Other urls found in this thread:
what's wrong with a collectible item having a bit of lore? no anime waifus on the screen to beat your meat to so suddenly its a shit game?
Oh wow, they’re being considerate to others. How terrible.
Good goyim. A shekel has been deposited into your account.
>we decided to change history because we don't like it
>pic openly acknowledges they're forsaking historical accuracy for "inclusive gameplay"
>it's not anything that's even remotely gameplay related
the thing is, that has nothing to do with the gameplay, that's a decorative item even the most irritable of SJWs wouldn't have noticed.
>inclusive gameplay
How does this makes gameplay more inclussive? By the way, this is just another step in the neoliberal corporate ruling class agenda. A very small one, but a step nonetheless.
I'll give you a (You), generally SJW stuff IRL is a lot milder.
Look how fucking proud of themselves they are about it. You can't seriously get good feelings from that, can you?
this thing killed any interest I might have had in checking the historical tour mode, I still enjoyed the base game though
It's wrong but at least they admit to being historically inaccurate. Can you really be mad if they blatantly say "hey this is factually incorrect, we just liked the idea."?
Not entirely but it feels like it flies in the face of what they were originally trying to do with the franchise.
No, but I can be annoyed when they say "Hey, half of our potential market? We see you. We're fixing history for you. Buy our game."
/pol/ gets mad over everything
>/pol/v/ on journalists and sjws complaining about things like there not being any black people in KCD - "if you don't like it, go make your own game lmao"
>sjws make their own game
What'so retarded about this, is that instead they could have had a sideplot of a quest where you can help a girl whose interested in that. Maybe she pretends to be dude or something, or you have to convince one of these teachers to work with her.
This was the laziest way around the concept, when it could have been used in a creative way. I hate how smug ubisoft is about it, as well.
how is a vase texture gameplay?
yeah like the battleship gacha game
but that's fine as long as you have semen in the membrane
So why care then if it's not gameplay related?
A jew giving shekels away
Talk about historically inaccurate shit, could you stip being a fucking hypocrite user
So what? It’s a video game, not a history book. They’re under no obligation to be historically accurate.
Also, the entire premise of Assassin’s Creed is every historical figure ever being a secret member of two giant rival conspiracies, which isn’t true. If you can forgive that historical inaccuracy, you can forgive the game having women before they were invented.
t. sjw
There's really nothing that bad with this and Steven Spielberg has done miles more for the cause of historical revisionism than this little example. This only bothers you because is reflects the popular social and political narrative today, which you don't like and want to be insulated from.
However, I really don't see the goal in this, can anyone enlighten me? What the fuck is inclusive gameplay and how is this an example? I guess I kind of understand how having a playable female or gay romance option in an RPG setting could be inclusive for people that want to more closely self insert (even though I don't think it should be catered to, just put out a story for the story's sake not for political brownie points with the mentally ill). But conversely, how is playing a super-athletic badass assassin in the ancient world inclusive? Isn't it not inclusive for fatties watching some dude parkour around knowing they could never do that? I really see OP's criticism as far as it being an entirely meaningless effort to score easy points with huffington post politics, but just really, TLDR: WHAT THE FUCK DOES INCLUSIVE GAMEPLAY MEAN AND WHAT WOULD BE ANOTHER EXAMPLE?
Terrible posts. If the mods on this site were any good we would see all of them get a public ban for faggotry.
>Why are people annoyed about deliberately ignoring accuracy in what's marketed as a historical simulator.
Warner Bros just put a disclaimer on their loony tunes shit instead of censoring them. No need to rewrite history.
>its fine because (((Steven Spielberg))) did it
You typed up all that shit and your opinion is still fucktarded
my post was actually pretty good, I think you should take what you said back.
My post is 474096807 by the way.
Please consider re-reading it and evaluating it again, I don't see anything wrong with it.
>banning for wrong opinions
You might want to go back to infinitychan. Their TOR site is still up.
this is retarded on its face, and people defending it are retarded
It's not marketed as a historical simulator retard, it's marketed as fiction set in historical time periods featuring historical people.
>ignoring accuracy
they didn't ignore it, if they did they wouldn't have admitted to it
?? (you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)
just being in a historical setting isn't a commitment 100% to any sort of realism
you're just mad because women in video games or something lmao go outside
why are you so fucking angry that you create threads and ask people to defend a LITERAL FUCKING VIDEO GAME
saged, dabbed, fuck jannies and fuck this lame ass /pol/lite bait thread
Wrong opinions are one thing, being a contrarian and enabling pic related is another. Yea Forums does not exist to be your toilet so you can stand to be "well-behaved" on shittier websites.
u play vidya to learn history?
>franchise that prided itself on conveying a researched glimpse at a historical setting
>anime games vaguely inspired by some element of history
here's your (You)
>So what?
Ah yes the eternal leftlard question
It doesn't matter if it's a video game or not, portraying a specific historical setting in a purposefully different way based on political opinion is stupid
>hurr they can do what they want
Doesn't make it not stupid. You can suck their cock all you want, it's not like i can stop you.
>blocking freedom of speech
>it's okay when /pol/ does it!
That pic always makes we wonder, if they really wanted to be inclusive, then why not show the parts where the ancient world were it is some ways were more progressive than the modern world, like the legend of hermaphroditos or something.
>reddit spacing
If I had my choice I'd hang stupid fucking people like you. If you pretend to be a stupid cow you should be slaughtered like one.
the biggest problem is they felt the need to announce how brave they are
textbook virtue signalling
whoa you know what i just noticed about Assassin's Creed?
You never eat in that game
i mean for a company dedicated to priding itself in 100% historical accuracy in every one of it's fictional games to leave something like eating out is lmao desu imo just another SJW cuckholding
see this guy gets it
the people that like this game are not me and I am not them and you can tell that we're not the same people because we have our own set of lingo and spacing rules and it's all very neat and organized
The problem is that it's very smug and "inclusive". OP pic would never be posted if the text didn't attack "historical sexism" and worship "inclusive gameplay".
They could have just said "this vase depicts children attending a class".
this but unironically (because ironic shitposters ruined this site)
>sjws make their own game
>everyone mocks it for its shitty gameplay and terrible pandering
>meanwhile in /pol/....
it's all tiring.
>you're just mad because women in video games or something lmao go outside
This is the sort of person who uses Yea Forums now.
wow bro so this is Yea Forums culture huh a game that came out in 2018 and almost a year later we're sitting around talking about how they acted like SJWs on twitter or something lmao remember that stupid cuckholds buying assassin's creed for their's wife's boyfriend or something
>The holocaust was bad, so we decided to add items depicting jews and nazis holding hands and singing.
>Even though it is historically inaccurate, the team felit it was not necessary to prioritize historical genocide over inclusive gameplay.
ACO has way better game play than KCD
you need to learn the difference between a sentence and a paragraph.
>gameplay mechanics
>textures and world-building
dumb devil's avocado poster
But every step counts
Every word censored counts
We are all frogs inside of a kettle, and they slowly turn the heat up
We are all dead
we can see your IP address retard, stop making fresh posts like you just stepped into the thread
Martin Luther King was a SJW.
Bull Connor was an anti-SJW.
don't tell me how to shitpost you dumb faggot
>it's marketed as fiction set in historical time periods featuring historical people.
But it's not set in a historical time period.
Even IF that were true how the fuck does it relate to the argument?
How so?
>being historically inaccurate is considerate
Discord trannies and their mental gymnastics are truly a sight to behold
if I were a gamedev I would make something like this just so you ronery faggots have something to talk about
get over it for fucks sake, why do you care?
sorry but your shitpost game is weak.
my shitposting is far superior, some even go as far as to consider it funposting or perhaps a nuanced combination of the two.
Come back and see me when you're ready for some proper mentoring, as of right now your posting is flaccid and weak.
>dance class
>rhetorician class
Good thing the mods ain't whiny bitches like you
>So what? It’s a video game, not a history book. They’re under no obligation to be historically accurate.
Except that screenshot is taken from the “sight seeing tour” dlc mode
Something that they even give people the option to buy separately as a stand-alone app because they wanted to give schools the option to show it in history classes
>>sjws make their own game
>>everyone mocks it for its shitty gameplay and terrible pandering
>>meanwhile in /pol/....
how does this relate?
Left: removing something that could have been cool for gameplay (newsflash, mechanized hidden blades did not exist either)
Right: a dream sequence and entirely non-canon lootbox items that you will never obtain if you do not want them
The ONLY thing the AssCreed games have going for them is their depictions of historical settings. Fucking with that just to score brownie points by whitewashing history (ironically something any semi-intelligent feminist should be opposed to anyway) is pathetic.
Westerners are so fucking seething. Why do you idiots fight over such meaningless shit?
because they think everything is an attack on white incels
>of, relating to, or having the character of history
>a chronological record of significant events
If it's knowingly inaccurate then it's breaking that record. This would be fine if the series previously didn't try to market itself on this historical glance at the past because then it wouldn't be attempting to claim it's history.
Why are you trying to pick such a meaningless fight with me nigger?
>>of, relating to, or having the character of history
your own definition proves you wrong retard
>relate - make or show a connection between.
I fail to see where it says the connection has to be 100% accurate
>women attending classes at the same time as men in ancient greece
A record by definition is about accuracy. Is english not your native language or something?
Okay so eliminate history and put 'record of events' in its place.
>relating to a record of events
my point still stands you fucking idiot.
>doesn't play a game
>enters thread about a game you haven't played to declare that you haven't seen an issue in the game
Historians and anyone who bothers to read about a topic still know the facts and if a revised version of history is used to support an argument, it's generally called out. Liberals aren't really revising history with their ban columbus day poor indians, ban statues of evil white dudes and bad european colonialism narrative, they're just misguidedly applying modern morality and ethics to the past and making incorrect equivalencies and analyses bringing the facts into modern day relevancy. The underlying facts are still sound.
What's fucktarded about my opinion and what exactly is yours? You think games are compelled to retain absolute historical accuracy at all times for.... reasons?
I'd only agree that maintaining historical accuracy in a game usually makes a better game if you're interested in the topic because it's a good indicator that it's made by enthusiasts who will pour more passion into their media.
Lol oh fuck off. Thank god i never bought this game
bravo you just described 75% of the /pol/tards that complain about this shit
I certainly don't play to witness a soiboi's fantasy idea of history
It's not related to it because it knowingly deviates from it. Is Clash of the Titans related to history? No because it deviates from our chronological record. Seriously, is there a language barrier here? It's not normal to repeatedly have to point out definitions of common words in a conversation.
then don't play it
oh no wait that's too much to ask
>but I don't play it lmao
then don't complain about it
oh no wait that's too much to ask
>It's not related to it because it knowingly deviates from it
this is the stupidest thing I have read all week
So fanfiction isn't related to it's source material since it deviates from it?
Video game remakes aren't related to the original since they deviate from it?
Have a (you) kind sir.
EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
>both genders
Excuse me, sweetie?
What a nigger faggot
>here we have a depiction of the pre-civil war era american south, but instead of showing african-americans as slaves we decided to show both white and black people as happy plantation owners enjoying a bit of tennis while the cotton picks itself because no need to be historically accurate
But by addressing it, doesn’t it remove the point they were trying to make?
Beyond that, its probably on a piece of scenery too small and un-noteworthy that 99% of people wouldn’t notice except for going into this archive screen or whatever.
fucking brain cancer
show how it actually was, then comment on it and either critique it or praise it, DON'T FUCKING CHANGE IT
>Liberals aren't really revising history with their ban columbus day poor indians, ban statues of evil white dudes and bad european colonialism narrative
Yeah they are, most genuinely believe the native Americans all held hands and lived in a utopia like the blue things in Avatar, rather than being opportunistic brutal assholes who killed each other & gladly allied with the white man for guns or firewater.
>Unironically thinks OP pic isn’t Social Justice bullshit.
This is pure virtue signalling and nothing more. Nobody would notice this without it being pointed out and i would bet my last shilling that this didnt leave a lasting impression on anybody 5 minutes after reading this.
What is the point of this? All it does is create divisive discourse or go unnoticed. What is the benefit?
Get punched
>inclusive gameplay
>picture of an urn with some text
Retarded and bluepilled
>inclusive gameplay
It's ancient greek so are they happy implying those girls are going to get buttfucked by the teachers, too?
We're not talking about fiction, we're talking about a CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD. The definition of history specifically pertains to a record, user. Like I said, this wouldn't matter if the franchise hadn't marketed itself as historical previously.
No, everyone is a pacifistic so*boi that only has sex when the woman wills it
>a historical fantasy game isn’t accurate
Assassin creed was never historically accurate
Most people don’t care about this
remember lads-
don't fund sjw projects
don't capitulate or apologise to sjw's
berate them for being sjw
And they admit that it wasn’t historically accurate to anyone who actually wanted to learn.
So again what’s the problem?
There's nothing wrong with changing stuff in historical fiction, but you can't loop back around and say it's historically accurate.
At least they're being honest about it not happening and just wanting more "inclusive gameplay", I guess that means Kassandra in general
You can easily tell who hasn't played the games by the way they whine about this background virtue signal shit instead of the terrible grind, terrible gear system and annoying side quests
You do realize that there is a such thing as historical fiction right? An example of this is Abraham Lincoln being a vampire hunter or the entirety of the Assassin's Creed franchise.
it doesn't matter what we're talking about, "relate" DOES NOT mean it needs to be 100% accurate
While I agree with you, Asscreed is certainly not Historically accurate and never has been, there's something to be said about how they PRESENTED themselves as Historically accurate. By including things like codex modes and always going on in trailers about how much research they do.
I'm surprised that they flat out admitted it was bullshit in the flavor text in the first place
I'd agree with you if they weren't changing history simply for historical revisionism
user the only thing thats historically accurate about Assassins Creed is the year the choose the game to take place. In your image they outright say the shit you're complaining about isn't accurate to history so anyone that cares would know. What is the actual problem?
So I don't repeat myself
The whole point was "admitting" it because otherwise no one would've given it a second thought.
its pretty faithful to the book in odyssey especially with attica
K I N G A R T H U R W A S N ' T R E A L
They litterally didn't change history user the text in your image literally says that what they did isn't historically accurate
As a Greek, I’m generally pretty laid back. I love sharing my people’s culture and history by way of festivals and casual conversation. However, Ubisoft’s treatment of that legacy was incredibly appalling. I thought I was going to get to explore a realistic recreation of one of the most fascinating time periods of my history. Instead, I was given a game that not only revised my history, but spat in its face as well. Keep in mind, having a female protagonist did not bother me at all. I know it’s a video game after all. The list of offenses are as follows:
>revisionism a la OP’s pic
>ethnically diverse Ancient Greece
>fat Socrates (even though he’s famous for preaching the importance of the male physique and power)
>sexually loose or promiscuous characters (this imho was the greatest misrepresentation)
>shitty accents (seriously, you can’t hire Greek actors? As if we weren’t jobless already lol)
>shoehorning mythological beasts/elements when there’s plenty of historical material during the peloponnesian war that can fill three games
As a Greek, “being considerate” of others to serve a modern political agenda felt like a slap in the face and I honestly despise those who allowed for this game to turn out like it did. Good thing I didn’t buy it lol
what about Good Old Nero
Okay do you seriously not understand what the word relate means? The word relate is coming first in the sentence before history.
>relating to a record of events
This is our official phrase we've come up with for historical. So, let's take it word by word since you seem to be mentally handicapped
>ACOdyssey RELATES (is not 100% accurately connected but is still connected) to HISTORY (something that has already happened and cannot be changed).
The point I'm making is that relate doesn't mean what you want it to mean here. Relate doesn't mean accurate, it means it is somehow connected. If it was like you wanted it to be our sentence would be like this:
>ACOdyssey is 100% accurate in the way it relates to history
But if we go back up to our original definitions this is not how they were laid out, they read like the one I provided above
>The game doesn't claim to be historically accurate
>The Assassin's Creed: Origins Discovery Tour is a mode that will allow you to explore ancient Egypt without being interrupted by combat or quests. Purely educational, the mode is a "virtual museum" without threats but instead with guided tours and historical sites to discover.
nowhere there does it claim to be historically accurate
>historical sexism
sometimes I wish Islam would take over
Youf shitty SJW game is still shitty, that would be my guess, I'm not that user.
So? That doesn't have anything to do with my original point
>user litterally thinks that "historical sites" means historical accuracy
Guess this movie is canon since the Washington Monument is being built in it
Where in those sentences does it claim to be historically accurate?
it's a mode for exclusively teaching about history in the time period of the games setting it's de facto claiming historical accuracy, kind of like how their isn't a claim inside the front cover of history textbooks that says "this book is historically accurate"
The franchise hasn't marketed itself as historical fiction or loosely historically related. It's marketing is about its authenticity. The problem is shit like this tricks mainstream culture into believing anachronistic history. You have kids who play AssCreed that inspires them to learn history and their foundation is this franchise. These anachronisms of pop history are why we have shit that is mainstream knowledged which deviates from accurate history so much, like Sparta's martial prowess, the "dark age," the Roman Empire ending in 476, etc.
This shit actively harms historical discourse. Not in a "reee thots get out of my vidya" way; but in a way that erases core aspects of historical sexism in ancient Greece by actively contradicting it. I wouldn't care about this if the games didn't put out bullshit marketing trailers about all the painstaking research and effort they went to be accurate. It gives the wrong impression of history to people who don't know better, at a time when the field is not being funded very well by colleges and historians are struggling to define its relevence to modern society.
user, if your original point is
>Can you really be mad if they blatantly say "hey this is factually incorrect, we just liked the idea."?
Then yes, yes anyone can, because it's a stupid decision to force ideology (PC culture) instead of having historical accuracy OR better game-play. It's just the usual SJW being stupid.
>>The game doesn't claim to be historically accurate
okay so why did you bother typing this out genius?
great post user
you really need to develop your reading comprehension, reatard
Next you'll be justifying Game of Thrones fast travel as "lol it's fantasy". You can just say "it's not that big a deal" instead of spouting retarded shit.
>The franchise hasn't marketed itself as historical fiction or loosely historically related.
are you really going to sit there and tell me that the Assassin's Creed games weren't based in historical fiction with shit like this is in one of their games? Do you really think Ezio existed irl?
So do you, because no where does it claim to be historically accurate, no matter how much you want to convince everyone that it's implied
Dial 8
>SJWs finally made their own games like the gamerbros kept telling them
>gamerbros seething
>Berate them for being SJWs
That's the same thing as
Doing almost anything to them only allows them to get more victim points, screech loudly and get attention
Best way to do it is to mostly ignore them with the occasional bants, interacting with them only gives wiggle room to shift the narrative and blame muh raciss muh sexis and dodge any sort of actual criticism by lumping it in with the same autists that scrape twitter for literal who shit to be mad about and post said shit here for free (you)s
>Hey look at this virture signal guise ain't I WOKE
>SJW REEE FUCK YOU, hey guys I sure dabbed on him ain't I BASED AND REDPILLED?
>NAZI RACIST REEE FUCK YOU, hey xirs I sure dabbed on that bigot ain't I WOKE
>Rinse Repeat
It's all so tiring
Nothing in that says anything about historical accuracy.
Americans do that all the time.
>Yes, yes, goyim-g-guys, just ignore it and it'll go away, and remember: we, I-I mean they don't want to take your video-games. We are all so sleepy, after all...
>sjw keep being sjw and making shit
>we must be quiet and just take it
Anime does this as well
>We changed this iconic and historical male.into a cute gurl because we wanted too!
Read a history book if you want history. They straight up said they changed it and stated their reasons, so you can't claim some kind of deception or attempt to undermine real history. This is just you shitting and pissing your britches.
Make your own games then. You fight fire with fire.
>Anons never ignored it once
>SJWs still win and take away games
Keep up the good work
>wanting to ban people for not getting mad at a video game like you
Yea Forums isn't your safe space, faggot.
>Is anyone forcing you to buy it, snowflake?
At least that was the gamerbro arguments to Anita Sarkeesian
Does this make the game better?
>>we decided to change history because we don't like it
Just like nearly every non-documentary book, movie, cartoon, anime, and television show in the past century based on historical events.
>weren't based in historical fiction
>marketed as historical
Those are two different things, user. I'm not going to go through every making of video for the entire franchise but suffice it to say that videos like:
Wouldn't exist if the games clearly didn't have this faux air of authority on the subject and they didn't use their research as a marketing vessel for the game. Much of the game is meant to give an aura that this "could" be accurate and that has the problems I mentioned. Much like recent Battlefield entries, the game picks and chooses areas where it wants to be accurate while trying to maintain this believability that is unwarranted. In turn you have people playing these games thinking they know history.
are you really this retarded and think that a historical fiction game wouldn't have important figures in it unless it was trying to be 100% accurate? again do you think Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter and the Confederate Army were nothing but a bunch of vampires that needed blacks for free food?
white cuck games*
>Surely being inflammatory autists will bring people to our side like it totally has before
>This totally isn't just giving them free reign to cry at normies and big corps to get brownie points
You're either not reading my posts or you're not a native english speaker. I'm not defending arguments I didn't make. Show me a video with a million and half views where someone needs to explain Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter isn't accurate.
This. It makes an effort to reinforce falsehoods about Ancient Greece. When you consider that, then you must assume that they were informed by their false conception of the time period. Promiscuous behavior is the most obvious example. In pop history, it is joked that Greeks engaged in polyamory because of some pottery found from the period. This simply wasn’t the case. So when Asscreed puts it in the game because that’s presumably what Greeks did at the time, then it’s presented as history. You wouldn’t put that in the other settings of the previous games because that’s not the perception of those respective settings. By reinforcing a false stereotype you are essentially saying that your game is “based on history” when that’s not the case at all.
>hahaha, see, I typed it like that because he's (((jewish))). That's so funny, I'm so smart, hahaha
yeah really it's funny to see weebs complain about SJWs changing history in the same time where they're watching lolis piloting panzers
>playing assassin's creed 1
>engrossed in the historical setting and the cool secret society lore
>ending blows my mind
>assassin's creed 2 comes out
>explore the city and read all the info boxes that pop up about the real places and the real events
>totally fascinated by the history and love how plausibly the whole mystical good vs evil conflict fits into the real history
>discovering the codex puzzles and showing how the conflict manipulated real events
Now this.
They just don't fucking get it man.
Maybe if you studied the classics you’d have come up with a legitimate retort, brainlet
user IGN made that video because people were interested in the historical figures used. Not because people got confused if Ezio really existed and if these historical figures work with him
uh just don't buy it. it's ours now? accept it, white male.
But I’m black
What changed? The fact they said most of the stuff that in the game isn't actually historical?
The problem with this isn't that they're changing history so much as they're unnecessarily inserting their gender equality bullshit. The Ancient Greeks generally believed that males were superior to females. But the SJWs at Ubisoft hate portraying any society that doesn't have 21st century progressive views on gender in a positive light, so they do this to cope with that.
But they literally say that in the text in the image
Why make it a historical game then, even.
>it's another lefty/pol/ shits up Yea Forums episode
I'm getting tired of reruns
You got proof of that because that's not the content of the video.
Because it's historical FICTION
What do you mean proof?
>>The Assassin's Creed series has definitely taken some liberties when it comes to history. Here are a few
Is what's said
>user is so retarded he doesn't know what historical fiction is
>americans think games and movies are historically accurate
>americans unironically think they can learn real story from this shit
Go read a book next time.
In the context of the game canon they're acting like Ancient Greece was a society free of toxic "historical sexism" so they can appreciate other aspects of Ancient Greek culture because they can't possibly praise a culture that viewed females as inferior. That's pretty annoying.
>hahaha, I'm not an idiot, I'll just imply that he's mad for calling me out on polshit, that will show him, hahaha
>not simply anons baiting your simpleton ass
>it's le ebin lefties, reeee
Yes because it's historical fiction. Fiction tends to twist actual events and history. that's why tyrannical rulers turned into lolis becuase it's fiction
They don't actually think that, they just like to use that as a reason to complain about this stuff
It's saying that because it is not obvious that the game takes historical liberties to a lot of people. If this was obvious then it wouldn't need to be spelled out in a fucking video, would it?
>What changed?
Putting things in the game for social justice good boy points and making a political statement through this.
>We felt this needed to be in the game for the sake of inclusivity.
This is the thing that annoys me. The fact that everyone thinks anybody cares about their opinion. This arrogance of putting your own thoughts and opinions of shit in a game or piece of media that has nothing to do with the game itself instead of designing it in a way that the player can form his own opinions without beeing nudged or pushed in one direction.
>Hey I made this game about cooking, but I also feel negatively about immigrants so I explicitly state that the chef was also a border agent.
Thats what it feels like. Its the arrogance that I hate. Not the message itself.
Why did they feel the need to put this in? Because they are arrogant. The average normie won't care, only the people that share their opinion will go yaaaaazzzz queeeen, so they can feel an extra bit of pride.
If you make a game, focus on your thoughts that are SOLELY about the game and not about topics that have nothing to do with what you are creating.
>I am not mad, I'm still just replying to show everyone how not mad I am and how mad you are hahah.
Thats a yikes a seething and a go dilate from me
YEAH, I sure LOVE having some historical accuracy in a shitty game series about illuminaties fighting against each other through time and space! Especially when I don't buy any of that crap, haha!
>hahaha I'll answer him with even more shitty memes to make everyone forget about the spaghettis falling out of my pants, hahaha
Just steal it. Piracy isn't theft btw.
The Holocaust didn't happen.
Are you aware that this is not the autism championship and there is nothing to win if you just keep replying to this faggots fucking bait?
The only way this would be bad is if they didn't tell you it was historically inaccurate.
>literally using the AS A BLACK WOMAN approach
I don’t care that a Greek guy is shitting and pissing too. If he’s disappointed, fine, but that doesn’t change the fact that anyone actually upset about this when they were so blatantly honest about the change has babby brain.
Look up clownfish.
Fuck ideological pandering. Nobody says that games will be fully historically accurate. History books are not fully accurate. But I'd rather have "aesthetic" be accurate than this shit woke devs push.
Because ignoring in the last ten years has made it go away, uh huh. You need to realize that reality isn't static, things can and do change. The world you die in won't be the same one you were born in.
It trying to be 'educational' you fucking nitpicking SJWs. It's trying to teach you about Greece using wrong information.