40% of the player are Fujos

>40% of the player are Fujos
>the rest 40% are gays
explain this

Attached: 8be.jpg (1500x2000, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:


You first. What?

I know a fujo that pretends she's a tranny. Explain this.

It's because of the anime artsyle. That's the only reason. The worst part of FFXIV is easily its playerbase
>tfw this game could be so much more
>tfw will never be able to play/make friends with people who aren't freaks or insane trannies

Attached: image.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Im a christian, straight, white, married man that plays a midlander PLD, SAM, MNK, I feel like a snowflake on this game even tough im an average joe.

>ywn go back to the glory days of XI
>tfw all the people you played with have grown up, have families, careers and would never play an MMO again

I'm not gay for rolling a catgirl, I'm just a pervert.

Liberal women will pretend to be anything for cool girl points

what about the 20%?

The ToS is also brutal so you get roasties in party chat bullying the shit out of eachother and ending all their cunty bullshit with :) and ^^ or some tranny ascii bullshit

Same but for elezen because I was breastfed until I was 7

You take Yea Forums memes as fact.

I just find it funny because from our interactions I would have never thought that she was a straight man, it was either a woman or gay man.
If you can't even do it right in game why even try pretending it and I doubt it's for the cool points because hardly anyone knows in game, she might have some weird social media life though.

You can't deny that the mentally ill population in this game is absurdly high

Of course, gays go for catboys.

They don't even play the game.

I have a huge gender bender fetish and I have a hard time stopping myself from buying a fantasia and transforming into a bunny or cat girl. I wish I didn't have this gay ass cursed fetish.

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I play female Elezen Summoner.

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I agree the shitposting about trannies and gays is a lot but it's not entirely wrong. Primal isn't too bad but does have some, Eureka was when I really seen how fucking degenerate some of these fags really are. Trannies posting their pornhub accounts was absolutely disgusting

I play on Crystal only because I like roleplay. I've dropped multiple people just because they're fucking gamers who only want to do that side of shit. Believe it or not I haven't erped once I just like writing and playing a character.

>I play on Crystal

Stopped there, thats a big enough red flag.

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What's the quickest way to farm regular tomestones?

Do your dailies. Look in the PF for people advertising first clear bonus.

What do you mean by regular? Poetics? Then, you can get some with Alliance and Normal Raid roulettes. Also MSQ if you can stand that sort of thing

To be fair I've been playing before it got bad, I wanted to transfer at first but never pulled the trigger because of the few tolerable people I met. Glad I did because I met a group that isn't PC snowflakes. I just wish genuine roleplay on any game wasn't filled with unending degeneracy every time.

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All I know about this fanbase is that it's full of trannies and they don't know that /vg/ exists.

fuck, was hoping for some obscure method that was quicker, like you can do with company seals

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It's not all bad. You can get quite a bit of them in one day.

Well, you could also speedrun old dungeons that give poetics as well unsynced, but that would require a group.

maps shit out tomestones and you can solo them if you're good enough.

Why are you farming for poetics anyway? I mean most old content including beast tribes just toss them at you like it's nothing. If you had any past expac tombstones you can change them in for poetics Im pretty sure

I'm neither of those things and I play occasionally. I'm just a humble potato farmer who likes to mash potatoes.

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Need 4000 for unidentifiable ingredients for anima weapon.

>men play as female characters
>women play as male characters
what time to be alive

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just play on Primal/Chaos/Light/Any JP Datacenter. Aether/Crystal are the official LGBT servers.

And you are the most degenerate of all.

>anime artsyle

This has literally happened ever since mmos existed.

>nobody rolls on the ex drops anymore
>get ~9000 seals every run
If only it were that easy for poetics, son. Maybe one day.

>anima weapon
I never even bothered with that, especially wouldn't now that it's irrelevant as hell. Not worth the time and effort for a glam

the fuck does this board only talk about wanting to fuck other people's characters
play the game goddamn


>Liking short women is wrong.
Nigga, what?

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If you really think it's bad here check out the /vg/ thread to have your fucking mind blown.

Im a married Christian white male that plays a Highlander PLD and MNK and I've noticed this too. Being normal is special in this game.

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Spam alex runs in DF as a healer or tank. Your queues are instant during primetime and there's always a bonus 100+ tomes. Each run takes about 5 minutes so you can get about 4000 poetics in a couple of hours.

Idk whats going on in this thread but if you keep posting cute and funny lalafel girls i will stay.

Trannies and fags should be systematically executed.

there's small women, and then there are these misshapen freaks.

I've seen more mentally ill people playing WoW on Argent Dawn and Ragnaros


*insert pepe picture *

Bros, I want a cute DRG elezen bf...

Because if we get cute lesbians for eye candy then the girls get cute gay boys for eye candy.
Make everybody sexy.

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Lalas are not misshapen freaks, they are beautiful, wide hipped potatoes. You philistine.

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>all these literal trannies in my fc who think that buying my food and grade 2 tinctures will fix their shitty rotations
Holy shit, these fucks will spend so much on this and they wont get anything from it

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Unfortunately, they barely resemble pic related.

b a r b e d

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half of the time it's not their rotation, it's how they play in general.

>spend more time focusing on dodging than attacking
>backpedaling/keyboard turning for aoes
>using macros that ignore the queue window

How do you not love these huggable, squeezable, poundable potatoes?

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>wide hips
>no waist
what is even the point?

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I only talk about wanting to fuck my own character, not anyone else's

Is the tranny issue really that bad? Also I heard the ToS is so strict that you can get in trouble for anything, is this true? Like simply asking someone to do more dps in a raid.

It really depends on how the GMs are feeling that day. A small subset of people use the game as their safespace so they'll report you for anything, including asking them to use their AoE instead of single target on 10+ mobs.

Anyone here craft level 80 2 star stuff? Is it okay if I can ask a couple of questions

Does GNB still have the shitter problem that plagued RDM in SB and plagues DNC now?

I once got a 3 day ban for asking in /shout why every FC advertises themselves as LGBTQSWFBMPJPG+ friendly.

good, that joke sucks

The form of the lala is a result of a perfect optimization to facilitate both the demands and stresses of childbearing, as well as the demands and stresses of handling the human form.

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Elezen women are based on elves, and elves are perfection, so what does that tell you?

Runar is too innocent to know what sex is

>No quest to help Magnai with his love quest
>No boys night out trying to pick up women
>Never see Gosetsu do an Uncle Iroh and leave with the most beautiful woman in the bar while the rest of them looked shocked.
We’re all gonna make it, right bros?

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No. Trannies are drawn to games where you can create a custom character in general, there’s nothing especially egregious about ff

I'm just getting sick of all the passive aggressive snowflakes in the community

>picking up random thots
he's autistic for one true love

you can just ask them and then people will probably just screech about trannies and not answer them, do whatever you want

Love? he's just looking for anyone that will take him at this point


Futa yshtolas barbed cock

stop skipping cutscenes

I'm in the 20% that just wants to enjoy the game

Lalafells are a blight on the world.
Reminder that it is their fault that the player character can never meaningfully interact with any other npc, so no hugs for alisaie, headpats for ryne, punching urianger for his lies, etc. All because the game has to cater to these little vile fucks and their ridiculous shortness fucking up animations.

Attached: smug lala.jpg (880x726, 99K)

Yes, wow, he "loves" every woman he meets then.

Too obscure. At least give us some Sephirot and Eden Titan smut.

Just stay away from Crystal/Aether datacenters and there's no issue. People that choose the LGBT servers and then complain about LGBT people are dumber than trannies themselves.

>Yes, wow, he "loves" every woman he meets then.
Again, stop skipping cutscenes.

>not wanting him to talk about true love to a random bar fly while the WoL and Hien are in the background cringing
Come on mate, it would be great.

is it true that yshtola is a black woman, and the viera?

>decide to joining random FCs just to see if I can "connect" with others and maybe make a friend
>fast forward a year later

I didn't want this to happen but ended up noticing multiple patterns for every race/tribe combination, like for example decided to avoid suncats or xaelas because they often have all kind of brain issues (schizo/unironically tranny(gender disphoria going both ways, MtF or FtM)/erotomania/hypersexuality/etc), but on the other hand those who arent fucked in the head end up being "decent" individuals (just a bit naive) or some of the sweetest and innocent beings to ever exist (usually non-extreme pale female cat/femzard)

Attached: tfw.gif (248x248, 55K)

Get your head checked retard. He throws himself at just about any woman to cross his path.

That lalas transcend perfection.

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Post more of your race observations user.


Food kind of helps because of HP, but pots are 99% of the times are useless.

Still a legit question no one will ever answer.
Is it a secret ERP signal? Just virtue points? Because everyone else does it? Do fags like feeling oppressed and need special clubs? Does a normal FC constantly spout off about how they hate gays and can't wait until therapy is mandatory?

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It is, just go to euomore or limsa, the plain dude on armor or any normal combination of gear stand out among the sea of sluts and anime characters

It just means that it's a safespace for when people hop on voice chat or share social media. instead of being ridiculed for it.

>He throws himself at just about any woman to cross his path.
Once more, stop skipping cutscenes.
The details of his autism are touched upon by NPCs from his tribe.

Its debatable, some of them are the best designed weapons on the game, it also gives you something to do besides the usual log in for dailies and log out cycle

What, do you hop on voice chat and go "Hi guys! I'm gay!" ASAP?
This is something that would never come up unless you're trying to fuck each other.

It's a marking to invite in sociopaths

And, uh, which cutscene does this contradict? OH wait, none of them. At all!

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>tfw this artist draws the best lalas
>they are all boys
It's not fair

Pots are for parsefags and week 1 clears, maybe Ultimate depending. They are an incredible waste of money otherwise and you should never have trouble meeting any DPS check - if you do, your group has bigger problems besides not potting.

>This is something that would never come up unless you're trying to fuck each other.
Neither should if you prefer tits or ass really, but shit comes up. People like to talk bout themselves.

Around how much craftsmanship/control/cp can you comfortably macro rotation all NQ mats?

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Who’s the best bro in the game?

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Gee, I wonder why it attracts so much autism and degeneracy.

No, it's more like you hop onto voice chat and you have a gay accent or speech pattern and instead of people mocking you about it they just play the damn game and talk about that.

sup greenfag

does anyone know if you get tomes for doing amaurot with trusts?

How many times a year do you go to church?

Urianger even though he deceived you twice

>no dialog choice where you give him advice
>no option to just say Kupo

>tfw all the people you played with have grown up, have families, careers and would never play an MMO again

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>Years you played
>Your asp

For me it's since ARR but I was a mouth breathing retard until creator echo

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You absolutely would.

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I'm not a trannie, but I love seeing sexy numbers pop up. Week 2 titan definitely needed pots though

>get femelezens in party
>they stare and emote at each other in camaraderie or someone makes a comment about how they haven't seen on in a while
elezen bros.....it didn't have to end this way,,,,,

Attached: Dy6EfFGU8AEHpwg.png (600x849, 691K)

explain being 12 years old

>Thinking his metaphorical Nhaama might be from outside his homeland means he's throwing himself at everyone
Once more until you get it, stop skipping cutscenes,

2177/2020/541 is the minimum for that, from what i understand
although if you absolutely want to cheap it out (like me) you only need to hit minimum crafts/control and maxed cp and use like 1 hq item per craft. grade 2 alchemy mats are super easy to make if you specialize in alc so it's not like it's all that much of a hassle. the new skills are fucking strong as hell so if you just want to make gear for alts and occasionally sell stuff i'd do that

Alphinaud or Urianger. Estinien is a runner up. If we can count non-MSQ Hamon is pretty based.

>never used a parser

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I think about my friends from FFXI sometimes, even though I occasionally still play, on FFXIAH most of my friends quit in 2007-2008, wonder what they are doing now, or if they are just shitsocking on wow instead

there's exactly two, and both of them have similar personality traits

Only single christians and extremly bored old people go to church. Married christians have sex in order to spawn another 10 little christians because pope said anticonception is haram.

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This is him throwing himself at Yshtola. Just met her but he knows this would be his love. I honestly think you are just pretending at this point for more replies. Goodbye.

nah man, don't you get it
he hit on y'shtola and cirina, that means he'll fuck anybody!
after all, if you're going for a granny cat and trannyra, you must not be picky

when did they fix the TK tooltip?

I was a casual

Yeah I dunno I feel like that's like saying you're a big fitness guy but you don't go to the gym. You're just kind of not at that point right?

I joined a party of all women last night on a discord, we were practicing Titania ex. They were really competent i’m surprised, nothing like the memes

My character started as a male midlander and I fantasiad after 4 years into a male elezen
What's my weird pattern of behavior

I want to sit Khloe in my lap and tell her all my stories

>Still practicing Titania ex

Jej my man

Depends if you want to do it with specialist or without it, with specialist you don't really need high control stat.
Without specialist and 2260/2279/541 I can do ~95% with all NQ.

run Aetherochemical Research facility, you get 150 per run plus whatever you get from bosses PLUS 100 if you get any new players running it for the story

>you need to go every week / day to church in order to be christian
No, not really. Its about values and behavior. Church is basically bonus or "tinder" for believers.

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>This is him throwing himself at Yshtola.
And how does is this equivalent to settling for anybody?
>Just met her but he knows this would be his love.
And consider his reaction to when she declines. Clearly if he genuinely thought that, he would have persevered past the initial rejection, right?
The reason he lets her go is in the details of his autism. Again, stop skipping cutscenes.
>I honestly think you are just pretending at this point for more replies. Goodbye.
I accept your concession.

Pots are fine for the clears and kills because more dps=faster kills= less mechanics, but I've seen people using them for prog which is absolutely retarded.

Why did we have to stop the gassing

All of these are not arguments

I'd say at least 10 a year would be required for me to take you seriously. Even I used to go a few times a year because my GF's family did and I'm the furthest thing from a believer.
Good man. This guy knows. If you're going to do something do it right.

Yes, the TOS is that bad. According to the TOS harrasment is completely subjective. So, the trannys can report you for anything they see as being harrasment. My account got perma banned last month (right before shadowbringers) for telling someone I thought their glamour was ugly.


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Urianger is a fucking lying bastard, after all the bullshit with the exarch he promised no more lies, but on eden the first thing he does is not only tell the party to hide information to the rewt of the scions, he also tells thancred to hide information to the WoL and ryne, fuck that cunning whoreson

I'll stop being gay when SE stops adding Cum Guardians to the game

>final fantasy
what is there to explain

Every sunday and some thursdays for biblical study.

Urianger is what happens when you play a high INT low WIS caster.

don't bother with them
they unironically got triggered at "my"
must be a mutt who immediately thinks of slavery

I legitimately don't give a shit because it always works out in my favor whenever he does it.

No, that's what retarded larpers like you tell themselves to cope. "Heh, I'm a real christian, despite not practicing any of the established rites. Fuck all that. True christianity is all about morals and inertia anyway."

this game is the definition of a meme game

This particular scene, he reacts in shock, then gets laughed at and focuses on that instead. So, which cutscene are you referring to?

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It keeps Amano producing god tier art so whatever, I'm fine with it.

Who's the Knight supposed to be holding by the way? Ryne?

Such dilation...it was not my intention...

>pay monthly 15€ to watch cutscenes
i rather pay 5€ to watch tv if i was going to be forced into sitting still not playing

is she legal?

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>Lie #1 saves you from WoD
>Lie #2 ensures you go along with the plan to save your life and not feel bad when Exarch an heroes with the lightwarden power
>Lie #3 ensures you help keep Ryne away from her antithesis
He did nothing wrong

Since you swapped her head on an adult model, I guess? Still gross as fuck.

% of the player are Fujos
>>the rest 40% are gays
What about the other 20%?

>no doujin of female WoL getting captured in Kugane and raped

Or you know he could have just told us the plan and we'd be down to party.

but you use wisdom to lie user, it’s about reading the situation

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Yeah, sure.

Yeah it's Ryne.

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>no doujin of female WoL getting raped by pixies

i DEMAND you to join the nidhogg raid so i can continue the story.

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>looks cute in art, pure white
>yellow spoiled faggot kid in game
>you dont even get to protect her, it's all thancred

you on primal? I'll queue for it.

You mean the other 36%

What Data Center?

>no doujin of female WoL getting tail vored and absorbed

nm, u?

>No doujin of male WoL getting fanta'd into female and THEN getting raped by pixies



Attached: 1514337276239.png (400x384, 220K)

>farming aethersands

Considering suicide

>no doujin

I'm on Light. Sorry user.

>no doujin of male WoL becoming the pixie queen and raped by pixies

keep in mind that permabans are only handed out after 3 account strikes. so you have done 2 things in the past that warrant a GM looking at your account and someone on the Special Task Force putting a strike on your account.

genuinely awful part of crafting.

I hate how there's practically no doujins that aren't just random generic catsluts. As for doujins involving the actual npc characters you can count the decent ones on one hand. It baffles me because XI has tons of doujins, yet xiv gets nothing.

I'll do it.

Not them anons but maybe 60 times a year. I have to go to them program to count the money.

My vengeful husbands

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r34 furry bara artists are slow af. i still can't believe Runar has art already.

after I get the doujin

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I want her to murder me bros

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>8/8 rarity and I still don't get them

That's dumb. Also since the price collapsed on them I'm less enthusiastic about doing it. I'm so fucking annoyed nothing but goddamn sliperstone or stiperstone has any fucking stability in the marketboard. So often I'll put shit up for the going price and the very next day it's been cut in half and a horde of people are charging half the going rate. But fucking stiperstone always seems to go for the steady 1,000 per piece barring a rare dip now and then.

>This is him throwing himself at Yshtola.
it does not matter if they throw themselves at him

XIV has a bunch, it just never gets scanned. Like how there's a ton of LiveForTheFunk art done this year but never uploaded online.

Imagine being this gay.


i want him to thrust his lance into me and disembowel me and me pathetic as my organs spill out

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The voidwalker is future Ryne

Thats her default body. She uses a normal midlander body.

That’s a female that only has the soul of a guy in her. She still knows she is a female.

Yeah, I was banned two other times for absolutely retarded things. I whispered someone "kys" and the other was for emoting in Limsa. Each of the bans were also over a year and a half apart

I can. Furry autism is strong.

Attached: 354678899856.jpg (678x900, 108K)

any normie will tell you these things look like infants and are disgusting

>not her
>not her
>scares the gold digger

I hope you were in that fight just, user.

sounds about right

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I would also like for him to do that to you

yes, thank you

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Is this euphemism?

you sound like a pleasant fellow.

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You're welcome.

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yes but also no

kys falls under harassment and spamming emotes can get you in trouble. doesn't matter how long the bans were, once a strike is put on your account it stays forever. like I got banned for using the ungarmax exploit, so now I have a permanent strike on my account that lasts forever even if I'm a good boy mentor and pacifist in-game.

>tfw ocd and wanting to get all professions to at least 50 before moving on with msq to get to HS with that huge ass post ARR chain

This is gonna take awhile.

Side note how would you all rank the class stories excluding DRK since that seems to widely be considered top tier?

>FC has a meet up in real life this past weekend
>one of the members is a skinny fujo, 20, getting a stem degree, and still lives with her mom
>hit it off, take her back to my place and have sex, she stays over, have more sex sunday then take her home
>past couple days she's been dropping completely unsubtle hints that she wants to move in, started calling me honey and stuff like that
>other FC members think it's great and are happy for the both of us and our "relationship"
>truth is I was only thinking with my dick and don't want a relationship with a girl 10 years younger than me
>pretty sure a big part of her attraction to me is because her dad isn't around as well
I know it's a long shot since most of you have never even touched a woman but how can I untange myself from this situation

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somewhat disturbing

Magnai pls stop posting and settle down.

I wonder if the WoL gets hit with a disembowel debuff do all there bowels come out and they have to put them back in haha


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>:) and ^^
neither of these are bad in an MMO since they've been around since the dawn of MMOs

saying "o/" on the other hand is cringy zoomer trantran gayboi shit

PLD, WAR and MNK are trash fires
ROG and NINs first one are enjoyable, NINs second sucks, NINs 3rd is back to being good
The rest are mostly just ok

where is o/ even from?

List all the good porn xiv artists
Airi Jiki


Based, so what's wrong with it?

shit I guess I got to stop doing "o/" whenever I enter a dungeon

Thanks mates. Finally able to find something that works as long as I eat some food. Now I need to find what sells in this market....

You’ve got a few options, one of them being fleeing to another datacenter if you can’t figure out how to get on top of the situation. My advice would be to play it as straight as possible until she either loses interest or you’re in an appropriate position to shut that shit down; from my own experience, I had something very similar happen with an FC member and things spiraled out of control several months later. It’s gonna suck, but one way or another you’ll have to say something or else things could escalate.

From before you were born, it's someone waving

Your not gonna get out without the FC self destructing. Start looking for a new one now

Just /laliho instead.

Just keep casually hanging out? Dropping untimely hints about moving in isn't some fucking ultimatum where you need to decide on a marriage vs. never talking again.

Give her some time to realize you're a nasty fucking weeb degenerate that unironically calls people fujos and thinks he can accurate diagnose others' motivation based on off-hand knowledge of their family situations. She will see you for who you are and move on naturally; she will become slightly better at judging people and be wiser in the end. That's the best service you could give to a budding youth before your miserable lifespan comes to an end.

>Now I need to find what sells in this market
Nothing really, you're a bit too late. Undrecutters gave me a cancer.

>Hating on o/
>Defending :) and ^^

i'm immortal though but good try

>that Amaurot city theme

Attached: 2I1A05060.jpg (1200x900, 255K)

what about the last 30%?

Are Fujos cute or all they all fat?

Just do the manderville to greet other people works for me

why does this sort of pasta always get replies?

You forgot to include the 20% trannies.

Marry her

Attached: l29n1cdtvk731.png (460x510, 304K)

I was selling Materia and making bank for a good while but for fuck sakes. One day material sells for 150k the very next fucking day it goes down to 120k.

>hating on
cringe. ":)" and "^^" are boomer talk, you wouldn't understand

what even is o/ and o7. Is that someone raising their arm and waving?

o/ is short for what's up or sup. It's faster to type.

Well it's not like they would be there for the gameplay.

>fucking a fujo
you made your bed
now lie in it

i say o/ at the beginning of a dungeon and nothing else socthey know i'm a human and not a threat
then once i'm out i shit talk them endlessly to my friends because someone's always gonna be trash
i'm on my last strike so I just pretend to be a really forgiving chill dude while i'm in dungeons and shit

wave, and salute.


o is the head
/ 7 is the arms

o/ is like hello
o7 is got it or understand.

I do Yo/
It’s a greeting and an emoticon

The amount of regards who put shit on the market board for thousands less than the going price is just way too high. I get some people like to move product fast but undercutting by like five thousand? No one makes a profit there. Are they just not interested in making a profit worth the time investment?

Yeah, I would spread my Creation Magic over the MILF tits, what of it?

>Akadaemia Anyder theme
Have that playing in my apartment. Comfy.

fat if you're in NA/EU/RU/SA/AU

its no faster than saying "hi". I understand the usage but you might as well just macro a /wave

My progress thus far

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I know there are people out there who are about to crack like this, and I hope to crack them one day. I usually do things like let the tank die on the end of a pull, so we can clean it up and have him run back.

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It is done.

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skinny fujos aren't attractive
if you can get with a skinny girl you should try to get one that isn't mentally ill
fujos are just bad all around

t. fujo lmao

Probs thinking they're less scumbaggy for undercutting by 5k rather than 1g.

>You may be the Warrior of Light, but I am the Bull Prepper of Ala Mhigo!
What the fuck Koji? You sure you can put that line in a T rated game?

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>Femet-Selch will never look down on you and tell you how much lesser you are than her and her kin

I wish Yoshi P would delete housing from the game just to get all the trannies fuming.

What's wrong with undercutting? I thought it was always nice to give people lower prices

30-50 DRG is pretty good

It's easier on a chatpad while playing a fast job in combat like NIN.

Attached: chatpad.jpg (1000x1000, 157K)

Yeah, I know someone exactly like that. I had to explain it to him that eventually the market will even out again and that in the end, he will just have made less money than everyone else.

>Warrior of Light, eh? You'll be the Princess of Cocks after what you did to the Sultana.

they dont even know what they mean when they type that

>he could take on any form he wanted but he still chose gilf

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Eventually you're selling at a price lower than what it vendors for or makes the item not worth gathering/crafting.

Most are something of lore dumps on their jobs. DRG and BRD a pretty decent iirc

What if Elidibus was a girl and she is just larping as a man?

It's not that bad then, I remember something going from 800k to 500k in one night.

Was he right?

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Why cant SE do simple animations? Theres always a ton of wrists twisting in ways that would cause bone fractures

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>no doujin of female WoL being raped and mindbreaked into a slut

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40% of my static killed themselves
what were the odds

It's a Fantasy game. Don' think too hard about it.

>How comes Dragoons can jump 1000 feet in the air and be fine but die if they fall off Titans cliff

I play on Primal and it's full of fujos fags and trannies.

Because the average person isn't going to go into /gpose to screenshot a bent wrist to post on a chinese cartoon forum.

Hey, let's fuck.

what server

You should see lala combat animations
The amount of body twisting and clipping is unreal

well I guess I'm just never going to clear E2S then.

>friend DRG and I are running WoD
>trolling the alliance, as we do
>constantly making vore jokes and typing "haha" at the end of everything he says
>reach Cerberus
>he runs up and LBs the ball when it spawns
>reach Cloud
>he LBs one of the small clouds
>someone in another alliance starts yelling at us

Attached: 1554688285292.jpg (600x630, 31K)

>You're alive, but you're not from my reality. Ergo, you're not alive.
Probably the dumbest line in Shadowbringers.

did you mod bigger tits

>Wide hips

Is that what dellusion is like?

I play on Excalibur and world travel a lot to Ultro and Famfrit, Famfrit is the worst out of the 3.

>lb the cloud
fuck why haven't i thought of that that's absolutely brilliant lad

No, I'm on ps4

wait for 25% echo in 5.1

>Can't get tomestones of goetia if i do dailies with a class that is still leveling

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There's no laws in the Empty

That shirt just makes tits way bigger on female characters.

>You're broken pieces of jar, and serve no purpose. Ergo, I am not guilty of breaking you as your fundamental self is already broken.

Bros can I get some tips on keybinds? I play DRG but my keybinds are shit, and I'm not super comfortable just binding shit to whatever, but having everything as it is now (1-5, s1-5, ctrl1-5) isn't working

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fuck off I ain't even going to bother after echo what a waste of time.

Oh yeah Famfrit and Ultros are the degenerate servers. Can't speak about Excalibur since I don't visit there.

Theres probably lots of those

DON'T IGNORE ME, let's fuck.

Stop spamming your retarded chart every thread.

>MNK and AST high on the slut scale
it's cuz of the side-boob in the level 80 class uniform isnt it


There's an extreme lack of XIV doujins. There's so much potential that can happen to a female WoL that no one will do anything with.

>Not the biggest slut
Stop posting this trash

For hotbar 1 I use 1-4, Q, E, R, F, Z, X, C, V
for hotbar 2 and 3 I use the same except on shift and control.

Savage is a waste of time in general.

please stop playing jobs like Samurai, Monk, Dragoon, Black Mage if you're going to be doing less DPS than the bards and red mages of the world. There is no reason to even play those jobs if you're so bad at them that even without deaths you do that kind of damage. Parties rely on you to do better than that.

Breaking shards of glass is still breaking glass. Glass useful by some other purpose than being a jar in other hands.
It's a shit line.

>gubal library normal
>wipe like 5 times because the healer can't understand the mechanics from the first book demon boss
>it's a girl, says she usually has to learn mechanics a couple times

I don't get it, a few of my girl friends play this game and are generally more competent than most players I see in dungeons but this was just ridiculous
how does it take you over 2 times to recognize black spots on ground=avoid and it always goes one spot then the other

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Damn, Chaos.

I noticed that the game does have breast physics, despite no breast slider.

no wonder it's going for so much

So would jumping 30 feet in the air and landing on your feet in heavy mail.

Are tanks the most content role in the game? I never really see them complaining.

video games are waste of time and yet here we are

I tried doing a Jump attack of a cliff as a Dragoon onto an enemy below me to see if it nullified the fall damage, the attack triggered but it didn't nullify the damage and instead I died when I touched the ground because I was in combat.

How long does it take to get used to controller? I think my left hand got fucked and I can't raid for more than 2 hours without it starting to hurt.

>despite no breast slider
are you retarded?

The price should have dropped considerably since 5.05 came out. The indigo cloth drop rate is pretty high. But yeah, shirt is popular due to making tits pop out.

>MCH isn't all the way right
Every MCH I've met has been just as fucking stupid as the typical RDM shitter.

Theres a lot of low IQ people in the world. People who dont use AoE on trash packs. People who dont use tank stance even when reminded. People who spam Cure on a tank at 100% HP.

>sluts can't retards
>gunfags and buffcucks being cool
>listing blu even as a joke
shit chart

play the game retard

Well, let me clarify. There is a breast slider, but it spans your typical newborn female breast size to 14 year old breast size. So it might as well not exist.

>Parties rely on you to do better than that.
And I rely on them to carry me!

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Why yes, how did you know?

my bars are set up as: 1-5,Q,V,E,F,R,S,shift+Q,shift+S,shift+E,shift+D,shift+X,ctrl+X,shift+spacebar, ctrl+1-5,mouse side buttons.

>I never really see them complaining
What fucking game are you playing? DRKs and WARs complain all the time about having no identity or not enough damage or something.


My miqote is pure and for hugs only anyways.
No lewding.

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Except WAR, yes.

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Trying to date for a bit sounds alright
Also the second one of you need to calm down, she even calls herself a fujo
This one isn't super cute but she's not a train wreck
Brunette, hazel eyes, super pale with freckles and about 5'10 with B cups and a flat butt but nice hips
She's very self conscious about her breast size and flat butt and the bags under her eyes but is an easy 7 with some polishing up

dark knight has the blackest night what the fuck do they have to complain about

There's fun to be had except for Savage. Savage is no fun allowed mode. You're either pressured to clear early or forced to play something you may not want to play since that's the only way the group will take you.

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fucking kek, warshitters crying because they aren't hands-down the best tank in every way anymore. pathetic.

C@grrl DNC here
what armor sets should I be looking for GLAM

I am the good MCH but I don't play it anymore due to everyone and their fucking mother playing physical ranged, so I can't get my feet in the door.

Is 5.6k personal DPS okay for Eden Savage if I'm mostly in Ronkan? As a DRK I mean.

Fine, I'll settle for hugs.

Dark Knights are unhappy because they wanted HW DRK and felt that they got discount WAR instead.

Do you wear makeup on your characters? It seems dumb to me to wear makeup as an adventurer.

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get fucked loser, mad that you can only erp with /playdead?

No, get better gear, faggot.


only a little bit of red blush to make my lala cheeks cuter

whisker facepaint on a lalalfell

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>all Duneniggers

It's shit

freckles count as makeup in this game so I add em.

You'll blow up before you have the chance to do any DPS unless you have healslut buddy to babysit you

top left is a plainsfaggot you blind retard

A little bit. I get that it doesn't make sense from an athletic perspective, but it makes some glamours look real good.


Why are you doing savage in Ronkan, retard? Go farm Ex/Eden normal/Phantasmagoria and get better gear.

>known 3k DPS healer puts up pf demanding high dps
yeah nah I think imma pass..

I don't play DPS besides ranged physical, because I don't like casting and melee DPS just don't feel right to me. The only melee I do is Paladin, and I just don't touch healers at all.

I've been using a controller since I started and...
>not terribly long
>it feels cool to weave when your buttons are set right
>it's a lot easier to move around, dodge aoes, or just walk
there are only two dungeons where it's advantageous to walk but no one will ever do it for the Sunken Temple of Qarn
>my hands hurt after two hours of raiding
but I'm developing carpal tunnel from all-day data entry anyway. practice really hard at using the "switch style" where you just tap your trigger rather than hold it down and you might to better. also, digital triggers and you should be able to raid another hour or two

I dont understand how Collectables work for gathering....

>all "gay" Hrothgars are actually women
>none of them know how dicks work
Fucking WHY?

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I've got no complaints because
>Nascent Flash
It's the single most entertaining ability in the game. Popping it and then full-healing yourself on a pack of trash mobs in a dungeon is orgasmic. Besides, Warrior DPS will naturally catch up as the expansion wears on because of Crit scaling. And if you play a tank for big dick DPS you're a silly cunt.

Thank you for not answering the question

lol FF14 is so fucking predictable. I haven't even seen that fight before but I can already guess the major mechanics it has.

What's a good personal DPS for DRK? I usually hit around 6.8k to 7k with no pots or food.

hrothgar are derpy looking faggots

Do not lewd lalafell you sick fucks.

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Then tell us user, no looking it up, that's cheating.

Is this the part where you look them up so when someone asks you can say them verbatim and then act smart.

just practice and you'll get gud with it. how long it takes to get good all depends on you. one major protip I can give is a get a comfy controller that suits you specifically, something you can see comfortably holding for hours. I like using a 360 controller, my buddy likes using a Wii U Pro controller because of the stick layout.

Attached: Lalad'aw.gif (410x270, 765K)

that tater thot needs to be lewded

Excalibur has a cool name, so of course it's going to attract those types of people. You got to play on a server with a boring name, I play on lich for example which is nothing special since it sounds like a generic Warcraft-y server-name

>please look at my lewd lala tee hee

>Modded no pantsu skirt
>Do not lewd lalafell
What did he mean by this?

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>t. Cutscene skipper

This. Liberal women will pretend to be crazy conservative women for cool girl points

You should be at 7k DPS at least. The good tanks are hitting 8k without weapons.

I play on Exodus and it's WoWfugee central. It didn't used to be this way either. We used to be a comfy mid pop server that nobody picked because "ew it's not leviathan"

I played Female Elezen Monk/Dark Knight for 2 expansions, but i switched to Au-Ra female to do blm/whm.
I wanted something smaller, but not a catgirl or potato.
It's a shame Viera are so damn tall.

I sometimes wish the overworld mobs would be challenging like they were back in 1.0. You can't even go to the higher level areas anymore since its gated by the msq

>wearing that retarded fireglass hoodie

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Is that with or without buffs? When I ask my two friends while we're playing they say I'm pulling 6.6k, but then the upload on FFlogs says 5.6k instead for some reason.

what gun is that

Now your cat.

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Do people do the older alliance raids? I just caught up with MSQ and was looking to do all the side content i skipped on.

If not for the slow gameplay, 1.0 had some really interesting mechanics. I actually like the stamina gauge and battle regiments were cool but clunky.

Warrior's damage is fucking fine, yeah it could use a very small potency tweak to bring it slightly back into line, but I'm pretty sure it's a less than 4% difference between the absolute highest DPS tank vs. the absolute lowest, therefore, who fucking cares? The real issue is that Warrior is dread fucking boring and nascent flash is a shitty, horridly awkward ability to use even moreso than DRG's Tether.

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t. jealous poorfag

Nope. You're s.o.l

blue steel, drops from normal stone vigil

There's a roulette for them so they're always being run

if you're uploading to fflogs you can already see your parse % what is wrong with you

Raid wide utilities should bumb you to 7.5k

Which fight btw? Also what are your substats at? (crit, DH, det)

>It's a shame Viera are so damn tall.
Kill yourself.

Yeah people still do them except the lvl 70 ones

How can I be poor if I have already crafted the flying bed?

PFbros tell me how are you coping. 3 weeks without loot. And today I rolled 1. Fucking ONE

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What an ironic name...

Shut the fuck up tranny

people do them all the time because you get them in alliance roulette unless you metagame by removing all your gear. like smart people do

>exposed midriff
>hehehe don't lewd me you silly boys!

Fuck off

>I sometimes wish the overworld mobs would be challenging
that's the whole point of eureka/diadem. mobs so strong that you get wrecked solo. I'd love to see someone try to solo the dinosaur from diadem.

ESDF for movement
~, 1-7, Q,W,R,T,Y,A,G,Z,X,C,V,B
12 button mmo mouse
7 is the hardest to reach so that’s stuff that I almost never need to use
Ctrl/Alt/Shift modifiers are cancer

It doesnt matter who Nascent Flash goes onto outside of raiding, just macro it to the 2nd slot in party or whatever you have healer set on. Same with raids and the MT.

Fuck off pussy, not everyone who wants to be good at the game is a trans or a limp faggot like you.

It’s not a shit line, the line itself makes sense. Obviously the point of view is flawed.

We've cleared E1S and are working on E2S, I would have better gear but I only have time for the nightly raid and work, unless I want to spend my one free day running roulettes

just play on a controller at this point retard lmao

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As long as you can enter, and you're actually pressing buttons correctly the whole time you can clear anything.

>doing hunts
>One guy keeps blogposting

God damn dude shut up

From my point of view the Jedi are evil

>Thancred face model in HW

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men like lesbians having sex, women like gay males having sex

So penta melded crafting gear is out of the question.

Those penta melds add a LOT of DPS. Without them you should be capping your phantasmagoria and getting the chest, legs and helmet with tomes. If your static is taking a while to clear E4s I suggest buying the DRK weapon to help in the meantime. You'll be hitting 7k+ with some better gear and proper melds.

In your case: Weapon> Pants> Body> Helm> Whatever else

Pretty much exactly the same as me.

He'd probably manually cycle through his hotbars like a retard

doesn't move like a cockroach at all

imagine being that stupid, must be american or some creatura

Is that 7k on FFlogs or act parsing?

Just hit 67 on MIN and BTN leveling them together, is it worth it to use the Yellow Scrips to get a full set of lvl 70 DoL gear or save it for something else?

is there something better than the 330 gear? I'm just not sure since it doesn't have Materia slots

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Marking the atomos jump plats C A B never gets old. Even better in TLoA since it often causes a wipe.

iirc it was one of the fewer primal servers open around a month ago. Seems to be about the right time when new players would join in droves

this guy is just a craftfaggot trying to jew people, he's been btfo in these threads repeatedly for not knowing how statweighting works ignore all his posts

enjoy all the clipping from the extra ms it takes to hit ctrl, greylet

Yeah go with the yellow script gear, I used it until 80.

Landking shit will carry you to 80

If you can craft or buy the crafted set, save your scrips for folklore. If you can't, it's still a good investment, lasting up until around 77

why not play hyur like a well-adjusted taxpayer

Landking will not need to be replaced until 80, but the HQ 78 gear is slightly better than it, and obviously the 430 HQ set is the best cause muh materia.

This. It's very easy to buy it.

take the lalapill

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pay for my fanta and sure

Why can't alchemy have fun items? The healing potions are weak as fuck, the tinctures are just lol bonus damage.

It's sad looking at the old resistance potions and realizing they'll never be useful.

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He's papa nier

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at least we can make orchestrion rolls right bro? haha

Is the extra fluff (if there is any) worth playing the msq as drk? I usually main blm but I have drk too

nice tits

>if there is any

awesome thx

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haven't done it myself, but I hear there aren't any

>not taking the hrothpill

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they weren't even useful in their current day. what sort of "fun items" would you like to see for alchemy?

Anyone? :(

Drugs. Hardcore drugs.

but the retards and the sluts are the same people

not him but
transformation potions
magicked toy items

This, drugs are always fun, ones that give you boosts but with side effects.

that feel when you’re with your kinsmen

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not a bad idea pal. they already make "firesand" for guns and gunblades.

the il mheg screen effect
freeze potions that pause you mid animations
temporary model swaps
eye effects

Like boob growth haha

I would, but only for the girls.

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>canon futa potion

feelin fancy and goatlike

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What is the best treasure map right now?

The last one.

It would be the timeworn zonureskin map

Five minute fantasias.

Why are people with Jojo names so fucking weird?

>leveling MCH
Damn I miss ARR location. Despite their size they're very comfy

Or butt growth haha I wonder what that would smell like

if you're not using the queue you're already clipping idiot

haha gets a farting debuff as a side effect just wondering for a friend

jojo fanbase has taken a nosedive with it becoming super mainstream

Pomanders desu.
Make potions and ethers heal over time, have some weaker aoe variants, make a bunch of consumables that drop unique status effects on the party and enemies like pomanders do, but weaker and for shorter durations.

>unless you metagame by removing all your gear.
What does that mean?

What's the best non-savage tank?

What's a girly class but not too girly to catfish people with? WHM seems to be a red flag

lower your iLevel to reduce the chances of raids you can join when you queue up

These are weebs that think they get a free pass from being a weeb if they watch jojo. How normal could they possibly be.

Honestly. All the tanks are at a good spot right now. I think WAR needs a minor buff but other than that, they're perfectly fine.

The best dungeon tank? drk(after tbn) or war(after nascent flash)

Sorry was working, I've actually already got pentamelded legs and the Edengate chest, Edengate earring, and Titania weapon. It's just everything else is Ronkan because of time restraints. Can't see my substats right now cause I logged out on a different Job.

Scholar or Red Mage.

I never do EX on anything but DRK, you're basically immortal unless you really fuck up your cooldown rotation

>in an fc with jojo names
>they're pretty chill dudes (and ladies apparently)
what should I be watching out for?


the same usual things as any weeb fc

DRK for ex or nm raids. WAR for dungeons.

If you remove all your gear until your ilvl is around 70~ you can only get syrcus tower and labyrith of the ancients. the 2 easy ones where you can just afk and win pretty much it's great. all you need is basically any weapon and an ironworks accessory

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First joester I meet was a huge edgelord and caused drama with one of the FC mates.
He crafted some armor for her and then later on when she gloated about making gil by taking advantage of one of the markets, he crashed it.

Second dude was a band name but he just kept blogposting in the FC unwarranted. He would not stop even when people kinda hinted to shut the fuck up.

Where you get those?

Sup bros- ah shit.

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DRK - shoutokan
WAR - One Trick Pony
GNB - Rushdown
PLD - Zoner

Have I got this right?

pld is shoutokan . its the most bogstandard easy to use pick up and play out of all of them


Attached: 1403128422956.jpg (243x200, 39K)

DRK - Krillin
GNB - Broly
WAR - Vegeta
PLD - Goku

PLD - Defensive
WAR - Offensive
DRK - Balanced
GNB - Versatile

What's DRK then?

>cycles come up
>boss is positioned all up in my corner/side and I have literally no space to operate when flying bois come in

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Like a hole or button press, you can't have half of a soul.

drk is the one who has 4000 moves but only 4 are useful.

wanna fug that plutia

BTN - Mister Beaver
MNR - SCV Online
GSM - (((Goldsmith)))

That's not true at all.
It's the opposite. DRK has few buttons but you press all of them a lot.

DRK - Guile
WAR - Zangeif
GNB - Ken
PLD - Ryu

DRK - Goku
WAR - Vegeta
GNB - Vegito
PLD - Bardock

Fuck you. They're fast but they're boring as shit. I'd rather do Rabanastre a hundred more times than see another fucking Labyrinth run.

sorry i like to afk and get free exp while i watch my chinese cartoons.

It's fun and all until you start wiping because of retards.