Dang Randy

Dang Randy...

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He's right you know

lol thread?

damn, he really can't let go huh?

Oldass RTS games had pinging way before that.

Wow, that's badass!

Yeah, but nobody played those.

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Brood War and Dofus had pinging in the late '90s and early 2000s, why is there suddenly this argument over wE DiD iT FiRsT? Because Apex figured out it's kinda useful in BR? Do you all want cookies for rediscovering basic game features?

Well he's not entirely wrong, it's just that since it's Randy doing the talking we know it's just him being pathetic once again

Nobody played brothers in arms? Thats the only good gearbox game you zoomer faggot

>post yfw you're not Randy BAD ASS Pitchford

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I think Randy once claimed he was on the spectrum. I don't think he's lying

there are no good gearbox games zoomer faggot

Who literally gives a fuck about pinging?

I can remember it from games 20 fucking years ago.

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Literal schizo

Don't remind me of BIA. Fuck you Randy.

>fun fact
But randy that fact isn't fun at all

im surprised he even mentions battleborne still, usually when you have something that flopped that fucking hard you act like it never happened

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halo custom edition is pretty good even if they did downgrade lighting/bump mapping

Thank you Randy, very cool!

Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!

Is he a lolcow at this point?

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Randy literally started a battleborn rule 34 subreddit and then posted a tweet about """accidently""" discovering it. He is absolutely shameless.


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Why is he so fucking insecure about it? Who gives a shit if Apex Legends did it first, its a great feature and a must have for every multiplayer game with no voice chat.
I only hope its as crazy extensive and perfect as it is in Apex

He's fucking obsessed with valve to the point he literally made up a story about how Valve was originally going to be called Gearbox until he won the game from Gabe in a game of poker.

A story that, when Gabe was asked, he didn't have any idea what the fuck Randy was on about.

Wow, I can't believe Gearbox invented generic army man looking somber in box cover.

Was there ever a doubt about that?

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Can someone explain to me why Randy physically looks so worthy of hate? What is it about that fucking face of his, and that dumb smile? I don't even know much about him, but he just seems so shamelessly pathetic. Is that what's called a "shit-eating grin"?


He has that "High on coke after having murdered several hookers" look

I really need a word-by-word explanation of what the hell did he mean by that.
I think Randy blocked a guy who asked him on twitter.

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fuck you opposing force was fine

it's jarring seeing someone who's 20 years older than me act like someone who's 10 years younger than me

He's one of those people who looks like he loves to be abused. I feel like I want to laugh at his stupid smiling face while spitting on it, and then laugh some more when he smiles at me.

The virgin Levine asked people not to fap to his daughterfu, but the Chad Randy starts a collection of his rule34.

How could one man be so badass?

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people mad a big deal about Apex pings because Fortnite didn't have them, and then fortnite quickly copied it, not because it was some novel game mechanic nobody had seen before

What the fuck is wrong with this guy

Can't believe he invented the ping. As expected from a true visionary badass.

I-I'm gonna sing a song

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Thank God I dodged the autism bullet

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Does his son stills sleeps in a castlebed?


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Yoko Taro is the biggest Chad, he outright asked people to send him porn.

More like gender-blended!

>hobby-grade campaign

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Fun fact: You were caught with child pornography on a USB that you left at medieval times a place for little kids

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Hideki Kamiya is kind of a chad too I guess. He saw all the porn of Bayonetta and got mad at the people drawing it because they were drawing her as submissive and not dominant.

He married a landwhale and performs fucking stage magic as his primary hobby. The dude is an obvious cuck and probably a pedophile, just like his new butt buddy Tim Sweeney.

5 years later and I still don't know what this is supposed to mean or convey.

Natural envy of his beautiful wife.

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Kamiya also has a tranny fetish. Guaranteed he likes to be pegged.

Based randy

battleborn thread?
sad randy

Someone with Twitter should ask him why he thought ripping off Destiny was a good idea after he already failed at trying to ripoff Overwatch.

based Kamiya-san

It means they had no idea what they were making

>abstract pizza art

why is that guitar so hideous?

He also gets EXTREMELY mad if someone draws bayo without her glasses.

Left 4 Dead did environment pinging in 2008

Twitter really makes people crazy

Pitchford is a legitimate sociopath.

It's a steel guitar you retard, have you literally never seen one?

Doubt he'll reply but there you go

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on it

Thank you based user, I hope that riles him up

>And what, I wonder, does good Solonius recieve for convincing me to spread cheeks and accept deeper ramming

Is Borderlands 3 the new Half-Life 3?

You capitalizing random fucking words in your sentence looks so god damn cringe

It all makes sense now

calm down randy

You giving two fucks about what i do in a twitter post that is supposed to harass somebody is also "cringe" you fag now fuck off

heres the nonreddit version

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I thought pings weren't in brood war, but were in wc3?

pick one

>frog avatar
>not reddit

>thinking Apu is Pepe
Lurk moar faggot

Aw look, retard rage. I like how you didn't capitalize random words in your reply, is the nigger monkey learning?


This is the most reddit post I've seen yet

then why were they not in borderlands 1 and 2 and pre-re-de-sequel, randy?
battleborn had it because it was a moba, but apex made it clear that it is useful in a shooter.
none of that is your achievement.

>t. reddit tourist

>using the term seething
Damn B you really are going for reddit gold here aren't you


Why do you need to tell lies that makes it appear that he is somehow protected from the law?
He is a joke of a person for all his real fuckups already, stop perpetrating this meme.

Let me guess is next going to be dilate i forget the other reddit terms

He's just a shitty person who can't deal with retards online.

have sex

Do you get the feeling he made a set of corrupted genie wishes as a child?

>I want to be a famous video game designer!
Ok, but you're famous for sucking at it and ripping off other original creations.
>I want a beautiful wife who loves me!
Ok but we're going to calcify the part of your brain that likes femininity and objectively attractive women. You like landwhales now.
>I want everyone to love me!
Sure, but it's because you remind them that no matter how much of a loser they are, there's always someone worse.

Honestly, how can he carry on...what in his life is even good at this point?

Rats i forgot about that one

Looks like it was patched into Brood War, so it wasn't in at release.

Kiwi farms has been running with it and they’ve decided to raid shit they don’t like now. You’re gonna be hearing it a lot more often as they get more agitated.

>they're not dolls, they're ACTION FIGURES


And it just hangs high enough so that his fat wife won't eat it off the wall.

>Kiwi farms has been running with it and they’ve decided to raid shit they don’t like now.
The fuck are you even on about?

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Hey you can't do that you've already used that once

>what in his life is even good at this point?

His money. Probably.

it's more cringey that you stole that randy'bobandy line from from that fat fuck whos name randy always forgets.

They reported ATF to the FBI and it got shut down. They they spammed twitter how they proudly shut those nazis pedophile down.

Then ATF relocated their site as always.

Wouldn't it make sense for someone that is dominant in their daily life to be turned on by playing a submissive role in the bedroom?

Was it autism?

randy bo bandy is from trailer park boys you tist

What's ATF?

All the faggots

I remember when Randy was considered a piece of shit but not cringe incarnate like Anthony Burch. Ever since Burch left the limelight Randy has stepped his cringe game up to a level that is head and shoulders above the rest in an industry teeming with retardation. Truly an impressive feat.

You guys are more embarrassing than fucking Randy, nice

All The Fuckers

the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

kys yaniv

Why do they do this?

what the fuck is even going on?

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Atlantic Theatre Festival

All-Terrain Fuckable

I dunno, but my dad's been doing it for years and he's a 54 year old south-easterner.

no, because its actually coming out

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I mean hes rich and is his own boss. Its better than most anyone on Yea Forums. Id trade places for lots of money and meme status

I mean why do bugmen do it
Is it some way of mocking rednecks?

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Randy is the spectrum. Autism is graded on a scale from 0 to Pritchford.

You know that one episode of Family Guy where Brian takes Adderall to help himself focus in his writing, but ends up coming up with a fictional universe mishmash of uninspired and creatively bankrupt tropes literally overnight?
This is what it sounds like.

I'd bet my ass on that tacky thing being worth more than a year of your salary

Kiwi farms decided to be the new asshole of the internet, except all they do is SJW shit and they aren’t in it for laughs. They think they have some sort of moral and intellectual high ground.
Go farm upvotes and don’t forget to “donate” to the admin to keep the lights on!

steel guitar m8 theyre quite costly...

No. It's normal for someone who is stressed out and insecure about the powers and responsibilities they hold.


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Well, what I mean is seeing as even he does it, it's probably not something that's a deliberate aping of style. It's just a common expression. Although, he does work in tech with a lot of Americans (mostly Texans, too) so maybe he just picked it up from them.

user told me in another thread that coastal liberal types are using words like “y’all” and “folks” to appear more down home, down to earth, good ol boy, whatever to hide their rich urban unbringing.

user lied to you. People do it because it's cute, not out of some God-damn Judaic plot to appear poor. It's like Ron Swanson and how Reddit worships him.

It probably is, those types of guitar are pretty dear.
Him owning one is perfect though, more money than sense. It's the equivalent of getting a Ferrari just after you pass your driving test.

When I worked in England people at the pub I frequented started using it. I’m from Texas and the nature of my job put me in contact with the fancy bongs so I had to hide my accent and vernacular as much as possible to get anything done, so when it was quitting time and I went to the pub I let it all out.
It was fun, but people have now accused me of acting British because I picked up some words from my friends there.

>screencapping your own replies

You took the bait


Yeah, maybe he did the same thing, then. I don't know though, because a lot of things Americans associate with the south ("I reckon") is just a normal thing everyone says here, and also my dad has a few Oxford-specific mannerisms I don't have.

>still watching Recycled Plot Guy

These things are like $600. Unless this one is some ultra gay fag edition one that im unaware of. i'm pretty sure none of you actually know what you're talking about though.

How else will user know that we did what he said

>i'm pretty sure none of you actually know what you're talking about though.
hey this is Yea Forums, home of the finest experts in everything how dare you talk of us like that

>competitive e-sports
why did he say e-sports twice?

hes kinda right, but nobody played that shit and shitting on randy seems to be in at the time so yeah

It was an episode from 5 years ago, so "still watching" is hardly applicable.

>ever watching Family Guy

Hold up, did they went after sadpanda? Why?

>not out of some God-damn Judaic plot to appear poor. It's like Ron Swanson and how Reddit worships him.
But a heavily promoted TV character is literally a Judaic plot

Fuck this guy for reminding us that Gearbox made Brothers in Arms but will never ever make another game in the series. Fuck give me Bastogne

>I'm 18 and all my opinions come from an internet hivemind of fat neets :)

Bugmen using yall makes me so fucking angry for some reason


its a resonator guitar, used for faggoty bluegrass music

That’s a banjo, steel guitar is used to many genres of music apart from bluegrass.

Two years ago Randy was talking to Dorito Pope and actually confirmed it's in development.

I honestly don't know if I want it at this point. The original games had behind the scenes videos and they showed the developers actually going to France and doing faithful research, really impressive for a video game that's basically an unashamed adaptation of Band of Brothers. Nowadays I'm sure a new game would be filled with modern-day political commentary

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I'm astounded something of this quality has come from Gearbox.

of course it isn't the new Half Life 3. Borderlands 3 is actually coming out

Yoko taro also asked people to zip the files because his computer was getting overloaded from all the 2B porn everyone was sending him.

Imagine that you get so ass blasted by someone in twitter that you hold up a game announcement show to spend several minutes showing everyone how totally not mad you are about it.

Brothers in arms was THE shooter when it came out, and was greatly appreciated by anyone looking for a bit of a realism in a shooter, including here, of course. Why do i waste my time on kids like you is the question.

>at this point

active-time fight

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there's some girl version of Yea Forums called Lolcow and it's 10 times worse, somehow

I do not see the obsession with being an asshole to Randy. The guy legitimately cares about making a game for everyone to enjoy but all you can do is try bring him down. Without him borderlands would not exist, he gave a lot to create something that YOU reap the benefits of by getting to enjoy hours of countless fun. People shit on Battleborn just to fit in and be cool without taking time to get to know its wacky and charming characters. Critics had it out for Randy and pushed the narrative that the game wasn't hella fun and that Randy was a dishonest person

please just send another death threat to yourself, Randy. follow through with it this time, too!

is bl3 going to have the badass system from 2?

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>he never played opposing force or the first brothers in arms
The only zoomer here is you. Back to Fortnite kiddo.