Hard mode: No it's already ruined

Hard mode: No it's already ruined.

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I was really worried Guacamelee 2 would have lefty political """humour""" in it. Thankfully it's near-flawless.

Streets of Rage 4 does the same thing as RE4 did and switch the entire genre.

So, for SOR4, instead of being a beat em up where you go up to a large gang of enemies to bash their faces in, it's now a stealth game where you have to run away from your enemies instead.

Guac 2 is derivative

Don't need to, they already ruined Kingdom Hearts.

Have Hashino write another Persona game after the catastophe that was 5.

47 dies and is somehow cloned as a black teenage girl. Also Diana is now voiced by Idris Elba

>Guilty Gear
They remove every single core mechanic of the franchise.
No Faultless Defense, No Dead Angle, No Dust, No Proximity Normals, No 1f Throws.
The game is now heavily centered around auto combos, you don't have much freedom. Even optimal combos are lame like doing 5PPP > 5SSS Special > Special > j.5PPP.
No more dustloops.
Weights are gone, you use the same 2 combos (midscreen and corner) on every character and the inputs are like I mentioned above.
Every character has their moveset gutted, you get Sol who is only able to do Gunflame and DP now, everything else is an auto combo ender. The same goes for every character.
They removed walking and only have auto run.
Throws work like they do in BBTAG, you press the button and the character does an automatic run into a grab.
The game only has 3 buttons. Punch, Slash, Universal Overhead that has some Heavy attacks here and there like in BBTAG.
Universal Reversal, P + S, like in BBTAG.
Faultless defense and Dead Angle are gone, so instead you get BBTAG pushback.
Button Throws with 30f tech windows.

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dead rising 4

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Danganronpa v3’s horrible characters and awaited potential plot


give it to nu-nintendo or any western developer.

Ace Combat: Fighters is a soft-sequel to Assault Horizon that introduces a new ACE-Sports initiative.
>You have to grind Multiplayer to unlock planes for Single-Player


-direct followup to G.U.
-nothing bad happens and the new version of the world functions perfectly with no bugs or epitaph of twilight fuckery
-the game plays like a vanilla tales of rpg

Hollow Knight: Silksong
>bosses automatically downgrade to an easier form if you die to them once, and this change is irreversible
>map marks locations of powerups
>secret areas glow when you walk past them
>no sequence breaking and a linear path

I consider all Zachtronics games like a series.
Remove the open ended solutions: to clear a stage you need to get the exact pattern the developer wanted.
No more space/pieces/cycles measurement, focus entirely on arbitrary points scale.
Fill it with Big Bong Theory tier comedy, ala "I fucking love science :D:D"
Remove community puzzles, sell expansions packs as DLC

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Fuck man, don’t remind me

>t. brainlet

supreme commander 2

Ace Attorney

I recently fell back down that rabbit hole after playing through dead rising 2 with my friend.
I forgot how much of a fucking insult 4 was.
It reignited my anger.

The only solace is I was finally able to get dead rising 1 to run on my PC, when I first tried it'd run in slow mo for some reason then it just black screen'd on launch, but I got it working.


Give Monster Hunter to whatever studio did the last Dead Rising game. Bonus point for giving you a set, voiced player character.

I'm so sorry, user.

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Good for you, deadrising 1 is fucking fantastic. How they somehow couldn’t just make it better in newer installments is beyond me

A Pokémon game that doesn’t allow all Pokémon in it

Armored core 5/VD is actually released and isn't a bad dream I had.

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Etrian Odyssey now has no lolis

Dragon Age
the 4th one is in dev and i don't even want to know what they are doing

Pokemon sword shield doesn't get canceled

Give DMC 10 times more cutscenes

>It adds 10 more missions to make up for it

It's already ruined.

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technically dead but imagine a new singleplayer unreal with:
player character moving half the speed of the original games
alternate fire replaced with ADS
cutscenes out the ass
voiced protag (was a dumb idea even in RTNP)
skaarj redesigned to look like shit AGAIN
enviroments entirely composed of metal corridors and obvoius arena rooms instead of massive alien environments with some tech areas
and just to throw some egregious shit in
A weapon upgrade system based on piddly experience gained per kill with weapon that effectively gate harder levels and is used to justify microtransactions

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Add a stamina bar

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Are you 3 years old?

What's your problem?

>any series
Keep making games in the series

>the elder scrolls
dialogue wheel

It's going to happen

You've made it too hard

Take "Xenoblade Chronicles X"
Remove the "X"
Put a "2"


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Remove skills and traits from Fallout

Look what they did to my boy...

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Animal Crossing Autochess
Just kidding, that's a fucking brilliant idea.

turning arma into battlefield

They already killed Fallout, MGS, RO, Killing Floor and HL franchises
Oh, and melee slasher genre as a whole, unless Chivalry 2 is actually good.
At least I still have Company of Heroes...

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Add RPG things like level and experience to Mega Man X

Can't think of a single series that hasn't been ruined

>Game series is about a non-white main character in an ambiguous relationship with another girl smashing governments and dethroning the bourgeoisie
Literally just hand the rights over to any fucking western studio and they'll do the rest without me needing to say anything.

Gravity Rush is so much more than that brief description but that's all they'll fucking see when they start doing research on what they have to work with.

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> Diablo

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Every sequential Gundam game after this latest one are just VNs of the original Gundam Animes.
And they are all sold at $60 and never sold to the west after the first one.

Remove player trading and cap affinity gain when playing with high MR players.
Remove parkour and cap movespeed buffs.
Roll back endo and re-introduce the old mod system.
warframe blueprints can now only be bought with platinum.

how else can I ruin it?

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If I really wanted to run CoH into the ground though, I'd disregard all pro players ideas on balance and somehow make the AI pathing even worse than CoH1s. Also no single player campaign this time around, DLC commanders of CoH2 make a comeback and RNG has a heavier presence in the battlefield :))

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Throw a few more beloved frames in the vault to never return.
Honestly fuck the vault.

>Drakengard 4: A Hideo Kojima Production

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Dragon Quest, but this time in a heavily industrialized dystopian future.

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He ruin not improve

I just want a train-faced boy of my own.

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>rain world
remove all enemies, make it a walking simulator that focuses on the story more than the gameplay
i feel like that would actually be pretty alright

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Rune factory gatcha. Produce take real world time to grow and you can pay money to make it faster. Waifus and stuff come from the gacha.

MGSV: The Phantom Metal Gear Online Population

that actually sounds fun

Hard reboot, cut most of the characters including my main for crappy reworks that ruin the originals and to focus development time on minigames and a new gameplay gimmick nobody will ever use. Every asset pointlessly remade despite looking exactly the same, gameplay is worse than melee on a competitive level and worse than ultimate on a casual level. The new characters and the reworks are all picked for "representation" without having good gameplay ideas for them.

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343 takes the final stab and retcons the canon of Halo 1-3+Reach, then shows the chief's face. The books describe it but it was never intended to be shown in game.

I'm not sure if this would be the worst or the best thing ever.

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Metroid dating sim

Just give it to Bethesda.

rain world but there's no story element and arena is the only mode playable

I didn't want to remember this today

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I like DQ because of its consistently high middle ages/age of absolutism max comfiness

>splinter cell

ubi decides they want the sony movie game market and turns the game into a spy thriller with more focus on story and cutscenes than gameplay. also amp up the action and downplay ability to stealth.

>downplay ability to stealth.
I mean they already did this with whole
>mark 5 enemies then insta kill them

Dont do this user...i dont want to cry again...

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true and i dont like how the series is going after conviction and blacklist but atlest blacklist tries with stealth. it could be worse

too many daytime missions imo


Samus Aran is now a black woman canonically.

Runescape 3.

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"X7 was a rousing success! Let's base all future games off of its formula."

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They go the complete opposite from Other M. Rather than having Samus freeze in terror in front of Ridley, the story never shuts up about her being a woman while shouting "YASS QUEEN SLAY!".

theres a lot of things i dont like and i dont want to derail the thread to much but my biggest complaint is the forced escort / defend this person in a shootout sections when it comes to level design

I cant really say anything. It's going worse than I'd ever imagine it going but if they wanted to fuck it up even further they could re-make Diablo II and take down the old servers leaving only a corpse with painted on eyes, puppet movements, and microtransactions.

Make it a grindy phone game with p2w microtransactions

Pokemon, now including difficulty settings! There's normal and easy!
Normal is the same difficulty is the same difficulty you know and love from the previous two games, but now with a "suggested action" button in case you get in a tight spot. Easy mode automatically battles for you! We understand that kids want to play on their phones more these days and thought that would be a good way to allow them to get through the game quicker and easier.
We removed the ability to turn off the exp share. What if a kid turns it off by accident and has to grind? They couldn't beat the game then! (laughs).
Sometimes you just can't beat a gym leader, and it's real frustrating. In this way, we've decided to make it closer to the anime. Now if you lose to a gym once, there will be a random chance that an event will happen that will allow you to get the badge without having to finish the fight.
I'm having trouble thinking of new ways to make the game even worse than it is now.

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Tiberian twilight makes me want to shit glass and bleed from my eyes. The worst part is they could have just made a full fledged cnc game and then relegated the mobashit to the phone market, it might even have been good.

>yume nikki storymode


That's the very reason I have no interest in playing it.

Just Cause
>remove the incentive to for the player blow things up and explore the game world naturally
>somehow make the stakes even higher than the previous games while dropping the ball on the actual ending
oh wait

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if Halo keeps going in the direction it has with 4 and 5 for infinite or any other future games, its already ruined. still happy MCC is coming to PC though. the first test looked good so far but fuck me the wait is killing me

>hey could have just made a full fledged cnc game and then relegated the mobashit to the phone market
You underestimate EA.

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Every metal gear is the same game with different graphic

>tfw pirated the test flight and it wouldn't even work on my computer
hope microsoft didn't blacklist my hardware id or some dumb shit like that

So its basically street fighter 5 and it finally gains popularity and perma slot on EVO for the next 10 years?

Didnt the thread said ruin instead of improve?

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