The Barrens
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw played alliance forever
>sort of want to try the horde because orcs are cool
im playing on grobb, bros. what do i do
I'm almost tempted to pick up classic just to hear people asking where Mankrik's wife is.
The Barrens was the coolest zone in WoW history. Wasn't afraid of creating large amounts of empty space, and did so well (effectively avoiding the Disneylandification of post-Cata). Also lots of secrets and hidden quests outside of the hubs. Fucking God-tier MMO zone will never be recreated.
no way.
home is Winterspring
Barrens chat...
Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker...
What MMOs did you guys play b4 WoW? if WoW was your first MMO you are officially a zoomer
rose online
where is mankirks wife
shard 4, layer 23 .... home
Ultima Online
Lineage 2
Rose online
Ragnarok Online
Mu Online
and other shit asian mmo games
I played runescape first in free to play, stole my fathers credit card to buy rift, rift sucked cock, bought, played wow, sold wow account for runescape gold, lost runescape gold, recovered wow account, played wow, quit wow when pandaria ended, played osrs, gay updates to the game added, quit osrs, don't play any mmo's
>tfw 26 year old zoomer
it's ok. zoomer lives matter too.
star wars galaxies
Activision HQ floor 23, Cubicle 41... home....
Barrens is peak comfy and the best zone in the game, no matter how much alliancelets insist otherwise.
>star wars galaxies
it was ahead of its time
>not Westfall
dead bros...
did somebody say [Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
Asherons Call
played all my life as undead, but I got real fucking tired of having little bitch pauldrons
this summer, going orc warlock
Go horde man, I’m going grobb for that faction balance and no streamer presence. Besides if you go horde it’s gonna be a completely new experience for you in a way
But (streamer) said layering is good .... this can't be happening bros
holy shit, is this for real?
what the fuck is the point of classic with this layering bullshit LMAO
>They just literally pasted the 1.12 data on top of the BFA client/infraestructure
>Retards are willingly paying $15 a month for Bfa-lite
literally what was Blizzard thinking?
if this shit isn't out after 2 weeks it'll be DoA