If you could make your own heart to heart for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, what would you make it about, and where?
If you could make your own heart to heart for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, what would you make it about, and where?
Having sex with morag, in public
sex with pandoria
No you idiots, not a self insert type thing, I mean I new one in the game that doesnt involve you.
I think I would have some more conversations with more of the side cast. Nia gets stuff with Zeke and Pandoria more then she did with Morag. Also, Mythra, I think she needed more stuff. Pyra dominates things a little too much and while Mythra gets a few, it's never for anything important and more just jokes, like her destroying Zeke's view of Addam. So first, I would want a H2H between Nia and Mythra, somewhat late in the game, after chapter 7. Mythra being surprised by Nia's Blade form and how different it is from how she usually is and Nia thanking her for keeping her promise about not telling anyone and just talking about moving forward from now and teasing each other.
More things between the Blades too, like Kora and Adenine, or Zenobia and Wulfrick testing their strength. God, there are so many it's hard to think.
I want Nia and Rex actually getting time to chat about that moment in the Spirit Crucible Elpys.
Maybe to throw a bone have an dialogue choice where Rex tells Nia how he thinks about it.
Oh and Dahlia and Wulfric or Floren bonding over nature.
The jokey heart to hearts like the one in the OP pic were fun, but my favorites were the ones focusing on character and world building.
I especially would've liked a heart to heart with Zeke, Pandoria, Blade Nia and maybe Dromarch post-chapter 9, taking place in one of the refugee camp areas that pop up in Torigoth/Fonsa Myma/Port Anangham after Indol falls. Just something discussing their histories with Indol (Zeke being fairly friendly with Amalthus and Fan la Norne while working for the Praetorium, Nia and Dromarch running from it), everything that's happened and they've learned about it, the history of the country, where things go from there, etc.
A lot of that stuff got kind of glossed over in the plot, aside from the two quick flashbacks Zeke gets in chapter 9. We don't really get anything more about how Zeke feels, learning that the man and the country that he's worked for so long and saved his and Pandy's life was doing all these horrible things. I think it'd be interesting
I think that would have been a cool NG+ thing to add. A little scene that you can get if you have triggered the dialog where Nia nervously tells Rex it isn't a good time and then rest at an Inn. Similar to the other H2H that you need to sleep to get.
Yeah, it would have been cool if they had met someone that had known Nia in her last life. Or maybe Zeke asking Nia what she wants to do after all of this is over. Or maybe a conversation with Nia, Niall and Morag about her being a Flesh Eater and what Niall wants to do to help change public opinion on them. I really hope she opened up a clinic.
an HtH of Nia and Pyra and Pyra actually brings up how she (Nia) would be a good fit for Rex.
Well, we definitely needed more Poppi QTpi H2H, since she didn't get to be featured in story events
The Good Boy's Club is really desperate for new content, aren't they?
It's sad to see you guys reduced to this.
She already did in-story though. Scene very related.
Dahlia's HtH only the driver is given the option to say YES Dahlia would indeed still be beautiful if she scarfed down everyone's breakfasts.
You bring this to every fucking Xenoblade thread, shut up.
I think the story already did that well enough in most respects. Pyra tried to distance herself, Nia gets lots of scenes with Rex being buddy buddy and Pyra even tries to leave Rex to Nia, because she thought she was going to die. She knew that Nia would do everything she could to keep him safe, even if it meant revealing herself and that speaks volumes about how she views her.
There's literally nothing else you could possibly talk about with this game.
Enjoy your dead thread with 6 ips
>Or maybe a conversation with Nia, Niall and Morag about her being a Flesh Eater and what Niall wants to do to help change public opinion on them.
Something properly addressing the implication in chapter 6 that Morag has a somewhat negative view of flesh eaters (at that point, at least) would be nice.
Speaking of Niall, if they weren't going to follow up on his comment about wanting to talk to Rex in the story, there should've been a heart to heart where Morag introduced Rex and Pyra to him properly.
Yeah...but I want Nia blushing and getting all nervous for one scene.
What do you interpret as the most "canon" choices for certain HtHs?
I completely forgot about that, there were a few other dropped conversations, but I guess that shit kind of happens in real life too.
Morag's adverse reaction to Flesh Eaters was also something I wish we could have touched on more, but at that point they were running a little low on time for the standard plot and H2H were getting more into just the silly side of things.
That's a hard one, there aren't a lot of them that even have a choice to start with. I guess for the Monkfish one, Morag burning it is definitely what happened. Anything with Zeke and Morag should always be her escalating the situation because she's actually very competitive and Zeke brings that side out of her easily.
Also the one where Nia and Morag talk about Mor Ardain, I feel the one where she gets more pissed is accurate.
That's the one where Nia says that she thinks they are idiots and that the war could have been avoided if they just talked, right? Yeah, that seemed right. Nia's got a sharp tongue and just says what's on her mind for the most part, especially when she thinks she's right about something.
Is there a Heart-to-Heart involving all of the Torna blades at once (Akhos, Patroka, Mikhail, Sever, Obrona, Perdido and Cressidus)? Because if not, that. Throw Nia in there too.
Nope, most of them were Flesh Eater and the Blade they had before and then Mik and Patroka and then one of all three Flesh Eaters at once. Would have been cool if Nia was required for them.
Make a heart to heart about Brighid conversing with Rex, Tora and Pyra about their thoughts on Morag,
Anything with Newt, she deserved more. Maybe one where Zenobia teases her about how she could beat up all her army by herself or something.
I could see this. Brighid would always be looking out for slights against Morag. So she wonders the general opinion. There was already a similar conversation with Zeke's H2H where Morag said that he was a pain because of all the trouble he caused while in Mor Ardain.
Newt and Electra with Electra being creeped out by Newt's massive third eye on the back of her head.
Floren and Kassandra where her bad luck makes Floren stop his attempts to get something from hr, realizing its not worth the trouble
oh also someone asking what those marking above her eyebrows are, or why she always has her eyes closed/
Rex - 20
Pyra - 17
Mythra - 6
Gramps - 9
Nia - 16 (Driver Nia - 15, Blade Nia - 1)
Dromarch - 8
Tora - 24
Poppi - 17 (Poppi α - 12, Poppi QT - 3, Poppi QTπ - 2)
Mòrag - 14
Brighid - 16
Zeke - 14
Pandoria - 12
Rex/Nia/Mòrag/Zeke (as Driver) - 32
What did Mythra do to deserve this? And why didn't Pyra and Mythra get a single H2H involving the ascended state? The big speech before the final boss would've been the perfect opportunity, but despite being the second most important characters in the game, they don't even participate in it.
>Tora 24
What the fuck? They barely seem to even discuss anything during even half of these. It's mostly to make fun of Tora's fetishes and to make the other character uncomfortable. He didn't need this many, damn Monolith Soft for making Nopon their mascots.
>Dromarch 8
He got just as screwed as Mythra did, at least Mythra's can be attributed to the fact that originally we would get all of her context from the inbetween Flashback chapters that they ended up having to cut and then repurpose as Torna. Dromarch just ended up as a throwaway Blade in all sense of the word.
On with Rex, Dromarch, and Nia where Nia discusses the odd phenomenon of fighting both as a Driver and a blade. The dialogue option comes down to her stating which she prefers
>Blade Nia - 1
What a fucking waste
It's really bad too, since there were tons of H2H that she should have been in Blade form for, but they likely didn't want to make special exceptions and just wanted to be lazy and use Driver. At the end, she's only in Blade form for two scenes. It feels like the game forgot that she's suppose to be ok being in her real form at this point.
It should've worked like this where the player picks which Nia they want.
>What the fuck? They barely seem to even discuss anything during even half of these. It's mostly to make fun of Tora's fetishes and to make the other character uncomfortable. He didn't need this many, damn Monolith Soft for making Nopon their mascots.
To be fair, they don't all focus on him, he's just used in a bunch of rare Blade H2Hs because they're written under the assumption that any of the other party members can fill the 'Driver' slot. But despite that, they could've used him a little less and instead made use of the Blade party members to fill that role more often than they did.
>What did Mythra do to deserve this?
She had her own game to compensate, you have to take Torna into account there
It made sense to use him when they needed a proper explanation for things. His discussions on Ether and other things were great, as well as using him as a baseline for Drivers and the relationships they have with Blades. I think those are generally the ones that Rex, Nia and Tora are involved in and feel pretty good too.
Not really, that came out 9 months later
It only partially compensates. It's nice to see her get more interaction, but that is with a different group and only gives some context for her feelings in the present. It doesn't give us anything with the present day party and ultimately makes Mythra in the base game feel like a third wheel.
Another one should be Nia and Morag talking about the social stigmas of Flesh Eaters and how Nia felt about consuming a human she cared about.
fuck yes.
She had to consume her "father's heart.
That would have been nice. Morag trying to put herself in Nia's place, thinking if she would consume Niall to try to preserve his memory in some way. It's a hard thing to do and she'd probably say that Nia was stronger then her in that sense.
It was the sister. It's directly stated
It doesn't seem like Flesh Eaters ever had to consume their Driver, just the Flesh of a human. Cole didn't eat Amalthus' heart after all.
For the process to work to its best and get a super form, it has to be someone the blade cares about
>at least Mythra's can be attributed to the fact that originally we would get all of her context from the inbetween Flashback chapters that they ended up having to cut and then repurpose as Torna.
Torna wasn't 'flashback chapters', it was one segment intended to be placed *between* chapter 7 and 8. We don't know how long it was meant to be, but it was short enough that they had to 'give it a much larger scale' when they made it into a DLC.
And Torna builds on Mythra's backstory, it doesn't do anything to expand on her relationships with XB2's characters. That's the main point of heart to hearts.
You're mixing things up. Nia ate some unknown part of her "sister", Jin's the one who "ate" Lora's heart (though he actually put it in his chest rather than literally eating it, hence the scar).
Mythra definitely wasn't a third wheel in the main game though. Mid-game, Pyra disappears progressively and Mythra is always there in story related cutscenes. If anything, it's Pyra that got shafted hard after a certain point.
Pyra is around for the casual, character building scenes (like H2Hs) though. Mythra shows up for fights and that leaves her feeling emotionally underdeveloped
I don't know. Deeper heart to hearts I guess? I view almost all of them and not a single one was as great as the one where shulk and dunban are in satorl Marsh talking about the ether (I believe) and how there's so little of it and what would even happen if it ran out.
Flesh Eaters don't need to take a heart, that's just the method Jin used (which seems like it's something different than whatever was involved in the Judicium experiments, since it's described in his diary as a mushy 'make bonds eternal' kind of thing).
Minoth only mentions that he's been "fused with human cells" when he explains everything to the party, so it's possible that he did use something from Amalthus, it just wasn't anything vital.
>Nia ate some unknown part of her "sister"
I really wish they went more in depth on the 'eating' process, since it seems strange that Jin's flashback made it look like the process was very specific. I guess I could imagine that you could force any body part to replace a Blade's normal part. Jin chose the Heart because of his feelings for Lora, maybe Nia's is an eye? Inb4 it was womb because her father actually believed she could still get pregnant with it
But he does say "I ate her". That seems to be accepted term for the procedure.
I'd guess Nia used the heart as well, I don't know what else it would be.
Is the user I was discussing Jin's character with yesterday when the Janny nuked the thread in here? We were getting to a really good point in my case for why Jin is far more selfish than he pretends to be
>Jin chose the Heart because of his feelings for Lora
He chose the heart because the instructions asked for it.
That's why I did say the flashback made it seem pretty specific. But still, we won't know if when Jin figured that out, if it was the only option or not. Nia doesn't have a scar, as we have seen her without her clothes. If they wanted to make it the same process, I can't imagine they wouldn't have given her the scar, even if hidden.
>Nia doesn't have a scar, as we have seen her without her clothes
Jin was designed by Nomura. That might just be his choice
What's with Takahashi and cannibalism anyway? Isn't there a better way to achieve the same thing storywise? I mean, it's fucked up
i was talking about zeke and pandoria sex you fool
I think Jin's situation is meant to be pretty abnormal. Mythra already knows he's a Flesh Eater when she checks him out in Morytha, but she's still shocked that he has a human heart.
The only concept art with the scar was done by Monolith. None of Nomura's art has it.
So then the idiot took the process to literal and shoving it into himself wasn't actually needed? While Nia would have just consumed it flat out?
Then I'd also speculate they worried a scar on Nia might weaken her waifu appeal. Which is a shame because I actually think it could've looked nice
We also have seen her fully exposed chest
Nah, I don't think anyone would bat an eye at a more normal method of transhumanism. The idea of someone having to eat a loved one to 'save' them is horrifying, it will never not be.
Seeing a scar on her could have also been a really cool early hint about her being a flesh eater, even as far back as chapter 3. Just like a throw away line with her talking about Vandham's scars and how she's got one too, but doesn't want to show him.
oh wait FUCK Duh
why no Newt and Nim HtH?
one LOVES the Ardainian Military and the other HATES Mor Ardains with a passion.
They put enough subtle hints about it in there. The scar would've been to obvious
haven't seen*
There was already a hint as early as Chapter 3 when Cole started talking about Flesh Eater and the camera focused on Nia and her expression. And then early Chapter 4 gave it away.
That would have been amazing, even better if they had a system of combo attacks or something and certain Blades had more or less chance based on their affinity. So Newt and Nim start out in the negatives. But with so many Blades, that would be a lot of attacks.
Wait, How the fuck did Nia know she could give Malos cancer? Do blades have a magical awareness of all they can do, or did she... practice?
Bless this artist
Actually that was Chapter 4 as well. The very start of it. So they quickly hinted and the confirmed it with a greater hint not even an hour later.
That would be cool, but you have people already complaining about the battle system having too many layers, then you'd never hear the end of it. besides, they already had enough to do while animating combos for each Rare Blades, I can't imagine adding more shit like the Nia x Pyra one a T-elos x KOS-MOS duo combo definitely should've made its way though
No, he did it right. It's just a different method, probably from a different source.
I really like his style
I don't remember Morag or Rex interacting with each other much after she becomes a party member so it would be nice seeing a heart to heart between the both of them. But I have no idea what it would be.
Nia had about a decade on the run to get a handle on what she could and couldn't do. Of course she practiced.
Why did you think she was bragging about being 'much, much stronger' whenever she leveled up?
Blades have an awareness of their abilities, yes. It also isn't too great of a leap to assume that the same process that heals can continue and negatively effect the body. It's kind of funny that Malos could only save himself because he could not only rewrite his cells back to their normal levels, but destroy the excess cells that were created using his power. I think if it was Mythra, while she could have stopped the replication, she would have still had numerous cancer boils.
She spent much of it traumatized and pretending to be a human
>Why did you think she was bragging about being 'much, much stronger' whenever she leveled up?
Well, her stats were going up
>12 IPs
>Almost 100 posts
This is why you guys need to go to /vg/.
>Do blades have a magical awareness of all they can do, or did she... practice?
Well, considering they "wake up" after living already once, knowing their name and knowing how to talk, I guess it could be seen as something like Amnesia, where an amnesic guy still knows how to walk, talk and so on. Sure, you forget everything, but there are things you just instantly know how to do.
I would expect some more about her family life. She use to be next in line for the throne, maybe Rex would want to know more about that.
You go to /vg/
Now I want Torna (and I mean if Mythra was with Torna) Mythra having to deal with that.
Nia... Let me smell ya minge...
>"I'm stronger than this, you know. Much, much stronger."
That's not bragging about becoming stronger, that's bragging about strength she already has.
Would've been pretty damn interesting.
a HtH of Morag losing her hat and getting increasingly pissed.
fucker's legitimately more of an unironic chuuni than Zeke is
A HtH of me marrying Morag.
>Reveals ultimate cancer powers, ability to oneshot 99.9999% of all living beings
>Enemies from that point onwards are all robots
It's not fucking fair, Niabros
Pic semi-related, fresh in the mail
This is cute. Acrylic stand I guess? I like how fans are making goodies themselves
>Enemies from that point onwards are all robots
There are a few squishy Indoline monks mixed in there, too. And Guldos, which should be just as vulnerable to a technique meant to disable Blades like that.
the fuck is that and where can I get it?
I want an HtH of Nia getting interrupted masturbating to Rex and they dont realize what she was doing.
Yes, I also have a mug because blade Nia will never get an official fig and that makes me sad
Those fuckers don't even feel pain
It's an Acryllic Stand.
Now that I think about it, we're missing Pneuma H2H
HtH about the characters complaining Tiger Tiger's difficulty.
And they also boast about their highscores with Morag actually being quite proud of hers in "Im not boasting but I totally am" sortt of way.
It was funny enough seeing one of the soldiers saying he loves the game. I guess it was a little bit of a hint that Tora's Grampa was alive after all, since otherwise Tora should have the only copy.
It's not like people are sneaking into Tora's house to play it.
I really like seeing all the stuff the people come up with, but I wish there was more official merchandise.
>It's not like people are sneaking into Tora's house to play it.
Well, there is that DLC quest where Tora goes full jewmode on the son of the Argentum exchange nopon from the beginning of the game.
>Stand doesn't fit in the holder
Am I retarded or did I get screwed by an amatuer?
>Monolith Soft Working on Two Unannounced Games
>Nintendo and Monolith Soft silent about it since 2018
One is Zelda and the other is an unrelated game to Xeno series that is suppose to be super mature themes, Takahashi said he wanted to try to get away with a Z rated game. I wouldn't be surprised if it got turned into Xenoblade X2 half way through pre-production though.
Z Rated? so like M rated right?
We basically know Takahashi is working on a Xenoblade, since Monolith did a small restructuring, and there's now a division dedicated to Xenoblade with Takahashi at its head. So we know they're working on Xenoblade, on BotW, and possibly on that new fantasy IP (which i doubt is Zelda)
There, got it.
Z is actually AO for us.
>tfw no Nia scale
You're missing Pyra though
>tfw no Pneuma scale
Why would I buy a fig of the a girl I don't use in the actual game?
One where anyone tries to remember this fucking thing.
oh fuck yes Im tired of nudiity in games means its automaticlaly gratuitous and obejctifying I just want someone to strip down in a scene where i makes sense to do so and its not censored by foreground or steam or whatever. Someone getting their arm cut of is fine, give me full frontal and nonsexualized nudity in games. Its not like nudity is completely conjoined to sex dammit, it can be seperate.
>the other is an unrelated game to Xeno series that is suppose to be super mature themes
It's almost certainly a Xenoblade. The hiring page is for a 'new Takahashi RPG', and it's covered with images from XB1, XBX and XB2. Add to that his more recent comments about Nintendo not approving any non-Xenoblade proposals and it's highly unlikely that it'll be something unrelated.
And he did say that he wanted to make a mature game next, but nothing about that necessitated that it be a new IP. I think he's made it fairly clear by this point that he isn't exactly worried about drastically switching the style/tone of the series between games.
where's your roc figure
Funny that most of the reasons CERO would give you a Z is because of gratuitous gore and is the reason that most western games have to get censored, otherwise they become unable to get a D rating. I can only imagine this want was fueled by having lots of scenes where blood should have been flying and getting nothing. It's pretty silly looking back at just how much blood should have been in XC2. Getting impaled, various slashes, Rex on the ground in Chapter 6 would have had way more impact if you could see him almost bleeding out from all the cuts inflicted on him.
Also, I wonder how horrified Rex was seeing that in the vision he would have been cut in half if he didn't dodge.
Non existent and unlikely ever to. I'd consider it, but I only use Roc for his smash because I don't want that Kirito wannabe faglord on my team
>Also, I wonder how horrified Rex was seeing that in the vision he would have been cut in half if he didn't dodge.
Mythra's predictions seem to come so much faster than the kind of visions in XB1 that I don't think he'd have the full time to do much more than react in the moment.
Probably fucked with him afterwards though.
>I think he's made it fairly clear by this point that he isn't exactly worried about drastically switching the style/tone of the series between games.
XC3 is going to go full defeatist attitude or some shit. No one is safe and happy endings don't last forever.
as long as Nia appears again Im fine with that.
Probably not. Unless it takes place not even 100 years after and is set in the same world. Like if he wanted to make a game that involved world hoping and both landmasses just happen to have the same features. Like some new take on Chrono Cross. Nah, it will probably involve some third world and the only connection will be Alvis, where they will reveal that yes, he's Ontos and he moved with the Zohar to be it's envoy or whatever.
Considering that Pyra/Mythra would likely want to die with Rex, it's very feasible Nia Or Zeke would be the last living party member
Which of them dies first would entirely depend on just how Lucky Zeke is. He's got a knack for falling off cliffs, he'd probably die exploring the land mass in most circumstances, but otherwise, yeah, Zeke should live the longest.
It depends on how lucky Nia is too, honestly. She's pretty blunt about how her life expectancy isn't something she can predict all that well.
She's referring to the fact that she's mortal and can die at any time just like anyone.
Yeah, but that was more or less just her trying to emphasis how she's living in the moment and being mortal, then going "I don't think I will live much longer". Just the possibility that it could happen. I'm sure her life expectancy is still in the hundreds, most of Cole's problem was a disease that messed up his Ether flow. Which caused him to age. Jin remained exactly the same for 500 years and only had problems because he was pushing himself. If Nia takes it easy, she should have no problems living for a while, unless she really does open up a clinic and constantly uses her own power to heal instead of Dromarch.
Uploaded fresh from C96
Still waiting for this
>unless she really does open up a clinic and constantly uses her own power to heal instead of Dromarch.
That was just a fanfic I did. It's not anything stated she planned to do in the game
However, isn't it also possible for Nia to use her powers on herself?
turns out Nia is even more perfected of a Flash eater than Jin
has regen properties of Blade while having much more potent abilities and still immortal without being tied to a driver.
getting a footjob from Morag and Praxis in public
It seemed pretty nice. Pyra's doujin are always very caring and loving, with a couple exceptions. I kind of hate it when they have her be too motherly to Rex though. I like it when he at least has some agency in the story.
Another Nia doujin, nice. I hope this is as good as the last one. Though I'm still waiting for the threesome one to be translated. I love long sessions with constantly changing partners like that. Not a lot of porn does that and just kind of blends moments together.
Look at the context.
>I'm a Flesh Eater.
>So... I don't know how long I'll live for.
>I mean, for all I know, I might just snuff it tomorrow.
>But I can say this much. My life and death isn't tied to any human.
She's referring to a normal blade returning to its core as a type of death, and regular blades can die at any time by having their cores destroyed, too. If she was talking about the sort of early death any mortal can experience, then becoming a Flesh Eater wouldn't have changed her expectations on how long she'll live.
>Only 17 people are posting
>hen becoming a Flesh Eater wouldn't have changed her expectations on how long she'll live.
Because she can die of natural causes in ways blades can't. She could get sick of have som thing fall and hit her on the head. It's not likely, but it is possible
We never see her in a situation where she has needed to try. I would assume so though, nothing should really prevent it, she's not worried to crash blades with Malos, so obviously her weapon, which is apart of her can be healed just fine. I think it more comes down to, what exactly is the problem that faces Flesh Eaters and their degeneration? I mean, is it similar to a human getting older? It isn't just a matter of helping cell replication, our cells eventually just have a limited amount of times they can replicate before they start fucking up. Is it the same for a Flesh Eater? If so, her healing wouldn't help with that.
My theory was that the blade body even begins to reject that human flesh in the same way improper organ donations can be rejected. That's why it works best when there's a strong bond between the blade and human
Anyone else enjoy Morag and Brighid acting like scared children over having to gut a fish?
Hmm, that would be interesting. It was even remarked that Nia and her sister look alike. So maybe there was little rejection from her. Also she was already a cat like Blade, so Gormotti helping out there as well. Meanwhile, it was Amalthus that gave Minoth some flesh to eat to make him a Flesh Eater, then the difference between Indoline and a more Ardainian looking Blade might have caused some problems, in addition to Minoth's lack of care about him.
I wonder if what the Blade is doing afterwards has any bearing on it too. Jin knew that what he was doing was wrong, so would this make his heart seize? Every single time he has an episode, it looks like a heart attack. Nia meanwhile, seems like she's following what her sister would want, healing and helping people.
So if Nia actually HAD ended up with Rex, lets say his love for Pyra and Mythra was purely platonic in the end, what kind of scene would you want if they had fairly intimate alone time?
That's assuming that becoming a Flesh Eater makes Blades susceptible to those kinds of things. I don't recall that ever being said ingame, and the problems that affecting Jin and Minoth don't seem like normal ailments to me. Especially with Minoth, Akhos says it's a problem with his Ether or something.
Yeah, it was nice. It showed just how much they weren't use to roughing it. Being nobility and in a high ranking military position, they probably had people to always cook for them. Even if they were out in the wilderness, they would likely be in a platoon that would have a designated cook.
Nia's flesh eater form adopts the facial stricture and hairline of Nia's sister. This could be a result of how well the process went
>It was even remarked that Nia and her sister look alike.
I think you're thinking of Haze and Lora. None of the characters say anything like that about Nia, people just noticed that her sister's model looks really similar to Blade Nia.
Morag's is mentally like "Ohh fuck THIS what my chefs do for me every day, how can they HANDLE THIS?!"
I love how they just got more and more panicky until they literally went 'KILL IT WITH FIRE!"
The side quest involving Cole said that it was a disease, rather then just a breakdown of his ability to process Ether correctly. They needed to heal both the human and blade parts. So being a Flesh Eater makes you vulnerable to that kind of stuff.
NPCs say it. Nia looked so convincing the part that the Mayor in Torigoth thought that the two were twins. The entirety of Eschell was fooled.
My head canon/theory for this is that The super form of a flesh eater is based in part of the blade's personal wishes. Jin looked very Titan-esque as someone who took pride in blades becoming titans, and Nia looked more like the sister she wanted to save
>NPCs say it. Nia looked so convincing the part that the Mayor in Torigoth thought that the two were twins. The entirety of Eschell was fooled.
I don't remember this one? Youtube or some other source?
>NPCs say it. Nia looked so convincing the part that the Mayor in Torigoth thought that the two were twins. The entirety of Eschell was fooled.
It's just "two daughters". Haze and Lora are the only ones who are compared to twins.
My own what?