Skyrim SE

>doing my yearly playthrough
>playing as a Nord paladin (2-handed, heavy armor, restoration, speech)
>doing everything except for the main quest
>modded in a sexy little argonian mage with my favorite human female voice
>travel the world with her slaying evil and righting wrongs

Yeah. I'm thinking it's comfy.

Attached: 15383814161588.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also best new quest mods?

Wait until dragonborn gallery v5 comes out

Restoration with two-handed? Better off making a spellsword

better having restoration in off-hand
get the vampire killing spells so you can pwn the draugr

It's more for flavor. Switching magic and weapons during combat is fucking awful.

You could have played anygame in the elderscolls and you chose the worst to make you yearly playthrough. Why do you condemn yourself to such shit taste.

It's the TES with the best graphics which makes it the best in the series.

I am obviously judging you for picking the worst Elder Scrolls but fair play to you for enjoying yourself user

How moddable is Skyrim VR?

Ya I’m gonna need links to whatever mods made that image possible stat

Most mods for Special Edition work for it. Some mods related to player interactions need specialized versions.

Feminine argonian textures + unp + some kind of sexy armor set I'm guessing

>sexy little argonian mage
>with my favorite human female voice

Attached: 1517451824654.gif (262x300, 2.89M)

Should've gone one handed so you could use sword and spells at once

>Skyrim SE
is there any reason to play the original Skyrim client or is everything better with SE and all mods have been ported over?

Attached: 1493607882993.png (519x562, 524K)

You got a problem with that?

It's pleb-tier, if you're gonna go scalie commit to the whole deal.

2/3rds the best mods have not and will not port over. SE is a ded game

Only things SE is missing are some sex mods and parallax textures. Most niche mods that haven't been ported can be done so yourself with minimal effort.

>modded in a sexy little argonian mage with my favorite human female voice
Honestly, I'm disappointed

Bethesda gave argonian females a shit voice.
No shame.

>>modded in a sexy little argonian mage with my favorite human female voice
What is with you faggots and your obsession with scales?
You people are as disgusting as furries

Attached: How to fight furry menace.webm (640x480, 2.82M)

Why does she have a navel, aren't argonians born in eggs?

Ever considered you might just have, y'know, shit taste?

Are there any erotic book mods for Skyrim? I want something to read while i'm relaxing at an inn.

Attached: 1533879193665.jpg (103x125, 2K)

Probs gastrointestinal connection of the fetus with the yolk

It's not a shit voice, it's an argonian voice. That's what they sound like. You're meant to read the Lusty Argonian Maid with Lifts-Her-Tail sounding like that.

The Hist.

just read the lusty argonian maid and the real history of queen barenzhia

>the real history of queen barenzhia
I have the Lusty Argonian but where do I find this book and how many volumes are there?

name of mod?

It's really not bad if you use the quick menu. My favorite playthrough was warhammer+conjuration


That the one where she fucks the cat?

I fucked my heavily modded Skyrim somehow, is it worth jumping to SE?

Oblivion > Daggerfall > Morrowind > Skyrim > Arena

>is it worth jumping to SE?

Attached: 20190605181405_1.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

Name a comfier track.

Attached: Masser and Secunda.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)
Have you heard of the High Elves



Attached: 20190605175933_1.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Imperial legion>stormcucks

Attached: 14267251415.png (1505x2048, 2.03M)

Does installing SKSE work the same as OBSE and launching it through Steam normally is okay?


Just get mod organizer. You can launch skse through that.

>Oblivion ending is Sean Bean telling you the fate of the Empire is in your hands
>There are cucks who don't side with the Empire they've helped times over

why not mod the cast button back in? 2h + spells of choice was fucking awesome for that matter in Oblivion

it should, but most just launch it through a mod manager

you posted like the worst track in the game tho
shame, oblivion is garbage but its OST is SO FUCKING GOOD

You know I never thought about it but is there a mod that changes the casting to be like Oblivion or sort-of? I imagine m3 for shouts could be fucked with for that.

What mods

>Oblivion is garbage

coprophiles out

Will this mod work with Special Edition?

I don't know you and I don't care to know you

>Empire is in my hands
>Fuck the empire
Who did this

Attached: 1565413630910.gif (320x180, 982K)

Because of the modding scene you fucking retard.

is there mod that is more ambitious than beyond skyrim? the ost of the mod is just fantastic Daniel Ran did fantastic job hell i would even say it sound a lot better that the original ost for the game

>still no picture of crying Wojak wearing a horned helmet with a Pepe dragon flying overhead with the "You cannot fast travel with enemies nearby" error in the top corner

There's 5 volumes of The Real Barenziah the orc at the college will randomly sell them and I think they're placed in certain spots

I've been keeping off on modding Elder Scrolls 5 in the hope that 6 is much more stable for modding.
I just want it to come out sooner so people can start making mods
And they better not do some shit like holding the creation kit back like they did with Fallout 4

Considering that the author stated he is planning to port it, I don't think so.

>ever increasing modding support
The new game and its modding scene will likely be ripped to shit by creation club, just like Fallout 4.

Never should have come here

Oblivion is still the best in the series

Attached: 8b20568.jpg (477x420, 37K)

>modded in a sexy little argonian mage with my favorite human female voice

have sex

Easily the worst unless you're a mid 20s guy that grew up with it. Game is so fucking bland it gets no discussion beyond "bruh so comfee my childhood", even Skyrim's main plot is still discussed to this day

>go running a few times a week, State Park with a massive pine forest right next to house
>usually go running right around sunset
>always put this on for the slow jog back to my house as the stars come out and the moon rises through the branches
My all time favorite desu