So is there any way we can find this dude's W/L record?

so is there any way we can find this dude's W/L record?

Attached: 1W9BKljE[1].jpg (512x512, 31K)

in stacraft

this guy was alright compared to the others, but hes on thin ice for turning into another fake talking point spewing democrat with his recent digs at trump, instead of talking about policies. tolce gabbert is all we have now that is still a decent candidate, but they don't like her so she won't be the final anyways.

Just print more fucking money lol
Just keep printing more money

Trump fears this

Attached: DwrfOCGX4AAna6a.jpg large.jpg (2048x1916, 417K)

and that's a good thing

>tolce gabbert
This is a good example of the intelligence of the average Gabbard supporter btw

Attached: 1546583307248.jpg (640x360, 31K)

that man can withstand a car crash. what the fuck can you do, poop every day?

The economy is already in ruins, has been for awhile. UBI means more people have more money which means a spending surplus which means more money is circulating. It's really that simple. Rather than the current "well I guess we'll just add more debt" way of doing things.


>but hes on thin ice for turning into another fake talking point spewing democrat with his recent digs at trump, instead of talking about policies. tolce gabbert is all we have now that is still a decent candidate

Tulsi made a video calling Trump a bitch.

he needs to rethink his goofy $1000 a month for everyone thing or just drop it completely, cause its not very realistic.

kekking mightily holy shit

YANG 2020 baby time for nips to own america

I know he won't win but why would anybody even think this shit would help? How can anybody be able to put the UBI in motion without somehow fucking up the economy? Also the dude is clearly a Communist Chinese plant, just in time when China is gonna pull a Tienanmen^2.

Why is this chinck crying now?

cause he imagine his kids being shot is what i heard.

>talking point spewing democrat with his recent digs at trump, instead of talking about policies
im not even that big of a yang fan, but thats the stupidest fucking criticism ive ever heard. Yang talks pure policy way way more than most politicians, there are hours upon hours of him going into the specifics of his UBI plan and talking about deep level economic policies. Fucking weak faggots cant take even a single criticism of their daddy trump and immediately dismiss anyone who does regardless of anyone else.

>be born
>be bugmen
he lost since his birth

he had an actual moment of being a human being and empathizing with the person in front of him. Not something politicians are known to do very often so it makes news

Its just tiring hearing democrats hate on trump and act like his position is evil. all of them act like we have to get rid of the evil orange man by any means necessary. they talk more about booting trump out of the office then actual plans for running the country. so any candidate that publicly say that trump is racist with no evidence then they are the far left and need to get out.

>implying it's not crocodile tears
>believing a politician and a bugmen at that to have feelings
$0.01 has been deposited to your social credit account.

I'd be scared of a fella that wants to tank the economy too.


Does anyone know his starcraft or wow account?