Here's your new Nightwolf bro

>here's your new Nightwolf bro

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>Native woman

ok billy we know you are mad

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it's called indian


Is this guy a fag or what?

>female character BAD

Fucking hell Angry Incel, there is nothing inherently wrong with making a descendant character female.

anti-sjw are starting to lose the point, there's nothing wrong Nightwolf being a female because it's just a title, there sure are some bullshit happening with MK11 but this is not one of them

>anything with women in it is feminism

>one angry attention seeking faggot
cringe, my dude

>femnightwolf has actual tits and cleavage

What the fr*ck? Is that some CLEABAGE and DEMICIOUS BEWWY?!

So why is this a problem? Original nightwolf fucking died and was a shitty character anyway, giving him tits is kind of genius actually

But why is Green Lantern carrying two tomahawks?


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>Big tits
>Replacing a dead character
Does OneAngryRetard think native women didn't exist?

I'm about as far right as someone who plays vidya and browses Yea Forums can possibly be, but "anti-SJWs" are genuinely bigger faggots than regular SJWs.

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enough of twitter screencaps already

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what a funny prank haha

....Why is LTG's opinion a news article?
anyway, jade is godlike

Yeah it's a little bit cringe to say this is more feminist agenda. Creatively bankrupt? Maybe, but no more than Frost or Sheeva.

Still a better ending than Woke Jax.

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why do you keep posting news from this imbecile literally nobody fucking said this is for MK12

>Nightwolf is the last native that wants to protect his tribe secret land.
Netherealm Now:
>Nightwolf is actually a random dude that was chose to become Black Pa.. i mean Nightwolf that killed Kano [who shows up alive in 9] and remained as a revenant later on.

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>Dude I'm on the right but you know that everyone on both sides is just as bad!?
Nigger you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

I'm more concerned by the fact that it looks like she's tomahawking random white people.

He's exactly right. Go to OneAngryGamer and 99% of the cucks there are all crying for censorship of whatever they don't like. You can hate woke bullshit without subscribing to (((alt-right))) outrage kikes who act no different. They literally are social justice warriors. They post social shit they don't like, and try to take social action in a way that they perceive is justice. Same retarded triggered activism shit.

I'd fuck that cartoon "SJW-looking" girl.

>this game is censored btw
I don't even care about that fucking site, but I don't know how you're getting your 'argument' from that picture. You come across like you're bitching that someone dare disagree with your leftist politics.

what would make him a fag?
women logic is mind-boggingly retarded


no one talks like that here. god damn
go ruin something else

>this game is censored btw

Yeah, people are allowed to complain about man-faces in burqas, user. Free speech and all that shit, unless you're some bitchy Brit.

ok billy we know you are mad

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This just reads like a Yea Forums post, not sure why it triggers you so much. Does it bother you to see yourself in the mirror?

Netherealm ruined and will continue to ruin the series lore and characters, which is the actually the thing why a lot of people were into the series, so kys dumb zoomer.

Nobody's saying he's not. We're just laughing at the fact that he's seething about it 24/7.
At the very least, I'd find something new to complain about after a few weeks, but that picture has him bitching about the same game, on the same topic, for MONTHS.

Heh! Totally pwned you!

>the Johnny Cage hand thing
He's not wrong. When you signal OK you hold your hand up and have the symbol rightside-up to ensure everyone can see it and know everything is okay. When you're flashing it as a white power symbol it's done by your dick and upside-down so only those who know what to look for will see it and know what it means.

His complaints are legitimate, at least. We can make the argument that he should just move on at this point, and he probably should, but I wouldn't make the mistake of supporting Netherealm just because I like the schadenfreude of people being asshurt.

you missed highlighting the nigger in the bottom paragraph, you dumb nigger.

you sound like a retard guy

you got meme'd on retarded fag

okay big hog

>His complaints are legitimate

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you sound like a butthurt guy

using words like "pwned" is infinitely better than baby talk

>wanting a black country for blacks where relationships with white people are good and respectful is being woke

the lore and the characters is fine retard

>He's actually eating this shit up straight from /pol/'s ass
You people bit down hard on this one.

>His complaints are legitimate
Lol, okay
>I wouldn't make the mistake of supporting Netherealm
I haven't either. I didn't get MK11 and I don't plan on it because NRS "fighting games" are bad.
I just think he's fun to laugh at because the dude's a simp. He's a cuck.

no. its been a thing for fucking ages, where you make that hand sign below your waist and trick someone into looking at it and if they look, you punch them on the shoulder. or they can see it in their periphery and quickly put their finger through the hole but you can squeeze your hand over their finger and punch them in the shoulder if you manage that. otherwise if they put their finger in and out, they get to punch you. this is fucking 90's shit you absolute mongs.

Sure user, burqas are the hot new style.

>cool Indian character for 20 years
>suddenly remove all the Indian related apparel like feathers because that is considered too "controversial" in modern society despite no one ever complaining about Nightwolf now or before
>give him a bike helmet and some armor
>looks like a Mad Max reject
>strip away his lore to where "anyone is Nightwolf"

gg NRS, burn in Hell

did you purposely make sure you had enough diversity in your reaction image?

whats the problem?
hes pointing out facts

Jesus, it's one character. That's how you know you ain't shit, when your constant trump card is "le burqa" on one character.

i think the female nightwolf is hot and welcome her to the game. dude nightwolf is cool but hot chick is better

It's the most dramatic example, of course it'd be posted most often.

Jesus Christ, Billy, would you kindly fuck off. Your gay outrage surrounding vidya is beyond cringe. You make everyone look bad.

nobody in the game has one you fucking retard

plus its supposed to be a b-movie plot. user is literally retarded if you think you can ruin a b-movie plot, not to mention a rebooted one

you respect a group of people that strong-arm their way into ruining somebody else's vision?
>women/nu-women think its cool to ruin shit they had no part in creating, so it must be!

Yeah, because Shao, Noob and Ermac being a jobbers, Sindel killing everyone, Dark Raiden being wiped despite being built, The new era dumb idea, Takeda and Jin going nowhere, Ferra and Torr introduced to get killed, Kitana and God Liu resetting the timeline, Jade retconned to have knew Kotal since the beg. and Skarlet not being a Shang's creation, etc.
No, the true retard here is you.

>This desperate to get into a reddit screencap

More like Knotwolf

NRS needs to fire everyone on their team, bring back Tobias, and reboot the series right. These new writers are actual hacks that weren't even born yet when MK1 released. They don't know SHIT about the lore. Kittelsen flat out said he had to read the MK Wiki to learn the past games's lore.

>Shit character gets replaced by a pair of tits
What's the problem?

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based retard getting angry his made for tv movie series has an inconsistent plot.

>because Shao, Noob and Ermac being a jobbers
they have always been that way retard hell Shao got killed 3 games in a row you just want to bitch

this is now this character's name to me
ty user

Those are Black Dragon grunts
She literally just killed Kano and his goons are fleeing

>hot Native American chicks
Based Boon.

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>Thinks getting 3 (yous) warrants a screencap
Get a load of this faggot. kys

>Exposing yourself as a redditor


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Just No
>Above mostly everyone, only Liu and Raiden can fight him
>Shang and Quan Chi only killed his bait clone
>Killed Onaga in Armageddon
>Was going to kill Dark Raiden
>Raiden needed help from the Elder Gods to kill him
Classic Noob/Bi-Han
>Killed Hanzo, Fujin and the other Gods
>Defeated Quan Chi and Shinnok
>Almost killed Goro
>Only lost to Scorpion and Bi-Han
Classic Ermac
>Fought most heroes at once in Deception without problems

giv Dani gf

In lore Ermac is super OP. He can rip your arms clean off your body with a mere thought. But because of shitty gameplay reasons he has to lose because story mode only favors the good guys, again thanks to the newage hack writers.

give the incels a belly button and some bobbies, that'll be enough for those retards!
(we'll nerf it later, don't worry ladies)

that was the joke.

well I added to it

I subtracted from it!

I added something to what you subtracted, and again so here.

Putting aside former proud patriot and American soldier Jax founding Wakanda because fuck whitey, "get woke" is literally a quote from the ending brainlet.

why are you so obsessed with that website?

so woke is a trigger word for retards

how is it not a feminist agenda to replace men with women? Boon himself admits to being a feminist.

>Before MK11
>Jax only cares about saving America and values helping all its people

>Post MK11
>Jax only cares about slavery and helping "his people" get their reparations
>goes so far as to move away from America and make his own country

im not one of his retarded fans tagged me in the post

you sound like a retard that didn't play the game

I think the problem most people including myself is that it's kinda lazy to take an established male character and give him tits and an ass instead of taking the time to come up with a new character from the ground up companies do the safe thing by not having to come up with new shit and giving established fan faves a pussy. If this was night wolf's daughter or niece fine great but you could give her new face paint, give her new weapons consistent with the lore and maybe even a different animal from. Instead we get this, and best of all if we criticize it we are bigots or misogynists for wanting more depth in our games, it truly is all so tiresome.

I watched the story mode, endings, and most pre-fight intros. What else is there, mid-fight random quote? I don't need to have executed the punches and kicks myself to see what a shit show the story turned out to be.

then you sound even more retarded then

based and reasonable pilled

What did he say that is retarded? You have literally no counter-argument to what he said. Make a point or fuck off.

you are crying about ending that is not canon you you sound like a retard

>leave MKX on a cliffhanger with Evil Raiden as the new villain
>make fans wait 4 years to see how it turns out
>lol just kidding, he's erased from existence in a cutscene, enjoy classic good Raiden again

I hate NRS story modes.

It doesn't matter if it's canon or not, it still raped his character and is the exact opposite of everything Jax has ever stood for. Might as well make an ending about Shao Kahn raising puppies on a farm and volunteering at the community center. Makes zero sense at all but hey it's not canon so who cares.

>It doesn't matter if it's canon or not, it still raped his character and is the exact opposite of everything Jax has ever stood for. Might as well make an ending about Shao Kahn raising puppies on a farm and volunteering at the community center. Makes zero sense at all but hey it's not canon so who cares.

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>nightwolf's always been lame
>only difference now is that we can fap to the new one
What's the problem?
Granted it's NRS' models/designs, depends on how you felt with MK9 and MK11

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this is some sad retarded shit

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i would hate to see if you were old enough to have seen cooking with scorpion. you would go absolutely insane from it

i will go with 11

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That was an unlockable joke video, not a character ending. Not even remotely the same.

>Nightwolf is a title given to the protector of his tribe by a mystical spirit.
>To be the protector of the tribe he gives up the title.
>The spirit chooses a female this time.
>This all happens in a non canon arcade ending.

Why is it so easy to get idiots angry?

Like I said: literally no counter-argument.

What the FUCK is that thing on the left?

yes it was. they were both noncanon content with no affect on the character. its the same thing

Yeah it's better than 9, but hopefully they don't clutter the design
We love getting mad over things.

>Like I said: literally no counter-argument.

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I don't care about female characters but about these lazy ass devs who can't come up with new characters so they gender swap existing ones

there's everything wrong with making every child of characters female you fucktard. Why no one can produce males in the MK universe?

No, it's not the same thing. Character endings are "what if" scenarios that could plausibly have happened but ended up not. Scorpion having a cooking show is just nonsense that wasn't even meant to be a remote possibility by the creators.

They didn't gender swap Nightwolf. He gave up the title of Nightwolf to be protector of time.

When he gave up the title, the spirit that gave him that power chose someone else from his tribe. This all happens in a non canon arcade ending for a dlc character that didn't appear in the story.

good. she looks hot. just look at those tits

I think it's more about them building high sci-fi cities and living peacefully. I really think black people have the brain of a child, no , you won't be a technologically advanced race with mud and sticks tyrone.

thanks ed boone. how do you no their was no possibility. also can you explain why you decided to make a dlc characters arcade ending the canon ending for the game instead of a one off dumb ideal like most of them


MK9 Skarlet without the mask. If you think's that bad, just look at her hips in the model. The girls looked ugly in 9 even with all the sexy outfits and some characters not looking like left over designs from injustice
>this post

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We have a greater chance of being invaded by Shao Kahn in real life then blacks do getting their shit together and forming a peaceful technologically advanced and enlightened society.
That's not flattering and it's not meant to be, but that's the way it is.


Billy is based and makes trannies seethe

retards really want this ?

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You're a fucking idiot

No way, enjoy your movie characters

No is just assholes, there are assholes on both sides, mostly on the pro sjw side, but yeah, some anti's are just as insufferable, but then there the deranged derailers who are either just nihiists or closeted sjws.

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t. the fag behind the Saved you a click vidya twitter account

Why the only thing that made Rain worthwhile was already given to Shang.

truly the sjws have stolen a magnificent beauty from us

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>no perfect world where the costumes were slapped onto the better models for later games as alts
a shame

>hot Native American chicks
Post 5 examples

It doesn't tease a new Nightwolf at all. That's like saying Kano's ending reveals Cassie and Sonya will be his sex slaves in the next game. Individual endings where heroes become keeper of time aren't canon. Stupid clickbait retard faggots

She looks great. Wouldn't mind her.

Does night wolf have a skalp fatality in mk11? I always thought it was odd that he never had that kinda a missed opportunity

They tried to give female classic outfits in MKX and they looked awful. Like they were made of plastic.

Attached: Get a good look. You won't see it again for a long time..jpg (1920x1080, 520K)

The series never had good lore outside of "Gods choose mortals to fight to the death to end their despite." Seriously, the lore you are trying to defend has always had people running at entire armies of people with guns and somehow never get shot and beating up's awful garbage.

No, it's too insensitive.

>Here's your Netherrealm bro

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as an user said earlier. its a silly b-movie plot. best to just roll with the stupidity

.........I'm honestly not sure if this is an edit or not.

retards are still mad at a fucking qa tester

It's not. 16bit came out on twitter not long after the game released.

I mean, it's not like it wasn't already obvious, but jesus christ. A shame Boon can't legally fire him now and has to embrace this shit in the job place.

16bit is a fucking QA tester, how often do you think Boon interacts with the QA testers.

He's like the lead one and is in every Kombat Kast. You think Boon really wants this fag parading around on the broadcasts as the voice of MK people are going to see and associate with making the brand?

every bathroom bj probably

They can, they just get cut from the roster.

just imagine if the spirits pranked nightwolf into being a woman haha

and i had sex with her haha as a joke

>No Stryker
>No Quan Chi
>No Reptile

No reason to care about 11

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Honestly, I think Jax's ending works best as a counter to Jaqui's ending.
>Jaqui: I know what my father would like, to not be traumatized by his past and avoid being turned into a revenant, even if I have to no longer exist, goodbye Dad, I love you
>Jax: I mean, I could fix my own life, but hey, I have the powers of a god in my hand, gotta make people get woke early and fuck Babylon

Is that MK9, or a bad photoshop?

mk9 its like the retards bitching dont play the games the new nrs games look way better but retards just want to shit on the games

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fucking really

theyre not bitching about the fact the graphics are outdated theyre bitching that they are purposely covering female characters up as a direct change compared to what they have been before the nu-faggots took over
whats more none of the dudes have been touched in such a way, if anything the male characters are even more revealing.
why try so desperately to not see what is obvious?
the sjw bubble will pop when the right people get sick enough of this bullshit, so they are there to help the confused retards that your type is trying to climb over

you can't blame people what what their parents name is

>purposely covering female characters up
the costumes look fine stop the bitching and the girls look way better you sperg

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oh yeah its just me with this opinion. so happy to see you had slight cleavage pic ready to go as if you have been down this road before
wonder why that is but hey don't ask questions just accept the new standard, right?

>duder bbro like just wake up my sheeple dude don't subject yourself like to the new standards of beauty my dude whoa

keep crying fag the girls are not as covered up as you make them out to be

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I wish we had more games with Native Americans. I've always liked the mythology and culture surrounding them.

So far we have
>Tommy from Prey

I literally can't think of anymore.


>Not enjoying skintight outfits

Truly, a homosexual.

bretty much
don't allow these parasites to keep running things into the ground in the name of feminism
I encourage all people to find their balls while they still can

just aussies

so skintight outfits are sjw now?

>tons of AAA games, tentpole movies, tv shows, Fortune 500 companies, and most of the media used for leftist propaganda
>handful of no-names on internet complain about this scenario
People unironically say these are the same

how are you trying to make a point with that png? holy shit. kek

not what he said but they can be if its on a fat ugly womyn

>be me
>Proud American Special Forces soldier
>understand my country was once terrible for my people
>know that America has gotten better, but that history can't be erased and will always divide my country
>gain ability to time travel
>I can save my people from Slavery, use what I've learned to help make a great nation in Africa and help America by removing the bad history that continues to divide us

Explain to me why Jax wouldn't do this

damn, im going to start posting screen caps from this guy, ive never seem so many (you)s with so little effort

b-because black people bad. wakanda never >:(

Because ew niggers

>muh slavery is bad

Blacks actually enjoyed being slaves, the vast majority of them were treated very well. This whole "slavery is bad wahhh" is a product of modern liberal bullshit. If you actually read about slavery you'll find that slaves used to even argue with other slaves about who had a better master.

fuck off phone poster

the fuck
are you drunk or just retarded?

>This whole "slavery is bad wahhh" is a product of modern liberal bullshit.

Jax is a modern black man with PTSD

nope but you are

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yeah, user. you incinerated me, you are the insult master.


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>>muh slavery is bad
>Blacks actually enjoyed being slaves, the vast majority of them were treated very well. This whole "slavery is bad wahhh" is a product of modern liberal bullshit. If you actually read about slavery you'll find that slaves used to even argue with other slaves about who had a better master.

This is your brain on /pol/

sure but your brain on tumblr is no better

>NO U!

I agreed dumb shit
both extreme ends are fucking retarded, like you.

Nightwolf got pranked haha

Hey if she doesn't look like the other goblinas in MK11 is a good addition to the roster .

>heh the tumblr whales only pissed in my cereal, at least they didn't shit in it :^)

mental gymnastics should really be an olympic sport

Not sure what you mean there but if she does look good it would prove that those trannies at NRS didnt had a secret agenda behind the covering of the female characters .

they did/do and Nightwolf wasn't a female
as well you can guarantee she is going to have an axe to grind with the white man and any sense of sex appeal will be nerfed into the ground. this is merely a shit-tier bargaining chip with a string attached

Never even says he is the last of his tribe just that he protects their land you faggot

they look good in mk11 retard

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Nope nope, she's not an anime, therefore Yea Forums thinks she is demon man beast.

yeah whatever.

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Does he get pranked or what?

There's something wrong with making female characters just copies of male characters. Frost is a joke in the story and has no character development or even reasonable motives. She's just trivially angry at the world. If this female nightwolf gets the same treatment it'll be a waste.

She looks Asian, what's so horrible about that?

Explain the ending. does he have a Daughter or just grows tits and get a vag for no reason just because?

Cause if latter then why the fuck are Yea Forums fags complaining about that, you faggots like /d/ stuff.

You people are just extremely uncreative and your shitty attempts to deflect that truth are just pathetic.

ok whats the problem?

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>meanwhile in Japan

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it looks like a fucking monkey. At least other devs do care and actually try hard to make beautiful people

still dont see how she looks bad

here you go its what you wanted

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>When BTFO there's will always be shitposting left
see ya kiddo.

Looks like shit.

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never saw this one before. got an actual laugh

Can you post a picture of what species of monkey she looks like?
