Timesplitters Sequel Announced
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THQ nordic really wants to be the kangz of AA development. Pretty cool gotta admit.
le child porn website ama
>Saints row
>Dead island 2
I just hope saints row 5 is more like 2 an 3 instead of completely eliminating the need for guns and cars by making the player a god.
learn to read
is resetera still seething?
>Dead island 2
Isn't Dying Light just Dead Island but way better?
Dead Island 2 isnt even made by the same people who made Dying light or Dead island 1, infact DI2 has gone through several different development teams.
There is zero reason to be hyped for it.
Honestly its insulting to compare the two.
I vaguely remember playing Dead Island 1 and then playing Dying Light and thinking it was just Dead Island 2. What's so much better about Dead Island? I barely remember it.
Are they the ones in charge of Red Faction? That's what I'm interested in. And what would a new Saints Row game even be? It would be hard for them to top 4 and GOOH in terms of craziness.
Dying Light took a lot of Dead Island's concepts and team and basically reworked it into something that actually works instead of being an attempt at a hack-and-slash RPG without much thought, yeah.
Timesplitters: time for royale
Maybe they'll go full Logan and take it in a completely different direction
Reminder, if Deep Silver is at all attached to any of these games then they're gonna slam this shit onto the Epic Game Store regardless of what devs and THQ Nordic want.
Dead Island was one of the lamest games I've ever played. Dying Light blew my mind with how it actually required the player to use vertical thinking.
I just care about the new Saints Row. Here's hoping it's not retarded as 4 and Gat out of Hell.
Those of you in this thread who haven't played timesplitters... just do yourself a fucking favour. I know you're all lazy and you're fat and you think it's too old to be good still. Grab a friend, play the games in split screen and have a good fucking time. Take some time to try out the challenges too, there's tons of unlocks and very fun and difficult gamestyles.
The best part is that the company is basically owned by a single billionaire who likes vidya and literally doesn't give a fuck.
This. It was so long ago I can barely remember anything except that it was a blast.
Please don't fuck it up
So what happened to biomutant
Reminder that Deep Silver DamBuster Studios is what remains of Free Radical.
Reminder that DS Dambuster Studios was just announced to be working on Dead Island 2.
Fuck nu Saints row
They ruined Titan Quest. They can suck a dick
>time splitters
im not falling for it again
very based if true
Please be true.
I bet the fuckers are sending them to the Epic Store.
>THQ Nordic ... has hired TimeSplitters co-creator Steve Ellis to "pilot the future course" of the TimeSplitters franchise.
"Have you ever felt the future is the past, but you don't know how?
A reflected dream of a captured time, is it really now, is it really happening?
The dream is true, the dream is true
The dream is true, the dream is true."
Allegedly mrsaintsgodzilla21 seen some gameplay of it during his trip to volition, says its going to be closer to 2.
It says "updates".
I certainly hope it's not a remaster.
>yfw Epic exclusive
What a great moment that was.
time splitters future perfect virus mode is the most fun I've ever had with a multiplayer game
Yeah, I remember building maps to manipulate the AI so that me and a friend could cheese the infected for hours on end. Good times.
If it's Deep Silver, then yes it will be.
its gonna fuckin blow
Let us have hope, man. It's been a decade and a half already.
God dammit.
>new timesplitters
I swear I didn't know the monkey paw was real guys, I'm so sorry.