Shareholders now know how it feels to buy something from Gamestop and have it lose 80% of its trade-in value

>Shareholders now know how it feels to buy something from Gamestop and have it lose 80% of its trade-in value

Attached: gamestopstock.jpg (624x937, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mark my words, people will miss and grow nostalgic for GameStop after its demise in the same way people miss Toys R Us.

Toys R Us, even though they never had sales, they never came close to committing the slimy acts of Jewery that GS committed. Does anyone even have nostalgia for Toys R Us?

Did Toys R Us ever get its heart cut out like Gamestop though? I'm nostalgic for Babbage's, Software Etc., back when those were the best places to get video games. By the time Gamestop completely took over, there were better options

No because Toy R Us and Blockbuster felt special while Gamestop was mostly shitty and even Wal Mart offered a better customer experience.

If anything, people will only miss the cringe stories that came with it.

>slimy acts of Jewery that GS committed.

To be fair, GameStop hasn't done anything that any pawn shops already done years before, and we're supposed to act like every GameStop in the nation should deservedly burn to the ground because they only offered $24.73 in store credit for a stack of EA Sports titles?

Get real, stop being so dramatic, and fuck back off to /pol/ with your shit.

I can't imagine anyone will with their shitty shady way they run their business. I just buy my games either on Amazon or go to my nearby independent game store which has everything to games,figurines,DVD, and more. If anything I'll be happy once gamestop dies. Maybe the independent gamestores can finally get the support it deserves

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>toys r us never had sales
Those buy 2 get 1 free on all games used to get me and my friends into a frenzy


>because they only offered $24.73 in store credit for a stack of EA Sports titles?
and sold broken "refurbished" consoles
and opened games, played them, and sold them as "new"

>Does anyone even have nostalgia for Toys R Us?
Fao Schwarz was something else man.
Toy R Us was really hype to me when I was a kid so yeah I think I will miss it.

Gamestop was mostly mediocre, you went in and got game after declining I do not know how many store offers. Not to mention that, depending on the zone, the clerk needed to go in the back for the disc, so it was pretty shitty of them to take out of the discs and place them back and tell me it was brand new. I know it was to push their shitty used game model but the savings on used games were never that great.

If anything, one reason why I rarely buy console games is because Steam and Amazon are objectively better.

the only thing people will nostalgia for over at gamestop is the launch parties like halo 3.

toys r us banned me from their store for life

fuck those guys.

wtf did you do

They hated anonymous
For he told the truth

>Maybe the independent gamestores can finally get the support it deserves

Yes, because we all know that all the independent toy stores flourished once Toys R Us folded.

Oh, wait. That's not what happened at all. Walmart, Target, and Amazon absorbed the market! Guess who will absorb the market when GameStop folds? Hint: Not your favorite mom-and-pop shop.

>Pushing conjecture as fact.
I thought this was an 18+ site?

Nope. I hate Gamestop 110%. I have not once had anything resembling a good experience involving Gamestop.

Gonna be sad to see GameXChange and Disc Replay go though.

>Maybe the independent gamestores can finally get the support it deserves
Lol no, games these days are a paper code inside a poor quality DVD case at most.

Gamestop died because everyone went digital. Look at shit like Fallout 76, Bethesda is selling a steel book with a cardboard disc in it and called that a special edition.

In short, Gamestop died because they got out jewed by the industry, reason why most gaming stores sell clothes and vinyl figurines because gaming is all now digital.

It gets worse because in the woke era, no one buys special editions because the game sin question suck, the west cannot produce anything worthwhile nowadays.

Went there every day and stayed for at least 12 hours playing with all the toys and demos but the last straw was me getting into an argument with a kid over a lego set and they said it was getting physical when it wasn't.

Gamestop wasnt a goid game store my dude. Did you wofk there or something?

The only nostalgia I have from Toys R Us was picking up a Dreamcast back in 1999 with my dad and older brother. We got Sonic Adventure 1 and House of the Dead 2. No VMU though, had to leave the system on for days to keep our save data until we could get one.

Well yeah, a 20+ year old getting into a fight with a kid let alone staying for 12 hours a day is a little strange.

Nobody misses Toys R Us because nobody has babies any more.

Back to r*ddit bud

It had it's moments. And no, I didn't work there. I make too much money to ever want to work there.

But I know this board. One valid-yet-minor critique over something is brought up about something and suddenly everyone thinks it's worthy of death because of it.

>Used copy of obscure JRPG at Gamestop
>Brand new copy of obscure JRPG on Ebay

No wonder Gamestop is dying

VMUs were just $25 back then. If your family was that poor, then where did you get the $320 for the Dreamcast and the two games?

They didn't have any in stock at the time and the closest store that had one was a long drive.

I'll miss having a dumping ground for games I don't want. The occasional sale was nice, too.

/biz/nesman here, If you're holding a company that hasn't been in the green in 4-5 years then that's your fault. Short this fucking stock.

People underestimate the value of having the ability to go to a store to pick up something and have it on the same day. This is why brick and mortar stores wont die.

I'll gladly pay $5-10 more for a product to have it the very same day than to wait 2-4 shipping days. Unlike most on this site, I'm not living off of ramen noodles and water and pretending that being NEET is desirable.

>Fao Schwarz
my nigga, that place was the coolest store ever as a kid

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There's barely any profit in new games. When KMart was really starting to have money problems they killed their video game sections first.

Instant gratification is a mother fucker in this world. Might be a hell mary, but it'll probably keep them around. Unless digital continues to grow and improve.

I'm old so it didnt have its moments for me even though i was able to actually take advantage of their promos from tine to time. I'm not even nostalgic for places like funcoland like people my age. That was a pretty shit store too.

>Does anyone even have nostalgia for Toys R Us?

Somewhat. I do have some fond/vague memories of browsing Kaybee Toys as a kid, too.

Good times.

>hell mary

Have you been going through your entire life not knowing that it's "Hail Mary?"

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calm down, probably a phone autocorrect error.

>Does anyone even have nostalgia for Toys R Us?
I was pretty poor growing up so I went there every now and again and only every purchased stuff maybe 2 or 3 times. They I went again around 16yo to buy a toys r us limited edition figure. Thats about it.

I often wonder what other toy and retail chains have been lost to history

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>Pushing conjecture as fact.
>never bought a game from gamestop and had them pull it out of a sleeve from behind the desk
ok retart, not to mention the employee accounts of district managers having them sell more used games by saying that the "new" one is out of stock

Sorry filthy phone poster reporting in.

It will indeed happen.
After all nerds are now pretending that the SW prequel trilogy and dragon ball gt were good and no one hated them.

I'd rather take the cheaper new copy over the more expensive used copy. It's about princibles. If I'm going to pay $15 more then I should get the case+manual, not a fucking paper sleeve.

Wall Street mass suicides soon, bro.

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As a guy that enjoyed GT back when it was airing, I can safely assure you, having a shit taste is actually quite beneficial.

>Using jew as a hyperbole for greed is considered equivalent to /pol/'s jew world control conspiracy now

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honestly I'd rather wait the 2 days for it to show up at my front door than the drive at gamestop while wasting gas and waiting in traffic.

Brick and mortar won't die, but Gamestop will. Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and independent game stores that haven't burned up all their good will can all offer a better brick and mortar experience than Gamestop can.

> President Trump just put on his Santa hat. Here's why
Obsessed and rent free

what happened in that year to cause the steep decline?

>Instant gratification
People don't buy online because they're patient. They buy online for the convenience of not going to the store.

All those other stores can get by because they sell stuff more than just video games. People here go to Walmart/Target for groceries and pharmacy shit. The two things people always going to come back for in order to survive.

in 5 years every delivery service will have same day delivery with autonomous drones.

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I'm surprised that Gamestop doesn't have a used game rental service for premium members. Make it like Blockbuster's game pass where you can rent two used games for as long as you want if you continue paying the subscription and you get to keep one of the games each 6 months.

you still buy physical copies of games?
wtf is wrong with you?

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It's pretty much same day delivery right now if you live in the same area as an Amazon fulfillment center. There's one that's a 25 minute drive away from me.

This. The future of brick and mortar games (assuming Ms/Sony don't kill them entirely) is pretty much just big box stores that make their profit on other stuff and just keep games to lure people into the store to buy other higher profit items.

"Sorry sir, but all of our copies of Bloodborne and Legend of Zelda BOTW are currently, but you might like pic related"

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I only really have one memory of going to Toys R Us. When I was a kid my grandparents took me there for my birthday and got me a bunch of Lego sets. It was pretty cool, probably the biggest selection of Legos I've ever seen in a store, aside from Lego World. I must have left that TRU with over a hundred dollars worth of Legos.

GameStop on the other hand buttfucked me more times than I can remember. Last time I went in though it actually wasn't that bad. Hadn't been in one in almost a decade. Maybe they just can't afford to be cunts anymore? I went in to get a new controller because my old one died and I didn't want to wait a few days for a new one. They didn't hassle me or anything. Just bought the controller and left.

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>Does anyone even have nostalgia for Toys R Us
Hell yeah. You'll never know the feeling of going into a ToysRUs during the late 80s and seeing nothing but an entire isle of wall to wall NES games then running over to look for new GiJoe, Transformers, and He-Man toys.

If you can't wait a few days to play a game then you clearly have much worse problems than not having a lot of money.

I have nostalgia for toys r us because I used to go look at games and toys there as a kid. We never bought anything but looked alot. Today I wish toys r us was around because there's a few things I collect and I can't find them anywhere and just buying it online isn't any fun

Currently rented out*

I fucked my own shitpost up

Not gonna lie, I will miss Gamestop.

I still don't understand the appeal of buying online. Maybe because I was born in the 80s.

Is it just due to laziness? I always thought it's great that you can go to the store, you can actually see what you are buying, you can talk with people who are there to help you with your purchase, and looking at the whole catalog of stuff actually physically in front of you is fun.

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Online prices tend to be cheaper than store. For example Gamestop wanted $180 for a used Vita but you can pick one up from Ebay for only $120 and you get games included as well.

Those of us who aren't poor have gigabit internet and can download a 30 GB game in less than the time it takes to walk or drive to the nearest brick and mortar store.

I hear ya, I just download my games and can play them within an hour. My only worry is if I get banned or lose my account for reason and then can't play any of the games I paid for.

More like offered $20 for a console and 15 games
>b-b-but you get $30 if you want store credit

And then I just pirate them all again.
Like I'm about to do with Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.

> you can actually see what you are buying
In a store you can see maybe 2-3 tiny bullshots of the game on the back of the case. On a digital storefront like Steam, you can see actual video of the gameplay
> you can talk with people who are there to help you with your purchase
More often than not, they have awful normie tier taste and don't really know what they're doing. At least if we're talking about Walmart/Gamestop. Independent game stores are nicer in that respect.
> looking at the whole catalog of stuff actually physically in front of you is fun
Yeah, I can at least agree with that. You've got way better curration in a brick and mortar store since they don't have room to stock thousands of shovelware games like Steam does.

I've never had a problem with gamestop so I'll still be a bit bummed to see it go.

you sound like a perfect consumer

Gamestop doesn't keep a steady supply of any given game, so I imagine this wouldn't work very well.

>Want to sell games to gamestop that are hard to sell online
>Yesterday the prices were good for 2 games
>Went to check in today before I went
>5 dollars less than yesterday

I was born in 93, and I also like going to a store if I can help it. I think what killed physical copy games was digital downloads more than anything. If GameStop wanted to 'survive' they maybe could have done an online shop like what steam is doing, but they never did

Basically, you just buy where the best pricing is. Online benefits include occasional sales and discounts, convenience of delivery, and I guess not having to deal with your social anxiety.



well talking to wageslaves is not fun at all and driving to a store costs time and money.

Or you could just press a button and have the game ready to go

>they maybe could have done an online shop
I mean, they do sell download codes. They just don't have their own shop.

Oh yeah, people will miss it. They'll talk about how they "knew" the store owner or the cool guy / girl behind the counter and would chat with people during midnight releases.

I'd be happy to buy from a store if the price was right, but often it isn't.

>Gamestop wanted to sell me used Gamecube copy of PSO for $40, no case/manual/the papers needed to play the fucking game online
>Nope the fuck outta there because a sealed new copy is $50 (but obviously they don't have it)
>Go to Amazon instead
>Almost new copy with game+case+manual+network codes, only $25

I just don't care, I pirate everything before I buy anyways so all that shit is useless to me in a world where 90% of devs font release demos.
Even on fucking consoles, I can go on my Switch right now and fine a small handful of first party games that actually have fucking demos.

no one is more the perfect consumer than someone who is happy to buy while incurring the least costs for the store (somebody who buys from their website)

How quickly the tide turns!

> They just don't have their own shop.
That's the problem. They could have and should have made one while they still had the mind and market share to compete with Valve
> a small handful of first party games that actually have fucking demos
Because in most cases, a demo for a major game makes the game sell less copies, not more. It lets people try it and realize it's not everything they hyped it up to be. Demos are only beneficial for indies and games who's appeal is not immediately obvious, like Baba Is You for instance.

The only nostalgic shit I will miss from Gamestop are the horror stories from employees.

>Mark my words, people will miss and grow nostalgic for GameStop after its demise in the same way people miss Toys R Us.
I unironically have more nostalgia for CEX for the handful of years they were in the US than GameStop. The prices were better there 2/3 of the time, the product condition and selection better 90% of the time, and they had more interesting shopfronts.

Will miss having a dedicated game store though since most LGSes are worthless for things other than hardware repairs and seasonal events.

Yes somewhat. Going to Toys R Us was always a big deal as a kid in the early 90s, as it was the one place where you could see entire racks full of toys for a single show you loved. Not to mention the game aisle with the paper slips you’d have to redeem at the side counter.

One of my first jobs happened to be at TRU as well, working in their discrete games section that recently started. I think it was around when the DS first released

protip: never buy refurbished xbox 360s or wiis from gamestop. majority of the 360s have done the towel trick so they are ticking time bombs or the wii has a disc drive that won't read dual layer games.

Why are gamers uniquely the perfect sheep getting a worse deal at retail than literally any other market sector?

They were the idiots that made GameStop strong in the first place, choosing it over independent retailers just because it had a slightly bigger range. Didn't matter that the prices were higher and the store engaged in exploitative prices. A (slightly) bigger range. That's all it had. I'm talking about GameStop back in the old days.

Then dumb as fuck gamers want to buy online from Steam and other distributors. Literally no other consumer in other sectors would be dumb enough to "buy" a product that they are actually renting indefinitely. Can you imagine what a disaster the online space will look like without the competition provided by shitty GameStop? It's gonna be hell alright, and it's all of your goddamn making.

You should have bought from independent retailers when you had a chance you goddamn fools. You blew it up. It's over.

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I was born in 83 and while im not 100% on board digital, I'm all for buying online. Nothing to do with Laziness and everything to do with v
Convenience. I don't have to invest time or gas going to a store where I almost always have a negative experience. It's a no brainer.

Pretty certain that site is in favor of trump considering they're reporting that and not the racist accent he put on when talking about South Korea.

if it's less than 3% it's literally nothing
if it's between 3 and 5 its probably nothing
if it's between 5 and 10 it might be something
if it's between 10 and 20 it's definitely someting
if it's more than 20 it's happening


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Honestly fuck Gamestop. Last time I went there which was like 4 years ago I just asked for a game and kept cutting him off everytime he asked a question. I had to say no like 6 times before I could fucking pay for my game.

Slimy fucks

You're retarded. Buying a new game from Gamestop was the exact same price as any major retailer but instead of having to walk through a bigass store and waiting 10 minutes at a register you were in and out in 2 minutes for the exact same product.

>I bought the peak again and I'm down 10k
Thanks /biz/ you bunch of fucks

There was definitely something magical about going to a toys r us, or any toy store as a kid. Most kids these days won't get to experience something like that since their parents will probably just buy stuff online.

>going to a store where I almost always have a negative experience
Why do you have a negative experience? I rarely have had a bad time buying from a store.

>if it's less than 3% it's literally nothing
To be fair, less than 3% over a sufficiently long string of days adds up.

The real big news is the 2-10 spread for treasury yields inverting. It means that barring 60 years of history being defied you’ve got at most two years before the economy outside the casino tanks.

Start saving and reducing your investment risk.

>instead of having to walk through a bigass store and waiting 10 minutes at a register you were in and out in 2 minutes for the exact same product.
Big stores aren't independent retailers

Should've shifted to accessories and non Pop! merchandise. Physical games media is going away like it or not and they need to adapt of end up like Sears. As for pops they're extremely polarizing and things like posters and mugs would sell better.

Anyone who has bought gamestop in the last five years is unironically a retarded boomer

>over a sufficiently long string of days
well of course, -20% over a week is definitely going to be happening territory, and you'll never get more than -10% in a single day cause the market will close itself before it gets any lower
>The real big news is the 2-10 spread for treasury yields inverting
i'm an econlet and i have no idea what this means
>start saving
i'm unemployed
fug :D

>Thanks /biz/ you bunch of fucks
>buying into stocks when the yield curve has been inverted for close to two months and all the smart money is piling into safe havens
Brought it on yourself, really.

I always liked going to Toys R Us because the inside of the building smelled like fresh cotton candy and the employees dressed nice. Beats going to Walmart and smelling the manure from the gardening section piercing throughout the building.

GameStop is shady but you're happy to buy from Amazon? Curious.

>Physical games media is going away like it or not
If gamers kept going out of their way to buy them they'd never go away. It's exactly my point. There is literally no consumer group as idiotic as gamers.

You fuckers are more than willing to piss away what little consumer rights you have in favor of being as lazy as possible.

The total experience of driving there is negative. Then i get there and have to wait for some nigger to trade in 50 games before I can buy my 1. I don't go to any store for enjoyment. Definitely have better things to do with my time.

>seeing nothing but an entire isle of wall to wall NES games then running over to look for new GiJoe, Transformers, and He-Man toys.
Not him, but I was born in '82, and I totally forgot rushing over to look at the new GI Joes. Now I remember and it's painful.

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People will miss gamestop since they were the ones doing a ton of those half off or 66% off deals and one of the few places that would actually stock niche weeb games. Without them Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart won't have to bother price matching their deals so games will stay more expensive for longer.

>implying I look at trends or do any research
Just listen to the latest gossip and invest

Buying a superior format is idiotic? Console disks are basically built in DRM. They can't be copied and can only be played on a specific piece of hardware. Steam is more free since cracking Steam DRM is so absolutely trivial it may as well not be there at all. To say nothing of GOG, which is the only truly DRM free option nowadays.

>not shady

>They can't be copied
That's what gives them resale value idiot

so like steam sales but you have to go there.


The industry is partially at fault for sticking with optical media. The time was right for cartridges to return.

>i'm an econlet and i have no idea what this means
It means that you get more money from holding short term bonds than long term bonds when in a healthy economy, it’s the other way around since you’re tying up your money for longer. More practically, it also means that it’s more expensive to service short term than long term debt, which messes with financial institutions and companies that are leveraged.

It’s also a phenomenon that’s preceded every US recession since the mid-50s, with no misses that I can think of offhand.

>I'm already feeling the feels.
The sad thing is, there are no common alternative to stores like gamestop and whatever replaces it is going to be gimped due online purchasing trends.

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nope, if you legitimately feel nostalgic shopping at corporate brands you need to kill yourself asap.

Soon there will be nothing but grocery stores outside.

> Being able to sell a disk for $10 is more important than having free access to game files

The last good deal i got there was when they discontinued the indie box steel case pc games with soundtracks and steam codes for 97 cents each.

great now I'll never be able to get my preorder for battletoads

I genuinely pity your lack of friends.

I actually used to work for a grocery chain and the owner was trying to sell it because he thought amazon and others would even be able to dominate that market.

I bought $125 worth of stocks last week because I thought it was't gonna fall anymore but then went and fell even more. Already lost $50 in a matter of a few days but thank god I was just testing and didn't invest the $1k I was planning to.

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Nah, since Amazon especially would price match all their deals so you'd shop at Amazon instead of going to Gamestop for their deal. With no Gamestop those sales wouldn't exist in the first place.

So if amazon buys them, does stock skyrocket?

He's not wrong, why would anyone go to a grocery store when you can get produce directly delivered from the farm to your door?

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Now might not be the time to invest in anything, bros...

Still gotta have car shops user. Robots can't replace us and people aren't going to ship their car.

I fucking hate Toys R Us because they came to my country and tried to fuck over our unions. Typical american company, I've boycotted them ever since

>everyone says gamestop is going to close soon and is failing
>3.32 stocks
>company i work for has stock value of .25

>look for a game
>nowhere in town sells it because it's a niche game
>go online
>it couldn't be easier to find somewhere to order a copy

I went to the Times Square one a lot.

and escape rooms

It's good for version control. You can get a launch window disc or track down another edition and get the release with the patch number that you want in the cases of balancing, censorship, worse performance, FPS caps, etc.

A word of advice for investing, never catch a falling dagger. If you are a normie who doesn't want to do research, just wait till a recession happens and when GDP growth starts ballooning again invest in the index till you think there is another recession. Generally wait at least 5 years before selling out your position.

this is fake but it won't be in five years

People miss 90s Toys R Us, not the modern one.

>want to buy a new xboner controller
>go to gamestop
>65 dollars
>open amazon in browser in store
>44 dollars

they haven't even been trying to stay afloat.

It depends on what you want to buy. Stuff like clothing, shoes and whatnot it makes a lot more sense to go to the actual store since you want to see how it looks on you and what size to get. Stuff like video games are just that, so there's no need to check them out in the store. All the info you'd need to know beforehand can already be found online

Well most of what I buy is food. Material culture has taken a big hit with few holdouts, the concept of owning a China cabinet is odd to most young people. I think the fact that all modern collectables are wroth less than their original price played a part.

I know places like Best Buy and Walmart does price matching on items. But Gamestop doesn't do it which sucks balls.

> Material culture has taken a big hit with few holdouts
This DESU. And as far as I'm concerned that's a good thing. Seems like most boomers have a house full of junk they don't need and never use. I try to live on the light side so I don't end up like that.

Boomers have kids, grandkids and money

>over a hundred dollars worth of Legos
Jeeze they wouldn't even buy you a full set? Where do you get a half of set of Legos.

>Material culture has taken a big hit with few holdouts
Not really, there is just a replacing of what is valued. Consumer debt is a the highest levels in a long time, it's is just that Air Jordans are the new shiny shit you want to spend money on, not something like furniture.

Reminder that the next time you see a Gamestop cashier hassling you about all these offers, remember that they're not trying to be dicks about it. They're forced to do it to meet a quota or else they get their hours (pay) cut or fired. So please don't try get angry at them, they just want to afford their next Mcdonalds meal.

You can have free access to game files if they are on a disk. There's nothing more onerous about the DRM on disks than on Steam.

There is literally no reason to buy on Steam at all. Either you buy a disk and you can at least play the resale value game and have some consumer rights or you pirate. There's nothing in between.

fuck yes

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Born in 1984 here. True, I only buy through internet items that I can't buy physically here, but I've found e-commerce to be very practical.

>I always thought it's great that you can go to the store, you can actually see what you are buying

>You can talk with people who are there to help you with your purchase, and looking at the whole catalog of stuff actually physically in front of you is fun.
This is absolute horseshit. Salesmen always try to push shit you don't need or don't want to fulfill their quotes. They're dishonest as fuck and I'm glad I have to deal with them less and less.

Consumer debt being high is more a function of the abysmal state of the economy. I get the feeling that most people nowadays would rather spend on a fancy car, house, or vacation than gaudy trinkets to set around their house like boomers did.

Nothing. Gamestop actually posted earnings that were above their original projections in that quarter. The drop came from investors not being as stupid as people make them out to be. They knew the company was on borrowed time and decided to bail while the company was on a high because it was unlikely the company was going to have to many more good quarters.

Toys R Us and Circuit City were the only stores I can remember that did in store mail in rebate. No other store had that.

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Shit man that was a fuck load of Bionicles back in the day. They got me a huge castle set that Christmas too. I think that's pretty good. I still have a massive Lego bin in the attic.

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I will be nostalgic for walking into stores and physically handling the game I want to buy, not Game Stop,

I miss the one they had in Times Square because they had the Ferris Wheel.

Remember going to the game aisle, and they had kiosks of games running while the walls were filled with slips of yellow price-tag paper you had to take to the dames desk to get your game? And paying the $5.00 TRU tax for the honor of doing so?
Those were the days...

>"New" copy of Loz BoTW at GameStop out of plastic and sticker on it $60
>New copy at Target for $50

Good riddance

Any old dudes remember kiddie city? I remember picking out River ciry ransom from behind the glass case for my first video game.

I remember wanting an SNES so bad that I would cut out every SNES ad from the Sunday Paper and keep them in a shoe box under my bed, then go through it every night before bed.
Hell, I remember the Sunday Paper...

>original sega games
"The Master System never existed" guy incoming.

Same. I'll never forget going into the city for my 11th birthday and getting Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

I'll miss buying weebshit on clearance.

Oh sweet Summer child, you are so fucking wrong.
I don't miss GameStop. I miss FuncoLand and EBGames.


>Why are gamers uniquely the perfect sheep getting a worse deal at retail than literally any other market sector?
Why are YOU such a fucking moron?

Not gonna lie, I do feel nostalgic about playing guitar hero at gamestop when I was in middle school. It was like an arcade with only one game after the arcade closed in my city.

Also buying all the good PS2 games for super cheap when they were getting rid of them. I really regret not getting Suikoden 5, instead I got this piece of shit game.

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Funcoland was nigger tier in my area. I remember I bought a used nes with my paper route money in like 94 and it didnt work and neither did any of the replacements. No refunds but they did sells us useless system cleaners. My mommy had to go to corporate to get a refund. Also, years later I traded in a ton of games and the nigger tried to steal a bunch of them thinking I didnt write them all down and check the receipt.

Its pretty cool seeing old concepts be practically implemented due to modern advances.

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I'm sorry for your loss user not really.
I had more pleasant memories with FuncoLand as a kid, in the sense that it was literally the only way I was ever getting a chance to play other games as a poorfag kid. Plus it was back in the days when there were multiple console displays which was fucking rad to me back then.

Okay, that was pretty funny.

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I just looked it up, and apparently they closed down ALL Toys R Us stores in the US? Jesus, I haven't been to the US in almost 7 years, Toys R Us are still all over the place in Japan.

I will never stop being glad about gamestop fucking dying. I'm fucking glad that shithole is going. Fuck them, they drove my comfy locally owned game store out of business and made buying video games such a fucking chore.

I was poor too but it was the 90s so i was out playing sports and shit. I wasnt like those kids that hang out in store playing games like an arcade. One time an employee started talkin shit to me so i went and got my older bro. They saw us walking up and locked the door.

>Why are gamers uniquely the perfect sheep getting a worse deal at retail than literally any other market sector?
Same reason people went to Babbage's & Software Etc.: the convenience of a chain store dedicated to video games that kept their prices for used stock at a generally reasonable price. Did their trade-in policy always suck? Yes. Did they turn to Ebay & Amazon scalpers to see how much they should price mark their used stock like independent new/used game shops do? Fuck no. Sure, some used games were too expensive (Metroid Prime Trilogy & Xenoblade come to mind), but GS sold them for about $80-$100 for a time. The used game market? $300-$800. Before the 3DS remake, Xenoblade was more expensive in used game stores than the king of rip-off prices: Panzer Dragoon Saga.
You wonder why people generally hate the poorly-lit, odd-smelling, and typically cluttered messes that are used game shops? I point you at their scam artist-tier prices, indie game store owner-man.
Also, love your spacing man. Very "I was born in the 70's but I'm really a cool kid".

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Online prices are typically cheaper.
Most online shops still don't have sales taxes in light of the U.S. going full retard a few months ago with said taxes.
If I want to see the features of a given game, including how it plays, I can go on YouTube and see a quick gameplay video, look up reviews, or even forums.
I can just get the damn thing shipped straight to me instead of having to contend with heavy traffic in hopes that the game in question will be in stock.

Simply put, the only 2 things brick and mortar stores have over online nowadays are the instant gratification (which only matters to impatient autists) and the blue moon sales. Social interactions mean jack shit, and mom & pop shops MAY have retro games cheaper than eBay, but more often than not, they also use eBay prices, defeating the point.


I don't have any experiences with GameStop as it doesn't exist where I am, but another company that copied their business model does and so I will happily spit on both of their graves when they go into insolvency. S.

>Skimming through Toys R Us catalogs during Holiday season
Kids today will never know that feel

clearly the complaints are valid enough that consumers at large agreed not to buy from them. its worthy of death because their business model doesnt contribute to an efficient economy

>tfw this was me
Could’ve bought Dragon Quest 8 used with no manual in a generic GameStop box for $27. Ended up buying a factory sealed copy on eBay for $13 with free shipping a couple days later.

They only have themselves to blame.


But the box art looks so cool.

I worked for Blockbuster Video when I was 17 and systematically stole 40% of their games. I then sold them to GameStop in the mall for phat stacks. Once they didn't have enough to pay me so I got Star Wars: Galaxies.

I dreamed that I was old.

Okay spelling nazi, dude used a 'b; instead of a 'p'. At least he didn't use "principals" like most dumb fags would.

maybe he learned something today

I miss when they were selling sega genesis games for cents to a couple bucks and me and my older brother would walk there and pick out a few games