I'll start
ITT: Biggest hacks of the industry
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I would rape that granny with a chainsaw if I wasn't gay.
Why is she a hack?
You shut your damn mouth.
Reminder that Naughty Dog canned her because she's a controlling freak who doesn't know shit about games
Because everyone here loves her, so OP being druckman is a giant fagcunt
except that sjw king neil cuckman took over ND and kicked her out cuz she wanted to make Uncharted 4 a fun game, not a sjw pandering crap that cuckman turned it into
Who's that and why do you hate her?
Game director and writer. He biggest series were probably Uncharted and Legacy of Kain.
Riiiiiight.... More like Uncharted 3 was in development hell because she's incompetent as fuck. She's the reason that game turned out to be the shittest one
You say what you will about Druckmann but the series is in far better hands than hers and made sure Uncharted 4 turned out pretty damn good
>made sure Uncharted 4 turned out pretty damn good
Idk, check mpgh.
She's sexy would fuck
But she's not the reason why the game is pure shit
>cast him in.jpg
>She's sexy would fuck
>But she's not the reason why the game is pure shit
You're right, it was the people in charge's fault.
Who is this semen demon
4 is objectively superior to 3 in every possible way.
Everything people blame on her is actually Druckman's fault though, and her departure is part of why Naughty Dog has gone deeper down the SJW rabbit hole
Nice argument fag. Seeth more that Last of Us 2 will break 20 million copies
>chooses not to show the kike honker
You can't hide the truth user. Hennig wasn't the problem, the problem is the people there now.
So I guess Last of Us 2 is having trouble and they sent some spergburgler to shit on the older game or did something upset Barry's autism again
4 is the only good Uncharted game. It's the only one that has character development and for once the gunplay didn't feel completely weightless. Also the grappling hook added an extra layer to platforming, which was previously boring and barebones.
Based taste user. shame I can't say the same about these clowns
2 is the best, but frankly they're all movie games.
U4 was ight. the final third of the game drags too long and too much sjw crap
thought it was hambulger helper for a moment
>movie games
you were making sense until you decided to go full brainlet and use a Yea Forums meme buzzword that has no real meaning
2 had all that dumb Yeti shit and a lame villain. And again, guns felt like shit to use and the platforming was mindless.
>nu Naughty Dog
Yeah, I don't see any here.
They are though. Don't get me wrong, I had fun in 2, but it's not exactly a technical masterpiece in the actual gameplay section. Uncharted has always been more about "playing" a story instead of playing a game.
Hamburger Helper was an even bugger hack than this bitch
Way to describe the entire series. Truly a master examiner.
It's pretty well known that ND fired her because of her ''misogynist'' views.
Basically she went to a game congress to tell about her process of story writing and mentioned UC's series portrayal of male comradery (between Drake and Sully), which is what she was going to emphasize in UC4, moreso than in 3 because the story of that one sucked and its development was rushed as fuck, giving her no time to write a natural storyline also because the team was thinking in setpieces.
Returned to work and was told that that was a big no-no. There is literally no other faggot working within ND that is more of a faggot than Cuckman, so you can be pretty sure he was the main driving force in her being 'let go'.
Ok. Explain to me in detail what was so different with ND pre-UC4?
>Yea Forums suddenly talking about how great Uncharted 1-3 were and how 4 sucks ass
Why is Yea Forums so fucking tsundere for Sony? You faggots will suck off Sony’s last gen offerings like there’s no tomorrow then shit all over their current output. When the PS3 was current, “Oh the PS2 was so great PS3 has no games fuck Sony,” and when the PS4 came out it was suddenly, “Oh the PS3 was so great PS4 has no games fuck Sony,” and when the PS5 inevitable comes out it will be, “oh the PS4 was so great PS5 has no games fuck Sony”.
>Doesn't know shit about games
>Literally was making games in the early 90's
>The person that is now in charge was only playing games in the early 90's
Bar 4, which had a villain whose name I can at least remember, better platforming and guns that actually had a punch.
It's not anyones fault but your own that you have a flies attention span.
not every autistic person on Yea Forums is Barry.
Amy is based.
t. Jew
By that logic MGS & turn based JRPGs may as well be movie games.
Amy wrote Legacy of Kain, she knows more about games than any pretentious half wit currently working at Naughty Dog.
>movie games
Nice buzzwords. Heavy Rain is a movie game. Until Dawn is a movie game. Uncharted isn't
Do you really not understand the difference user? I don't like making fun of the legitimately disabled.
user, don't worry, the shitposter is just underage
>wrote legacy of kain
are you mentally ill?
what the fuck is she even doing now, last I heard she was working on some star wars game that got shitcanned it's really fucking sad that one of the few cases of a respected woman in the industry that earned that respect instead of just screeching until SJWs gave it to her gets treated like that
>Heavy Rain is a movie game. Until Dawn is a movie game. Uncharted isn't
You seem to have a good grasp on what movie games are. Why would you even argue against Uncharted being one?
Uncharted is a series designed for people with low attention spans
Because those are games that are largely just qtes and dialogue choices.
Uncharted is largely a third person shooter/platformer, it may have "cinematic" set pieces, but there is still plenty of proper running and gunning.
Making an indie game apparently.
LoK permanently disqualifies her, try again.
>Uncharted is largely a third person shooter/platformer
That's where you're wrong tho. It's just a few set-pieces that tie together cutscenes, and the cutscenes are where the majority of the action happens.
Have you ever played an Uncharted game? The first game has about 3 set pieces in total and everything in between is just shooting. It ironically has more gameplay than most of the VN tier games Yea Forums parades around.
Spoken like someone who hasn't actually played uncharted. There are plenty of standard combat segments. 4 probably had the least of them, which was a shame since that was the first installment the combat really shined, but it made up for it with more platforming segments that introduced new tools and mechanics for the first time in the series
>It ironically has more gameplay than most of the VN tier games Yea Forums parades around.
It is a VN tier game tho.
>Oh look, we added 2 corridors where you go through scripted encounters. Totally not a movie game guise :^))))))))))
Again, I had fun, but lets call it what it is.
Sounds like you just bought into memes about the series. 4 is the only truly story heavy installment
Why bother denying it senpai? There's literally nothing wrong with it enjoying movie games despite Yea Forums chimping out.
Spewing autistic buzzwords isn't what I'd call a substantial argument kiddo. If you're ready to partake in backing up your end of the debate them by all means.
This fucking talentless cunt.
What buzzword? Movie games is a descriptor, nothing more nothing less. I've already outlined why 2 sequenced corridors between cutscenes doesn't stop it from being a movie game. You're free to disagree. You'll be wrong, but that's your right too. I don't see the issue honestly.
Oh I enjoy movie games as much as the next guy. I loved until dawn and can't wait for Man of Medan. I just wouldn't call Uncharted a movie game.
This is all regurgitated rumors. Stop passing it off as fact to defend your precious little hack Hennig
>muh movie game buzzword
uncharted fanboys out in full force today. Uncharted is 100% what Yea Forums would call a movie game though the actual term is "role playing game".
Yep, that's right. Uncharted, God of Onions, etc are actually fairly shallow rpgs with varying degrees of depth respectively but Uncharted sacrifices it the hardest for story telling.
Amy is based, Uncharted 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.
Whether or not Uncharted is a movie game, it is most certainly not an rpg you braindead dunce.
>t. Never played the games
You're a fuckin retard if you genuinely think that Uncharted is on the same level as Heavy Rain when it comes to being a "movie game". Like the other guy said, you must not have played the games because at least the first 3 the cutscene to gameplay ratio is nowhere near as bad as faggots like you make it out to be.
Actual hack
He's pulling the Extra Credits shitpost where they say games have multiple genres and aren't just THE ONE genre that most people refer that game to.
IE: NuGoW is a - 3rd Person, RPG (playing the role of Kratos), Action Adventure, Hack n' Slash, Puzzle game.
the only thing making me seethe is how easy it is for brain dead idiots like your parents to reproduce.
only one to have a boss fight at the end tho
Love how faggots here actually defend the piping hot shit that is 2
You know it's true, bitch.
Back in the days people were saying Knaak ruined Warcraft. If they only knew how bad things would turn out to be.
do it yourself, lying cunt
The games just got worse and worse during the Lionhead era and now they are just trash.
I still can't believe people backed Godus on Kickstarter, it's like they wanted to be betrayed like the guy that beat that Curiosity game.
Amy Hennig is not a good writer. The bulk of world building for the Legacy of Kain universe wasn't done by Amy Hennig, but by people like Denis Dyack, Ken McCulloch and Seth Carus from Silicon Knights. Hennig didn't even have any involvement with the first game, Blood Omen, and the majority of the writing for the second game, Soul Reaver, was done by others. After that, Amy Hennig took on a bigger role and surprise, the quality of the writing quickly plummeted, with poorly thought out retcons and convoluted time travel shenanigans for the sake of justifying more sequels.
Uncharted 3's story is shit. They literally admitted they first built the set pieces and afterwards tried to build a story around it. Also Chloe's ass was tuned down because of 'objectification'
Why do people even like this feminazi cunt? She didn't even write Legacy of Kain(literally just wrote Soul Reaver the one with the LEAST amount of story) and her Uncharted games were complete shit. Seems like the only reason anyone gives her any credit is because she doesn't have a cock between her legs and nu/v/ sucks anything that comes out of this dykes nasty cunt
>Hennig didn't even have any involvement with the first game
Why lie about this user? Pretty easy to check.
He's still worse.
Knaak killed it.
Golden raped its corpse.
>Yea Forums started shitting on Amy Hennig now
I thought that Yea Forums was fully delusional about the resettera invasion thing but now I believe it.
It's literally just one ND dickrider.
Uchikoshi, Kodaka and Kojima.
>got rid of the fountain of youth and the living pirates, central pillars of the game story, because his autism can't handle supernatural elements in a series that already had them
Yeah fuck that jew cunt.
>Why lie about this user? Pretty easy to check.
She didn't. She literally only was responsible for publishing duties or marketing or some shit, not actual development.
>she didn't have any involvement >:(((
>okay she did but not that much >:((((((
>Naughty trannies
Oh, the irony.
>Initially, she was credited as the design manager on Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain.
>"Video game designers often work as part of a team to create video games. They come up with the games' concepts, characters, setting, story, and game play. Designers must work with artists and programmers to create the scripting language and artistic vision for a game. "
Uh uh, she just handled some publishing and somehow became the Director, writer, and producer with "marketing or some shit" for the rest of the series. I hope you don't run out of epic pepe memes to continue your retarded shit.
Nice job refuting nothing there brainlet. You Hennigfags are actually fucking autistic
Cool, so you have no argument then. We're done.
I see that you're going for the wojacks now.
Based Beepzorz.
>so you have no argument then
Says the faggot who hasn't made one himself LMFAO
Uh oh! He's bringing out the pepes!
You clearly haven't played 3 or 4
The shit parts of 3 easily outweigh the shit parts of 4
In 3 you have gigantic fucking plot holes and Amy can write character dialogue well but is terrible at overarching story which is clearly shown throughout the 3rd game multiple times with pirates pretending to have Sully for no reason, getting stranded in the desert and finding enemies for no reason, Talbot having magic fucking powers for no reason and is never explained, drake's not actually drake OH WAIT LMAO THAT LITERALLY DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN IT ANYMORE etc.
>seething this much over a cartoon frog
Here's a free one user for your collection. You're going to need it next time you start to lose another argument
>Telling others to dilate while you dilate
That's gonna be a "yikes" from me, dawg.
> 3 you have gigantic fucking plot holes and Amy can write character dialogue well but is terrible at overarching story
Like seriously, why is this so hard for people to understand?