Increase Tariffs means higher prices for console and vidya

Increase Tariffs means higher prices for console and vidya...

Hope you fucks are happy.

Attached: inside-switch-.jpg (560x373, 35K)

Good thing I don't live in burgerland.

Yar har fiddle dee dee


fuck dr*mpf

increased tariffs mean less incentive to give our most vocal practical threat enemy the majority of our money
china fucking sucks

>neet complaining about costs

Fuck off loser


Tariffs means that Chinese nationalism (a.k.a. globalism) will take a toll. I'm all in for that.

Based. Get with the times consolefag, all software is free.


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I already own everything i want outside of a wii or a wii u
Not like i care

What? Sorry I can't hear over the loud cry to ban violent video games!

Bring factories back to america. Especially to the midwest so the american dollar revaluates and avoid the incoming 2008 2.0

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It would be useless to build them in the US. Everyone would demand 15 dollar an hour wages and prices would skyrocket to compensate. 1000 dollar consoles would be the norm.

Dont forget you will have more people working inside your country and your country will have more money per capita. People will be able to afford the +1000 and you will get more taxes as a whole

Being a burger must suck

I got a switch + mario kart 8 deluxe (came with cartridge instead of downloadable code) for 275 usd total (after tax).

Albeit i am in russia, and switch games are 60 usd for whatever reason.

>buying consoles
>buying games

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This is at worst putting America's prices dead even with the rest of the world.
Software is already being made by highly paid developers.

>only way to produce computer components is to use borderline slave labor

accounting for inflation the atari 2600 was an $800 console and the games were around $80. back when everyone had good union jobs that wasnt a crazy number and the huge amount of 2600's floating around today is evidence of that

Chances are PC parts will also rising. Start stocking up those esesdee boys!

I am an ignorant shitheap, what does this mean for Canada?

Stop being poor

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>He doesn't get his vidya for free
Lol cuck

Anything that fucks China makes me happy. The manufacturers should move somewhere else.

Imagine being so poor you care about a couple of dollars extra lmao

This is why you just pirate everything, OP.

>Increase Tariffs means higher prices for console and vidya...
>Hope you fucks are happy.
Why is everyone on Yea Forums a literal retard?

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The good thing about being a PC chad is that with all the money saved from not buying consoles or games, we can afford the price increases, whatever they may be.

I buy all my stuff used so I'm used to discounts already.

1) the only retard that have said it will shift the tariff onto consumers is Sony
2) Nintendo already part of the production line of Switch out of China as a preemptive move. so that means they are likely not gonna rocket the prices (at least of the hardware)

OP is a Chinese bot.
Will die in the nuclear inferno when China starts WW3 by invading Hong Kong.

Why doesn't America use prisoner as slave labor owned by the government.
There is America's cheap labor and American jobs

>he doesn't pirate his consoles

>Why doesn't America use prisoner as slave labor owned by the government.
>he doesnt know

Good. Video games are for little kids.

>Increase Tariffs means higher prices for console and vidya...
then why am I still paying the same for all vidya and consoles as before tariffs?

Our prisoners are often dumber than dirt (whose stupidity being why they ended up in prison in the first place) and uncoordinated, which limits their labor opportunities to digging ditches to at most pressing license plates.