Does anyone else appreciate this game more, now that the dust has really settled?

Does anyone else appreciate this game more, now that the dust has really settled?

I think it was hard to accurately view it with the immense amount of hype surrounding it.

I was mixed on it initially but the more time that has passed the more it's grown on me.

I'd put it up there with froms best work. Right next to BB and DS1.

Attached: 137249-games-review-dark-souls-3-review-image1-t9o4hek6l3.jpg (1200x675, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I like all souls games, don't understand all the debate/hate they get now that they're popular. Yea DeS is my fav but that's only because it was my first, I'm not gonna claim it's factually superior to the rest.

And yes the games have flaws, so do all the rest, the fact that you have to dig deep to find any in souls proves it's better than whatever open world trash you love so much

>you have to dig deep to find any in souls
Maybe if you're a blind fanboy

kek whatever makes you feel better, the only games that are better in quality are team ninja titles and some of the DMC games. go home witcher shitter

Most weapons in DS3 don't even do the correct damage type. It's not a well put together game in any sense.

whatever makes you feel better m8, still better than whatever open world trash you love so much

>if you don't like my garbage you must love this other garbage
Soulsfags are pathetic

if you don't like good games you certainly like trash ones ;)

There are other perfectly good games in this series. I don't know why you've chosen this game, a mess shat out after a 12 month development cycle which was created only due to contractual obligation, to be the hill that you die on.

I already stated DeS is my fav, but of course you can't read in your arduous infallible illogical hate ;)

It's my personal favourite Dark Souls game

I love it. I think it has some pretty epic moments. Even if the the PVP didn't offer too many creative playstyles, it ran tight. Whenever I get back stabbed or give one it feels deserved. For something that they were obligated to do I think I worked out pretty well. I don't understand that intense hate, I think its just this board.

>I think its just this board.
it's not this board at all, it's a few very dedicated haters, and some fanbase infighting with DaS2 fags desperately trying to give the mantle of worst game to someone else (personally I like both games so don't give me shit, you autistic fags)

>Does anyone else appreciate this game more, now that the dust has really settled?
I appreciate it much less. The more I learn about DS3 the more I learn how shoddily it was put together.

ive been doing low lvl invasions and mostly i just draw a swastika in prism stones and we cheer together and then i leave. id post a screen but i dont browse Yea Forums on my ps4 and dont feel like getting it off of there. its a lot more relaxing for some reason though than playing the game, and its REALLY fun when people shoot or try to hit you while you do the swastika, and they just look at it and i swear to god half the time they just stand their staring while i kill them. some cheer. something about the swastika just debilitates enemies before combat, no wonder hitler got such a start on everyone.

The opposite happened to me. I really enjoyed the first playthrough, but when I tried to make another character I couldn't force myself to get through the game again. First time that happened with a Souls game for me. It's not a bad game by any means, it's just so linear and uninspired that it's a slog to play. Even though Dark Souls 2 felt like a Chinese knockoff, I got way more hours out of it because it at least tried new things and felt unique.

I still think DeS is the best (not counting BB), the sequels really didn't do enough to improve on it beyond QoL improvements.

People here intensely hate everything, there's no such thing as "mediocre" or "flawed" on Yea Forums

Gameplay is the most fun for me but i really wished they had brought in more weapons from the other games.
>tfw no Demons GH

Also I don't get why PvP gets so much hate. Yeah, yeah roll roll roll I get it, but ts still better than 1's shitty backstab fiastas. And if you actually learn to roll catch properly pvp becomes a joy especially when taking down 2 to 3 man groups all on your own.

It was a good game, but damn the story fell short. So many loose ends with major storylines and characters like Aldia and the (((serpents))), Londor etc.

This. It's got great combat and visuals but the story doesn't make a lot of sense

everyday that passes by I find this game more boring

For me, DS3 is better than DS2 but slightly lower than DS1. It does some things better than the other games, but other things worse:

+ Best boss quality, no Bed of Chaos bullshit - even the worst boss (Deacons of the Deep) is probably the best example of a group boss
+ Art direction is best of the Souls games - no blank box rooms like DS2
+ More or less consistent level quality - doesn't wallow in the mediocrity of DS2 or the second half of DS1 (looking at you, Lost Izalith)
+ "Fan service" is tasteful and wraps the series up instead of >REMEMBER ARTORIAS

- Combat against mobs can be too easy due to lower stun lock requirements
- Level quality never quite reaches the high peaks of DS1 though - nowhere as memorable as Blighttown or Painted World
- Separate Firelink Shrine hub and teleporting from the start

>art stolen from Berserk

Attached: e8b886f00172a623d481b507189106c947e07b3e_hq.jpg (443x512, 62K)

>dodge roll stolen from Berserk
protip manga is read right to left

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 Berserk - Vol 9 Golden Age Arc The Fighter.jpg (1016x1731, 913K)

If you count Demon's Souls, I strongly disagree with the 2nd and 3rd points (art direction and consistent level quality). I don't know if it even has better art direction than the first Dark Souls since it's uninspired and has assets ripped straight out of Bloodborne, a game with a completely different aesthetic. I also disagree that the fan service is tasteful--again, it makes it feel too uninspired. To me, it feels like From saw the backlash Dark Souls 2 got and went in the opposite direction. Instead of trying new things, they played it way too safe and sucked up to the "hardcore fans" of the original as much as possible.
Hard agree on the boss fights though

>even the fucking name is stolen from berserk
>Yea Forums praises these plagiarists

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I appreciate Dark souls 3 more but I never hated it ,I thought it was a fun send off to the series.

I'd say I wish the levels weren't so aids at times though.

I fuckin' love Dark Souls 3 it is the best game in the series

But i hate these fedora tipping Demon’s Souls fags who shit on the best game in the series, hope you fat subhumans die of colon cancer

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who gives a shit about whatever your gay little cartoon isi had fun playing the game

this desu

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>gay little cartoon
>most famous manga of all time

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It's really weak. The gameplay is the best souls has to offer (BB and sekiro are not souls games and are both better) but everything else, world, story, lore, etc, are dogshit. Not enjoyable to replay a straight line either.

look homie im not into anime

>"Fan service" is tasteful and wraps the series up instead of >REMEMBER ARTORIAS
You are so full of shit holy crap


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If it wasn't for that gay little cartoon then dark souls would never have existed the way it is, fuckboy.

I mean i liked it from the get go.

I saw peoples complaints while playing in game and they really werent that big of deal.

Objective ranking

>most famous manga of all time
Last time I checked, Berserk wasn't One Piece

an ogre a dragon and a jew wow so copied

So uh... how did Yhorm get into his boss arena exactly? He doesn't fit through either the door or the rest of the Profaned Capital.
Remember when these games had attention to detail?

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>Objective ranking
See, this is how everyone can tell that you're a faggot

>>most famous manga of all time

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Except the name was going to be Dark Rings but it was changed after they learned what that meant in the west. Dark Rings is also how the Darksign is named in japanese. But hey you do you

it was a soulless piece of shit

also there was no hype surrounding it after dark souls 2 firmly established that souls sequels were unnecessary and from were weak at sequels, people who bought it were either new to the series or just going through the motions

nothing stands out about it, bland world, bland gameplay, bland everything

you can like a thing and accept it's not the most famous thing out there, user

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but for me DS3 had the most replay value out of all of them.
Mostly because i'm big into invasions though, i love fighting ganks and fucking with people and i think DS3 did this by far the best.
DS1 and 2 inherently have shit pvp gameplay with a bunch of annoying hurdles in the way of chain invasions and the matchmaking in them sucks, DS3 almost always puts me at that slight disadvantage i want for the invasion to feel satisfying when i end up dabbing on the host or messing with him in some way.

For me, it goes Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls.
Dark Souls 2 is my favorite just because it has the most replayability value. Yes, the world makes no sense, but I don't need the world to make sense in a video game. I also find it interesting to look to try and piece together what the original game might have been like thanks to information gleaned from unused maps and dialogues. I find that more interesting than pouring over item descriptions.
Dark Souls 3 is next because I like its gameplay and I like the visuals. Bloodborne and DS3 are more or less the same game to me. I also like its story a bit better than DS1's.
Dark Souls 1 is last because it's sometimes It has its moments but it has shitty bosses and levels that you have to overlook to consider it a masterpiece. I'm not saying DS2 and DS3 don't have bad levels, but the lows reached by DS3 and DS2 are never as low as DS1's.
It also has some really janky moments that are totally inexplicable and yet I never see them brought up anywhere.
>completely arbitrary whether you can teleport back to a bonfire or no
>night londo bonfires
>weird nonsensical functions like vagrants and the weird white rings that pop up sometimes
>barely functional online
The lore is deeper than Dark Souls 2's but that alone does not carry the game

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seething moefag

>team ninja
Lol Nioh was not Quality

>PvP fag thinks his opinion matters

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It was obviously built around him, holy shit what is critical thinking your stupid nigger?

You're right, how dare i be interested in one of the signature features of the series.

Where's his coffin then? Oh wait it's in Cemetery of Ash because he was gonna be the tutorial boss.
So did he link the fire from inside that room? How did the people that asked him to rule the Capital do so if the Capital didn't exist yet and was built around him? Did he never ever leave that room for eons? You're a retard

Attached: DSII Original Plot.jpg (5464x3132, 2.07M)

He was obviously not supposed to be in that arena. Just look at the reveal trailer and you can clearly see that it's Wolnirs. Yhorm was supposed to be where Iudex/Champion Gundyr is and he itself where Oceiros is.

Dude time is convoluted lmao

I recommend watching Jerks Sans Frontiers and Lance if any of you is interested in III's cut content and original far fucking better plot

Attached: DbDSTFTWkAAlugT.jpg (1200x675, 97K)

So none of the Fromsoft games were ever truly finished/finished as intended.
DS1 and it's unfinished second half.
DS2 and all it's fuckery.
DS3 and it's rearrangement of mayor things.
BB and it's cut stuff.
And even Demon's Souls with the missing archstone

The only one that seems to be well and properly finished is Sekiro, although that may not be true.

Before the trailer for Sekiro came out and it was only known as Shadows Die Twice, some guy posted on here leaking a bunch of info about the game (jap setting, your arm is a prosthetic hookshot that can also use tools, game is based on reflection). However he did mention a bunch of shit that didn't make it into the game, like being able to make your own character, which didn't make it in either.

No game is ever truly finished as intended.

Warping from the start was a mistake and the world is so linear with boring set pieces, no replay value. The choice of colors in the game was the worst aspect about it. Most things were just piss yellow, grey and brown. The good things about the were its consistency and the pvp. Invading 1v3 and trashing the host and his crutches was extremely fun. It might not have reached the highs of ds1 but it avoided the lows of its second half aswell. Also it's not dark souls 2.

Souls games are showing it the most though.

Dark Souls games, yeah. Not so much for Bloodborne or Demon's Souls though. Don't even bring up the Giant's Archstone. It being broken was actually integrated into the story, unlike shit like 3's bosses being switched around or 2's mess of a game.

The main difference being the only game where it screws the plot is III. Maybe II when it comes to Shanalotte especifically
The Northern Lands Archstone in DeS doesn't change anything from the plot besides what we would've found there.
DaS' cut content is more related to level design ala Lost Izalith than anything else. Andre being Gwyn's Firstborn was abandoned and isn't reflected in any way in the final game besides a detailed useless statue existing in Firelink
DaS II' restarted development screwed the game big time when it comes to the levels themselves, but the plot is funnily enough pretty straightforward. As mentioned the only remnants from its original plot is Shanalotte and how in the final game her connection to Aldia/the dragons and her giving you the feather is a liitle bit "meh"
BB's plot changed a whole lot but as with DaS1 it doesn't really show in the final product
But III? The reworked story and cut content shows as soon as the intro
>you see Anor Londo surrounded by sand in the intro
>in the final game, the "snow" surrounding Irithyll and Anor Londo isn't even snow, it's quite literally recolored sand
>the Soul of Cinder seen at Firelink kneeling with a normal looking sword and dragging a corpse around as if he was an NPC because the concept of Soul of Cinder didn't exist yet
>Yhorm's coffin remains in Cemetery of Ash
>Wolnir has a gold crown and bracelets with Profaned Capital being full of them too. Also the bonfire warp image for the Capital arena still shows the original area before it was reworked for Yhorm
>Oceiros' location makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Same with Untended Graves
>all the plot related to the Primordial Serpents cut, hope you enjoy looking at Lothric Castle's statues without getting an answer
It's fucked

Attached: Calm 2.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

>The gameplay is the best souls has to offer
You need to be 18+ to post here.

Attached: Roll roll roll roll roll R1 R1 R1 R1.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

Execution by wheel has been around since medieval times

>Look mom I posted it again!!

Not that guy but your webm doesn't help your case. That guy is panic rolling which is a surefire way to caught in these fights. If he knew what he was doing he would only roll once to dodge the spin, get some distance and then wait for the boss's combo to finish.

I'd be able to look beyond all the stupid aspects of dark souls 2 if it wasn't for the aids movement mechanics. Those absolutely kill the game for me.

I vastly prefer DAS2's combat to DAS1's personally

>doesnt respond to other posts

>the absolute state of 2cucks

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>That guy is panic rolling which is a surefire way to caught in these fights
But he doesn't get caught? That might apply to the other games, but not here which is the issue

wanpiss has sold the most, retard

cope moefag

I also heard that Pontiff Sulyvahn was originally supposed to be the main villain of the game, and was supposed to be in Lothric castle rather than Irithyll. From what I can gather it seems the entire Irithyll/ Anor Londo section was completely changed

>Does anyone else appreciate this game more, now that the dust has really settled?
No not really, I enjoy it less than even DS2. The game just has so many dull repetitive areas, so many samey overlong bossfights and lacks any sense of narrative urgency or purpose. It is the weakest Soulsbounekiro game by a long way.

The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.

Attached: WaitAMinute2.jpg (601x625, 73K)

It has the best feeling gameplay but it loses points against Ds1 & Ds2 for being so fucking linear
The DLCs were awesome, though.

Time is convoluted

>it's not bad level design yOu JuSt FoRgOt luuUL

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It's a good game like every Souls, the only thing I hate about it is how linear it is. It kills my desire to play again because I know I'll need to go through the whole game to get X weapon for a build, and at that point there's no more incentive since most people play on NG, not NG+.

>one piece

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Looking back I can't stand any of the games anymore really

Not in the 5 seconds you showed, but there's a reason he had 0 estus by the end. People like him always panic roll whenever they get caught by an attack and keep going. And it happens a LOT in this game. Which you'd know if you had played any pvp, panic rolling is one of the most punishable things you can do in this game.

Besdies, if roll spamming was a relable strategy then people wouldn't consider DS3 to be one of the most difficult souls games. DSP is a good example.

>It's a good game

Attached: Rolling Simulator 2.webm (700x400, 1.17M)

>DS3 to be one of the most difficult souls games.

Attached: AbyssWatchers.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

>Shanalotte makes a big deal about giving you a feather
>Later in the game you time travel back and give little Shanalotte a feather

I like to think that its impact wouldn't really hit you until NG+, because the feather giving scene is really forgettable, but by the time you get around to it again, you'll have remembered going to the past. That would've been cool as fuck.

What is it with Yea Forums and either defending a game to death or shitting on it indefinitely? Can you fucks accept a game is flawed yet enjoyable or more than the sum of its parts? I mean ffs the bonfire warp icon still has the mountain behind it and the second half of the development's director himself talked about it
>Tanimura: The idea is that the lake of magma is actually on the upper strata, like a caldera lake on a plateau. However, looking down from the top it was far too wide, that and the fact that there isn’t an adequate transition between locations meant we didn’t really communicate the idea as well as we could have.
>Satake: The image for The Iron Fort came from a piece of concept art created for a separate project, a dam which harnessed the power of magma. In the end it wasn’t used in that project, but with every new game I’d show it to the producer and director and see if there was some way we could fit it in. Of course conventional wisdom would place magma underground but when you start to consider this lake and realize that there must be a reason for it being there, then the world becomes a little more interesting. I tried to implement ideas like this throughout the game, to give the player something curious and unexpected.

Attached: Earthen Peak-area.png (250x150, 26K)

soulless sequel with no vision or understanding what made demons/ds1 so good

I don't know user I have 600 hours on itand I don't feel like playing it anymore, it's definitly better than DS2, a bit more well rounded but it's not without flaws, I think it's mainly series fatigue and what could have been.
I don't think I enjoy any vidya anymore

Numbers are numbers my man, it's not my fault the numbers say 3 is the hardest. And that was from a person who had played 2 other Souls games before 3.

Anyway you should post the DS3 bosses in 1 hit video if you want to get your point better across, much more absurd than your webms.

Yeah, I had a lot of fun with it.
Every Souls game has some mechanic that is annoying by design. In DS1 it was backstabs, in 2 it was Agility, in 3 it's rolling all over and spamming r1 due to massive stamina

>posts some NG+(etc) build with everything setup as well as played by someone who clearly knows what he's doing to a T
guyse it's almost likes games are easy if you know every mechanic and number inside out

This is bullshit in relation to II as said but I'd love a game that actually plays around with this concept, the player character walking through a weirdly staright forward tunnel only for them to arrive to a completely different area because they've actually forgotten about the multiple days long journey that led them there

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Two over one over three

I wonder if people who complain about rolling in DS3 remember how utterly triviliazed DS1 was by poise and shields, something every decent build in the game had access to because of how completely broken Endurance was.

It's a bait post dude. Anyone with two brain cells realizes it was due to time constraits and troubled development.

>DaS1 was trivialized by pois-

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

uh... yes, that shows exactly what he was saying.

Shit invasions
Shitty 'press L1 to EPIC ANIME COMBO' weapon arts
Abysmal first DLC
Relies on same tropes as previous games, even reusing areas wholesale
References to old games shoved in as a DUDE REMEMBER THIS? With no sense to their placement (Easterners Ashes in Anor Londo despite Shiva or any ninjas ever being there)
Easiest game by far, cheapest and most invincible rolls, fastest and most effective estus in the series, free soul levels for dying

I still enjoyed the game but it is extremely heavily flawed

Firelink's tower would've been locked during the game. The concept of Lords of Cinder didn't exist yet, originally the bosses were ironically enough Dark Lords serving Kaathe. So you kill them all, get their shards, and use the sword you would've used to create bonfires throughout the game + their souls + the (a?) Lordvessel to start the Age of Dark, that's what Untended Graves would've been. In this state the Tower would've open, you would ring the Bell and wake up the Old King of the Eclipse (Sulyvahn)

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>Pontiff Sulyvahn was originally supposed to be the main villain of the game
He still is the main villain of the game, lorelet.

>Shit invasions

Attached: dark souls 3 invasions.png (800x600, 553K)

>That one patch that enabled you to follow the host into the boss room

Invasions were literally never better before 3 you turdfaggot.
You're just mad that instead of getting to dab on lonely new players all day, you have to fight ganks now and use your brain.
DS3 invasions are for men, the Grand Archives is the battleground of the gods.

I should have clarified. I meant that he was supposed to be the final boss

Huh, never noticed that you can still see the cut babbies on Vordt in the Gamescom trailer.

Attached: vordt.jpg (859x549, 84K)

It was god tier from the moment I started to the moment I finished. Yea Forums wasn't there to tell me what to think.

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Yikers bro, upgrade your PC or get a console.

3 was soulless and lazy, From just wanted to get their contract with Bandai over with.

It has really high highs and a few lows. It it’s an overall acceptable game yes shame about the cut content though.

OP here.

Reading through these posts really affirms my belief that DS3 has been overly criticized.

Almost EVERY negative note against it can be said for the other games.

Roll spam? Yeah you could say the same thing about DS1.

A convoluted story? Really? We're talking about the souls series, right?

I think the most BS argument used against this game is that it's LINEAR. IT IS LINEAR. But would you rather a game be linear or have half the fucking game feel unfinished like DS1?

I really think the greatness of DS1 being interconnected is overblown. Did you being able to move through the world with shortcuts really amplify your enjoyment that much? How much time do you spend actually using those shortcuts?

I'll take a more consistently good game over a bunch of shortcuts anyday.

Also DS3 has tighter gameplay, waaaay better boss encounters, a better soundtrack (you could argue this but I think so), better and tighter PVP.

The only thing DS1 did better was that it's lore did feel more organic. Is that enough to make it a better game? no.

They should've used the fog doors as some sort of time/space travel plot device that could've properly handwaved every single geographical inconsistency away.
In fact, did they even have any lore reason to exist post DeS?

I don't like the
>"lol dude bloodborne lmao, gravestones everywhere, le lovekraft haha"
First quarter of the game up to the swamp that connects to the cathedral and Abyss Watchers but after that its good

>Invasions weighted to world's with extra phantoms
>Everyone can estus, estus is super fast, heals instantly and heals the most it ever has
>Seed of a tree of giants
>Lack of zones where you can use the environment to your advantage
>Get host low and he chains 8 rolls together on base END and instantly heals half of his hp whilst his phantoms protect him

Yeah it's great fun , I guess I just need to git le gud like anyone who dares to take Miyazaki's cock out of their mouth for a split second. I say this knowing for a fact I invaded more than you

It's the best souls game after 1, so yeah, I do appreciate it.

Actual human cancer.

Why do Vordt and Dancer come out of portals?

>DS3 has been overly criticized.
It's the opposite. For a board that claims to hate soulless AAA cash grabs, you people sure do love bending over backwards to defend this one.

Attached: hotlineSouls.jpg (690x460, 167K)

>to hate soulless AAA cash grabs
But we do hate Dark Souls 2.

>A convoluted story? Really? We're talking about the souls series, right?
>...half the fucking game feel unfinished like DS1?
You're a retard and I hope you choke

It's my least liked Souls game, it's even bellow DS2. You can talk shit all you want about DS2 but I'll always find places like the Dragon Shrine really cool to explore. Maybe not Dark Souls but I think there's potential to a non-dark hard adventure game.

My gripes with DS3 are the really aggressive enemies, lack of build and exploration order variety, and plot-lines that go nowhere. It's not a bad game, but weaker compared to each other souls I think.

>In fact, did they even have any lore reason to exist post DeS?
None at all. It's actually funny that they didn't even change their name or look, they're still fog gates even though DaS has nothing to do with fog

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DaS2 wasn't very good, but it had soul. DaS3 is the epitome of soulless.

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There's actually an answer to this.
Basically, Earthen Peak is unfinished. I mean really, really unfinished. Even in the final game, if you noclip, you can find entire parts of the level that go totally unused. And they go way, way down.
So originally, the entrance to Iron Keep - provided that Iron Keep was even ever going to be related to Earthen Peak - was way down in the bowels of the level.

Attached: earthen_peak.jpg (1223x830, 137K)

I liked it less as time passed. Same with DaS1. DeS and DaS2 are the only ones that held up for me. Tho I wasn't crazy about DaS3 to start with. I never liked BB and I wouldn't bother with Sekiro. That's a streamer game that you can enjoy as much by watching

I don't think that's necessarily true, you should look into some of the cut content and scrapped mechanics the game was supposed to have.
Most of DS3's flaws likely are the result of time constraints.

Literally all of those except for the environments are good things, you're literally mad cuz bad.
Adapt you shitter.

Also the point about the environments is only half true, most of the zones have plenty of options for using the environment to fuck with hosts and phantoms, you're just too stupid to make use of the mechanics.

That was from's only way of introducing them to the arena as you enter without them being present or being able to enter in any sensible way.

>now that the dust has really settled
I loved this game the second it came out, as did most of the critics AND fan, and I still love this game despite having put literally 3k hours in it. Stop taking Yea Forums's contrarian opinion as fact all the fucking time. This website is the literal asshole of the internet.

Majula is an exception of DaS2 shit level design, not the rule.

>tfw you never enjoyed a game enough to put 3k hours into it

Attached: buggy 1.jpg (1280x1440, 519K)

Don't use words that you don't understand what they mean.

Because they are coming from the Boreal Valley.

>the name was going to be Dark Rings but it was changed after they learned what that meant in the west

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I know SOUL is a meme and DS3 is honestly a better game than 2 but I agree with this
Even as a half assed unfinished game, 2 had the balls to try something original in both mechanics and story. It lacks in many spots but it's still fun overall, just disappointing after how good DS1 was.
I like 3, and it's a lot more polished, but it has almost nothing original in it, that's why I'd call it soulless. Everything is a callback or reference to previous games, hell, even the faster paced combat and artstyle change are due to Bloodborne's influence and not original.

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>mfw i have 5k hours in CSGO and i absolutely hate that game

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>provided that Iron Keep was even ever going to be related to Earthen Peak
It's more likely that it was connected to Undead Crypt, given that you fight Grave Wardens in it that have absolutely no reason to be the in the final game to the point that even the strategy guide indirectly mentions that this shit makes no sense.

AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Berserkfags are pathetic.

that's just how it is with that kind of game. the team component makes you wanna quit every time you are matched with baboons in human skin, but the game is designed to hook you in for thousands of hours.
only reason I returned to dota2 is because of Arcade and Turbo, which are way more chill than normals let alone ranked.

what does it mean in the west?

Are you fucking retarded?


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It's a slang for anus

Like the first, it was a flawed masterpiece.

>now it's called the elder's ring

The grave wardens were put in EP because they needed enemies to put into EP. I think the Grave Wardens were originally going to be only for the Undead Crypt/Citadel and EP was going to be connected to the Gutter.
I think the progression could have been Gutter -> EP -> Iron Keep.

Been reading through this and a lot of it is stupid conjecture, but this takes the cake.

>Farron's Keep
>Largely the same except that you had to light four torches instead of extinguish three
>The decision to remove one torch was because 4 is considered an unlucky number in Japan

Yeah, because there hasn't been any instances of needing four things before. Like 1 and 2's lord souls or 3's lord cinders.

The Gutter would've been under Drangleic Castle in the late game

>a lot of it is stupid conjecture
A lot of it has actual sources like stuff found in the code or the QA guy that leaked very specific stuff that you couldn't make up

>and story
Ds2s story isn't that different from Ds1/3s, the only actual change was with the DLC, and the same could be argued with Ds3.
>Ring 2 bells
>Kill 4 lords
>light or dark
>Kill 4 lords
>Get white and purple mist
>Optional 3 crowns
>Light Dark
>Dlc Escape cycle and leave
>Kill 4 lords
>Get eyes / Lord of Hollows
>Light Dark Hollow Stomp
>Dlc end the world and escape into painting

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Im one of the few people on v who can actually formulate their own opinion on something

While the reason is probably bullshit, there indeed WAS supposed to be a fourth torch with a relief of Seath that was removed.

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The whole first section is conjecture, especially the part about the lords of cinder not being lords of cinder, but dark lords instead.

This guys post is %80 baseless speculation framed as fact

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While it's never been officially stated or found out that they were Dark lords, they couldn't be Lords of Cinder either because that concept didn't exist yet, same as Soul of Cinder

Niglet you do know that post has sources for like half the bullshit right


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I guarantee you I know more about the cut content than the person who made this post. Sprinkling in nuggets of truth doesn't make your overall lie fact.

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>I guarantee you I know more about the cut content than the person who made this post. Sprinkling

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that's not story though, that's how the game is structured.

So what did Ds2 do that was different?

Bloodborne has a dodgy second half

Also has the least amount of content of all the base games.

I dunno Demon's Souls probably has the same amount of "content". It's more consistently high quality though, imo

I know it doesn't mean much for a Souls game but I'm talking actual plot
2 introduced the concept of the cycle, which wasn't a thing in 1 due to everything being the start of it all essentially, and it tried something with the whole monarch thing which is a whole ingame mechanic through the DLCs as well as expanding that slightly with Scholar.
It was just trying to have a interesting take on the plot of 1. It's a sequel so it's not like it was gonna have a 100% original story.

But user Elden Ring is going to be open world.

Every game has "that level".
DeS had 5-2, with DaS it was Lost Izalith, DS2 was half the game, DS3 was every step and every area just shit.
Combine that with by far the worst combat in the series with spamming rollx20 encouraged in every fight, nerfing everything that's not a short sword, and making armor even more useless than it was in DeS.
If Dark Souls 2 was the B-team's work than Dark Souls 3 must have been the interns' masterpiece while actual From went on vacation after Bloodborne and then straight to Sekiro.

>It's more consistently high quality though

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I appreciate it less. The game itself is still fine, but after seeing all the cut content and how bosses and their roles were shuffeled around just like that, I can't take the lore/story/world of Lothric seriously anymore.

Fairly sure he was talking about DeS being the more high quality one

Every game has cut content.
In the vast majority of games, the story is the last thing to be finalized during development, because it's the easiest to change. The story is made for the content, not vice versa.


Everybody's very impressed user

You guys are insane what's wrong with a sequel acknowledging thing from a past game and bringing back characters?

Why do you fucks that don't even play these games feel the need to shitpost?

this was the best shit. the normgroid hordes and redditor screeching just made it so fucking fun

II acknowledged things from the past, especially its DLC

Going to DaS3 PVP after BB was cancer. Backstabs and chugging, oh boy.

I think you're kind of exaggerating but it's true that things like the Abyss Watchers and the whole of Anor Londo didn't really need to be in the game.
That being said Dark Souls 2 had a wholesale port of Ornstein and would have included a O&S ripoff if time had permitted.

You're retarded. 3 had way more competently designed levels than literally anything in 2.

The name was changed THREE times.

First it was The Dark Race. Then it was The Dark Ring. Then it was Dark Souls.

I honestly didn't care for it. Lack of replayabilty, magic just isnt fun, weapon arts are stupid. I enjoyed my first play through but the lack of freedom in the beginning hurts it. Its still good but ds1 and ds2 are better.

>For me, it goes Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls.
Could you be any more contrarian?

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>got rid of power stance
>added weapon arts

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Anor Londo being an illusion left the door open to the real Ornstein being out there. Even then, it's true that both it and the Bell Gargoyles in II are retarded.
In compariosn though, III has Andre, Siegward, Ashen Estus corpse in the exact same pose and armor as Oscar, Gwyn's secret two daughters, Gwyndolin, Anor Londo, the entirety of the Demon Ruins with dozens of copypasted Taurus, Capra and Stray Demons, the Mushrooms, the Abyss Watchers built solely around Artorias and Sif, Havel, Silver and Black Knights, Dragonslayer Armour...
And that's not taking into account The Ringed City and what we learn about Gwyn and the Pigmies there that was supposedly there all along

No, it’s the worst DaS game. It has some good high points but it’s the most played out and derivative of them all.

Dual weapons are superior

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Dual weapons are shit. The crow quills is just a better than usual rapier that also has moves that you will never used.

>3 unique l1s
>unique rolling attack
>unique running attack
>unique weapon arts
good moveset > shit moveset with infinite skins
Dual weapons functionally shit on powerstancing

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Powerstancing is usable between weapon classes and can be swapped into and out of to get the full movesets of bother weapons. Dual weapons are universally garbage or only usable due to one gimmick, other than the quills which are the best rapier in the game with the worst dual moveset.

>powerstancing is usable between weapon classes and can be swapped into and out of to get the full movesets of bother weapons
You get the same benefit by holding two dual weapons at once.
>Dual weapons are universally garbage or only usable due to one gimmick
This is false, they're usually the strongest weapon types in the game.
>with the worst dual moveset.
also false
moveset quality > visual variety

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>you get the same bebenit by holding both dual weapons at once
Oh, they let you use the full offhand moveset in DS3 finally? When sid they patch that in, you idiot?

I meant you get assess to 4 different movesets.
Powerstancing is a dead meme

>I like all souls games
fpbp. Fuck all of you who think one or the other is terrible or unplayable. They all have their flaws and strengths. But they're all good.

Dual weapons are a pale imitation of universal powerstancing, and everyone knows it.

Meant for

Power stance zweis
Everything dies

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I really like demon's souls, all 3 dark souls games, bloodborne and sekiro, and I liked Otogi and King's Field as well. They're interesting games and I enjoy myself while playing them.

That makes certain anons really really angry for some reason. Good luck to those anons.

That's not an argument, you know as well as I do the movesets are inferior

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You're not a real fan unless you enjoy Evergrace too.

No they aren’t, the only thing they miss are unique rolling and running attacks. Weapon arts are a bad meme that would be better served as a strong attack, and carrying two dual weapons is just weighing yourself down to little gain.

>nu-Yea Forums likes games
>thinks they have a moral high ground because they don't shit on games
come back, moot

>Unique running attack
>Unique rolling attack
>Unique weapon art r1
>Unique weapon art r2
>Three unique l1 animations
>Valor heart has a unique jump attack
That's alot of cool shit you're missing out on
The same reason trick weapons are superior

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>DS2 reboot never ever.

>carry three weapons, one offhand two mainhand
>get full offhand, full mainhand, full first powerstance, full second mainhand, full second powestance movesets
>probably lighter than carrying two dual weapons

But what you are peddling is explicitly quantity. Trick weapons are good because they are essentially two weapons in one, dual weapons are more like 1.5 weapons. Powerstancing is another way to get multiple movesets out of one weapon, and doesn’t require you sacrifice your offhand slot completely to do so.