How it is that this first world European country never made any significant video game?

How it is that this first world European country never made any significant video game?

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I liked McDonald's Video Game.


assetto corsa



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They're #14 in amount of video games.
1/17 countries that have made 100 or more video games.

Looks like som asscreed was made in italy, this 2048 game which went viral a few years ago.
So fairly irrelevant, but not completely irrelevant.

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who cares
all western games are garbage

Bathe and go outside


shut up namefag
kill yourself

>Looks like some asscreed was made in italy
Not exactly. The only did some additional work on the game. Same with they only made the portable ports.

Ah okay


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Personal I don't think mario+rabbits made much impact, even tho it sold enough to make a sequel. Plus the fact that it's a spin-off of a foreign video games makes me questions if it should be count as a 100% pure italian game.


Betrayal is in their blood so they struggle to get things done.

it's the best ubisoft game tbqh

Most of the tech talent is concentrated in the North, and Ubisoft Milan just uses them as a support studio most of the time

there are some indies

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Wasn't Redout made in italy too? Also Daymare 1998 is looking fine so far.

We do, they're just all shit.

Excuse me?

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>It's a "What vidya did this European country make?" thread
>people spam obscure literally who games

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the country is falling apart, we're kinda busy

Because italians are shit at everything they do.

It's french, retard

This but unironically

Of course you never heard of them since you live in Brazil


>first world
t. italian

Do Italian really say this?

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Depends, if we want to meet them again we say what pic related
if we do not want to meet them ever again we say "Addio"

yeah? it's the formal way to say bye

t. Carola Rackete

Who's the Italian's favorite JoJo part 5 character?

Yes but it's formal
"Ciao" is the informal version

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I went to the south and it was very nice, but very rural. Some of the beaches around Calabria / Crotone were very nice.
t. American

My favourites are Bucciarati and Diavolo

i don't have one myself (mostly because i never watched jojo) but i do admire it for what it is!
(i also wish there was an italian dub of it because from what i've seen ghiaccio is the most precise italian character i ever seen)

Well for starters, their entire economy consists of increasingly shrinking manufacturing and an increasing tourism industry.
Secondly, I dont really give a shit if they dont make vidya, that country has made the best food I've ever had in my life

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It's not really a country and it's not really first world

t. minisdro de la indegrasione


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I thought Italian is fucking cool language in that scene

cazzo dovrei votare? tutte le parti fanno schifo, ma spero nella distruzione del PD

If i have to give my own opinion, if they will ever make a game, it would be them shitting on everything
from the industry to the players and even themselves



Because here in Italy, people who plays videogame are still shunned and made fun of. Chad plays outside sports

PD is here to stay pepino, if anything the one you should be saying good bye is M5S

Risotto Nero cause it's one of my favorite dishes

>italian on Yea Forums


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>PD is here to stay pepino, if anything the one you should be saying good bye is M5S

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does anyone else really miss /vint/

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Imagine actually naming yourself on an anonymous site. Unironically kys.



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>Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western world, Western society, and European civilization, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies that originated in or are associated with Europe. The term also applies beyond Europe to countries and cultures whose histories are strongly connected to Europe by immigration, colonization, or influence. For example, Western culture includes countries in the Americas and Australasia, whose language and demographic ethnicity majorities are European. Western culture has its roots in Greco-Roman culture from classical antiquity (see Western canon).

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>not voting based Salvini

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yeah west

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acting like a retarded and bringing down the government just because he want to rule

I guess it fits, historically speaking, when only europe and asia were relevant.
But I don't the majority of the planet should be called western. calling more than half of civilization western just feels outdated.

Dormi bene Dvce

The absolute state of pastafags


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Voto di protesta is the way.

>t. noTAV refugee-welcome

Corruption at the municipal level ensures that no-one will get financial incentive to develop games there

Surprised not to see this title mentioned. Probably the best survival horror of 2017 or whenever it came out

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Is Italy Europe's retarded son?


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no that's greece


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Seems like an another amnesialike where you run around mansion solving simple puzzles and fleeing from monsters and jumpscares

can't wait until renzi steal another governorship, lmao

mario is italian retard

ur mom is italian

No, it’s a love letter to the Clocktower series and Italian giallo films that inspired the genre in the first place.

If you’re not interested in the genre though I guess you’re going to see what you want to see

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no that's the united states

>Voto di protesta is the way.
It's called not voting, and I do it literally every year. Casapound is the same garbage as anyone else.


figlio di puttana

Only if italians are senile and have forgot past stuff.

>italians are senile and have forgot past stuff.
this but unironically, they kept forgetting berlusconi every 5 years for 2 decades, lmao

And here I was, about to blame the French for Dabbing Luigi.

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beat me to it

Dormi bene Duce

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Steel Saviour is pretty good.

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do i have High IQ?

Italians are lazy, careless, hedonistic and unorganisatory by nature. Very similar to Americans but they didn't get lucky with geograpghy.

Italy is a normies country, videogames haven't had much diffusion because, among the other reasons, the infrastructures suck and internet is a relatively new thing

same reason why we're only just now starting to see some Italians in reports, while there is plenty of Danish and Germans

whats with all the spaghettiniggers ITT? dont they know Yea Forums is for video games and not their shitflinging?

>3rd largest economy in europe.

>being this autistic you steer off of the universal definition of "the west"

Grezzo 2 was better.

#15 per capita, which is the relevant measure when you're talking about how individuals from that country are

Grezzo 1 wasnt even released to the public you fucking nigger, ofcourse he meant the second game