To review:

To review:

1) Fight battles/quests with waifu of your choice

2) Gain EXP in the form of a capsule

3) Feed this EXP capsule to any waifu on the crew

4) She eventually levels up and gains 1 PP to spend on sex scenes

5) Rinse and repeat until level 40 to unlock cool rewards


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Other urls found in this thread:

how is any of this bad

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It objectifies women.

To review:
1.) Cuck NTR game

2.) Cheat engine because this game won't be fun

3.) Uninstall after ripping the models for sfm

4.) Skip 4

5.) The only beta I need is the torrent beta.

thanks for the summary, I will pirate the sex scenes and be done with it, for free.

cant fucking wait. Bought for the memes, staying for the memes.

Even if its bad i dont care, its for the greater good... of memes.

>when the delusion settles in just right

>futa confirmed

And that’s why I’m a backer.


is there a fishtits waifu?

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>shit your right.
>Realized that im having more fun with delusion than living life normally.

im broken bros

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You forget
>unavoidable NTR confirmed
therefore it is shit

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All porn is NTR.

That does not mean what you think it means.

It means shitty animations for all I care it's done by tards which can't make good animations at all.

Ok are this bitches fuckholes or waifus . jesus fucking christ you only get to choose one .

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How can I skip 4 if 4 is to skip 4?

>The one thing the fortnite community did right.
>Create a top tier fish waifu.

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I just want the webms m8.

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A game like this is a fucking travesty to Yea Forums.

Meanwhile. In mass effect threads.

It's not even a poser. It's a video player. They're making a game worse than low budget Illusion shit.

That’s why it’s called a video game.

>a video with no game

Cucks resorting mental gimnasticks to explain their fuck up fetish . based.

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>wanting some beta doofus hiding in a closet wanking off to you fucking his wife while she taunts him
No thanks.

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what's kobold adventure gotta do subverse



>crowdfund a cuck game
>get cucked
Meta as fuck.

Right here ;)
*unzips penis*


I'm just gonna wait for the 100% save game or the gallery mode that's all

If you are jacking off to NTR there is a good chance you are not having sex much less fucking someone else's girl. That just makes you a double cuck in denial.

>literally have to grind good boy points
>meanwhile the girls get fucked for free by everything else
the cuckest of cuck games

Have sex.

Nothing to see in this image, please move along

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is it going to have a cash shop?

"there is nothing you can do about this, so don't even try" Have you ever read anything more aggressively cuckish?


Attached: Comix_Zone.webm (840x1080, 1.22M)

Pretty much how they said it was gonna be .

not the cringiest cuck I've seen, but close

Attached: cuck level infinity.jpg (480x854, 57K)

>this was a public conversation

That shit can't be real.

>Countless porn games in the market
>Choose the worst possible fucking design for sex scenes
>Even the grinding russian Renpy/RPGM games have better systems
The design of this game sound like shit, everything is basically 1+ thing, not forgetting the fucking cuckshit people will fucking cry here.

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>old version

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The only girl that looked good is the AI one, and that got ruined when her body was shown.

Coming out of my ship
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta go down
Soon on them all
It started out with a pledge
On a Kickstarter's page
It was only a pledge, it was only a pledge

Now I'm playing your game
And she's busting my balls
While some aliens came
And she's sharing her holes
Now they're going to bang
And I'm not counted in
And it's all in my head
And I'm skipping this SCENE now
Bipedal or what now
Let ME fuck
I had to skip half of your game
To not be a cuck

FOW, do you know what "waifu" is
Handholding and cute pure brides
Not them E.T.-fertilized
But it's just the price I pay
Bulgetto is calling me
Tim Pool will you help my cause
'Cause I'm Mr. Subverse

I'm not a cuck
I'm not a cuck
I'm not a cuck
I'm not a cuck

Attached: mr subverse.jpg (717x463, 75K)

>Handholding and cute pure brides
It doesnt have to be that way tho , look at Bishop VN's . It becomes cuckshit when the MC start swinging / sharing or allowing anyone get close to his harem .

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of course its not, look how stiffly its written. weird incel fantasy shit for sure

Divorce, I would leave ASAP. Not my kid not my problem. If she wants to raise that bastard she can't but I am not paying child support.

As someone who has been asked to bull for a guy I know, I can tell you this: it's disgusting in all three scenarios.
1. As the cuck you are letting your partner cheat on you
Sure it is. Tell me how more attractive your partner thinks you are or how much more she respects you after she jumps on chad/tyrone's dick that's bigger than yours.
2. As the bull you are enabling beta male behavior as well as enabling and fucking a disgusting whore who is going through mental gymnastics to cheat.
3. As just an outside observer you are watching people cheat, be whores, and be sissified males.

Yeah i'm not sure if you can just walk away , most likely you have to go to court and defend your position .

Just waiting for someone to upload the vids, that's a that matters.

The real trick is not even get married. My parents never married and they are still together after 37 years.

>more porn for me, nice.
vanilla peasants

we keep winning lads

Why are all their images made for ants?

that feeling will turn its back on you and it will hurt more then ever

>xeno and gangbang/bi/lez trees not as long as MC tree even combined
Wow it's almost like they're trying to make a porn game that appeals to multiple fetishes but knows most people are some shade of vanillafag. It's literally just waifufags left out.

Why bother shilling a cuck game for free? No one cares that you want to see your girl get plowed by Tyrone, they care that you think everyone should want that. Just get your tweezers and stay in your corner.

Imagine being so insecure that you can't even watch porn about sluts being sluts.

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>biware comic
Imagine being a insecure homosexual.

>When the "Skill Tree" literally lets you pick and choose what scenes to unlock.
>Xeno is not required at all.



>Game featuring plenty of NTR
>Monsters fucking chicks
>Mediocre 3D graphics
Literally nothing about this sounds appealing

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since you're obviously a massive brainlet, I'll crop it a little further for you. no need to thank me.

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>half way through august
>still no beta

The amount of seethe in this comment sustains me

I'm gonna fap to the ripped scenes and there's nothing you can do about it

because clearly fow aren't just using popular words, phrases and designs to try and get sales, I mean just look at how seriousl their trailer was.
If there is anything even resembling relationship building in the actual game I'll eat my hat

>I'm gonna fap to the ripped scenes and there's nothing you can do about it
Why would I want to do anything?If you want to pay them just to make anons mad, you'll be the only retard there. If you don't pay them I'm good.


>"might" = CANON STORY NTR
>unwanted story scenes are skippable = UNAVOIDABLE
Stop posting these pictures and go back to working at OAG, Peter Kjeldgaard

So you screechers are just mad FOW made money

Everything they delivered except Nier was top fap material so I trust them to make better lewd content than any other porn company

>hurr i dun skipt it zo it din hapen >:(((

Attached: there there.jpg (600x604, 52K)

>might be some scripted events that always happen
I dunno why you have to be dishonest with this stuff, user. It's not YOUR game after all.

Do you actually care about porn stories? Are you stupid?

If I skip it I didn't have to sit through it to get to porn content I want. Other fuckers like Akabur could learn from that.

You know Skippiable does not equals Unavoidable , right ? i mean is still happening in the story you are just not looking at it .

your problem is trusting a porn company at all. that's only compounded by the fact it's FOW, and made even worse by you thinking cuck shit is all good. no one cares if you're a cuck user. they care that you shit up everwhere else with your garbage.

>I play porn games and skip all the dialogue
Then why not just fap to the ripped scenes, what's the point

lmao why even bother with porn games with this attitude? just go watch the scenes on pornhub or xvideos or whatever.

It's a video game, none of it actually happened

Then you should watch porn ma'man games are for i dont know playing ?

check my 5

>Moving goalposts
Then why even dishonestly argue to begin with?

everything is an object

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just cheat engine bro, its a porn game
the "game" part is absolutely neglectable

that being said, this game is utter trash and the only way i'm touching it is by watching scenes ripped out and compiled in one panda gallery

You guys have a Discord or something?

I wanna be a cool guy who gets mad about porn stories and spams threads crying about cuckshit in a game that will have dozens of other fetishes too.

How do you even go on porn sites when they have cuckshit tags sitting right there? They're on the site, so naturally that means they're ruining your experience just by being there even if you're such cool dudes that you'd never click on them and burn your computer even if you accidentally clicked on it once.

bob the killer goldfish's transition went well

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>Sorry bro, I only get off to solo porn..... you know... since I'm not a cuckold.

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Calm down shill-kun. I'm sure you'll still get your $0.50 deposited despite getting shit on consistently. Maybe try plebbit.

one of them is a robot

>no one cares if you're a cuck user. they care that you shit up everwhere else with your garbage
>literally spams every porn thread crying about cuckshit

Even though nobody wants to talk about this shit in /3dag/ you fags constantly post every fucking FOW update and then shit up the thread arguing over NTR for the 4454th time.

pretty sure mods will fix this within a week

>S-stop picking on me!
Pathetic. Can't even respond properly.

Look cuckshit is universally hated you can shitpost all you want that fact is not gonna change . I suggest you find a Cuck site and go shill your game there .

>Stop talking bad about muh video games
Maybe you haven't gone into any threads here on Yea Forums before, but typically both positive and negative opinions about a game are discussed within

>FOW has hired Shareblue with their trillions stolen on Kickstarter to shill their game that LITERALLY brainwashes you into being a bull prepper

imagine beeing such a beta male that your subconscious singals to you that you shouldnt even atempt to monopolize females but instead enjoy watching them get railed by other men.
actually you might be below beta males. you are a gama male.

might be worth a pirate then. not before though. I've also heard they got butthurt at the idea of people modding it so they might try to make it more difficult. that's hearsay tho.


>I automatically identify as a cuck in the corner instead of self inserting as the guy everytime I see porn
even the fags who self insert as the girl are more dignified and respectable than you

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>when the underage Discord screechers are so common you can tell their writing style
>and they all reply in a chorus of sperg rage

>gama male
russians use "omega" as an insult

>but typically both positive and negative opinions about a game are discussed within
Actually Yea Forums is 90% Smash threads and 10% troll threads.

The le everything is bad meme has ruined Yea Forums entirely to the point where /pol/ is a better vidya board than Yea Forums

Everyone in those comments seems to be very calmly responding, user. Also, are you really implying that the posts they were responding to weren't full of rage? Oh, sweety.

>ntr shit
No thanks Im not a cuck.

No, falseflagging and people hungry for (you)s have ruined Yea Forums, and also the rest of Yea Forums as well

You are the only one sperging out here. Have another (you) thank me later .

Nobody would have that kind of conversation online and not be an inbred sister-brother relationship.

>I hate this shit but I follow all the discussion of it to find more rumors and opinions I can use to circle jerk about how much I hate it

only here. it's a civic duty no one should ignore.

Attached: touristfag pls.jpg (960x720, 112K)

>only one person doesn't like 15 year olds from discord posting every microupdate about a kickstarted porn game just to scream about cucks for 500 posts

Not interested in cuck games, desu

Judging by this thread you are the only one OK with cuckoldy so im not quite sure why you keep making this threads .

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>can skip cutscenes you don't want to watch

>can skip cutscenes you don't want to watch

The retarded conclusion jumping in these posts makes your trolling obvious.

I don't devote myself to being mad about fetishes I don't have that are avoidable or ignorable

It's like you've never gotten an ad for a fetish you don't like on the sidebar of a porn vid and just ignored it

you mean THIS 5?

You said "who cares about the plot" so why would you pay attention to some of the plot? That doesn't make sense

That's not a wojak edit newfag.

You can not give a shit overall but still pay attention to some of what you're watching. "The story is shlock but sometimes it's funny and the action scenes are decent" is basically what supported Arnold's entire acting career.

It's like I'm trying to explain how human brains work to an alien.

> but still pay attention to some of what you're watching
So, you do care about the plot?
>It's like I'm trying to explain how human brains work to an alien.
No I just think you're confusing and you're completely shifting what you're talking about

These threads are so weird. Like, theyre SO weird. Do you guys watch porn? Its never you fucking the pornstar, so by all the definitions Im seeing in this thread, all porn is inherently cuck porn. I never heard you guys complaining about Taimanin Asagi. Is ninjas getting raept by demons cuck porn? Its fucking FOW. Spoilers, theres gonna be monster on girl action. Like, thats the lane. I dont understand this weird push people on this board have pushing the cuck label on others. Let me ask you Team Its-Cuckshit bros a question, what is it about a 3d model of a girl who doesnt exist in real life getting consentacled that upsets you so much?
You are. You clearly wanted to like this game, you wanted to form some escapist relationship with a big titty white hair scientist in game waifu. But now that youve heard that there are scenes where she rolls in the hay with a monster, youre DEVASTATED. Threads on threads with salty tears in your eyes burning away, complaining that this game is completely ruined. That its cuckshit. That anyone who plays it gets off on being humiliated and embarassed and pissed their pants and shit. U so mad its out of control. Its porn, dude. Its porn. The rest of the sane universe is going to play and beat off to the scenes because they want to watch Studio FOW shit. Sorry this game didnt allow you to have your one on one relationship with a robot or a red skinned demon pirate queen. There are some good VNs on Steam Im pretty sure, you can try those.

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It's okay user, one day they'll find a cure for autism and you won't be confused by people not seeing everything as a binary choice between absolute devotion and absolute seething hatred.

>I don't care about the plot
>Except when I do
Just stop making binary statements, user. This isn't difficult.

>can't vary in degrees of not caring depending on content

If I just wanna watch a fight scene, I'll skip right to it instead of watching the half hour of plot leading to it.

If I feel like checking out the plot at some other time, I'll not skip it.

It's like fast scrolling through waifushit in real games (Persona, Fire Emblem) but vaguely caring about the actual plot.

Games have a fuckload more story and content than movies so skipping shit you don't care about looks different than other media.

>MC has his own character and voice
>somehow this isn't cucking

Attached: 1565603474477.jpg (720x405, 28K)

Male pornstars have their own identity and voice too. So do females actually.

>You can make them scissor each other

But that's not the MC so that's NTR

I don't know anyone who can self insert if its not pov and the dude stays quiet

I don't give a fuck about the MC
Why the fuck should I? I want to see a ship of sluts scissoring each other while I struck my 4.5 inch torpedo.

Just stop making binary statements then, user. Or keep making them, but don't get so defensive when someone responds to it.



Nah, I'll pass.

>just stop saying things that frustrate my autism because I lack social skills and context for inferences

6) cuckshit

Porn videos are not the same as porn games now go compare apples to oranges somewhere else cucklord. I really cant understand why this cucks allways angage in this weird ass mental gimnasticks to jsutify their fetish .

>while I struck my 4.5 inch torpedo
lol cucks confirmed for subhuman

How much do you discuss porn and jerking off in your social circle?

Alright dipshit, its not you in the fucking game either. You're not Buff McHorsecock enjoying his harem of 18 year old titty monsters in whichever porn games you're playing. Youre just some pale, doughy user, who is spending his time criticising porn. Winning, dude.

You don't?

Confirmed for never having friends

Nier. And GITS. And Kunoichi 3. And Jill Valentine. And the Zelda /Cia one. And Jessica Rabbit. And the Helena one.

I can go on


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>And GITS. And Kunoichi 3. And Jill Valentine
Confirmed for shit taste. Just skip the story faggotry in GitS.

>And the Zelda /Cia one. And Jessica Rabbit
I don't care about animated BJs so I didn't bother watching those. If you expect something more than BJs in a BJ vid you're a retard though.

>And the Helena one.
Don't even know which one that is since I literally only know DOA girls as the models they use in SFM porn

I'm gonna guess you're just mad at the human gangbang vid because you're too underage to know they literally did a human gangbang as their first ever vid

Be more accurate

Are you seriously so retarded you can't differentiate porn with no substance and datesim with romancible """waifus"""?
Please just tell me you're pretending and this post is a copypasta.


Only an ascended man can understand & appreciate the appeal of NTR.

Simple minds hate it because of the anguish. This is similar to how a child hates dark chocolate because of the bitterness. A developed mind appreciates contrast - bitter against sweet, anguish against arousal. They feed off of and mutually intensify one another. This is why netorare is the endgame fetish.

A lower being cannot know.

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The porn in GitS was shit.

Making Jessica fucking Rabbit the character for a BJ only video is fucking
retarded given she's popular for tits and ass exclusively. It's like Tifa porn where she doesnt use her tits.

>I don't knew the characters so it's good

>I'm gonna guess you're just mad at the human gangbang vid because you're too underage to know they literally did a human gangbang as their first ever vid
>You don't like my porn so you're a newfag lmaoooooo
I bet you find the "Scout in the background" shit funny

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>datesim with romancible """waifus"""?
Are you so retarded you think Subverse is a dating sim?

Having a progression system for fuck scenes has already melted retards' minds into thinking it's got Persona SLinks but you can't seriously be willfully ignorant enough to not know it's not a dating sim. Objectively. It's a shmup/trpg hybrid.

>Pot calling the kettle black
It's hilarious how little self-reflection you have

>I bet you find the "Scout in the background" shit funny
No. And they were fags for making not putting Scunt in their vids a Patreon goal. Although I think that was a joke.

FOW trying and failing to be funny is probably the source of all the rage about them to be honest. "It'll be funny to say the characters in this hardcore porn are waifus" "Oh no..."

>x is shit
Great argument faggot


>he's broken down into just posting meme words

check mine

>He thinks FOW is good

>spamming youtube
why can't you lurk before posting, eh faggot? it's a perfect time to collect shit like this.

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This is my biggest problem with cuckshit in all it's forms. You can't ignore the pages and pages of the crying fuck jerking his limp dick. I don't want straight porn to have entire panels or scenes dedicated to a guy.

Keep spinning that argument all you want the fact stand Tags are very important in Porn games . If you get off watching Cuckshit you ARE a cuck as simple as that .

>I never heard you guys complaining about Taimanin Asagi.
Because it's a full NTR game. This one is a NTR but it's "optional" game.

dev said the game will have romance route with 4 girls
rest are fucksows

>lurk moar
>thinking OP means the guy I'm responding to

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So all the screeching is LITERALLY for nothing because there is waifushit for you faggots that's separate from the other characters

Months of shitposting over nothing

If Subverse's soundtrack was made by deadmau5 then it'd be called Wubverse xD

Attached: nice.png (256x256, 41K)

This game does have hard coded ( unavoidable) cuckshit . Is what started the whole cuckverse thing .

No one here is buying your game FOW-kun so I'm not sure why you guys even bother here. /aoc/ and the generals have already told you to fuck off and ignored you, while Yea Forums will hit 500+ posts where the only positive comments are yours. I really don't see why you're wasting your money and time here.

Daily reminder Wild Life mops the floor with this one.

Attached: 1.jpg (1396x1073, 854K)

>I never heard you guys complaining about Taimanin Asagi.
Taimanin Asagi is 100% about ninja girls getting raped mercilessly by demons and orcs. Exclusively.
This isn't.

It'll never finish man. That's the curse of decent weg's. Let's just hope it gets to a good place before it's abandoned.

>74 unique posters
>several ones telling you to fuck off
>lmao its just 1 shill

>Advertise your game with "waifus"
>Don't realize that waifudags dont like NTR

also Taimanin Asagi does not have a defined MC so its pretty hard to create a Cuck scenario there .

Wild Life shills are even worse. Why do you deserve a dime if Skyrim mods have exactly the same features?


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>When you can't even come up with a response

Playing as some faggot cuck is completely unnecessary


I was never gonna play this game, but some of you niggas are way too defensive about the NTR stuff

Yeah bro when people get grossed about Scat is because inside they are dying for getting shit all over .

Glad you finally agree.

Attached: git.png (1430x1068, 604K)

A perfect microcosm for these threads

>you fags are sperging too much

>Why do you deserve a dime if Skyrim mods have exactly the same features?
Skyrim is miles away. But what exactly does subverse to deserve a dime?

shills confirmed for 0 reading comprehension
fuck your cuck game and fuck your wannabe loverslab go shill somewhere else

>overuse of the word waifu
Hard pass.

>I hate this game so much
>Imma just bump the threads about it over and over
Check the poster count next time nigga

>Why did a shill show up in a shill thread?
It still stands why does subverse deserve a dime?

when is the beta released? any screencaps of the hot scenes?

Fuck you

Wild Life is piece of shit. Retarded "muh simulation" idea, awful clunky animations, retarded controls, bad VR. Only girls' models are good and some cool physic interactivity but everything else is just bad.

are you literally retarded
cuckverse doesn't deserve any money either


Definitely totally for sure 100% didn't bump while I was samefagging, no siree

I would only play if you could bludgeon to death the dog NPC that is meant to cuck you

that sounds like a "you" problem imo, can't help you buddy

>the dog NPC that is meant to cuck you
You can avoid the cucking by that thing

But nothing else. It's 95% NTR with optional non NTR.

>It's 95% NTR with optional non NTR

>brought to you by the faggots who produce nothing but sfms of monsters powerraping bitches and the occasional regular rape scene with cuckthemes

>with cuckthemes

Other than K3 I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and K3 doesn't count since it's girlcuck and girlcuck is hot

>girlcuck is hot

this is an 18+ board, you lesbian-loving-ultrafag


Okay when you guys say "NTR" do you mean you literally watch other people fuck or that the girls have other relationships

Can never tell with you retards

>gains 1 PP

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Before you get 1000 meme replies here are the facts:

One of FOW's reps and the Steam page confirm that Lily, the scientist character, fucks at least one monster whether you tell her to or not and you can't prevent this from happening.

Everything else is just projection and conjecture and their Steam page manager explicitly said there's no actual NTR in the game.

Attached: CUCKCUCKCUCK.png (605x816, 108K)

Thanks, I like monster fucking so really this is a plus for me

>actually looking up their steam page
lol shill cuck


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Jesus Christ. It's just porn about space sluts. You are the captain and you fuck whoever you want, and they fuck whoever they want. No romance. No marriage.


Except they already said there will be hard coded cuckshit you know the "you can skip if you dont wanna watch it" thing .


Faggots don't use the term waifu correctly, so why would I believe they use ntr correctly?

Unless there is a scene where the alien bitch is like "oh yes, this tentacle, whatever, is so much better than captain's little human dick" then it's hardly ntr retard.

Is being a bull, and cucking other men by fucking their women, the most patrician fetish?

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Im glad its shit
Its way more fun to laugh at it

>hard coded cuckshit

They handed out 20 scenes to paypigs. A cuck will have obviously paid for that shit. For all you know it's like the furshit in Undertale: technically in the game but pushed off to the side and basically comic relief. Or the "might be some other scripted moments" could just be the scene of Lily fucking a monster.

Or they're not lying on their Steam page and there actually isn't NTR and a character fucking a monster isn't inherently NTR.

So who's developing this? Who did they hire because they sure as fuck don't have any gamedev experience.

I'm betting they'll announce another patreon for this game just so they keep milking it

>so why would I believe they use ntr correctly
because their cuck game is promising hardcore cuckshit and the full cuck experience is taking cucks money and leaving them with a shitty late garbage gameplay demo with stock unity assets that has nothing but vanilla loops which is what you shill cucks are getting LOL

Am I the only one that finds the most insulting part of all this?
Feels bad to be an oldfag I guess
You zooms dont understand how them using that word outs them as not giving a single fuck, having zero passion and only using this to exploit idiots
retard btfo

>So who's developing this?
cuckporn cuck animators

No, it means being part of the neto- crowd.
Also even without that, being an animal/appliance is not based.

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Letting anything get close to MC's harem is inherently cuckshit .
>inb4 : do not self-insert as the MC
That doesnt change the fact that the MC is getting cucked (willingly or not)

Imagine being this obsessed with cuckoldry. He probably thinks he cucked his dad when his mother gave birth to him because technically his dick was inside her vagina.

Best girl

Holy fuck, these cucks are desperate.

Attached: 1490199427771.jpg (600x448, 124K)


here comes the mental gymnastics again . If you like cuckshit great for you but understand that is a shit tier fetish alongside furries / scat / vore etc.

>Faggots don't use the term waifu correctly, so why would I believe they use ntr correctly?
Because two of their animations featured NTR. I agree with you that they aren't using waifu correctly but they're clearly still going to make them romancable and handle it the WESTERN porn dev way. Go play The Legend of Queen Opala and you'll get what I'm referring to. Everyone is just an open fuck despite letting you specifically romance the girls. It's just how western devs tend to handle games. Anyone who has experience with /weg/ content would know this.

Why would you "identify" as anything but the dick doing the fucking? The meat attached to the dick is irrelevant.

so you can't read the part where he say's there's no NTR?

The game is up front and explicit that none of the characters are monogamous at the start. They're literally outlaws because they're a bunch of sluts.

The only monogamy that would come about in the game would be turning a hoe into a housewife, and that's shit-tier anyways. It's not cuckshit if one person in the orgy goes and fucks someone else after you're done.

so can you not read the part where

>their cuck game is promising hardcore cuckshit and the full cuck experience is taking cucks money

Attached: 1555252778694.png (650x581, 284K)

NTR is just another one of those fetishes that dont make sense nor can be explained through ancient instincts like feet but people are still irrationally draw to it, like scat and guro.
So i dont care about it nor do i feel repulsed, i just know its not for me, just like a lot of people cant understand why i like futa, i cant understand NTR, i dont want to, i dont try to justify or rationalize my fetish, nor do i try to obnoxiously push it on others. And i think we should leave each other alone on this matter.

Except for scat/piss, guro and bugchasing which should be removed from existence for obvious reasons.

Attached: 1401686269410.gif (331x255, 929K)

>Romanceable hoe
>It's not cuckshit if one person in the orgy goes and fucks someone else after you're done.
Jesus christ

Attached: 155310675789.jpg (288x415, 19K)


Attached: NTRisShit.jpg (3000x1687, 1.54M)

>don't care about cuckshit bro
>just ignore it bro

I'd rather side with the puritan Empire tbqh

Did you miss the harley+dog one that was literally the joker being forced to watch her get railed by dogs? Yeah it doesn't fit the Joker's character but that's what they animated. Do we have to mention all the other instances of it?

I'm the creator of these two and I think people who keep saying they're using the word "Waifu" wrong are missing the point. Yes, they are literally using the word waifu wrong (half the time), and so are they when referring to NTR. People who don't have much experience with the /weg/ community of porn games aren't aware of how most devs tend to handle games with rape/monster stuff + romance. It's usually always a free for all we're you or other characters can fuck anything, on top of letting you romance the girls. Some games will allow you to avoid it, while others will not but not consider it cucking. To them it's usually "hey, here's this hot scene of a girl getting railed by X" and it's usually not treated as much of a tragedy. The issue here is that FOW is too stupid to realize that having scenes like this in a game meant to allow you to romance girls counts as NTR for those who are trying to avoid it, regardless of what custom definiton of NTR they themselves want to use. If a player wants to romance the rogue chick and she ends up getting knocked up by an alien hours into the game after said player was able to avoid it and romance her, it's still NTR by definition. It doesn't matter if she doesn't get mind broken and resumes her regular personality after giving birth to it.

I already said it in another post but I'll say it again here. They are going to handle scenes the same way The Legend of Queen Opala handles them. The girls will go max ahegao'd, get raped hard, but move on right after like nothing ever happened. I would be surprised if the scenes like Bulgetto's introduction actually has lasting effects on the character.

Attached: 1539104681069.png (768x1024, 347K)

im fucking mad its just pre-rendered scenes.
i expected honey select/Wild life scenes, FULLY INTERACTIVE.

I agree that "romance" in this game is shit tier

Because romance in literally any game is shit tier. Waifufags and cuckfags get to be on the same fucking train getting gassed.

But I legit don't get why all the characters being sluts in a game about unlocking sex scenes is bad.

I can read that FOW like to misuse words and decided to use romanceable as an alternate word for fuckable

>Did you miss the harley+dog one that was literally the joker being forced to watch her get railed by dogs?

Yes actually. Totally forgot Scarlet Nights existed because it was total trash and the Arkham models are ugly anyways. Had zero interest, didn't watch it, and it seems like their Patreon dying killed any chances of a shitty sequel to an already shitty movie.

>I'm the creator of these two

Wow congratulations, are you proud of being an obnoxious fucking faggot who makes meme pictures full of half truth and conjecture to egg on absolute fucking retards to just squawk cuck over and over?

Most of them are made in SFM. One of the preview scenes on their website for one of the sex scenes (the one with the doc raising her leg up while getting fucked) is literally an older SFM that had it's models and background swapped. I could find the original and post them side by side if people really want to see them.

I forgot to mention that most western that it's widely known on /h/ and sad panda that most westerners don't even understand what NTR is, and equate it to general cuckoldry. There was even a funny case a while back where one Japanese artist couldn't tell if his game fully counted as NTR or not and just put "?" in the title and tweeted about it. Pic related.

Attached: 1560409826021.png (1024x768, 650K)

>Yes actually. Totally forgot Scarlet Nights existed because it was total trash and the Arkham models are ugly anyways. Had zero interest, didn't watch it, and it seems like their Patreon dying killed any chances of a shitty sequel to an already shitty movie.
Eh, sure. Just pointing out that they've done it before. I honestly believe they would deny ever doing NTR porn if someone were to ask them if they had. They're obviously moving in and out of using buzzwords, so people need to stop using choice supportive bias on some things they say.

>Wow congratulations, are you proud of being an obnoxious fucking faggot who makes meme pictures full of half truth and conjecture to egg on absolute fucking retards to just squawk cuck over and over?
No, I just made it so people could stop pretending they said stuff they didn't or pretend they didn't say things at all. For example, we have an user like you who skipped out or skimmed through on some of their works but spewed out of his ass that they didn't do NTR before. Good job. This is going to have NTR, not in the way people expect, but it will. NTR by definition is the act of having a loved one or a potential love interest "taken" through sexually means. Any scene involving the player trying to avoid having a girl raped or go through consensual sex with another is going to be NTR, unless the game specially starts off with the characters themselves saying they're going to be open about it. We're only aware of the doc randomly fucking anything with a dick, not the blue haired girl.

>waifu = slut
>Romanceable = she will fuck everyboddy
>Your harem is getting the D everywhere = Not Cuckshit
i dont understand any of this shit . Shill's are basically saying that this FOW devs are retarded or something ?

cuckery is the worst fetish

>someone points out they do netorare
>user denies it hard and tries to invalidate the yuri example
>other user points out another example

T. The faggot way of arguing.

Attached: 1545453663400.gif (700x394, 1.86M)

is really damn easy .
>Bitch is your romance interest ?
>Bitch gets meat everywhere she goes with or without the MC consent
>Your game / VN / doujin is cuckshit.

Most people assblasted don't have much experience with Fow prior to this. About half of that are people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about and are going on full damage control just to do it. Half of the people doing that don't even understand how NTR works and are pushing the "LOL they're just using waifu wrong" argument, as if that changes anything. Even if they were using the word wrong it's still NTR.

Tell that to the idiots who pushed the same kind of reach-level arguments we're getting regarding FOW's game.

Why are you so emotionally attached to some alien video game girl? It's just some dumb porn.

Wild Life fucking destroys this piece of shit of a schroedingers "game".

Attached: Wildlifec_Screenshot_2019.08.02_-_21.18.56.35.png (1920x1080, 3.26M)

>No, I just made it so people could stop pretending they said stuff they didn't or pretend they didn't say things at all

Which is why you took conditional sentences and vagueries then plastered them with your own retarded interpretation and literally shopped official releases from FOW to pass off your narrative about how the whole game is a cuck porn fiesta.

>2 small scenarios, one of which is avoidable entirely = HARDCORE NTR HENTAI TAGS
>this might happen but it's skippable if it does = CANON STORY NTR THAT'S UNAVOIDABLE
>FOW says stupid shit that you already admitted to them saying incorrectly = NTR DATING SIM WITH PROCEDURALLY GENERATED KEK AI

You're either a retard or a troll who's obsessed with FOW beyond any reason.

>work for your porn
No thanks. If I want to jack off, I don't want to work for it. I will never understand porn games where the porn is a reward for playing the game.

>Whilst walking past the Laboratory, the player can hear sexually suggestive moans coming from within as a bipedal alien stud called Bulgetto pleasures your Chief Science Officer.
I guess she is a slut so it makes sense. Not necessarily cuckshi-
>There is nothing you can do about this so don’t even try.
Alright now this is where you’ve crossed into dangerous, “this sounds an awful lot like cuckshit” territory. Why in the fuck would they write that last sentence if not to signify cuckoldry?

>I didn't know this existed because I didn't watch it and it looked like shit

So their shittiest and most forgotten movie means Subverse is a hardcore NTR simulator like you faggots keep screaming about.

I'm not seeing the cuck part?

>not jacking off to both ntr and vanilla

Attached: 6f7dbcdd9fd5fa8e1fff6175d378000b70b1feb1210dc26bd5b0c8ead0975bf4.jpeg.jpg (740x876, 71K)

>some random slut in a porn game isn't devoted entirely to you
>this triggers some virgins on Yea Forums
Honestly that is so sad it's hilarious.

Attached: 1458533335719.gif (197x245, 1.86M)

>literally called manticucker
>literally had ntr stretch goal

Why would I be attached? I just like seeing bitches get raped, user. Are you one of those autismos who automatically think someone has to be on a specific side just because they disagree with you?

This is why you just download save files and go through scene viewers.

>Which is why you took conditional sentences and vagueries then plastered them with your own retarded inte
pretty sure I screenshotted entire posts and multiples of them, but okay. It's not my fault they can't damage control properly.

You're the one who believed they didn't do NTR when they're were two easy examples right off the bat.

>cuck age

we need the apocalypse

I can't read this because it's so poorly put together that it makes no sense. Still not seeing the cuck stuff

the only thing worse than this cuckshit is that they gave the fucking mc a voice actor.

>believed they didn't do NTR
Nah I just didn't think they were making the game nothing but cuckshit like you OBSESSED cuck projectors do. I said straight up I knew they did girlcuck in K3.

Are you going to take more nude pictures and videos of her? I require them for research.

Also looking back, you had a 2, and 3. Is there a 1?


Attached: 1547278702322.png (500x500, 135K)

>so desperate to avoid getting called out for his faggotry that he quotes half a word

Just admit you think DC is a cunt and that's why you've devoted your whole life to spamming their porn game threads on Yea Forums to make more people hate FOW.

>so cucked he cant read
lol here you go shill

Attached: lol cuck fag.png (830x443, 572K)

Excellent. Can you post more?

>SONGBIRD'S SHAME's whole scenario is NTR blackmail
>YOU DON'T FUCK WITH A GOD has Mundas literally looking into the cam and teasing Donte at the end about this being the result of his actions.

Let me guess... they were all shit and you didn't bother looking at them too, right? They don't count because they're shit, I know.

>Just admit you think DC is a c-
Wow, you really are one of those guys who goes fully "_____ boogeyman" when people disagree with you. I didn't even post those two images this thread or half of the threads that are made about fow. It's usually other people reposting, which is why there's almost always the outdated ones being posted before anons replying with a post of the newer images.

>Nah I just didn't think they were making the game nothing but cuckshit
but who said it was going to be nothing but cuckshit? Do you have some kind of reading problem? My posts in this whole conversation chain has me specifically mentioning it not being all NTR in passing, just that there will be some NTR. Whether they intend for it to count as NTR or not, THEY already described scenarios that would count as NTR by definition.

needs some fixing but it works

Attached: Vanilla Is Eternal.jpg (5654x2763, 3.74M)

the part with "Additional Xeno animations" has "Netorare unlocked" edited onto it. I just did that for funny effect, since that's what it is based on another post they mentioned where it literally fucks the MC's girls if he doesn't please it by keeping it well-fed. the mant

>I didn't see any cuckshit in K1
>I've never watched any of the story in Songbird and don't watch to the 3rd part
>I'll take your word on the shitty one
>I didn't know that last one existed either but it's apparently all dog fucking so how is that NTR

What the fuck does NTR even mean in a video game, you fucking geeks? Like nigga, you aren't the protagonist, if these girls were real they would treat you like the fucking plague.

It feminizes objects

>the mental gymnastics of people in denial

Nothing wrong with futa.
The less guys in my sex scene, the better.

like i said, it needs some adjusting

>What the fuck does NTR even mean in a video game
You know there's over 500 NTR VN's and over a hundred actual porn games with real gameplay that have NTR in them too, right? Not him but what the fuck are you on? This thread really does make it obvious how much the damage control fags are just blindly spouting shit to cope.

>Wow, you really are one of those guys who goes fully "_____ boogeyman" when people disagree with you

Literally every standalone FOW thread has been nothing but KEKKEKKEK and making faggot shit pictures that encourage retards because you think it's funny is directly contributing to it.

The anti-FOW spam force just empties its ass on any thread they're even mentioned in and your interpretation of sluts fucking monsters with no player input as HARDCODED UNAVOIDABLE STORY NTR WHERE THE CHARACTERS WILL CHEAT ON THE PLAYER AT RANDOM WHILE FOW SENDS YOU MOCKING EMAILS is obvious trolling retardation.

>porn game != video/picture

Then remove Yuri.

Wait, why are you mad they are filling a legal obligation?

>My posts in this whole conversation chain has me specifically mentioning it not being all NTR in passing, just that there will be some NTR
>I also made
lol obsessed

Nigga, you dumb as hell

They wouldn’t be fucking with your retarded ass either

>legal obligation to make cuckshit
lol I guess they are britcucks

>Literally every standalone FOW thread has been nothing but KEKKEKKEK and making faggot shit pictures that encourage retards because you think it's funny is directly contributing to it.
And how does this relate to my post? Where am I shitting on people? Even in my conversation with you on explaining things I was only pointing things out. You're the sperg wearing special glasses and think everyone is part of this boogeyman group.

>The anti-FOW spam force just empties its ass on any threa-
So pointing out there's going to be unavoidable rape of someone's waifu and NTR is anti-FOW now? You do realize the majority of posts in this thread and the past threads are just calling out the vanillafag extremists or outright idiots who jumped on the bandwagon for Subverse without realizing what kind of content FOW is known to do, only to argue as if FOW would never make such content? Again, you are the perfect example of one of these guys who didn't pay attention to some of their attentions and claimed they didn't do NTR, then went damage control and called the harley one shit when it was brought up. The DmC one is literally mundas raping kat and then mocking dante for fucking with him.

I heard about this game a while ago but never kept up with it, what's cuck/NTR about it?

I made the image, not the posts. Keep proving how bad your reading skills are.

Continue cope.exe

Attached: 1534432686086.png (373x123, 13K)

>ctrl+f "cuck"
>More than 100 Matches

Attached: 1548624522396[1].png (750x654, 179K)

Your country has zero consumer law? Wow.

Every porn addicted fail...*user in this place has seen on average the most degenerate things possible like:
>Gangbang rape
>Tentacle shit
>Futanari faggotry

But suddenly, when it comes to NTR, they draw the fucking line and become /pol/ conservatives.
I am in no way fan of NTR, but I think that many of you here are some pretty fucking big hypocrites when you shit on NTR.

Attached: cringe.jpg (557x541, 150K)

I was pointing out the image dumbass you literally spread disinfo because youre obsessed with fow

>mfw cuck fags get the last laugh and retard vanilla fags can go fuck themselves

Attached: 1338679279995.jpg (413x395, 40K)

It's going to let you romance the girls but will also have some unavoidable ape scenes + general in-game elements that allow the girls to get raped and knocked up without the player's permission. Babies refuse to accept it for what the game devs themselves have described will happen in the game.

Blame reddit and the /pol/ppets.

balls or ball less?
ball less futa is garbage.

Attached: whatnoway.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Based? Yes.

Redpilled? Yes, good sir. I do believe he was.

>make porn game
>put NTR sections that can't be avoided
>make a deluxe version that gets rid of the NTR
>charge 10 more dollars for it

I don't get why people aren't doing this?

same goes for vore or furry just to give an example , of course there are fetishes that need a special kind of people to like .

Nigga you are literally helping some virtual guy get laid with virtual girls. You are the cuck in that situation.

>I am in no way fan of NTR, but I think that many of you here are some pretty fucking big hypocrites when you shit on NTR.
There's only two kinds of people being mad about it. The people who expected full vanilla content with blockable rape & the people who are just blatant fanboys and refuse to accept the fact that the devs are damage controlling with lies about their own content. Look through the thread and you'll see most people just want to see rape and some people actively wanted NTR.

>there's going to be unavoidable rape of someone's waifu and NTR

>Will there be NTR in this game? No
>All the fucking is consensual
>Lily fucks a monster at the start therefore these things FOW has said don't matter because HARDCODED NTR ATTACKING THE PLAYER ON A PERSONAL, EMOTIONAL LEVEL

Either you didn't actually make that picture or you're trolling. Nobody is dumb enough to see why that shit isn't encouraging 90% of the posts in this thread being LOL TOP KEK AMIRITE?

>mfw I'm fine with just about anything in porn but I draw the line at niggers

Attached: GXhnw6q1bL-4.png (300x250, 17K)

>you literally spread disinfo
>paste entire post with no word or line cropped
>devs say things in plain english
>devs have one very recent post where they contradict themselves and say there won't be NTR
>fags latch onto that new post and pretend everything stated prior was fanfiction or out of content shit by anons

coping mechanism.exe

>Futanari faggotry
Bro, people draw the line with all of these all the time. Shitting on NTR is hardly unique

Based retard

It's all so fucking retarded. This board is filled to the brim with degenerates who love futa, furfags, vore, and most want to fuck little squidgirls in splatoon.
Some stupid porn game that won't even be a good game just a nice fap has a character that doesn't exclusively fuck only you and these autists throw a hissy fit.

Yea Forums has constant threads on all those. Not even that guy but don't be a liar, thanks.

>ball less futa is garbage.
Fuck you you savage. You just want a guy with tits.

Thats nice but why would I play this?
Literally what is the appeal here?
I could just play EvE online or Starsector or whatever else and occasionally alt tab to a porn doujin instead of this.
>Get milestone ingame
>Reward yourself by alt tabbing to porn of your choice
What even is the point of this 'game'?

i just want girls assets so i can port to other games

>Nigga you are literally helping some virtual guy get laid with virtual girls. You are the cuck in that situation.
NTR is not the equivalent to cuckold porn. In fact, there's a specific sub-genre of Netorare (Netorase) which is organized by the person getting his girl "taken" character himself, that is the closest equivalent. Netorare is a scenario genre, not the same as an actual action like Double Penetration being tagged onto a specific girl. Netorare doesn't have to involve the protagonist and the main heroine, a side character or random NPC can literally be put into an NTR situation. NTR just means for someone to have a loved one (love interest or possible love interest) "Taken" from them through sexual means.

>paste entire post with no word or line cropped

It's literally taking the one thing that's actually confirmed and a bunch of hypotheticals from DURING the Kickstarter that have been EXPLICITLY disavowed and projecting your opinion onto it.

Most of the pic's surface area is your faggot shit with the only thing that points out something that only the most autistic of waifufags would call NTR, ONE character in a hardcore porn game fucking something that isn't the MC at the start, being actual confirmed content.

It's like if someone asked Nintendo in 2017 if BotW would have Midna and they went "It might?" Then they plastered MIDNA IN BOTW CONFIRMED everywhere.

Of course the betas are cumming from this shit.
CGs better be good out of context

Attached: 1532834453628.jpg (274x386, 22K)

>>Get milestone ingame
>>Reward yourself by alt tabbing to porn of your choice
user, you're fucking brilliant

Drama could have easily been avoided if all sex involving the girls with characters other than the MC were optional.

the basic definitions if you're still confused. It does not have to involve the protagonist specifically, it just usually is. Sometimes there will be a "protagonist" but the entire story is taken from the heroine's point of view or a the player's (just narration from third person)

NTR Type A
The heroine is willingly cheating on the protagonist with another guy and enjoys every second of it. No rape, blackmail, drugs etc. involved, it's consensual sex from the very beginning.

NTR Type B
Initially, the heroine is raped, blackmailed, drugged or otherwise tricked to have sex with someone other than the protagonist. However, she eventually starts enjoying it and the sex becomes fully consensual in the end.

NTR Type C
The heroine is raped in front of the protagonist and he can only helplessly watch it. It's non-consensual from start to finish. Some situations where the MC is told about his heroine being raped, or it happening without his notice may also count as NTR Type C.

Netorase (Protagonist-organised Netorare)
This kind of netorare is orchestrated by the deliberate actions (or inaction) of the protagonist. The heroine wouldn't willingly cheat on the protagonist, but he intentionally manipulates the situation so that she will end up raped by other men, or just flat out convinces/orders her to have sex with them. Either he does this for personal gain (selling his girlfriend for money or using her to obtain blackmail materials on someone), wants to push the heroine away, or he enjoys such a situation where the heroine has sex with other men. This is not always mutually exclusive to the MC and can count for side characters if story is focused towards it.

Netori are games where the protagonist steals the lover or wife/husband of someone else. Different from Netorare where the protagonist's lover gets stolen.

I can't think of a single video game that doesn't objectify men.

>It's literally taking the one thing that's actually confirmed and a bunch of hypotheticals
Stopped reading there because the post itself shows that's a lie. It has multiple parts of them saying the girls can be romanced and then saying they can also be raped or RNG into fucking other units without your consent, specifically pointing that out.

>cope.exe is not responding, would you like to send a report to seeth.exe?

wtF this thread is still up?

I wonder how good crew building will be

Attached: NTRguy chart.png (1445x1440, 723K)

They have skill trees for that express purpose
All this drama is based on the Steam page saying someone fucks a monster unavoidably and FOW being FOW, IE memelords and deliberately vague.

>get threads
does not equal
>free of people shitting on it

Use your brain and we’ll call it even

Has any game fixed "lose and get rewarded with lewd"?

mods know that letting it hit post limit is smarter than closing it and having some anons try to remake a new one again. It's already happened multiple times. The thread has a better chance dying off when people argue until it hits max and then dissolves until the next one is made next week.


Yeah fuck no.
Fucking marketing buzzwords, you don't even understood what it really means.

But user these are normie and vanilla these days.

You mean a dev saying one of them fucks a monster unavoidable? Can't imagine why this would stir up any drama.

I guess. It's surprising because I literally copypasted from the email I got from them (the OP), posted and forgot about this thread. People seem to have been taking the OP as if it's my opinions, but it's literally a rip from the developers.

Thank you

Is pretty weird becosue the hatrad towards cuckshit is ancient and im pretty sure any dev out there knows what can happen if they add it into their product. Honestly either fully commit to it and get that crowd to buy your product or make it complitetly optional so at least you can BTFO the haters.

Attached: 3.jpg (414x96, 10K)

>People seem to have been taking the OP as if it's my opinions, but it's literally a rip from the developers.
You mean like how the current argument going on right now is some anons damage controlling that a compilation picture of the developer's entire posts just has to be edited or out of content snippets?
WOWEEE, It's almost like we have some faggots roaming these boards.

>fucking floor tiles

>It has multiple parts of them saying the girls can be romanced and then saying they can also be raped or RNG into fucking other units without your consent

No it actually doesn't. Let's walk you through your own bullshit logic then:

>"they are going to maintain their integrity and independence even after you've earned their trust and recruited them"

faggot.exe running

>This means that "Girls can freely cuck the player at any point in the game regardless of how far you romance them or how far you get in their 'loyalty quests'"

What he was saying is that the characters aren't a Japanese VN harem, but are "sassy". What you put in your faggot picture is HARDCORE NTR CONFIRMED in both blue and red.

>"We definitely want to explore pregnancy options (both human and xeno) but it will depend on several factors..."

faggot.exe running


>there MIGHT be some other scripted moments that will always happen. You ARE NOT forced to watch these, however, as you can skip them

faggot.exe running


>The EA build will launch with 4 romanceable waifus…

faggot.exe running


Fuck off, faggot. Go back to your FOW hate Discord and stop posting these faggot threads.

It's best to just have it optional if patreon is any indication. You still get the cuckbucks while keeping everyone else happy.

Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, fuck this game then. Truly astonished how many people want to use their own money to fund this cuckshit.

I'm convinced it's the same 5 people talking about cuck shit in these threads every time. Absolute morons.

>not wanting to suck and play with big balls

Attached: 1542156279742.png (380x380, 235K)

Oddly enough they said there won't be any "extreme" fetish on that game and we already know there is cuck stuff , bestiality and futa .

So... has therr bern any actual news or new screens?

It's a porn game so most of it is NSFW but yes.

They've updated on schedule every other week since the campaign wrapped.

Disgusting, you're just full gay.

Attached: 1542442265536.gif (540x304, 2.99M)

>>"they are going to maintain their integrity and independence even after you've earned their trust and recruited them"

>anons ask if you can stop the girls from fucking others
>fow responds that the girls have their own preferences that may not match yours and will remain independent in their actions to support this.
>one of the most obvious examples is the doctor


I'm not even trying to convince you, because you're just being a blind faggot who will rose tint through their text. They already said some scenes cannot be avoided and listed a few, one being the protag walking in on bulgetto, then specifically mention you can't do anything about it. All our posts do is make it easier for those who needed a quick rundown to get a better understanding of the situation and understand why there's so much retards thinking they get pure routes with girls.

>some scenes with OTHER PARTNERS cannot be avoided but can be skipped
>anyone with an IQ above 1 knows skipping a scene doesn't mean it did not happen

Attached: 1545753644888.png (281x318, 46K)

And this is the crux of it. If they did that, most people wouldn’t have a problem with it. But it’s the fact that you will have the ntr forced on you whether you like it or not and your only recourse is to just pretend it didn’t happen is what rubs people the wrong way

Put in a ‘turn off all cuck content’ switch and we’re golden

Bruh don't tell me you just wrote all that gay shit.

Nigga I ain't playing no cuck game even if it's optional.

is this tim pool's new videogame

Nope. It's the basic definitions you can find on any site that let's you read tag descriptions. C+P

Fuck, it wouldn't be so bad if you could actually DO SOMETHING about it. Like, grab a phaser rifle and blast a hole in the freak's chest, then grab the woman and rape her into submission, but no, you are forced into the role of the cuck.


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It's only gay if they have balls Abe.

Attached: real.png (602x343, 33K)

>it's a romance dating sim where the characters all cuck you all the time
>I'm basing this on FOW not saying you get to lock every character in chastity belts to use as fuckdolls because they'd get annihilated by the Twitter mob
>there's hardcore NTR because the incomplete game's community manager said they may have sex cutscenes in the story where the MC isn't the one fucking the girl
>they underline the tech tree over and over to highlight there's barely any fucking outside of player control

>anyone with an IQ above 1 knows skipping a scene doesn't mean it did not happen




why do cuckniggers have to ruin everything?

Girls dont have dicks fucking faggot.

What is this reply supposed to do? They are giving a disclaimer that if it's not for you, after pointing out the girls will still have their own character-based preferences and will act on them.

Attached: 1548928557075.png (584x162, 22K)

If I wanted to experience what real women are like I would go on Tinder. Fuck these faggots.

>He doesn't know we all start out as girls and the clit develops into a dick if you get a Y chromosome.
Bible Black got it 100% right.


Calm down there, sperg. You're making it even more obvious what kind of anons are the ones damage controlling.

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not from the pictures i've seen

Attached: 1557954977164.jpg (1117x2160, 1.18M)

then how are they jizzing?

>this game
Focus is NTR
>witch game
Focus is or will be femdom, feet, scat.

Why do the good looking UE4 h-games have to cater to the most degenrate people?

Attached: 1565743430479.jpg (902x722, 197K)

>the girls will still have their own character-based preferences and will act on them

I can't wait for this to come out and all the shit you people have been screeching out turns out to just be Lily's introduction scene where she fucks a monster.

9 other fuckable characters with 0 content that's even interpretable as NTR without unlocking it by player choice. And you'll still fixate on the one confirmed scene to shitpost about cuckcuckcuck.


Something tells me they know very little about the "adult gaming space".

>I'm just informing people I dindu nuffin
>also I'm le epic trollmeister

>Wild Life

Isnt that the bruno mars song where he makes train noises?

Honestly none of the waifus really hit for me.
If the gameplay is fun I will give it a go I guess.

Easy . That's a man and you my gay friend are fapping to a certain type of men that like to call themselves "transgender women"

Same fluid they use for their 'cum', you dum dum.

>reaction image replying someone who went full caps retard is trolling now
Are you from reddit/tumblr?


Attached: Shadman, GTAO.webm (480x480, 1022K)

The models aren't even sexy. I doubt anyone will want to make porn of this shit.

What is with FOW on that? Is there really prople telling them that they love seeing women raped by guard dogs in front of their boyfriends and such?

>look how much of a cool troll I am guys
>I pretended to be honestly informing people with my retarded meme picture
>but I'm actually fishing for yous like everyone else by pretending to be retarded

Positively epic trolling, fellow oldfag.

Stick with the superior renpy VNs my dude.

Attached: 40881_sc_date3ap_ap5.jpg (1280x720, 391K)

we have
>bootleg Mercy from Overwatch
>generic succubus
>some hacker thot
great job FOW

FOW/DC believes he can barge into hgames without understanding why people play this genre, like some user said in another thread.
>It is not the content that is important, but how it is packaged.

>rages in all caps
>gets made fun of
>calls everyone trolls as a result

Attached: 1555161079102.png (420x420, 250K)

But their packaging looks like shit?

No, its dehumanizing makes you a cog in two people's manipulative ans doomed relationahip.

>fellow oldfag.
make it less obvious you're new, won't you? did you really type "Fellow oldfag?" Stop making it so obvious you're trying to fit in.

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because those fags are like furries and will shell out fat wads of cash to subject everyone else to their fetish


>Focus is NTR
It's not the focus, it will just have NTR as a result of FOW's stupidity and inability in handling both rape and vanilla in a single game.

Probably tinybuild under an alias company name.


i can post in all lower case if it helps you try and comprehend that your opinion about 2 sentences worth of text isn't the gospel truth about confirmed ingame content if you like

You seem to forget people slap pony heads on literally any body and print views. People will use these generic tinted humans too.

horrific gobboshit


Attached: 1535698853387.png (86x102, 20K)

>render shit
I will skip both of these and stick with vr porn and realtime graphics rather than daz static images built for phone comics.

DMD is gobbokino.


i'm trying to illustrate to people who don't hate fow that the pictures you made that get spammed every time someone mentions them are actually overtly edited, interpretive bullshit with 10% actual validity in saying there's shit autists can interpret as cuckshit in the game

i mean if lily isn't even a fuck option at the start how is fucking a monster then even interpretable as cuckshit?

unless you're just spamming shit and won't admit you're promoting cuckcuckcuck spam because fow existing triggers you

This shit is not even a proper 3D porn game, right? It's just some pre-rendered scenes. Fucking trash.

Because FOW have no fucking idea how to design a hgame, they can make okay animations, but when comes to story, they shit on the bed, and the same thing will happen to the game, will probably have good animations, but the most important aspect of the game will be shit.
If the hgame don't let me edge for hours, is not worth the time.

>will probably have good animations, but the most important aspect of the game will be shit

user you contradicted yourself.

The scenes are literally all that matters unless you're a total nolife loser who cares about porn stories.


Cuck cuck cuck. KEK!...Cuuuuck? Cuck cuck.
...Cuck? C-c-cuck? KEK KEK! KEK

Cuck cuck cuck.
Cuck cuck cuck cuck...Cuck.

Attached: 1564243998334.jpg (842x2000, 345K)

aka 'i want to fuck a guy but i'm too scared'
best hentai is loli where the girl dies from being fucked

If the scenes are all that matters, why don't we all just ignore this game and go watch porn, a hentai, or some SFM webms?
The scenes are not the important part of an hgame, if they were then it would not be an hgame. It would just be a bunch of webms

The total nolife loser who cares about porn stories is the only one who’s going to buy this shit instead of just fapping to the animations when they get posted online.

At that point why even bother playing? Just rip the images/animations.

porn games are about edging yourself, not blowing the fucking load, why do you think DC and Fenoxo receive more than 10k every month from patreon ?

Why are /weg/s always like this? They jump through how many hoops so that they can convince the player that it's okay that one of the game's heroines is an absolute whore.

>10k every month

>It would just be a bunch of webms
>instead of just fapping to the animations when they get posted online
>At that point why even bother playing? Just rip the images/animations.

You're implying that's not exactly what I'm gonna do

If you actually play porn games instead of getting the gallery or scene rips you're a fucking moron. I tried to play Princess Trainer for like 3 minutes and wanted to beat Akabur with a golf club. The pics are great though.

user, Fenoxo is a pretty fucking terrible example given how you can't go 60 seconds in his text adventures without running into a sex scene. And I'm not even exaggerating that much.
As for DC...Fuck if I know. I refuse to play STS because the art is dogshit.

>They jump through how many hoops so that they can convince the player that it's okay that one of the game's heroines is an absolute whore

I just don't get it.

They're not real.

They exist to have pics or vids to fap to.

Why do you care about their characterization?

Most don't. Unless you consider a girl not being a virgin before she starts a relationship with the MC a whore.

That's understandable
I still hope for a good porn game that is engaging and interesting on its own merit, even though I know this is like hoping for an Ubisoft title that isn't a focus-group tested cashgrab

I'll never lose hope, even if I must wait a hundred years. But this game will not be it

Well they do keep fucking everything that it moves after meeting the MC so ...

something something sexual liberation
the Japs do it 100x better anyways

I never implied you would. But the point is, they need to cater to the people who’ll actually shell out money for this dreck not the people who won’t buy it anyway

In my experience more often then not once they meet the MC they only fuck the MC or sometimes the other girls.

People wasted money on this shit because "muh anti-patreon" and "muh prude boogieman", they don't care about the game, they care about the message.

Why bother altering something so easily cross referenced?
steamcommunity . com/app/1034140/discussions/0/1768134097435974436/

Nice to see Tim Pool's game coming along well

Attached: xUqpSCM4_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

3some when?


Attached: 2.jpg (595x316, 55K)

why bother shilling a cuck game?

To review:

1) don’t buy the game

2) watch the sex scenes of your desired waifu on pornhub (or any porn site of choice idgaf)

3) go play actual vidya



>Why do you care about their characterization?
Why do you not care about buying cuck porn?