Gerudo are biologically impossible and should have died out centuries ago if there's only ever one man per century...

Gerudo are biologically impossible and should have died out centuries ago if there's only ever one man per century. Unlike other Hylians, Gerudo just can't maintain any numbers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Gerudo venture out to find a mate, have a kid and then take the kid back.

Gerudo genetics are stronk as fuck, their DNA strands can suplex Hylian chromosomes into submission.

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How are they still one race though
I don't care about zelda lore so i assumed the women just had children on their own like some lizard

Sex with a Gerudo ensures that the kids will be Gerudo too

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insanely dominant genes

Very dominant genetics? It's a fantasy world.

This. Remember how they captured the 4 gay carpenters in Ocarina of Time? They planned to rape them and have lesbian Gerudo babies with moustaches.

How do Gorons reproduce?

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They're the goblins of Zelda. They fuck men from other races to make more Gerudo.

they're walking rocks, do they even need to reproduce?

Nomrally impregnation happens when a sperm and an egg fuse in the fallopian tubes. What happens with Gerudo is simply a child being born from the egg alone, the sperm just hits the switch to start the process.

so its just sjw cringe?

that has fantasy bullshit to explain why "HURR WOMEN GENES STRONG FUCK YOU DRUMPH"?

yeeeeeeah im not gunna buy shit from them again, jesus fuckin' crhist

They cum on a rock

that's not how genes work

You got issues.

They canonically raped some hylians in ocarina of time

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this is what Yea Forums does to people

Only now the men are consenting because they've fallen for racemixing propaganda spread by the (((Sheikah))). You know they run the Lost Woods, right? Take the red potion.

SJW cringe is quite anything accept scientific answers, but now I see user is just an underage fuck that is gonna throw a fit cause he is a faggot.

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Again, fantasy world.

Don't bother, this was an ACfag thread all along.

Fantasy World

>its a fantasy world

If you use ellipses you should be executed

>a gerudo will never sexually assault you

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Fantasy world, it is.

They're literal satan-spawn born from a curse vowing to remove Hylians.
Of course they're biologically impossible, it's just magic.

Keked. If Sheika are the Jews of Zelda, does that make Deku Scrubs the niggers?

Seek help

>a pack of Gerudo will never kidnap you and keep you in their home to be used as a breeding stud

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Are gerudo genes really THAT strong though? Surely after decades upon decades of descendants cross-breeding with regular hylians their traits would start to phase out

Deku Scrubs are gypsies. Always trying to scam you by selling you shit they picked up off the ground.

it's a video game, virtue signalling doesn't have to make sense

the way it would work IRL is that the Gerudo only consider female babies actual Gerudo; male babies are abandoned in the desert and left to die, a detail that the Gerudo simply refuse to talk about.

Every hundred years or so, one of the abandoned males survives due to some combination of winning the genetic lottery, being abandoned somewhere near water and food (possibly drinking the bodily fluids of other abandoned babies), Said male Gerudo typically returns to the tribe at some point, having grown strong, tough, and ruthless enough to conquer the whole tribe and declare himself king.

It's entirely possible their under some sort of curse that prevents Y chromosomes from forming

They get around, like most self proclaimed feminists do already.

Is being the gerudo male like being a tall male in the US where you're just born into a life of unlimited pussy without having to do anything?

Gorons are clearly the niggers

Theoreticially there could be an organism that only expresses genes that come from one parent.
There's little point in sexual reproduction then though.
Maybe they use some of the foreign genes, but not those that affect phenotype?


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>he doesn't like the race of tall fit warrior women a la the Amazonians
lol gay

>and figuring out how to kill (and eat) anything that tries to prey on him

sorry, I cut out that last clause just before posting

>i don't care about zelda lore
then why did you make a thread about zelda lore you fucking retard

Imagine thinking that race of nothing but sexy females was somehow created for SJW reasons, and not the exact opposite.

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They bring this up in one of the books. Gerudo had round ears in OoT and pointy ears in BotW and they imply it's because of Hylian genetic influence

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what do they do with baby boys?

Gorons are Amerimutts: obese, brown and lethally stupid.

Yo this is a world with fish people, bird people, rock people, An Arab dark wizard that fucks shit up, a race of aryan Elves, dragons, goblin creatures, undead, lizard people and your gripe is with the Sand amazons?
How is autism treating you?

They make him their king.

fucking this

you ぼうや's need to go back and play the classics to refresh your memories of the deepest Zelda lore

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Gorons aren't stupid they just don't really give a shit about what those fleshbags outside of their awesome mountain home do

So you're saying you want her to pot your meat?

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stop larping japanese, faggot. it's the cringiest shit i've ever seen.

Look up parthenogenesis, user.

>4 feet tall

Raise them to be dark overlords, apparently.

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I'm not op you retard

The only Canonical male Gerudo we know about is Ganondorf and when he was born, The Gerudo tribe was exiled and they considered him a child of prophecy and the destined new King so they actually raised him.
It's only after realising they had actually raised the Zelda anti-Christ that they 180 the whole King prophecy and started banning men from their tribe.Since then no male Gerudo was ever spoken of again.

Why do you assume genetics work the same in this magical fantasy land as they do in real life? Maybe in the world of Zelda the mothers genes are incredibly dominant?

Theres only one Gerudo male born each century (like Ganondorf for example)

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Yes, niggers

This is your brain on r/the donald

only one male is born every 100 years and they make him king
in greek myth the amazons had an all-male counterpart tribe called the gargareans. they'd meet up at a neighboring mountain and have an anonymous orgy. the gargareans would raise the boys and the amazons would raise the girls

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I wonder who Ganondorf's hylian father was.

Usually they just make the child take the mother's race in fantasy stuff since they don't want to deal with halfbreeds

>not stupid

They were starving to death because they couldn't get their favorite kind of rocks to eat. They live on a mountain. And they were starving to death. Even though they eat fucking rocks. AND THEY LIVE ON A MOUNTAIN. Even worse: the entrance to the mine where they get their favorite rocks was blocked off, BY A GIANT ROCK. And there was a bomb flower growing on a ledge above the rock, and not even the fatass Goron who was killing time until his death by starvation by fingering his asshole next to the thing thought to use it.

>oot came out in fucking 1996
nintendo confirmed to have fortune telling super powers

>tfw no Gerudo gf to make me her breeding dildo

Hey, you are what you eat, after all.

Donald's been getting bailed out through illegal gifts from his father for decades, user.

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Well they must eat a big bowl of stupid every morning.

>that sidequest where you hookup the NEET with the thicc gerudo



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Or what cartoons do and make the parents look like siblings.

I wasn't arguing canon, just mentioning the only way such a thing could exist in real life.

Obviously since they're fictional, Nintendo could just declare the Gerudo are all now furry futanari with shitting dicknipples, and it would have to be canon (and probably less damaging to the Zelda franchise than Other M was to Metroid's).

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At what point did they lose the long noses and gain three feet of height?

Canonically speaking, there is no information. The only canonically known male Gerudo is Ganondorf and in Ocarina of Time's lore he is considered a child of Prophecy the same as Link. The Gerudo chosen one and they had a prophecy about him becoming the destined King of Gerudo who would bring glory back to the Exiled Gerudo.
Apparently, there was a civil war in the time when Ganondorf was born and the people of Hyrule were not yet unified. It is assumed he participated in the war as the Gerudo Leader, but that might be headcanon. What is known is that Ganondorf was primarily known as a King of thieves who wielded terrible dark Magic, but that he became the King's advisor as a symbol of peace between the Gerudo and the Hylians. We all know the true motive behind his false Alliance and we also know from Breath of the Wild that Nabooru was one of the only outspoken member of the tribe who was against Ganondorf's ruthless reign. She became a Gerudo legend for this reason.

After the events of Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf became a great shame for the Gerudo and they started banning men from their tribes, so we can only assume they do not see the birth of a Gerudo male as a good thing, but nothing about what happened to every future male of the tribe for the following millenias of Hyrule's existence.

Breath of the wild suggest that their is another village where the male babies are raised, and where the husbands are.

Humans will eat anything they can if they're hungry enough.

Fuck off Ramsus this is a Zelda thread nobody wants you here.

Certain "anything"s can kill.

I want to achieve Gerudomode

Point is there's a point where a human gets so hungry they stop being picky. Gorons apparently have no such limit and will starve to death before lowering their standards. Ergo, they dumb yo.

You just made an argument that insists farms don't actually exist. You went full retard.

What if Gerudo had big floppy cocks haha


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when humans are starving they'll make food out of bark and clay to try and survive. that's the point he's trying to make. when the gorons are starving they would resort to eating normally unworthy rocks

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My argument is simply that, when deprived of actual food for long enough, a human's standards for what counts as food will be drastically lowered.

Yes, and die of starvation anyway, if the poisons grasses produce don't kill them first

riju is pretty cute

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>when the gorons are starving they would resort to eating normally unworthy rocks

But they don't, that's my point. They're starving because one specific kind of rock is unavailable. That's like being locked in a McDonalds and starving to death because you prefer Burger King.

That WAS the plan till they saw what they got (3 pansy ass lazy pervs) and decided to lock them for for ransom for better men

Then you realize the carpenters were not exactly "up" for mating, so they were detained as prisoners for ransom.

Meanwhile, Link came along and proved just the type the Gerudos wanted, so he was tossed into a special large den. Had Link not escaped, he would have been snu-snued.

If it can keep them alive long enough to get treated and get actual food in their stomachs then it doesn't matter, does it?

and gain no nutrition from them, and starve to death anyway

really wish you nature lovers would all McCandless yourselves, instead of shitposting on Yea Forums trying to get other Yea Forumstards to do it

>Then you realize the carpenters were not exactly "up" for mating,

The Gerudo were barking up the wrong tree, those guys were gay as hell.

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Usually they would raise them as the King, however by the time of BotW, there have been no males for centuries, likely because of the fact that there can only be one at a time and Ganondorf is still alive as we have seen.

>and gain no nutrition from them, and starve to death anyway

That's not the point. The point is that when someone is desperate and running out of options they'll do things they wouldn't do otherwise. If you're hungry enough, you'll eat anything just so that there's SOMETHING in your stomach.

I'm agreeing with you mate. I guess I should have said "should" instead of "would"
are you just going to pretend like famine foods haven't helped tons of people survive throughout history? obviously they're not great and there's a reason people don't eat them in times of plenty, but more people would have died if they refused to eat them

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>Ganondorf is still alive

I wouldn't call what Ganondorf does by the time of BotW "living".

Thighs, abs, and __nose__


Superior genes
OOT mentioned that they frequently traveled into Castle Town for boyfriends/husbands
Hell 90% of the Gerudo in BOTW are either searching for a man or lusting over Link's femmedick

"She's got a big beautiful Gerudo nose, and it's there two minutes early wherever she goes!"

It's alive enough in the sense of the word. As long as his soul still exists in the physical world, then a new male can't be born it seems. I would assume that this means that any males born to gerudo are of the parents original species, so Hylian in most cases. Or maybe they are just now incapable of having any male children at all.

Actual Gerudo males and not Hylians?
I think the Yiga and Gerudo are two sides of the same coin.

They literally go out into the world to get preggo you moron.
With that, Gerudo's have probably a higher birth rate than any other demographic.

>applying realism to a fantashit world with elf boys and talking trees
I hate you and I hate you more for making me do it

Probably budding. They get to a certain size and just split themselves.

Is this vore hair?

100% (more like 95%) dominant genes.
They’re kinda like the Asari


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The Yiga are just Sheikah who felt they didn’t get enough credit from Hyrule for the whole divine beast thing

They're interbreeders with heavily dominant genes in certain areas. Theoretically they're sustainable, but their genes have to be able to accept foreign information and omit certain aspects.

They aren't possible for regular evolution, but theoretically it's possible to artificially create a person that has certain dominant chromosomes and some recessive ones, we just don't have the means or the complete map of the human gene yet.

Since the races of Hylia are under dominion by actual gods, it's not a stretch that these gods have the ability to alter these aspects at a whim.

This also explains the Rito and the Zora, since the Rito are offshoots of the Zora yet have a significant lifespan difference and entirely different qualities.

All life started in the sea and even birds did, so the Rito simply evolved, possibly with help. Sea life also has quite a few life forms with excessively huge lifespans.

So the "Gods" clearly have technology so great that it is indistinguishable from magic.

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based and redpilled

True, but we've only seen male Yiga.

Din keeping her girls at least somewhat similar. even if they did change a bit

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kek, not cringe, very based and redpilled fellow poster! fuck those sjws yeah!

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Humans have specific words for edible plants. we don't just say we eat plants and animals.

On top of that, the "absolute dominant" and "absolute recessive" gene alteration can only be done, in theory, with a female. Since the baby is gestated within a female, there could be certain processes that alter the baby's genes, and presumably the reason why there's no more males every century is because when the male breeds with a non-Gerudo, he doesn't produce another Gerudo due to heavily recessive genes.

This means that the Gerudo male has a non-functioning gene dominance system and all of his genes are recessive. The "once a century" thing can be explained by the will of the "gods", who make it so with their technology. This means they have some sort of biological nanite or virus that actively changes the genes to be this way, and an "agent of the gods" will, once every century, either inject, or use a non intrusive system beyond injection to place in the other half of the gene virus/nanite.

Since the male Gerudo genes are recessive now, this won't pass on to his children, and the viral agent likely has a short lifespan that lasts until sexual maturity, or renders the Gerudo male sterile anyway.

Which explains why Ganondorf is always an asshole, he literally got rendered sterile by the gods.

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You can't digest cellulose, which most plants are made of. If you it grass it will pass through your entire digestive system practically untouched.

>Fellow historian in a Yea Forums thread.
I was typing up a similar comment before I came across yours.

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>How does this race work in a fantasy setting
>I don't care about the fantasy setting

>SJW cringe
>From a game from 1998


How many stronk genes do you have, Yea Forums?

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The problem wasn't the rock, it was the dodongo infestation inside. And even if they can deal with normal dodongos, Ganon grew up one to +20 meters.

the fact that they were wanna be trannies and reject for that fact makes it so much better. The amount of shit LoZ gets past the radar is amazing when you revisit the series when your older.

Read my post more carefully retard
They'd have to have children in some way, so i just assumed they got pregnant on their own or something or maybe some of those women have big cocks

I want a Zora wife

>tfw only dominant gene I have is the free earlobe
my wife is gonna have to be a ginger celtic goddess for me to pass these genes on

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gerudo don't worship the golden goddess and have been shown no to be mad b them, they have their own sand goddess as well

Simple, they're genetic parasites.

It's like with Japanese monstergirls, they're all female and when you see them breed with human men, the offspring are basically exact clones of the mother and have no traits from the father.

Essentially a parasitic species that relies on another to reproduce.


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I can't see the difference for widows peak. What the fuck is it?

Why can't real parasites be more like that?

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It's when your hair comes to a point below the middle of your hairline, like a vampire

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>tfw 6/7 stronk genes
Not bad

A sharp point in the middle of your hairline

Some are

Can Hylian and rito breed Jotaro-san?

They literally released a movie about this recently

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Gorons will also eat anything if theyre starving, that doesnt mean they just gnaw an all the rocks around just like you dont casually eat leaves of a tree when you feel peckish

it's already been explained. see


4, I’ll take it

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They mate with Hylian male's to get pregnant but their genes are so overwhemingly dominant that the child is (almost) always a female Gerudo. There's a whole dating school in the Gerudo town for teaching them how to court men because they basically don't exist in their culture

>or maybe some of those women have big cocks

If only


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>all these MUH DOMINANT GENES fags
I prefer the theory that the alpha chad Gerudo male just spends a hundred year fuckin all day and night. It's never explicitly stated what the Gerudo life cycle is like so they could easily live beyond 100 years.

If there is only one Gerudo every 100 years why was there never one mentioned in BOTW since the story spans 100 years?

Would you like a non-Ganon male Gerudo as a story NPC/companion in BOTW2?

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>reddit spacing
Only pretending to be retarded!

I wish for you all to consider the following, regarding why there has been no male Gerudo since OoT(FSA). Consider the “shame” of being the tribe that produced Ganondorf Dragmire King of the Enchanted Thieves, I would imagine that the Gerudo would Reform their Laws to not allow any male to be their king now. Their leadership is now 100% matriarchal. Since Gerudo leave town to find husbands to start families anyway though, it would seem most realistic that any son that a Gerudo produces would be raised like a Hylian, and not be encouraged to explore his mother’s roots. It would be odd that a tall red haired man that towers over Gerudo women sure, but combined with the fact they now all have pointed years and he could have much fairer skin; it’s very possible that some men every 100 years never know they are Gerudo or just told to keep it a secret.

True be told I had a story idea of a Male Gerudo who was resides in Herbra Mountains as a Norseman who was told that he must never go south to the Desert.

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I've always thought that it's a stupid idea to make him Gerudo when he has always been a boar-like beast.

>smol tits
>big ass
>wide hips

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That's the point, no?

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>useless upper beak, lower human mouth
>no Rito feathers visible on arms, just hair-like fibers that only resemble feathery wings
>featherless faces
>human skull shape
>human shaped feet, but with bird collagen sections and tip-toe stance that resembles ditigigrade legs
>some Wind Waker Rito have stiff hair, which implies stiff roots or feather stems

In Wind Waker, the island where the rito reside was likely left with Hylian and Rito survivors after the flood, so overtime they interbred and created hybrid Rito.

It's simple observation.

Attached: Rito wind waker.png (268x510, 182K)

Oh, also, these Rito have pointed ears. Hylians banged the bird pussy.

What about Hylians and Zoras? Also go pay fucking atenttion to your daughter instead of posting here.

Best post ITT

>strong genes

dominant and recessive just basically translates to "likely to pass on or not" it doesnt necessarily relate to how "chad" the genes will make you

for example the gene for dwarfism (basically making you a freakshow manlet not a cool fantasy dwarf) is dominant over the gene for tallness.


There's no evidence of Hylian/Zora hybrids. If anything the Zora, by Breath of the Wild's time, fucked other sea creatures because compared to the pure timelines they noticeably have huge differences in body shape and coloration.

Sidon's great grandad fucked a clownfish, and his grandfather fucked a hammerhead shark.

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>They’re kinda like the Asari
The Asari don't breed with other species at all. They randomize their own DNA and pop out what is basically a clone.

Gerudo definitely need male reproductive cells all up in their wombs

Except a full grown hylian dosen't reach a gerudos shoulders.
And by looking at Ganondorf we know the males grow to be absolute units, almost 3 meters tall.
A male gerudo stands out like a sore thumb.
The aproach that no male gerudos were born after Ganondor because his soul is still kicking around makes sense, especially if you consider Demise.

And even if it was never confirmed by Nintendo, it seems that gerudo biology is dictated by the curse of Demise.


I hope we get to kiss Riju in 2

back to tumblr

Thanks phd jotaro san.

Yes it's called being a woman

cute indeed

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Damn, apart from freckles I only have recessive genes

>Sexy snu snu amazons



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Except they literally do

You will never be picked up and carried away by a cute amazon to be bred in a town of all women.
Why live.


>Sidon's great grandad fucked a clownfish,
>Clownfish can change genders
So...can Sidon be a waifu?

Gerudos doing spartan abortions on male babies huh? Got anything to support that edgy theory? Are they connected to these strange brown creatures in Link’s Awakening?

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Thanks phd jotaro san.

That's one sexy 12 year old

They eat a rock and shit it out 9 months ago

>Grandmother from mother's side and mother both have widow's peak
>I don't have one, instead its developing into a reverse widow's peak

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>Gerudo just can't maintain any numbers.
You underestimate the number of men who would happily let themselves be amazon-pressed by muscular and tall brown women.

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Maybe just MAYBE genetics work slightly different to our reality in the game with 8 foot tall giant talking bird people and elf's and fairys

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>Adult Gorons are their own daughters, brothers, girlfriends and mother's


So they are Jews?

Gerudo evolved into being that huge after all.


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Great combo right there.

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Japan has insanely shit taste. Not one Gerudo related shit in most Comiket events after Breath of the Wild was released. Where are my goddamn impregnation doujins?

Do Gerudo seek child support after?

>Gerudo in plugsuit and/or Asuka as a Gerudo
I don’t know which option I like more

Successful famine foods are rats and insects, not grass and bark. A famine food is something you CAN derive nutrition from, it's just something you don't normally eat because it tastes bad or is dangerous (like the diseases you could get from the rats.)

Child support in the way of perpetual house slavery

YEET! So one day that male comes back and accidentally has sex with his Gerudo half sister.

>left earlobe is attached, right is free
What does this mean?

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But that can't be so. We don't get to see any skeletons with smashed pelvises.

Are you really this stupid? Did you not pay attention at all to the lore clearly mentioned in BOTW or other games?

you have a medical disorder

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The only shitty part of Gerudo culture is how even a Gerudo's husband can't enter the city, so all the married women who still want to live in the capital have to divide time between it and their other home.

It means the Bogdanoffs tried to clone Sminem in an attempt at making him face his greatest adversary, himself, but the cloning process was... Not perfect.

There was no new male Gerudo because the male every 100 years is just Ganondorf's reincarnation and he cannot reincarnate if he's still alive.

>No LoZ dating sim with all the girls

She really was a great character and probably the one with the most details to it. This is true of the whole Gerudo area/town.

haha wouldn't it be funny if Riju rapidly gained muscle to the point where her chest became entirely muscle? you know, so her pecs would be so big they would touch her chin haha

haha yeah

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Japan isn't interested in Zelda in general. They liked BotW but not enough to do much beyond surface level stuff like Link or Zelda lust

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no it didn't unless you have some very loose interpretation of things


Many animal structures in nature follow this system.


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Riju has a whole day cycle. like characters from majora's mask

it's a nice bit of attention

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Whatever happened to the round eared Hylians? You know, the Ordonians? Or humans, whatever the fuck they're called.
I would love to see a game that focuses on another civil war in Hyrule between the round-eared Hylians and the pointy-eared Hylians. I'd assume since Ordonians were deemed inferior due to their inability to hear divine messages would piss them off enough to despise the monarchy. But none of this will ever happen.

Ordonians were all the inbred equivalent of Chernobyl babies and rightfully died out. And they didn't live in Hyrule anyways.

haha-posters are low tier autists

Have you seen their tortilla chip noses?

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Ordon was annexed not too long before TP started so they're not "real" Hylians. It's never explained why Link has them but it's probably because he and his family were immigrants

From what I remember people in general were losing the pointy ears, maybe the world was just getting more mundane

Wasn’t expecting to see a Townsend and sons meme. Thanks user.

hyper, fat, and futafags should all kill themselves as soon as possible

I feel like you must be retarded.


>the way it would work IRL is that the Gerudo
tell me more about how magically created races would work in a world without magic

Attached: battle ready.png (900x1195, 1.63M)

except those Rito were Zoras changed by the goddesses or at least Valoo

7/7 Hispanic male here. How the fuck did that work out. Also,I've noticed that if I let my mustache and beard grow out,the hair turns red which is fucking weird cause I'm Hispanic as fuck.

Maybe Ordonians became the Zonai?

I'm half hispanic and my facial hair is red too

To be fair Darunia acts shocked when he hears there were dodongos in there and he's too much of a retarded bro to lie.


Attached: WE_MAIN_0351_Urbosa-Complete50.jpg (1275x1650, 367K)

>Widows Peak
>Hair is a weird mix of red, brown, and blond
>green eyes
>I have one earlobe that's free and one that isn't (i've known this for awhile, one is an exact copy of my moms, the other is an exact copy of my dad's, same with my eyelids)
What does it mean, Yea Forums? Am I the next step in evolution or a genetic abomination?

Attached: 1495629107711.png (500x517, 51K)

nice, now make her ass entirely muscle

Attached: 324323654.png (578x878, 335K)

This is the closest I have to that.
I need more.

Attached: Urbosa_Hyper.png (2000x2000, 2.07M)


Sauce me up.
This image is titled Furious Envy - Marauder6272 on deviantart

Attached: furious_envy___marauder6272_by_strangerataru_ddal3gz-fullview.jpg (600x623, 67K)

>Tag: Body horror

>no males since ganondorf was born
>the ganondorf sealed by nabooru
>which was fought and stabbed in the chest in twilight princess
>latest trailer for breath of the wild features redead ganondorf with the same chest wound
I swear to god this better be the last time we have to fight OoT Ganondorf, this is getting ridiculous

Townsends is such a nice wholesome channel. Him and Aquachigger should do some sort of historical collab

I got it through from the patreon of an artist named koigle. There's a futa version too.

Why do Gerudos let the Gorons into their city? In BOTW the Gorons comment on this and they also apparently don't know why.
My interpretation is that the Gerudos are so in need of sex that they use the Gorgons to satisfy themselves, since they must have colossal cocks.
But the Gorgons are too distant a species to impregnate Gerudos, so they are just sex toys.
Am I right?

You dare speak ill of the Aryan race?
You scum, now i will destroy you!

Attached: 3455534754.jpg (695x467, 46K)

Gorons lack sex or gender, they are ROCKS, Golems, constructs, magically animated

>implying the same doesn't happen with blacks in our world

Good post my man

Attached: 1550228615155.jpg (1536x2048, 534K)

Do they do more art of human women?

Gerudo are sluts! SLUTS!!!

Attached: riju phat ass.jpg (851x1216, 94K)

1) Ultra dominant FICTIONAL genes;
2) Plot of a FICTIONAL setting;
3) FICTION (Rated T for Teen).
No. NO.
Go wash your fingers after typing that idiocy.

Attached: 1540150380321.png (523x292, 142K)

Attached: gerudoass.jpg (400x252, 35K)

Very rarely. They did one of Link in the gerudo dancing outfit if you're interested. You can check out their patreon through but it's gonna be mostly furry stuff though I do remember seeing a Tifa lockhart in there somewhere

Attached: 1560800971722.png (2864x2480, 3.74M)

>Link in the gerudo dancing outfit if you're interested

Attached: Gerudo_Link.png (2000x2000, 1.98M)

They don't even need to work differently. Dominant genes are a real thing, as well as species interbreeding with sufficiently similar species. Most likely the babies genetic code is 99% copied from her mother, and barely anything is actually inherited from the father. This isn't even "fantasy" as there's even been an invasive mutated crayfish going around that's just one female that has been endlessly cloning herself without even encountering males. Since Gerudo use barely any of the males genes they don't need to even be that closely related to the father, most likely if it can walk on two legs they can breed with it.

Calm down nigger. Nintendo is actually based as fuck.

> When you Gerudos finally have a male born into the Tumblr desert, he is so unstable that he invades Hyrule and turns it into literal Venezuela.
> Even after being sent to other dimension prisons multiple times he comes back and turns Hyrule into a shithole

> a timeline exists where Gerudos die out amd Hyrule turns their historical grounds to a literal prison to execute and send people to the nigger realm.

Dominant Genes, also its already been said that their ears used to be round, but now are pointed from mating with Hylans so much, so there is a bit of racial changes

I take it you’ve never been into a ffxiv thread if that’s the clingiest you’ve ever seen.

>have a weird desert religion that is actually about worshipping demons
>are responsible for destroying the world
Checks out

I want a Gerudo wife please.

you know how when a white woman has a child with a black man and it's still nigger no matter what? same thing with a gerudo.

Take the medicine the doctor gave you.


Attached: cbfd21ed06ac26ca7eb8a31f059bc1d7.png (1313x1413, 1.46M)

>godawful tumblr shit nose
the fact that you saved this picture just reconfirms how shit Yea Forums’s taste is. Gerudo design clearly states they have a long straight almost pyramidal nose. And here comes tumblr, jewing everything up. jesus christ i’m puking

Attached: 01DCEEDC-327C-4308-B927-33C7206707B0.jpg (1202x1920, 295K)

also checks out for whites in general

They're too sexy to die out. Nature has selected them for pure sex appeal, combined with the raw power to simply take a mate when necessary.

I want to marry and impregnate one.

>venture out just to come back after you have a kid
Why do that? Just stay with your lover and have tons of kids. There’s literally no reason to trek your pregnant ass all over Hyrule just to go back to a place you can’t bring your entire family and settle down

I really hope this is bait

Attached: 1548789132300.jpg (960x960, 79K)

These feelings are natural.

Are the Gerudo queens allowed to marry?

It’s still eventually fades. They could never keep that swarthy complexion unless they have other melanistic males to bone. And the only one that ever seems to exist is Ganondorf

I have no doubt that they are encouraged to do so, but there is a chance that they may sometimes choose a mate based on political needs. Riju has probably never met Sidon, but political advisers could still arrange their marriage for the sake of improving relations between their peoples.

So where do Gerudo genetically diverge from Hylians? Unlike the other races of birds, fish and rocks, they are objectively the same species.

>BotW Link
>Dresses like a girl so the Gerudo let him in

>OoT Link
>As tall as a Gerudo woman while in his sixteens
>Beat the fuck out of them till they gave him a pass to do as he please
How will BotW ever recover?

Hylians are modified humans. Gerudo would also be modified humans. Gerudo have now been breeding with Hylians for long enough that the pointy ears have become the modern normal for Gerudo.

Probably not a coincidence that Barbarian Armor looks like some primitive leather version of the Gerudo costume. Urbosa would be comfortably fashionable if she wore it.

>one uses stealth
>one use brute force

>one is at peace with every one
>one is at war for their king

So you’re saying that they are literally koalas?

It’s likely that none of the royal families will never do a political marriage with the Gerudo seeing as how that would kill the royal bloodline

>>one uses stealth
>>one use brute force
Both oot

You are assuming that they only ever have one child.

Nice try, merchant

excellent bait


Why do I visit this board anymore?

It’s not a matter of how many children, and this is assuming that the Ruto can even have children with Hylians and Gerudo, they’d all be Gerudo children so it would be stupid to let your only male heir marry a Gerudo woman

So is the gerudo that births the one male in a hundred years treated as royalty?

Well they've clearly got some kind of lineage. Fathers and grandfathers are canon.

Political marriages don't have to produce children. You're sending your second born prince that wasn't going to be king of your own land anyhow, because it makes the Gerudo friendlier to your country.

I only have one and it's the shitty hairline

They are the only race that can't tell the difference between one of their own and someone wearing a mask.

can't rape the willing

since this is kinda a lore thread / Gerudo appreciation thread, where does BOTW stand in the timeline?

Attached: ztime.jpg (1527x2085, 951K)

The end.

He’s the first in line for the throne now that Mipha is dead and the only male heir, he has to produce an heir. Plus going by BotW Gerudo are only interested in Hylians

At the bottom in a triple convergence

That's what you think.

Adult era, he’s wearing that blue tunic that’s similar to WW’s, plus there’s no mention of the Twilight realm or Vaati

Yes. I thought, at first, they were captured because they trespassed the territory, but they were probably going to be raped.

Also, in breath of the Wild, they marry one of those carpenters. He is a recurring character.

Not talking about Sidon. Why are you?

Apparently it's a convergent timeline, but who's not to say there won't be future games that still take place in the fractured timelines?

I have all 14 of these.

Attached: 1551927155185.jpg (480x472, 28K)

That never happened, Link was going to have the same fate as the carpenters


Who are you talking about?

>that nose

There's a fuckton of evidence that it's the far, far end of the Child timeline.

Most likely Gerudo are still very similar to the last common ancestor between then and Hylians. Just in the sake of theory it would make sense that hylians shrunk down to fill new niches in the ecosystem so they aren't overlapping with gerudo, and then this inadvertently allowed them to ride horses which allowed for rapid expansion into other climates, eventually mostly losing the melanin in their skin as they stopped living in the desert. I imagine it being basically the same as how humans left africa but with them actually diverging as a species

Males may or may not still occcur. It's ambiguous in the story, the only thing that's explicit is that there have been no male leaders since Ganondorf. And that might just be a decree.

With that stated, it's possible that male Gerudos don't have long lifespans normally, and that there are periods in which there are no males simply because the previous died before the next was born.

>Japan isn't interested in Zelda in general.

Still just the concept of political marriages.

There's no genes. It's a magical world. It's "element" based.

Reddit spacing isn't a real thing. It's something newfags from reddit thought came from reddit and started complaining about it because they were projecting.

Ok, well Gerudo are probably off limits for political marriages

There are a species of fish that crossbreed a with others but will only produce female offspring

There is no reason to assume that.


Not their fault hylian men dress so provocatively

It's crazy that OoT had a lot of themes related to torture, raping, death, children diying in war. It was never like the sanitized version after Aonuma started directing the series.

OOT covered this. Every now and then a new one just springs out of the ground. Nearest adult claims it is his son.

this game sucks anyway

If they are the most unchanged from their genetic breakpoint, why are they still monosexed like this?
But that’s fish, Hylians and Gerudo are hominids

They want to bring Ganon back but a good portion want Ganondorf as well. Instead of having Ganon take another mortal form or several over as many games go spice things up they choose to rinse and repeat his Gerudo form. Having him be reborn as a new Gerudo opens up story possibilities with the Gerudo I don't think they're willing to explore

Attached: lion of the gerudo.png (381x355, 146K)

That post you replied to is not tumblr nose.

Attached: Do you think the artist makes it bad on purpose.png (1097x1000, 991K)

>a weird desert religion that is actually about worshipping demons
that doesn't describe gerudos or jews

Either b8 or future Wal-Mart shooter. I can't tell anymore

not all hylians are pale skinned
not all humans are pale skinned
not all gerudo are melanistic

I wonder what's it like being a Hylian woman? Imagine living in Hyrule not knowing whether that any Hylian man you have a relationship with has already been GERUDO'D beforehand.

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Attached: drawn riju.png (782x876, 238K)


thinking about it logically it makes sense if you don't want Hylians to die out for men who get together with Gerudo to later on get with Hylian women and sire more Hylian men. This means all Gerudo either get cucked or their relationships don't last.

Gerudo have been selecting the tallest Hylians for themselves. The remaining men are short, causing the Hylian population to trend gradually towards becoming progressively shorter and shorter over the generations.

wish the artist drew more than these 2 images

Attached: drawn2.png (1280x1252, 461K)

it's a video game

Attached: hylian peak performance.png (503x755, 600K)

Hmm, can't seem to find a source.

gerudo women are strong, they can trek far with their "pregnant ass" like it was a walk in the desert.

Does Hyrule kingdom includes Zora's domain, gorons and Gerudos or they are independent nation's?

you'd think the standard Gerudo family would be as big as Kass' but there isn't a single example I could find of a family with more than 2 kids and there's only 2 examples of a 2 child family

Gerudo are pure sluts, though. They'll go after anything with a penis, but as soon as they get one, they will devote their lives to that penis alone.

Devolved powers

>can't maintain any numbers.
They make up for it with enthusiasm.

Attached: hey kid.jpg (528x353, 27K)

I've learned a man should stay where he belongs: in the bedroom.

>The Gerudo's existence in Breath of the Wild was entirely just about how they're an all women tribe that leave the desert to fuck and marry Hylian men to reproduce, and their offspring is pure Gerudo due to magic or some shit
>People still question it or confused by it
Why are you brainlets so fucking difficult?

they seem to be growing in number albeit very very slowly. They're probably only barely above replacement rate

They're probably expected to all go out and have multiple kids. My question is are they all female or is it up to chance?

Nigger every single Ganondorf IS OoT Ganondorf.

Fuck me never mind. "All female with only one male" duh.

I dont think any race reproduce with Gorons.

It's Zora-Hylian-Gerudo. Possibly Lizalfos.

Don't think Zora's can reproduce with hylians/gerudo.
Fuckers lay eggs.

who cares?
you get a caring, extremely devoted wife, many cute daughters and you know they will all be fine when they grow up because their town is protected by a giant robot camel god.

we haven't seen or heard of any offspring of any other race and a Zora so those relationships may very well be childless. Gerudo have the choice of Hylian and Sheikah. Find it a bit hard to accept that people from Lurellin Village are simply considered Hylians but whatever

every town is protected by a divine beast except central Hyrule


are they?


fire lizard? chilling on mountain
bird? circling the sky
elephant? in the ocean

at least camel is near the town

>many cute daughters
The ultimate cuck

>tfw fapped to the in game gerudos while I was playing
that gem shopkeeper is my wife

Attached: 1552740792526.jpg (959x1015, 447K)

one drop rule
They're not actually all brown with red ahir, its makeup and hair dye

They have wide hips and Ruto and the one from botw wanted to marry Link.

Who is in this picture

the fuck does ME having sex to make MY children make ME the cuck?

did you all forget what the word means?
they would be raised by desert sluts into THICC and STRONK ladies. fuck you

the Gerudo design is ruined by the hips. Whoever designed thme must have never seen hips before or had a strange idea of what wide/child bearing hips meant

Attached: file.png (2000x1114, 3.32M)

You're super wrong. Camel winds up easily the farthest from it's town, and hangs out way up on a mountain, hardly even in the desert anymore.

Salamander can at least shoot fireballs from his spot on the volcano. And Elephant can basically teleport from the lake that it's hanging out in to any other body of water.

But Bird is right fucking there, smack dab on top of the town. If anything threatened Rito Village, Bird would be able to respond immediately.

I don't think that Sheikah is a race, but a tribe.

>Half of the Gerudo are actually male, but you can't tell with their clothing on, and they prefer to perpetuate the myth.

>Marrying a Gerudo
>Not allowed to enter their city
>Will BotW nky have daughters that as soon as they can will start wandering the kingdom for cock
>Your wife will never be with you and you don't know I she is fucking someone else at another town
Gerudo women are for a quick fuck and nothing more

or you could just live with your family outside of gerudo town

Sheika are a sub-race of hylians

could be the same with Gerudo.

what about the red eyes?

Paya was violated ingame

why do they all have granny knickers


>Your wife will never be with you and you don't know I she is fucking someone else at another town
I believe that in BotW it was stablished that they can also live outside the city.

I believe that only the ones that goes with one night stands goes back to the city. They want to fug strangers just for the children.

Since there are black Hylians, it's possible that the males just live as Hylians. So to be a "Gerudo" you'd need to have the Red hair and the strong blood. And that never happens with males, unless it's a mutation, like Ganondorf.

So, you could have male/female black Hylians, or female only Gerudos.

Yeah, they're inbreeding or just don't mingle, because they're a secret tribe, so they can't expose their secrets to anyone, so they endup creating a "sub race". But they're still Hylians. I think it's something like blondes only dating blondes because they can't really go out.

desert clothes probably
also, its the IN style.

It is NOT in. Unless you're a Chink.

They travel around and rape men and go back to village, actually first encounter tried to do this to Link.

That's not their underwear.

Liquid got worse genes than Snake.

like asaris

big yikes, chief. this ain't it

So in TLoZ lore men only have the X chromosome while the eggs of a woman can either have X or y.

Female Gerudos mostly have eggs with the X chromosome but every so hundred years one mutant has also eggs with the y chromosome.

Meaning females dictate the gender and the number of the population.

PLOT TWIST: Ganon's father was the previous incarnation of Link

Let's be honest, going by the way LoZ lore usually goes Ganon's father was probably a previous incarnation of Ganon.

Attached: 6e6.png (1659x1558, 1.83M)

That's retarded

maybe we'll know in the sequel if that zora and human that link shipped are still together

>Female lays eggs and makes fertilize them
>Eggs are inside the female and go out of her cloaca/vagina
>Fuck her and cum inside fish so the eggs come out fertilized

I play this game, i am on this board, and yet i have no slightest inclination to read this thread.

>new Zelda game
>you play as a young Ganon instead of Link
>you're on a quest to save the dying Gerudo race
>main villains are corrupted versions of Zelda and Link

Attached: 1565057358309.jpg (1200x1125, 218K)

as if they'd even have to be corrupted to subjugate and exile the gerudos

The Gerudo tried to do a coup in the middle of peace treatment.

All the ones we have fought. It use to be implied in LttP manual that Ganon use to be human before using the Triforce. Then there is also the Ganondorf of FSA, who is certainly not OoT.

there are some lizards speices that only have females, they pretend to have sex with other females to get pregnant.

It's just a video game

>r4's art is all on twitter now
>cant find any orphelia pics
glad tumblr got sold for 3 million fuck those tr*nnies

Attached: F.png (759x634, 399K)

>butthole chin dominant chad gene
lol no

Seeing as cleft chins are so rare, doesn't this suggest cleft chins are actively sexually selected against?

where is this from i love snake girls

>There will never be a point in the timeline where the Gerudo have come to rule over Hyrule
>They will never mandate all Hylian males must submit to snu snu if a Gerudo woman wants it
>They will never also encourage said males to marry Hylian women, both to keep the male population up, and so they can watch the faces of the men's wives as they cuck them

get one King to fall to the sexual wiles of Gerudo and the entire Royal Line is now Gerudo forever. Instant takeover. Ganondorf could have seduced Zelda and wound up ruling Hyrule

I would take a Gerudo any day bros, any day...

Attached: 1535395916767.png (1201x900, 787K)

Apparently one of the rocks just starts talking and the living Gorons takes the child in

We'll never get a game where you can freely enter the Gerudo territory and befriend the king.

Attached: IMG_20190701_210230.jpg (1500x2000, 205K)

In species with a wide amount of sexual dimorphism, it's usually that one of the sexes has grown large because they are fighting each other for mating rights.

imagine listening to her digesting someone haha

I know, wouldn't it be funny to feel someone squirming in her stomach? Ha....ha

ahhh user help me out here

Attached: yandex wtf.jpg (1229x740, 69K)

That's a myth guys,why are you fueling it?

Attached: 15641.jpg (1719x1632, 271K)

What if it was true though?

It's a good myth though

It's by noill

>TFW no 8ft tall, musclethicc Gerudo amazon planting her fat ass on your face and ordering you to lick if you ever want to breath again
>TFW she isn't your wife and does that to you every night

Attached: 1564928775329.jpg (1580x985, 451K)

Do you like your gerudos dominant or submissive Yea Forums?

Attached: 1564915468912.png (1313x1413, 1.3M)

Dominant, sub gerudos a shit

A submissive Gerudo would make a good ponygirl.

im guessing Monster Musume , google it and you should find the manga

you'd want her to spit in your mouth and step on your face, wouldn't you?

I usually dont like muscle girls , but Gerudo are the exception

Attached: 2153361 - Breath_of_the_Wild Gerudo Legend_of_Zelda Urbosa whistlerx.jpg (800x1130, 573K)

I'd rather her sit on my face, but either's good

Woah mamma.

... Bouya? Bow? Huh?

>That part in BOTW where you can talk to a newly traveling Gerudo who is excited to meet her soulmate
>You can flirt with her and tell her you are the man she is looking for
>She believes it but then instantly calls you on your bullshit

Nintendo don't fuck me

Literally calling you a little boy

>No nonstandard game over where Link settles down with his new Gerudo wife
>Nor one where Link gets found out while in Gerudo town by less scrupulous sand amazons and disappears down a snu snu basement

Also, just imagine, BotW was originally planned to have minish/give Link the ability to shrink, if they had kept that in there could have been a whole sequence of tiny Link sneaking through Gerudo town or even climbing on a Gerudo or two, in his quest to get the Gerudo outfit

Cause they look like fat women with their man tits flopping around freely for all to see.

>Mom and all my sibling have brown eyes
>I have blue ones
How does this work?

They’re like black people if they were 99.9% women
They can fuck people of other races as still have kids of their race because their genes are mostly dominant

Of course any basic understand of human biology will tale you males are the gender deciding factor. the only possible answer is their body rejects any instance of Y chromosomes and sends its immune system to destroy cells with it present and only females with a mutation where this absent are able to produce males.

They probably yank a rock off of their back and it turns into a baby or something

go to school

Explains the lack of females, but how does that explain Yunobo inheriting Daruk's protection?

sounds like your dad cheated on your mom. sorry bud

Gerudo only very rarely (once in a century or so) have male babies, and the only one we know of is Ganondorf, the king of the Gerudo
Assuming he was treated typically, they are raised by elder Gerudo and become king of their tribe

have sex

What do I win

drink bleach, shit stain

How is the wal-mart shooter posting from prison?

>All female race reproduces by stealing men from other races
>All male race ???

Attached: big fans.jpg (622x510, 52K)

It’s a remake of Zelda 1

>>All male race ???
Don't know what sex is


Only Breath of the Wild continuity is, to be honest, solid in describing the kingdom races. Deku Scrubs are not there

Dom but loving

perhaps the magic is tied to the culture of each race. if the lingeage of Gorons is traced entirely through adoption then certain traits probably just imprint on the son.

These two posts are so retarded.
The first post implies the Gerudos stay away from their tribe while they're pregnant, and only return after having the child. Which, is just a ridiculous idea. What does a Gerudo do for the 9+ months she's away? Where do they live? Do they remain in contact with the man they fucked? This makes no fucking sense logistically.

And then the second post comes in, doesn't even notice the retarded implication of the first post. In fact, he suggests that the gerudo treks home while pregnant, when the first poster stated explicitly that they have the kid first THEN treks home. How can a woman be pregnant after giving birth? Unless you're saying that she got pregnant again? Which can't be the case, because why would the Gerudo not return during the first pregnancy, but then suddenly decide to return with the second pregnancy.

These posts are just a knot of retardation, and it really just goes to show how few braincells jizzbrains are working with.

gentle dom

Finds article about parthenogenetic chimaerism
behind a fucking paywall.
fuck nature the website and in general.

Attached: 1319783987019.jpg (220x323, 20K)

>All life started in the sea and even birds did
Not in Zelda canon. In Zelda, life was simply created by the triforce of courage. You know, the triforce piece that everyone thinks is useless? it'e responsible for all living beings. But UGH... you don't get any cool powers!

They produce only Females, like Asari, with a rare chanche of Males, one was called Ganondorf and after him no one, see BotW 2 to find more



there are female Yiga, the very first I encountered and a second after a while

What if the three golden goddesses are just Hylia from the three timelines that became the three goddesses after the timeline merged and the Zelda timeline is just a big loop

Why would Hylia, after ascending into godhood, decide to go back in time and create what was already created?

Because maybe Ganon/Demise/something destroyed it during the big final battle between good and evil
Just pulling an OoT on the entire world and bringing it back like backstreet

I'd imagine somewhere in hyrule some hylian woman bent over for rito cock.

But they are birds
They have manginas not cocks
And don’t say “but ducks have cocks” Rito do not look like ducks nor do they act like them. They look like raptors and birds of prey which have CLOACA

>He forgets his mission and becomes a loving husband, sacrificing the faith of the world.
>He loses all semblance of being a hero, being no more than a glorified sperm bank.

Attached: 1527333958057.jpg (963x364, 51K)

And they'll still starve to death because that 'food' is something their body can't digest rendering it absolutely pointless to eat. Goron's aren't stupid, but you are apparently

It won't keep you alive long enough though. Not unless you're a freak of nature who can digest cellulose. In fact, it will probably lose you more calories than it will net you because your body is going to waste energy breaking down something it doesn't have the tools to break down.

Attached: 1d9a3856526e98a62f198a84525b40a41ceeb98d5c04e12d9dfbf9ef7b05ac97.gif (268x268, 1.93M)

>You will never get to play a dating sim as a Gerudo girl with a ticking biological clock.

What a fucking cutie.

>this thread
it's entirely possible that they only take certain areas of non-gerudo genes but then have a static, major genetic element that makes all gerudos gerudos
kind of like the asari in mass effect are somewhat different based on daddy or second mommy race but not in a majorly visible way
it's also possible that the non-gerudo DNA is just used as a seed/key to randomise what actually forms based on the gerudo dna so that everyone isn't an exact clone of each other

Not to mention that the Gerudo only accept males that have a certain percentage of traits as true Gerudo. The rest are either Mixed race or Hylian/whatever. So only on average is a male born that they accept as True Gerudo every 100 years or so. It's not a hard-lined fact.

>Not a dating sim where all your options are Gerudos

But every generation will still get more and more Hylian. After a few hundred years Gerudo should be 99% Hylian females, no longer a separate species.

actually have sex

Goron techinically

Based Ancient Aliens poster.

>Also, just imagine, BotW was originally planned to have minish/give Link the ability to shrink, if they had kept that in there could have been a whole sequence of tiny Link sneaking through Gerudo town or even climbing on a Gerudo or two, in his quest to get the Gerudo outfit
I would never stop playing this game.

They get their rocks off

Attached: download (30).jpg (1280x720, 220K)

sci-hub, retard

google what "the ultimate cuck" is user

Once upon a time, the manliest of men wandered the world. A manly man with a brilliant head of firey red hair. This Groose one day found himself in a desert, and met an interesting Dragon named Lanayru. The dragon had grown bored of his old robotic creations, and was looking for more interesting hobbies. Lanayru of course was impressed with Groose, and decided to imitate his obvious strength and raw charisma. Naturally Groose didn't want the dragon to make copies of himself, and insisted that anything the dragon made should always be of an attractive female nature. The Dragon was inspired by Groose's enthusiasm, and complied with his wishes. Thus the new model of artificial being was created, the Groose-Redundant-Zero, or GeRuD-O for short. Groose found himself surrounded by these new visions, and naturally became their king.

Same, it's a pity they left it out, understandable though

>intense inbreeding
>result is arabs

No seriously, you need to have sex.

Dominant genes, son

that isn't how dominant genes work dumbass, there would be no gerudo after three or so generations

Dom is most cases
Submissive with Link


Attached: zelda need source1.jpg (2000x1032, 1.59M)

Attached: zelda need source2.jpg (1317x627, 1.06M)


Really? Where?
I don't remember this, I've played the game, like, 30 times.

20 seconds on google.

Hose shit, google gives me nothing, how did you find this? please respond

Attached: 1551843146350.jpg (125x107, 3K)

My google-fu is strong.

bullshit, where's the quote?
user pls

Attached: 1446271679789.gif (400x300, 309K)

Male monster on female human is pretty gay bro
You like looking at monster dicks or something? Queer

Where do you think you are?

Attached: 1558496003756.png (368x729, 425K)

Reverse image search gave Text on that page passed into google gave the artist:

Why does my reverse image search give me jack shit though?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-14 at 23.30.12.png (1366x768, 302K)

Maybe you have safesearch turned on.

nope, shits broken I guess thanks for replying at least

A question... Why are you using the thumbnail to search? See how it says 125 x 59 ?

I used the dropdown menu beside the post number, it looks like that's what it was because now I can see the source that was posted, thanks, though why the built-in reverse image search searches the thumbnail I have no idea.

The Yea Forums menu is flawed. Use your browser instead.