>game is at 2000 players, formerly 40000
>doesn't release any update for 3 months, leaving Mordhau players to play the same 3 uninspired maps rotation over and over
>last update introduced one of the worst official maps in the history of online video games which is still unfixed
>tryhard galore and griefers everywhere
>actually plan on adding niggers and women
I had such high hopes for this game
Well, back to waiting for Chivalry 2 then
The Absolute State of Mordhau
Other urls found in this thread:
Sneedhau, formerly active
Cuck, get fucked, and lose your bucks. May this be a lesson.
post your characters
Below For Honor.
Right where it was destined to end up. My god this is hilarious
Yea Forums btfo
For Honor is a much shittier game and if you give money to Ubisoft you're a nigger
They're not even similar.
For Honor plays closer to a dumbed-down SC2 in a MOBA arena. Mordhau is a slip-and-slide floaty dogshit Hema midieval combat sim.
But for some reason Mordcucks compare the two.
butthurt faggot makes another thread.
First thread I've created concerning Mordhau
I'm not butthurt, I've only presented facts
just wait for bannerlord my dude, gonna be great
It was a shame, since while it lasted it had one of the few communities capable of banter.
I really regret not buying this game on launch week, seems like that's the only time it actually had players.
>STILL no new update
Also reminder that the devs pushed mod tools back so they could add women and anti-toxicity features first
>few communities capable of banter.
Ah yes. Shouting matches of underaged pepe cucks screaming nigger. Truly based and redpilled
Its unironically their own fault.
>Look how based and redpilled and smug wr are about it. Heh fuck niggers Yea Forums and 8gag will keep our game afloat
>w-wait come back 40000 players
>*ahem* we will be dealing with this racism and lack of women head on our apologies c-come back
>someone said a naughty word and I couldn't have them banned! Wtf?!
Why did you put words in my mouth? Screaming nigger isnt banter you faggot. Its unoriginal edgy smoothbrain niggers like you who ruined it for all of us by making games crack down on excessive edgy racism.
>Ah yes. Shouting matches of underaged pepe cucks screaming nigger. Truly based and redpilled
>Screaming nigger isnt banter you faggot
>>Why did you put words in my mouth?
Good question, user. Tell me how it feels.
imagine making this post unironically
So youre admitting to be an underaged pepe cuck? What are tou retarded? Mordhau has no banter. Just fags screaming nigger and other fags crying about retards screaming nigger. The whole community is retarded and the devs use this as a distraction to play both sided while delaying more updates
>tee hee rightied freeze peach yeah! Fuck the kikes btw update in 3 weeks
>tee hee lefties your filter is coming we eill punish those nazis and add women... Just give us 5 more weeks
The players left because they have no fucking content and refuse to share what they are working on. Some shitty websites then started crying racism because they got called niggers when they were forced to play the game to write reviews, and the devs wrongly assumed that was the reason the game died
I think that if they sold out they would have lost a greater number of players, it's not 40 000 anymore because people got tired of it and there's just not enough content
I got near 400 hours out of it and now I just fuck around spamming Touhou songs on the luthe but even that bored me out after a while
why do all you retarded underaged faggots start your posts with this?
imagine seething this fucking hard
nice projecting fag lmao. Cookie cutter ass faggot
If you want to go all out with the bait, don't lead with whining about putting words in your mouth and then post that shit.
Even someone who thinks you're being serious will assume you're just a retard not worth bothering with.
Same here but fuck Chivalry not just for EGS but mainly to being involved with Tripwire in any way or form. Confirming that they will get rid of the main advantage that Killing Floor 2 had over the first game was my final straw with that company.
Mordhau is a big loss since it had a lot of potentian and we are all watching seeing that game fucking rot by sheer incompetence but fuck Tipwire and Torn Banner even harder.
Why can't we have nice thing for once FUCK.
>I have no argument so ill just scream bait and act smug
You literally said nothing in this post. You could have just admitted to being a dumb underage i woukd have respected you more
>broken hitboxes
>broken animations
>shit netcode
>shit servers
>shit balance
>no content
>retarded community
It was doomed from the start. A shame, I played it for about 300 hours and I really wanted it to be good or at least get better, but the devs are too busy partying with the cash they made from the launch of the game to actually fix it.
Chiv 2 is coming out so people realized they didnt have to pretend to like this anymore. Also accel feinting meta is shit and makes the game look like a seizure fest
I was kinda interested in the game, but, they kept threatening to add women and niggers to the game, and they lost me after that.
Pathetic Chink shill. Chivalry 2 looks like dogshit and will be even deader than this because no one will buy it from Epic's failed store.
Who the fuck is laughing now mordaufags?
>2+2=7 if I say it snarky enough
lol no. I play it almost every day for a couple hours and it has a steady community of around 7k players a day. The combat is waaaay less autistic than Chiv and it’s a visceral, fun, skill-based game.
(I don’t need to spoiler this) If they add nigs and wigs tho I’m out (I don’t need to spoiler this)
Cope DeadHau nigger
>chivalry was a great concept ruined by incompetent devs
>mordhau was inspired in spite of said incompetent devs
>game is now ruined by incompetent devs
the circle of life
maybe the game that comes out inspired by mordhau and fueled by the spite for its incompetent devs will finally break the cycle
>But for some reason Mordcucks compare the two.
Muh medieval combat
Never played Mordhau but good lord I didn't think Ubisoft could ruin For Honor anymore than they already did with their blunder of a release, but every new character they spit out just reminds me it's exactly like a moba and they just powercreep all their old characters into irrelevancy until they "rework" them into other overloaded retard proof kits
>hey this game is kind of full of obnoxious racists. Can we get some moderation?
>*Everyone leaves when they get tired of reeeeeing sixteen year olds*
Wow what a twist. I guess this is almost like.... Go /pol/ go broke.
Huge rush of initial players seemed like it was Chivalry tourneyfags and the general new-player rush of a decent-looking game on Steam's front page. Game's still good and fortunately most players remaining aren't people attempting to drag like they're still playing Chivalry, though recently I saw somebody try that 180 "catch your head with the tip of my greatsword while swinging away from you" shit from that one Chivalry video and they got asshurt that it didn't work and Mordhau isn't the same game. I liked Crossroads, it's not terrible by any stretch; most people want Contraband which is the fucking Final Destination of Mordhua.
So long as they hold true to that claim that if they added anything like female characters they'd have an option to force player-side all male or all female I sincerely don't care what they do or don't add. Mordhau plays fast and loose with historical accuracy for the sake of a game as it is.
Literally not what happened but ok.
I’m genuinely convinced you need to be sub 60 IQ to be left leaning.
you certainly need a room-temperature IQ to extrapolate "the left" from "fuck off /pol/"
t. REEEEEing sixteen year old
>I am truly seething and will attempt a similar insult to downplay my offense
Yikey Wikey
please for god's sake stop using this site for a couple of weeks and come back when your first thought isn't "seething"
Are you for real you spastic?
>In tears
>t e a r s
>3 months later and the game has only added ONE map post launch
>hey this game is kind of full of obnoxious racists. Can we get some moderation?
>sure, here's a client side chat filter
considering the other guy memeing "in tears" too i'm forced to assume this is the latest hot new variation on "u mad?"
Shhhh don’t tell anyone, it’s “in”
The userbase was overwhelmingly okay with all the horrible and icky wrongthink, retard. The problem is the lack of quality content updates.
Pretty sure it was racism that killed the game bro
This. So many indie devs openly insult their own customers but guess what, do that and people will just leave and not come back
30 bucks and it got 200 hours out of me.
I'm satisfied, it was a good time while it lasted.
Maybe in your twisted, obssesed worldview. To me what killed the game is all of the problems as described here
>right wingers
>islamaphobes and crusader LARPers
It was doomed from the start.
please do not actually respond to the mentally challenged
Tears at Sears
>Mordhau died before I could get a better internet connection and make an /fa/ af character
Truly sad.
>being this obsessed with people who look at the world differently than you
Is it autism? It is.
u mad? u so mad
Having the drears by exuding tears
Yeah it was. Normies don't care for that shit and guess what? They are the majority.
Still a 9/10 experience that I will return to on a regular basis. I play for a couple weeks, stop for a couple weeks. Repeat. I think I'm about to start another active period before classic drops.
There's practically no racism in the game. Every 20th match youll get one ironic shitposter.
The tears become clear
>actually bought into the kotaku/polygon nontroversy of "alt right mordhau toxicity"
Reminder that women WILL ruin this game. Mods will save it.
This game is clapping and the narrative that it is dying is hilarious
If you're waiting for Chiv 2 you are a full-blown retard
Nigger I play it. You clearly dont.
>inb4 he said nigger
fuck outta Yea Forums, kike
Holy shit I can count the number of people that actually play the game itt on one hand
lol no. Most people who play competitive games like this online love to insult other people online by calling them niggers, faggots or whatever else. What stops stuff like this from becoming the norm for normalfags is draconian moderation(I.E censorship)policies.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
have sex
anyone who isn't a seething retarded incel faggot has no good reason to play mordhau
it's not competitive at all, the combat is boring, the devs are shit, and the gameplay is all around unrewarding.
It was doomed to fail from the start, it's just a slightly more interesting version of chivalry which on its own is a very fucking boring game with no real balancing or competitive modes.
Normal human beings don't play games as shitty as mordhau, only retards.
What racism, retard?
This game lacks a chat filter. The game also features a traditional server browser instead of the cancerous company run matchmaking that AAA developers use, thus they don't ban someone for typing the gamer word.
This has taken zoomers like you for such a fucking loop that you have a meltdown when someone isn't denied access to their game for your hurt feelings.
What's wrong about the game not being competitive?
hmm post full of buzzwords and describing the game in excessively general terms
Try less memes. It tips your hand.
normies don't have computers capable of running this game at a playable framerate.
All this and supposedly the game is still unoptimized as fuck
I keep seeing people with rigs actually built to accommodate current year games and Mordhau is the only game that still runs like garbage
i love reading posts like these. it shows how abjectly out of touch these faggots are and how second-handed their worldviews are. Nothing you believe is true. Everything you believe was given to you by someone else in an effort to keep you in line.
>last update introduced one of the worst official maps in the history of online video games which is still unfixed
This map made me quit tbqh.
Good for horse griefing
Only I, the thinking user, hold true convictions
>Make game about melee combat
>Make map that punishes melee combat
>Here's an example of what I'm talking about
Youre right. Games filled with underaged like COD and Mordhau do have lots of edgy retards good point.
glad i refunded it
>make game about melee combat
>add in shit that completely avoids and even invalidates melee combat
BASED devs adding catapluts, horses and shields into the game
unironically git gud
I'm not saying they're dishonest. They're just retarded and not connected to reality.
t. someone who is exactly who he's talking about who exists within one of the most accepting communities ever, as long as you aren't a faggot who gets assmad at words.
its not just maps themselves lacking in variety and balance, the main FL mode is just busted too. its just not a good mode when passing a certain score difference will already seal the outcome less than halfway through the time it'll take for the match to end. needs some classic BF conquest mechanic to always add some possibility of a comeback, even if generally it wouldnt be frequent it would still be a huge improvement over mathematically impossible
>just billhook the horses bro like come on lol
I know how to deal with shields nigger. Doesn't excuse the fact that they're poorly balanced when 5 of your teamates can just smack some guys shield for 10 minutes before he finally dies.
No, the update before that one introduced the worst map. The latest update somehow managed to make it even worse.
Imagine being this triggered
Why does this shit happen and why does it happen so fucking often? It even happens to people who aren't on horses. Every time I see it I get incredibly fucking angry.
Can fists chamber weapons
>online medieval game
Yikes, that's attracting all sorts of racists and sexists. Toxic trash.
>Yeah it was
source?your gaping flesh wound?
I'm not sure, I know you can chamber fists so I assume it's the same the other way around.
Completely agree with you OP, I got 130 hours out of it but was bored half way through that so I started trolling with spikes planting them at spawn and in bushes so my team mates would run into them, was hilarious. Got a 1 month ban for that little harmless trolling though, runs out on 8th September and probably won't be going back.
Ouch, guess you're apart of one of the groups that he listed.
Reminder Crusader LARPers are even cringier than comic book fans
The hitboxes in the game are so messed up that even at a horse's meager max speed this is what happens.
what went wrong?
>miss swing
>have cooldown
>miss swing and combo into another attack
>can parry immediately after your miss with no downside
>being racist is competitive!
lol no
Where are Yea Forums posters on your cringe list?
* or a nigger or a woman or a non white or a left leaning/lefitst or think the alt right is retarded
Thanks for proving my point, nigger. My home discord server is like 80% bisexual or gay.
>got kicked for tking someone who tkd me but snitched about it like a bitch and started a vote
Moderation and democracy were mistakes.
> I played it and refund it cause I knew it was a shitty game and just a flavour of the month
>mfw I see this thread
>losing stamina on missed hit and cancel into parry
Niggerbrain detected.
>using racial slurs for shock value is racism
again, thank you for demonstrating how cringe and boomer you are
>devs don't add any new maps for ages
>doesn't even put a 20% off during the summer sale even though player numbers were already dropping at that point
what are they thinking
>miss parry
>become paralyzed potato for like 3 sec
>I'm not butthurt, I've only presented facts
>last update introduced one of the worst official maps in the history of online video games which is still unfixed
Nice "fact"
>Check steamcharts
>Actually only like 250 people playing
Did they really not add anything else after Crossroads? I know they're a small team but this feels like wasted potential
>got killed over and over, never learned its systems, refunded out of frustration and then comes to these threads to make himself feel better about how much of a shitter he is.
steam, user? the one with a refund window way shorter than it would have taken you to git gud?
>Got a 1 month ban
A global ban? People actually get banned in this game? A good number of fags told me that they've reported me to moderators due to my calling people niggers yet I've never gotten anything
>Im only PRETENDING to be racist you stupid low IQ niggers
>just a flavour of the month
What's wrong with that?
Does every game you buy have to be something you play for 40k hours? It was only 30 bucks.
Chivalry is a better game objectively.
>mordcuck SEETHING someone took back his money from retarded cuck devs
Hot damn blow it out your ass shill. Lmao
>new maps in a melee game
There's a reason melee games do not get made. Fighting someone in your face gets tiresome and bland fast. New maps are not going to help, just imagine some different background or something while that dude in front of you takes up 80% of your monitor.
it really isn't
it might have been better at launch before all the ballerina shit started though
it was a flavor of the month game, what did you actually expect? It was fun at the time and now it's time to move on, user. Did you really think it had enough depth to sustain a large community for years like TF2 or CS or something?
this is why single data points dont mean fuck all, user
t. fighting game autist who thinks every game where you fight someone in melee has the same problems as fighting games
Is this post ironic
Yep a global ban, logged into steam and was greeted by a ban message on steam. 1 month seems very harsh for a little harmless trolling
for the retards: there was 5k playing today until clearly some kind of sudden maintenance dropped it to 250 instantly
explain what can they add on new map that will influence the gameplay?
Oh, well it's not as bad as I thought then. I haven't played in a while
it would've retained much of their playerbase until the devs refused to fix issues unless they came with a huge content patch (still only two maps and a shitty ranked mode) that is still very Soon^TM
>spear nigger comes up
>champion's spear and faggy pauldron fantasy armor
>goes into a seizure, upper body moving back and forth for like 5 second
>all the while he's spamming stab feints, looks like he's practicing crawl
>at the end of his shamanic dance he stabs next to my head
>he shifts his mouse slightly to the left while the lance is extended, which would normally cause the tip of the spear to clink with my helmet, but I take the full force of the stab on my head for some reason
>repeat until I give up
This sure is a nice fucking game
layouts, you dumb fuck. that dictate movement/fighting space. I dont know if theyre smart enough to do, it, though. The map design is arguably one of the worst aspects.
If you think the putrid pile of shit that is Crossroad is a good map then you have brain damage, it is both ugly has retarded design, give me a worst map that was made by devs
hopefully the devs put a discount on it during the autumn steam sale
sales is how these kinds of games stay alive for more than a year
This is why you're losing.
Yeah? Like what layouts that are not already there?
The fuck do you think? Vertical environments (ranged weapons and bombs viable), wide open areas (horses and typical battle viable), close quarters corridors, (the bane of large weapons, thrust and sidearms viable), vehicles (larger strategy of where you should go and what places to avoid fighting and where you MUST fight and how you prepare yourself for these encounters).
I agreed with you at first. Now I like it. Fighting over the tower is great. It only really blows if you have particularly obnoxious horsefags or you dont know to be careful on your way to the main area. The long walk feels like a chore, but you tend to do that in most maps anyway except maybe mountain.
Nigger I mean level geometry/topography. You think there's one of those and zero room for new ones? lmao
Lmao. Where are you stoutly, where’s that water blowing
This. Stouty should have known karma would catch his smug ass
you are so delusional. This is not medieval battle simulator. Everything you mentioned is already in game, but you are actually imagining battles from your favorite history movie or some shit.
no we're literally just imagining different map setups why the fuck is this so hard to comprehend? You can combine any or all of those concepts in an infinite number of ways to create unique play spaces. How are you this retarded?
>what can they add to the map to influence gameplay?
>niggur niggur like new enviroment are u stoopid nigur
>Spear nigger with the champion spear and fag shield pauldrons comes up
>I gamble each of his attacks with bastard sword stabs
you know you can browse servers in this game and find games even if it goes down to 100 players and have fun assuming you're not shite?
yes you are literally so stupid that you don't know what "different maps" mean, you little nigger
Nice strawman
>be absolute garbage at the game
>think you'll get good but you're doing 80 damage per match and it's already past refund timer
The real reason for the dwindling playerbase besides the given loss of people's interests in the first month is really the lack of maps and content. Frontline is too much of a shit show and the maps suck. Non Frontline has some neat maps(Contraband could be a really good Team objective mode map) Also some weapons have janky as fuck animations
>Bastard Sword
>Alt mode spear and its 300 turn cap
>Battle Axe
>War Axe
>Evening Star
A fight in a castle dungeon is going to be a hell of a lot different from the open field. You can't just mindlessly take one build everywhere. There's some tact to it, and if that doesn't "influence the gameplay," then no map in any game has ever done that.
how is calling someone a retarded nigger faggot racist, homophobic or ableist when they're most likely none of those?
this and the dev team decided to add in ranked mode for a base of 4000 players before mod tools really speaks to their level of competence
theres castle dungeon on Grad
>Chivalry II gets announced for the EGS
>Suddenly recurring shitpost threads about Mordhau alongside dissenting articles crop up
And, like I said, it's a hell of a lot different. Make a full map of that, you got people using entirely different loadouts, or maybe even using sidearms, because fuck swinging and banging shit into walls.
Ranked mode is going to be shit because duelyards are a lot more comfy and fun compared to being in a single server 1v1ing the same guy.
Cute and based
>devs do fuckall in the span of 5 months
>someone voices their complaint
I had fun while it lasted but yeah basically.
Should have focussed on more maps first rather than add new meme weapons.
imagine 64 players in a tight corridors in a melee game with fire bombs and smoke bombs. What can go wrong there.
Also I asked what can they add to gameplay, what you mentioned is already here.
nigger you redefined layout to mean tool placement. to the point wherw 'just make the maps different' is anathema to you unless I'm referring to power ups and weapons. Go back to playing a modern fps, zoomer.
>Game is released okay but needs work
>No work is done on it
>Game remains in kinda crappy but okay state
>Players leave to go to games that are more polished and have complete features
Who would have guessed that the only people still playing are the ones that don't care about the game's problems?
This is entirely the dev at fault. Blame the fanbase or the coverage if you want, none of that matters. What matters is that the devs didn't fix the problems it had on release
Sounds like a lot of flanking and using every single corridor on the map and how they interconnect or fail to do so with each other to your advantage. Or, a ton of fun.
Tim wins again
SEETH more steam nigger
seems like brainlets like you just need new background to enjoy this melee brawler again
We can read between the words, buddy.
yup, rapier/shield - fire/smoke bomb builds sound so fun
Not enough maps, too many tryhards.
>thrust morph to overhead
>thrust morph to kick
Good one!
>just bouncing back and forth with a maul
unironically git gud
I wish I had more time to play this, but it seems like a lot of you played too much and got burnt out. It's a fun game, for the price. My only real complaint was high ping for no reason every now and then. Solid 7/10 better than most AAA games on the market
>thrust morphing a rapier
>It's a swordfighting game with no singleplayer
>You can't return to your castle and sing poems to your princess and rally peasants to your lord's cause
Lol what a shitty game
This. I still play it a few hours when I can and it’s fun as fuck. I come here to bait hard as a lefty and see all the jealous kniggas cry over sour grapes that they can’t enjoy a good game because of their emotionally compromised state of being.
>tfw you didn’t fall for the Yea Forums shilling
Not with a Zwei, no, but you're not so dumb as to assume that open field weapon is the answer to all your problems?
Besides, you can do other things with it. A nicely timed morph to kick IS faster than a followup morph.
Where did you get that idea from?
I left because bows were OP and most melee weapons were ham-stringed to keep them from being powerful.
Nobody cares about infinite chan
>bows were OP
No you dumb idiot what killed the game itself was no content that's it.
>I left because bows were OP
average rapier player will stab you to the face if you try to morph. Also morphing to kick is useless because shield will not be up
You are joking right?
they should fucking nerf those firebombs they are very infuriating
>just use fireproof perk!
Yes, I'll add fireproof perk to all my builds, because that's how a game should be fucking designed
Kicks do both HP and stamina damage. It's also unblockable by anyone not expecting a kick.
it's always going to be better competitively than chiv 2. I have absolutely no reason to believe torn banner will learn from their mistakes looking at that trailer.
it was fun while it lasted
Firebombs are easy as fuck to fix
>Give them damage ramp up. You only get the full fire damage if you stay in the fire for two to three seconds
>Boost the sound firebomb make when on the ground. Being next to one should be heard easily.
I guess I should say that bows aren't punished like the other weapons.
Some asshole can just spend the game sniping and really there isn't shit you can do to stop it besides other bows.
Walk up to him and kill him.
"oh no, my build is ruined by having to take countermeasures to people exploiting my weaknesses"
take perks
use sidearms
stop using halberds, someone with 3/3/3 bloodlust will pick it up anyway
>Mordhau comes out
>"lol you guys, this is 1000x better than chivalry!"
>don't buy into the hype because I got burned with chivalry
>it goes to shit JUST like that
Also ramp up their cost and reduce their throwing range
They are just frustrating, and I've never played Bloodlust builds, stop building strawmen when someone criticize something, you're as bad as nint0ddlers
He won’t hit anything, and he won’t do enough damage for it to matter when he does. If he’s in range to hit and do damage (that won’t matter) he’s also close enough for you to smash the weapon out of his hands and get a free kill.
>melee has to chase bows
>bows can camp the same 2 or 3 spots
As I said the game doesn't punish bows like it does for every other weapon.
It sure is fun losing half of my health instantly because of funny firebombs that are near silent
Firebombs are necessary for choke points, area denial, and COUNTERING STRUCTURES. That’s all they’re good for, and I have never seen them as a problem or OP. Literally just walk around it, and there’s even a half second you can stand in it when it first gets thrown down that it won’t do damage, which is intended.
>bows don't do damage
This must have been changed or you are using hyperbole.
Literally no penalty for being a bow user and you can camp and just shoot dudes in the back of the head who are in combat already.
Literally ruins the game.
What about the 3 firepots jackasses who do bombing runs over the battlefield drowning everything in fire and then coming back to the supply box and doing it again? This is a real issue in games with a large number of players, especially if there's more than one of those people
>People spinning around at 500 MPH
>Attack while spinning
Finally, a true medieval combat simulation
If bows are what made you quit then this game really isn't for you.
The 11 point longbow deals 30 damage to level 3 armor. The 7 point slow firing crossy deals the same. The recurve is literally nothing but a close range support weapon for people who can’t meme fight.
I don’t even remember the last time a bow killed me or even assisted a kill on me when I wasn’t also using a bow.
>30 damage to max armor
>bows don't do shit
Okay so you guys are just dick guzzlers trying to defend bows.
>my $20 for a game that is fun
>devs waste their time with ranked mode and female models instead of doing MOD SUPPORT
i wish i could refund it
Good point, but have you ever tried to do it yourself? No nearly as successful as you think, and once you get caught...
I mean yea it’s annoying but you’ll get maybe a few double kills and then they’ll catch on.
>actually plan on adding niggers and women
Glad I waited before giving them my money
>4 hit kill is high in a fast paced game
You’re a smoothbrain aren’t you?
I never accused you of using Bloodlust builds. I'm saying they exist and they rightfully punish everyone using a 10 point weapon that goes and dies with it by spawning a fully armored behemoth with a scrub-stomper weapon. You'd think people would learn to take fucking lighter, faster weapons to avoid this, but no, everyone wants the AWP.
>near silent
Also, Firebombs have a huge half second delay before dealing any damage. That's enough time for you to turn tail and run, or even sprint through it with minimal damage. As my time as a fire gnome, that's gotten me killed plenty.
since when does mordhau have voice chat, user?
so frustrating who are these amateurs?
I’m the guy who posted I think the max damage you take if you walk through even a firebomb that’s active is 2 ticks, that’s 2/3 of your health which is more than fair for literally walking through an area denial device.
Firebombs are fine the way they are.
Mordhaufags BTFO
Archers aren't required to be by their targets.
3 hits from 3 bowmen killing someone with max armor is retarded.
As I said there is no downside to using a bow. You can shoot people in combat and run from people who chase you.
Bows should do half as much damage do medium armor and 1/4 against heavy.
30 free damage just because you chose to use a bow is bull.
11 Fucking points
It’s like you don’t even play the game.
The people that bought into this game OP are the "le fun gameplay" crowd that buy every shitty advertised fotm gayme or early access trash that is shilled here or by a streamer or youtuber, and have convinced themselves that the money wasted was worth it. They are low iq and engage in cult-like behavior trying to get more retards to buy into it. You can see it in all the smaller games' general-like threads where samethink is encouraged.
Ranged projectiles are slow as fuck and impossible to hit with at long ranges. They can also be blocked. They do very little damage even when they hit.
You're an idiot.
Mordhau has no soul
Agatha vs the Masons was peak soul
Funny how the posts calling out racism have gotten the most (you)s.
>chivalry releases
>faggot underaged shills shill the fuck out of it on Yea Forums
>dies almost immediately
>mordhau releases
>faggot underaged shills shill the fuck out of it on Yea Forums
>dies almost immediately
Never listen to Yea Forums, anyone stupid enough to buy these kusoge deserve to be gassed
The only reason people gave a fuck about Chivalry is because it was one of the only active medieval multiplayer games at the time
Chivalry was actually shit
Yeah everyone left because they just couldn't stomach seeing the n word in chat and it has nothing to do with the game development being grinded to a halt
To be fair
>fun interactions encouraged
>proper server browser
>skill based but you can still fuck around
Not many of those games around anymore
Game was fun but full of actually nigger aids tactics that should have been nerfed or removed that wont because the insecure git gud faggots need something to make themselves feel good about.
>haha funny XD firebomb niggers running around naked throwing fire into team fights forcing you to take a perf or melt in literally every game
>Spear and halberd niggers spamming stab and flicking their mouse all over the fucking place so the active stab hitbox can hit 4 people
>naked bloodlust niggers running into fights swinging and fast as they can cleaving heads off untill they die after getting 5+ kills due to mashing
>3/3/3 no weapon niggers running around like juggernauts
>crouch feint 360 hop drag accel faggots
>THAT fucking horse map
>horses in general
This game is also complete shit
Of course it is, it basically copied the gutter-trash gameplay of Chivalry
the usual peak is 6,000 every day. though steam charts showed the number drop today fromm 5000 2 hours ago down to 200 right now. dont know what thats about
>no no no we cant call people n*ggers anymore! The game is DEAD!!
Make like a tree and leaf you toxic assholes
>Boring gameplay that hard favors mashing attack with long range
>Unbalanced maps
>One shit update in 5 months
>Massive latency issues since said update
It was the racism you guys
If word filters preventing racism make good games, why isn't splitgate popular?
Le epic contrarians are the cancer of Yea Forums
Imagine enjoying videogames. Nah fuck them Yea Forums should be e-celebs
>once you get caught...
You punch them to death
looks like the drop is inaccurate, i just logged in and it looks like there's roughly 200 players alone in frontline servers that meet my low ping requirement, so 200 overall seems incredibly unlikely
I wish this game had more flashy armors like this
>11 points
Cope harder.
>naked bloodlust
So kill him in one hit? Even a rapier can 1 shot a helmlet.
Did you even play?
>t. two-handed sword tryhard nigger