6 days
6 days
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actually, i take that back.
not based
Getting rid of quiet or desexifying her is the stupidest idea. On moral grounds I wouldn't purchase.
why are you pretending that you are me
user, even if there's a gamescom announcement or a new game in development (and that's likely, they can't let all the old kojipro members doing nothing), your demon edition can't happen, it's way too fanfictionish.
Let it go, look at the future instead of focusing on the past (MGSV) .
Here's your Demon edition youtube.com
Repent while you still can.
No, getting rid of that cancer is the best idea anyone ever had
Lmao tranny spotted
Why? I want Quiet gone because she looks like a deformed tranny, especially her face.
Don't bully Joost, it wasn't her fault. :c
Let go, user. It's been 4 years. Stop hurting yourself.
>Metal Gear
It's dead, Jim
Didn't we have some Yea Forums spamming tripfag who thought that part 3 would come out a few years ago?
Waifufags absolutely bootyblasted
In rest, not dead. i'm pretty sure we will have something before the end of 2020.
but DE is fake anyway.
>tfw there's an announcement MG related at Gamescom, even if the leak is fake (and that's very probably the case.)
I'm glad it's over.
every year around e3 and gamescom we go through this shit
let it go
There is nothing else to talk about. The only thing worth something is Rising and it will get nothing
I'm not bullying her bro, I'm bullying the chinks who modelled her like a tranny.
Eh user, i doubt it, there was nothing to talk about after PW (MSF was supposed to be Outer Heaven) and yet we got V. i'm sure they can do something. either in the past, the future, or at the time of V with the real big boss.
and if they really can't make a MGR2 and have no places, they can do a softreboot with a new cast, or an hard reboot.
>yfw MGS5 Pachinko Demon is announced
Pachinko are not made by the vidya guy.
it was even confirmed the pachinko made with the "fox engine" was actually not fox engine at all but CGI, made by the DMC pachinko guys.
and even then, Konami are far less in the pachinko business now.
Konami won't even be there, unless you're expecting Sony to reveal Metal Gear Solid at Gamescom. Weren't there rumors last year that Bluepoint might be handling the remaster?
>there was nothing to talk about after PW (MSF was supposed to be Outer Heaven) and yet we got V
V was the (shitty) missing link between that and MG1.
>softreboot with a new cast, or an hard reboot.
Yep, it's dead
but there's still plenty of stories to take.
i doubt very much the next game will be a reboot.
either a new game, remake or MGR2.
Bluepoint are remaking MGS1.
Commit Seppuku like you promised us you maggot.
This game was so dissapointing people are still posting conspiracy theories 4 years later that a fixed version is on the way.
I SERIOUSLY hope you guys really don't believe this
>probably the best female character Kojima has written since MGS1 Naomi
Based retard
Oh god. You made me remember all the joost waifu fags who made this board literally unbrowsable for like 3 months.
Fuck you, she’s not even cute
Suicide stream when?
I even believed you for a while 3 years ago
I don't think anyone really does, while a gamescom announcement could happen, DE literally CAN'T happen.
Kill yourself subhuman brainlet.
Don't worry, the wait will be worth it. Konami just renewed the Silent Hill trademark.
Konami won't be there though.
It was only disappointing to retarded hypefag weebs
>V story
Keep going with the buzzwords tho
They are at Gamescom user konami.com
Probably just for Contra or Pes, a gamescom announcement would be surprising. i don't think a new MG will happen this year.
next year however...
You obviously weren’t here. This entire board was 100% sold it was going to be one of the best games ever made. No one expected it to be the worst MGS game.
>any Metal Gear
>good story
Jesus christ let this shitty game go already. It's been 4 years, it was shit, move on.
I obviously was here, I remember making Glaz and Palitz threads.
>worst MGS game
that's 4, 1 or PW.
>video games
Get a new hobby, kiddo
This. Behead those who insult waifu.
Ah Caramel. Have you figured out why Mantis was called the "third" child yet?
The absolute state of millennials
Here's your (((you)))
Not gonna lie, the audio splicing is well done. How much autism did this cost him?
Lakitouille have ascended autism.
his Fox engine modding skills are beyond everyones, and the fact he's still almost anonymous and don't say anything online make it even better.
The phantom pain will never go away.
Even if it probably will be the case, i hope the next MG won't be a remake.
this, remakes are for zoomer faggots that can't handle old games, MG1-2 and MGS1 plays fine already, fuck remakes
Being a bad Metal Gear game is still a high bar.
Lies, gameplay trailers and GZ already fucked up the expectation of a lot of people. It indeed endend being even worse than what everyone expected, but not everyone was waiting for "the best game ever", so stop talking out of your ass.
No. To all of it.
People were talking about holding off their suicides until it came out, or quiting vidya until after it came out because nothing would be able to compare. MGSV hype was on another level from anything I’ve seen here
The gameplay trailers were good and people loved GZ. What the fuck are you talking about
>implying konami would announce an emulator on e3 and a AAA game on gamescom
Cmon now you people cant be this gullible.
There was nearly nothing in the gameplay trailers that wasn't in game
What are the chances this is true?
This, and i was among the people who said that would quit vidya if MGSV was a disaster it was, but i was a fag and didint quit
None because the dumb fucking faggot cannot even spell Raiden correctly.
>only source is a post on Yea Forums
99% chance this is fake then, what a shame.
>announcements at gamescom
it's just a retard honeypot
>folks still waiting on more mgs content
Just let go already user. Quit these delusions, false hopes. It's over. Move on.
I don't think MG is dead user.
but waiting for an announcement this year is retarded.
I could see an announcement in 2020, but not this year.
I mean, Survive, while a minor spin off, was announced at Gamescom.
but an announcement at TGS or GA would make more sense if it's a bigger game.
New game, remake, weird shit like DE, i don't care...i just want something announced...They have to work on something, i know doing an early announcement isn't always good, but i hope they won't wait too long...
Thank fuck you're back. Silent hills coming o the 19th. I've always believed you caramel.
I genuinely just feel sad for you at this point
Words will not be able to describe my smugness towards your subhuman brain as it snaps come the reveal.
It should've been Sniper Wolf in the first place.
Mentally ill retards on Yea Forums =/= people.
Remember, Yea Forums is the only place that still rages with murderous anger over Dark Souls 2.
It's been 4 years you retarded nigger.
Yeah yeah we all have this conversation like 7 times a year and so far you're the only one who's been wrong every single time, when DS drops and it's nothing but a knew game I truly hope you don't do anything silly
But DS2 deserves all the hate it gets.
She's shit tho. Overpowered companion and leads to the worst mission in the game.
what is this pictures origin, bibo is scull face thats possible.
She's the worst part of the game.
Last MGSV trailer by Kojima just before release where he had to fucking spoil Sahelanthropus.
I just want hd collection on switch and a modern port of mgs4
cause i'm a faggot
MGS1 was just a shittier version of Metal Gear 2. Fite me. MGS didn't become good until 3.
In my opinion, they should do a completely new MG game + an hd collection port released in between for more sales.
probably for next gen. but if next gen have retrocompatibility then they won't do it. (Xbox one had it and they got the hd collection and MGRR, meanwhile PSnow got hd collection, Rising and MGS4.)
Metal Gear Survive 2
Can't happen, Survive ending actually make everything possible to not have a sequel, it's like the devs were like "fuck we really need to do everything to not do this error again."
Survive had a lot of "self aware" moment for some reasons.
i miss the speculation sperg out kojima ruse cruise days
PvP was so much better than DaS1. haters are fags who got raped every match
What, a 4 year old Sniper Wolf?
The ceiling fan is only present in two locations. The hospital and at the end of the Shining Lights mission, however, it only spawns during the cutscene, not during gameplay. It's revealing that TPP is a coma nightmare / VR simulation, it's reality bleeding into the deception.
Gonna have to go with konami on this one, quiet was shit and probably contributed to ruining the game by eating up content time.
What did he mean by this?
Tanker > MGS1 > rest of MGS2
Fuck you and fuck Raiden
I meant Metal Gear 2 on the MSX. MGS2 is slightly better than MGS1, but still not as good as MG2.
All the companions are OP. The dog is even more OP.
>worst mission
Nibba I will fight you. MGS always had combat segments and this was one of the better ones. Shit was ludo as fuck.
skip a few years, problem solved
Wasn't the single-player campaign added late in development. It was supposed to be an online-only multiplayer-focused game originally IIRC.
Quiet can complete small missions and clear enemy camps all on her own. Also her mission is just fighting like 10 tanks while they continuously knock you down making the whole thing either frustrating or tedious depending on your loadout
Apparently it was.
the game first release was mid 2017, and it had no single players. then it was delayed in early 2018, but they probably still didn't have a lot of budget (because it wasn't planned).
the first gameplay trailer actually look more like MGO3, and have some MGO3 thing not even in the full game, making it possible Survive was a MGO3 expansion first.
It feels so low-budget from what I've played thus far. I made it to the FOB in Africa now and all the missions thus far have been the same shit. It's not horrible, but it's not great either.
Well, it's probably because it wasn't planned.
there's still 3 boss fight waiting for you. at least the game had some real boss unlike V...Seriously Kojima i know you wanted a more "serious" game but please.
While i'm sure there's something in work, i don't believe anything from the DE or an announcement this year.
but what would be yfw if it's somehow true?
if DE is true i'd buy it. never played MGSV tho so i don't suffer from The Phantom Pain™
DDog can also clear entire outposts on his own. And Fulton out the people he knocked out. And find all the captured prisoners. And all the collectable. And enemies don't even engage him unless they see him take out one of their own.
I brought him along on all the total stealth missions instead of Quiet because I could just literally have him run the mission for me and nobody would suspect a thing.
The only reason you think Quiet is more OP is because you never took a fully upgraded DDog with you instead of her (not judging, I want Quiet in the ACC forever).
And that mission has more than just 10 tanks. The point of the frustration is that it's supposed to showcase the two of them desperately fighting to keep each other alive against dismal odds.
There are even new mechanics involved for this. When Quiet drops down to put down a resupply flare next to you and an enemy is firing on you, she'll actually move to take the bullet for you. Ocelot even gives you a codec call like he does when a chopper spots you and mentions that she's taking a bullet for you. A lot of people missed this though because usually infantry don't get close enough to shoot at you. I myself only had it happen 2 times when trying to beat that mission and I restarted it after that because I was trying to get the sub-objective where she doesn't take any damage. That mission was meant to be ludonarrative storytelling demonstrating how devoted Venom and Quiet really are to each other and it was the first time they really have strong chemistry in the game.
I have been waiting for those magic words.
MGSV was dogshit.
Do you guys just ask to be hurt or something?
Some user can't let go from the past.
i would be Konami, i would do a remake or a new game not related to V at all, and it's probably what's going to happen.
MGSV was fine, but MGSfags on Yea Forums for some reason are mad that the game wasn't fan-fiction they wrote in their heads. I get the impression most of them are 7th gen babbies who didn't get into the series until they bought the HD or Legacy Collection.
OP here
honestly i don't hate V, i just want another MG project to be announced sooner than 2020.
>Caramel still hasnt killed himself yet
>bruuuuuuuhhhuuhuhuu you are totally a demon now because you shot people that were infected with a deadly parasite that would have spread otherwise
Damn... Kojima is the master of writing
Stop spamming this butterface
MGSV being disappointing felt like the result of a perfect storm of awful shit happening. Everything from Kojima chasing trends like open world and Konami quitting video games entirely played a part in its demise. I still wish we got Peace Walker as the mainline MGS5 for the PS3 instead.
Wait a minute what, what's happening?
Probably nothing.
Nothing but salty mgsfags are autistically obsessed with a fanfic rumor that they're sure is happening
TPP was supposed to be a portable MGS game. It was planned as a Vita game alongside the PS3 version before it was canned and became a purely console game so they could develop it alongside the next-gen console versions.
I much preferred the structure of pw and just wanted V to be a console version of that. Individual maps you play through with a ton of missions and different creative things to do with them,. I thought that was the way it was gonna be because they already did that with ground zeroes, like think of how many creative and interesting mission types they did with the maps in PW but instead V had 2 giant mostly empty maps. Like the actual base section in Afganistan and Africa were cool but i didn't need or want 8 minutes of driving or horse riding inbetween,it added nothing and they probably could have made many more diverse areas if they didn't fall for the open world meme.
activate windows already you fucking nigger
>Like the actual base section in Afganistan and Africa were cool but i didn't need or want 8 minutes of driving or horse riding inbetween
This is what has me worried the most about Death Stranding. It looks like he's doubled down on that stuff.
Survive already made the V map more linear, i'm suspecting the next game to be more linear.
>Gonna have to go with konami on this one
What do you mean, have they said they don't like quiet or something? The fuck you talking about?
I dont necessarily want it to be linear, wanted like a list of 25 separate, unconnected maps.
t.everyone after release
very hot take my man
Part of the fanfic "rumor" is that they want to remove waifu from the remake and replace her with a blond soldier chick
this is the greatest example of mental illness i've ever seen. i hope demon edition is fake just so you suffer more
>caramel starts posting
>anons give out (you)'s
successful shitposting breeds jealousy
but yes, kys yourself my man. Death Stranding is not a MGS title.
V is worse than those three. Don't kid yourself just because V was your first MGS game.
Fuck off storyfag
>mfw MGSV made me quit vidya
>mfw MGSV broke me
Don't tell anybody.
nice effort
neither of these things happened
Hi Nitroid.
at least use the low roar song instead of this boring crap.
say what you want about kojames, low roar is doing some stellar music for the announcement trailer and 'give me an answer' video, which the director called a gateway to Death Stranding.
this shit right here raised my eyebrow the moment it was released. might mean jack shit
I'm laughing so hard right now
Likewise, most fun I've had leading up to a games release in years. Hundreds upon hundreds of threads of OC, hype and genuine schizo tier theories
I'll never forget Joakim Mogren.
It's true though. My PS3 and PS4 are covered in dust, I've stopped talking to friends I used to play online with, I don't even turn my tv on anymore. I tried to bring back my love of vidya by buying a Vita but didn't help, it actually made it worse. Explain that shit Einstein.
Peace Walker was never planned as a PS3 game.
In fact, Konami made Kojima NOT call it MGS5 precisely because it was a PSP game.
That entire thing was genuinely bananas. There's a lot of shit surrounding MGS V that just makes me ask what the fuck Kojima was actually trying to do, seemed like he was just fucking with people for the lulz
>Anons go into a meltdown and start theorizing that Quiet is a transitioned Chico because Kojima tweeted a picture of a sausage with the caption "Farewell, sausage"
>Anons go into a meltdown and start theorizing that Quiet is a transitioned Chico because Kojima tweeted a picture of a sausage with the caption "Farewell, sausage"
In retrospect, that would have been way more compelling than what we got.
6 days
Kojima does a lot of shit to fuck with fans. He literally has three ads for sunglasses in MGSV
ITT: retards
We need to go deeper.
Yes but its was mgs3 pachinko, later the same with survive
>if it doesn't make sense, that means its deep
That's caramel in 6 days
this would be cool honestly
bro caramel died 2 year ago
>calling others trannies for hating on quiet
>mfw the ruse cruise/turboautism is back
do anons get rused? does caramel commit sudoku?
shit's gonna get interesting
>BiBo suddenly comes in and gives him a hug
>tells him to let go
Fucking kino.
>the nbgofags have finally been forced to admit that death stranding is not mgs
>instead of realizing that it's time to move on they make another retarded conspiracy theory
fuck never mind they're still on it
mgs has had a hard life, i think it needs some time to rest
Whats this?
Looks like that FFXV DLC with Prompto but modded. I might be wrong
When will they learn?
Mantis is still the key to everything.
MGSV was so bad it made me realise how shit games are and I lost interest in playing any of them since I played MGSV. I just post on Yea Forums but don't play games
quiet should have been the main heroine.
Kojimbo is an utter madman
Based waifu gotta save it for Venom only. Liberators get denied
wtf are you niggers talking about
get your facts straight, trans chico was thrown around for a while, and THEN 'farewell sausage' came in to confirm it, not before
gamers begone
It need a new generation of game, not made by Kojima.
after all, the morale of MG was to "not live in the past, but the future", we should care about future games, so just linger on V phantom pain.
>wanting a thotskull instead of sweet crazy waifu
Never gonna make it bro
>MGS without Kojimmer
It just can't happen. It would be the worst kind of cashgrab garbage. See; Survive
The characters and back story will still all be by Kojima. It's just a matter of using them correctly.
Thinking MG is dead without Kojima is dumb, especially since there's literally more members of the old kojipro at Konami than nu kojipro.
>but survive
it was a low budget spin off, and a cut MGO3 dlc. would be like saying MG died in 2004 because of MGA1.
At worst, it's in rest for now, but i'm sure it will return soon enough, remake or new game. good non kojima games happened in the past already. (see Ghost Babel, Portable Ops, MGRR and MGA2)
With skin mods she is.
it's better to just use infinite heaven, you can play as fob quiet in solo with her abilities and all.
>Ghost Babel, MGA2
Not bad, but the director's long gone.
>Portable Ops
Was such a mess that it had to be saved by a different developer.
Not the best track record.
>I truly hope you don't do anything silly
I on the other hand wish for you to kill yourself, for real this time.
mgs:R isn't MGRR user.
and MGS:R was cancelled because Kojima didn't wanted to give more time to the young team (it was almost made only of young people, the older developers were already on V.)
as for Nojiri, while he work for a mobile company, he still have some ties with Konami.
PO had awful controls because of the PSP, but the story was pretty good.
MGS:R wasn't made by Kojima, and the writer / producer of MGRR are Konami guy who are still at the company.
MGS:R was apparently so advanced the whole story was done, gave it a year or two and it would have been finished.
it's theorized Kojima canceled it to have more people on V.
That sounds completely retarded tbqh. What a waste of money
And then suddenly, for no reason, Kojima was fired.
She was literally supposed to be a tranny. Anyone who doesn’t grasp that is retarded.
The official version of Quiet honestly looks like they straight up copied the mod. They had an animation pack with her abilities in Feb 17.
one of the best in the series wasn't made by him. although, asking for something like Ghost Babel is a bit of a stretch these days. I promised myself years ago that if I ever learned how to make games and actually did what I wanted to, I would make a spiritual successor to GB.
That's mostly because fob quiet is MGO3 quiet.
>YFW The demon rumor is false but the twin shits rumor user posted is true
Can't wait for more crazy shenanigans. If you're out of here loop, look up "fatman" in the Yea Forums archive
>Solidus confrontation
Sounds based
imagine being mentally ill enough to believe this
you're not on Yea Forums for nothing user.
wait no one actually believes this demon edition shit do they?
goddamnit im dying
Not really. Just the autists mad about Quiet.
This is the level of writing Kojima is at nowadays. Have fun with Deff Strendingu
>yet available on consoles and PC
The cam is shaking so it MUST be real.
MGS 1 has already been remade. They should remake MG1 and 2
>They should remake MG1
What should have happened was that MGSV should have been you building Outer Heaven and then your final mission being you playing as Solid infiltrating and destroying the base you spent the game building.
Gameplaywise and storywise it would make the more sense.
Moneywise, MGS1 or MGS3 would sell more because it's the most popular titles = more normies to buy them.
I can't help thinking it wouldn't be terribly difficult to recognize Skullface without the mask.