die a slow death.
In what fucking planet do we live in? Most of my vidyas are now indies because AAA games have become so shit that I know which one will have some padded open world with RPG mechanics in em. So much good vidya comes from indies and Japan these days that I am 100% okay with Western AAA dying
Correct. I have a bitter taste in my mouth right now.
you are replying to mentally ill twitter furries
Epic Store being forced this heavily really shows that you can easily muscle your way in the p
PC market.
And with piracy being a real threat, devs will flock to shutting it down permanently.
America had 100 years to change shit. They didn't so far and most of the people who want to change something get deplatformed and the general public does nothing about it.
>What's going to happen is that we're gonna go further into this direction
Good, let’s accelerate it and bring the crash that much faster
I would say it's sad, but consolefags, isn't this what you wanted?
I thought you were all about that convenience and KNOWING that you'll get to play all the latest games?
What happened?
Why are you so scared of streaming? It's SUPER convenient AND you NEVER have to worry about upgrading or buying a new device ever again.
Isn't this what you wanted?
>Nobody will do anything to make our current situation better
I have an idea.
FIFA and CoD still top our yearly sales lists. Same with fortnite, destiny, battlefield, etc, there are tons of multiplayer-focused games. They might be able to stockholm syndrome people after half a decade or so but fuckers are going to be pissed right out of the gate.
It’s made by rich college boys and the tech illiterate generation who live in nice cities with several isp choices all with fast speeds and they are used to seeing people stream with various devices flawlessly. They’ve never experienced something like being at a relatives house and watching their young cousin trying to play splatoon on their switch connected to smartphone wifi, which is completely awful but actually much better than a lot of places.
>They didn't so far and most of the people who want to change something get deplatformed
Who was trying to change what? If you fucking tell me Alex Jones tried to change something other then scamming his viewerbase then you're dumb as shit
no it's made by people that literally don't care how shitty the service is
When did you realize consolefags monkey pawed themselves?
>what the shit I thought Microsoft had gotten their retarded management problem sorted out
they've spent the last few years cancelling most of their games and giving the rest away to the competition. what gave you the impression that they ever stopped being retarded?
The reality is that the EGS isn't really a threat, because it doesn't have anything to offer and will never be able to stop piracy.
And again, the PC gamers who don't accept console-tier trash will also not accept streaming, and with how big esports are on PC, streaming will never be able to gain a foothold.
Hence why the biggest streaming platform right now is PSNow, and not something like Geforce Now, despite the latter being a few years older.
>thinking that will cause the crash
Yea Forums has never been more accepting of cinematic shit than it is now. The crash is a fairy tale.
You're literally citing the amounts of fucking twitter likes a guy has in order to discredit his opinion without addressing any of his points, yet you tell people in the same breath to think for themselves? You're the dumbest motherfucker I've ever seen.
>streaming a video game
There will probably be a time where consumers are cucked enough to accept this. Hopefully I'll be dead by then.
>Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot: "There will be one more console generation and then after that, we will be streaming, all of us."
Fucking Ubisoft. Every time I think they've hit rock bottom in terms of fucking us over I'm reminded that my imagination clearly is limited by my lack of an MBA.
When I can't play games I want without doing some cloud meme, I'll be done with video games. I'll probably be around 40 by then so whatever.
It will when Trump bans violent videogames
>The crash is a fairy tale.
It’s only a fairy tale until you make it real
Unironically fascism is a more compatible evolution of neoliberalism, trying to install communism would end up in even harsher genocides and starvation than the Russian or Maoist revolution ever achieved.
>Alex Jones is the only guy that ever got deplatformed
they are advertising for their network of losers
he can't tho nor can congress, first amendment bitch.
You can, you just need better network infrastructure and to have a datacenter in every city. So yes, it is possible, but it is incredibly unlikely, especially with American network infrastructure and prices.
Time once again to dust off the old tricorn
Around the time they started making up the vast majority of microtransactions purchasers.
They seemed to brag about being the lowest common denominator without understanding what that entails, and now that they're getting a peak it's scaring them, which I find absolutely hilarious.
They're getting exactly what they asked for, and they fucking hate it.
>Yea Forums shits on cinematic trash for years on end
>gobbles on CDPR's dick without a second thought
Tell me then, who that got deplatformed were genuinely trying to change something?
Didn't MMO games for PC began with MTXs?
>Unironically fascism is a more compatible evolution of neoliberalism, trying to install communism would end up in even harsher genocides and starvation than the Russian or Maoist revolution ever achieved.
>there there, let me soothe your tears
True but they care enough to make shit that works 80% of the time because when they don’t or people are unhappy it hurt sales. This seems like something that will fail to due to a sheer lack of understanding about all the reasons that make it a bad idea. In fact inherent issues with the design of it could actually end up costing them if it was very profitable and they’re now obligated to maintain and power devices for x amount of people, especially during releases of big new games available on all plats.
>They're getting exactly what they asked for, and they fucking hate it.
There isn’t enough schadenfreude in the world
ISPs are probably having a raging boner at the thought
Unironically the saviors
Yep, and now consolefags buy them in droves, even in premium $60 games.
To the point where the fucking microtransactions in Fifa, a series that regularly sells upwards of 25 million units a year, bring in more revenue for EA than actual sales of the game itself.
I agree that indie is basically better than most AAA already, but its mostly not great. Most of the time its not even good.
In a lot of aspects indie games are lacking the quality that AAA can afford to just buy.
But it can be done. It is possible.
Wether it would be animation, modelling, art, music, engine optimization, features, and graphics.
Basically I want indies to become like self-published AA studios with a tighter focus and more imaginative and risky projects.
You don't need the size and budget of a AA studio, if you make smart decisions, and if you can gather people who are passionate, and starving to succeed.
If they can consistently achieve a certain level of quality, indie-games will overtake everything.
Stop talking like that shitfag
>resistance is impossible
Ha, you think that's true?
No, resistance is inevitable. It just has to kill all the consumers in addition to the corps.
It's coming, all the guys doing mass shootings know it in their manifestos, either climate crisis drags us into an immigration crisis or we have to resort to ethno-nationalism to protect the already stringent resources.
>le rich have all the resources
Yes, carry your guns to their mansions and demand redistribution, see what happens
Or a panic attack. Their service is such dog water that they’ll be unable to keep up, all of them
neoliberalism seeks to dismantle the power of states and transform the planet into a giant rules-based system for optimizing consumption and production
it's not compatible with fascism, but fascism is a more realistic outcome than neoliberalism is. all weak forms of liberalism are unable to deal with defectors wearing their ideology as a skinsuit
>E3 2026
>Microsoft: We are proud to announce what you have ALL BEEN WAITING FOR...! XCloud!!!!!!!!!
>You just pay us every month forever, and don't have to "worry" about actually having anything of your own that works without an internet connection!
>Sony going afterward: Here's our next console. You can play your own stuff on it. $499. *crowd goes wild*
>Microsoft management: Nobody could have seen that coming! *frantic backtracking begins*
Fucking stupid. I'm unironically pissed even though I'm not a fan of the bone, because if MS shits the bed it'll keep letting Sony descend further into faggotry from not being pushed. That always happens any time any one company gets too dominant, they start getting overgeneric for normies. And Nintendo is off being a niche gimmick platform, which works for them but means they aren't keeping Sony under pressure either. God damn it Microsoft.
>Basically I want indies to become like self-published AA studios with a tighter focus and more imaginative and risky projects.
That was the 90s standard, but back then we had publishers that were willing to publish games they wouldn't own in the long term.
Nothing can replace God, and when he comes he will sort all of you out.
Worst post in this thread, congratulations, you earned a golden star
>buy the low cost streaming console
>or buy the scarlett
>the choice is yours
What happened console anons?
How is this not a good thing for you?
Don't you like the lower upfront cost and convenience?
Who cares about owning stuff? The devs know best, that's why mods and community servers are bad.
If God were real, we would dismember and consume him. No authority can be higher than GAMERS.
why do pc mustards pretend like you don't overwhelmingly play whatever online multiplayer trash tencent, ea and blizzard pick out for you? why do you pretend like you all didn't have a huge meltdown when a glitch affected your lootbox-based economy in tf2?
steam replaced physical distribution on pc and you guys were okay with it. blizzard popularized paid online on pc and you guys were okay with it. valve pioneered lootboxes in tf2 and you guys were okay with it. streaming and "cloud gaming" will inevitably ruin pc gaming even more, and you'll still blame the "consolefags" instead of your own low standards.
Fair enough.
>Everytime they try this shit, they fail at the most basic level.
They literally do. Every single programmer/engineer/manager who works at Microsoft has fiber and company paid ultimate mobile plants out the whazoo. This is a common failing in stuff coming Silicon Valley and other tech areas like Seattle, they literally have zero life experience with anything even remotely rural. Even if they're told such places exist that they fly over, they can't REALLY comprehend it at an organizational level.
>Yes, carry your guns to their mansions and demand redistribution
But that isn't what communism is about. that isn't even (to some extent) what happened in Russia or China.
In truth when it comes to resources you don't really need to do that much if it was handled better. I'm against capitalism because I think it's impossible to handle it better, but assuming large changes would be made today we probably wouldn't need to have that drastic reduction in living standards. It's just that's nothing is being done about it. What's worrying the largest oil companies operate as if the earth would go above 5 degrees, instead of two which is considered already unsafe by scientist.
No it’s actually the other way around, they’ll have to actually update their infrastructure and give more bandwidth or consumers will complain. A big portion of the US has trashcan internet and it’s not uncommon for there to be extra latency at peak hours for even stuff like web browsing, even though it’s 2019.
Those are non-white and cuck gamers
Huey Long
my IQ just dropped 20 points by looking at this post. literally what the fuck are you trying to say about anything?
The difference, my retarded consoletard friend, is that literally every single game aside from WoW on the PC side is a F2P game, mainly propped up by chinks.
Meanwhile, EVERY SINGLE GAME ON THE CONSOLE SIDE is a paid, premium $60 game, which, outside of SP games like DMC5 and Days Gone, makes most of its money from microtransactions sold to consolefags in the west.
ESPECIALLY the top 5.
>still falling for the "its optional xd" meme until the "optional" part creeps into the main body and completely overtakes it.
You're literally "don't like it, don't buy it? xd" tiers of absolutely retarded and delluded.
>No True Scotsman
>is that literally every single game aside from WoW on the PC side is a F2P game
That's how everything began.
>if it's F2P, it's okay
>if it's cosmetic, it's OK
> EVERY SINGLE GAME ON THE CONSOLE SIDE is a paid, premium $60 game
Fortnite isn't
Ideally yes, they would improve their service
In reality they will leave their service as is and charge premium for usable internet
It's ok guys! Nintendo is so backwards when it comes to online that they probably wont adopt streaming for 3 or 4 generations after everyone else does!
>>if it's F2P, it's okay
>>if it's cosmetic, it's OK
But that's just it, PC gamers don't pay for microtransactions in premium games.
Consolefags do, by VASTLY larger numbers.
Hence why Fortnite, Fifa, GTA O, Black Cocks 4, and NBA 2k make most of their money from consoles, because consolefags buy TONS of microtransactions.
Did you mean to write gamers or did you get filtered? I'm not sure which possibility is funnier.
Haha what do you think the Bolsheviks were doing? He’s right, they’re the same thing, no surprise since the same (((people))) are in charge of both.
Fortnite isn't a premium game tho
>why do pc mustards pretend like you don't overwhelmingly play whatever online multiplayer trash tencent, ea and blizzard pick out for you?
Because we don’t. We emulate
>why do you pretend like you all didn't have a huge meltdown when a glitch affected your lootbox-based economy in tf2?
Because we didn’t and the only ones that cried didn’t actually play TF2.
>steam replaced physical distribution on pc and you guys were okay with it.
My games are still installed on my system. It is not streamed like what is being proposed now.
>blizzard popularized paid online on pc and you guys were okay with it.
Lol no.
>valve pioneered lootboxes in tf2 and you guys were okay with it.
Blaming the person who split the atom instead of the military dropping the bomb
>streaming and "cloud gaming" will inevitably ruin pc gaming even more, and you'll still blame the "consolefags" instead of your own low standards.
Because you eat up movie games and third person cinematic experiences like the shit shovels you are.
>laggy shit on data caps that dies if internet drops or data center has any problems or whatever is convenient
It's not though, it is in fact against the spirit of consoles. Did you already forget the shitfest that happened when Microsoft originally was going to eliminate discs for the bone? And how Sony capitalized on that really well and then just ran from there? The point of a console is you turn it on and it just works, quickly, every single time. There is other stuff like not having to deal with malware and shit, but streaming literally gets in the way of that. Also
Already have that anyway, again, console. You don't ever upgrade it. New ones eventually come out after 7 years or whatever, but any console you buy is it forever you don't change the GPU or anything. And that goes both ways: devs are free to optimize heavily for that one platform because that's all anyone has, they never have to wonder whether a customer will be using IGP or something. Cloud does nothing for that. They won't be upgrading constantly anyway because that'd be expensive and destroy profit margins, but it'd also make it no more an attractive developer target then the PC. At which point why not just go for the PC?
it's almost like stalin wasn't actually a communist and just wanted to be tsar
>wow I'm so sick of rich, out of touch assholes working against my interests and replacing our proud heritage
>maybe I should do something about that
>I know! I'll go kill a bunch of disenfranchised, lower class brown people that'll show them!
Gamers are slaves. They will never rise up but if they do they'll sooner burn their neighbours house down in protest before they even consider attacking the billionaires who control the world.
Microsoft killed Xbox for the cloud. Think about that for a second.
hate to break it to you, but nintendo's already been testing streaming in japan. they have a knack for modernizing real quick when it's something that's bad for the consumer.
Daily reminder that this is a shill and possibily a fed that creates and spam demoralizing shit, they got kicked from 4+Yea Forums constantly and now they spam the same shit here
>ther options are either streaming automated movies that play themselves or playing rehashed depthless nintendo kiddy crap
Yup, time for a new hobby
But the rest of the top 5 are.
As are MK11, MLB The Show, and The Division 2, and I can pretty much guarantee that they make gangbusters selling microtransactions on consoles.
Hell, MLB 19 added them BACK from the last game because NOT adding them is leaving money on the table on consoles.
You’re overestimating the amount of bandwidth they have to give, especially relative to what they would need to be to be able to have a premium service that a lot of people would use, or even isps with alright practices that would want to effectively provide service to a bunch of these streaming consoles to where it’s profitable to the maker.
>PC gamers don't pay for microtransactions in premium games.
...yet. give it a few more years, and they will. pc shitters have zero standards - as proven by how they accept not having physical games anymore, while consoles still have them.
>Cloud gaming
This is the end of Fighting games, Hack n slash, Rhytm games, Metroidvanias And action platformers.
>it is in fact against the spirit of consoles.
Mmm nope, the spirit of consoles is convenience and being cheap.
Did you actually believe it was anything else?
do you 8gaggers always look at edgy reverse psychology and call it defeatism
>implying he wasn't an agent of the Mossad
Only these are mine.
Yeah it’s obvious, don’t buy this shit bros.
All games that make virtually no money. The way things should be
They were not. The wealth inequality was much more narrower in the Soviet Union and the "ruling class", a very much debated topic of there even was something that could be called that, lived like one would expect a well off doctor in the west.
>as proven by how they accept not having physical games anymore, while consoles still have them.
It's because Steam and GOG are good services and you don't need to buy everything physical. PSN in comparison fucking sucks, especially the download speeds.
imagine being a miserable traitor to humanity spaming demoralizing shit to random people
we just wouldn't move to their gay services
if i wanted to play shitty mmos designed around latency i could have been doing that this entire time
>Because we don’t. We emulate
then explain how garbage like league of legends and world of warcraft keep making billions.
>Because we didn’t
you guys' meltdown was all over Yea Forums just a couple weeks ago, but nice try.
>Because you eat up movie games and third person cinematic experiences like the shit shovels you are.
you mean like half-life 2?
>All games that make virtually no money.
MK11? DMC5? Hatsune Miku games in nipland?
all of these launchers are bloatware. some are worse than others, but at the end of the day, they're all just another step towards never truly owning a game again.
Streaming games is the ultimate "works on my machine ;)" meme from Silicon bubble people.
That said, it exists and works in both Japan and South Korea, but they have about 100x better average speeds than the US and west in general.
he thinks it will make you more susceptible to fascism, even though he doesn't know what that is anyway
you might be right that he's a fed tho. if anyone enjoys seeing people go out and shoot people for no reason, it's someone with a make-work job
>give it a few more years, and they will.
m8, they've been in premium games for years.
If anything people on PC have become LESS likely to buy microtransactions in premium games since ~2014, since it's become obvious that microtransactions are just there to squeeze extra money out of people.
Plus, on PC you can just cheat and abuse the fuck out of microtransactions easily, which isn't possible on consoles.
Just look at all the hackers giving away free money in GTAO and pissing off the retards at Take Two.
They're right though, once 5G takes off then people will finally accept it
>streaming games
this only werks in san francisco
Looks like Sony's going to have no competition for another entire generation
Well yes, of course the rich in a poor place with a unworkable and fucked up economy are going to be poorer than the rich in a functioning economy.
Can't wait to see Xbots spin this.
Are you retarded? It is inevitable. People said this shit years ago about movies and music yet both markets are almost completely digitally streamed now aside from literal autists who own physical CDs.
>still making billions
Gonna need a serious source on that one's launcher is completely optional.
please stay at /pol/ where mongoloids like you screech at clickbait all day everyday
Maybe those literal autists have a point user
south korea's not just better than the us' internet, they're better than the rest of the world by a comfortable margin. japan, on the other hand, isn't THAT much better.
and for as much shit as the us gets for its internet, we still have better average speeds than the uk, canada, spain, germany, italy, france and australia.
if you spend so much as a penny on microtransactions in any game, you are a shitter with zero standards. "but it's free-to-play!" is not a justification.
*watch quentin tarantino movie with my waifu in the theatre*
*import blurays from japan*
*rip my own music from cds i buy*
feels good to be autistic
enjoy not being able to watch anything because your streaming service lost the rights to it
I guess Microsoft has completely forgotten about Sony. They created Xbox in response to how big PlayStation was blowing up. Now they've gone and thrown their competitive spirit right out of the window.
What even is there to look forward to as an Xbox fan?
Reminder Sony are the ones who pushed hard for this streaming bullshit with PSnow and they're completely to blame if other companies adopt it. Fuck Sony they're the cancer killing gaming. Nintendo has brought some actual good games to the mobile handheld market, Microsoft are finally embracing their PC gaming roots and heavily supporting it going forward. Sony are the only ones actively trying to cancer up the market with exclusive only deals so their games can die off within 2 years once the PS4 is DOA. Seriously fuck Sony I won't give them another penny of my money.
you should unironically be flayed alive
south korea's population is dense so it's just an easier problem
movies and music aren't interactive like games are. it's not the same situation at all.
I was going off by wealth inequality, not "actual wealth". You can't really say that much surplus got stolen from the workers in the SU. Russia after restoration of capitalism actually saw the wealth inequality the same as that of US, and instead of a (former) party official having one home in the hills - home which frequently was shared by an other family - and access to luxury goods, he had whole vacation resorts which were public property just few years ago.
Not making billions.
Good thing the main people spending money on microtransactions in PC games are chinks, who we already know are shitters with zero standards.
Meanwhile, western consolefags buy literally $600+ million worth of microtransactions every year in Fifa.
What's your excuse?
>Microsoft dindu nuffin
they've also simply invested way more money and resources into their internet infrastructure than the rest of the world has.
There's already a big as fuck backlog of video games. Normies can eat it up as much as they want.
>Megacorporations define what being "in touch" is.
Boy if that was true then Disney and Sony would have no movie flops, megacorporations fuck up big time all the time, the secret is that the product has to be "Good enough", if its not then nobody buys it, and its not going to be good enough becouse nobody's internet is that good, not to mention the rest of the world, the technology just isn't there yet
>Mmm nope, the spirit of consoles is convenience and being cheap.
That's my point you fucking retard. This is neither convenient NOR will it be cheap!
>and world of warcraft keep making billions.
WoW doesn't even pull in millions anymore.
Like fuck, most of Blizzard's money nowadays comes from Overwatch, I doubt WoW even pulls in $100 million a year.
>Reminder Sony are the ones who pushed hard for this streaming bullshit with PSnow
if by "pushed hard," you mean "offered it as an optional service on the side while continuing to make normal consoles," then sure.
microsoft is openly forcing streaming next generation and google is trying to do the same. it's their fault if this bullshit becomes the industry standard.
Yet as with movies and music you can still find the digital copies online it's just the medium of engagement has become predominantly streaming. The same will happen for games. Streaming is inevitable and as technology evolves it will become less of an issue for most people but there will always be digital copies available online.
>Some game company lost the rights of _____ game
>they remove it from the store
>game is lost forever cuz the game was in some server in california
The future® looks bright as hell
It will be cheaper and more convenient than current consoles since there will be no installs and no paid online since you'll already be paying a sub.
Sorry m8, you WILL eat this up, and you WILL accept it, because it's not in you (or any consolefag) to fight it.
Say what you want about PCfags, but when someone does something we don't like, we at least fight it, like with Valve's paid mod shit or Take Two trying to DMCA GTA V mods.
Don't forget that Microsoft wants to make their new operative system for desktops cloud-based.
>A modern OS does this by enabling cloud-connected experiences that use the compute power of the cloud to enhance users experiences on their devices.
>These experiences are powered by AI, so a modern OS is aware of what a user is doing tomorrow and helps them get it done, and it enhances applications making them more intelligent.
>Microsoft is investing to enable these modern OS experiences, and to deliver new ones that take advantage of silicon advancements, powerful PCs, the cloud and power of AI.
>Experiences like an Asian Inking platform, cognitive recognition services that help with photo tagging and new Your Phone capabilities that let users mirror their Android phone screen on their PC and use the PC mouse and keyboard to interact with phone apps and content using either Wi-Fi or LTE.
You mean the one whose production was suppressed and warped by the system because everything produced in the Soviet Union must support the state explicitly?
the service model is just a natural consequence of the limits of growth of the product model. there is no single company you should blame for the impetus to leverage technology to force you to pay ever-increasing rents. this is why sony acquired gaikai and onlive's ip
>no paid online since you'll already be paying a sub.
>no paid online
>paying a sub
Are you being retarded on purpose or is English not your first language?
BAHAHAHAHAHA.... Xkeks have been losing miserably for the past six years.
>caring about the preservation of video games, like they were art or something
Are you gay?
>Say what you want about PCfags, but when someone does something we don't like, we at least fight it
no you don't. you accepted it when physical games got replaced by bloatware launchers. when sony tried to pull the same shit with the psp go, it flopped hard and they had to admit that there was still a market for physical games.
>Don't forget that Microsoft wants to make their new operative system for desktops cloud-based.
>He still hasn't taken the linux-pill
Are you claiming Microsoft aren't offering normal consoles? Are you living under a rock? Sony are pushing so hard for this shit they signed a deal with Microsoft for this. If there was any chance of MS abandoning this streaming it's gone now that Sony are offering billions to have their own service on it. Sony started this cancer and are actively pushing for this cancer. As of right now the only game streaming service from these big companies is owned by Sony. Sony are 100% to blame if this industry adopts streaming.
Guaranteed Sony domination for 2020 and beyond.
Physical has been dead for longer than you know. Do you think our install disks hold all 100 some odd gigabytes of your game, you fool?
And yet consolefags are accepting digital too.
And they accepted microtransactions in premium games, unlike PCfags.
AND they accepted paid online, something that not even most MMOs do on PC nowadays outside of WoW (dying) and FFXIV.
AND you'll be accepting streaming too, because you have no choice.
Daily reminder to not 'BUY' digital versions of games like Kingdom Hearts or anything related to big company
buy the physical version because is very likely the ip going to expire in the upcoming years
Thanks to those nerds we have things like MAME, ROMS everywhere and decent emulators, so.. eat shit phil.
>Are you claiming Microsoft aren't offering normal consoles?
they aren't going to next generation. they are going to force streaming games as a service as the only option. meanwhile, the ps5 will be another standard console that just plays games without the bullshit. it's going to be e3 2013 all over again because microsoft can't stop being so anti-consumer.
They were the first company that wanted to go digital only in consoles.
>People said this shit years ago about movies and music yet both markets are almost completely digitally streamed now aside from literal autists who own physical CDs.
You mean aside from the enormous numbers of people who own or pirate the actual digital files? CDs and DVDs and whatever are digital too, they just deliver the bits on some plastic you take them off of before using them. But if you have a file without DRM like all music is sold as since forever, it's just as much yours. "Physical" is a stupid meme, the question is DRM free.
Vidya is the same, you can just download a image from GOG and do whatever you wish with it for as long as you live and pass it on too. It's better then physical in fact since you can redundantly and perfectly back it up. That's the fight and plenty of people clearly do care.
It's just another day at the office for them. If Stadia takes off, they upgrade infrastructure and raise rates for "highest internet speed ever" (even though they're still selling less bandwidth than what they were advertising BEFORE the price hike). They don't need to worry about false advertising or ethics when 9/10 reps are their payroll. They'll literally just rewrite the laws if they come between them and the green.
So in other words the fault lies on consolecucks for being slaves to these multibillion dollar companies.
in music, streaming supplanted the sales model, because people just engaged in piracy in the traditional sales model, as enforcement of rights became impossible.
streaming for video games is not tenable except for baby games, because latency is literally not solvable. for many baby games there is no point for streaming, because the device that you can stream them on is more than capable of playing them, and will provide a superior experience. it's also extremely wasteful. the nature of interactivity in games makes them less compressible.
your thin client age is never coming back
Is anyone actually surprised?
Consoles exist to be essentially tard wranglers for the industry, no shit they're going to go for the cheapest and most easily-controlled solution, which is streaming.
The fault lies in anyone supporting Sony. They're the biggest anti consumer company of the big 3 right now. They're the only ones who have been pushing this streaming garbage for years and the only ones who literally MADE a streaming only console with PSTV. They're going to force PS5 to be streaming only as well next gen. Fucking cancerous company.
Even if you don't buy it there's still going to be whales dumping money on mtx so it'll never go away. Especially if they're the cosmetics kind.
I heard kids these days get bullied for having no skins in Fortnite.
No stop how dare you take that conclusion from my post
>They're going to force PS5 to be streaming only as well next gen.
[citation needed]
>Reminder Sony are the ones who pushed hard for this streaming bullshit with PSnow and they're completely to blame if other companies adopt it.
be old enough to browse this website.
>It will be cheaper and more convenient than current consoles since there will be no installs and no paid online since you'll already be paying a sub.
>no paid online (except for the online you're paying for)
Fucking retard. It won't be cheaper, it'll be more expensive over time and you will HAVE to pay or lose all "your" games. And if they do add some "paid premium online options" like "voice chat with more then one person" what are you going to do about it huh? Nothing.
>more convenient
Oh yes very convenient to sit down and play except something on the internet is acting up or "load is too high" so you can't, not even single player.
>Sorry m8, you WILL eat this up, and you WILL accept it, because it's not in you (or any consolefag) to fight it.
But we literally already did fight it and won, multiple times. PSPgo, Microsoft's original pitch with the Xbox One for example.
>Say what you want about PCfags, but when someone does something we don't like, we at least fight it
Pffft. I'm a PCfag also and exclusively buy on GOG there but get fucking real, that is not even close to a majority let alone everyone. Most PCfags are plenty accepting of DRM.
>hey're going to force PS5 to be streaming only as well next gen. Fucking cancerous company.
hahahahaha. No, just like with the PS4 they're going to see MS doing this stupid shit and immediately come out with a giant ad proclaming how the PS5 doesn't die when your internet does and boom, Sony enjoys utter dominance for yet another generation. And you will be here crying the entire time about how poor MS got bullied.
>Doesn't want to preserve fun games to replay
Don't tell me you play cage movie shit or the like.
>All digital
>Always online
>And now on the cloud
When will Yea Forums admit that Don was right?
>Most PCfags are plenty accepting of DRM.
Oh shit, which consoles allow me to access actual game files and edit them?
I'd love to hear about them.
You see this
And eat shit
You guys do know that Sony recently partnered with Microsoft to use their Azure servers for PSNow, right?
You are absolutely delusional if you think both companies won't be pushing for streaming next gen and the gen after.
>he says while most PC games play lootbox infested P2W digital copies
>no phyisical media
I don't see that anywhere.
they can push whatever the fuck they want. just like vr and 3dtv garbage, it hang out in the trash bin
he asked for proof that the ps5 would force streaming. not a random tweet that has nothing to do with streaming.
Not a single other company who currently makes consoles in this industry has a streaming service OR made a streaming console except Sony. Not Nintendo, not Microsoft. Sony are actively trying to kill this industry and their ultimate goal is to lock people into PSnow. Cope harder shill.
Not in the west.
No one cares about what chinks play, we care about what people in the west play, and in the west, consoleniggers are all about that Fortnite and Fifa/NBA microtransaction shit.
their excuse is literally that it's okay because it's free-to-play. as if it's ever acceptable to spend even one cent on a microtransaction in any game.
>he doesn't know that you can connect to your own home system from anywhere
>he doesn't know the difference between enhanced options and going streaming-exclusive
Mmm no, it'll be more like digital games and paid online, where Sony/MSfags will gladly accept them, while a small minority pretends that they're fighting the system and not just directly feeding into it.
>Not in the west.
You keep repeating that shit without sources.
>Yea Forums has been full of threads all year where people are excited to pay blizzard a subscription fee so they can play the same game they played in 2004
>b-b-b-buh c-consoles
Stop being so pathetic mustard. We're talking about PC here. PCfags generally embracing DRM is not "fighting" regardless of anywhere else being even worse.
FUCK I knew this was coming but I didn't expect them to push it this early. I was thinking 2030 or some shit. FUCK SONY.
>He moves the goalposts
well there goes any chance of me buying ps5
It's always entertaining seeing consoleslaves fighting over which billionaire conglomerate is the least shitty.
If the others go full streaming, Nintendo will follow (look at what Furukawa said about streaming). They will take years for that though.
>he thinks his utter technical ignorance and zero reading comprehension means others are "moving goalposts"
not buying shit i don't like isn't fighting the system, user-kun. there is no added value to streaming services. if they had bothered to make games that were only possible with big iron behind the scenes, it could have gone somewhere, but all they really want to do is fill racks with extremely mediocre pcs to provide a worse service than i can already experience at the cost of taking a neflix-sized shit on the global internet infrastructure.
face it, we're doomed because gamers are unironically fucking sheeple that lap up whatever they can
>capitalism needs to end because corporations are wasting money on prospects that will likely go nowhere
Ahh yes, because DFO, a game whose NA version shut down 2 years ago, sure is popular in the west.
As is Crossfire, a game that no one in the west has heard of, Fifa Online, a game that's not even available in the west, and Blade and Soul, a game whose western version is pretty much irrelevant.
Meanwhile, on the console side, all the top performing games are popular western games with tons of microtransactions.
i kno based gaben is the only billionaire i trust to save gaymin
>He thinks a smug anime face makes his opinion seem anything but retarded
Enjoy your streaming console
They're not really wrong, (much as I hate it) but it's a LONG ways off because bandwidth hasn't nearly reached a point where it can handle the load to match even a low end PC without serious hitching and stutters.
>May 2019
good point, fellow pc chad!
*pays blizzard a subscription fee just to reserve a name in classic wow*
*buys a few more lootboxes in tf2*
*downloads five more bloatware launchers*
i'm glad we aren't as bad as those consolefags!
Doesn't matter, they'll push it anyways because they know at the end of the day people like you won't be able to stop them.
It'll be a thing
Consoles are already gimped as shit, people will gladly pay a subscription to play whatever they want on whatever display they have for a little more input lag, doesn't really matter for asscreed 54 anyways
Dedicated machines will stay a thing for enthusiasts
>it’s built into the system
It’s built into the system that they will try, it being accepted by the populace is not. Unfortunately, people are morons.
>The amount of cope in this post
>no mention of windows 10
it's like you don't understand just how fucked 'pc'drones are.
Why do consolefags still think WoW and TF2 are popular?
Are you guys all stuck in 2010 or something?
Technologically they are
>in music, streaming supplanted the sales model
Another difference is that you "consume" a song in 4 minutes. So it makes perfect sense to pay for a service to gain access to a huge library if you're going to consume hundreds or even thousands of items per month.
Who does this with games? Since I bought Mario Maker 2 I haven't played any other game. Why on earth would I pay for a monthly service with thousands of options since a single game takes up several weeks to play?
>Fifa Online, a game that's not even available in the west, and Blade and Soul, a game whose western version is pretty much irrelevant.
Neither of those games are in the list.
wow is still one of the highest-grossing games on pc and tf2 still has a huge lootbox economy. both are discussed constantly on Yea Forums as well.
This thread is amazing.
I can't wait to see what new way Microsoft and Sony will find to fuck consoleniggers raw.
These are the same guys whose platforms can't even open a third party filemanager yet have the balls to talk about Windows 10 being shit.
As a Sonybro I do have to admit I am very scared of Xbox next gen and most of all scared of Phil
>he thinks his own imagination is real
Enjoy COPING over Sony still having a normal console and winning once again.
god I wish
we might actually get some good shit
>Outing yourself this easily
Thanks for playing user
Phil is a moron.
TF2 is still in the top 10 played games on steam at all times, and I'm sure WoW still has a million blizzdrones left.
It's just so many new plebs have entered videogames that the numbers of the top games are inflated by a plethora of normalfags and children
Ahh yes, because Fifa Online 3 is a completely different game from Fifa Online 1.
But the point still remains, DFO isn't popular in the west, Fantasy Westward is China-only, Crossfire isn't popular in the west, World of Tanks is mainly Russia and China, and Fifa Online 3 is China.
>nintendo popularises mid gen hardware upgrades
>microsoft popularises online subscriptions
>sony popularises game streaming
Of the 3 Sony's contribution is the worst though. Not even "just buy a PC" remedies that. We're going to start seeing new console revisions every few years now thanks to what Nintendo did with the new 3ds but simply buying a PC to play these multiplats fixes that. We're seeing paid sub models on all consoles because of xbox live back in 2002 but once again buying a PC for free online fixes that. No one will be able to get round companies going full streaming in the next 10 years thanks to Sony. If you give Sony money you're contributing to the downfall of this industry. Fact.
Either TF2 is still that good or nothing has been made to rival it
Press S to spit on Xbox
>Ahh yes, because Fifa Online 3 is a completely different game from Fifa Online 1.
I just have seen. I'm a retard.
WoW was one of the highest grossing games for June of 2019.
It hasn't been on any other annual superdata list since like 2014.
And TF2 hasn't been on the list since like 2015.
Sorry m8, but when it comes to microtransactions, western consolefags are much more cancerous than western PCfags.
Hell, I'd even go so far as to say that ALL non-Chinese PCfags are less cancerous than ALL non-Chinese consolefags when it comes to that.
>the secret is that the product has to be "Good enough"
Yes, but that bar is so low that Captain Marvel and Fallout 4 pass it.
yes, in every civilized country in the world that isnt 56k bumfuck america
sony isn't innocent, sony deployed that psnow shitshow before any of these fuckos
if anything, that establishes sony as the one leading the mistake
They can suck my cock. GOG for life and may all streaming/rental services die.
But Sony's pushing for game streaming too and Microsoft already said they're keeping the disc-based consoles forever so you're full of shit.
Like what? Resident Evil 7 and AC?
It's all on the fuckers like Capcom and Ubisoft that wont bother doing the porting.
Call me when the first party devs do it.
Humble Trove is good.
again, ignoring the difference between optional and forced.
nobody cares about streaming if it's just an option on the side for retards to waste their money on, like psnow is. forced streaming, like what microsoft and google are working on, is horrible.
>Why on earth would I pay for a monthly service with thousands of options since a single game takes up several weeks to play?
Because the price compared to what you get is proportional to music streaming. The price of a song on iTunes from what I remember was like a dollar or some piss cheap price like that. You're paying like 10 dollars a month for a service like spotify. When it comes to games the usual price is $60 so if you're paying that same $10 a month for a game sub service to play several hundred games then it still works out as a good deal if you actually take the time to play it. Obviously if it takes you literal months to finish a game then buying it is probably better but that's why we have options. More options are always better. I paid like 1 buck for that PC gamepass thing and I managed to finish like 4 games in that month including Prey which is a medium length game so I got hella value out of it and would have even if I paid the $5 a month or however much they said the normal price was. Origin access is like $30 a year and I've played hella games on that like all the batman games in the last year.
Eh mid gen refreshes werent THAT new. Sega was way worse in the 80's and 90's with that shit. So much so that it killed them as a hardware manufacturer.
>They're not really wrong, (much as I hate it) but it's a LONG ways off because bandwidth hasn't nearly reached a point where it can handle the load to match even a low end PC without serious hitching and stutters.
But user, it's not about bandwidth even in theory, it's LATENCY. And latency depends on distance and the speed of light, there is no getting around it, ever. I actually have gigabit fiber and a good ISP at home, semi-rural area of New England. Stack from an ethernet connected device in my house (which is fairly decent Ubiquiti gear) to a near by local server generally adds about 4-5 ms of latency. So that's basically the min, anything farther away will be worse. For 90 FPS (which is pretty the min of what's needed for VR since we're talking future here), you've got a budget of about 11ms RTT. So best case scenario (no processing included!) the servers need to be at most 3.5ms away from me. Speed of light is 300 million m/s. Speed of standard fiber is 70% lightspeed. Do another 70% to very roughly account for non-los. So like, maximum of 320 miles. Add a few ms needed to actually process and now it's more like 100-150 miles tops. So like 200+ datacenters to cover the USA, each of which must have enough blade servers to provide hardware for every single customer at peak usage AND average local travelers. And the processing/rendering budget is still ludicrously tight there vs local hardware.
It just doesn't work. Giving up on 90 and dropping to 60 fps (16.7ms) makes it mildly better, but it's still a huge disadvantage vs local hardware. There isn't any getting around that, there just aren't that many milliseconds to work with and traveling distance and bouncing through networks consumes them.
I got all of the games you mentioned in your post for free thanks to piracy.
Not sure why I'd waste money on a subscription service.
TF2 has declined in quality quite a bit thanks to compfags talking the dev team into pushing esports-focused updates.
TF2 has never been popular for its esport scene, and since its closest competition is based entirely on esports, TF2 hasn't had any real competition.
What forced streaming? Nobody is forcing streaming except google. Microsoft have literally said they are going to make consoles for the foreseeable future and streaming is going to be too shit for the next 10 years for it to be viable to the masses and all their games will be playable local. Hell their current competitor to PSnow is a service which only let's you play games locally as opposed to streaming like PSnow.
>B-but it's optional with Sony
They're just preparing to ram it in your ass idiot.
Not him but Sony recently talked about dropping hardware in the future and going full streaming something the CEO of Microsoft stated directly that, that is what they're not doing with theirs.
First we need to make a human that can live longer for us to do that.
Also for reference, my ping time to and, Cloudflare and Google's distributed DNS system respectively, are about 10-11ms. They're REALLY good (along with Akamai) at worldwide localizing distribution, so a good sanity check on such promises, they will usually be as good as you'd see out of any general distributed commercial datacenter access.
>Not owning your games, operative system nor dedicated hardware, will be the norm, says multibillion dollar corporation
microsoft might as well be ramming it in your ass already.
>They're just preparing to ram it in your ass idiot.
Just like getting rid of discs? You think immediately following massively winning by capitalizing on Microsoft doing something fucktarded, this time around they'll just play follow the leader? For something that makes no sense in their biggest market? Your hateboner has stopped the blood from flowing to your brain user.
Remember that Sony recently made a partnership with Microsoft for cloud streaming. How does that feel console war nigger?
You can't even download updates in standby on ps4 without having to pay them. That right there is a sign of the future.
I thought that I don't, but I think I'd rater be.
So, can you recommend a decent gamer anti-streaming gay bar?
>More options are always better
Sadly, no. Devil is in details.
Get dabbed on consoleniggers, this is the future you deserve.
Never said they werent. They both dont want to be late to this streaming thing.
bros..... i'm scared
keep coping, Microsoft might be fucking us now, but that doesn't mean Sony is unzipping it's pants
>Implying I even own a no game console
Too bad for you retard.
fuck consoleslaves
Not him but I can already see you third world shit heads defending Sony when they one day go full streaming.
It wasn't supposed to be like this...
Consoles were supposed to be safe from this...
Why is this happening?
God, I can't take it anymore.
No one deserves this.
Of all the things that have happened in this industry so far none of them even compare to the fuckery of $599. Judging by what insiders are saying about PS5 it's also going to be at least 599. They just never learn do they these executives at Sony.
Apple uses Microsoft too. And Amazon, and Google. They fabricated and got stuff from Samsung until well after their big fight.
None of which means they are friends or partners. This isn't like your highschool faggot circle user, big corps are a lot more cold blooded dealing with what they have to with one division even while they're fighting another. There are no "friends" or "enemies" just "business interests". Azure isn't doing very well vs Amazon, so they're offering tons of incentive pricing and such for every win they can. Sony needs scalable services. Microsoft's cloud division, which is a different silo then the Xbox one, cheerfully offered them better pricing. The end. If it's ever a problem Sony (or anyone else on Azure) could trivially migrate to AWS/GCP. That's part of the whole point of using cloud services in the first place. Are you 12?
It's over. Xbox lost forever.
Thread should have ended here.
If anyone deserves this, it's consolefags.
This is what happens when you revel in lowering the industry's standards for decades, ruining entire genres for your quick fix.
Enjoy it, because it's 100% deserved.
>dodging the question
That's how desperate you are to try to turn this into Sony. You can't come up with any believable reality where Sony won't just pull a repeat of this generation and turn it into a winner for them again.
But it's PCfags who have always ruined everything and made the most bottom barrel garbage.
the fuck are you talking about lmao
Hackers will figureout how to "rip" the clud back end and run a local copy.
Fuck ze cloud
>Of all the things that have happened in this industry so far none of them even compare to the fuckery of $599.
just because you couldn't afford a ps3 at launch doesn't mean it even comes close to paid online, paid dlc, and microtransactions - all of which were pioneered by microsoft, not sony.
Cloud gaming actually threatens console manufacturers because with streaming the hardware loses its purpose.
Anyone who contributed to turning this thread into consolewar gaia bullshit deserves this.
>locking such a basic little feature behind a paywall
I knew consoles were shit but every day I learn that it's far worse than I ever imagined.
And this is also why you deserve it.
Too pathetic to even own up to how you've fucked up, hence why I'll take pleasure in your pain.
Suffer, it makes my dick hard.
Do you think Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo own the sweatshops that make their devices?
you should wake up and recognize that mobile gaming fags are your actual enemies
It came from a guy. Not a government.
Maybe they are using better tachyions than OnLive.
>repeating this gen
Not when Microsoft and Nintendo are back, plus they've been arrogant assholes again, it's going to come back to bite them again.
Nah, mobilefags are irrelevant when it comes to actual games.
Consolefags are basically mobilefags except they have an impact on the actual industry outside of shitty match 3 games and asset flips.
>turning this thread into consolewar gaia bullshit
This thread was /pol/ shit. It was a nice change.
Not even them but Sony's success has nothing to do with anything they did themselves. It was completely related to what their competitors did. Had the Wii U and Xb1 not been flops out of the gate which left the ps4 as the only logical option for most people then we wouldn't be seeing this kind of success. If Sony were to "pull a repeat" of this gen they would need nintendo and Microsoft to fuck up massively again which we all know won't happen. The switch is selling like crazy and outsold the ps4 in japan in lifetime sales and outsold it in the USA in 2018. Microsoft have invested in studios and games so they absolutely can't have a worse gen than they had now where even if you discard cross platform as a factor, the xbox never had many good first party games anyway. Next gen womt be anywhere near as one sided as this one was and anyone who isn't a deluded fanboy can see that.
You know that shit like digitalization and lootboxes started from PC? Right?
microsoft is ba-
>no games
>forced streaming
>censored xbox live
good luck with that.
>Not even them but Sony's success has nothing to do with anything they did themselves.
they made the best product themselves. they earned their success. you're just going to have to cope with that.
I agree, Nintendo is back.
I actually managed to get quite a few wins online on CTR via remote play since I was on vacation in the US when the game came out, but I still felt the lag.
When I got home a tried the game again I felt like Vegeta coming out of the gravity training room.
And was popularized on consoles.
Which, again, is why you deserve this.
You can't even admit this, you instead focus on who started it rather than who allows it to continue (namely, you).
It's why I will take pleasure in your suffering, I hope you never get to hold a physical game in your hands or enjoy a game without shelling out for microtransactions ever again, because it's what you asked for.
no mobile shit is the greatest cancer across all of computing. every operating system, website, and user interface gets retooled around trying to integrate into a mobile diaper
meanwhile you are still crying about gear of war or something other garbage
why do mega corporations keep trying to ruin video games, must be some kind of monetary value in it, its like they are mad they don't have a monopoly on it or some shit
>no games
They're coming next gen
>forced streaming
>censored xbox live
At least they ain't censoring games, if they did that I would drop them.
Fucking hardly, if at all.
Okay, but supposing the game can be purchased without associating it with a service, would you continue to pay for the monthly fee, knowing that you might not be playing anything in the month other than the game you bought?
Then let's say you canceled the service for a month but want to go back to it, but realize that 15 days from now another game that is not in service will be released. Will you pay now to play only two weekends?
What if you are interested in games from many different companies, and they are scattered across multiple services? Are you going to sign them all and start spending the equivalent of buying games direct from Steam sales?
It doesn't seem that convenient for me. Of course, it's an interesting thing and it's good to have the option. But I don't see how this could be the "future", and not just an option that probably a lot of people won't opt for (unless companies force us to subscribe to services, which would make people opt for piracy) .
This is also threatens the "Build your own PC" in the future Microsoft is going to provide renting services to you.
Do you want a PC with a Titan on the cloud? 5.99 a month son
With what? A console that doesnt have 3rd party games like the other two? kek
>Nah, mobilefags are irrelevant when it comes to actual games.
>And was popularized on consoles.
are you fucking serious?
TF2 literally invented lootboxes and Steam is the most popular digital distributor of games
I can barely get physical copies of PC games anymore, but the shelves of console games are fucking stocked
Whatever you think doesn't change the fact everyone else isn't fucking up going into next gen like they did this gen. It will be hotly contested from the off.
Most consolefags are also mobilefags so it's a moot point.
Just look at how many consoleniggers on Yea Forums are phoneposters.
Video games make more money than movies and television, precisely because of MTX.
I know Microsoft is back too, isn't it great to see red and green return?
>They're coming next gen
microsoft can't even release a graphics pack for minecraft anymore, let alone an exclusive game for xbox.
>At least they ain't censoring games
can't censor games when you don't have any games.
It's more stupidity than anything. They wanna be on the cutting edge of the next big trend in gaming cause beating out everyone else is a huge advantage. Problem is they're trying to guess without knowing the first thing about the technology involved and so they just see "Oh Netflix is popular, what if Netflix for video games" without having any understanding of what issues such a thing would face.
And soon that won't be the case, and I'll laugh even harder.
And TF2 doesn't even come close to Fifa, a game that pulls in almost $1 billion every year from microtransactions alone.
Again, you deserve to suffer.
it's just rent-seeking.
Watch in 6 years or so Cloud Gaming will become the next big trend
it's over as soon as mark cerny gets up on stage, inserts a ps1 disc into the ps5, and starts playing the game. get ready for another 100+ million sold.
>Just look at how many consoleniggers on Yea Forums are phoneposters.
Yea Forums in general is like 70-90% phoneposters now, even /g/ now has a thread dedicated to a Yea Forums browser app.
Stop being so fucking edgy. The problem isn't PC or console, the problem are filthy fucking whales validating and vindicating garbage business practices
You've been silent on mobile games too, even though they're the most disturbing example
Going to need a source showing the next xbox is going to be a Microsoft version of PSTV with only streaming available and no disks or digital downloads for games. I'll wait.
>microsoft can't even release a graphics pack for minecraft anymore, let alone an exclusive game for xbox.
So, Minecraft is sit.
>can't censor games when you don't have any games.
When they do they don't censor them.
Nah there's the PS5 and Scarlett. Wait for the 10th gen maybe.
Just watch, 2025 will be the year of linux on the desktop.
Yea Forums-related shitpost >>> /pol/-related shitpost.
>So, Minecraft is sit.
still waiting for a new exclusive xbox game that can't be played anywhere else.
>When they do
they don't.
>Stop being so fucking edgy.
Make me nigger, you faggots have been slinging shit for years and now you get to suffer for your stupidity, so I'm going to celebrate.
And mobileniggers and consoleniggers are one in the same, so I don't give a fuck.
>inserts a ps1 disc into the ps5
That would be pretty cool but I doubt it. PS4 back compat is a guarrantee though.
Well he's right
obviously /g/ is all phone posters. the board is for astroturf phone ads
And most of those phoneposters are consoleniggers, by definition, since anyone who actually games on PC would also post here on their PC.
Unless they're just shitposters.
>Not even them but Sony's success has nothing to do with anything they did themselves
It has everything to do with what they did themselves. They made the best choices. It was their own decision to make the PS4 a focused piece of gaming hardware and that's it, no expensive gimmicks sucking up BOM. It took Microsoft and Nintendo shitting the bed to give them a runaway hit that was both better AND cheaper which normally should never happen, but if they hadn't made smart good choices then those missteps by competitors wouldn't have been something they could capitalize on. Luck isn't something you make, but the ability to take advantage of it IS something you make for yourself.
>It was completely related to what their competitors did.
Like LITERALLY THIS? How the fuck are you making an argument AGAINST Sony taking advantage of what their competitors are doing here again?
>you have access to a PC desktop 24/7
>"PCfags are fucking cancer, you guys started all this, fuck you, dead platform, enjoy your nogaems!"
>"W-we all need to come together, we're not the REAL problem, i-it's mobilefags, THEY'RE the true evil of the industry!"
Go drown in piss you cuntwaffle.
>popularized on consoles
No I'm pretty sure they were popularized by wildly popular, PC exclusive F2P games like MapleStory and Dungeon & Fighter, the latter of which is still the second highest grossing PC game as of 2019. PChinks literally created and popularized the microtransaction industry, shit like FIFA and GTAV are just pale imitations.
I bet you miss Don Mattrick right about now.
i miss sega.
>Cloud gaming is “inevitable”
So is the next video game crash.
>everyone else isn't fucking up going into next gen like they did this gen
This thread is literally about Microsoft fucking up going into next gen like they did in this gen, and people arguing that it'll present yet another golden opportunity to Sony which Sony will then just capitalize on. Again.
Nintendo just plain isn't directly competing period, they've given up on that. If they change their minds FUCKING AWESOME SNES ERA AGAIN GLORIOUS. But they show no signs of it.
>search for forced streaming on xbox and ps5
>not a single result anywhere
Where is everyone getting this "forced streaming" nonsense from? Are consoleslaves so desperate to please their corporate overlords that they need to come up with speculative shit like this to?
Maybe start bitching about being forced to pay for online you retarded drones lol
>still waiting for a new exclusive xbox game that can't be played anywhere else.
Does it matter, console gamers don't give a fuck about PC and never have. Xbox games are't ever coming to other consoles unless they make sense.
>they don't.
You're right there, they don't censor games like Sony, glad we came to an agreement.
But Yea Forums told me stream gaming is perfectly viable
>I can play bloodborne on my pc haha btfo based psnow
I'm not talking about people who post here while on their phone at the gym or something, I'm talking about people who ONLY post on their phone, because they don't own a PC, like most of the consoleniggers on Yea Forums nowadays.
Yep, and now console premium games have the same shit as F2P games on PC, and said microtransactions make billions of dollars on consoles every year.
I hope we get to popularize MORE shit that fucks over consoleniggers, because your suffering is 100% deserved.
i use vnc to post on Yea Forums from my 4chin/irc box, wherever i am, so i can keep all of my images and logs in one isolated toilet.
If you're even following the news about PS5 back compat you'll see how Sony are struggling to even get ps4 back compat without having literally identical hardware. The one time they had actual back compat they has a small ps2 within the console itself. Current PS5 specs from authentic insiders and data miners have the PS5 using 36 CU GPU which is identical to the ps4 pro for max compatibility. If you know about the ps4 pro you'd know to get back compat with ps4 games it has to turn off half its CUs to match the base ps4 specs to get the games to run without bugging out. If they have to do all this shit to get just ps4 back compat then they aren't getting ps1 and ps2 or even ps3 back compat. Cerny might be a good hardware engineer but the Sony software engineers are brain dead retards.
>Does it matter
yes it does matter. without exclusives, the xbox is nothing but an overpriced paperweight.
>You're right there
yeah, i am right about them not getting games. thanks for noticing.
>Console war niggers arguing on who gets to be fucked first.
Who cares? You faggots are getting fucked regardless of platform.
So be it, modern games are basically DLC, MTX virtual casinos shit
I would just rather play old games than modern shit
So long as the rest of you niggers get fucked right alongside me I don't even care.
they've already patented full backwards compatibility all the way back to the ps1. start coping now, sony's about to sell another 100+ million consoles.
>640k should be enough for anybody
2 indirectly-related-to-politics posts > 500 posts of underage b&s throwing shit at each other over which of their papa's corporate dick tastes the best. Unironically take it back to neogaf.
are you a content creator but you don't have a good pc? here at google™ we render your 8k shitty video, are you watching a pewdiepie let's play? just click bellow to play the game with no loadings thanks to Stadia™, do you want to rent a computer no problem, just for 9.99
what OS do you want? ubuntu? just click it
PC chads wont have to do deal with this shit since PC is an open platform. And at worse, there's piracy.
Except they haven't. Show me one patent which explicitly states ps1, ps2 and ps3 back compat.
>Where is everyone getting this "forced streaming" nonsense from?
From Microsoft Xbox head Phil Spencer. He says it's "years away" though. Also Ubisoft's CEO.
>No physical media
Guess I won't be buying any consoles, next gen. Fine by me, I guess. There still a lot of older stuff I haven't gotten to play yet. Maybe Nintendo won't stab me in the back.
>literally shitflinging over something that hasn't even happened yet
>meanwhile they're getting fucked in the ass right now and they're gleefully ignoring it
The life of a consoleslave must be miserable.
>Maybe Nintendo won't stab me in the back.
DLC. And mobile shit. So maybe not in a few years but they will one day.
Again none of these companies are your friends.
You'd have to dig pretty hard to find a thread like that.
Some shill thread with 3 replies or something
There is no forced streaming. It will take like 20 years before we can completely transition to game streaming. Before then we'll probably only have streaming to complement the home console, not to replace it.
>Microsoft: Cloud gaming is “inevitable”
LOL no.
Phil Spencer literally saved Xbox and put it back on track with gaming, Don was a suit that allowed other suits to take over Xbox and turn it into shit from 2009-2016.
Yea Forums trying to create another narrative.
>yes it does matter. without exclusives, the xbox is nothing but an overpriced paperweight.
Right, so is that why the highest selling games on consoles and PCs multiplats?
keep thinking that.
>yeah, i am right about them not getting games. thanks for noticing.
I know they're not censoring games, that's going to come back and bite Sony.
>that's going to come back and bite Sony.
It already is. Japan hates Sony's guts because of this and it's big news there. The switch has already outsold the ps4 lifetime sales there in under half the time because a lot of people dislike Sony now.
t. Have relatives in japan
>that's going to come back and bite Sony.
Hopefully and eventually, but it might take a while. Nintendo got away with it for a good long time. It depends on competitors actually capitalizing on the weakness, but if they all shit the bed it could slide for years. That's why Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot would really suck, we need them in it and going after markets that Sony is getting too complacent about.
Remember when the government gave internet providers 4 billion dollars to improve our country’s internet infrastructure and they did nothing
except there have been companies that tried running datacenters extremely close and even with dedicated GPUs for each user and there was still latency
Xbox is going the way of Sega.
remember when google was a nice search engine with a minimalist ui and ads you didn't notice
those were the days
>"See PC-grade graphics for next to nothing"
>pay $300+ over the course of the standard console gen
>don't get any of the good exclusives
>can't play without internet
>can't play during prime time if you have mediocre internet like 99% of the country
>can't play off of prime time if you have mediocre internet because ISP needs to run maintenance
>lag spikes and compression
>likely you'll still be buying anything that isn't top 5 shit
If you buy this for any reason but intermittent AAA gaming, please consider education.
I think you mixed Xbox up with PlayStation.
You mean they'll make good games? I hope so. Sega games are some of the best japanese games. Hopefully MS can go back to their 2006-10 period where they made some of the best western games.
Eh this whole backlash with Sony censoring things has nothing to do with Nintendo doing well in Japan. They've always done well there despite the expection being the WiiU.
Sony just doesnt see Japan ad the big market to cater to anymore. That place has gone to the US and the West on general.
Just look at their studios.
>2006-10 period where they made some of the best western games.
I was hoping for actual discussion but it's "capitalism bad"
No you're just a fragile bitch.
It was only /pol/ shit like for 100 posts at best.
I hope so. Xbox is so shit nowadays that it might as well get ready for a Dreamcast burial.
This guy is a jew right?
Apparently no. Which is worse.
he's a childless dude with cancer
too lazy to investigate if his wife is druish, since i already have more than enough explanation for why he's the way he is
>Less competition is good.
So you want to get fucked in the ass by Sony this much?
>Then you finally get the focus group to agree that your software is worth $25 a month, and then you ask them how much they would pay for a permanent license and the same people just won’t go a penny over $100. People seriously can’t count.
>hurrr Nintendo isn't competition
>getting offended by people saying fuck the rich faggots doing gay shit
That's some powerful onions.
Well yeah they arent. If you want a home console with all 3rd party content and maybe some exclusives here and there, you're certainly not picking any Nintendo console. And that was the case ever since the N64.
>Less competition is good.
According to Phil it is.
Because I don't give a fuck about what's trendy on PC right now. I like character action and fighting games but I don't like paying for p2p gameplay, having no freedom to mod and worrying about if my collection will forever be tied to one fragile black rectangle that will never improve. How are you this fucking dense?
Yes, what is most popular on PC is fucking aids. Yes, first parties doing exclusives makes sense but you have to recognize that PC is the most pro-consumer platform, if something gets delisted you just fucking pirate it. If PC got every game we would have nothing to worry about because on PC the users ultimately have all the power you fucking simpletons. If a game comes to PC it is in most cases the community's forever and you need to fucking realize that already. This whole accursed board does.
This will happen because "consumers" demand convenience because they are mindless drones. Don't forget Netflix, Hulu, etc. don't forget Spotify or Apple Music, Photoshop becoming a subscription service (everything is moving into the field of subscription, you're hooked for life, it's the same reason why there are no longer any "cures" only "treatments") they already attempted this once before, at least, with that game streaming service whose name I can't for the life of me remember.
This is all irrelevant because the games that will be on the cloud are the AAA games and new games, video games like most other mediums have declined, arts in general have declined because they've become commodified, made for business instead of art. Now don't get me wrong, you'll still find new art house film, new bands in various sub-genres, new games from independent developers like Kenshi, Dwarf Fortress, etc. but AAA games are very similar to Hollywood movies, in that they are almost all devoid of quality.
I assume everyone here has a massive backlog, or at least if you don't you should prepare one, of the classics that already exist. Prepare yourself for the equivalent of "Netflix originals" or "Amazon originals" in the game world, and start looking for quality content in the past, the future across all fields will just get worse with each year.
Yeah, they aren't. Nintendo has their own fanbase that is going to continue buying Nintendo. They don't directly compete the way that Sony and Microsoft did.
pc and console should try to reduce barriers as much as possible as a bulwark against mobile garbage tbqh
It's okay. Sony still views Microsoft as completion.
Nobody on PC has ever been against crossplay, it's console companies that stall all of the progress with that, much like they stall the progress on everything else.
>Prepare yourself for the equivalent of "Netflix originals" or "Amazon originals" in the game world
Aren't those the console exclusives? Hell, even Humble Bundle co-funds games.
Good job proving his point. People will still create shit no matter what kind of system they live in.
Well, he is a third worlder, they all enjoy being fucked in the ass.
They're not
I'm all for stuff like cross platform play. But first party exclusives are a necessary evil in order to perpetuate competition in the console space.
From what we see this gen, they sure as shit dont feel like Microsoft is competition.
>greed can be controlled
You fool.
Yes, it can be controlled with guns.
Cloud gaming isn't going to happen, it's one of those things suits throw money at because it's believable enough to the people directly above them and the off chance of it working out is worth billions.
Cloud computing is incredibly profitable because it offers easy scaling, global reach and low cost for people who buy the servers. It works because you can can service multiple people with the same resource.
You can serve multiple websites from the same server box because even if a some guy waits 3 seconds for the response it doesn't matter.
With games you have a different behavior, the demand curve and the data volume is completely unlike serving websites. Firstly because of the demand curve over time being completely different. People game at specific times, during the week this will be in the evening, but you will also have peaks after major releases. With the old cloud you could mix and match demand for different sites, maybe even for different locations so your resources always made money, with GaaS you can't use that pay as you go model and you don't really use that hardware most of the time.
What's more you can't allocate resources from one part of the world to help with demand in another part of the world due to lag.
All the observed benefits of the cloud are not there for GaaS, if you think about it logically it's totally obvious.
But that is not all, if you've noticed visuals are on their way out, people have observed how every next generation lacks the graphical jumps of the past, will the extra particles really sell people on renting virtual hardware when they get lag and compressed video?
The classical cloud answer would be to point out how cheap it would be, but the prices they're announcing aren't cheap and as I pointed out the usual sources of saving in the cloud aren't there.
So people who are depressed and do nothing are shills but those who do nothing but whine are not shills? Neither side does anything, you're no different except one has given up and the other erroneously thinks you can spread awareness to other people who spread awareness to other people who spread awareness to other people ...
You are literally exactly the same in terms of action, your ego is the only thing creating a separation because you think you're actually doing something.
well it can be stymied by the greed of others.
we're not solving the universe, we're just looking for better attractors