I play female characters b-because I can stare at their a-ass you know! haha, i-it’s what any man would d-do

> I play female characters b-because I can stare at their a-ass you know! haha, i-it’s what any man would d-do
sure, and we’re just friends

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Other urls found in this thread:


>being a dyke for attention
what a surprise

back to your discord tr*nny

>I play female characters because I wish I was a cute girl IRL

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I play female characters because I want and you can't do nothing about it, you stupid faggot

has this ever been a real issue or is it just internet nonsense?

I always make a character with a lore-accurate name and backstory for the setting, and play both male and female depending on which will better suit the story being told. I do not self-insert and only play to facilitate the actions of this character as accurately to themselves as I can.

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Just tell them you're a pervert. That's literally all you have to do.
My little brother asked me why I picked FemByleth and I literally told him "for the anime tiddy" and he didn't inquire further.
Be a fucking man.

I will play what I want, how I want, and when I want

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I play female characters so I can craft their bodies into fuel for my fetish.

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None of my irl friends have an issue with it. They play female characters too. We also have girls playing dudes.
I don't really see the problem here.

What game is this final boss in?

I do it because I wish I were a woman but i'm not mentally ill enough to mutilate my body and dress like Buffalo Bill. I've resigned myself to just being a guy who lives vicariously through vidya girls.

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I play female characters cause I like girls user


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w-wasnt it destroyed a while ago along with the piece of his soul which resided in it?

Why inside an holy building??

you do not understand that which mumbles in your mind
blue-pilled virgin

>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.

>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.

This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.

>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.

>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).

Pick a side.

They just got married, user.

Nobody cares except you and some other retards. If you do it to project yourself you're a sad motherfucker. If you just do it to look at ass, then nice. Imagine giving a shit about such a trivial thing. You gonna feel insecure playing Death by Degrees?

I choose celibacy.

>you do not understand that which mumbles in your mind
I think female characters are cute and in some specific games I'm also forced to play them 'cause all the male options are gay shit I don't want to touch.
What are you implying? I'm not going to be a tranny/gay/whatever ever

What's the argument against games that have only female characters?

Nonsense. Full homo and I always play as the burliest, Chadliest character

good luck coming out as a 40 years old divorced white salary-man

I play pure female characters because I know I can't change my ugly nigger face and looks.

To be honest, I don't remember this shit back in the 90's and early 00's. Like, no one had a problem playing Lara Croft, ya know.

>implying I'll ever get married/a gf

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I play female is they have the more stylish armor options. You gotta be dazzling while you’re working.

The type of women I'm attracted to tend not to pop up in video games too often so when I have a chance to make an avatar, if I can make the type of girl I like, I do.

We have these threads several times a week and I don't understand why this is such a huge deal to some of you guys.

Homos play bara men.
The meme is that people playing girls are trannies, nothing to do with homos.

All of that STI shit is completely irrelevant to me because I don't, and do not plan to, have sex. There's no reason for me to stop jerking off to to both sexy women and femboy traps

>tfw I always make a chuuni guy

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god doesn't real

You're not bisexual, you're GAMP.

>Look, ma, i posted the same thread again

if only there was an user as cute to UMU

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Literally everyone wants to be a cute anime girl, playing one doesn't make you a fag unless you project your mentally ill tranny desires.

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Good automated manufacturing practice


>implying I'm a Christcuck
Nothing wrong with abortion, gays, lesbians nor trannies.

>Literally everyone wants to be a cute anime girl
I don't, stop projecting your mental illness on me, you stupid faggot

why yes, that's exactly right

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I'd rather be an anime boy and go on magic adventures with girls.

I don't like trannies

I just tell people who ask why I pkay as a girl to fuck off, it's a video game and I don't owe shit to anyone because I bought it with my own money.
Also I wanted to be a cute anime girl.

You wouldn't want to look at this all day?

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No, just when I want to jerk off
Looking at sexual stuff post-fap makes me sick

imagine being a literal invertebrate with this utter lack of appreciation of beauty

Hang yourself

I play female characters because I like cute shit and sexy shit. Sue me.

That's the gayest shit I have read all day.

I'm just not licentious like you
I don't think about jerking off 24/7

I can look at sexual stuff even if I am not horny, faggot.

My condolences

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>imagine being triggered by a genderbent, anime version of the fifth emperor of Rome, just because she's genki af and a little bit slutty

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She's not slutty enough given the guy she represents.

Yeah, but you still gotta get neet bux from lonely virgins so she can't be TOO slutty.

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Am I gonna make it?

Will my minecraft friend come back

Arturia's tits are too big here

goodbye pal

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I play as girls because I want to be a girl. I feel jealous of other girls walking by, for being girls
I'm not gonna mutilate my body, that's retarded.
Might cross-dress, I dunno, that's as far as I go.
I'm mentally ill though, I'll admit to that.

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>ywn be umu and suck off brown dudes

Will my mental illness ever be cured?

Wait, what.
what did he mean by this

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I like playing as a girl in games because I LIKE LOOKING AT THEIR BUTTS!!!!!

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>You will never be umu and get impregnated by a plain girl

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Will my new job be better than my current one?

Bless you, based Sonic totem

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Was meant for

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no, it was sold for $1,400 dollars to user, who now uses it as he pleases.

user's only joy is to play pretend as an animu girl! He wears dresses while he pretends to be a girl on voice chat, pretty creepy huh? But that's how gamers are! Taking away his dresses is like taking away a big, juicy burger from a homeless man! You shouldn't make fun of him! He looks good in those dresses too! He looks better in a dress than you would!

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Will I find a cute gf?

Thanks man. I'm shitting brix in anticipation. I just hope that I won't fuck up something, somehow.

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So she's nothing like the original?
>Famous historical/mythological MALE character but he's actually a GIRL and she has HUGE TIDDIES XD XD XD
Fateniggers deserve the rope.

Should I get a 2070 Super over the 5700XT

Girls have the best fashion. I can either wear dresses or full armor and still look good.

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Sounds good
this is also a reroll

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>still triggered
>by an anime character
>actually mad at a fucking fictional anime character that's basically just jerk off fuel
imagine seething at porn mags oh wait you don't remember porn mags

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>I play female characters because I like cute and funny characters

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>Umu, I am a chronic self-inserter, how could you tell
dumb neroposter

Same, I only play female if the story is about staying home and cooking.

>everything is known by mahatma
what did she mean by this?

Nice choice on the ship there.

At least you're aware that you enjoy garbage. Better than the people that like this shit unironically, I guess.

Chad fate-shitposter trigger of Sooners
I’m not though, are (you)?

You could enjoy fat tits (and all kinds of tits) too, you know. Never too late to stop giving a fuck so much.

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Fate Sextella

is this a joke or do you know nothing about the real person behind the character?

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...You're aware that being able to deduce flaws in things you like isn't liking it ironically right?

I know nothing, other than I thought it related to Mahatma Gahndi
I don't bother with fate at all aside from masturbating to it

Is there any hope for me?

No one who gets mad about people liking things he doesn't is capable of realizing that

Have you tried changing what you fap to so you can look it at afterwards and smile, rather than feeling sick?
It's great if you're done and then you look at it and go 'yeah, that looks pretty good'

RIP user, he will be missed.


Reducing something to "just jerk off fuel" sounds like enjoying it ironically to me

I like to jerk off to girls and I have AGP. What's the issue?

Will I ever get a gf?

So liking jerk off fuel means he only likes sexy girls ironically?

No, it means liking Fate ironically

imagine being a fucking fatenigger
literal subhuman monkeyshit

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>Doesn't even post the best Blend-S
Wanna know how I know you're gay?

I play default human male fighter in every game

absolutely based

This misguided view on how fans of fap fuel think really explains the recent outburst against it. They really believe it's impossible for something to be enjoyed on its own merits if it's sexually arousing.

>living vicariously through video game characters so you think anybody who picks a female character in a video game is a gay or a tranny
Why are gamers so pathetic?

Should I kill myself?

>letting some fag on Yea Forums bully you into not playing a cute girl with a cute butt in a video game

there now shut up

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>letting some fag on Yea Forums bully you into anything
>taking Yea Forums seriously at all
the longer you stay here the harder it gets sometimes, not gonna lie, but this is a fucking cesspool where samefags, kids, retards, etc. gather, why the FUCK would you take it seriously at any point?

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Truly the ultimate faggot

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based fuura poster

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I'll be victorious next time

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>he self inserts
>he doesn't just pick whatever character looks coolest
i'll play both male and female, just whichever one looks best or fits in the world.

Let's get serious here. What are the types of player-character interactions? Tell me if I missed anything

>First Person
"I am me".
Billy makes (or tries to make) a copy of himself in-game, names himself "Billy" and calls it a day.
The ultimate self insert. There's no character here, just Billy.

>Second Person
"I am me, the avatar".
Billy makes an avatar of what he wants himself to be. Self insert, be it male, female, alien, furry or whatever the fuck else.
Billy and his avatar has ultimately the same personality. Billy just puts his own personality into a virtual shell that looks different.

"The avatar is me"
Billy makes an avatar he likes and immerse himself with it.
In this case, Billy creates a new personality for his avatar. Basic roleplaying.

>Third Person
"I am me, In control of the avatar".
Billy makes an avatar he likes and doesn't immerse himself with it.
Basically playing dolls.
If anyone has any dissertations on the topic I would like to read. Most of the stuff I found in Google is not all that informative.

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The avatar is me is the right way to do it as long as you don't go too far with it.

ERP was a mistake.

Men are usually not cute

Will classic be succesful?

Zach Waggoner "My Avatar, My Self" (2009)
it's pretty good
would recommend
description is pretty spot on
I am the car, I'm driving a car, I'm actor playing a role of a car, I have a car

Which of these is ?

The avatar is me.

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I play female characters because I enjoy being cute but am not mentally ill enough to try doing it in real life.
That's what games with character creation/choice are for, right?

I'd say I agree, I use VRChat as a means of being a cute girl from head to toe without the commitment of chopping off my dick.
I'm 6'1'' with gigantic shoulders, I would never pass as a woman, I'm bigger and stronger than most around me, sometimes I like cutesy shit, but I can't display that in a public setting

souls players who play women i fucking hate them theyre faggots

>Used to jack my dick by getting soulsucked by dickwraiths in darksouls with a female character with the skirt and the bra

Is she gonna love me back?

>used to edit the character model in cheat engine so she'd get thunder thighs

I only play female characters because I like looking at their asses, it's not like i'm gay haha I'm not feminine and weak to the point where I like to play female characters and self insert as them in hopes of getting fucked and chased around by other guys h-haha that would be so weird...

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Will i lose my dad bod

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