Why does Tim Sweeney (and devs) like to pretend the EGS is a success?

why does Tim Sweeney (and devs) like to pretend the EGS is a success?


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Because it is?

>it's this thread again
Yikes. That's a "Spamming/Flooding." from me.

Ember's Ghost Squad?

It is a private company so we can't tell either way. How do you know it is a failure? You can't.

Nobody uses it

to get more people on board with it (investors, consumers, devs)

it's just american fomo retardation

Commercial success is measured in money, not in some number of controversies.

Fake it till you make it

You don't get more devs to sign up for exclusives by letting everyone know that your store is shit.

I heard there's a minimum sale guarantee for devs who choose Epic store. Those 500.000 "sales" are probably included in it.

ofc, no other EGS matters

>Commercial success is measured in money

throwing money at something isn't the same as something making money

they're all shills. Especially pc gamer.

Because he's a bald chinless kike

>Satisfactory sells only 500,000 copies in 3 months, while Risk of Rain 2, another indie game, sells over 1 million copes in it's first month on steam

>THQ refuses to comment on EGS sales but sounds very disappointed. Almost all Metro Exodus sales were on console.

>Mechawarrior 5 loses nearly a quarter of pre orders after EGS announcement

>New EGS releases have a 40% increased piracy rate.

>Epic pissing off both devs and consumers with their lack of basic features
The EGS is an unsustainable

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>trying to force Steams 15 year growth with exclusivity contracts
The Fortnite money is going to run out eventually.

hopefully soon, I heard Fortnite is already bleeding players like crazy

he looks like he's wearing someone else's skin over his face what the fuck

also satisfactory is the downs syndrome version of factorio

>throwing money at something isn't the same as something making money
And still, the profit is growing.

Do not get me wrong, I hate EGS for taking The Outer Worlds from me so much that I refuse to buy it on any platform, not just PC. However EGS is success and you can't do anything about it.

They already said in a GDC presentation that they are planning to "considerably scale it back" by 2020. Tencents patience isn't endless.

Fake it til you make it

>>Mechawarrior 5 loses nearly a quarter of pre orders after EGS announcement
Do you have a source? I remember them being all smug about with their
>haha there have been only a couple of refunds since we announced the move to EGS 12 hours ago, take that :^)

Riddle me this Timman. Why can't i buy unreal or unreal tournament 99 (or 2003/2004 for that matter) in your fucking store? The game (and engine) that basically kept your company alive before your dumbass got lucky with Fortnite by sheer accident is not in your fucking store.

You wanna know what sells UT99? STEAM and GoG.

I am not even gonna mention Jazz Jackrabbit

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what are the chances that Metro Exodus sold more in pre-orders on steam than it did in total on Ebin store? I think pretty high because those distasteful articles saying it sold 12128512 times better than the original game weren't also telling you the original release only sold 20k before redux

Give me sugar

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It's a success in that it didn't immediately keel over and die as soon as it got enough strength in its legs to walk, but its business model of buying temporary exclusive rights and giving out free games isn't sustainable. Look at the Discord store, they have an asston of free games and I don't know a single person who uses it.
Right now the only thing keeping EGS alive is controversy and Fortnite money.

truth be told everyone who wants to get into the business of distributing games has their work cut out for them, but instead of providing a half decent service, or at least making their own games and enticing people to come that way, they just try to half ass it with free games and buying exclusives, or worst case scenario, paying half ass journalists to blame steam for everything wrong with the world.

That’s just that one person on Yea Forums aka OP

It would be so much easier to shill their shit if they just add some features like forums and reviews. Im guessing those are hard and expensive to add?

If they add their own old games to the store, it will push back another game by a week.

>ANOTHER steamdrone seething thread
How many of those are you guys gonna make? Don't you have videogames to play like Dota Underlor- pffffffahahaha... and Artifac- HOHAOAHAHAHAAHA can't even finish that line

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their first major exclusive, borderlands 3, wont even have pre-loading. I mean preloading isn't a problem here in the third world, since we have good internet, but you poor first world fucks stuck on 50mbps connection really can make use of the feature

I love sweeney just because he makes mentally unwell losers like OP seethe to the point if hysterics and obsession. It's a fuxking digital toy store you loon not a political party lmao

>why does Tim Sweeney (and devs) like to pretend the EGS is a success?
I don't really think it's that hard to pull it off. They are probably in the green.
It's just that Valve are gigantic jews with Steam.

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>noooo don't talk about things I don't like
but you're the only one seething, kid

If it was they wouldn't have to pay devs for exclusivity.



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