How do you go from this
How do you go from this
Other urls found in this thread:
to this?
>no shitboxes
fast & furious happened
I want to die. The Jews have won. I surrender
EA kisses the foot.
>instead of using tuned street cars its just a bunch of trillion dollar supercars with stickers
god. this actually pisses me off.
I played half of payback with the same shitty golf
Oh, boo-hoo. You wanna see some real shit?
How do you go from this
Hot Pursuit 1 is a much better game
To this?
Fuck of underground baby
I mean that's what Need For Speed was at the start.
Why do they keep trying to add stories to these games?
In a single game, too.
It wasn't a gradual shift from "Okay" to "Mediocre" like NFS
One game, we were like
The next, we were doing that boring, generic orchestra shit that celebrates this FIA E-sports circle jerk.
>camber wheels
I feel like I'm going insane who thinks that shit looks good?
just got done replaying this game, pretty fun
you can run it in proper widescreen/4k/60fps on pcsx2 btw
You ever seen those beanermobiles where it's a civic cambered and the muffler is cut in half, the paint is washed out and the hood plastidipped terribly.
And then they wont stfu about muh jdm
i have the steam version
dont know how much i trust pcsx2, tried running og hot pursuit 2 and most wanted and they both ran like hot garbage
burnout 3 ran decently but tended to drop a lot during races
are you retarded m8, any version outside of ps2 was made by ea seattle, not blackbox, it's a poor imitation of the original vision
I was talking about this one
i have rom's for the ps2 games but my computer can't run them or something
does this bitch have a dick in her ass
it's not even a NFS game, just another burnout branded as nfs made by criterion
>yfw the main rival of the new NFS is a lesbian an an electric car
i still really liked it
god tier tracks and soundtrack. i miss the gritty, futuristic feeling these old racing games had.
me too, i don't remember if it came before or after The Run but those were the last NFS games I really enjoyed.
>god tier tracks and soundtrack
I know it's technically 90s techno music and is likely considered outdated but what I'd give to hear a couple of songs from Rom Di Prisco and Saki Kaskas (RIP):
I just burst out laughing, there's no way this is fucking real. Holy shit he sounds like the intro to a punk song
how do you go from this
to fucking this
>NFS used to be an arcade pretending to be a classy simulator
Now, idk what it is, hehehe thanks EA.
Damn, a different version of this track is in Mass Effect.
>a different version of this track is in Mass Effect
It's technically the original one, I just posted the mellow remix of it:
Omega was super comfy because of that song.
90s racing games were the peak of video game soundtracks. that last one especially is one of my favourite songs of all time.
me too. wtf were they thinking? it makes it seem like he's about to start breakdancing.
Neat, didn't think anyone else remembered that. Hard as balls, but killer setting and soundtrack, plus the character bios were hilarious to read.
>90s racing games were the peak of video game soundtracks
I remember this game had a great soundtrack.
Also Wipeout.
i think me and you are the only ones. took me months to find a copy i could download and play. it was probably the game that defined my tastes in video games.
>racing games
>post apocalyptic games
>hard as balls games
i love how fully fleshed out the world was for this game, the idea of all these crusty fucked up mutants racing for a grand prize of A BANANA was fucking amazing, and then you had the underground tracks which were hyper advanced utopias that contrasted the overground tracks which were hellish wastelands.
i also fucking LOVED how the levels were almost open-world, with cheats hidden in nooks and crannies, some of which required OTHER cheats to get to.
here's an ancient fan site with all the character bios and a bunch of other stuff from the game if you fancy getting nostalgic.
dima241 narod ru. replace spaces with full stops.
never played this but damn that's funky. got that japanese soul.
i never played that game but 8 year me would be all over that shit.
wipeout was god-tier.
probably technically not 90s but still great.
>tfw trash rap is all that's ever going to be in contemporary games from now on
It's not even that chimp mumble is that bad of a genre but they always pick the worst shit.
That or synthwave.
What the fuck was that?
It was the one before The Run.
I still open it from time to time and go in the free roam mode. It pretty comfy driving around.
That voice sounds familiar, who is it?
Hey now, you can find a decent synthwave racing album here and there:
Yeah, I've seen this site before. This fucking guy was my favourite, just look at that shit eating grin he's got going on.
what the fuck were they thinking putting in that seizure-inducing glitchy shit? i guarantee its gonna be everywhere in the game
Yeah, and you can find decent "urban music" here and there too.
Doesn't make it a good genre.
Enjoy your Carpenter Brut Roller Mobster soundtrack.
colonel slanders lul. what a name.
>not maining dodgy dave
Its like their marketing copywriters couldn't decide which tagline to use, so they just got the voice actor to read every single fucking one during the trailer
>Doesn't make it a good genre
Was I defending the entire genre? It's up to EA's audio team to find the songs that work.
aaaaaaaaaaand it's purple
whaddup with current games and fucking purple.
There's purple fucking everywhere now.
Even fucken wolfenstein has purple.
Holy shit.
Good pick, not gonna lie. The Heaver is a good car.
Mutts ruin absolutely everything.
Eh, fair enough.
I lowkey hoped they'd imitate those 80s aesthetics:
this isnt true
>Still tap brake to drift
Burnoutfag here
Stop comparing shitty NFS games to Burnout. People like you are why the genre died because you don't even know what you're talking about. You have zero clue on what made Burnout good, or what makes a good NFS game. You just hear brand names like "Underground" and base your opinions on that. They could have called NFS Payback "NFS Underground 3" and mongs like you would have ate it up.
>bought 2010 remake because Hot Pursuit was my favorite NFS
pretty fucking based if I do say so myself
>1 of 1 match
You're good.
Decent roster desu
2010 is probably my favorite modern NFS
hot pursuit 2010 was excellent, it was pretty much Burnout but with cops.
I don't really get Rockstar. GTA IV had amazing car physics, just fucked up handling data for particular vehicles, but instead of refining them (like mods did for IV), turning driving model into racing-game tier, they went full RC cars with it. I suppose because fuck making effort.
Or because AI can't handle realistic driving. All race and chasing parts in GTA IV were fully scripted, and it becomes obvious when you meddle with vehicle stats.
that guitar shredding at 1:30 is most 90s apocalyptic shit i've ever heard.
As much as I hate it when people bring up streamers on Yea Forums, as e-celebs are not vidya. The idea to this game was pretty much what a guy described back in 2017. I won't link him, because I'm not gonna shill him. He described his 'perfect' need for speed to be a 'prostreet in the day', 'Most wanted in the night'. Legal day-time track races with illegal night racing. I want to believe it's pure coincidence, but you never know as EA is really bankrupt creatively. If anthem didn't give it away.
yeah only it's not perfect, everything is indicating it to be a piece of shi
>is clearly pink
based colorblind user
too bad nothing else about this game is like classic NFS
>Burnout with cops
No, more like Burnout with
>fucked handling
>lame map in the middle of nowhere instead of B3's excellent tracks
>Less traffic
>Worse takedowns
>Worse soundtrack
>Stupid powerups
Nothing to do with Burnout other than the fact Criterion made it. But if it makes you feel like a SMART GAMER for making that connection you're probably too retarded to understand how much of a mong you are no matter how I explain it
It was fucking garbage.
It only sounds familiar because it reminds you of
from MW.
Fucking this
But user. I already knew it'd be shit. I can't keep replaying most wanted, carbon and underground for the rest of time. Unless it suddenly goes into the hands of competent developers who don't constantly try and rip off fast n the furious, it'll keep getting shittier. Maybe not as shit as payback, but hopefully back into the acceptable range.
To be fair, 90's (and older) sports and supercars were much more interesting and special than today supercars because most of them had lots of little details and imperfections that made them have more character.
The Lambo SV was an awesome RWD uncontrollable v12 beast with a bonkers exterior and interior (that was shit quality because Italians), a modern Lambo is just an Audi with some wacky exterior design.
and even tho older games were not very realistic in the physics department developers were able to capture some of the essences of these cars. for example, in nfs4 it was easier to lose control of the lambo than in the m5.
tl;dr: modern supercars are too easy, so they become easier in a videogame, therefore driving them becomes boring
I’m Puerto Rican and this looks like shit
lul mad gamer alert.
it was a fun game, way better than the trash NFS games that came after it.
>fucked handling
explain, it was the same as burnout 3. which btw has extremely basic handling (a good thing) and isn't hard to replicate.
>lame tracks
not as good as burnouts but they were more suited for car chases rather than racing and destruction.
>less traffic
extremely petty opinion
>worse takedowns
agreed, but still satisfying enough.
>worse soundtrack
can't even remember the soundtrack but you're probably right. however a soundtrack isn't automatically bad because it's not 2000s pop punk.
wrong. burnout was the same once you remove the motion blur. also hypercars are fast as fuck.
>stupid powerups
explain, being a cop and dropping spike strips was fun as fuck. how would you have done cop gameplay? also the original hot pursuit had the same powerups, apart from being able to drop bombs from a helicopter on racers, i do miss that.
it wasn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. it was pure fun.
didnt even read past your first 2 lines
absolute mong you are, lad. sort it out
i think another difference is that back then the games were designed to appeal to people who loved cars, every aspect of them. nowadays they appeal to people who like the look of cars and the status associated with them, but have no interest in the mechanical or technical side of them, which is a much bigger demographic.
>my opinions have been challenged and i don't have the balls to defend them.
this happened because the modern automotive industry is like that too.
painfully true but inevitable with the rise of safety standards and environmental restrictions. there's just no reason to make dangerous, unpredictable 200mph monster anymore.
people don't even care about style now. crossovers look fucking terrible.
Your dishonest here comparing a game intro with a trailer.
This is the intro of GT sport :
the last one died a few years ago ;_;
RIP Snek
lad i argue with people here over the dumbest shit.
i've spent hours arguing over the most ridiculous fucking subjects that only the most autistic of anons would argue about
but those first two lines i read? no. i'm above that. you aren't even worth it lad. i'll argue about fucking Sims lore before I bother talking to you about burnout. you're just not worth it.
get it sorted
and yet you're still replying. so you can be bothered to respond to my jibe, but not an actual discussion? that just makes it sound like you don't have any reason to hate the game other than
which btw is my favourite racing game of all time, so fuck off with ya "game guru" attitude.
The regulations don't prevent madman cars and some blessed souls are still making those, but it's becoming rare simply because it doesn't sell even remotely as well as an inoffensive, flashy boulevard cruiser that makes the crotch feel all tingly when you depress the funny noises pedal.
GT Sport has a museum which tells the story of every manufacturer in the game also every car has in own unique in-game description
Just give me a dual remaster of Most Wanted 2005 and Carbon, with an expanded car list and improved customization. Honestly, this new trailer sort of feels a little bit like some of the old games, but something is off. It feels too much like a movie. And if the first impression of a game feels like a movie, you know the path the game is on is a bad one.
Oversaturated bright colors are the new brown and bloom.
yes, but GT Sport is not aimed at the demographic I'm describing. Obviously sims are going to be designed to appeal to people more interested in the technical side of cars, but arcade games used to have that edge to them too, as they were nearly always made by real life car fanatics. nowadays popular racing games are nearly all dubstep drift simulators with EPIC COMBOS and SICK LAMBOS.
>NFS 3
>NFS Porsche unleashed
Ywn again play these games with your buddy after coming from school on sunny day. Why even live bros?
i know it's electric but the Rimac C Two seems batshit crazy to me no matter what way you look at it.
Di Prisco just released a new album a few years ago in the style of his old NFS work, using the same synths and tools and everything.
That, combined with new HDR TV's that have their brightness, color saturation, and contrast cranked to 11, will give you eye cavities.
this one? awesome. also apparently he did the soundtrack for fortnite, i didn't even know that game had a soundtrack. fair play though i bet he's rolling in cash from that.
Yeah, I'm aware; that's why I hoped that a new NFS would feature his songs. Considering how Heat looks and sounds like, the chances of that happening are nonexistent.
pretty sure he hasn't been on a NFS since Hot Pursuit 2. the last of the old style NFS games. his style of music was canned along with the soul of the series.
The last good NFS was the 2005 Most Wanted
basically yes. but i also enjoyed hot pursuit 2010 and shift 2 to a certain degree.
>Posts a video of the "real intro" that is just the same video as the "trailer", but with an added 3 minutes of self-indulgent fluff
Cool. Sure proved me wrong, slugger.
The content of the intros isn't what's wrong. It's the style. GTs 1-6 had this sensation of being big, but energetic. GTS feels like a fucking slog in comparison.
There's a Fox Body and an Mk I Golf calm your tits
Yeah, I know... Fuck, it would be nice to see NFS return to form for its 25th Anniversary.
>with cheats hidden in nooks and crannies, some of which required OTHER cheats to get to.
This shit was the best. I remember having the demo version which still had cheats working and it was my favorite thing to do, exploring the map and finding other cheats. Fucking amazing idea.
>there will never be a remastered NFS collection with NFS III, IV and Porsche Unleashed. all unchanged except for resolution.
abso-fucking-lutely. i still remember scouring the fuck out of that demo map (the dam) looking for cheats. in the full game there was a "stunt" map that was just a huge industrial estate filled with hidden tunnels, ramps and cheats. i was also obsessed with planes when i was a kid so i used to use the cheats to get really high up, then activate the glide cheat and try and land my car like an airplane.
More like
I remember using the "spider" cheat to ride on the power lines above one of the dead ends on The Dam. No other game went for something like Powerslide did with cheat and hiding them on the levels.
>explain, it was the same as burnout 3
Not quite, the basic brake to drift is there but in general the handling is a lot heavier and less responsive. Most of the time this isn't an issue as almost every track has wide, empty roads and sweeping curves and combat is de-emphasised.
In the few sections where you do have to take a tight turn or go at low speed the cars suddenly become like tanks. Burnout is a lot more responsive, you can weave about on the road and dodge traffic. Drifting also isn't mandatory to navigate corners, and in fact you can often turn tighter and faster without initiating a drift at the expense of not earning boost and being more vulnerable to getting rammed (drifting increases your momentum and makes you harder to shove). The two are similar on a surface level but Burnout had a lot more thought put into it, not to mention it's tracks were a lot more interesting and challenging and not designed to be boosted through non-stop.
>there will never be online High Stakes races because cars could be bought with rEAl money and it would be considered gambling
Maybe this time the driving physics won't be dog shit haha
okay i will concede that, i haven't actually play HP 2010 in a long time but I remember enjoying it. However your description of the handling is spot on and actually helped me remember how each game felt to play. the handling in HP suited the game fine though imo, if they had better tracks like burnout then better controls would've been necessary. and i still maintain that the handling in HP was far better than the NFS games that came after it.
It was made by the same studio that made Payback and NFS 2015, so... no.
Alright bricks on rails it is then, das a hard pass
>how do we make our V10 oversteer power monster competitive on the track?
>aero of course
>not active aero across the car to allow high speeds with lower downforce and higher downforce when braking
>just strap a fucking six foot wide park bench on the back
>proceed to embarass cars costing three times the price
it left me with an unhealthy habit of autistically scouring levels in every game i played for cheats. my brother would come home and be bemused that i had spent all day wandering around the beginning of half life.
Awful first impressions.
this is more indicative of the shift in teen and 20 somethings pozzed culture in 2019 vs 2002
would you give it a fucking break with the jews you retard, its a fucking video game.
My toast is burnt
"I want to die the jews have won"
The last good Grant Turismo was 3, its been garbage ever since, no one but you thinks 4-6 are any good
>thinking shitting on Gran Turismo 4 makes him sound cool on a taiwanese battery charging forum
>Can't even fucking spell it properly
You can turn your head away, but it's the state of reality.
>The Midnight
Absolutely based
didn't understand any of that dialogue
Nah, nigga. You just think 3's good cause it's the only one you played growing up.
Hot Pursuit 2010 was the best game in the "mediocre Burnout clone" trilogy (HP 2010, MW 2012, Rivals). All of those are much better than the SHIT trilogy (new NFS, Payback, Heat)
Another thing I love about the Viper is how they kept it's shape relatively unchaged, with only a few minor design changes, but nothing that would actually alter the car's sihouette. Dodge knew they had a 10/10 looking car in their hands, and didn't need to alter its design.
Man, I love the Viper, it's so cool.
I tried to get into the midnight and had high hopes the way Yea Forums seems to lose their shit over it but man those vocals are kinda annoying and samey, they remind me of some twenty one pilots tier shit
what's wrong with dance of the dead
>yesss goyim, stay asleep while we ruin the Need for Speed series, hehehe
I think these guys are also resposible for the state of the Smackdown/WWE games.
Oh yeah, now they put "emotional" voices everywhere with mic that takes the voice in a warm manner to simulate the intimacy.
It's so you don't notice stuff is losing soul by the day and you're buying empty shells with face of humanity.
At least that one had a decent trailer
Are we going back to the 1st Fast'n'Furious? I fucking loved Underground-Carbon era.
>a decent trailer
Gotta hand it to them, the part with the Lamborghini Reventón Interceptor (1:37-1:49) did give me a stiffy, no matter how nonsensical it is.
>Trashy bitch is a stancefag
like pottery
My favourite car game was Cruisin' USA.
god the only reason i even care about the franchise was because nfs 3 and high stakes were good
those days are long gone and i'm suffering
I don't remember the name, but there was a Need For Speed game with cheatcodes that would let you turn into public toilets and giant fucking dinosaur statues. Very arcadey. and one of the tracks was like a theme park/film set or some shit.
I've never played classic nfs, what's the best one to play?
Quite awful
You call those racing soundtracks? Now this is a racing sound track lil' zoom zoom.
Who knows. Having a story for your trailer is weird, though.
Do the Hondas blow up accurately?
I still don't get stance. It makes no sense.
Eh. Solid suggestions, but Days of Thunder is, ironically, not a racing album. But it is a great one.
Bong dev team.
(original for reference:)
Hometown... Home.
Fuckin pieces of shit never released the DLCs on PC.
If you don't have an old console you can't play them, and in time, those awesome cars will be lost forever.
Fuck those jews at EA
How do you go from this
>have several hundred cars in my Forza Horizon garage to play with, none purchased from DLC
>friend lets me borrow Payback
>jackshit for cars and the grinding system heavily encourages just sticking to one
>wants me to pay more for individual cars when I have 10x with better driving physics in another open world game
Fuck off
Why cant horizon have a hot pursuit expansion? :(
>90s racing games soundtracks
>Doesn't post Daytona USA
>Actually nothing from Sega at all
How dare you