So this is pretty much the only game nobody on Yea Forums hates?
So this is pretty much the only game nobody on Yea Forums hates?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
>Yea Forums is a collective
TF2 was the best free game during 2012, aka the last time Yea Forums was good, its a nostalgia trip.
that being said it is a solid game, no matter how much valve seems to shake the shit it still seems to hold together.
>f2p tf2 was good
uh no fuck off
plenty of valid reasons to hate it
Backburner ruined TF2 refute this.
f2p is the only thing that keeps that game alive.
threadly reminder that no matter how hard it gets nerfed, if you're using a DR as a spy you're a pussy who keeps a get-out-of-jail-free card close in case anything goes wrong
It would still have a dedicated playerbase just like every other older Valve game has. I don't think adding lootboxes and appealing to marketplace autists, poorfags, and hackers just for the sake of keeping playercounts high is good for the health of the game.
And you're buttmad about that because..?
I'd rather have a small playerbase of diehard players than the hordes of retards we have now
Friendlies ruined the game
Also bring back Arena.
Lootboxes saved TF2 from death and CSGO from a very early death. That being said, Valve's older fanbase doesn't play games anymore. They're all 30-40 year olds with children.
>Lootboxes saved TF2 from death
TF2 was never dying when it was P2P you could easily find any full server for any map or gamemode you desired.
> Valve's older fanbase doesn't play games anymore
>Left 4 Dead 2 still has 10,000 players and none of them are tradefags/idlers
>Counter Strike has 10,000 and CSS has 5,000 at the time of me typing this
>T-t-they're dead TF2 would've died too just believe my revisionist history okay
the random crits and lag compensation sucks, fuck this shit game. it's my favorite fucking game though. also remove pyro. only sub-humans play pyro.
Old source games do still have playerbases, but they mostly consist of third worlders with poor hardware. Think Russians, Africans etc.
It doesn't really count.
Same with TF2 also add memespouting redditors and people who don't actually enjoy the game, only expensive cosmetic items
TF2 is an old source game. They've literally had to downgrade the graphics several times to accomodate for older hardware not being able to manage the base game + all the stupid fucking hats and effects added over the years
F2P TF2 was the best era of TF2, and I'm an oldfag. Instead of complaining about how awful things weer back then, I enjoyed it and now I have fond memories to look back on while you're still a sad, bitter old man.
>F2P TF2 was the best era of TF2, and I'm an oldfag
no you aren't pablo.
And that, children, is why valve drones are the scum of the Earth.
>They've literally had to downgrade the graphics several times to accomodate for older hardware not being able to manage the base game + all the stupid fucking hats and effects added over the years
And it STILL runs like fucking shit on my hardware. It's not the newest in the world, and I know bulldozer is shit, but there's no way in hell a game from 2007 should run so bad on an FX8350 and an R9 390X.
must be difficult for him to hear the ear-bleeding BZUUUURP with those cocks in his ears
TF2 had hordes of retards even before F2P. All I really noticed when the game went F2P was that the concentration of children on voice-chat went up
>no you aren't pablo.
You can whine and bitch and cope all you want, but you'll never take my memories away. At the end of the day, I know I'm right.
>tf2 was much better back in the days
goalpost moved and L4D2 isn't a third world game nigger it's just genuinely fun shit that has no sequel and the format has never truly been emulated well by another game just like TF2.
>b-but loud uncloak!
it still gives you a shitton of time to run away before uncloaking you utter retard
Soul just like scout's bacon legs. Haven't played since 2013, did they get rid of the spy crab too? What a shame.
Well, better not let him get away next time!
Post your medal then
literally nobody has ever said that you retarded faggot
>F2P TF2 was the best era of TF2
I didn't enjoy when they opened the floodgates of weapon/accessory loadouts. The class updates started well, you just needed to keep track of a couple of extra options that each class could be bringing at you and recognize how to deal with them.
After that a game that placed visual design informing gameplay as the foundation for the entire game, suddenly threw visual design out the window. Listening to the designer commentary about how much careful thought was put into the maps, characters, and their weapons all to make sure a player could tell at the briefest of glances what was going on, it just makes me sad now.
Except several people in this thread who are saying TF2 would be dead without wacky $3000 hats for gambling addicts
He's not wrong though. early f2p era until matchmaking came out was kino tf2.
Hats are fun. Suck my balls and get dominated by my scout wearing a golden gibus.
Literally works on my machine. Maybe don't buy shitty hardware
anyone who spouts shit like "kino" is a faggot and more than likely 12 years old or younger at the time of f2p. only nostalgic because they were young and blind to how shit it was because they were the cancer killing it.
>anyone who spouts shit like "kino" is a faggot and more than likely 12 years old or younger at the time of f2p. only nostalgic because they were young and blind to how shit it was because they were the cancer killing it.
My team is more like a modeling company with killing people as a sidejob now.
both of these are still a thing, why people cry for "things lilke in the old tf2" when said things are still here
thanks for proving his point
Bacon legs were a bug fixed many moons ago newfriend. The image I posted was off of the official blog post from when they removed it.
You know nothing about yourself.
t. Brass Beast Heavy
It's the only good multiplayer game
TF2 is an unbalanced mess. Some classes are way too OP compared to other classes.Spy for example is way too overpowered as is Pyro.
Bacon legs are still in the game though, they just don't flail quite so wildly. They might've fucked it back to where it was before since then like how Demo's bottle didn't break anymore after the change from v_model to c_model, or Heavy lost several "Thanks!" and teleporter lines for no reason.
you know what they also "fixed"?
minicrit icons appearing on soldier's head when he's not taking minicrits
it still happens
>Spy for example is way too overpowered as is Pyro.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, TF2, and Killing Floor 1, are the only games I can think of that a majority of Yea Forums enjoys and praises.
Playing soldier should give you a permanent marked-for-death debuff both in game and IRL
Only if you're running Black Box/Concheror/Half-Zatoichi.
this is obvious bait here but I do wonder how many of these threads made on the steam forums about tf2 are genuine about pyro and spy being op
>Loch'N'Load was supposed to be Demo's Direct Hit
>Nerf it
>Soldier on the other hand never received any nerf because shitters would go ballistic on youtube
I'm still mad
When will they give out the promised refunds from the crate depression?
Only scout and spy mains complain about the direct hit
>Spy can instakill people no matter health and go invisible so you never even can see him coming
>Pyro can instantly crit-kill people with phlog and build the meter with scorch shot
They are completely broken
I'm not baiting! TF2 gameplay is broken. It needs quick fixing so the game can become popular and help new players come in. Here is how you fix TF2:
>Only 6v6 games in matchmaking
>Turn off random crits
>No duplicate classes in matchmaking
>Heavy has to reload his minigun
>Everyone gets infinite ammo
>Only payload, koth and attack/defense as matchmaking modes
>Remove trading
>Add competitive rewards so more people play it
>Engineers turret upgrades automatically to lvl 2, but deals less damage
>Dispenser and tele removed
>Spy has infinite cloak and cannot instakill backstab anymore, his main damage is now his revolver
>Rocketjump gets dedicated button and doesn't do damage. It has a cooldown
>Stickyjump gets a dedicated button and doesn't do damage to yourself. It has a cooldown
>You get removed from game if you afk more than 30 secods
>Crouch jump gets removed
>Scout's doublejump gets removed
>Bonk! has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jarate has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Jetpack has a dedicated button with a cooldown
>Every class has only one weapon, melee weapons have been turned into quick-melees which have their own dedicated button
>Air strafing gets removed
>B-hop gets removed
>Every 4-6 months a new class is introduced that completely breaks the meta for 1-12 months
Well fuck you too buddy
>overwatch theme plays
God I hate overwatch, everyone is either abysmally over powered like Moira, or stupidly underpowered like Genji
The fuck happened to the meta in that game?
>"I'm not baiting!"
>posts bait of even poorer quality
Big yawn
Because unlike the direct hit, a well-placed Loch-n-Load shot could blow up a lot of people, which made it perfect to spraying into groups
nah that's bait
Still required more skill than shooting a crocket to the ground
Playing Soldier requires even less skill than playing fucking Pyro
f2p update was a blessing. TF2 got alot bigger and community servers got better from that.
MyM was what "killed" the game. You can thank compfags for that.
Hey man it's okay. You can play Overwatch
I give you a 3.7/10 for the effort and a (You)
>shooting a crocket into the ground
>with the fucking direct hit
>not posting a overwatch waifu with thise words
I wasn't talking about the direct hit anymore
To win with the direct hit, just act as if you're holding the shotgun
>park value missions
Do you think it's fair that people who abused of a glitch got FREE UNUSUALS while those who decided to not screw the economy are left with NOTHING? I urge everyone to message the TF Team (
Thank you.
Hello TF Team,
I understand why you decided to not punish the people who profited of the "Guaranteed Unusual" glitch: because after all it was all your fault and make people pay for your mistakes would have not been fair. But what about those who decided to not take advantage of this crazy situation and got NOTHING? I, like many other people, decided to not abuse this glitch to get easy unusuals because it was an UNETHICAL thing to do, out of respect for Valve and the game economy.
Some people made a massive profit by selling a very expensive unusual they got at the first try. Moreover, even if the rest of their hats are untradeable, those are still luxury items, which normally you wouldn't get so easily.
So, what's the lesson to be learned here?
"You found a cool bug? Abuse the shit out of it, since you'll actually be rewarded for it! Be a nice guy and not fuck the system? Lol, you get nothing! Try next time, friend."
Nice move guys, very appreciated. It seems that being an honest person doesn't pay off these days.
Frankly, get your shit together.
- A disappointed player
that's a nice pasta, too bad I've seen it before
>implying Pyro's a threat
Is it true they changed the bottle because people thought it did more damage broken?
>swearing in a letter
how to not get your letter read : 101
I installed it recently but it was really boring, the matches would go on forever and people would leave the game constantly
I have more fun playing Rainbow Six Siege
I know it's bait, but still
Loch-n-load took out a lot of skill off the demoman with better speed and damage
>the matches would go on forever
Maybe you shouldn't play Capture The Flag or Dustbowl.
Any time people complain about direct hit being op, they are most likely a scout main who thinks rushing in front of a dh soldier is a good idea
>played 10 hours
>I'm not baiting
>Proceeds to tell us that fixing TF2 means turning it into Overwatch
What did he mean by this?
>using any weapon that isn't a default
I think people hate it because it reinforces the argument of soldier being a counter to everything.
It's a double bait
The orange box frequently went on sale for like 5 bucks. Stop pretending f2p somehow opened the floods. Also, by 2012 most f2p that stuck around were accustomed to the game enough to be decent players.
Except he ends up being unable to deal with multiple threats, especially when he's defending or attacking objectives
It's hardly the same weapon any more but current loch n load is easily my second most used primary for demo still. It's so fucking good against sentries, both from a long distance and for suicide diving.
>invasion update
>no lightsaber eyelander reskin
what a waste of an update
>Upward last
>Win by default as RED by having a Sniper and a couple of Engies with Rescue Rangers and Wranglers to sit on the balcony
It had such potential and comic about aliens invading would've been great, fucking shame that is Wouldn't mind another update with the same theme
>not a katana reskin since you can instakill anyone else using a katana
>the eyewalker
>instantly disintegrates anyone with the half-zatochi or eyewalker drawn
only the first ones you unboxed will be tradable
read the blog
You got one tradeable unusual for basically free, what else do you want?
I know that but when will it happen. I want to get my profit for free games
Didn't you log into the game last week?
They already gave out refunds and made the one hat tradable, you're too late now
I'm just jesting
le bump
It's the only game left that's still fun to play multiplayer. Everything else has gone full SJW, from FortNite to SCP: Secret Lab.
It’s the game that’s so far withstood the test of time. Every game that tried to kill it has so far killed themselves
lawbreakers is still going good
Good joke
I get now what it’s called Lawbreakers. It’s a fucking crime to like that game
None of the characters are actually fun to play.
itt: seething tradefag
>175 HP
>not long range effective weapon
>lower DPS than scout
>shit as a ambush class, even spy can replace him
What's the problem?
so Yea Forums, what are your weapon ideas? i had an idea for a minigun that shoots faster the long you shoot but it cant be pre-revved
well, Yea Forums is Valvebrony central so i'm not surprised.
minigun that fires explosive rounds that lets you rocket jump
Nobody cares. Reported for spam.
Got this the other day
I still want portable befors canon. I imagine it working like the rivit guns from Bioshock. Long range, pretty,accurate but slow as hell.
>more than engineer/scout/medic/spy
>just like everyone outside of sniper and soldier
>a scout damages you by by pointing and clickin on you, pyro damages you by holding a LMB and waving the mouse around
I can't respond to the last point as I haven't a clue what brought you to that conclusion.
Medigun that steals health from an enemy and gives it back to your surrounding teammates
>Except several people in this thread who are saying TF2 would be dead without wacky $3000 hats for gambling addicts
That's true, though. The statement doesn't imply that lootboxes are good, just that they're keeping the game alive.
At least if MYM didn't completely shit on what was left of the game.
first cracks in TF2 showed with the spy/sniper update. double update, so the content was far more rushed and ended up with 4 terrible weapons (huntsman, razorback, dead ringer (perhaps the worst item ever added to TF2) and the cloak and spectate) and 2 alright ones (ambassador and jarate).
it going f2p and focusing on hats killed it.
You mean Valve wanting to cash in on the overtrash audience.
Your compfag boogeyman does not exist.
>Your compfag boogeyman does not exist.
And in that same post
>Valve wanting to cash in on the overtrash audience.
>sniff sniff
What's this I smell?
>sniff sniff
Is it Valve being incompetent?
>sniff sniff
Is it Valve being lazy?
>sniff sniff
Is it Valve only putting in new cosmetics instead of new weapons?
>sniff sniff
Yep, all of the above. Good game, Valve just refuses to get an update out every year, cosmetics do not count as an update in any way shape or form
dunno, though it doesn't matter anymore since they fixed it in 2017.
Do you really believe the people that play that game are the same people that enjoy 6v6 and whatever other comp modes exist in tf2? You're delusional.
Comp ruined TF2, so now even in CASUAL mode, where it's ment to be CASUAL, people use anything they can to win. I don't mean trying hard to win, I mean using bugs and exploits, cheap strategies and tactics. What's that, you wanted to actually play? Too fucking bad, you have a sticky spamming demo and a black box conch soldier spawn camping you while the spy, other soldier, heavy, two medics, and scout go for the point
Before matchmaking I could dm on ctf_doublecross for hours even if someone capped, now if the round ends, even if people want the same map it has to reload. Matchmaking is fucking horrible for casual play and adds alot more waiting then there used to be.
I don't understand why you'd reply to me, just because I think you faggots like to believe in this fake boogeyman you created doesn't mean I like comp or matchmaking.
Valve started killing the game when they added all those retarded restrictions to quickplay, but the final nail in the coffin was the retarded MyM update. Completely agree with you that matchmaking is absolute garbage that should go away.
This is precisely the reason I play 6s. I don't consider myself a "compfag" or a purist, I used to love pubbing, but 12v12/casual is literally just Calvinball now. Way too much garbage to keep track of and the average player isn't even competent enough to coordinate simple pushes/focus fire, especially when it comes to shit like Vaccinator pockets and multiple Engineer nests with Rescue Ranger and Short Circuit/Wrangler combos.
I might've clicked your post by accident but I do believe that guy b4nny or whatever convinced valve that having an official comp thing would be good. I could care less about matchmaking for comp tards but Im still mad about casual, I thought nothing could be worse than quickplay.
Guess that's why casuals play casual, to have a casual experience instead of being screamed at for using a weapon that you personally like and they don't. Fuck them for enjoying the game
>I have no counter-argument so I'll just strawman and make shit up about what happens in a competitive environment even though I've never experienced it
Every single thread.
yes user its fine to have a f2p monetization model in a f2p game
>mini-crits for non fully-charged headshots
>buff smg, carbine, and razorback
>remove no headshots unless fully charged on classic
>fix the fucking huntsman's hitbox
There. I fixed sniper.
Fucking genius, Valve will ignore this though. Also, prepare for the wave of faggotry hate. God forbid you actually get sick of a broken class
Okay, but only if it does Blutsauger-class damage and restores only 1 hp per successful hit to allies within a 5 foot radius.
Cute short-haired anime girl poster
>buff one of the most broken sniper secondaries
>mfw they probably perfected co-op gameplay with L4D2 and there will never be a better game like it