Talk about a game that looks like shit

>talk about a game that looks like shit
>"How can you criticize it when you never played it?"

>talk about a game that I played and can confirm is shit
>"How can you criticize it when you have X hours in the game? Clearly you enjoyed it enough to play X hours"

Attached: ridley hangs out with his good pal.png (1033x589, 582K)

>"it gets good 12 hours in"

Attached: 130456796254.jpg (307x323, 29K)

>it actually gets worse 12 hours in

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>"It gets good 6 months in"
>mfw my friend unironically told me that about WoW Classic

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>call a game shit because I know for a fact it will play just like the last 2 games in the series

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Why is Ridley fucking that new Faerie from Neopets?

WoW Classic is a unique sort of fun but nobody should lie about how long it takes to get to the good part. Level 1 - 25 is a terrible slog.

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>its a good game, just not a good game in series

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anyone who says the second one is just deflecting. I've played a game I hated for 100 hours both because I thought it might get better and I had nothing better to do.

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>play game for less than an hour
>praise it because thats the status quo


Who is this penis pixie?

But this is 100% valid though.

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>call a game shit
Fuck the dark souls and god hand fanbases. Shit games

fuck i cant find source guys, all ive gotten its that its kaia from neopets

Whose OC is this?

>You only dislike it because you hate women

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>"It gets good 12 hours in"
>It actually does

Attached: rids.png (400x400, 325K)


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what games?

I don’t need to play sword and shield to tell you that the game is extremely disappointing after having TPC and it’s dicksuckers to tell you to wait for your game 2 years in a row

>Game is worse than the other games
>That are probably older
>And therefore cheaper


>see game trailer
>call games shit
>”wtf you can’t judge a game on the trailer meant to show off the game’s best aspects!”

>game announced
>details about it get more and more discouraging

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>talk about a game that looks like shit
>"How can you criticize it when you never played it?"
Correct. You can't judge a game when you never played it.

>talk about a game that I played and can confirm is shit
>"How can you criticize it when you have X hours in the game? Clearly you enjoyed it enough to play X hours"
Now this is bullshit. If you played the game and didn't enjoy the game on the first three hours, you have the right to drop and criticize it and I will argue with you even when I disagree with you.

That has nothing to do with "Its a good game, but nkt a good X game"
Certain series have expectations tied to them by the gaming community/fanbase.
The next Resident Evil could be the greatest kart racer of all time and it would still be slaughtered because "thats not Resident Evil."
Thats obviously a very wild and extreme example, but it helps make the point clear.

>"it gets good 20 hours in"
>it actually does

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